Business & Human Rights

Positive human rights initiatives by companies featured in our Weekly Updates

Section 5: Companies beginning with R-Other

(10 Feb 2005 – 18 Jun 2014)

This chart lists positive steps by companies that have been featured in our Weekly Updates. Our website links to hundreds of other reports of positive initiatives.

This section of the chart covers individual companies with names beginning R-Other; the other alphabetical sections, and a section for initiatives that involve a large group of companies, are here:


Our free Weekly Updates include the latest news and reports on companies’ human rights impacts: positive steps they are taking, and alleged abuses. Over 7500 opinion leaders worldwide have registered for the Updates. You can sign up to receive Updates at: Updates

When we plan to include reports about allegations of misconduct by a company in a Weekly Update, we invite the company to provide a response to include alongside the allegations. A chart of companies we have invited to respond – indicating the issue raised, and whether or not the company responded – is available here: Documents/Update-Charts

|Company |Country |Date of our |Initiative |

| | |Update | |

|Rabobank |Global |15 Nov 2006 |Rabobank among top 5 reports in SustainAbility's bi-annual survey of corporate social & |

|(Netherlands) | | |environmental reporting. Click here |

|Rabobank (Netherlands) |Global |8 Feb 2006 |Survey of banks' social & environmental policies finds 8 with public human rights policies, |

| | | |including Rabobank. Click here |

|Rabobank (Netherlands) |Global |14 Sep 2005 |Rabobank case study included in World Business Council for Sustainable Development report on |

| | | |business contribution to UN Millennium Development Goals. Click here |

|Ranbaxy |Global |4 May 2005 |Addressing neglected diseases such as malaria & tuberculosis: Details of partnerships between |

|(India) | | |non-profits, governments & drug companies, including Ranbaxy. Click here |

|Randgold |Côte d’Ivoire |24 Apr 2013 |Randgold to support agricultural activities of riverside populations near its mine. Click here |

|(UK/So. Africa) | | |(French only) |

|Randgold |Global |07 Nov 2012 |The mining companies Randgold, AngloGold Ashanti, IamGold and Gold Fields bring their financial |

|(UK/So. Africa) | | |support to Helen Keller International. Click here |

|Randgold |Senegal |16 Jun 2010 |Randgold & its partners provide the Tenkotou village with one health care centre and three |

|(UK/So. Africa) | | |classrooms. Click here (French only) |

|Randgold |Mali |9 May 2012 |Company supports northerners affected by the political crisis by providing food Click here |

|(UK/So. Africa) | | | |

|Rapaport Group |Global |4 Apr 2007 |Diamond Development Initiative seeks to go "beyond Kimberley Process" to improve lives of |

|(USA) | | |artisanal miners – participants include Rapaport Group. Click here |

|Rapaport Group |Africa |24 Aug 2005 |Global Witness, De Beers, Partnership Africa Canada, Rapaport Group, World Bank’s Communities and |

|(USA) | | |Small-Scale Mining Program launch “Diamond Development Initiative" to improve impacts of artisanal|

| | | |mining in Africa, for miners, communities, governments. Click here |

|Rawbank |Dem. Rep. of Congo|21 Apr 2010 |Rawbank and the IFC launch the “Lady’s First” programme to promote women’s entrepreneurship. Click|

|(Dem. Rep. of Congo) | | |here (French only) |

|Real Hospitality Group |Gobal |20 Jun 2012 |Real Hospitality Group takes steps to protect children from sex trafficking, signs Tourism Child |

|(USA) | | |Protection Code of Conduct. Click here |

|Real Madrid |Spain |16 Jan 2008 |Real Madrid & 5 institutions launch "Causas Justas" with messages for the social integration of |

|(Spain) | | |the immigrants. Click here (Spanish only) |

|Reebok |Global |13 Dec 2006 |"2006 Transparency Report Card" by NGO/labour coalition assesses labour standards reporting by 30 |

|(USA) | | |apparel retailers: Reebok scores second-highest. Click here |

|Reebok |China, India, USA,|17 May 2006 |2006 Reebok Human Rights Award presented to 4 activists, from China, India, USA, Zimbabwe. Click |

|(USA) |Zimbabwe | |here |

|Reebok |Global |8 Mar 2006 |CSR Asia praises steps taken by Reebok to address human rights. Click here |

|(USA) | | | |

|Reebok |Cambodia |14 Sep 2005 |Cambodia: Reebok and other apparel companies pledge financial support for ILO factory monitoring &|

|(USA) | | |improvement programme. Click here |

|Reebok |Burma |8 Jun 2005 |Reebok CEO urges companies still doing business in Burma to divest on human rights grounds. Click|

|(USA) | | |here |

|Reebok |Global |13 Apr 2005 |UNICEF Child Labour Resource Guide makes case for business action on child labour & refers to |

|(USA) | | |steps taken by Reebok & other companies. Click here |

|Reliance |India |28 May 2008 |Reliance partners with UNAIDS to expand access to HIV/AIDS services for the poor. Click here |

|(India) | | | |

|Reliance |India |16 Aug 2006 |Steps that companies are taking to address HIV/AIDS in India, including Reliance. Click here |

|(India) | | | |

|Renault |Global |17 Nov 2010 |Three French companies in the Carbon Disclosure Project index for the best communication on |

|(France) | | |climate change: Lafarge, Renault, Saint-Gobain. Click here (French only) |

|Repsol YPF |Bolivia |30 Mar 2011 |The people of Guarani Itika Guasu are proud of getting $14.8 million from Repsol, say it will help|

|(Spain) | | |to prioritise health care. |

| | | |Click here (Spanish only) |

|Repsol YPF (Spain) |Global |5 Aug 2009 |Intermón Oxfam says Repsol’s indigenous people’s policy is “positive”, although “there are still |

| | | |some elements to improve”. Click here (Spanish only) |

|Repsol YPF (Spain) |Global |1 Apr 2009 |Repsol-YPF, in collaboration with Intermón Oxfam, agrees internal code about respect & |

| | | |consultation with indigenous peoples. Click here (Spanish only) |

|Repsol YPF (Spain) |Global |11 Jul 2007 |At Global Compact summit, president of Repsol says that the challenge for companies is to widen |

| | | |social & economic development. Click here (Spanish only) |

|Repsol YPF (Spain) |Argentina |25 Apr 2007 |Agreement signed between the government, UNICEF, ILO & companies to eradicate child labour – |

| | | |Signatory companies include Repsol YPF. Click here (Spanish only) |

|Reputation Rhino |USA |7 Mar 2012 |24 companies stop advertising with Rush Limbaugh radio show after he calls law student & birth |

|(USA) | | |control advocate Sandra Fluke a "slut". Click here |

|Reuters |Global |7 May 2008 |UK Prime Minister convenes major companies in "Business Call to Action" to tackle world poverty - |

|(UK) | | |booklet describes steps by Vodafone, Sumitomo Chemical, SAB Miller, Reuters, Microsoft, Diageo, |

| | | |Coca-Cola, Citi to help combat poverty. Click here |

|Reuters |Global |21 Mar 2007 |IBLF report on how company employee initiatives are helping increase access to education, water, |

|(UK) | | |health, housing – refers to initiatives by companies including Reuters. Click here |

|Reynolds American |Global |25 Mar 2009 |Tobacco firms, including Philip Morris & Reynolds American, take steps to address nicotine |

|(USA) | | |poisoning of tobacco pickers following social investor pressure. Click here |

|RGM International (China)|China |26 July 2006 |Companies including RGM International receive corporate responsibility awards. Click here |

|RioTinto (UK/Australia) |Global |28 Aug 2013 |Rio Tinto issues French & Spanish translations of guide on "integrating human rights into |

| | | |communities & social performance work". Click here |

|Rio Tinto |Global |16 Jan 2013 |New Rio Tinto guide: "Why Human Rights Matter - resource guide for integrating human rights into |

|(UK/Australia) | | |Communities and Social Performance work at Rio Tinto". Click here |

|Rio Tinto (UK/Australia) |Global |18 July 2012 |Rio Tinto sets out how it is developing its approach to human rights. Click here |

|Rio Tinto |Global |13 Apr 2011 |Rio Tinto partners with Danish Institute for Human Rights to develop, promote human rights tools |

|(UK/Australia) | | |for intl. companies Click here |

|Rio Tinto |Global |6 May 2009 |Publish What You Pay welcomes Rio Tinto's decision to publish payments it makes to 13 governments.|

|(UK/Australia) | | |Click here |

|Rio Tinto |Africa |5 Mar 2008 |Anglo American, Rio Tinto require Chinese joint venture partners in Africa to pledge adherence to |

|(UK/Australia) | | |human rights & environmental standards. Click here |

|Rio Tinto |Global |14 Sep 2005 |Rio Tinto case study included in World Business Council for Sustainable Development report on |

|(UK/Australia) | | |business contribution to UN Millennium Development Goals. Click here |

|Rio Tinto |Global |6 Jul 2005 |Responsible Jewellery council launched by business orgs. & companies including Rio Tinto, to |

|(UK/Australia) | | |promote responsible social & environmental practices throughout the value chain (from mine to |

| | | |retail). Click here |

|Rio Tinto |China |18 May 2005 |Rio Tinto & other companies make commitment to fight HIV/AIDS in China. Click here |

|(UK/Australia) | | | |

|Rio Tinto |Guinea |28 Mar 2012 |Company seeks to create jobs in communities surrounding its future mine by supporting local SMEs &|

|(UK/Australia) | | |micro-finance. Click here |

|Rio Tinto Alcan |Guinea |28 Nov 2007 |Rio Tinto Alcan partners with UNDP, govt. and local NGO to encourage progress towards Millennium |

|(Canada) | | |Development Goals. Click here |

|RL Denim |Bangladesh |19 Aug 2009 |US-based National Labor Committee reports "much better treatment" of RL Denim factory workers. |

|(Bangladesh) | | |Click here |

|Roche |Global |8 Jul 2009 |Roche facilitates access to Tamiflu for developing countries, to flight flu pandemic. Click here |

|(Switzerland) | | |(French only) |

|Roche |Global |10 Dec 2008 |Employees of Roche march in support of disadvantaged children – company matched all funds raised. |

|(Switzerland) | | |Click here [in Spanish] |

|Roche |Latin America |17 Aug 2005 |26 pharmaceutical firms, including Roche, agree with governments of 11 Latin American countries on|

|(Switzerland) | | |price reductions of up to 66% for anti-HIV/AIDS drugs. Click here |

|Roche (Switzerland) |Global |4 May 2005 |Addressing neglected diseases such as malaria & tuberculosis: Details of partnerships between |

| | | |non-profits, governments & drug companies, including Roche. Click here |

|Rolls-Royce (UK) |Global |17 Jan 2007 |New climate change initiative launched by Confederation of British Industry - members include |

| | | |Rolls-Royce. Click here |

|Rosy Blue |Global |6 Jul 2005 |Responsible Jewellery council launched by business orgs. & companies including Rosy Blue, to |

|(Belgium/India) | | |promote responsible social & environmental practices throughout the value chain (from mine to |

| | | |retail). Click here |

|Rothschild |Global |1 Jul 2009 |Rothschild, Freshfields first UK firms to say they "greatly regret" links with slavery. Click here|

|(UK) | | | |

|Royal Bank of Canada |India |21 Sep 2011 |Royal Bank of Canada and the One Drop foundation launch project to improve access to water and |

|(Canada) | | |reduce poverty. |

| | | |Click here [in French]  |

|Royal Bank of Scotland |Belarus |31 Aug 2011 |Bank agrees to stop helping Belarus Govt. borrow after rights groups criticise it for supporting |

|(UK) | | |"Europe's last dictator". Click here |

|RUSAL |Guinea |11 Sep 2013 |Rusal creates a healthcare position in Camara-Bounyi district. Click here (French only) |

|(Russia) | | | |

| | | | |

|RUSAL |Global |14 Jul 2010 |New guidance from UN Global Compact. "Doing business while advancing peace and development" (with |

|(Russia) | | |positive examples from companies including RUSAL). Click here |

|RUSAL |Nigeria |20 Feb 2008 |RUSAL aluminium company signs memorandum with local govt. & communities - commits support for |

|(Russia) | | |education, health, water access. Click here |

|RWE npower (Germany) |Global |12 April 2006 |RWE npower & 5 other utility companies publish report on implementing human rights principles – |

| | | |focusing on supply chain, diversity, vulnerable customers, climate change. Click here |

|Saatchi & Saatchi |Global |17 Nov 2010 |Intl. Org. for Migration launches "Buy Responsibly" campaign to tackle demand side of human |

|(UK) | | |trafficking for cheap labour - Saatchi & Saatchi designs campaign. Click here |

|SABMiller |Peru, So. Africa, |7 Sep 2011 |SABMiller, WWF and German Intl. Cooperation Agency report on their joint efforts to manage water |

|(UK) |Tanzania, Ukraine | |impacts of SABMiller operations. Click here |

|SABMiller |El Salvador, |30 Mar 2011 |Released joint “poverty footprint” report with Oxfam America and Coca-Cola on their value chain. |

|(UK) |Zambia | |Click here |

|SABMiller |Global |8 Sep 2010 |World Water Week: Positive initiatives by companies on access to clean water, sanitation. Click |

|(UK) | | |here |

|SABMiller |Uganda |6 Jan 2010 |SABMiller extends HIV programme to suppliers & their families. Click here |

|(UK) | | | |

|SABMiller |Africa |24 Jun 2009 |SABMiller involved in initiatives to increase access to clean water. Click here |

|(UK) | | | |

|SABMiller |Global |7 May 2008 |UK Prime Minister convenes major companies in "Business Call to Action" to tackle world poverty - |

|(UK) | | |booklet describes steps by Vodafone, Sumitomo Chemical, SAB Miller, Reuters, Microsoft, Diageo, |

| | | |Coca-Cola, Citi to help combat poverty. Click here |

|SABMiller |Haiti |11 Apr 2012 |Company plans to build hospitals in Haiti an example of growing role of private sector in |

|(UK) | | |providing public services in poor countries. Click here |

|Sabre Holdings |Global |13 Jun 2012 |Sabre Holdings technology firm signs Tourism Child-Protection Code of Conduct, to combat human |

|(USA) | | |trafficking. Click here |

|Safaricom (Kenya) |Kenya |25 Sep 2013 |Safaricom initiative raises money to help victims of Westgate shopping mall terrorist attack. |

| | | |Click here |

|Safaricom |Africa |3 Aug |Kenyan corporate foundations & media launch appeal to fight hunger among "3.5 million Kenyans |

|(Kenya) | |2011 |faced with starvation" Click here |

|Safaricom |Kenya |17 Mar 2010 |Safaricom, Syngenta Foundation, UAP Insurance offer farmers micro-insurance against risk of |

|(Kenya) | | |extreme weather & drought. Click here |

|Safeway |Jordan |19 Sep 2012 |UNESCO & supermarkets launch campaign against plastic bags usage to protect environment & health. |

|(Jordan) | | |Click here |

|Sage Publications (USA) |Global |12 Aug 2009 |UN agency partners with publishing companies to provide developing countries with free access to |

| | | |scientific information |

| | | |- firms include Sage Publications. Click here |

|Sagittarius Mines |Philippines |22 Apr 2009 |Sagittarius Mines (SMI) adopts Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights. Click here |

|(Philippines) | | | |

|Sagya |Global |14 Jul 2010 |New guidance from UN Global Compact. "Doing business while advancing peace and development" (with |

|(United Arab Emirates) | | |positive examples from companies including Sagya). Click here |

|SAIL |India |15 Feb 2012 |CII-ITC Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Development awards Indian companies for efforts in |

|(India) | | |sustainable development. Click here |

|Sainsbury’s |UK |26 May 2010 |Asda to cut price of cancer drugs, sell them on not-for-profit basis – Sainsbury says it will |

|(UK) | | |match Asda. Click here |

|Sainsbury’s |UK |26 May 2010 |Marks & Spencer first UK retailer to sell Fairtrade vegetables – Sainsbury says it will also offer|

|(UK) | | |Fairtrade. Click here |

|Sainsbury's (UK) |Global |24 Feb 2010 |Sainsbury's hosts conferences in Africa & UK to discuss fair trade, food security with suppliers. |

| | | |Click here |

|Sainsbury's (UK) |China |26 Oct 2005 |ASrIA publishes report on Impactt's "Overtime Project", in which 11 UK retailers, including |

| | | |Sainsbury’s, each worked with a supplier factory in China to improve working conditions. Click |

| | | |here. |

|Saint-Gobain |Global |17 Nov 2010 |Three French companies in the Carbon Disclosure Project index for the best communication on |

|(France) | | |climate change: Lafarge, Renault, Saint-Gobain. Click here (French only) |

| |USA |3 May 2006 | comes 7th in Business Ethics’ “100 Best Corporate Citizens” ranking. Click here |

|(USA) | | | |

|Sambhav Gems |Global |12 Jul 2006 |"Crossing boundaries": Business leaders visit social & environmental projects (report by IBLF). |

|(India) | | |Companies featured include Sambhav Gems. Click here |

|Samsung  |Africa |2 Nov 2011 |Samsung launches solar-powered internet school to benefit children in rural Africa. Click here |

|(So. Korea) | | | |

|Samsung |Global |30 Sep 2009 |Carbon Disclosure Project finds improved disclosure of emissions among world's largest companies -|

|(So. Korea) | | |Boeing, PG&E, Samsung, Spectra lead their sectors. Click here |

|Samsung |Global |1 Apr 2009 |Greenpeace "Guide to Greener Electronics" shows overall improvement by IT firms on climate change |

|(So. Korea) | | |- refers to positive steps by Dell, HP, Nokia, Philips, Samsung, others. Click here |

|Samsung |Global |14 Jan 2009 |Greenpeace seems some “greening” of products at Las Vegas electronics show - first prizes for |

|(So. Korea) | | |products from Lenovo, Sharp, Samsung. Click here (French only) |

|Samsung |Global |15 Mar 2006 |Greenpeace says Samsung is one of the electronics companies “leading the industry by positive |

|(So. Korea) | | |example on toxic chemicals.” Click here |

|Sanitas |Spain |29 Jul 2009 |Health sector companies adopt programs to integrate disabled into the workforce – refers to DKV, |

|(Spain) | | |Novartis, Pfizer, Sanitas, Sanofi-Aventis. Click here (Spanish only) |

|Sanofi-Aventis |Global |28 Aug 2013 |Sanofi-Aventis partners up with the Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative. Click here (French |

|(France) | | |only) |

|Sanofi |Israel & Palestine|1 May 2013 |Sanofi sponsors project between Israeli & Palestinian researchers aiming to rid water of |

|(France) | | |pharmaceutical residues. Click here |

|Sanofi |Africa |1 May 2013 |Sanofi contributes to the fight against malaria by providing affected countries with affordable |

|(France) | | |medicines. Click here (French only) |

|Sanofi |Ukraine |27 Mar 2013 |Sanofi makes commitment to support & cooperate with children’s clinic over several years, |

|(France) | | |including by helping improve access to innovative medicines. Click here |

|Sanofi  |Global |20 Feb 2013 |The Sanofi Hope Foundation develops programs to fight against cancer & infant & maternal mortality|

|(France) | | |in developing countries. Click here (French only) |

|Sanofi  |Global |1 Feb 2012 |Pharmaceutical firms and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to jointly combat 10 neglected tropical|

|(France) | | |diseases. Click here |

| | | |Click here (in French) |

|Sanofi |Global |11 Jan 2011 |Bouygues, CAM and Sanofi Foundation support Flying Doctors to create “Club Santé Afrique”. Click |

|(France) | | |here (in French) |

|Sanofi |Benin |19 Oct 2011 |Care France and Sanofi Hope Foundation are committed to the fight against maternal and infant |

|(France) | | |mortality. Click here (in French) |

|Sanofi |Cameroon |17 Aug 2011 |Sanofi Hope foundation supports UNICEF by financing health programme for mothers and infants. |

|(France) | | |Click here [in French] |

|Sanofi |Africa |20 Jun 2012 |Sanofi launches its initiative "Healthy Children, Happy Children" on the occasion of International|

|(France) | | |Day of African Child. Click here (French only) |

|Sanofi-aventis (France) |Global |8 Jun 2011 |Sanofi partners with Drugs for Neglected Diseases to research new medicines against neglected |

| | | |diseases. |

| | | |Click here (French only) |

|Sanofi-aventis (France) |South Africa |11 May 2011 |Company develops programme together with communities and local govts. to combat TB. |

| | | |Click here |

|Sanofi-aventis (France) |Global |11 May 2011 |Sanofi-aventis and Medicines for Malaria Venture join forces to develop new medicines to fight |

| | | |malaria. |

| | | |Click here [in French] |

|Sanofi-Aventis (France) |Spain |29 Jul 2009 |Health sector companies adopt programs to integrate disabled into the workforce – refers to DKV, |

| | | |Novartis, Pfizer, Sanitas, Sanofi-Aventis. Click here (Spanish only) |

|Sanofi-Aventis (France) |France/ Global |28 Mar 2007 |8 companies, including Sanofi-Aventis, launch francophone “Business Leaders Initiative for Human |

| | | |Rights”. Click here (French only) |

|Sanofi-Aventis (France) |Global |11 Oct 2006 |World Health Organisation & Sanofi-Aventis expand their programme combatting neglected tropical |

| | | |diseases. Click here [in French]. |

|Sanofi-Aventis (France) |Global |4 May 2005 |Addressing neglected diseases such as malaria & tuberculosis: Details of partnerships between |

| | | |non-profits, governments & drug companies, including Sanofi-Aventis. Click here |

|Sansiri |Thailand |19 Oct 2011 |Property firm Sansiri partners with UNICEF to address child health, nutrition & education. Click |

|(Thailand) | | |here |

|Santa Teresa Rum |Venezuela |13 Aug 2008 |Santa Teresa Rum provides land, jobs & training to poor squatters in joint programme with govt. |

|(Venezuela) | | |Click here |

|Santander |Brazil |11 May 2011 |Santander Bank suspends funding for Santo Antonio dam citing environmental & social concerns |

|(Spain) | | |Click here |

|SAP |Global |29 May 2013 |SAP commits to hiring hundreds of people with autism. Click here |

|(Germany) | | | |

|SAP |Ethiopia |25 Nov 2009 |StreamServe & SAP partner with UNICEF to improve drinking water supplies. Click here (French only)|

|(Germany) | | | |

|SAP |Global |2 Sep 2009 |SAP to donate technology to assist NGO Refugees United with online database for displaced people |

|(Germany) | | |worldwide. Click here |

|Sappi |Global |15 Jul 2009 |Report urges forestry industry to address conflicts with local people - provides examples of steps|

|(South Africa) | | |taken by companies including Sappi. Click here |

|Sasol |South Africa |18 Jan 2012 |Construction firms launch health & safety initiative, "BuildSafe South Africa" Click here |

|(So. Africa) | | | |

|Sasol |Global |20 Aug 2008 |African firms including East African Breweries, Kenya Airways, Sasol start to take action on |

|(So. Africa) | | |climate change. Click here |

|Sasol |Global |30 Apr 2008 |Sasol, expanding into countries criticised for their human rights records, adopts more systematic |

|(So. Africa) | | |approach to human rights. Click here |

|Sasol |So. Africa |2 Apr 2008 |Sasol to sell $3.2 billion of shares to black investors, in largest deal of its kind to help |

|(So. Africa) | | |compensate for apartheid discrimination. Click here |

|Sasol |So. Africa |23 May 2012 |Sasol develops "life-saving" technology to protect workers from machinery accidents |

|(So. Africa) | | | |

|Satemwa Tea |Global |14 Jul 2010 |New guidance from UN Global Compact. "Doing business while advancing peace and development" (with |

|(Malawi) | | |positive examples from companies including Satemwa Tea). Click here |

|SAUR (part of Bouygues) |Global |21 Mar 2012 |Special initiative announced by company regarding World Water Day 2012. Click here |

|(France) | | | |

|Satyam Computer (India) |Global |12 Jul 2006 |"Crossing boundaries": Business leaders visit social & environmental projects (report by IBLF). |

| | | |Companies featured include Stayam Computer. Click here |

|SCA Tissue |USA |29 Aug 2007 |American Rights at Work profiles successful labour rights initiatives - examples include SCA |

|(USA) | | |Tissue. Click here |

|Schneider (France) |Africa |29 Jun 2011 |Schneider Electric help poor access energy in countries in the South. Click here (French only) |

|Schneider (France) |Africa, India |3 Feb 2010 |Schneider Electric initiatives to increase access to electricity for the poorest in Africa & |

| | | |India. Click here (French only) |

|Schneider (France) |Global |21 Oct 2009 |Schneider creates investment fund to support initiatives that will increase access to energy among|

| | | |the poorest. Click here (French only) |

|Schneider Electric |Africa,Brazil, |18 Apr 2012 |Company creates NGO to promote volunteerism in education in various countries. Click here |

|(France) |China, India | | |

|Schneider (France) |France |7 Feb 2007 |CEOs of Schneider and Dexia sign up to ecologist/writer Nicolas Hulot’s “Environmental Pact”. |

| | | |Click here (French only) |

|Schwab |USA |2 May 2007 |Companies incl. Schwab support natl. ban on sexual orientation discrimination. Click here |

|(USA) | | | |

|SC Johnson (USA) |USA |11 Jan 2006 |SC Johnson presented with US Presidential Award for Corporate Leadership for its "Greenlist" that |

| | | |rates the environmental impacts of its product components. Click here |

|SC Johnson (USA) |Global |14 Sep 2005 |SC Johnson case study included in World Business Council for Sustainable Development report on |

| | | |business contribution to UN Millennium Development Goals. Click here |

|Sears |USA |7 Mar 2012 |24 companies stop advertising with Rush Limbaugh radio show after he calls law student & birth |

|(USA) | | |control advocate Sandra Fluke a "slut". Click here |

|Sears |Cambodia |14 Sep 2005 |Cambodia: Sears and other apparel companies pledge financial support for ILO factory monitoring & |

|(USA) | | |improvement programme. Click here |

|SEAT |Spain |19 Sep 2007 |Accidents in SEAT factories are less frequent and less serious. Click here (Spanish only) |

|(Spain) | | | |

|SEMAFO |Burkina Faso |7 Dec 2011 |SEMAFO contributes to development of villages next to its mines through various projects including|

|(Canada) | | |education, health and water. Click here [in French] |

|SEMAFO |Burkina Faso |7 Sep 2011 |SEMAFO participates in reforestation for the development of local populations. Click here [in |

|(Canada) | | |French] |

|Semafo |Global |10 Nov 2010 |Semafo ranked amongst the “Quality Employers” of Canada – the management mentions the involvement |

|(Canada) | | |of employees in social development programmes in its mines in Africa. Click here (French only) |

|Sensa |USA |7 Mar 2012 |24 companies stop advertising with Rush Limbaugh radio show after he calls law student & birth |

|(USA) | | |control advocate Sandra Fluke a "slut". Click here |

|SEP-Congo |Dem. Rep. Congo |14 May 2008 |Oil services company SEP-Congo supports UN programme combatting HIV/AIDS in transport sector. |

|(Dem. Rep. Congo) | | |Click here (French only) |

|Service Magic (USA) |USA |7 Mar 2012 |24 companies stop advertising with Rush Limbaugh radio show after he calls law student & birth |

| | | |control advocate Sandra Fluke a "slut". Click here |

|Serum Institute of India |Global |8 Jun 2011 |Serum Institute of India promises to reduce prices of vaccines in developing countries. |

|(India) | | |Click here |

|SESA Select |Argentina |23 Jan 2008 |Studies on profitability & corporate social responsibility – includes example of good practices by|

|(Argentina) | | |Grupo SESA Select. Click here |

|Severn Trent |Global |12 April 2006 |Severn Trent & 5 other utility companies publish report on implementing human rights principles – |

|(UK) | | |focusing on supply chain, diversity, vulnerable customers, climate change. Click here |

|SFR |France |15 Feb 2012 |SFR offers paternity leave to homosexual employees. Click here (in French) |

|(France) | | | |

|SFR |Haiti |20 Jan 2010 |French companies aid Haiti after the earthquake, including Air Caraïbes, Air France, Crédit |

|(France) | | |Agricole, EDF, GDF Suez, Orange, SFR, Société Générale. Click here (French only) |

|Shaanix |Ghana |30 Nov 2011 |Chinese mining company, Shaanix, says it will improve worker safety & "complement" govt. efforts |

|(China) | | |to build schools, health facilities. Click here |

|Shanghai Pudong |China |12 Jul 2006 |Shanghai Pudong Development Bank first mainland Chinese bank to issue a CSR report. Click here |

|Development Bank | | | |

|(China) | | | |

|Sharp |Global |14 Jan 2009 |Greenpeace seems some “greening” of products at Las Vegas electronics show - first prizes for |

|(Japan) | | |products from Lenovo, Sharp, Samsung. Click here (French only) |

|Shell |Burma |14 Nov 2012 |Shell holds back investment citing its human rights code, while CNPC partners with MOGE on |

|(UK/Netherlands) | | |pipeline project, allegedly involving land seizures & forced labour. Click here |

|Shell |Nigeria |16 Nov 2011 |Shell must pay $1 billion in first step to clean up Niger Delta says new report by Amnesty Intl. &|

|(UK/Netherlands) | | |Centre for Environment, Human Rights and Development. Click here |

|Shell |Nigeria |4 Aug 2010 |Oil companies agree to set up fund to cover cost of spills Click here |

|(UK/Netherlands) | | | |

|Shell |Nigeria |19 May 2010 |Shell lauches $2 billion campaign to reduce gas flaring, which impacts environment, health. Click |

|(UK/Netherlands) | | |here |

|Shell |Philippines |24 Mar 2010 |Firms including Shell starting to address HIV/AIDS; govt. says more efforts needed. Click here |

|(UK/Netherlands) | | | |

|Shell |Global |8 Jul 2009 |Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria - 8 firms receive business |

|(UK/Netherlands) | | |excellence awards, including Shell. Click here |

|Shell |India |22 Apr 2009 |Intl. Dalit Solidarity Network Annual Report 2008 - with section on private sector developments - |

|(UK/Netherlands) | | |refers to initiatives by Daimler, HSBC, Shell. Click here |

|Shell |Ghana |14 Nov 2007 |Shell trains staff as peer educators to help sensitise workers on HIV-AIDS. Click here |

|(UK/Netherlands) | | | |

|Shell |Middle East |23 May 2007 |Regional business coalition on HIV/AIDS for Arab world launched by companies including Shell. |

|(UK/Netherlands) | | |Click here |

|Shell |Global |21 Mar 2007 |IBLF report on how company employee initiatives are helping increase access to education, water, |

|(UK/Netherlands) | | |health, housing – refers to initiatives by companies including Shell. Click here |

|Shell |UK |7 June 2006 |Shell & other companies call on UK Govt. to adopt tougher greenhouse gas standards. Click here |

|(UK/Netherlands) | | | |

|Shell |USA |15 Feb 2006 |Shell & other firms endorse Pew Center on Global Climate Change’s comprehensive plan to reduce |

|(UK/Netherlands) | | |greenhouse gas emissions. Click here |

|Shell |Kazakhstan |5 Oct 2005 |Kazakhstan joins Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative - along with mining, oil & gas |

|(UK/Netherlands) | | |companies including Chevron. Click here |

|Shell |Africa, Asia, |16 Mar 2005 |Shell Foundation report "Enterprise solutions to poverty” describes its experience helping develop|

|(UK/Netherlands) |Central America | |sustainable small businesses in Africa, Asia, Central America. Click here |

|Shell |Brazil |20 Jun 2012 |Following protests, Cosan agribusiness suspended project on land allegedly taken from indigenous |

|(UK/Netherlands) | | |peoples. Click here |

|Shell |Kuwait |3 Oct 2012 |Shell holds conference on empowering women's leadership, equal opportunities, and diversity of |

|(UK/Netherlands) | | |ethnicity, age, gender. Click here |

|Sherrin |India |3 Oct 2012 |Sherrin ceases orders from some subcontractors after admitting some of its footballs were made |

|(Australia) | | |using child labour. Click here |

|Shirley Hinojosa |Argentina |17 Sep 2008 |Companies take part in programme to eliminate child labour on vineyards Click here (Spanish only) |

|(Argentina) | | | |

|Siemens (Germany) |Sudan |24 Jan 2007 |Siemens says it will withdraw from Sudan because of concerns about humanitarian conditions. Click |

| | | |here |

|Siemens Bulgaria |Bulgaria |24 Feb 2010 |Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum gives awards for socially responsible companies. Click here |

|(Bulgaria) | | | |

|Signet |Global |6 Jul 2005 |Responsible Jewellery council launched by business orgs. & companies including Signet, to promote |

|(USA) | | |responsible social & environmental practices throughout the value chain (from mine to retail). |

| | | |Click here |

|Signet/Kay |Global |15 Feb 2006 |8 jewellers, including Signet/Kay, call on mining firms to produce gold responsibly - No Dirty |

|(USA) | | |Gold campaign welcomes move. Click here |

|Silver Star |Pakistan |30 May 2007 |Nike to resume soccer ball production in Pakistan; contract with new supplier Silver Star includes|

|(Pakistan) | | |labour rights provisions. Click here |

|Sime Darby (Malaysia) |Global |23 Mar 2011 |Simy Darby joins Global Business Initiative on Human Rights. |

| | | |Click here |

|Simon Property Group |USA |8 Mar 2006 |Simon Property Group & others agree to expand disclosure on energy efficiency & climate-related |

|(USA) | | |issues, following shareholder requests. Click here |

|Sinohydro |Angola |31 Mar 2010 |Sinohydro’s president pledges the company’s contribution to the national reconstruction. Click |

|(China) | | |here (French only) |

|Skanska |Global |22 Feb 2006 |UNEP & companies including Skanska launch Sustainable Building & Construction Initiative, aimed at|

|(Sweden) | | |"greening" the industry. Click here |

|Skype |Global |15 Dec 2010 |Skype develops a communication system to connect humanitarian workers in remote regions, in |

|(Luxembourg) | | |partnership with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees. Click here (French only) |

|Sleep Number (part of |USA |7 Mar 2012 |24 companies stop advertising with Rush Limbaugh radio show after he calls law student & birth |

|Select Comfort) (USA) | | |control advocate Sandra Fluke a "slut". Click here |

|Sleep Train (USA) |USA |7 Mar 2012 |24 companies stop advertising with Rush Limbaugh radio show after he calls law student & birth |

| | | |control advocate Sandra Fluke a "slut". Click here |

|Société Générale |Global |28 Nov 2012 |Société Générale announces its international microfinance engagements. Click here (French only) |

|(France) | | | |

|Société Générale |Senegal |24 Mar 2010 |Partnership between the government, Société Générale, France and the EU to reduce the impact of |

|(France) | | |corporations on the environment. Click here (French only) |

|Société Générale |Haiti |20 Jan 2010 |French companies aid Haiti after the earthquake, including Air Caraïbes, Air France, Crédit |

|(France) | | |Agricole, EDF, GDF Suez, Orange, SFR, Société Générale. Click here (French only) |

|Société Générale |France |23 Aug 2006 |Financial firms including Société Générale take steps to diversify workforce. Click here |

|(France) | | | |

|Société Générale |Global |8 Feb 2006 |Survey of banks' social & environmental policies finds 8 with public human rights policies, |

|(France) | | |including Société Générale. Click here |

|Société Générale |Global |3 Aug 2005 |UNDP partners with private sector to develop business-led solutions to poverty – details of |

|(France) | | |investment projects led by Société Générale and other companies. Click here |

|Sodexo |Chile |8 Jan 2014 |Sodexo collaborates with gay rights movement to promote inclusion of homosexuals. Click here |

|(France) | | |(Spanish only) |

|Sodexo |Global |2 Feb 2011 |Sodexo rewarded by NGOs for its actions in the fight against malnutrition and hunger. |

|(France) | | |Click here [in French] |

|Sodexo |Global |8 Sep 2010 |World Water Week: Positive initiatives by companies on access to clean water, sanitation. Click |

|(France) | | |here |

|Sodexo |USA |25 Aug 2010 |Coalition of Immokalee Workers signs agreement with Sodexo on workplace standards for tomato |

|(France) | | |pickers. Click here |

|Sodexo |Spain |5 May 2010 |Sodexo and La Caixa sign agreement to develop employment opportunities for people at risk of |

|(France) | | |exclusion. Click here (Spanish only) |

|Sodimac |Chile |23 Nov 2011 |ILO uses Sodimac as example in study of strategy to end child labour. Click here [in Spanish] |

|(Chile) | | | |

| |China |7 Sep 2005 | & other companies take steps to address HIV/AIDS in China. Click here |

|(China) | | | |

| |China |18 May 2005 |Companies including make commitment to fight HIV/AIDS in China. Click here |

|(China) | | | |

|Sol Meliá |Global |1 Nov 2006 |Sol Meliá signs code of conduct to combat child sex-trafficking. Click here (Spanish only) |

|(Spain) | | | |

|Sonatel |Senegal |12 Dec 2012 |The Sonatel Foundation develops a vast project constructions educational infrastructure. Click |

|(Senegal) | | |here (French only) |

|Sonatel |Senegal |10 Mar 2010 |Sonatel Foundation supports health care by supplying medical equipment to health structures. Click|

|(Senegal) | | |here (French only) |

|Sony |Cameroon |9 Jun 2010 |UNDP and Sony launch the campaign “Transmission publique en Afrique” of the World Cup to promote |

|(Japan) | | |the fight against HIV/AIDS. Click here (French only) |

|Sony |Cameroon & Ghana |31 Mar 2010 |Sony partners with UNDP to improve the fight against HIV/AIDS. Click here (French only) |

|(Japan) | | | |

|Sony |Global |15 Mar 2006 |Greenpeace says Sony is one of the electronics companies “leading the industry by positive example|

|(Japan) | | |on toxic chemicals.” Click here |

|Sony |Global |16 May 2012 |Companies in roundtable on working conditions in electronics sector with NGOs, labour groups. |

|(Japan) | | |Click here |

|Sony Ericsson (Japan & |Global |13 Jan 2010 |Sony Ericsson & Nokia lead in eliminating dangerous chemicals according to Greenpeace "green |

|Sweden) | | |electronics guide" – clear progress also for Apple. Click here [in French] |

|Sony Ericsson (Japan & |Global |14 Oct 2009 |Environmental NGOs praise Apple, Sony Ericsson for removing toxic chemicals from their products. |

|Sweden) | | |Click here |

|Sony Ericsson (Japan & |Global |4 Apr 2007 |Greenpeace ranking of electronic manufacturers' recycling and toxic content policies cites |

|Sweden) | | |positive steps by Sony Ericsson. Click here |

|Sotrami |Peru |11 May 2011 |Sotrami is the first company to produce "fair trade gold" – recognition of its efforts to respect |

|(France) | | |human rights. |

| | | |Click here [in Spanish] |

|South African Breweries |South Africa |23 Feb 2011 |South African Breweries, South African Business Coalition on HIV and AIDS, Global Fund launch |

|(So. Africa) | | |workplace programme, urge other private sector actors to join in fight against HIV-AIDS |

| | | |Click here |

|Sovcomflot |Russia / UK |12 Jul 2006 |CEOs of Russian companies, including Sovcomflot, meet in London to discuss "responsible business |

|(Russia) | | |practices". Click here |

|Spectra |Global |30 Sep 2009 |Carbon Disclosure Project finds improved disclosure of emissions among world's largest companies -|

|(USA) | | |Boeing, PG&E, Samsung, Spectra lead their sectors. Click here |

|Spectrum |Western Sahara |28 Sep 2011 |NGO commends Spectrum for ceasing oilfield services in Western Sahara. Click here |

|(UK)  | | | |

|Speedo |Global |9 Jul 2008 |Unions, NGOs & companies including adidas, New Balance, Nike, Speedo, Umbro form group to improve |

|(UK) | | |respect for labour rights. Click here |

|SPI Group (Luxembourg) |Global/Russia |14 Aug 2013 |SPI Group includes sexual orientation in anti-discrimination policy. Click here |

|Spinneys |Jordan |19 Sep 2012 |UNESCO & supermarkets launch campaign against plastic bags usage to protect environment & health. |

|(Egypt) | | |Click here |

|Springer Science+ |Global |12 Aug 2009 |UN agency partners with publishing companies to provide developing countries with free access to |

|Business Media | | |scientific information |

|(USA) | | |- firms include Springer Science+Business Media. Click here |

|Standard Chartered |Africa |28 Sep 2011 |Part of initiative to improve access to banking services in Africa. Click here [in French] |

|(UK) | | | |

|Standard Chartered |Ghana |6 Oct 2010 |Standard Chartered launches series of "social & economic impact" reports - first is on Ghana. |

|(UK) | | |Click here |

|Standard Chartered |Global |8 Jul 2009 |Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria - 8 firms receive business |

|(UK) | | |excellence awards, including Standard Chartered. Click here |

|Standard Chartered |Bangladesh |17 Sep 2008 |UNAIDS, Standard Chartered form business coalition on HIV/AIDS. Click here |

|(UK) | | | |

|Standard Chartered |Global |20 Jun 2007 |Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria awards companies including Standard |

|(UK) | | |Chartered. Click here |

|Standard Chartered |Middle East |23 May 2007 |Regional business coalition on HIV/AIDS for Arab world launched by companies including Standard |

|(UK) | | |Chartered. Click here |

|Standard Chartered |Global |21 Mar 2007 |IBLF report on how company employee initiatives are helping increase access to education, water, |

|(UK) | | |health, housing – refers to initiatives by companies including Standard Chartered. Click here |

|Standard Chartered |Global |11 Oct 2006 |Banks join initiative led by Standard Chartered to fight child pornography. Click here |

|(UK) | | | |

|Standard Chartered |India |16 Aug 2006 |Call centre workers identified as high-risk group for HIV/AIDS - refers to steps by companies |

|(UK) | | |including Standard Chartered. Click here. |

|Standard Chartered |UK |7 June 2006 |Standard Chartered & other companies call on UK Govt. to adopt tougher greenhouse gas standards. |

|(UK) | | |Click here |

|Standard Chartered |Global |8 Feb 2006 |Survey of banks' social & environmental policies finds 8 with public human rights policies, |

|(UK) | | |including Standard Chartered. Click here |

|Standard Chartered |India |30 Aug 2006 |Business Week article says domestic & multinational banks including Standard Chartered increasing |

|(UK) | | |their provision of microloans for the poor. Click here |

|Standard Fruit /Dole |Costa Rica |11 Apr 2007 |Banana workers’ union & Standard Fruit/Dole sign agreement on labour rights & environment. Click |

|(USA) | | |here (Spanish only) |

|Standard Life |Global |9 Nov 2005 |Development agencies & companies including Standard Life launch $75 million fund for |

|(UK) | | |micro-entrepreneurs. Click here |

|Staples |Global |18 Nov 2009 |Gucci partners with Rainforest Action Network to stop sourcing paper made from Indonesian |

|(USA) | | |rainforests, to help combat climate change - also refers to actions by Tiffany, H&M, Staples, |

| | | |Unisource. Click here |

|Star |China |18 May 2005 |Companies including Star make commitment to fight HIV/AIDS in China. Click here |

|(China) | | | |

|Starbucks |USA |18 Jun 2014 |USA: Starbucks announces free online college education for workers in partnership with Arizona |

|(USA) | | |State Univ. Click here |

|Starbucks |USA |10 Jul 2013 |Businesses push for federal law to protect against workplace discrimination based on sexual |

|(USA) | | |orientation. Click here |

|Starbucks |Spain |27 Oct 2010 |Starbucks join Free Trade campaign. Click here (Spanish only) |

|(USA) | | | |

|Starbucks |Europe |3 Mar 2010 |Starbucks turns 100% to Fairtrade coffee in Europe. Click here (French only) |

|(USA) | | | |

|Starbucks (USA) |UK |9 Sep 2009 |Starbucks to make majority of coffee it sells in UK Fairtrade-certified. Click here |

|Starbucks (USA) |Rwanda |15 Jul 2009 |Starbucks opens support centre to help farmers improve coffee quality, attract better prices. |

| | | |Click here [also available in French] |

|Starbucks (USA) |USA |21 Jan 2009 |Faith-based investors strengthen call for companies to support health care reform - Over 12 US |

| | | |firms now do so publicly, including Starbucks. Click here |

|Starbucks (USA) |Ethiopia |9 May 2007 |Oxfam "optimistic on progress" between Starbucks and Ethiopia on trademarking of high-grade |

| | | |coffee. Click here |

|Starbucks |Global |28 Mar 2012 |Human Rights Campaign defends company’s support for same-sex marriage after National Organization |

|(USA) | | |for Marriage launches anti-Starbucks campaign. Click here |

|Starwood |Global |22 Mar 2006 |Starwood a founding participant in the Tourism and Human Rights Initiative, launched by the UN |

|(USA) | | |World Tourism Organization & Intl. Business Leaders Forum. Click here |

|State Street |Global |9 Nov 2005 |Development agencies & companies including State Street launch $75 million fund for |

|(USA) | | |micro-entrepreneurs. Click here |

|Statoil |Global |18 Jun 2008 |4 case studies: Companies promoting institution-building in developing countries - refers to BP, |

|(Norway) | | |Statoil, Premier Oil, others. Click here |

|Statoil |Kazakhstan |5 Oct 2005 |Kazakhstan joins Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative - along with mining, oil & gas |

|(Norway) | | |companies including Chevron. Click here |

|Statoil |Global |20 Apr 2005 |Statoil publishes a breakdown of its tax payments to all countries where it operates. Click here |

|(Norway) | | | |

|ST Microelectronics |France/ Global |28 Mar 2007 |8 companies, including STMicroelectronics, launch francophone “Business Leaders Initiative for |

|(Switzerland) | | |Human Rights”. Click here (French only) |

|ST Microelectronics |Philippines |6 Jan 2010 |Govt. recognises 8 firms for environmental performance including ST Microelectronics. Click here |

|(Switzerland) | | | |

|Stonyfield Farm |Global |25 Nov 2009 |Climate Counts NGO issues annual scorecard on companies' climate policies & practices - HP, Nike, |

|(USA) | | |Stonyfield Farm, Unilever lead. Click here |

|Stora Enso |Global |15 Jul 2009 |Report urges forestry industry to address conflicts with local people - provides examples of steps|

|(Finland) | | |taken by companies including Stora Enso. Click here |

|Stora Enso |China |24 May 2006 |UNDP & Stora Enso join for 5-year partnership on health, water & education. Click here |

|(Finland) | | | |

|Storebrand |Global |9 Nov 2005 |Development agencies & companies including Storebrand launch $75 million fund for |

|(Norway) | | |micro-entrepreneurs. Click here |

|Stream |Global |25 Nov 2009 |Stream and Adecco Foundation set up an employment integration scheme for disabled people. Click |

|(Repsol-Gas Natural) | | |here (Spanish only) |

|(Spain) | | | |

|StreamServe |Ethiopia |25 Nov 2009 |StreamServe & SAP partner with UNICEF to improve drinking water supplies. Click here (French only)|

|(USA) | | | |

|Subway |USA |10 Dec 2008 |Subway agrees to pay migrant tomato pickers penny more per pound - signs deal with Coalition of |

|(USA) | | |Immokalee Workers. Click here |

|Suez |France/ Global |28 Mar 2007 |8 companies, including Suez, launch francophone “Business Leaders Initiative for Human Rights”. |

|(France) | | |Click here (French only) |

|Suez Environnement |Global |21 Mar 2012 |Special initiative announced by company regarding World Water Day 2012 Click here |

|(France) | | | |

|Sumitomo |Mexico |1 Mar 2006 |Mexican Govt. recognises companies for reporting on greenhouse gas emissions, including Sumitomo. |

|(Japan) | | |Click here |

|Sumitomo |Tanzania |4 Jan 2006 |Mosquito net project involving Sumitomo & ExxonMobil helps combat malaria in Tanzania. Click here |

|(Japan) | | | |

|Sumitomo Chemical |Global |29 Sep 2010 |Global action plan to achieve Millennium Development Goals by 2015 - with commitments by private |

|(Japan) | | |sector. Firms making specific commitments include Sumitomo Chemical. Click here |

|Sumitomo Chemical |Global |7 May 2008 |UK Prime Minister convenes major companies in "Business Call to Action" to tackle world poverty - |

|(Japan) | | |booklet describes steps by Vodafone, Sumitomo Chemical, SAB Miller, Reuters, Microsoft, Diageo, |

| | | |Coca-Cola, Citi to help combat poverty. Click here |

|Suncor (Canada) |Global |23 Apr 2008 |Stratos analyses 7 leading sustainability reports by Canadian companies: Telus, BC Hydro, |

| | | |Enbridge, Syncrude, Suncor, Transalta, Vancity. Click here (French only) |

|Sun Microsystems (USA) |Global |13 Oct 2010 |Sun Microsystems co-founder to start venture fund for businesses that fight poverty, provide |

| | | |health & education to the poor. Click here |

|Sun Microsystems (USA) |Israel / Occupied |4 Oct 2006 |Students from Israel & West Bank work together in technology project – supporters include Sun |

| |Territories | |Microsystems. Click here |

|Superspar (Swaziland) |Swaziland |27 Aug 2008 |ILO praises HIV/AIDS initiatives by firms including Dalcrue, Superspar. Click here |

|Surtigas |Colombia |7 Sep 2011 |Nestle receives "Understanding Peace” award. Click here [in Spanish] |

|(Colombia) | | | |

|Sütaş |Turkey |21 Oct 2009 |World Food Day: FAO awards Turkish dairy firm Sütaş for "Achieving Food Security in Times of |

|(Turkey) | | |Crisis". Click here |

|Swala Oil & Gas |Tanzania |14 Aug 2013 |Swala Oil & Gas sets aside shares in the firm for benefit of community where it operates |

|(Tanzania) | | |Click here |

|Swire Beverages (USA) |China |13 Sep 2006 |World Economic Forum launches China Health Alliance, a partnership against TB and AIDS - companies|

| | | |involved include Swire Beverages. Click here |

|Swiss Re |Ethiopia |1 Oct 2008 |Clinton Global Initiative commitments: includes Swiss Re & Oxfam joint initiative on climate |

|(Switzerland) | | |change & rural poverty. Click here |

|Syncrude (Canada) |Global |23 Apr 2008 |Stratos analyses 7 leading sustainability reports by Canadian companies: Telus, BC Hydro, |

| | | |Enbridge, Syncrude, Suncor, Transalta, Vancity. Click here (French only) |

|Syngenta |Colombia |9 Nov 2011 |Isagen and Syngenta promote the right to education in rural populations. Click here |

|(Switzerland) | | | |

|Syngenta |Kenya |17 Mar 2010 |Safaricom, Syngenta Foundation, UAP Insurance offer farmers micro-insurance against risk of |

|(Switzerland) | | |extreme weather & drought. Click here |

|Syngenta |Global |17 Jun 2009 |6 seed firms, including Monsanto, outline approach to tackling child labour in agriculture. Click |

|(Switzerland) | | |here |

|Sysco (USA) |Central America |18 Sep 2013 |Sysco partners with Sustainable Food Lab to support small-scale farmers from high-poverty areas in|

| | | |Latin America. Click here. |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|T. Rowe Price (USA) |USA |13 May 2009 |Large fund managers such as TIAA-CREF, T. Rowe Price, Vanguard paying increasing attention to |

| | | |human rights. Click here |

|Talas Copper Gold (joint |Kyrgyzstan |19 Oct 2011 |Talas Copper Gold suspends work after death threats saying "we’re not prepared to put people’s |

|venture Orsu Metals & | | |lives at risk in Aral in order to drill". Click here |

|Gold Fields) | | | |

|(Kyrgyzstan) | | | |

|Talisman |Iraq |25 Jun 2008 |Talisman enters Kurdish region - reaches deal with local govt. to promote "revenue transparency" &|

|(Canada) | | |"respect for human rights". Click here |

|Talisman Energy |Global |9 Feb 2011 |New Global Community Relations Policy, which recognises principle of Free, Prior and Informed |

|(Canada) | | |Consent. |

| | | |Click here |

|Talisman Energy |Global |14 Jul 2010 |New guidance from UN Global Compact. "Doing business while advancing peace and development" (with |

|(Canada) | | |positive examples from companies including Talisman Energy). Click here |

|Target |Uzbekistan |30 Sep 2009 |US Senator Tom Harkin op-ed on forced child labour in Uzbek cotton industry - refers to positive |

|(USA) | | |steps by 25 brands & retailers including American Eagle, Bed Bath & Beyond, Gap, JC Penney, |

| | | |Kohl's, Levi Strauss, Limited Brands, Nike, Nordstrom, Timberland, TJX, Phillips-Van Heusen, |

| | | |Target, Wal-Mart, Walt Disney. Click here |

|Target |USA |21 Jan 2009 |Faith-based investors strengthen call for companies to support health care reform - Over 12 US |

|(USA) | | |firms now do so publicly, including Target. Click here |

|Target |Uzbekistan |30 Aug 2008 |Investors, textile & apparel associations demand that Uzbekistan stop using forced child labour in|

|(USA) | | |cotton fields. Companies including Target take measures to exclude Uzbek cotton from their |

| | | |products. Click here |

|Tata |India |21 Jul 2010 |Financial Express on importance of company human rights policies in Indian context – Tata, |

|(India) | | |IndianOil on list of 270 firms worldwide with policies. Click here |

|Tata |Orissa, India |7 Oct 2009 |Tata Steel raises awareness among local communities of Right to Information Act. Click here |

|(India) | | | |

|Tata |India |25 Feb 2009 |Case studies on steps by Tata Steel, Topkapi Iplik, Ying Xie Garments demonstrate business |

|(India) | | |benefits of implementing workplace standards. Click here |

|Tata |India |2 Jan 2008 |Govt., UNICEF, NGOs & companies including Tata partner to address child under-nutrition (report by|

|(India) | | |Synergos). Click here |

|Tata |India |16 Aug 2006 |Steps that companies are taking to address HIV/AIDS in India, including Tata. Click here |

|(India) | | | |

|Tata |India |27 Jul 2005 |Sustainability reporting in India gradually gains acceptance - Tata director says "this would be |

|(India) | | |the right time to throw our attention to sustainable development". Click here |

|Tata Chemicals (India) |India |15 Feb 2012 |CII-ITC Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Development awards Indian companies for efforts in |

| | | |sustainable development. Click here |

|Tata Consultancy Services|India |15 Feb 2012 |CII-ITC Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Development awards Indian companies for efforts in |

| | | |sustainable development. Click here |

|(India) | | | |

|Tata Consultancy Services|India |22 Feb 2006 |Tata Consultancy Services launches "40 hours to literacy", computer-based programme to help adults|

|(India) | | |learn to read. Click here |

|Tata Power |India |29 Jan 2014 |Tata Power launches training programme aimed at women to increase earnings & livelihood |

|(India) | | |profitability. Click here |

|Tata Steel (India) |India |15 Feb 2012 |CII-ITC Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Development awards Indian companies for efforts in |

| | | |sustainable development. Click here |

|Tata Steel |India |17 Aug 2005 |Steps that Indian companies, including Tata Steel, are taking to address HIV/AIDS. Click here |

|(India) | | | |

|Tata Steel (India) |India |28 Mar 2012 |Company provides 241 scholarships to promote education among scheduled caste & indigenous |

| | | |communities. Click here |

|Tata Steel (India) |India |27 Jun 2012 |Tata Steel awards fellowships to Dalit & tribal children; assists schools with construction. |

| | | |Click here |

|Tate & Lyle |Global |27 Feb 2008 |Tate & Lyle sugar to be Fairtrade - biggest UK firm to do so. Click here |

|(UK) | | | |

|Tate & Lyle |UK |30 Jan 2008 |21 food manufacturers commit to save water, including Tate & Lyle. Click here |

|(UK) | | | |

|Tax Resolution (USA) |USA |7 Mar 2012 |24 companies stop advertising with Rush Limbaugh radio show after he calls law student & birth |

| | | |control advocate Sandra Fluke a "slut". Click here |

|Taylor & Francis |Global |12 Aug 2009 |UN agency partners with publishing companies to provide developing countries with free access to |

|(UK) | | |scientific information |

| | | |- firms include Taylor & Francis. Click here |

|TC Television (Ecuador) |Latin America |25 Feb 2009 |Latin American television companies commit to addressing AIDS |

| | | |- including Canal 13 (Argentina), Ecuavisa, TC Television, Telefe, Televisa, TV Azteca, TV Globo. |

| | | |Click here |

|Tchibo |Africa |15 Oct 2008 |European textile companies including Otto Group, Puma, Tchibo, and Celio support project in Africa|

|(Germany) | | |to promote “socially responsible” cotton. Click here (Spanish only) |

|TD Bank (Canada) |Canada |17 Aug 2011 |Companies paying increasing attention to needs of transgender employees: steps taken by TD Bank. |

| | | |Click here |

|Teck Resources (Canada) |Senegal |6 Jul 2011 |Teck Resources partners with Micronutrient Initiative and Canadian Govt. "Zinc Alliance for Child |

| | | |Health" to provide six million children in Senegal with zinc supplements. Click here [also |

| | | |available in French] |

|Telecom |New Zealand |3 Nov 2010 |Internet provider Telecom joins filter system blocking access to child abuse material. Click here |

|(New Zealand) | | | |

|Telecom Argentina |Argentina |2 Jun 2010 |Telecom signs agreement to promote diversity and non-discrimination. Click here (Spanish only) |

|(Argentina) | | | |

|Telefónica (Colombia) |Colombia |20 Nov 2013 |Company develops tool for assessing risk of child labour. Click here (Spanish only) |

|Telefónica |Latin America |10 Jul 2013 |Employees of Telefónica group work towards the eradication of child labour in 5 countries. Click |

|(Spain) | | |here (Spanish only) |

|Telefe |Latin America |25 Feb 2009 |Latin American television companies commit to addressing AIDS |

|(Argentina) | | |- including Canal 13 (Argentina), Ecuavisa, TC Television, Telefe, Televisa, TV Azteca, TV Globo. |

| | | |Click here |

|Telefónica |Colombia |07 Nov 2012 |Telefónica develops guidelines for assessing and managing impacts of child labour in businesses. |

|(Spain) | | |Click here (Spanish only) |

|Telefónica  |Latin America |14 Dec 2011 |Telefónica Foundation and ILO promote Latinamerican network against child labour. Click here [in |

|(Spain) | | |Spanish] |

|Telefónica |Latin America |26 Oct 2011 |Telefónica Foundation receives award for its work in eliminating child labour in Latin America. |

|(Spain) | | |Click here (in Spanish) |

|Telefónica |Latin America |8 Sep 2010 |Third International Conference against child labour begins - organized by the Telefónica |

|(Spain) | | |Foundation, with the support of the ILO and UNICEF. Click here (Spanish only) |

|Telefónica (Spain) |Perú |13 Jan 2010 |Telefónica Movistar says over 58000 from rural areas accessed telecommunications services as a |

| | | |result of “Integrame” programme. Click here (Spanish only) |

|Telefónica (Spain) |Argentina |2 Sep 2009 |Meeting on the role of the private sector in the prevention and elimination of child labour is |

| | | |supported by companies such as Andreani, Arcor, Cargill, Nestlé, Telefónica. Click here (Spanish |

| | | |only) |

|Telefónica (Spain) |Latin America |22 Apr 2009 |Telefónica and Nokia partner to take educational content to remote schools in Latin America. Click|

| | | |here (Spanish only) |

|Telefónica (Spain) |Global |8 Apr 2009 |New book: “Can companies contribute to the Millennium Development Goals?” – refers to best |

| | | |practice by companies including Novartis, Agbar, BBVA, Gas Natural, Telefónica. Click here |

| | | |(Spanish only) |

|Telefónica (Spain) |Perú |17 Sep 2008 |Telefónica Foundation and NGO show program to send 917 children at work or at risk of working back|

| | | |to school. Click here (Spanish only) |

|Telefónica (Spain) |China |21 May 2008 |Telefónica donates 1 million euros for the victims of the earthquake in China – aid is targeted at|

| | | |children. Click here [in Spanish] |

|Telefónica (Spain) |Spain, Latin |17 Oct 2007 |Telefónica workers in Latin America and Spain carry out a day against child labour. Click here |

| |America | |(Spanish only) |

|Telefónica (Spain) |Latin America |13 Dec 2006 |Telefónica’s proniño programme helps bring 24,000 children out of work and into school. Click |

| | | |here (Spanish only) |

|Telefónica de |Argentina |27 Jun 2007 |Network of companies against child labour created – companies include Telefónica de |

|Argentina-Movistar | | |Argentina-Movistar. Click here (Spanish only) |

|(Argentina) | | | |

|Telefónica Telecom |Colombia |25 July 2012 |New app Kid Rescue to combat child labour is launched by Telefonica Telecom in Colombia. Click |

|(Colombia) | | |here |

|Telemar |Brazil |20 Dec 2006 |Steps that companies, including Telemar, are taking to help combat poverty & inequality. Click |

|(Brazil) | | |here |

|Telenor |Serbia |19 Oct 2011 |Telenor partnership with UNICEF & Ministry of Health improves education & health of Roma families.|

|(Norway) | | |Click here |

|Telenor (Norway) |Global |28 Mar 2007 |SustainAbility report on business partnerships with social entrepreneurs: How they can help solve |

| | | |social & environmental problems - refers to initiatives by companies including Telenor. Click Here|

|Teletalk  |Bangladesh |12 Oct 2011 |Govt. & NGOs partner with Airtel, Grameenphone, Teletalk to provide disaster warnings. Click here|

|(Bangladesh) | | | |

|Televisa (Mexico) |Latin America |25 Feb 2009 |Latin American television companies commit to addressing AIDS |

| | | |- including Canal 13 (Argentina), Ecuavisa, TC Television, Telefe, Televisa, TV Azteca, TV Globo. |

| | | |Click here |

|TeliaSonera (Sweden) |Sweden |18 July 2012 |TeliaSonera engages Danish Institute for Human Rights to review its human rights impact |

| | | |assessment. Click here |

|Telmex |Argentina |24 Feb 2010 |Cablevisión, Fibertel and Telmex contribute to the reduction of the digital divide in Tigre. Click|

|(Mexico) | | |here (Spanish only) |

|Telus |Global |23 Apr 2008 |Stratos analyses 7 leading sustainability reports by Canadian companies: Telus, BC Hydro, |

|(Canada) | | |Enbridge, Syncrude, Suncor, Transalta, Vancity. Click here (French only) |

|Tenaris |Global |22 Sep 2010 |Banco Popular, Iberdrola and Tenaris join sustainable index FTSE4Good Global. Click here (Spanish |

|(Luxembourg) | | |only) |

|Tengizchevroil |Kazakhstan |30 May 2012 |New water pumping station funded by Tengizchevroil supplies Kulsary population with potable water.|

|(Kazakhstan) | | |Click here |

|Tenke Fungurume Mining |Dem. Rep. of Congo|29 May 2013 |Tenke Fungurume Mining awarded by GBCHealth for its water and sanitation program. Click here |

|(TFM) | | |(French only) |

|(Dem. Rep of Congo) | | | |

|Tenke Fungurume Mining |Dem. Rep. of Congo|22 May 2013 |Tenke Fungurume Mining contributes to the development of riverside towns inside its concessions. |

|(TFM) | | |Click here (French only) |

|(Dem. Rep of Congo) | | | |

|Tenke Fungurume Mining |Dem. Rep. of Congo|6 Jan 2010 |Tenke Fungurume programmes succeed in reducing malaria prevalence in its concession. Click here |

|(TFM) | | |(French only) |

|(Dem. Rep of Congo) | | | |

|Terres d’Amanar |Morocco |13 Aug 2008 |Terres d’Amanar adventure park promotes local economic development, preservation of local culture |

|(Morocco) | | |& environment. Click here |

|Tesco |Uzbekistan |3 Jun 2009 |Uzbek Govt. signs ILO conventions after retailers including Tesco, Asda/Wal-Mart, Marks & Spencer,|

|(UK) | | |Gap pull out over forced child labour in cotton industry. Click here |

|Tesco |Global |17 Dec 2008 |Ceres ranks companies' climate strategies - IBM, Tesco, Dell lead. Click here |

|(UK) | | | |

|Tesco |Dominican |3 Sep 2008 |Project supported by US Govt., companies & NGOs in 3 Latin American countries aims to improve |

|(UK) |Republic, | |workplace conditions & standards at fruit farms. Refers to Chiquita, Del Monte, Dole, Tesco, |

| |Honduras, | |Wal-Mart. Click here |

| |Nicaragua | | |

|Tesco |Global |10 Sep 2008 |Tesco CEO outlines business case for reducing carbon emissions. Click here |

|(UK) | | | |

|Tesco |Uzbekistan |30 Aug 2008 |Investors, textile & apparel associations demand that Uzbekistan stop using forced child labour in|

|(UK) | | |cotton fields. Companies including Tesco take measures to exclude Uzbek cotton from their |

| | | |products. Click here |

|Tesco |Zimbabwe |2 Jul 2008 |Tesco says it will stop trade with Zimbabwe, "cannot ignore the growing consensus that further |

|(UK) | | |action must be taken to maximise the pressure for change". Click here |

|Tesco |Global |16 Jan 2008 |Tesco bans Uzbek cotton due to use of organised, forced child labour. Click here |

|(UK) | | | |

|Tesco |Global |17 Jan 2007 |New climate change initiative launched by Confederation of British Industry - members include |

|(UK) | | |Tesco. Click here |

|Tesco |UK |7June 2006 |Tesco & other companies call on UK Govt. to adopt tougher greenhouse gas standards. Click here |

|(UK) | | | |

|Tesoro |USA |30 Mar 2005 |Six US companies, including Tesoro, take steps on climate change following shareholder demands. |

|(USA) | | |Click here |

|Tetra Pak |Global |10 May 2006 |Companies, including Tetra Pak, receive awards for contribution to UN Millennium Development |

|(Sweden) | | |Goals, presented by UNDP, ICC, IBLF. Click here. |

|Tetra Pak |Global |3 Aug 2005 |UNDP partners with private sector to develop business-led solutions to poverty – details of |

|(Sweden) | | |investment projects led by Tetra Pak and other companies. Click here |

|Texas Instruments |India |16 Aug 2006 |Steps that companies are taking to address HIV/AIDS in India, including Texas Instruments. Click |

|(USA) | | |here |

|Texas Instruments |USA |3 May 2006 |Texas Instruments comes 10th in Business Ethics’ “100 Best Corporate Citizens” ranking. Click |

|(USA) | | |here |

|Thames Water |Global |12 April 2006 |Thames Water & 5 other utility companies publish report on implementing human rights principles – |

|(UK) | | |focusing on supply chain, diversity, vulnerable customers, climate change. Click here |

|Theo-Chocolate |Dem. Rep. of Congo|22 Jan 2014 | |

|(USA) | | |Dem. Rep. of Congo: Theo Chocolate goes beyond fair trade standards to support farmers' |

| | | |livelihoods & encourages others to do the same. Click here |

| | | | |

|Thomas Cook (UK) |Global |18 Dec 2013 |UK Home Secretary urges business to tackle human trafficking, highlights training developed by |

| | | |Thomas Cook & Virgin Atlantic to help air hostesses report unusual behaviour. Click here |

|Thompson Creek Windows |USA |7 Mar 2012 |24 companies stop advertising with Rush Limbaugh radio show after he calls law student & birth |

|(USA) | | |control advocate Sandra Fluke a "slut". Click here |

|Thompson Electric |USA |9 Sep 2009 |American Rights at Work highlights Thompson Electric partnership with union to prioritise worker |

|(USA) | | |safety. Click here |

|Thompson Electric |USA |29 Aug 2007 |American Rights at Work profiles successful labour rights initiatives - examples include Thompson |

|(USA) | | |Electric. Click here |

|Thomson-Reuters |Global |31 Mar 2010 |Thomson-Reuters project matches development & other NGOs with pro bono legal help. Click here |

|(USA) | | | |

|TIAA-CREF |Global |15 Jun 2011 |Founding member of global initiative launched by the Ceres & Tellus Institute to create & |

|(USA) | | |encourage adoption of standardised sustainability ratings. Click here |

|TIAA-CREF |USA |13 May 2009 |Large fund managers such as TIAA-CREF, T. Rowe Price, Vanguard paying increasing attention to |

|(USA) | | |human rights. Click here |

|Tiffany |USA |16 Feb 2011 |Over 50 jewellers, including Tiffany, have joined boycott of gold from planned Pebble Mine due to |

|(USA) | | |concerns over impact on native people's fishery. |

| | | |Click here |

|Tiffany |Global |18 Nov 2009 |Gucci partners with Rainforest Action Network to stop sourcing paper made from Indonesian |

|(USA) | | |rainforests, to help combat climate change - also refers to actions by Tiffany, H&M, Staples, |

| | | |Unisource. Click here |

|Tiffany |Burma |18 Feb 2009 |US Campaign for Burma calls on consumers to help find Burmese rubies in jewellery stores - refers |

|(USA) | | |to positive steps by Leber Jeweler, Tiffany, Jewelers of America. Click here |

|Tiffany |Global |16 Jan 2008 |Tiffany provides funding for TransFair USA to explore feasibility of fair trade diamond |

|(USA) | | |certification. Click here |

|Tiffany |Burma |14 Nov 2007 |"Gem trade bolsters military regime, fuels atrocities", says Human Rights Watch - calls for ban on|

|(USA) | | |Burmese rubies & jade, recognises steps taken by companies including Tiffany. Click here |

|Tiffany |Global |14 June |NGOs and companies, including Tiffany, meet to discuss certification of sustainably-produced |

|(USA) | |2006 |metal. Click here |

|Tiffany |Global |15 Feb 2006 |8 jewellers, including Tiffany, call on mining firms to produce gold responsibly - No Dirty Gold |

|(USA) | | |campaign welcomes move. Click here |

|Tiffany |Global |6 Jul 2005 |Responsible Jewellery council launched by business orgs. & companies including Tiffany, to promote|

|(USA) | | |responsible social & environmental practices throughout the value chain (from mine to retail). |

| | | |Click here |

|Tiffany |Burma |9 Mar 2005 |Tiffany announces it will continue moratorium on gemstones mined in Burma - activists welcome |

|(USA) | | |move. Tiffany had previously notified suppliers that it would start purchasing gems mined in |

| | | |Burma if they were cut & polished elsewhere, in line with a US Customs ruling. Click here |

|Timberland (USA) |USA |11 July 2012 |Timberland praised for providing clean water, child care for children of workers at supplier |

| | | |factories in China, Dominican Republic, India. Click here |

|Timberland |Global |12 May 2010 |Timberland’s “Voices of Challenge” forum: Improving factory workers’ quality of life – comments by|

|(USA) | | |China Labor Watch, Workers Rights Consortium & others. Click here |

|Timberland |Global |2 Dec 2009 |Timberland CEO argues consumer pressure and "global public policy about human rights" applicable |

|(USA) | | |to business are necessary for companies to ensure responsible supply chains. Click here |

|Timberland |Uzbekistan |30 Sep 2009 |US Senator Tom Harkin op-ed on forced child labour in Uzbek cotton industry - refers to positive |

|(USA) | | |steps by 25 brands & retailers including American Eagle, Bed Bath & Beyond, Gap, JC Penney, |

| | | |Kohl's, Levi Strauss, Limited Brands, Nike, Nordstrom, Timberland, TJX, Phillips-Van Heusen, |

| | | |Target, Wal-Mart, Walt Disney. Click here |

|Timberland |Brazil |12 Aug 2009 |Footwear brands including adidas, Clarks, Nike, Timberland demand moratorium on leather from farms|

|(USA) | | |involved in deforestation, linked to climate change - Greenpeace welcomes move. Click here |

|Timberland |USA |3 May 2006 |Timberland comes 6th in Business Ethics’ “100 Best Corporate Citizens” ranking. Click here |

|(USA) | | | |

|Tipiel |Colombia |21 Jul 2010 |Launch of "Colombia Guidelines on Human Rights & International Humanitarian Law" for companies. |

|(Colombia) | | |Signatories include Coca-Cola, Indupalma, Isagen, Nestlé, Tipiel. Click here |

|Titan Cement |Global |15 Apr 2009 |"Doing Business in a Multicultural World" report by UN Alliance of Civilizations, UN Global |

|(Greece) | | |Compact - describes positive initiatives by Abu Dhabi Natl. Energy, American Express, BMW, HSBC, |

| | | |Manpower, Titan Cement, TUI, others. Click here |

|Titan Industries |Global |12 Nov 2008 |60th anniversary of Universal Declaration: Human rights initiatives by BASF, Barloworld, Novartis,|

|(India) | | |Ketchum, Titan Industries. Click here |

|Titan Industries |India |30 Apr 2008 |Titan Industries' initiatives to help disabled people. Click here |

|(India) | | | |

|TJX |Uzbekistan |30 Sep 2009 |US Senator Tom Harkin op-ed on forced child labour in Uzbek cotton industry - refers to positive |

|(USA) | | |steps by 25 brands & retailers including American Eagle, Bed Bath & Beyond, Gap, JC Penney, |

| | | |Kohl's, Levi Strauss, Limited Brands, Nike, Nordstrom, Timberland, TJX, Phillips-Van Heusen, |

| | | |Target, Wal-Mart, Walt Disney. Click here |

|TNT Express (Netherlands)|Africa |10 Aug 2011 |Private sector response to famine in the Horn of Africa includes actions by TNT Express. Click |

| | | |here |

|TNT (Netherlands) |Global |30 Jan 2008 |Private sector engagement in humanitarian relief - Agility, TNT, UPS launch joint emergency |

| | | |response initiative. Click here |

|TNT (Netherlands) |Global |7 Mar 2007 |Dutch Commission on Sustainable Research creates "Millennium Development Goals Scan" to benchmark |

| | | |companies' contributions – companies passing the scan include TNT. Click here |

|Tootsies |USA |17 Jul 2013 |Tootsies partners with Mary Kay Foundation on initiative against domestic violence. Click here |

|(USA) | | | |

|Topkapi Iplik |Turkey |25 Feb 2009 |Case studies on steps by Tata Steel, Topkapi Iplik, Ying Xie Garments demonstrate business |

|(Turkey) | | |benefits of implementing workplace standards. Click here |

|Toshiba |Global |3 Apr 2013 |Toshiba says it will hire 100 female executives over next 2 years in effort to increase diversity.|

|(Japan) | | |Click here |

|Total |DRC |19 Jun 2013 |Total states it will not explore in Virunga National Park following UNESCO request to cancel all |

|(France) | | |exploration licenses in the area. Click here (French only) |

|Total |Burkina Faso |24 Apr 2013 |Total finances a 3-year programme to fight against HIV/AIDS in the truck-driving sector. Click |

|(France) | | |here (French only) |

|Total |Gabon |17 Apr 2013 |Total supports school for engineers. Click here (French only) |

|(France) | | | |

|Total |Guinea |19 Dec 2012 |Total inaugurates a youth training centre and undertakes to contribute to the socio-economic |

|(France) | | |development of populations. Click here (French only) |

|Total |Global |21 Sep 2011 |Total publishes Human Rights Internal Guided intended for all group employees. Click here (French|

|(France) | | |only) |

|Total |Global |3 Aug 2011 |Total and the Danish Institute for Human Rights sign two year partnership agreement on human |

|(France) | | |rights. Click here (French only) |

|Total |Uganda |27 Apr 2011 |World Malaria Day: Companies honoured for their part in Roll Back Malaria Partnership |

|(France) | | |Click here |

|Total |Nigeria |4 Aug 2010 |Oil companies agree to set up fund to cover cost of spills. Click here |

|(France) | | | |

|Total |Ethiopia |14 Oct 2009 |Total & the NGO DKT report on pilot project to raise awareness among domestic workers of the |

|(France) | | |dangers of HIV/AIDS. Click here (French only) |

|Total |Senegal |15 Apr 2009 |Total raises awareness about malaria. Click here |

|(France) | | | |

|Total |Burma |14 May 2008 |Total to donate US$2 million for cyclone victims - but its Burmese subsidiary reluctant to lend |

|(France) | | |helicopters to NGOs & UN. Click here (French only) |

|Total |Global |3 Aug 2005 |UNDP partners with private sector to develop business-led solutions to poverty – details of |

|(France) | | |investment projects led by Total and other companies. Click here |

|Toyota |Global |24 Oct 2007 |WBCSD report on how companies can contribute to poverty alleviation & sustainable development. |

|(Japan) | | |With case studies on companies including Toyota. Click here |

|Toyota |Global |29 Jun 2005 |Merrill Lynch & World Resources Institute partner to identify companies best positioned for clean |

|(Japan) | | |car revolution, including Toyota. Click here |

|Toyota Kirloskar |India |15 Feb 2012 |CII-ITC Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Development awards Indian companies for efforts in |

|(India) | | |sustainable development. Click here |

|Trader Joe’s |USA |15 Feb 2012 |Trader Joe's signs "Fair Food" agreement with Coalition of Immokalee Workers. Click here |

|(USA) | | | |

|Travelpickr (India) |Botswana |30 Oct 2013 |Company joins Survival International boycott of tourism to Botswana due to government’s alleged |

| | | |mistreatment of Bushmen. Click here |

|Transalta (Canada) |Global |23 Apr 2008 |Stratos analyses 7 leading sustainability reports by Canadian companies: Telus, BC Hydro, |

| | | |Enbridge, Syncrude, Suncor, Transalta, Vancity. Click here (French only) |

|Transierra (Bolivia) |Bolivia |7 Feb 2007 |Transierra commits $4 million to education & health projects along its pipeline. Click here |

| | | |(Spanish only) |

|Traxys |Dem. Rep. of Congo|27 May 2009 |Traxys says it will stop buying minerals from eastern Dem. Rep. of Congo, following pressure from |

|(Belgium) | | |UN & human rights groups. Click here |

|Triodos Bank |Global |24 Jun 2009 |Financial Times & IFC sustainable banking awards go to Triodos Bank, Itau Unibanco, MicroEnsure, |

|(Netherlands) | | |Root Capital, Global Environment Fund. Click here |

|Triodos Bank |Spain |26 Sep 2007 |Triodos Bank & Amnesty Intl. launch Spain’s first human rights bank account. Click here (Spanish |

|(Netherlands) | | |only) |

|Trojan Technologies |Global |19 Aug 2009 |World Water Week: Trojan Technologies receives award for low-cost water disinfection systems, |

|(Canada) | | |which combat disease & increase access. Click here |

|Tryba |Vietnam |28 Jul 2010 |Tryba supports programmes for children’s education & girls’ empowerment. Click here (French only) |

|(France) | | | |

|TUI Travel |Thailand |14 Nov 2012 |Tourism firms TUI, Accor, Kuoni, ITB join with GIZ and The Code to launch pilot project - testing |

|(UK) | | |tools to help protect children from sex tourism. Click here |

|TUI Travel |Global |15 Apr 2009 |"Doing Business in a Multicultural World" report by UN Alliance of Civilizations, UN Global |

|(UK) | | |Compact - describes positive initiatives by Abu Dhabi Natl. Energy, American Express, BMW, HSBC, |

| | | |Manpower, Titan Cement, TUI, others. Click here |

|Tullow Oil |Africa: General |26 March 2014 | |

|(UK) |USA | |Tullow Oil moves to disclose payments to govts. for each project including taxes, fees, |

| | | |infrastructure improvements. Click here |

| | | | |

|Tullow Oil |Kenya |6 Nov 2013 |Tullow Oil to train Turkana County residents in oil drilling-related skills, in initiative to hire|

|(UK) | | |more locals. Click here |

|Tullow Oil |Uganda |24 Jul 2013 |Company official says Tullow Oil is open to publishing oil agreements to promote transparency "if |

|(UK) | | |the Uganda government allows". Click here |

|Tullow Oil |Ghana |9 Nov 2011 |Tullow Oil launches HIV/AIDS workplace policy; promises non-discrimination. Click here |

|(UK) | | | |

|Turkish Airlines (Turkey)|Africa |10 Aug 2011 |Private sector response to famine in the Horn of Africa includes actions by Turkish Airlines. |

| | | |Click here |

|TV Azteca (Mexico) |Latin America |25 Feb 2009 |Latin American television companies commit to addressing AIDS |

| | | |- including Canal 13 (Argentina), Ecuavisa, TC Television, Telefe, Televisa, TV Azteca, TV Globo. |

| | | |Click here |

|TV Globo (Mexico) |Latin America |25 Feb 2009 |Latin American television companies commit to addressing AIDS |

| | | |- including Canal 13 (Argentina), Ecuavisa, TC Television, Telefe, Televisa, TV Azteca, TV Globo. |

| | | |Click here |

|Twitter |Global |27 Nov 2013 |Twitter adds security level to social networking site following revelations by Edward Snowden of |

|(USA) | | |state spying. Click here (French only) |

|Twitter |Iran |9 Oct 2013 |Twitter CEO questions Iranian president on blocking web access to citizens. Click here |

|(USA) | | | |

|Twitter |Egypt |2 Feb 2011 |Google, Twitter launch service enabling Egyptians to tweet by phone, to get through internet |

|(USA) | | |blackout |

| | | |Click here |

|Twitter |China |1 Dec 2010 |Twitter CEO admonishes Chinese Govt. for sentencing Chinese human rights activist over a single |

|(USA) | | |tweet. Click here |

|Twitter |USA |26 May 2010 |Twitter refuses to unmask two users who criticised Pennsylvania attorney general – NGOs say demand|

|(USA) | | |for disclosure violates civil liberties. Click here |

|Twitter |Global |3 Feb 2010 |Twitter is developing technologies to evade internet censors, says CEO in speech at Davos. Click |

|(USA) | | |here [in French] |

|UAP Insurance |Kenya |17 Mar 2010 |Safaricom, Syngenta Foundation, UAP Insurance offer farmers micro-insurance against risk of |

|(Kenya) | | |extreme weather & drought. Click here |

|UBS |Global |19 Oct 2011 |Barclays, Credit Suisse, UBS & UniCredit collaborate to create group reviewing how UN Guiding |

|(Switzerland) | | |Principles on Business and Human Rights apply to banking sector. Click here |

|UBS (Switzerland) |Singapore |3 Sep 2008 |National Trades Union Congress praises UBS and local firm The Event Company for policies towards |

| | | |pregnant women & mothers. Click here |

|UBS (Switzerland) |Global |23 May 2007 |Clinton Global Initiative: 5 banks including UBS to raise US$5 billion to make buildings more |

| | | |energy efficient in cities worldwide. Click here |

|UL |Global |24 Mar 2010 |World Water Day: Steps to increase access to water by Coca-Cola, Dole, Dow, Intel, Nalco, Nestlé, |

|(USA) | | |PepsiCo, UL, Veolia. Click here |

|UltraTech Cement |Global |27 Oct 2010 |Four firms win Asian CSR Awards for initiatives on workplace practices, health, environment, |

|(India) | | |poverty alleviation & education. Click here |

|Umbro |World |9 Jul 2008 |Unions, NGOs & companies including adidas, New Balance, Nike, Speedo, Umbro form group to improve |

|(UK) | | |respect for labour rights. Click here |

|Unibanco (Brazil) |Brazil |15 Apr 2009 |Financial institutions including HSBC, Banco Real, Unibanco support campaign to eradicate forced |

| | | |labour. Click here (Spanish only) |

|Unibanco (Brazil) |Latin America |13 Apr 2008 |Innovest & Inter-American Development Bank launch index of companies that address needs of the |

| | | |poor - top firms in initial ranking include Unibanco. Click here |

|UNIC |Iran |10 Aug 2011 |UNIC becomes third company to end business with Iran following reports that the company’s cranes |

|(Japan) | | |are used in public executions. Click here |

|UniCredit |Global |19 Oct 2011 |Barclays, Credit Suisse, UBS & UniCredit collaborate to create group reviewing how UN Guiding |

|(Italy) | | |Principles on Business and Human Rights apply to banking sector. Click here |

|Unicredit Bank |Czech Republic |18 Mar 2009 |Unicredit Bank launches program to encourage gender equality in the workplace. Click here |

|(Italy) | | | |

|UniCredit Bulbank |Bulgaria |24 Feb 2010 |Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum gives awards for socially responsible companies. Click here |

|(Bulgaria) | | | |

|Unilever |India, |21 May 2014 |Unilever expands sustainability plan to include fairness at work & women's rights. Click here  |

|(UK/ |Kenya, | | |

|Netherlands) |Vietnam | | |

|Unilever |Global |19 Dec 2012 |Unilever appoints Marcela Manubens as Global Vice President for Social Impact to implement UN |

|(UK/ | | |Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Click here |

|Netherlands) | | | |

|Unilever |Global |21 Nov 2012 |Unilever & Save the Children launch global partnership to combat mortality among children & |

|(UK/Netherlands) | | |mothers. Click here |

|Unilever |Kenya, Vietnam, |17 Oct 2012 |Unilever, Population Services Intl. in partnership in Kenya, Vietnam, Zimbabwe to increase |

|(UK/ |Zimbabwe | |hand-washing with soap, which can help save children's lives. Click here |

|Netherlands) | | | |

|Unilever |Bangladesh |25 Jan 2012 |World Food Programme report on public private initiatives to fight hunger. Click here |

|(UK/ Netherlands) | | | |

|Unilever (UK/Netherlands)|Bangladesh |29 Jun 2011 |Participating in multi-stakeholder partnership "Project Laser Beam" to combat child malnutrition. |

| | | |Click here |

|Unilever (UK/Netherlands)|India |18 May 2011 |Hindustan Unilever launches "India Water Body" initiative to save over 50 billion litres of water |

| | | |by 2015. Click here |

|Unilever |Global |3 Nov 2010 |Oxfam partners with Unilever on "Poverty Footprint" project, a tool to measure social impacts in |

|(UK/Netherlands) | | |supply chains. Click here |

|Unilever |Global |6 Oct 2010 |Unilever joins Global Business Initiative on Human Rights. Click here |

|(UK/Netherlands) | | | |

|Unilever |Global |22 Aug 2010 |Unilever & Nestlé plan to source all palm oil from certified ethical & sustainable suppliers by |

|(UK/Netherlands) | | |2015. Click here |

|Unilever |Global |25 Nov 2009 |Climate Counts NGO issues annual scorecard on companies' climate policies & practices - HP, Nike, |

|(UK/Netherlands) | | |Stonyfield Farm, Unilever lead. Click here |

|Unilever |Global |21 Oct 2009 |World Food Day: Unilever employees promote awareness of child hunger - firm plans to fund school |

|(UK/Netherlands) | | |meals for 100,000 children. Click here |

|Unilever |Global |30 Sep 2009 |Clinton Global Initiative - positive steps announced by companies including DSM, Heinz, Kraft, |

|(UK/Netherlands) | | |Unilever in partnership with UN World Food Programme on hunger alleviation. Click here |

|Unilever |Global |8 Jul 2009 |Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria - 8 firms receive business |

|(UK/Netherlands) | | |excellence awards, including Unilever. Click here |

|Unilever |China |10 Jun 2009 |Unilever project supports migrant workers' children in rural China. Click here |

|(UK/Netherlands) | | | |

|Unilever |Kenya |8 Apr 2009 |Sustainable practices at Unilever tea plantations. Click here (French only) |

|(UK/Netherlands) | | | |

|Unilever |Morocco |20 Aug 2008 |Unilever grows tea certified as sustainable by Rainforest Alliance – must meet 200 environmental, |

|(UK/Netherlands) | | |social & economic criteria. Click here (French only) |

|Unilever |Indonesia |7 May 2008 |Unilever pledges to use only sustainable palm oil to halt deforestation. Click here |

|(UK/Netherlands) | | | |

|Unilever |Global |24 Oct 2007 |WBCSD report on how companies can contribute to poverty alleviation & sustainable development. |

|(UK/Netherlands) | | |With case studies on companies including Unilever. Click here |

|Unilever |Global |20 Jun 2007 |New non-profit "Climate Counts" ranks 56 companies on climate change performance – companies |

|(UK/Netherlands) | | |scoring highest include Unilever. Click here |

|Unilever |Argentina |25 Apr 2007 |Agreement signed between the government, UNICEF, ILO & companies to eradicate child labour – |

|(UK/Netherlands) | | |Signatory companies include Unilever. Click here (Spanish only) |

|Unilever |Global |11 Oct 2006 |Speech by Unilever’s Gavin Neath, “Business as a Partner in Reaching the Millennium Development |

|(UK/Netherlands) | | |Goals". Click here |

|Unilever |Brazil |13 Sep 2006 |NGOs & companies including Unilever launch organisation to reduce negative social & environmental |

|(UK/Netherlands) | | |impacts of soy production. Click here |

|Unilever |Global |24 May 2006 |Unilever among Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS’ 2006 winners. Click here |

|(UK/Netherlands) | | | |

|Unilever |Global |14 Sep 2005 |Unilever case study included in World Business Council for Sustainable Development report on |

|(UK/Netherlands) | | |business contribution to UN Millennium Development Goals. Click here |

|Unilever |Indonesia |7 Sep 2005 |Oxfam & Unilever joint report on how Unilever's business impacts poverty in Indonesia, positively |

|(UK/Netherlands) | | |& negatively. Click here |

|Unilever |Global |3 Aug 2005 |UNDP partners with private sector to develop business-led solutions to poverty – details of |

|(UK/Netherlands) | | |investment projects led by Unilever and other companies. Click here |

|Unión Fenosa |Colombia |4 Mar 2009 |Unión Fenosa contributes to scholarships for higher education for poor young people. Click here |

| | | |(Spanish only) |

|UNIQLO (Japan) |Global |25 Jan 2012 |Company collaborates with UNHCR to help refugees in different ways, including a new internship |

| | | |programme. Click here |

|Uniqlo |Bangladesh |20 Oct 2010 |Uniqlo partners with Grameen bank to fight poverty, insufficient hygiene & poor education. Click |

|(Japan) | | |here (French only) |

|Unisource (USA) |Global |18 Nov 2009 |Gucci partners with Rainforest Action Network to stop sourcing paper made from Indonesian |

| | | |rainforests, to help combat climate change - also refers to actions by Tiffany, H&M, Staples, |

| | | |Unisource. Click here |

|United Technologies |Global |5 April 2006 |United Technologies, Lafarge & World Business Council for Sustainable Development lead new |

|(USA) | | |initiative to develop energy self-sufficient buildings. Click here |

|UnitedHealth Group |Global |17 Jun 2009 |UnitedHealth Group partners with US Govt. agency to combat chronic diseases in developing |

|(USA) | | |countries. Click here |

|Universal Leaf Tabacos |Argentina |3 Jan 2006 |"Porvenir" programme involving companies including Universal Leaf Tabacos aims to remove 700 |

|(part of Universal) | | |children from work on tobacco plantations. Click here (Spanish only) |

|(Argentina) | | | |

|Universitario de Deportes|Peru |2 Jul 2008 |Football club Universitario de Deportes brings out a “red card” to child labour. Click here |

|(Peru) | | |(Spanish only) |

|Unocal |USA |30 Mar 2005 |Six US companies, including Unocal, take steps on climate change following shareholder demands. |

|(USA) | | |Click here |

|Uponor |Global |27 Aug 2008 |Borealis & Uponor launch initiative to measure water impacts of production of plastics for the |

|(Finland) | | |first time. Click here (French only) |

|UPS |Africa |24 Aug 2011 |UPS to transport for free over 100 tonnes of food & supplies to aid famine relief in Horn of |

|(USA) | | |Africa. Click here |

|UPS |Africa |10 Aug 2011 |Private sector response to famine in the Horn of Africa includes actions by UPS. Click here |

|(USA) | | | |

|UPS |Africa |3 Aug 2011 |UNICEF calls on airlines to help fly food to Horn of Africa where millions are starving – UPS is |

|(USA) | | |contributing Click here |

|UPS |Global |29 Sep 2010 |Global action plan to achieve Millennium Development Goals by 2015 - with commitments by private |

|(USA) | | |sector. Firms making specific commitments include UPS. Click here |

|UPS |Global |30 Sep 2009 |Clinton Global Initiative - positive steps announced by companies including UPS on responses to |

|(USA) | | |global emergencies. Click here |

|UPS |Global |30 Jan 2008 |Private sector engagement in humanitarian relief - Agility, TNT, UPS launch joint emergency |

|(USA) | | |response initiative. Click here |

|UPS |China |28 Jun 2006 |UPS receives award for education initiative in China. Click here |

|(USA) | | | |

|Usha Martin |India |3 Mar 2010 |Mining firms find less opposition to their operations in communities where they make social |

|(India) | | |investments: refers to Adhunik, Bhushan Steel, JSW Steel, others. Click here |

|UTI |India |30 Aug 2006 |Business Week article says domestic & multinational banks including UTI increasing their provision|

|(India) | | |of microloans for the poor. Click here |

|Vakifbank (Turkey) |Africa |10 Aug 2011 |Private sector response to famine in the Horn of Africa includes actions by Vakifbank. Click here |

|Valdivieso y Debandi |Argentina |12 Jul 2006 |Valdivieso y Debandi & other companies support programme providing employment for disabled people.|

|(Argentina) | | |Click here (Spanish only) |

|Vale |Colombia |7 Mar 2012 |13 mining companies sign commitment to promote health and security rights in the workplace, |

|(Brazil) | | |sustainable environmental mining, and human rights. Click here |

|Vancity (Canada) |Global |23 Apr 2008 |Stratos analyses 7 leading sustainability reports by Canadian companies: Telus, BC Hydro, |

| | | |Enbridge, Syncrude, Suncor, Transalta, Vancity. Click here (French only) |

|Van Cleef & Arpels |Global |15 Feb 2006 |8 jewellers, including Van Cleef & Arpels, call on mining firms to produce gold responsibly - No |

|(part of Richemont) | | |Dirty Gold campaign welcomes move. Click here |

|(France) | | | |

|Vanguard |USA |13 May 2009 |Large fund managers such as TIAA-CREF, T. Rowe Price, Vanguard paying increasing attention to |

|(USA) | | |human rights. Click here |

|Vanguard |Global |18 Mar 2009 |Mutual fund manager Vanguard announces policy to avoid investments in companies involved in |

|(USA) | | |serious human rights abuses. Click here |

|Vattenfall |Global |4 Nov 2009 |IFC & Global Reporting Initiative launch guide on gender & sustainability reporting - full report |

|(Sweden) | | |includes examples of reporting practices by Vattenfall. Click here |

|Vedanta |India |21 Jul 2010 |Rajasthan Govt., Vedanta Foundation, Hindustan Zinc to provide computer software for education of |

|(UK) | | |underprivileged children. Click here |

|Veja |Global |2 Jan 2014 |Ekyog & Veja promote transparency and traceability in the supply chain of their clothing products.|

|(France) | | |Click here (French only). |

|Veolia Environnement |Global |3 Jul 2013 |Veolia Environnement signs the Seoul Declaration promoting a preventive workplace culture |

|(France) | | |regarding health & safety at work. Click here (French only) |

|Veolia Environnement |Global |24 Mar 2010 |World Water Day: Steps to increase access to water by Coca-Cola, Dole, Dow, Intel, Nalco, Nestlé, |

|(France) | | |PepsiCo, UL, Veolia. Click here |

|Veolia Environnement |Bangladesh |16 Sep 2009 |Veolia joins with Grameen Bank to improve access to water in poor communities. Click here (French |

|(France) | | |only) |

|Veolia Environnement |Bangladesh |2 Apr 2008 |Grameen Bank & Veolia Water start joint venture to supply drinking water to poor rural |

|(France) | | |communities. Click here (French only) |

|Veolia Environnement |Global |21 Mar 2012 |Special initiative announced by company regarding World Water Day 2012 Click here |

|(France) | | | |

|Verizon |USA |21 Aug 2013 |Verizon helps domestic violence survivors communicate with police, friends & family; supports |

|(USA) | | |efforts to assist survivors. Click here |

|Verizon Wireless |Africa |10 Aug 2011 |Private sector response to famine in the Horn of Africa includes actions by Verizon Wireless. |

|(USA) | | |Click here |

|Verizon |USA |2 Aug 2006 |Companies support renewal of voting rights law for minorities - including Verizon. Click here |

|(USA) | | | |

|Verizon |USA |26 April 2006 |Verizon in first 5 of DiversityInc’s “Top 50 Companies for Diversity”. Click here |

|(USA) | | | |

|VF Corp. |Peru |13 Mar 2013 |6 US textile & apparel companies urge Peruvian Govt. to repeal law that allegedly condones labour |

|(USA) | | |rights violations. Click here |

|VF Corp |Philippines |8 Aug 2007 |8 intl. apparel firms, including VF Corp, urge President Arroyo to stop attacks on workers in |

|(USA) | | |export processing zone. Click here |

|Viajes Mogador (Spain) |Spain |18 Jul 2007 |Viajes Mogador signs code of conduct against child sex tourism. Click here (Spanish only) |

|Victoria's Secret |Uzbekistan |30 Aug 2008 |Investors, textile & apparel associations demand that Uzbekistan stop using forced child labour in|

|(USA) | | |cotton fields. Companies including Victoria's Secret take measures to exclude Uzbek cotton from |

| | | |their products. Click here |

|Victoria's Secret |India |30 May 2012 |"Victoria's Secret bras a boost for rural Indian women": Article on public-private partnership in |

|(USA) | | |rural So. India that provides manufacturing jobs, helps empower women |

|Virgin |Egypt |9 Feb 2011 |Virgin CEO Richard Branson says global leaders should call on President Mubarak to step down |

|(UK) | | |immediately, "so that Egypt can move to a true democracy" |

| | | |Click here |

|Virgin |Global |28 Sep 2005 |Virgin receives Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS 2005 award for excellence. Click here |

|(UK) | | | |

|Virgin Atlantic (UK) |Global |18 Dec 2013 |UK Home Secretary urges business to tackle human trafficking, highlights training developed by |

| | | |Thomas Cook & Virgin Atlantic to help air hostesses report unusual behaviour. Click here |

|Virgin Atlantic |Africa |3 Aug 2011 |UNICEF calls on airlines to help fly food to Horn of Africa where millions are starving – Virgin |

|(UK) | | |Atlantic is contributing Click here |

|Virgin Atlantic |Global |8 Apr 2009 |Air France/KLM, BAA, British Airways, Cathay Pacific, Virgin Atlantic propose global greenhouse |

|(UK) | | |gas scheme with climate NGO. Click here |

|VISA |Global |4 Mar 2009 |New coalition to tackle internet child porn: NGOs, MasterCard, Microsoft, PayPal, VISA involved. |

|(USA) | | |Click here |

|Vishay (Philippines) |Philippines |6 Jan 2010 |Govt. recognises 8 firms for environmental performance including Vishay. Click here |

|Vitacost |USA |7 Mar 2012 |24 companies stop advertising with Rush Limbaugh radio show after he calls law student & birth |

|(USA) | | |control advocate Sandra Fluke a "slut". Click here |

|Vodacom |Tanzania |30 Jan 2012 |Vodacom supports a campaign for treatment of obstetric fistula. Click here (French only) |

|(South Africa) | | | |

|Vodacom Congo |Dem. Rep. of Congo|11 Aug 2010 |Vodacom Congo raises funds to support victims of fire in Sange. Click here (French only) |

|(Dem. Rep. of Congo) | | | |

|Vodafone |Myanmar |5 Jun 2013 |Vodafone drops bid to run network in Myanmar amid human rights concerns. Click here |

|(UK) | | | |

|Vodafone |Tanzania |12 Jun 2013 |Vodafone partners with NGO to help fistula patients in Tanzania's rural areas access |

|(UK) | | |treatment. Click here |

|Vodafone |Global |3 Aug 2011 |Vodafone participates in expert meeting to discuss the role of mobile technology for |

|(UK) | | |improving access to healthcare in developing world. Click here |

|Vodafone |Tanzania |16 Dec 2009 |IBM, Novartis & Vodafone partner to fight malaria using mobile phones & information |

|(UK) | | |technology. Click here |

|Vodafone |Global |7 May 2008 |UK Prime Minister convenes major companies in "Business Call to Action" to tackle world |

|(UK) | | |poverty - booklet describes steps by Vodafone, Sumitomo Chemical, SAB Miller, Reuters, |

| | | |Microsoft, Diageo, Coca-Cola, Citi to help combat poverty. Click here |

|Vodafone |Global |30 Jul 2008 |UN Foundation & Vodafone Foundation lead initiative to improve health in poor countries |

|(UK) | | |through access to data. Click here |

|Vodafone |Global |5 Mar 2008 |Vodafone, World Food Programme & UN Foundation partner on improving communications during |

|(UK) | | |humanitarian crises. Click here |

|Vodafone |Global |24 Oct 2007 |WBCSD report on how companies can contribute to poverty alleviation & sustainable |

|(UK) | | |development. With case studies on companies including Vodafone. Click here |

|Vodafone |Egypt |7 Feb 2007 |Overview of public-private partnerships: includes initiative involving Vodafone, promoting |

|(UK) | | |UNDP Millennium Development Goals. Click here |

|Vodafone |Global |24 Jan 2007 |Companies, investors, human rights NGOs to develop principles on internet freedom of |

|(UK) | | |expression & privacy - Participants include Vodafone. Click here |

|Vodafone |UK |7June 2006 |Vodafone & other companies call on UK Govt. to adopt tougher greenhouse gas standards. Click|

|(UK) | | |here |

|Vodafone |Global |14 Sep 2005 |Vodafone case study included in World Business Council for Sustainable Development report on |

|(UK) | | |business contribution to UN Millennium Development Goals. Click here |

|Volkswagen |Brazil, Mexico, |9 May 2007 |As part of the ILO’s World Day for Safety and Health, Volkswagen trains suppliers in Brazil, |

|(Germany) |So. Africa | |Mexico and So. Africa. Click here [in Spanish] |

|Volkswagen |So. Africa |25 Oct 2006 |Metalworkers union praises car firms including Volkswagen for strong HIV/AIDS programmes. |

|(Germany) | | |Click here |

|Volkswagen |Global |28 Sep 2005 |Volkswagen receives Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS 2005 award for excellence. Click |

|(Germany) | | |here |

|Volvo |Belgium |2 Jan 2008 |Volvo and Electrabel create the first vehicle factory without CO2 emissions. Click here |

|(Sweden) | | |(French only) |

|Voxiva |Rwanda |1 Jul 2009 |Economist report on initiatives by telecom, IT companies to help developing countries tackle |

|(USA) | | |health problems - refers to steps by Google, Medicall Home, MTN, Voxiva. Click here |

|Voxiva |Rwanda |7 Mar 2007 |Voxiva mobile phone system helps connect HIV/AIDS & other patients with treatment centres - |

|(USA) | | |covers 32,000 patients. Click here |

|Wachovia |Global |6 Aug 2008 |Wachovia prize on innovative finance for the poor; 10 finalists chosen. Click here |

|(USA) | | | |

|Waitrose |So. Africa |4 Jul 2007 |Farmworkers make the decisions in social, educational & health initiatives funded by |

|(UK) | | |Waitrose. Click here |

| Wal-mart |USA |22 Jan 2014 | |

|(USA) | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |USA: Walmart joins Coalition of Immokalee Workers' Fair Food Program fighting sexual |

| | | |harassment on Florida tomato farms. Click here |

| | | | |

|Wal-Mart |USA |02 Jan 2013 |Walmart plans to monitor working conditions at its US subcontractors' warehouses, in the same|

|(USA) | | |way it does overseas supply chain. Click here |

|Wal-Mart |Argentina |28 Sep 2011 |Walmart launches initiatives to empower women in the workplace. Click here [in Spanish] |

|(USA) | | | |

|Wal-Mart |USA |26 Jan 2011 |USA: Wal-Mart launches 5-year plan to promote healthy foods. |

|(USA) | | |Click here |

|Wal-Mart |Lesotho |12 Jan 2011 |Launch of "Better Work Lesotho" - to improve garment production conditions, ensure compliance|

|(USA) | | |with ILO norms - participating buyers Gap, Levi Strauss, Wal-Mart. Click here |

|Wal-Mart |Global |24 Nov 2010 |As You Sow report rates US apparel companies' global supply chain compliance programmes - |

|(USA) | | |Levi Strauss, Wal-Mart rank top. Click here |

|Wal-Mart |Mexico |10 Nov 2010 |Wal-Mart certified by Women National Institute for complying with “Gender Equality Model”. |

|(USA) | | |Click here (Spanish only) |

|Wal-Mart |USA |12 May 2010 |Wal-Mart to more than double donations for US hunger relief to $2 billion over 5 years. Click|

|(USA) | | |here |

|Wal-Mart |Global |25 Nov 2009 |Gap, Levi Strauss, Nike, Wal-Mart, Walt Disney support ILO/IFC Better Work programme. Click |

|(USA) | | |here |

|Wal-Mart |Uzbekistan |30 Sep 2009 |US Senator Tom Harkin op-ed on forced child labour in Uzbek cotton industry - refers to |

|(USA) | | |positive steps by 25 brands & retailers including American Eagle, Bed Bath & Beyond, Gap, JC |

| | | |Penney, Kohl's, Levi Strauss, Limited Brands, Nike, Nordstrom, Timberland, TJX, Phillips-Van |

| | | |Heusen, Target, Wal-Mart, Walt Disney. Click here |

|Wal-Mart |Global |30 Sep 2009 |Carbon Disclosure Project finds improved disclosure of emissions among world's largest |

|(USA) | | |companies - BASF, Bayer, Chevron, HSBC, Wal-Mart lead all firms. Click here |

|Wal-Mart |Global |22 Jul 2009 |Wal-Mart launches sustainability index - will rate its 60,000 suppliers on |

|(USA) | | |social/environmental criteria - other retailers invited to join. Click here [also available |

| | | |in French] |

|Wal-Mart |USA |8 Jul 2009 |Wal-Mart and SEIU union jointly support govt. plan to require employers to provide health |

|(USA) | | |insurance for workers. Click here |

|Wal-Mart |Brazil |24 Jun 2009 |Pão de Açúcar, Wal-Mart and Carrefour stop buying meat from deforested areas after Greenpeace|

|(USA) | | |report. Click here (Spanish only) |

|Wal-Mart |USA |21 Jan 2009 |Faith-based investors strengthen call for companies to support health care reform - Over 12 |

|(USA) | | |US firms now do so publicly, including Wal-Mart. Click here |

|Wal-Mart |China |29 Oct 2008 |Wal-Mart tells its Chinese suppliers to meet strict environmental & social standards. Click |

|(USA) | | |here |

|Wal-Mart |Uzbekistan |1 Oct 2008 |Wal-Mart instructs suppliers to stop sourcing cotton from Uzbekistan, to push govt. to end |

|(USA) | | |forced child labour |

| | | |- faith-based & social investors welcome move. Click here |

|Wal-Mart |USA |17 Sep 2008 |Company contributions to hurricane relief in Cuba, Haiti, USA – refers to companies including|

|(USA) | | |Wal-Mart. Click here |

|Wal-Mart |Dominican |3 Sep 2008 |Project supported by US Govt., companies & NGOs in 3 Latin American countries aims to improve|

|(USA) |Republic, | |workplace conditions & standards at fruit farms. Refers to Chiquita, Del Monte, Dole, Tesco, |

| |Honduras, | |Wal-Mart. Click here |

| |Nicaragua | | |

|Wal-Mart |USA |23 Jul 2008 |Wal-Mart & other companies monitor diversity in law firms they use. Click here |

|(USA) | | | |

|Wal-Mart |Global |16 Jul 2008 |Wal-Mart launches jewellery line allowing tracing of materials - NGOs hail adherence to code |

|(USA) | | |on cyanide management. Click here |

|Wal-Mart |China |16 Jul 2008 |Wal-Mart signs collective labour contract with employees at one of its China outlets - first |

|(USA) | | |by Wal-Mart in China. Click here |

|Wal-Mart |China |19 Mar 2008 |Wal-Mart pushes Chinese suppliers to cut waste, greenhouse gas emissions. Click here |

|(USA) | | | |

|Wal-Mart |Global |9 Jan 2008 |WorldWatch "State of the World 2008" highlights environmental initiatives by companies. |

|(USA) | | |Article refers to steps by companies including Wal-Mart. Click here |

|Wal-Mart |Global |21 Nov 2007 |Wal-Mart's first report on its sustainability drive: Environmentalists & social investors |

|(USA) | | |welcome progress but call for more measurable data. Click here |

|Wal-Mart |Global |26 Sep 2007 |Wal-Mart to ask suppliers to report on their greenhouse gas emissions. Click here |

|(USA) | | | |

|Wal-Mart |Philippines |8 Aug 2007 |8 intl. apparel firms, including Wal-Mart, urge President Arroyo to stop attacks on workers |

|(USA) | | |in export processing zone. Click here |

|Wal-Mart |USA |21 Feb 2007 |Wal-Mart presses law firms that represent it to improve gender & racial diversity among their|

|(USA) | | |management. Click here |

|Wal-Mart |USA |14 Feb 2007 |Eleven more jewellery retailers commit to No Dirty Gold campaign's social & environmental |

|(USA) | | |standards, incl. Wal-Mart. Click here |

|Wal-Mart |Philippines |15 Nov 2006 |Seven apparel companies, including American Eagle, join chambers of commerce in expressing |

|(USA) | | |concern to Philippines President about political killings and violent attacks against |

| | | |striking workers. Click here |

|Wal-Mart |USA |2 Aug 2006 |Companies support renewal of voting rights law for minorities - including Wal-Mart. Click |

|(USA) | | |here |

|Wal-Mart |USA |19 April 2006 |Wal-Mart releases data on women & minority employees in USA - move praised as "setting a |

|(USA) | | |national standard" by Interfaith Center for Corporate Responsibility. Click here |

|Wal-Mart |Global |26 Oct 2005 |Wal-Mart CEO sets out new commitments on environment, suppliers, diversity & employee health |

|(USA) | | |care, & calls on US Government to increase minimum wage. Click here |

|Wal-Mart |Cambodia |14 Sep 2005 |Cambodia: Wal-Mart and other apparel companies pledge financial support for ILO factory |

|(USA) | | |monitoring & improvement programme. Click here |

|Wal-Mart |USA |19 Jul 2006 |Wal-Mart & Environmental Defense work together on development of fuel-efficient hybrid truck |

|(USA) | | |engines. Click here |

|Wal-Mart |Global |14 June |NGOs and companies, including Wal-Mart, meet to discuss certification of sustainably-produced|

|(USA) | |2006 |metal. Click here |

|Walkers |Global |11 Nov 2009 |WWF praises Walkers for supporting sustainable palm oil - industry linked to climate change, |

|(UK) | | |displacement. Click here |

|Warner Bros |Global |8 Jul 2009 |Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria - 8 firms receive business |

|(USA) | | |excellence awards, including Warner Bros. Click here |

|WaterHealth International|Global |29 Sep 2010 |Global action plan to achieve Millennium Development Goals by 2015 - with commitments by |

|(USA) | | |private sector. Firms making specific commitments include Waterhealth. Click here |

|Western Union |Uganda |29 Sep 2010 |Initiative by Western Union and USAID finances solar ovens to halt deforestation and reduce |

|(USA) | | |poverty. Click here (French only) |

|Westpac (Australia) |Global |8 Feb 2006 |Survey of banks' social & environmental policies finds 8 with public human rights policies, |

| | | |including Standard Chartered. Click here |

|Weyerhaeuser (USA) |Global |15 Jul 2009 |Report urges forestry industry to address conflicts with local people - provides examples of |

| | | |steps taken by companies including Weyerhaeuser. Click here |

|Whole Foods Market |USA |17 Feb 2010 |Whole Foods Market to cut carbon footprint by avoiding suppliers that source fuel from |

|(USA) | | |Canada's oil sands. Click here |

|Whole Foods Market |USA |17 Sep 2008 |Whole Foods Market signs agreement with Coalition of Immokalee Workers to help improve tomato|

|(USA) | | |pickers' wages, working conditions. Click here |

|Willis |Burma |12 Mar 2008 |Willis ceases to insure companies operating in Burma - Burma Campaign UK calls on other |

|(USA) | | |insurers to follow. Click here |

|Wipro |Global |4 Nov 2009 |IFC & Global Reporting Initiative launch guide on gender & sustainability reporting - full |

|(India) | | |report includes examples of reporting practices by Wipro. Click here |

|Woolworths Holdings |Global |4 Nov 2009 |IFC & Global Reporting Initiative launch guide on gender & sustainability reporting - full |

|(So. Africa) | | |report includes examples of reporting practices by Woolworths Holdings. Click here |

|Xerox |Global |13 Jan 2010 |US firms have mixed record on diversity - refers to positive steps by Xerox. Click here |

|(USA) | | | |

|Xerox |Global |9 Jan 2008 |WorldWatch "State of the World 2008" highlights environmental initiatives by companies. |

|(USA) | | |Article refers to steps by companies including Xerox. Click here |

|Xerox |Mexico |16 Feb 2005 |12 companies operating in Mexico, including Xerox, launch National Business Council on AIDS, |

|(USA) | | |aimed at eradicating HIV/AIDS-related discrimination in the Mexican workplace. Click here |

|Xstrata |Colombia |19 Mar 2008 |Assessment by company-commissioned independent panel of Cerrejón Coal mine's social impacts |

|(Switzerland) | | |flags concerns & positive elements. Anglo American, BHP Billiton, Xstrata commit to |

| | | |implementing recommendations. Click here |

|Xstrata |Global |24 May 2006 |Xstrata among Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS’ 2006 winners. Click here |

|(Switzerland) | | | |

|Yahoo! |USA |28 Jul 2010 |Yahoo! commemorates anniversary of Americans with Disabilities Act by extending accessibility|

|(USA) | | |for people of all abilities. Click here |

|Yahoo! |Global |5 May 2010 |Yahoo! hosts Business & Human Rights Summit on freedom of expression online. Click here |

|(USA) | | | |

|Yahoo! |Global |6 May 2009 |Yahoo! hosts business & human rights "summit" on freedom of expression - participants include|

|(USA) | | |human rights orgs., Google, Microsoft. Click here |

|Yahoo! |China |19 Nov 2008 |Yahoo! sponsors museum in USA documenting forced labour camps in China. Click here |

|(USA) | | | |

|Yahoo! |Global |29 Oct 2008 |Coalition of human rights NGOs, Internet firms including Google, Microsoft, Yahoo! & others |

|(USA) | | |launches principles on govt. censorship & threats to privacy. Click here |

|Yahoo! |Global |6 Aug 2008 |Internet firms closer to agreeing code of conduct on freedom of expression & privacy - |

|(USA) | | |Letters from Google, Microsoft, Yahoo! to 2 US Senators who sought update on progress prior |

| | | |to Beijing Olympics. Click here |

|Yahoo! |Global |11 Jun 2008 |Yahoo! seeks Director for new Business & Human Rights programme. Click here |

|(USA) | | | |

|Yahoo! |China |26 Mar 2008 |Yahoo! CEO says during Olympics company will "redouble our efforts in securing the release of|

|(USA) | | |political dissidents" in China. Click here |

|Yahoo! |China |27 Feb 2008 |Yahoo! asks US Govt. to help free 2 imprisoned advocates in China, who were arrested after |

|(USA) | | |Yahoo! complied with Chinese investigators. Click here |

|Yahoo! |China |13 Jun 2007 |Yahoo! "dismayed" that citizens in China imprisoned for expressing political views on |

|(USA) | | |internet. Reporters Without Borders welcomes Yahoo! Statement. Click here |

|Yahoo! |Global |24 Jan 2007 |Companies, investors, human rights NGOs to develop principles on internet freedom of |

|(USA) | | |expression & privacy - Participants include Yahoo! Click here |

|Yahoo! |Global |4 Oct 2006 |Yahoo! donates $1 million to fellowships for journalists from countries with restrictions on |

|(USA) | | |press. Click here |

|Yazaki |Global |6 Dec 2006 |US faith-based investors welcome project to improve workplace human rights in automotive |

|(Japan) | | |supply chains, involving Honda & others. Click here |

|Ying Xie |China |25 Feb 2009 |Case studies on steps by Tata Steel, Topkapi Iplik, Ying Xie Garments demonstrate business |

|(China) | | |benefits of implementing workplace standards. Click here |

|Yokota Tohoku (Japan) |USA |31 May 2006 |Environmental Protection Agency recognises companies for action on climate change, including |

| | | |Yokota Tohoku. Click here |

|YouTube |No. Korea |17 Dec 2008 |Google, YouTube to promote human rights in North Korea via internet broadcasting. Click here |

|(USA) | | | |

|Yuhan-Kimberly |Global |4 Nov 2009 |IFC & Global Reporting Initiative launch guide on gender & sustainability reporting - full |

|(South Korea) | | |report includes examples of reporting practices by Yuhan Kimberly. Click here |

|Yuhan-Kimberly |Global |22 Aug 2007 |Report ranks 22 So. Korean companies' reporting on environmental & human rights issues - |

|(South Korea) | | |Yuhan-Kimberly among those scoring highest. Click here |

|Yum! Brands |Global |30 Sep 2009 |Clinton Global Initiative – Companies launch new projects: |

|(USA) | | |Yum! Brands (KFC, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell) will fight against global hunger. Click here (French |

| | | |only) |

|Yutong |Cuba |17 Sep 2008 |Company contributions to hurricane relief in Cuba, Haiti, USA – refers to companies including|

|(China) | | |Yutong. Click here |

|Zain |Tanzania |24 Nov 2010 |Mobile company Zain plans to support girls' basic education, helping them become independent |

|(Kuwait) | | |women. Click here |

|Zale |USA |16 Feb 2011 |Over 50 jewellers, including Zale, have joined boycott of gold from planned Pebble Mine due |

|(USA) | | |to concerns over impact on native people's fishery. |

| | | |Click here |

|Zale |Global |15 Feb 2006 |8 jewellers, including Zale, call on mining firms to produce gold responsibly - No Dirty Gold|

|(USA) | | |campaign welcomes move. Click here |

|Zale |Global |6 Jul 2005 |Responsible Jewellery council launched by business orgs. & companies including Zale, to |

|(USA) | | |promote responsible social & environmental practices throughout the value chain (from mine to|

| | | |retail). Click here |

|Zara |Brazil |28 May 2014 |Brazil: Zara says it will introduce new "anti-slavery" electronic tag in its products made in|

|(Spain) | | |the country. Click here |

|Zara |Global |Total |Zara, Mango commit to eliminating hazardous chemicals from supply chain by 2020 following |

|(Spain) | | |Greenpeace campaign. Click here |

|ZMQ Software Systems |India |16 Aug 2006 |Steps that companies are taking to address HIV/AIDS in India, including ZMQ Software Systems.|

|(India) | | |Click here |

|47 Brand |Peru |13 Mar 2013 |6 US textile & apparel companies urge Peruvian Govt. to repeal law that allegedly condones |

|(USA) | | |labour rights violations. Click here |


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