We Are Here for Future Banking A Message from the Board ...

Annual Report



2020 Annual Report



We Are Here for Future Banking


A Message from the Board Chairperson


Chief Executive Officer's Report


Management Team


Review of Segments and Functions


Chief Financial Officer's Review


Chief Risk Officer's Review


Board of Directors


Statement on Corporate Governance


See how we are Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements

for the year ended 31 December 2020

here for good


2020 Annual Report



We Are Here for Future Banking


A Message from the Board Chairperson


Chief Executive Officer's Report


Management Team


Review of Segments and Functions


Chief Financial Officer's Review


Chief Risk Officer's Review


Board of Directors


Statement on Corporate Governance


Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements

for the year ended 31 December 2020


2020 Annual Report









2020 Annual Report

We are here for Future Banking

We are a leading international banking group committed to building a sustainable business over the longterm.

Standard Chartered Bank first opened for business in Botswana in 1897 in Francistown, making it the country's oldest bank. In 1956, we were given full branch status and this was followed by the opening of our first branch in Lobatse. The Bank was locally incorporated in 1975 with a full board and is listed on the Botswana Stock Exchange (BSE Code: STANCHART).

Today, with approximately 600 employees, we operate a network of 19 branches, agencies and a Priority Banking centre, all of which are supported by a Loan Centre and 24hour Customer Call Centre. With a wide branch network, large sales force, and award-winning digital banking platforms, the Bank offers clients in the Retail, Commercial and Corporate segments international standards of customer service and excellence.

The Bank is in a unique position, able to leverage its deep-rooted local knowledge, its international network and expertise for the benefit of Botswana corporates, individual depositors and multi-nationals.

Standard Chartered Bank has been a key contributing partner to the economic growth and financial development of Botswana for over 120 years.

The Bank is highly respected in Botswana for its adherence to corporate governance, enthusiasm for great service and dedication to talent development, as well as for diversity and inclusion.

We have a highly active and far reaching corporate social responsibility programme anchored by our Employee Volunteering initiatives. Our purpose is to drive commerce and prosperity through our unique diversity all in line with our brand promise of being Here for Good.

About this report

For more information please visit bw/investor-relations/ @StanChart company/standard-chartered-bank StandardCharteredBW


2020 Annual Report




A message from Board Chairperson

Delivering in a tough operating environment

Botswana was not spared from the COVID-19 impact, which saw unprecedented levels of disruption in the country's socioeconomic scene, like rest of the world.

All major sectors of the economy were severely impacted, and GDP was 8% down. As a business, we focused on protecting our clients, staff and communities and spent P5 million in the process of doing so. We scaled up on our digital channels to preserve convenience for clients, we discounted client fees on digital platforms by 25% to support curtailed movements to our physical channels. Additionally, we offered repayment holidays and loan extensions to 359 clients on exposures amounting to just under a billion Pula. This relief was offered to individuals, small businesses and corporates who were severely and evidently impacted by the COVID-19 scourge.

It goes without saying, we have had to invoke our Business Continuity Plans and operated in that mode for the better part of 2020. Our colleagues predominantly worked from home, with the frontline staff whose jobs demanded physical presence working from offices and branches on rotational basis. Indeed, this turned out to be an opportunity for us to test our resilience as a business, and the adequacy of our investments into technology over the years and we are satisfied with the outcome, although the pandemic has infused more urgency into our technology and investment initiative path.

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, we remained focused in protecting the business, and defending the gains from the past 3 years to the best extent possible. Amidst a substantially softened interest rate environment, our overall top line was up 4%. The growth in income was itself broad based as both our primary business segments delivered improved results.

Apart from our lending business, good performance on our primary product and service lines like corporate finance, currency trading and transactional banking offset the impact of reduced volumes on retail transactions, and as a result protecting the nonFunded Income.

We remained focused on efficiencies, underlying costs edged up only by 1% mainly as a result of the need to promote and protect the health and safety of colleagues, clients and communities in this phase of COVID-19. However, our 2020 numbers carry an additional, but once off provision related to a planned business restructuring, and this resulted in an overall 6% increase in costs.

We defended our growth path

Notwithstanding the extraordinary circumstances we operated under, our statutory profits were at P102 million, 47% up from prior year. Backing this decent performance is a strong balance sheet which delivered improved margins despite a depressed interest environment. The capital position remains strong both in terms of adequacy and composition. The Capital Adequacy Ratio remained above 17% throughout the year, against a normal regulatory threshold of 15% (lowered to 12.5% as part of the broader COVID-19 relief measured extended to regulated banks by Bank of Botswana).

We remain optimistic

We maintain some optimism around the economic outlook for the year ahead, of course with some caution. The Global economy will rebound in 2021 and could post growth in the region of 5.4% driven by lesser interruptions to trade and associated supply chains. The benefits of an improving global economy will have positive impact on the Sub-Saharan economy, which we expect to register a 3.2% growth.

Likewise, the local economy will post a strong recovery from a steep contraction we witnessed in 2020, with early signs of recovery supporting preliminary views that suggest a GDP growth rate just shy of 9%.

A successful implementation of the Economic Recovery and Transformation Plan by Government could deliver the desired turn around particularly within the non-mining sector.

Extreme uncertainties remain as the coronavirus resurgence causes panic the world over, exacerbated by mutation of the virus into an increasing number of variants. Much will depend on the effective roll out and efficacy of vaccination evenly across the globe and if these two come right, 2021 could be a better year than 2020, but economic activity is unlikely to return to pre-COVID -19 levels within the year.

Thank you

It has been a tough year, one filled with uncertainties and pain, and as we remember those who have unfortunately lost their lives, as well as those who lost their loved ones, I want to sincerely thank all colleagues for the passion to serve they have displayed. Special thanks go to our frontline colleagues who showed selflessness and bravery in ensuring clients needs are taken care of during what could be the most difficult times we have ever experienced as a nation.

As we continued to be a better bank for tomorrow, we will be forever grateful for the patronage of our clients, and we maintain the promise for a world class experience across all our client channels.

Doreen C. Khama Board Chairperson


2020 Annual Report


2020 Annual Report




Chief Executive Officer's Report

Our Business Strategy

We remained focused on our path to deliver good business outcomes despite the challenging environment we found ourselves in, without compromising on health and safety of our colleagues.

For the third year in a row, we have maintained an upward trend on profitability.

2020 became the year our Profit Before Tax crossed the P100 million mark since 2016, symbolising our consolidating gains from decisive actions we have been taking to return the business to sustainability.

In pursuing our goal of actualising returns for our investors, we have maintained a relatively high dividend pay-out ratio, amounting to 16t per share as both Capital and Solvency positions allow us to do so.

We have refreshed our strategy as we continue to focus on;

Our Enablers

The Pillars

People & Culture


Operational Effectiveness

Personal Affluent


Improving operational leverage through tactical cost cuts, streamlined operations and channels, reduce touch points and leverage more on digital, improved product mix secured/ non-secured product mix and credit card up take.

Re-boot the sub segement back to relevance, redefine the customer base and embed a working RM model, create a working continuum between mass and affluent, and ensure targeted penetration for the right quality customer.

Build on the Strength of our network to support capital markets development and to be a preferred public sector projects partner. Grow the TB business on the strength.


Deliver sustainable performance results and outcomes, based on secure foundations across all levers of the business. Redefine our distribution model to digital, target carbon neutral financing and improve access for SMEs & women owned enterprises

People & Culture Digitisation

Operational Effectiveness


2020 Annual Report


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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