
6 Standardized Test PracticeSCORE _____________(Chapters 1–6)Part 1: Multiple ChoiceInstructions: Fill in the appropriate circle for the best answer.1. Find the coordinates of X if V(0.5, 5) is the midpoint of UX with U(15, 21). (Lesson 1-3)A (–14, –11) C (0, 0)B (7.75, 22.5) D (15.5, –5)2. Which of the following are possible measures for vertical angles G and H? (Lesson 2-8)F m∠G = 125 and m∠H = 55G m∠G = 125 and m∠H = 125H m∠G = 55 and m∠H = 45J m∠G = 55 and m∠H = 152.530042971337613. Determine which lines are parallel. (Lesson 3-5)A NS ∥ PT C QR ∥ STB NP ∥ ST D NP ∥ QR4. Find the coordinates of B, the midpoint of AC , if A(2a, b) and C(0, 2b). (Lesson 4-8)F (2a, 2b) G (a, b) H a, 32b J 32 a, b3079601924865. If RV is an angle bisector, find m∠UVT. (Lesson 5-1)A 10 C 68B 34 D 1366. Find the slope of the line that passes through points A(–7, 14) and B(5, –2). (Lesson 3-3)F – 43 G – 34H 34J 437. Which statement ensures that quadrilateral QRST is a parallelogram?328399690058(Lesson 6-3)A ∠Q ? ∠S C QT ∥ RSB QR ? TS and QR ∥ TS D m∠Q + m∠S = 1802124811373061. 2051671530072. 2060861447233. 2132596524. 2212731388205. 2130141551716. 2036891332527. 6 Standardized Test Practice (continued)8. What is the equation of the line that contains (–12, 9) and is perpendicular to the line y = 23 x + 5? (Lesson 3-4)F y = – 32 x – 9 H y = – 23 x – 1G y = 32 x – 1 J y = 23 x + 1718478576208. 27030831471719. Which of the following theorems can be used to prove △ABC ? △DEC? (Lesson 4-5)A SSS C SASB AAS D ASA1804151291299. 29397518751810. What is the value of x? (Lesson 6-6)F 2 H 5.5G 4 J 718478514922510.11. For △ABC, AB = 6 and BC = 17. Which of the following is a possible length for AC ? (Lesson 5-3)A 5 B 9 C 13 D 2419117213480711. 28974786831212. What is m∠T in kite STVW? (Lesson 6-6)F 100 H 95G 130 J 26019177013779512. 5306434149785Part 2: Gridded ResponseInstructions: Enter your answer by writing each digit of the answer in a column box and then shading in the appropriate circle that corresponds to that entry.13. If △UVW is an isosceles triangle, UV ? WU , UV = 16b – 40, VW = 6b, and WU = 10b + 2, find the value of b. (Lesson 4-1)14. Find the sum of the measures of the interior angles for a convex heptagon. (Lesson 6-1)13. 298749974914.6 Standardized Test Practice (continued)Part 3: Short ResponseInstructions: Write your answer in the space provided.15. A polygon has six congruent sides. Lines containing two of its sides contain points in its interior. Name the polygon by its number of sides, and then classify it as convex or concave and regular or irregular. (Lesson 1-6)16. If RT ? QM and RT = 88.9 centimeters, find QM. (Lesson 2-7)323876897517. Which segment is the shortest segment from D to JM ? (Lesson 5-2)18. If △ABC ? △WXY, AB = 72, BC = 65, CA = 13, XY = 7x – 12, and WX = 19y + 34, find the values of x and y. (Lesson 4-3)19. Freda bought two bells for just over $90 before tax. State the assumption you would make to write an indirect proof to show that at least one of the bells costs more than $45. (Lesson 5-4)20. The area of the base of a cylinder is 5 square centimeters and the height of the cylinder is 8 centimeters. Find the volume of the cylinder. (Lesson 1-7)21. JKLM is a kite. Complete each statement. (Lesson 6-6)244489910235a. MJ ? _____ b. MK ⊥ _____c. m∠L = m∠ _____15. ______________________16. ______________________17. ______________________18. ______________________19. ______________________20. ______________________21.a ______________________b. _____________________c.____________________ ................

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