Resurrecting the Space Age:

A State-Centered Commentary on the Outer Space Regime

In 1968, Stanley Kubrick adapted Arthur C. Clarke’s short story, “The Sentinel,” into one of the signature films of the space age. The script for 2001: A Space Odyssey was co-written by Clarke and Kubrick (Clarke would write the novel of the same name only after the movie was already in production). Clarke prided himself on technical accuracy, and Kubrick was rigorous, almost fanatic, in his devotion to realism and detail. This was no Buck Rogers death ray farce. No versions of Star Trek’s personnel transporter or unexplained energy fields were conjured for plot accommodation. No roar of rocket engines was heard in empty space. The audience was not expected to suspend its disbelief to accept the premise of this story. Everything pictured was within our certain grasp. Surely in no more than thirty years, we would have a permanent presence on the moon, a fully functional giant wheel space station in low earth orbit, and regular passenger service to both. This was not the far-fetched prophesy of an amateur yarn spinner, making up technical marvels to fill gaps in the story. This was real. This is what American and Soviet space programs would accomplish—easily—before the end of the century.

The new millennium is here. Where did the future go?


The once popular phrase “space age,” a commonplace expression of the 1960s and 1970s, has largely vanished from public discourse in the United States. American politicians and journalists stopped touting the term because it seemed much of the American public had simply lost interest in space. To be sure, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) space program produced not only periodic news spectacles like the initial Apollo lunar landings and the Mars Rover, but also very real advances in science and engineering. Yet the majority of NASA space program activities generated more yawns than expressions of wonder. The problem is less that the American public (and cultural elite) are scientifically ignorant, but that NASA has largely failed to deliver what they really wanted space—the excitement and opportunity for human exploration and settlement of a new frontier that had been described in the popular press of the 1950s (Burrows 1998: 142-144). For several decades, space was promoted not only as the realm of scientific and technological triumph; but also as a new frontier where daring entrepreneurs might create wealth and establish communities. Today, merely reaching the new frontier seems more distant than it did in the 1960s.

While the American public’s understanding of the technical details of space policy and space science may always be rather limited, contemporary disinterest in space no doubt reflects an awareness that the only frontier that has been opened is in Low Earth Orbit (LEO). A large communication satellite industry has grown up, somewhat regular NASA space shuttle missions take place, and the International Space Station is slowly being cobbled together. Yet the chances for further human exploration and settlement of the Moon, Mars and beyond, crucial to both the official hype and popular enthusiasm for space in the 1950s, continue to recede over time. What the public correctly intuits is that instead of space-suited human explorers treading the rusty soil of Mars, the United States, Russian Federation, and the other states with space launch capability have been content to establish toeholds in LEO. In a 1998 CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll Survey, only 29% of respondents agreed—while fully 69% of respondents disagreed—that space travel would be common for ordinary Americans in 2025. This perception is reflected in popular film and television programs, where portrayals of human activity in space beyond LEO has been largely displaced from the realm of speculative or hard science fiction to the realm of fantasy. Extrapolating from the current pace of activity in space, multiple manned missions to Mars within the first half of this century are unlikely, and the American public clearly understands the implication. The generation of Americans inspired by descriptions of human space exploration in its youth is reaching middle age, and now concedes that it will not live to see the dream realized.

The failure to open space beyond LEO to human exploration and settlement clearly cannot be attributed to technology. The Apollo lunar landings were achieved with computers markedly less advanced than those available in many homes today. Rocket engines once developed for multi-staged heavy-lift capacity could be manufactured again. Indeed, several types of less expensive single stage to orbit (SSO) launch vehicles are in development or prototype. Innovative communications and fresh multi-spectral imaging techniques, combined with remarkable advances in miniaturization and software applications, provide the potential foundations for a renaissance in space commerce and industry. No, it is not a lack of appropriate technology that has stifled the exploration and exploitation of space. Instead, much of the explanation can be found in political motivation, or more precisely, in its absence. The reality is that political decision makers in the US and the other states with space launch capacity have little or no pressing political or economic interest in further opening this frontier.

While candidates for elected office and sitting elected officials in the United States typically, if only rhetorically, embrace further human exploration in space, they just as typically fail to make it a policy priority. Neither bureaucratic nor corporate interests are politically mobilized to press for the levels of government spending necessary to push the boundary of human activity in space even for a return to the Moon. At best, bureaucratic and corporate interests have been mobilized to defend existing programs or struggle for shares of declining government spending for space programs. Even promotion of space commercialization is essentially limited to activities in LEO. The long-term consequence is that space development is trapped in LEO parochialism.

What explains this striking failure? Why was the new frontier effectively closed rather than opened? Part of the answer, argues popular space development promoter Robert Zubrin, is that the 1967 Outer Space Treaty (OST) discouraged productive competition between the United States and the Soviet Union. According to Zubrin:

“The Outer Space Treaty of 1967 was a tragedy because it drained away the energy the remaining twenty years of Cold War could have provided to space exploration. Had this not occurred, had the momentum of Apollo been allowed to continue, the United States would have moved to establish permanent bases on the Moon and Mars by the 1980s, and humanity might well be a multi-planet species today” (1999: 14).

This very brief description of an alternative historical trajectory is more than a polemic exercise in denunciation. Space exploration efforts by the United States and the Soviet Union decelerated dramatically after the effective completion of major projects begun prior to the adoption of the OST. The causal relationship suggested by this sequence of events cannot be dismissed as a mere post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy without ignoring the underlying puzzle. Several new space faring states joined the United States and the Soviet Union after 1967, and yet space exploration and development beyond LEO has fallen far short of what was possible given what then available technology would have permitted. It is not simply that the Americans and Soviets have not established permanent bases on the Moon or Mars. Neither have the Europeans or Japanese. In this article, we examine this puzzle of collective inaction and offer answers which contradict much of the conventional wisdom about the development of space as a frontier for human settlement and the international regime which was established to structure that anticipated but unrealized development.

Development of the International Space Regime

The popular vision of the exploration of outer space, the image that captures the public attention, is that of a cooperative effort by all humanity. It has certainly not been perceived in terms of the state dominated model associated with the harsh and competitive diplomatic doctrine of realpolitik. But that latter mode has undeniably been the vehicle that has propelled humankind into outer space. Absent the intense international rivalry of the Cold War, launching satellites and landing humans on the Moon probably would have occurred decades later than they did. Complaints about the politicization and militarization of space notwithstanding, Cold War competition was clearly good for the development of space because it forced the pace of activity in ways that scientific research and commerce could not. Ideological and military competition motivated the governments of the United States and Soviet Union to absorb the costs of developing the technology to access space in a comparatively short time period.

Thus the rhetoric of harmony and cooperation that attends most descriptions of humanity’s entry into outer space simply belies the historical record. Despite an ongoing effort to make the cosmos an international commons (the so-called ‘province of mankind’), expansion into near-Earth space came not as the accommodating effort of many nations joined as one, but rather as an integral component of an overall strategy applied by wary superpowers attempting to ensure their political survival. The technique chosen was to establish an international regime ensuring that no state could achieve an unanticipated advantage in space—for if any one state could dominate space, the face of international politics might be changed forever. The diplomatic technique is classically geopolitical. The best analogy is to Halford Mackinder’s discussion of the vital importance of not allowing any one state to control the Eastern European approaches to the heartland of Eurasia, for if any state could, the rest of the world would be doomed to eventual political subordinance (1904:430, 434; 1919: 150).

Regimes are an important and evolving component of the post World War II international environment, yet outside of political science they appear poorly understood. Stephen Krasner, who has done more to develop the notion and explain the relevance of regimes to the academic community, describes them as: “Principles, norms, rules, and decision-making procedures around which actor expectations converge in a given issue area.” (1983: 2) The four characteristics are arrayed in a strict top-down hierarchy. “Principles are beliefs of fact, causation, and rectitude. Norms are standards of behavior defined in terms of rights and obligations. Rules are specific prescriptions or proscriptions for action. Decision-making procedures are prevailing practices for making and implementing collective choice.” (Ibid.)

Regimes are thus perceived to structure extant political arrangements so as to enhance or facilitate negotiation, bargaining, and—ideally—cooperation. In this definition, regimes can be implicit or explicit, and the issue areas can be specified or limited. Krasner further notes the difference between regimes, which are intended to be lasting structures, and international agreements or treaties, which are ad hoc, often “one-shot” deals. Over time, successful regimes conform practice through habituation. Expectations of future actions are rendered predictable and behavior changes as a consequence of such expectations. In this manner, regimes become more than simple mechanisms for organizing interaction between states based on near term national interests. They shape that interaction.

Unfortunately, the international organizations created as component parts of regimes are all too frequently accepted as the regimes themselves. The United Nations (UN), for example, parent organization of the international committees charged with overseeing space development, is not a regime. Instead the UN is the institutional manifestation of a belief (principle) that national or individual state security can best be achieved through collective means (a permanent coalition opposed to state to state aggression), structured within the norms of open negotiation and constant vigilance. Rules and decision-making procedures (international agreements like the OST and the physical presence of the UN as a negotiating, public forum) can be constructed in a variety of ways that comply with the extant principles and norms of a regime, and so changes or modifications in the agreements/institutions do not overturn – though they can seriously weaken – the regime itself.

The regime for outer space as typified by international agreement and committee action has ostensibly been created on the overarching principle that space is the common heritage of all mankind, and on the norms that no nation should dominate there nor should large-scale military weaponry and activities be allowed there. The accepted rules and decision-making procedures of the contemporary outer space regime are summarily described in four multilateral treaties negotiated among the world’s space faring nations through the diplomatic channels of the UN. These are the Outer Space Treaty (1967), UN Resolution 34/68 (1968), and the Conventions on Liability (1973) and Registration (1976) (see Goldman 84; Wadegoankar 27). Four additional agreements, the Limited Test Ban Treaty (1963), US/USSR ABM Treaty (1972), International Telecommunications Convention (1973), and the Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques (1980), address military-specific concerns and complete the legal-institutional framework (“Legal Principles”). This regime, understood in its totality, but anchored in the OST, has had the (no doubt unintended) effect of stifling the world’s once robust space programs. If space faring nations are to reinvigorate the exploration and development of outer space, we argue, then the existing space regime must be challenged and changed from the top down. A brief examination of the regime’s historical development permits analysis of its legal and institutional deficiencies.

Lofty rhetoric about peaceful coexistence between political systems notwithstanding, the civilian space race between the United States and Soviet Union was never separate from their competition to exploit the military potential of space. Space technological development served both civilian and military purposes. Dual use technological development meant that government spending for civilian space programs faced less political opposition from competing interests. American and Soviet decision makers always understood that their respective civilian space programs consumed governmental expenditures which might be used for military or domestic consumption, either of which might provide larger political returns once their respective publics grew less interested in national accomplishments in space. While public interest was high and national prestige at stake in the international competition, American and Soviet decision makers would spend enough on their civilian space programs to achieve goals publicly articulated. When the United States effectively won the space race with its Apollo Moon landings, however, funding for the two civilian space programs (in percentage of national government spending) steadily declined. If the space race can be dated as starting with the launch of Sputnik in 1957 and ending with the last Apollo mission to the Moon in 1973, then the 1967 Outer Space Treaty—the seminal document of the extant regime—was formally introduced and opened for signing at just slightly past its midpoint. Human exploration of space beyond LEO effectively ended with the completion of the Apollo Program.

To fully comprehend the transition and decline, foreign policy maneuvering of the principle parties must be described. In his State of the Union Address on 10 January 1957, President Eisenhower proposed that “the international community seriously consider a plan to mutually control outer space missile and satellite development.” (Kash 96) This plan was to incorporate the dual international principles of common heritage and peaceful cooperation. Eisenhower followed words with action by endorsing the Aeronautical and Space Act of 1958, which espoused a peaceful and benevolent aim to carry out the civilian space program of the United States “for the benefit of all mankind,” a plain ruse according to prominent space historians. (Robinson and White, 168) Walter McDougall flatly charged, “NASA emerged in part as eyewash.” (228) It became American policy to insist on the prohibition of the military use of space, “contingent upon the establishment of effective inspection.” (Ibid., 181) The stage was thus set for talks on cooperation to begin, and they did with the congeniality of a heavyweight-boxing match. With experts on air and sea law on hand, and a fresh international agreement on Antarctica to use as a guide, the two sides were poised.

One of the first major obstacles in the negotiations over space applications emerged in determining the realm of legitimate space activity as defined by the “peaceful” uses of outer space. The Soviet Union argued that military allocations should be deemed illegitimate and nonmilitary applications should be deemed legitimate. The United States responded that because nearly every space application had potential military uses, the distinction should be drawn between peaceful and aggressive uses of space (Ibid., 189). The Soviets countered that nearly every military space application could be construed as peaceful, even the stationing of weapons in space (as a defensive measure, of course). The Soviet view ultimately prevailed and is reflected in the wording of the OST (Ibid., 260, see also Kash 96).

As part of the negotiations, on 12 January 1958, the Americans sent the Soviets a proposal to ban ICBMs in space (Department of State Bulletin, 1958). Little more than a propaganda ploy designed to portray the United States as peacemaker, the proposal was inevitably unacceptable to the Soviets. The problem was that ICBMs must pass through outer space in their ballistic arc en route to their targets. In 1958, the Americans had the ability to strike deep into the Soviet Union with nuclear weapons delivered on bombers of the Strategic Air Command (SAC) based on foreign soil. The Soviets had no such foreign bases from which to launch a counter strike using bombers. Without ICBMs, Soviet nuclear forces held little strategic value. The Soviets turned the tables by saying they would agree to eliminate missiles from space if the Americans would agree to withdraw nuclear weapons from all foreign bases (Kash 98). This counter-proposal was equally unacceptable to the Americans (Shaffer and Shaffer 16). Exchanging mutually unacceptable proposals did much to foster the image of cooperation.

On 15 March 1958, the Soviets beat the Americans to the punch by proposing that a program to oversee international use of outer space be established under the authority of the United Nations (Kash 99). As in previous proposals, this was coupled with the requirement that the Americans eliminate foreign bases. The Americans countered with a proposal that the United Nations establish an ad hoc committee to explore the problems and possibilities for international cooperation in space. The result was the Ad Hoc Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (AHCOPUOS), established by United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1348 (XIII).

As originally proposed by the United States, AHCOPUOS was to have nine members, all with a demonstrated interest in space applications. The Soviet Bloc would have only one representative under this formula, as only the Soviet Union had so far demonstrated a space capability. The Soviets argued this arrangement was unconscionable. Since they were the leading space power (in their and most of the world’s view), they should have at least equal representation with the West, and counter-proposed a representative makeup of three delegates each from the West, the Soviet Bloc, and the non-aligned or then-Third World states. The US argued that the Committee should not be politicized and that the representation should be based upon a demonstrated interest or ability in space and on an accurate reflection of the demographic composition of the United Nations (Bloomfield 164). The impasse could not be overcome, and so a new compromise proposal, sponsored by the United States, was put forward above the objections of the Soviets to the General Assembly. Under this scheme, Soviet representation increased to three (adding Czechoslovakia and Poland), but total membership increased to eighteen – with fifteen Western and nonaligned representatives (White 179). The General Assembly accepted the new alignment and officially created the AHCOPUOS. The Soviet Union, its two satellites, plus intended member states India and the United Arab Republic refused to participate. With thirteen of the eighteen members, however, a quorum was still well within reach, and the Committee forged ahead. In its significant but little marked June 1959 report, the AHCOPUOS asserted that the authority of the United Nations extended beyond the Earth to outer space (Von Bencke 1997: 42-43; Fischer 1991:243). That no human had yet to enter or occupy any part of outer space in 1959 and that there was no certainty that non-human power in the immediate solar system or beyond might contest that assertion of authority did not deter the committee from making this extraordinary claim. Further resolutions were that the United Nations would not establish an international space agency; that a small, expert group of space professionals be established within the Secretariat to assist in advising and coordinating assistance in space matters; and that a permanent committee be established to continue the international political and legal discussion of space cooperation established by the AHCOPUOS (Bloomfield 165). Unanimously endorsed in United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1472 (XIV), the now permanent COPUOS (minus the ad hoc designation) was charged with responsibility for considering international legal issues involving space. The debate over membership in COPUOS followed along the same lines as its predecessor, centered on representation. Once again, the Soviets insisted on parity in committee membership, with one-third representation each for the Soviet, Western, and nonaligned blocs. The United States insisted on superior Western participation. The compromise solution again increased the size of the committee, to twenty-four representatives: seven from the Soviet Bloc, twelve from the West, and five from nonaligned countries (McDougall 258). This compromise was accepted by the Soviets because it gave them near parity by bloc (eight representatives would have been, in their view, parity of one third) and by the West because, with twelve of the twenty-four representatives, it gave them an effective veto (Kash 106). Equally important from the Soviet view, it gave them a forum to “fulminate against the illegal” American espionage from space (McDougall 258-9). Despite the ringing endorsement of the whole of the United Nations, political rivalries paralyzed COPUOS. In its first two years of existence the new committee failed even to convene.

The grand turnaround in the fortunes and influence of COPUOS occurred late in 1961. On 25 September of that year, President Kennedy addressed the General Assembly and proposed the United Nations Charter be extended beyond the terrestrial sphere to the universe (Bloomfield 167). The new mandate should begin with a space-based, global weather monitoring and communications system. Following this rousing call to action, the first meeting of the COPUOS was held, with each of the represented member states striving to out-cooperate the other. In less than a week, the United States and the Soviet Union agreed upon a draft resolution on the principles of space exploration. The agreement, tagged United Nations Resolution 1721, passed unanimously by the General Assembly on 20 December 1961. Resolution 1721 stated that the realm of international law included outer space and the celestial bodies, and that the exploration and use of space was free and open to all nations. Additionally, the Resolution called for a registry of all space launches to be maintained by the Secretariat, the establishment of an international cooperative agreement on space-based weather monitoring and communications, and expansion of the COPUOS to twenty-eight members (two more each for the US and the USSR; eventually, the COPUOS would swell to fifty-three members).

Subsequent work on the development of international space law by COPUOS resulted in the articulation of principles unanimously adopted in 1963 as the “Declaration of Legal Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration of Outer Space” and “International Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space.” COPUOS incorporated all of these principles and norms, including the assertions that the exploration and use of outer space should be conducted for the benefit of all humanity, that member states have responsibility for all national space activities both public and private, and that space and celestial bodies were not subject to national appropriation. The practical effects of these assertions of authority were to internationalize all activities in space both public and private, and to collectivize the entirety of outer space. That meant that all UN member states now collectively owned all of outer space and all celestial bodies.[1] Consider the effects of this legal authority on hypothetical future human colonization of outer space. Could human colonists in outer space ever own individual property, as do their brethren on Earth? Could a human colony in outer space ever achieve sovereignty as a state? What the assertion of legal authority reveals is an embarrassing parochialism.

Res nullius naturaliter fit primi occupantis, the ancient legal principle that a thing having no owner naturally belongs to the first finder, thus did not apply to either public or private activities in outer space. Notions of common goods as we now understand them date back to Roman law and have been invoked as validation for a variety of competing viewpoints. Roman law held that certain resources were unsuited for ownership by individuals or governments, and they were so distinguished by the terms res communis, or a ‘thing’ (res) ‘for everyone’ (communis), and res nullius, or ‘thing for no one.’ Res communis was applied to the theoretically non-appropriable domains such as the air, sea, and sunshine – realms which could be jointly used, but which by their very nature dictated that no individual or state could stake a private claim upon them. Res nullius, by contrast, was exemplified by the perception of the birds and the fish. These resources were wild and free in their natural state, not subject to ownership until they had been extracted from nature and placed under the physical control of an individual. Under Roman law the concepts were distinct. But by the dawn of the space age, the concepts res nullius and res communis had achieved an almost interchangeable status and elements of each concept being included in the descriptions of both. Among the legal theorists attempting to clear up the conceptual tangle, Walter McDougall distinguished between res nullius, “space as belonging to no one”; res communis omnium, “space as the ‘heritage of all mankind”; and res commercium, with space “sovereignty and jurisdiction vested in the UN.” (188) Some distinguish res publicus, or a thing “open to all,” while others incorrectly make no distinctions at all, for instance by using the term res nullius exclusively to describe the classic law of the high seas prior to the 1958 and 1960 Law of the Seas Conventions (see, for example, Keohane and Nye 90). John Locke argued that the resources of the earth are by nature the communal property of mankind, since they are required by all for survival and are accessible to everyone who would and could possess them. Unlike the Roman res nullius concept, in which resources belonged to no one, Locke insisted they belonged to everyone in the aggregate. However, once an individual had extracted some part of the communal resources of the earth and “admixed his labor to it,” Locke argued, the thing became the private property of the laborer (Bluhm 342).

Note that the Lockesian theorization of private property rights could ignore the conceptual distinction between res nullius and res communis because communal resources like those in the seas were effectively inexhaustible. Whether resources may be exhausted through exploitation, however, depends on the current state of technology. Thus when new fishing technology made the commercial extinction of fish stocks a reality, a classic tragedy of the commons, the importance of the distinction between the two legal concepts was revealed.

Initial opposition to the established definition of res communis came, as might be anticipated given the intensity of Cold War military and ideological competition at that point in history, from the Soviet Union—though for a unexpected reason. The communal definition of outer space, it was widely thought in the West, should appeal to the socialist sensibilities of Soviet communist elites. However, this failed to take account of the protracted internal ideological and policy struggle between traditionalists and reformers or pragmatists over the then-current doctrine of ‘peaceful coexistence.’ Soviet traditionalists objected to the use of res communis as an expression of a legal theory that was irretrievably capitalist in nature. Soviet traditionalist law professor and socialist legal theorist S.V. Molodstov argued:

“the sources of res communis are rooted in the teachings of Roman jurists on the law of property. They saw the bases for ownership in the thing itself, and ... deduced these bases from the character of the thing, and not from the relationships among people in the process of social production ... [in order] to justify the rule of exploiting the classes” (cited in Robinson and White 185)

Failing to understand ownership as a social relationship between producers of wealth thus offers legal sanction to the exploitation of labor in capitalist commodity production.

Although Soviet traditionalists might have possessed the more consistent argument on ideological principle, Soviet reformers won the day. Res communis was ultimately accepted, probably because it provided a better fit for Soviet national interest. Soviet elites no doubt recognized that they possessed a distinct advantage in the new realm of outer space under the capitalist definition. They were, after all, the first on the scene and, in 1959, had an infrastructure (or so they believed) that was second to none. The perquisites that accrue to being first and most powerful (open exploitation and full profit) applied to them as well as to any capitalist state.[2] No state was better poised to take advantage of res communis definition for national gain than they, and so the term res communis as defined by the United States was thus formally accepted as an appropriate analogy for the status of outer space—with this concession to the Soviet traditionalists; future negotiations would actively work to change the meaning of the term to become consistent with contemporary socialist theory, specifically from a “no-public-sovereignty [in outer space to a] no-private-property provision.” (Robinson and White 191)

The next significant protest would come from the non-space faring states, and is analogous to the protests of landlocked states when discussing exploitation of the oceans. As generally poorer and weaker members of the international community, states ill-equipped to develop a space program of their own naturally tended to decry the American-Soviet definition. Their argument ran that since all humanity and therefore all states collectively ‘owned’ outer space (as the ‘province of mankind’), all states should share equally in its bounty. In other words, non-space faring states demanded an equal share of the profits, technologies, and resources from space development, without paying for the effort of exploitation. In an attempt to assuage the sensibilities of the increasingly vocal South, Brazil was allowed to insist upon the inclusion of the provision in Article I of the OST, which requires that all states share in the benefits of space “irrespective of their degree of economic or scientific development.” (“Statement” 8)[3]

The new definition offered by the non-space faring states excited a furor in the capitalist space faring (or potentially space faring) states. Concerned particularly with the Brazilian initiative, the concept was hotly debated in United States Senate Hearings on ratification of the OST. Senators Church and Gore repeatedly demanded assurances that the communications industry in particular was not subject to appropriation by developing states under the OST definitions, and that the notion of common ownership was not in any way inferred (Ibid., 13, 28-30). Despite the decidedly equivocal wording of the OST, negotiators from the Department of State assured Senators that no participating state had asked for equal shares of space resources dependent on their perceived needs, and that space faring states would not have to turn over any percentage of the real profits of their ventures. In all probability, the United States Senate without these assurances would not have ratified the OST, yet they have since rung exceedingly hollow. Non-space faring states loosely associated as the Less Developed Countries (LDCs) have found the United Nations to be an excellent sounding board for their grievances, a forum that gives them disproportionate weight in international affairs relative to their economic and military strengths (though hardly to their populations). Through this medium, the LDCs were able to influence the draft of the 1979 Moon Treaty to include a new conception of res communis based on ‘common benefits’ for all. Article XI of that Treaty states that “equitable,” if not exactly equal, benefits shall be shared among all the states of the earth. This is so antithetical to the Western contention that resources should become the property of the extracting state, that neither the United States nor any other space faring nation has ratified the 1979 Moon Treaty, and future ratification of the treaty is unlikely (Goldman 164).[4]

In contrast to the 1979 Moon Treaty, the draft OST received broad international support. United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2222 (XXI), which recommended that all states sign the draft treaty, was adopted in 1966. The “Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies” was opened for signing in Moscow in January 1967, and was promptly signed by 87 states. As already discussed, the legal-institutional structure of regimes matter because they organize the relationships and thus affect the behavior of states, firms and other non-governmental organizations, and individuals. The core principle of the current space regime, embodied in the OST, is that outer space is res communis. It is collectively owned by all UN member states. The political economic implications of this collective ownership are significant.

Collectivizing territory that might be claimed by states as new national territory is thought to be a reasonable mechanism for preempting the emergence of genuine collective action problems. Such dilemmas result from rational decisions by individual members of an interdependent group not to coordinate their behavior, and the consequent failure to realize some gain by each group member. Thus in international relations, collective goods which are provided via military alliances (deterrence), international free trade agreements (economic efficiency), and international producer cartels (higher prices), might not be forthcoming because the rational calculation of national interest prompts behavior by individual states that prevents effective coordination with other states. The protection or management of global common pool resources, including those in the atmosphere, oceans, Antarctica, and outer space, have been the favorite targets of advocates of international regulatory agencies established through multilateral treaties. These efforts are intended to solve collective action problems analogous to the familiar “tragedy of the commons” described by the agricultural economist and ecologist Garrett Hardin (1968:1244). The archetypal tragedy is the inevitable overgrazing and ultimate destruction of the traditional English village common pasture. This occurs because rational herdsmen gain 100% of the profit of introducing additional animals to the commons, but share equally with all others in the collective loss of carrying capacity that results. Collective ruin is the result because individuals naturally act as economic value maximizers, willing to free ride whenever opportunity presents itself. The proffered lesson is that the solution to such collective action problems is administrative regulation by government.

International regulations have been established by treaty to govern both individual and common pool resources, including rules and decision-making procedures described in the 1919 Paris Air Convention, 1944 Chicago Convention of Civil Aviation, and 1987 Montreal Ozone Treaty, and entire bundles of resources covered in the 1959 Antarctic Treaty, 1967 OST, and 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). In each of these domains, the village commons serves as analogy and symbol because common pool resources are located in a physical area with identifiable boundaries. Controlling the use of the common pool resources in each of these domains thus bears a greater similarity to controlling the use of a village commons than they do the provision of a service like deterring military attack through coordinated diplomatic communication or conducting joint military exercises though, at bottom, all are collective action problems.

Several trenchant criticisms of the lesson drawn from the tragedy of the commons have been made. Friedrich Kratochwil points out that the enclosure movement, which terminated rights to most English village commons through their distribution as private property, effectively solved the collective action problem (115). Failure to perceive distribution as private property as a solution stems from the unexamined assumption that collective ownership is more desirable and just than private ownership. As we will argue, the assumption that collective ownership or sovereignty over outer space is more desirable and just than national sovereignty results in a rather different collective (in)action problem. Beryl Crowe points out that the solution of administrative management by government is as problematic as unregulated exploitation, because of the necessary inherent reliance on the benevolence of the custodian, the old Roman dilemma of qui custodiet ipsos custodes, or “who shall watch the watchers themselves?” (1104) Accepting arguendo that regulatory authorities are competent, is genuine neutrality in the administration of that authority possible over the long term?

What is often missed is that several of the areas treated as commons include not only multiple common pool resources that may be exploited, but that each area also comprises multiple physical terrains whose value for and vulnerability to exploitation vary according to distance and available technology. The atmosphere over different parts of the planet, for example, varies greatly in value for commercial transportation, air warfare, and air quality. Different locations in the oceans vary in value for fishing, mining, commercial transportation, and surface and submarine warfare. Different locations in Antarctica vary in their value for mining or scientific research. Similar distinctions are easily identified for outer space.

The resources in outer space are distributed over terrains so diverse that conceiving of them as parts of a single area makes sense only because they are extremely (though differently) expensive to reach, and are uninhabited. Consider the different types of terrain in space. Save for extreme temperatures and the absence of breathable atmospheres, the dry surfaces of the Moon, Mars, Mercury, large asteroids (at least ten of which have diameters of over 100 kilometers), and some of the moons of the outer planets resemble the dry surface of the Earth, which constitutes the geographic territory of nation-states. Closer examination of several of these bodies reveals that they are far from homogeneous in identity and the differences are significant for their exploitation. We suggest that most of solar space surrounding the planets, moons and asteroids is akin to the open oceans of Earth. The value of LEO, the geostationary belt, and L5 (definitions expanded below) as locations close to the Earth and subject to exploitation by spacecraft launched from Earth suggest a rough parallel to the coastal regions and continental shelves on Earth, while the extreme pressures, temperatures and/or radiation of Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune suggest analogies to the extreme depths of the Earth’s oceans. Other terrains in outer space appear to have few geographic analogies on Earth. Comets and small asteroids, particularly the Near Earth Objects, are more suggestive of migrating animals or drifting and salvageable wrecks than to geography. One implication that may be drawn from these parallels is that most of the terrains of outer space might be better understood under traditional legal categories than under the catchall category of space and celestial bodies used in the OST. Thus the first and most obvious problem with the OST as law is that it suffers from gross imprecision for failing to properly identify the objects to which it assigns legal status. The result is that important distinctions in legal status may not be available.

Treating all of outer space as a homogeneous ‘out yonder’ continues the unfortunate tradition of failing to make legal distinctions that has plagued international space law from its beginnings. Indeed, simply demarcating the legal threshold at which the atmosphere ends and outer space begins remains a highly contested issue in international space law more than forty years into the space age. The points that land, sea, and air (essentially solid, liquid, and vapor) begin are clearly visible. Even in those terrains where they overlap, such as coastal regions and estuaries, they have been generally definable. Yet no obvious natural geo/astrographic borders appear to exist for outer space. The chief complication lies in the precarious situation in which the tangible benefits for any given definition are not yet evident. We just do not know which of the many possible definitions will advantage or disadvantage different space faring states. So, states have preferred to prorogue specific delimitation until its implications are known.[5]

Recognizing the Collective Inaction Problem

The core problem in international space law is that the practical effect of collectivizing space (in the OST and related documents and agreements) has been counter to its intended purpose of encouraging the development of outer space. The reason is that the treaty solved an entirely speculative collective action problem, a tragedy of the commons in outer space, in the belief that common pool resources would be wasted in the competitive scramble of states to claim sovereignty over the new frontier. The treaty seems instead to have resulted in a collective inaction problem as states failed to invest in the development of space because an important incentive for its development had been eliminated. The argument here is that in rendering all celestial bodies res communis rather than res nullius, and thus eliminating them as proper objects for which states may compete, the treaty dramatically reduced the impetus for the development of outer space. Some celestial bodies, the Moon, Mars, and larger asteroids in particular, represent potential new national territory for states, and in the realist paradigm, states are hard-wired to acquire and hold territory.

Hendrik Spruyt (1994) argues that the sovereign nation-state ultimately became the dominant state form, first in Europe and later across the planet, because it was superior to the three alternative, rival state forms; the city-state (Genoa, Florence, Venice), the city league (Hansa), and the universal, multi-national, empire (Holy Roman Empire, Ottoman Empire, and Imperial China). The advantages of the sovereign nation-state in this competition lay not only in the exclusive economic exploitation of a national population and territory but also in its interaction with other sovereign nation-states in the new state system. Control over territory, even territory with little or no population, was then and remains today an essential criterion for sovereign statehood. That the modern nation-state continues to be motivated to acquire and hold territory is evident in the willingness to use military force to resist the loss of existing territory to separatist movements, but also in disputes over territories such as the former Spanish Sahara, West Bank, Spratley Islands, and Aksai-Chin Plateau. The point is driven home by considering the hypothetical permanent loss of all national territory by a state that retains possession of its bureaucratic organizations and non-territorial assets. Would it continue to be deemed a state? Clearly, having lost its res, the former nation-state would cease to be a state and become a Non-Governmental Organization or NGO, and in consequence a creature of lesser status in international affairs.

Having been deprived of the possibility of assuming sovereign possession of new territory discovered and claimed on celestial bodies, states did the same thing that individuals and firms do when domestic law deprives them of the possibility of assuming legal possession of real estate. They rationally choose not to make investments that would lead to its development. In the absence of some immediate political return in the form of new national territory, the attractions of political, economic, and social returns in the near term from investment in or consumption by states are likely to be under whelming.

The perverse consequence of the OST, inducing individually rational behavior by decision makers in the small minority of space faring states with the technology and fiscal resources to undertake the development of outer space not to do so, deprives all of humanity much less all states of the long-term benefits of the development of outer space. By collectivizing outer space, the OST vested legal rights in all states that they would not or could not exercise. That space faring states would not is the result of disincentives. The actual tragedy of the space commons is that the effort to achieve collective action resulted in collective inaction. Analogy to the Coase theorem makes the insight more explicit (Coase 1960). In its most straightforward form, the Coase theorem is an assertion that if individual property rights exist and transaction costs are low or zero, then resource allocation will be optimal regardless of how property rights were initially assigned. This theory of market exchange is simply an argument that the assignment of property rights will result in the efficient allocation of resources because individuals with the ability to use property more efficiently will purchase it from the existing owners. One important implication is that distributive justice is irrelevant to the efficient allocation of resources. Thus any assignment of property rights is preferable to no assignment of property rights. If the recognition of national sovereignty over territory under international law is substituted for protection of individual property rights under domestic law, and the motivation of states to acquire territory is substituted for the motivation of individuals to acquire wealth, then the logic of the Coase theorem would dictate that any assignment of sovereignty over territory would be preferable to no assignment. Therefore, if the policy goal is to encourage the development of outer space, then any assignment of sovereignty over territory on celestial bodies would be preferable to the existing structure of vesting collective rights in all states. Assigning national sovereignty over territory in celestial bodies only to space faring states would thus achieve more space development than would continuance of the current collective ownership of those celestial bodies. Naturally, if the assignment of national sovereignty over celestial bodies is undertaken to achieve a measure of distributive justice, i.e., assignment to both space faring and non-space faring states, then so much the better. Our preferred solution allows for market forces to determine relative values of assigned sovereignty for all states (see below). Without the investment in space development by the space faring states and/or their national firms, however, the non-space faring states cannot receive any economic benefits from collective ownership of outer space. With investment in space development by the space faring states and/or their national firms, non-space faring states might reap some economic benefit from space. That astronauts from states other than the United States and the Soviet Union/Russia have only managed to travel into outer space by hitching rides on American and Soviet/Russian spacecraft is telling.

Is the collectivization of all of outer space under international law a permanent disability? Fortunately, the answer is no. Under international law, state parties to a treaty may withdraw from its obligations through negotiation, novation, substitution, cancellation, or, rebus sic stantibus, when events overcome the intent of the original treaty, such as when one or more of the other state parties has ceased to exist. Moreover, Article 17 of the OST articulates a straightforward mechanism for withdrawal: “Any state party to this treaty may give notice of its withdrawal from the treaty one year after its entry into force by written notification to the Depositary Governments. Such withdrawal shall take effect one year from the date of receipt of this notification.” Thus a state party need merely announce its intention to withdraw and then wait one year. Withdrawal of a single state party to the treaty, however, would not necessarily terminate the treaty between the other state parties. Yet the decision of an important state not to be bound by a regime creating treaty obviously endangers the entire treaty. The decision of the United States or China to withdraw from the OST would have far greater implications for the survival of the international space regime than the same decision by Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, or Papua New Guinea—the equality of states under international law remains nothing more than a useful fiction. For the OST to remain good international law, it must be accepted as such by the major space faring states of the 21st Century: the United States, Russia, the European Union, Japan, and China. One defection from the regime by a member of this group would no doubt lead to its effective collapse, as the remaining space faring states are unlikely to use the kind of coercion necessary to enforce the regime. A more likely response to such a defection is a scramble to make similar claims to sovereignty, based on historical precedent and effective occupation. Similar rushes to stake claims for territory sovereignty in other celestial bodies might follow.

Despite the idealist rhetoric of collective ownership of outer space in international bodies, the major space faring states have nonetheless already gone through the motions of traditional territorial claims. Under international law the strongest claims are always based on effective occupation. This normally requires sustained human occupation but robotic occupation is destined to be important in space development. With this in mind, the Russians have made a great show of permanently manning an orbital space station since 1987 (with a brief interruption due to financial troubles in 1990). Other strong cases can be made for primacy claims (based on first discovery and occupation). As early as 1967, both the Americans and the Soviets had planted their flags on the moon, and in the same manner split claims on Venus (Soviet Union) and Mars (United States) (Goldman 70). The contingency (or geographical affinity) claims of the equatorial states for the geostationary belt (1979 Bogota Declaration) are another traditional conduit for territorial claims. Finally, symbolic claiming, including leaving additional flags and named plaques, establishing post offices and issuing stamps, assigning civil servant staffs, and other symbolic gestures, strengthens the traditional bonds of the claiming nation on the territory in question. The first Soviet moon shot thus carried symbolic claiming essentials in its nosecone, numerous objects inscribed with the hammer and sickle and the letters CCCP, even though the Soviets have asserted they never intended a territorial claim (Bloomfield 157). This was followed by a photographic expedition to the far side of the moon. Shortly thereafter, the Soviets released a map in which they invoked the ancient right of discoverers by unilaterally naming the prominent features (in Russian, of course, not Latin), also suggesting claimant rights based on discovery (Ibid.).

What would be the effect of a new emphasis on territorial claims on the non-space faring majority of states? The harsh reality is that following a hypothetical scramble for the Moon by the space faring states, non-space faring Bangladesh, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, and Papua New Guinea would own no less of the Moon than they now control. That a claimed right to ownership has no economic value unless the property can be used or the legal right to ownership alienated is crucial to understanding the interests involved. Although scrambles for territory by space faring states would increase the public and private investment necessary to develop space, and include the emergence of some new space faring states determined to acquire some of the new territory, it would also exacerbate international inequality.

An alternative and we believe superior solution to both the collective inaction problem created by the OST and a possible infra dig scramble for territory could be the result of new international treaty making. Our solution would continue to designate genuine common pool resources as res communis while permitting space faring states to claim sovereign ownership of territory on celestial bodies and other geo/astrographic positions. This would afford non-space faring states some opportunity to benefit from the exploitation of those same celestial bodies. Our proposal is to achieve these objectives through a more nuanced application of the Coase theorem principles. A new international space regime that would permit states to claim sovereignty over territory on the larger celestial bodies such as the Moon and Mars according to a simple proportional allocation rule should be established. Under our proposed rule, a state would be permitted to claim sovereignty over territory on a large celestial body in proportion to its share of the Earth’s land surface. Which specific territory a state could claim would depend upon the priority of arrival by its human representatives on the celestial body with the stipulation that all territorial claims must be contiguous and reasonably compact. This would prevent the mischief of a state claiming a one-kilometer strip of Martian territory spiraling from pole to pole. We also considered pre-arrival assignation of territory in an analogy to privatizing the commons for its most efficient use, assigning parcels of celestial bodies by lot, and allowing non-space faring states to seek rent for their property from states able to exploit the territory. The latter option doesn’t enhance the goal of encouraging space exploration and exploitation in light of emerging technologies, and so we have made it a second, though barely overruled, alternative.

We selected the state’s proportion of the land area on Earth as an allocation rule rather than the state’s proportion of population or GDP on Earth for two reasons. First, land area on Earth may be determined with greater precision and is subject to less variation over time than is population size or GDP, and the allocation rule must be able to cover what might become a protracted process of territorial sovereignty claims. An allocation rule establishing incentives for states to increase their populations or report incorrect census or economic data would be poor policy. Equity also recommends land area over the alternatives. Using population or GDP as allocation rules would have resulted in many states receiving negligible shares of the new territory. Second, and far more important, the territorial principle of sovereignty lends itself to a theoretical solution intended to encourage the development of outer space.

Priority of arrival was selected to give space faring states sufficient incentive to assert their claims to territorial sovereignty and make the necessary investments in their new properties as well as to assist non-space faring states to assert their claims. Thus Japan, Malaysia, and Thailand might assert sovereignty over adjacent territories on Mars by sending a joint team of human representatives together on a Japanese spacecraft. International inequality would be reduced because non-space faring states would be at liberty to lease or sell outright their sovereign territories on celestial bodies to other states.

Defining Outer Space Territory and Sovereignty

The impracticality of treating all of outer space as homogeneous in law would be revealed inevitably in its development for different purposes. Whether it occurs within the next few decades or in the 22nd Century, further development of space will move the focus of activities from the space immediately surrounding Earth to the rest of the Solar System. In the near term, satellite communications and surveillance (both civilian and military) should continue to be the primary focus of development in outer space. Although far from inevitable, space mining and permanent human settlement should follow. Both mining and settlement entail exploitation of terrains or locations beyond LEO.

An assumption of this analysis is that the resource potential of space is so vast that should any one state gain effective control of it, that state could dictate the political, military, and economic fates of all terrestrial governments. The incentive for territorial occupation and control is thus very high, subordinate only to the requirement that no competing state gain effective control of space. Specific territory in space that enhances state power will be highly sought after. What appears at first a featureless void is in fact a rich vista of gravitational mountains and valleys, oceans and rivers of resources and energy alternately dispersed and concentrated, broadly strewn danger zones of deadly radiation, and precisely placed peculiarities of astrodynamics.

Lines of Communication, the Commerce Lanes of Outer Space

Without a full understanding of the motion of bodies in space, in essence an understanding of the mechanics of orbits, it is difficult to make sense of the panorama of outer space. Despite the appearance of an open and unbounded cosmos, the movement of spacecraft, and thus the routes they must follow for efficient and profitable exploitation, are severely limited. Hence they can be mapped. The equivalent of Mahanian highways and way stations in space can be identified and assessed for utility and value.[6]

An orbit is the path of a spacecraft or satellite caught in the grip of gravity. The importance of this concept is simply that spacecraft in stable orbits expend no fuel. The preferred flight path for all spacecraft (and natural satellites) will therefore be a stable orbit, specifically limited to a precise operational trajectory. With this knowledge we can begin to see space as a demarcated and bounded domain. The preeminently critical phenomenon that a satellite in orbit expends no fuel or energy is due to the fact that the satellite is constantly falling toward the body it orbits. Consider the arc of a baseball as it is thrown, or better yet the path of a bullet fired from a gun aimed parallel to the Earth’s surface. The path of the bullet appears to arc downward toward the Earth until it hits the ground. The faster the bullet goes, the farther it will travel before being pulled to the ground by gravity. If there were no atmosphere, a bullet traveling at 17,500 mph (just over 28,500 km) would fall toward the Earth at the same rate the curvature of the Earth makes the ground appear to fall away from the bullet. In other words, the orbiting body is being pulled directly toward the center of the Earth, but it never hits the ground.

The orbit of an Earth satellite, however, is never perfectly circular due to natural forces that cause fluctuations in movement, which are called perturbations. The lower the altitude of a spacecraft, the more significant the friction caused by an encroaching atmosphere. The effect is critical to near Earth space operations as satellites in a circular orbit with a period of less than 93 minutes require large amounts of fuel to make orbital corrections necessary to maintain spacing, distance, and velocity. Satellites in circular orbits with an orbital period greater than 101 minutes are essentially unaffected by the atmosphere, and require relatively few attitude adjustments, as a consequence saving fuel and extending the useful life of the satellite. Orbits below about 160 km altitude (or an orbital period of 87.5 minutes) are theoretically possible, but not practically achievable due to accumulating atmospheric drag.

Perturbations also come from the bulge at the Earth’s equator caused by the centrifugal force of its over 1,000-mph rotation, which means the Earth’s gravitational pull is not constant. The Earth is actually flattened slightly at the poles and distended at the equator, a phenomenon that also creates small deviations in the flight path of a ballistic missile (one of the functions of geodetic satellites is to accurately measure the ever-changing oblation of the Earth – called spherical modeling – to increase the accuracy of intercontinental ballistic missiles). Other perturbations, increasingly significant as one moves away from the Earth, are the gravitational fields of the sun, moon, and other celestial bodies, and the effects of solar radiation including solar flares, and the impacts of meteors and debris that strike the satellite at hypervelocity. Because of these, no orbit is perfect and all spacecraft must have some fuel to occasionally make corrections. The useful life of a spacecraft is, therefore, a function of its fuel capacity and orbital stability.

We can now see that space is analogous to the ‘wide commons’ of the sea described by American naval officer Alfred Thayer Mahan. The terrestrially bound oceans, “over which men may pass in all directions,” eventually will reveal “some well-worn paths [that emerge for] controlling reasons.” (Mahan, 1890: 25). These paths became the international lanes of commerce and critical chokepoints of the open oceans. Outer Space, too, appears at first as a wide common over which spacecraft may pass in any direction, and to an extent this is so, but efficient travel in space requires adherence to specific and economically attractive lanes of orbital movement, specific routes that are easy to project.

In the Age of Sail, wind and current—their appearance, prevalence, or lack thereof—were the determining factor in trans-oceanic travel. In rail travel, gradient is the determining limitation in transcontinental planning. In space, gravity is the most important factor in both understanding and traversing the topography of space. It dictates prudent travel and strategic asset placement. The unseen undulations of outer space terrain (the hills and valleys of space) are more properly referred to as gravity wells. Depiction of this terrain is difficult, but a reasonable portrayal is that of a weight sinking into a taughtly stretched sheet of thin rubber; the more massive the body, the deeper the well. Travel or practical distance in space is less a function of linear distance than of effort or work expended to get from point A to point B. Traveling 35,000 km from the surface of the Earth, for example, requires 22 times as much effort as traveling a similar distance from the surface of the Moon, as the Earth’s gravity well is 22 times deeper (Vaucher 35).

In spacefaring terms, the important measure of work is propulsive effort required to change a velocity vector, or the total velocity required to get from point A to point B. The total velocity effort (also called Δv or Delta V) is the key to understanding the reality of space travel and the efficient movement of goods. In another example of effective distance in space versus linear distance, it is much cheaper in terms of Δv to propel a spacecraft from the Moon to Mars (56 million km at the closest orbital point) than to propel the same spacecraft from the Earth to the Moon (just 385,000 km) (Wilson 600).

Thus the Δv to go from low Earth orbit (an orbit just above the atmosphere) to lunar orbit is 4100 m/s, which is only 300 m/s more than to go to geosynchronous orbit. Indeed, most of the effort of space travel near the Earth is spent in getting 100 km or so off the Earth, that is, into LEO. More revealing, to go from low Earth orbit to lunar orbit takes about 5 days, but requires less than half the effort needed to go from the Earth’s surface to low orbit. In outer space, it can easily be the case that specific points far apart in distance (and time) are quite close together in terms of the propulsive effort required to move from one to the other.

The previous discussion of orbital mechanics has shown that a spacecraft in stable orbit expends no fuel, and is therefore in the most advantageous Δv configuration. The most efficient travel in space can then be envisioned as a transfer from one stable orbit to another with the least expenditure of Δv. Using this logic, in space we can find specific orbits and transit routes that because of their advantages in fuel efficiency create natural corridors of movement and commerce. Space, like the sea, can potentially be traversed in any direction, but because of gravity wells and the forbidding cost of getting fuel to orbit, over time space faring nations will develop specific pathways of heaviest traffic.

FIGURE 1. About Here

Orbital maneuvers can be performed at any point, but in order to conserve fuel, there are certain points at which thrust ought to be applied. The most efficient way to get from orbit A to orbit B (the proper language of space travel) is the Hohmann Transfer (see figure). This maneuver is a two-step change in Δv. Engines are first fired to accelerate the spacecraft into a higher elliptical orbit (or decelerate into a lower one). When the target orbit is intersected, the engines fire again to circularize and stabilize the final orbit. We have depicted a Hohmann transfer orbit from medium to geosynchronous orbit, but the same logic is used in all transfers including low-earth orbit to geostationary, planetary movement, even interception of comets from Earth launch facilities. So called ‘fast transfers,’ in which the rules of orbital mechanics are ignored and a spacecraft simply expends fuel throughout its flight path, are of course possible, but require such an expenditure of Δv they will be done only if fuel is abundant (functionally without cost) or time is critical. This is the outer space equivalent of sailing the long way ‘round, however, and it can make business unprofitable and military losses unacceptable. Given the vital necessity to conserve fuel and increase the productive lives of spacecraft, the future lanes of commerce and military lines of communications in space will be the Hohmann transfer orbits between stable spaceports.

Mahan correctly observed that a prudent state could not only avoid garrisoning all the seas to dominate them, it would not even have to garrison the whole of the commerce lanes. Only the critical point locations along these lanes need be controlled. A small but highly trained and equipped force carefully deployed to control the bottlenecks or choke points of the major sea-lanes would suffice. Control of these few geographically determined locations would guarantee dominance over military movement and world trade to the overseeing state.

The Hohmann transfer establishes the equivalent of the lane of commerce for space. Domination of space will come through efficient control of specific outer space strategic narrows or choke points along these lanes. The primary and first readily identifiable strategic narrow is low-Earth orbit itself. This tight band of operational space contains the bulk of mankind’s satellites, a majority of which are military platforms or have military utility. This is also the realm of current anti-satellite (ASAT) weapons technology and operations, including the US F-15 launched satellite interceptor and the massive Russian proximity blast co-orbital ASAT. Within this narrow belt are the current and projected permanently manned space stations, and all space shuttle operations. Moreover, only by traveling through it can one access the incomprehensible vastness of the universe.

Control of near Earth Space not only guarantees long-term control of the outer reaches of space, it provides a near-term advantage on the terrestrial battlefield. From early warning and detection of missile and force movements to target planning and battle damage assessment, space-based intelligence gathering assets have already proven themselves legitimate combat force multipliers. The most surprising and enduring contributions evident in the expanded military role of outer space technology, however, may have come from the previously under-appreciated value of navigation, communications, and weather prediction satellites (see Ripp 46-9). With its performance in the Persian Gulf, space warfare has emerged from its embryonic stage and is now fully in its infancy. All the industrially advanced states now recognize military space power as the apex of national security and have tossed aside long-standing objections to military space programs as they eagerly pursue their own space infrastructures (McLean and Lovie). In future wars involving at least one major military power, space-support will be the decisive factor as nations rely ever more heavily on the force multiplying effect of ‘the new high ground.’

Given these parameters, currently useful terrestrial orbits can be clustered into four generally recognized categories based on altitude and mission utility. The first encompasses low altitude orbits, 150 to 800 km above the surface of the Earth. These are particularly useful for Earth reconnaissance (military observation to include photographic, imaging, and radar satellites, and resource management satellites that can take a variety of multispectral images) and manned flight missions. These altitudes allow for 14 to 16 complete orbits per day. Low altitude orbits have the added advantage that satellites can be placed into them with cheaper and less sophisticated two-stage rockets. Orbits with a period in excess of 225 minutes (above 800 km) require at least a third stage boost to achieve final orbit.

Medium altitude orbits range from 800 to 35,000 km in altitude and allow for two to fourteen orbits per day. These are generally circular or low eccentricity orbits that support linked satellite networks. Currently, navigational satellites such as the US GPS (Global Positioning Satellite) that fix terrestrial positions through the triangulation of at least three satellites in view dominate this orbit, though increasingly high-speed global telecommunications networks are envisioned in operation here. High altitude orbits, at least 35,000 km, provide maximum continuous coverage of the Earth with a minimum of satellites in orbit. Satellites at high altitude orbit the Earth no more than once per day. When the orbital period is identical to one full rotation of the Earth, a geosynchronous orbit is achieved. A geosynchronous orbit with a 0o inclination (placed directly above the equator) appears fixed in the sky from any point on Earth. This is called a geostationary orbit. Just three satellites at geostationary orbit, carefully placed equidistant from each other, can view the entire planet up to approximately 70o north or south latitude (the angle of view above 70 makes a direct line of sight to geostationary satellites unworkable). Since the satellites don’t appear to move, fixed antennae can easily and continuously access them. Global communications and weather satellites are typically placed in this orbit.

For those latitudes above 70o, the advantage of long dwell time over target provided by a geostationary orbit is absent. This is simply because the limb or horizon of the Earth is not functionally visible. The angle of direct view is too oblique. One technique to overcome this deficiency is to use the fourth orbital category, the highly elliptical orbit. This orbit is described as highly eccentric with a perigee as low as 250 km and an apogee of up to 700,000 km. Placed in a highly inclined orbit with apogee at 36-40,000 km, the satellite appears to dwell over the upper latitudes for several hours, making this a particularly useful orbit for communications satellites servicing arctic and Antarctic regions. At the furthest distance of apogee, the satellite appears to be barely moving relative to the surface of the Earth. When networked in the same orbit, one behind the other with equally spaced right ascensions, a minimum of three satellites can continuously access a single high latitude ground station. The Russians have made the greatest use of this semisynchronous 12-hour orbit, and it is now routinely referred to as a Molniya type orbit, after the Molniya series communications and weather spacecraft that use it. A highly elliptical orbit with apogee at over 700,000 km can have a period of more than a month, and is especially useful for scientific missions that study comets, asteroids, solar and cosmic radiation, and other space phenomena.

Libration Points and Other Gravitational Anomalies for National Appropriation

Perhaps the most intriguing point locations useful for strategic or commercial bases in Earth-Moon Space are the gravitational anomalies known as Lagrange Libration Points, named for the 18th Century French mathematician who first postulated their existence (Beason 58). Lagrange calculated there were five specific points in space where the gravitational effects of the Earth and Moon would cancel each other out (see figure 2). An object fixed at one of these points (or more accurately stated, in tight orbit around one of these points) would remain permanently stable, with no expenditure of fuel. The enticing property of libration points is that they maintain a fixed relation with respect to the Earth and Moon. In practice, due to perturbations in the space environment including solar flares, orbital drift and wobble, and micrometeorites, only two of the Lagrange points are effectively stable—L4 and L5. The potential military and commercial value of a point in space that is virtually stable is highly speculative, but with immense promise. A stable point in space with no gravity well would be the most useful and efficient launch position imaginable. Such a position could also be an extraordinarily efficient manufacturing and production site, as the purity and quality of commodities created in a zero gravity vacuum could be near perfect. The occupation and control of these points is of such vital importance that an advocacy group called the L-5 Society was formed to influence national policymakers (since absorbed into the National Space Society, where many of its former members are now primary officers). In theory, libration points exist wherever two or more gravitational fields interact.

FIGURE 2. About Here

National Appropriation of the Moon

Although difficult because of the absence of hydrologic processes, exploration may yet reveal some concentrations of valuable minerals. Much of the Moon consists of minerals which are abundant on Earth and thus appear to present limited scope for development through ordinary mineral mining (Spudis 1996: 202-210; Burgess 1993 222-223; Heiken, Vaniman, and French 1991:636-637, 647-649). Still, the Moon is rich in aluminum, titanium, iron, calcium, and silicon. Iron is in virtually pure form, and could be used immediately. Titanium and aluminum are “found in ores not commonly refined on Earth, [and would require] new methods of extraction.” (Damon 180) Silicon is necessary for the construction of photovoltaic solar cells, an impressive and needed source of cheap energy for space operations. Abundant oxygen for colonies and fuel can be extracted from the lunar soil simply by heating it. Water from impacting comets is presumed to have collected in the permanently shadowed edges of craters. This near Earth resource can already be exploited given current technology. Hence, the most important potential exploitation of the Moon for mining would probably involve extraction of oxygen and hydrogen from lunar regolith using solar power for use as life support and spacecraft fuel, production of glasses, ceramics, or radiation shielding from lunar regolith, and the mining of Helium-3 gas (scarce on earth but comparatively abundant on the Moon) for use as an ideal fuel in prospective fusion reactors. Only Helium-3 offers the potential for high returns on investment and even it is premised on the development of new technology. Low but appreciable gravity and proximity to Earth suggest that the Moon would be useful as a platform for industrial activities using not only lunar regolith but also materials brought from elsewhere in the solar system. Because of its lower gravity, it would also be an excellent staging base for secondary exploration of the Solar System.

Lunar regolith and Helium-3 appear evenly distributed across the surface of the Moon. However, other factors affecting preferences for territory might make a random assignment of sovereign rights impractical. Other possible factors might include preferences for territory with anticipated concentrations of valuable minerals, more level terrain that would allow for easier mining of regolith or Helium-3, in the lunar maria (dark lowlands) comprising 16% of the lunar surface and concentrated on the “light side” of the Moon (Spudis 1996:37), for territory on the “dark side” of the Moon and away from the electronic noise of Earth and thus superior for some kinds of scientific research, and for territory on the “light side” of the Moon because of the aesthetic value of being able to observe the Earth from the Moon (tourism) and being able to observe the Moon from the Earth (national pride).

National Appropriation of Mars

Geographic differences between Mars and the Moon point to greater differences in the relative value of different territory for national appropriation. Hydrologic processes on Mars, absent on the Moon, will have created numerous concentrations of valuable minerals that might provide the basis for a conventional mining industry (Zubrin 1996: 220). Unfortunately, the distance between the Earth and Mars, and the energy required to move mass to escape velocity from Mars, may constrain the near-term development of mineral mining on Mars. In terms of potential for the development of mining industries, Mars suffers from poor location while the Moon suffers from the scarcity of exploitable minerals.

In addition to concentrations of minerals, the Martian regolith offers an immense quantity of iron oxide deposits distributed evenly across the planetary surface that might be used as feedstock for steel production and radiation shielding (Meyer and Mckay 1996: 419-437). While Mars is only one third the size of the Earth, the absence of oceans means that the surface area of Mars is approximately equal to that of the surface land area of Earth. Although cratered highlands comprise about two-thirds of the Martian surface, the craters exhibit more degradation and level areas between craters are both more common and larger than is the case for the cratered highlands of the Moon (Carr 1996:18-19). Both highlands and lowlands might be exploited for mining regolith for iron oxides.

However, far more of the discussion of exploiting resources on Mars has focused on the extraction of water, oxygen, and hydrogen from water and carbon dioxide ices, permafrost, and carbon dioxide and nitrogen in the atmosphere for use as spacecraft fuel and life support. The concentration of ices and permafrost at the poles are likely to make them the most valuable territory on Mars in the near term. Martian North polar surface ice covers a markedly larger area and is deeper than Martian South polar surface ice, suggesting far larger total amounts of ice in the former. Moreover, the North polar surface ice clearly contains water while the South polar surface ice appears limited to carbon dioxide (Thomas et al. 1992: 771-775). In addition, the Martian North Pole and surrounding areas are likely to be choicer property because both large and small dust storms are more frequent along the equator and in the southern hemisphere than in the northern hemisphere (Kahn 1992: 1034-1048).

National Appropriation of Asteroids and Comets

Asteroids and comets present a very large and heterogeneous collection of celestial objects. The total number of asteroids and comets larger than a kilometer in the solar system might be as high as 250,000 (Cox and Chestik 1996:56). Those most familiar include the handful of asteroids with diameters of more than 100 kilometers that orbit between Mars and Jupiter and a somewhat larger number of asteroids and comets that move in elongated orbits and periodically loop inside the orbit of Mars. Although the mineral composition of the large asteroids is unknown, analysis of the composition of meteorites found on Earth suggests that they are chock full of oxygen and valuable metals (Cox and Chestik 1996:140-141). The comets are comprised of rock and ices that contain volatile gases including oxygen. Taken together, the availability of oxygen, which might be extracted for fuel, and the micro gravity environment would suggest that a future mining industry in space is most likely to develop to exploit asteroids and comets.

Given their large number, small size and dispersal, and the economies of scale associated with mining the asteroids and comets, a reasonable allocation rule for international law would permit states to make claims of sovereignty over individual asteroids and comets based on priority of commencing mining operations. This slight modification of the principle of res nullius naturaliter fit primi occupantis would offer appropriate incentives for space development.


That the space race is over and the space age is in decay seems dismally obvious. That it will some day revive seems, to us, assured. Humanities’ future is in the stars. Our indomitable will requires ever-greater challenges. Our insatiable appetites require vast new resources. Eventually we will fill this niche that is Earth and spill out into the cosmos. But when and how this inevitable migration takes place is not at all known.

In this essay we have endeavored to provide a legal-institutional blueprint that could ignite a new space race. The changes we promote are simple, inexpensive, and should prove remarkably effective. There will be complaints, numerous no doubt, that we advocate dooming the future of humanity to a state-centric model that has produced an historically abysmal war record on Earth. Why spread this paradigm out to infect everything we touch in space? Our goal is not to militarize space (though admittedly it may be inevitable with our plan). Rather, it is to reverse the international malaise in regard to space exploration, and to do so in a way that is efficient and harnesses the positive dynamics of individuals and states striving to better their conditions. It is a neoclassical, market-driven approach intended to maximize efficiency.

Mahan argued that in his age, naval power was the clear route to national wealth and international preeminence. More than just natural and man-made endowments were necessary to secure this condition. In addition to a vibrant shipbuilding industry, a protected position astride the sea lanes of commerce, and advantageous coastlines with multiple harbors, Mahan insisted that the people of a seafaring state must have a certain fortitude and industry. In other words, the population must be engaged in and wholly supportive of the national effort to achieve international prosperity. In an age that has gone beyond sail and steam to one that is predicated on technology, communications, and innovation, exploitation of outer space is one modern route to prosperity and affluence. No attempt to reinvigorate the space age will succeed if the populations of the states capable of voyaging into and beyond LEO are not fully behind the efforts of their governments and corporations. Before the languishing space exploration efforts of the world fully stagnate and become prohibitively expensive to restart, some effort needs to be made to energize the visionary sections of the global populace. Unless the extant space regime with its critical disincentives for individual and national exploitation of the cosmos is dismantled and replaced, we may never harness the productive capacities of the human spirit in the conquest of space.

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1 The scope of the legal authority claimed by the UN in its 1962 and 1963 resolutions and in subsequent international treaties on space defies fitting comparison. Legal authority over all of outer space was asserted before any state had sent human representatives to enter or occupy any part of outer space, and long before the process of exploration and scientific discovery had identified a tiny fraction of celestial bodies. The presumption involved in making the claim is similarly breathtaking. Provided only that it lie beyond the atmosphere of Earth or was not launched by a UN member state, the UN claimed legal authority and collective ownership of every natural body, and any artificial structure, found anywhere in the universe. Consider a hypothetical encounter between humanity and an intelligent extraterrestrial species while this international law is controlling. How would humanity’s representatives explain this legal confiscation of the other species’ home planet? Would an intelligent extraterrestrial species understand the proffered explanation as implicit threat or poor humor?

[1] The inevitable analogy here is to the behavior of British elites in the 18th and 19th centuries, an era in which Britain held the decisive advantage in naval warfare and maritime trade.

[2] Comments made by COPUOS diplomatic representatives of most non-space faring states reveal national space policies trapped in a self-defeating effort to redistribute economic benefits from investments in space development made by the space faring states. What their comments suggest is that they have little grasp of the extraordinary economic promise of space development or the degree to which it has not been realized. COPUOS is not a forum for the discussion of space development policies or actual space projects per se. Instead, the only things launched at contemporary COPUOS meetings are sterile exchanges of pious internationalist rhetoric.

[3] Despite opposition, the new res communis has won a degree of legitimacy and has been partially implemented in the Treaty issued from the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS III). The UNCLOS Treaty provides for high royalties and transfer technology from firms and states engaged in resource extraction from the deep-sea beds, presumably so that all states can benefit from the labor of a few states or their national firms.

[4] Non-decision leaves a working definition that may be murkier than no delineation. US Ambassador to the United Nations, Arthur J. Goldberg, who served as OST negotiator, testified before Congress that a strict definition of outer space was unnecessary. He was replying to a rather sarcastic question on the definition of outer space posed by Senator Hickenlooper, to wit, “It just begins out yonder somewhere?” Goldberg replied, “It reminds me of what my distinguished colleague on the Supreme Court, Potter Stewart – Justice Stewart – once said when wrestling with the question of what is obscene or pornographic. Justice Stewart said, ‘I can’t define it, but I know it when I see it’, and perhaps the same rule applies here. We know out yonder is outer space.” (Hearings 55) Goldberg went on to point out that at the time of the Outer Space Treaty negotiations, a definition of what constitutes outer space was purposefully not discussed. This was because negotiators did not want the generally contentious issue to bog down the negotiations as a whole (Ibid., 15).

[5] See Dolman (1999) for a complete comparison of classical geopolitical theory within the astropolitical milieu.


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