Date 3/1/16? PROPHECY UPDATE NEWS HEADLINESYesterday's Prophecies - Today's HeadlinesHEADLINES IN PARTNERSHIP WITH?TRACKING BIBLE PROPHECY'Architecture will play critical role in any proposal to divide Jerusalem' Sisi: The Israeli-Palestinian conflict feeds international terror organizations Palestinian official: Israel and Hamas both hoping for chaos in West Bank 'Palestinian Authority collapse a question of when, not if' Netanyahu slams Gaza disengagement during Sharon memorialReport: US Administration 'Hysterical' Over Possibility of Jewish Housing Construction Announcement During Biden VisitWomen activists to launch freedom flotilla to break the siege on Gaza Israel 'very concerned' by rising Iranian power in Syria, Ya'alon says Iran's nuclear chief: Israel isn't a state, therefore its not a threat Turkish FM: Normalization with Israel could come 'within days'Report: Assad regime using Israeli drones against Syrian rebels Why the War in Syria Is Only the BeginningSaudi official: US-led coalition discussed possible Syria ground incursion White House says committed to Syria cease-fire despite reported violations Syrian army takes land east of Damascus during fragile truce In rebel-held Aleppo, residents suspect Syria truce a trickUK to send troops to Tunisia to help stop ISIS crossing Libyan border Pentagon expands cyberattacks against ISISWhite House wants increase of Syrian refugeesCanada Has Officially Met Its Target of Resettling 25,000 Syrian RefugeesWoman Arrested in Moscow Holding Child's Head, Claiming to Be TerroristZarif: Iran will continue to develop missile program UN Security Council to vote on new North Korea sanctions Russia holds up vote on US-drafted North Korea sanctions resolution at UNHillary Clinton's Emails: The Final Batch ReleasedAt least 2,079 Clinton emails contain classified material Lynch: No 'artificial deadline' on DOJ's Clinton email probe N.Y. judge backs Apple in encryption fight with governmentGoogle says it bears 'some responsibility' after self-driving car hit busEnergy price slump sends eurozone into deflationA whale-sized asteroid with the potential to release 1 million tons of TNT will zoom safely past Earth next week5.1 magnitude earthquake hits near Neiafu, Tonga5.1 magnitude earthquake hits near Yonakuni, Japan5.0 magnitude earthquake hits near Jiquilisco, El SalvadorTungurahua volcano in Ecuador erupts to 22,000ftRuiz volcano in Colombia erupts to 20,000ftKarymsky volcano on Kamchatka, Russia erupts to 17,000ftSheveluch volcano on Kamchatka, Russia erupts to 17,000ftSanta Maria volcan in Guatemala erupts to 14,000ftDamaged Peru pipeline leaks 3,000 barrels of oil into Amazon regionZika virus linked to debilitating neurological disorder Guillain-Barre syndrome, French scientists sayZika is expected to infect 1 in 5 Puerto Ricans, raising threat to rest of U.S.Fighting infections with viruses, as antibiotics failPoll: Only 15 percent say they have benefited from ObamaCarePresident Obama faces pivotal week in fight to replace Antonin ScaliaAbortion Case Returns to Supreme Court after Scalia's DeathScalia showdown is opening round of long fight over Supreme Court's futureU.S. court test on abortion reflects success of strategy shiftAustralian Cardinal Denies Deflecting Child Sex Abuse BlameAnti-Gay Stickers At High School In Indio Touch Off Debate: Hate Speech Or Free Speech?Kids Are Facing Criminal Charges for Using Gun Emoji4 hurt as student opens fire in Ohio school cafeteria?PROPHECY UPDATE NEWSLETTERSTAY INFORMED, GET EQUIPPED, BE ENCOURAGEDPre-Millennium - Pre-Tribulation - PrePARED*If you missed an issue or did not receive your daily copy - All Newsletters are archived at:?? TODAY'S NEWSLETTER...?Featured Article: "The Honor of Kings"??WW3: Fighters from Turkey Are Pouring into Syria and Attacking Targets Despite the Ceasefire??Analysis: Iran, ISIS Likely to Unite for WWIII??Is nuclear Armageddon more likely than ever???Nearing Midnight: The Crisis Awaits??Scalia Dead: Eyes Wide Shut with Queen of the Damned??Daily Jot: Your duty to engage with good to overcome evil?Daily Devotion: People Reaching People??Featured Article: "The Honor of Kings" - Jack Kinsella - ?According to the Bible, in the last days, the whole world will come together under a single, global government. Or at least, that is the way many Christians understand it, although that is not strictly accurate.?The mental picture most of us have of the antichrist is something along the lines of a super-Hitler, wielding absolute global authority and enforcing his edicts and dictates through regularly scheduled public executions.?The Apostle John says of his religious counterpart, the False Prophet, that:?"he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed." (Revelation 13:15)?Further, John tells us that;?"he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." (Revelation 13:16-17)?The Prophet Daniel tells us that the antichrist will be a 'prince' of the Roman Empire, and the consensus understanding of Daniel 9:26 is that it means the antichrist will be a European.?Further, he is most probably from Rome, and his partner, the False Prophet, is a global religious leader also headquartered in Rome.?I often warn of the dangers of interpreting Bible prophecy according to current events, but that doesn't preclude questioning traditional interpretations as God reveals more information.?The Proverbs tell us that,?"It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." (Proverbs 25:2)?The Bible is a Living Book. It is also a book of progressive revelation, and while it has been sealed as complete for two thousand years, that progressive revelation has continued through the generations since.?Jesus summarized the concept of 'progressive revelation' as it applies to prophecy to His disciples, saying,?"And now I have told you before it come to pass, that, when it is come to pass, ye might believe." (John 14:29)?The Apostles didn't know what He was talking about much of the time. They were blinded by the traditional interpretation that when the Messiah came, He would destroy Israel's enemies and set up an earthly kingdom.?Despite His presence among them for three years, it wasn't until after they were indwelt by His Holy Spirit at Pentecost that they began to understand all that had been revealed to them.?The Bible also tells us that as believers, we are kings and princes through Him and are honored with the authority to search out matters heretofore previously concealed.?So, with that in mind, let's challenge the conventional wisdom that the antichrist is a European and the false prophet's headquarters is the Vatican.?Assessment:?First, the antichrist's government is indivisible from its religion. It isn't the antichrist that issues the order to receive the Mark of the Beast.?Look at Revelation 13:15-17 again.?The False Prophet gives life to the beast, demands he be worshipped, and decrees anyone that refuses should be killed.?Then, to ENFORCE that edict, the False Prophet orders everyone "marked" to show loyalty, linking it to the ability to engage in normal buying and selling.?Hmmm. A religion that is also an economic and political system.?John tells us that the religion of the False Prophet will have two horns like a Lamb, but that it will speak like a dragon.?Hmmm. A religion that claims to be 'peaceful as a lamb', but one that preaches war and destruction??The Bible never directly uses the word "antichrist" to describe the political Beast. 1st John says of the antichrist;?"Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son?" (1st John 2:22)?Hmmm. A religion of global power, that claims to be one of peace and love, that preaches war and death, and denies that God has a Son??"Anti-Christ" - the simple understanding of the phrase is, 'against-Christ' the way anti-abortion means 'against abortion' or anti-American means 'against America'.?Hmmm again. A religion dedicated to making war with Christ.?The Prophet Daniel reveals of the antichrist, "by peace he shall destroy many." The Apostle John pictures him in Revelation 6:2 as a rider on a white horse, armed with a bow, but with no arrows.?Four fourteen hundred years, Christians interpreted this religion as being ruled from the Vatican. Why??Because for fourteen hundred years, the Vatican had that kind of power. That was THEIR interpretation based on their understanding of what were-then current events.?But in this generation, when one 'searches out the matter' and overlays a religion most of us knew nothing about a decade ago, one gets an entirely different Big Picture.?One of the conveyers of Hadith, Ka'b al Ahbar is quoted as saying:?"I find the Mahdi recorded in the books of the Prophets... For instance, the Book of Revelation says: "And I saw and behold a white horse. He that sat on him...went forth conquering and to conquer."?The Bible tells us that it is the political Beast, or antichrist, that confirms a seven year covenant with Israel. Daniel says the agreement is abrogated halfway through.?The Islamic Hadith says that the Mahdi will mediate a seven-year peace hudna through a Jewish Priest from the lineage of Aaron.?According to Muhammad Ali ibn Zubair, while speaking of the time that the Mahdi's will come to reign and rule, Mohammed the 'prophet' said this:?"There will be four peace agreements between you and 'the Romans' [or "the Western powers" -ed].?The fourth and last treaty will be mediated through a person who will be from the progeny of Hadrat Aaron [Honorable Aaron, the brother of Moses] - ed and will be upheld for seven years.?The people asked, "O Prophet Muhammad, who will be the imam (leader or Mahdi) of the people at that time?" The Prophet said: He will be from my progeny and will be exactly forty years of age. His face will shine like a star."?According to the Apostle John, there are two distinct penalties for refusing to accept the Mark of the Beast.?The first penalty mentioned is death (Revelation 13:15) -- by decapitation! (Revelation 20:4)?The second penalty is social:?"that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." (Revelation 13:17)?Islam proscribes two penalties for unbelievers. Those who refuse to submit are to be decapitated, and those who agree to submit are marked as dhimmis - social outcasts with no legal standing, no rights of ownership, and no rights of citizenship.?Finally, the over-arching theme of the Book of the Revelation is the persecution of Israel, the destruction of the Jews, and the eradication of Christianity.?The religious duty of the Muslim 'umma' (worldwide Muslim community) is the elimination of Israel, the destruction of the Jews and the overspreading of Islam, by force, if necessary, to the Christian world.?Islam divides the world into two zones, the Zone of Islam (dar al Islam) and the Zone of War (dar al harb). If you aren't in one, you're in the other.?As to Daniel's identification of the antichrist as a prince of the Roman Empire, continental Europe, already nicknamed 'Eurasia,' continues to reel under the weight of Muslim immigration.?It is estimated that, at current rates, Europe will become majority Muslim within a generation.?All this challenges conventional wisdom, and I am therefore not prepared to be dogmatic about any of it.?I am mindful of the danger of dogmatically interpreting prophecy in light of current events.?But I am also mindful that the conventional interpretation of Europe and the Vatican is ALSO the product of fourteen hundred years of interpretation based on what were-then current events.?"And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things? And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand." (Daniel 12:8-10)?"For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known." (Luke 12:2)?I've just scratched the surface insofar as the similarities between Islam and the predictions concerning the A/C's government, but they are intriguing enough to be worth further exploration.?We'll keep searching out the matter together and see where it leads us.?Marantha!??WW3: Fighters from Turkey Are Pouring into Syria and Attacking Targets Despite the Ceasefire - By Michael Snyder - ceasefire in Syria is a joke.? Turkish military units continue to mass along the border, and militants are pouring across the border to attack targets in northern Syria.? The Prime Minister of Turkey is now openly admitting that his government is supporting the militants that are trying to overthrow the Syrian government, and the Turkish government has also made it abundantly clear that they have no plans to stop shelling the Kurds on the other side of the border.? So despite the "ceasefire", the truth is that the threat of World War 3 breaking out in the Middle East is greater than ever.?At times it is difficult to see the dividing line between the Turkish military and the radical jihadists that are hopping back and forth across the border with the full support of the Turkish government.? Over the weekend, militants from Turkey that crossed over into northern Syria were supported by artillery fire from the Turkish military as they attacked a key Kurdish town...?In the Raqqa province, a group of some 100 fighters crossed into Syria from Turkey. The group later joined forces with other militants and attacked the Kurdish town of Tell Abyad.?The 250-strong group was supported by artillery fire from the Turkish territory, a fact that Russia said the US should explain. The Kurdish YPG militia fended off the attack, the report said.?This is an act of war, and yet the Obama administration does not seem to mind.?If Turkey will not even honor the ceasefire, what hope is there that anything will be able to stop them from acting so aggressively??At this point, the Turks are not even pretending anymore.? Just the other day, Turkey's Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu openly admitted that his nation is backing the militants that are trying to overthrow the Assad regime...?"How would they be able to defend themselves if there was no Turkish support of the Syrian people? ... If there's today a real moderate Syrian opposition, it's because of the Turkish support. If today the [Assad] regime isn't able to control all the territories [it's] because of Turkish and some other countries' support," he told Al-Jazeera earlier this week.?Obviously this ceasefire is not going to work.? Turkey has not even pressed pause in their relentless campaign against the Assad regime and the Kurds.?The Turkish government has become absolutely obsessed with their neighbor to the south, and that is a very dangerous thing for the rest of the planet.? The only way that Turkey, Saudi Arabia and their allies are going to be able to win the war now is to conduct a massive ground invasion of Syria.? Such a move would lead to direct conflict with Iran, Hezbollah and the Russians, and since Turkey is a member of the NATO alliance, that could threaten to drag the U.S. and western Europe into the war as well.? The following comes from the International Business Times...?The wider consequences of any disagreement between Ankara and Moscow could lead to a standoff between Russia and NATO. Jen Stoltenberg, secretary general of the Brussels-based organization, said in late 2015 that it would be prepared to defend the member state of Turkey if it were attacked by Russia.?"NATO will defend you, NATO is on the ground, NATO is ready," Stoltenberg said in the aftermath of repeated breaches of Turkish airspace by Russian jets and just one month before Ankara shot down a Russian jet in November.?The 28-country alliance is bound by Article 5 of its treaty to collectively defend its members. "Collective defense means that an attack against one ally is considered as an attack against all allies," the article states.?Saudi Arabia does not appear ready to back down either.?The Saudis continue to reiterate their position that either Assad must go peacefully or he will be removed by force...?Saudi Arabia is prepared to send troops to Syria if President Bashar Assad doesn't resign and leave his war-torn nation peacefully. Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Al-Jubeir warned Sunday that his country will take military action if Syria violates the terms of a ceasefire agreement.?"I believe that abiding by the truce would be an important indicator of the seriousness to reach a peaceful solution to the Syrian crisis that would include setting up a transitional council and the transfer of power from Bashar to this council," he said during a joint press conference with his Danish counterpart Kristian Jensen in the Saudi capital of Riyadh.?Al-Jubeir warned that Saudi Arabia has prepared a "Plan B." If "the coalition decided to send ground troops into Syria, Saudi Arabia is ready to contribute," he said.?The goal since 2011 has been to get rid of Assad so that Syria could become a full-fledged Sunni nation with a Sunni government.?Saudi Arabia, Turkey and their allies have poured enormous amounts of money and resources into this conflict, and they don't appear to be willing to walk away now that the tide of the war has turned.? In fact, how the Saudis have been behaving lately has been causing a tremendous amount of anxiety in the Middle East...?Saudi Arabia's recent actions have caused a great deal of anxiety within its region. On February 4, a military spokesman suggested that Saudi Arabia was ready to send troops ground troops to fight ISIS in Syria. A week later Saudi Arabia announced that it will send combat aircraft and soldiers to Turkey to participate in the U.S.-led coalition against ISIS.?Three days later the Saudis launched "Northern Thunder," described as the "largest military exercise in the history of the Middle East." Participants from 20 countries sent troops to the maneuvers run over three weeks in Hafar al Batin in northern Saudi Arabia, not far from the Iraqi and Kuwaiti border. According to a Saudi media outlet, some 350,000 troops were expected to participate in the maneuvers.?So if Saudi Arabia, Turkey and their allies are preparing for war, then what is the purpose of the ceasefire??Well, first of all the goal was to stop the bleeding.? The Sunni militants were losing ground steadily, and this pause will enable them to regroup and get resupplied.?Secondly, this pause in the action gives "the coalition" time to move forces into position for a potential ground invasion of Syria.?But more than anything else, this ceasefire seems to be a trap.? It appears to be inevitable that the U.S. and other western powers will accuse Russia, Iran, Hezbollah and the Syrian government of breaking the ceasefire, thus providing "legal justification" for "the coalition" to militarily intervene.?Watch developments in Syria very closely.? Many had hoped that this ceasefire would bring the five-year civil war to an end, but the truth is that it could just be setting the stage for something far, far bigger.Analysis: Iran, ISIS Likely to Unite for WWIII - By: Hana Levi Julian - other question is how long until someone strikes the spark that ignites the conflagration -- the region is already in chaos.?Israeli military analysts are now beginning to prepare top officials, who are in turn beginning to prepare the nation, for what eventually may become the start of World War III.?Most analysts still believe the Syrian crisis is a sectarian conflict between the Sunni, Shi'a and Alawite Muslims. But that time is long gone.?A cataclysmic clash of civilizations is taking place in Syria, one that a number of nations have patiently awaited for decades.?Turkey, so deeply invested in the glorious history of its Ottoman Empire period, would find great satisfaction in stretching its influence with a modern-day "Turkish Islamic Union" that might embrace like-minded nations in the region and perhaps also beyond.?Da'esh, as it is known in the Middle East and which in English calls itself the "Islamic State" (known by others as ISIS or ISIL) is rapidly stretching its influence to build a worldwide Sunni caliphate. It began as a splinter group from the Al Qaeda terrorist organization, and then morphed into the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (hence "ISIS") - but at last count had successfully recruited more than 41 other regional Muslim terrorist organizations to its cause from around the world on nearly every continent.?And then there is the Islamic Republic of Iran, a Shi'ite Muslim nation, which is extending its tentacles as rapidly throughout the world as Da'esh, but far more insidiously and certainly more dangerously. If in this world one might define any nation today as Amalek, that ice-cold, black-hearted evil that first picks off the weakest of the Jewish nation, it is Iran, which has quietly extended its influence and control farther and more deeply than any other enemy Israel has ever had. Wealthy, patient, smiling and calculating, Iran acquires new allies each year, even among those Israel once counted as friends. Meanwhile, Iranian officials never forget to keep the home fires burning, to stir the pot and keep it simmering, and always to nurture the various conflicts at home in the Middle East.?This past week, Iran announced the money it donates to families of Arab "martyrs" who murder Israelis will be paid via its own special charity organization, and not through the Palestinian Authority government.?But Tehran has yet to reveal the details of exactly how it intends to pay.?Instead, a high-ranked government official simply made an announcement this weekend saying Iran did not trust the Ramallah government, driving a deeper wedge already dividing the PA's ruling Fatah faction from Gaza's ruling Hamas terror organization - Iran's proxy group.?Hamas has been planting sleeper cells and budding regional headquarters, however, throughout the PA-controlled areas of Judea and Samaria, and it is clear the group's next goal is an attempt to wrest control of those two regions from the PA, thus completing Iran's takeover of the PLO - the PA's umbrella organization and liaison to the United Nations.?Money is always helpful in such an enterprise, and Iran has recently enjoyed a massive infusion of cash that came courtesy of the United States and five other world powers after sanctions were lifted last month as part of last July's nuclear deal.?Iranian Ambassador to Lebanon Mohammed Fath'ali announced last Wednesday that Iran would pay Arab families for each "martyr" who died attacking Israelis in Jerusalem and each Arab family whose home was demolished by Israel after one of its occupants murdered Israelis in a terror attack.?Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani last week underlined Tehran's continued strong support for the wave of terror against Israel.?"The Islamic Republic supports the Palestinian Intifada and all Palestinian groups in their fight against the Zionist regime. We should turn this into the main issue in the Muslim world," Larijani said in a meeting with a number of "resistance" groups in Tehran, FARS reported Sunday (Feb 28).?But it is clear that Iran is not content solely with a takeover of the PLO.?Tehran has its eye on a much wider goal, now more clearly than ever the resurrection of an updated Persian Empire - in modern parlance military analysts refer to it as an "Axis of Evil" - in much the same manner that Sunni Da'esh (ISIS) is single-mindedly pursuing its goal of rebuilding a worldwide caliphate.?Iranian forces via proxies have already managed to involve themselves in what once were domestic affairs in Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Israel, Cuba, Mexico, the United States, Afghanistan, Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, Qatar, Turkey and numerous other nations.?Larijani has at last proclaimed officially that Iran doesn't differentiate between Shiites and Sunnis since they share many commonalities, adding that Tehran "has supported the Palestinian nation (although they are Sunnis) for the past 37 years."?The remark is significant in that Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps and Lebanese Shi'ite Hezbollah guerrillas - another Iranian proxy - are fighting Sunni opposition forces in Syria on behalf of President Bashar al-Assad. Iranian forces are fighting the Sunni Muslim Da'esh (ISIS) terror organization that seized a significant percentage of territory in Syria.?But south of Israel, Iran's proxy Hamas, a Sunni Muslim group, has been providing material and technical support to the same Da'esh - but its "Sinai Province" terror group in the Sinai Peninsula.?Here we finally see that Iran is willing to adapt and support terror wherever it can be found, as long as it meets two of three criteria: (1) it furthers its goal to destabilize the region, (2) in the process it works towards the annihilation of Israel, and/or (3) will contribute towards conquest and influence to reach the goal of an ultimate renewed, updated Persian Empire.?How long then until Iran connects the two dots and simply arranges a meeting between its own Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and the leader of Da'esh, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi? Hezbollah's Hassan Nasrallah and Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal will likely be invited for dessert ...??Is nuclear Armageddon more likely than ever? - weapons, unstable nations, and terrorism are raising the nuclear stakes. Is a doomsday attack more likely? Here's everything you need to know about the new nuclear arms race:?How many nuclear weapons are there??About 16,000. Russia and the U.S. have 93 percent of them, with more than 7,000 each; the rest are split between France, China, the U.K., Pakistan, India, Israel, and North Korea. The global stockpile is much smaller than it was at the height of the Cold War: In 1986, Russia and the U.S. had 64,000 nukes pointed at each other - enough to devastate every square inch of the entire globe. But there are growing fears that nuclear catastrophe is becoming increasingly likely. The established nuclear powers are modernizing their arsenals with smaller, more sophisticated weapons. The unstable regime in nuclear-armed North Korea is trying to develop a hydrogen bomb. ISIS, which is richer and more ambitious than any previous terrorist group, is trying to get hold of a nuclear device. The Doomsday Clock, the symbolic countdown to Armageddon, was last year moved from five minutes to midnight to three minutes. "We are facing nuclear dangers today that are in fact more likely to erupt into a nuclear conflict than during the Cold War," says former Secretary of Defense William Perry.?What's the biggest worry??Probably North Korea, since it's run by the erratic, belligerent dictator Kim Jong-Un. The Hermit Kingdom carried out its fourth nuclear test in January, and claimed it was a hydrogen bomb. Atomic bombs create their explosive energy solely through nuclear fission, while H-bombs rely on nuclear fusion, the same chain reaction that drives the Sun. This makes them vastly more powerful than atomic weapons: A-bombs tend to be measured in kilotons (equivalent to 1,000 tons of TNT); H-bombs in megatons (1 million tons of TNT). Nuclear scientists are unconvinced that North Korea's underground test was a thermonuclear weapon, based on the shock waves it produced. But the country is believed to have built a 10-kiloton atomic weapon - slightly smaller than the Hiroshima bomb, but enough to destroy a city. The regime already has the capability to strike South Korea, Japan, and other nearby countries with nuclear weapons; its recent launch of a satellite into orbit, which was widely seen as an intercontinental ballistic missile test, suggested that it could soon reach the U.S.?What are other powers doing??Arming up. Russia's defense budget has increased by over 50 percent since 2007 - a third of it is devoted to nuclear weapons. China is increasing its warhead stocks and developing nuclear-armed submarines. Pakistan and India's own nuclear standoff shows no sign of cooling. President Obama, who in 2009 pledged to try to create a "world without nuclear weapons," has proposed spending $1 trillion over the next 30 years updating America's nuclear arsenal, replacing 12 nuclear-armed submarines, 450 land-based missiles, and hundreds of nuclear bombers. Some of the weapons in development are very controversial.?Why is that??They're becoming smaller and more advanced, and thus more likely to be used. Last fall, the U.S. Air Force tested its first precision-guided atom bomb, which can be remotely guided like a cruise missile to zero in on small targets. Its explosive power can be dialed up or down, from 50 kilotons to 0.3 kilotons. Critics argue that nuclear weapons should never be used as battlefield weapons - only as a deterrent. "What going smaller does," says retired Gen. James Cartwright, "is make the weapon more thinkable." Russia's new weapons are also causing concerns. Last November, the Kremlin leaked plans for a nuclear torpedo designed to sneak under traditional nuclear defenses and hit cities or military installations along the coasts.?Could terrorists acquire a nuke??It's possible. Between 1995 and 2012, the International Atomic Energy Agency catalogued 2,200 attempts to steal or smuggle uranium. ISIS's propaganda magazine has suggested buying a nuclear weapon in Pakistan and smuggling it into the U.S. Nuclear experts warn that an improvised device could be fitted into an SUV-size shipping container. Ports and airports are fitted with radiation sensors, but they only work at very close range. Another potential threat is a "dirty bomb" - a regular explosive device that would spray radioactive material over a blast zone, exposing thousands of people to radiation and turning an entire city into an uninhabitable ghost town. Authorities in Iraq are now searching for a sizable quantity of "highly dangerous" radioactive material stolen last year, which theoretically could wind up in the hands of ISIS.?Is a nuke-free world possible??Not in the foreseeable future. Once rogue nations develop nuclear weapons, they're extremely unlikely to relinquish them. "The reason you attacked Afghanistan is because they don't have nukes," a North Korean diplomat told American negotiators in 2005. "That is why we will never give up ours." For similar reasons, none of the nine nuclear powers will surrender its weapons. The nuclear genie was let out of the bottle in Hiroshima in 1945, and it will probably never be forced back in.?Monitoring nuclear wannabes ??Any nation seeking to develop nuclear weapons has to test them - and the good news is that it has become impossible to conduct a nuclear test in secret. With a huge network of seismic stations and underwater hydroacoustic centers, the international organization responsible for enforcing the ban on testing can detect and measure a nuclear explosion anywhere in the world. But uncovering the construction of a nuke is another matter. Satellites play a big part, but they're far from infallible. Syria hid a nuclear reactor by assembling it in a building with a lowered floor, which from the outside looked too small to house such a facility. (The reactor was discovered and destroyed by Israel in 2007, before it could be completed.) Once a program has been detected, advances in nuclear forensics - the analysis of air and soil for radioactive particles - have made it very hard to cover up previous activity. "You can detect individual atoms," says Andreas Persbo of Vertic, the international agreement verification think tank. "It's virtually impossible to hide that you've been doing nuclear activity in a room."?NOW BOTH DVDs FOR ONLY $29.95NOW SHIPPING!!!MAGOG RISINGMore than 2,500 years ago, God gave?the prophet Ezekiel an astonishing prophecy to give to the world, one that would be fulfilled in "the latter days." Many Bible scholars feel that the prophesied events, found in Ezekiel 38 and 39, could be fulfilled in the near future, and that we might already be witnessing the stage being set and the actors being moved into place, in light of current events happening in the Middle East, right now.?In Ezekiel 38, Russia, Iran, and an alliance of Muslim nations invade Israel due to a "hook placed in the mouth of Russia" to bring Russia down to invade Israel. That hook could very well be the natural-gas fields discovered off the coast of Israel or the more recent finding of massive oil deposits in the Golan Heights.?With Russian and Iranian military forces now cooperating? and engaging in combat in Syria, just miles north of the border of Israel, people are asking if these events are setting the stage for the fulfillment of what Bible scholars call the "War of Gog & Magog" that is supposed to take place in the End of Days??Join us in this exciting new DVD as we examine Ezekiel 38 & 39 and the infamous war of Gog & Magog, and compare it to today's headlines and current events in the Middle East.The Fate of Damascus and the Psalm 83 War?About the time of the end the biblical prophet Ezekiel tells of a future invasion of Israel by a vast coalition of nations, known as the battle of Gog and Magog, we find this in Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39. As we read the headlines in the newspapers of today, and witness the conflicts in the Middle East, it's not hard to imagine that this invasion prophesied over 2600 years ago, could be fulfilled in the immediate future.? Ezekiel 36-37 predicts a gathering of the Jews to the nation of Israel, which will be followed by this massive invasion.? For 19 centuries, the Jewish people were scattered throughout the world, and until May 14, 1948, there was no nation of Israel to invade.? With the nation of Israel now a reality, the stage seems set for the war that will usher in the tribulation and the rise of the Antichrist; a war that will end with the destruction of Israel's enemies by God Himself, and lead to the signing of a peace treaty with the Antichrist.?As you read Ezekiel 38 and 39, it isn't just the creation of the nation of Israel that makes this prophecy seem likely to be fulfilled in the near future.? The nations that God tells us will form this coalition against Israel seem more likely now than perhaps ever before to form just such an alliance." The leaders of this coalition will be Russia and Iran, and currently both of these nations are right on Israel's doorstep, under the pretense of battling ISIS in Syria. I believe that there are a couple of unfulfilled prophecies that will lead-up to this massive invasion of Israel, and as we read today's headlines, we find that the fulfillment of these two prophesied events,?could happen very soon! ?The Fate of Damascus and the Psalm 83 War?TO ORDER THIS NEW DVDS - CLICK HERE?For every "Convergence" DVD that you purchase, you will receive a second one for FREE to out hand out or give away. For example, if you buy 5 DVDs, you will receive 10."CONVERGENCE of the End Time Signs" -?Bible Prophecy fulfillment is in a period of acceleration, a time of Quickening, the world is racing towards Armageddon, now more than ever we must be ready! We are about to enter a time like no other time, a time that no man has ever seen, a time like no other time in the history of this world, as a matter of fact we are about to enter the end times. Since the dawn of mankind, there have always been wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes, famines, pestilences, disease, strange-weather and false Christ's just as Jesus predicted. Fast forward nearly 2,000 years since Jesus made this prediction, and you have today's headlines lining up exactly with the Word of God. The big thing?isn't?that these events?are happening today, is that they are all happening at the very same time! Bible prophecy is being fulfilled right before our very eyes.? Fulfilled prophecy is increasing in frequency and intensity just like birth pains, and Jesus said when you see these know that I am near, even at the door.All the signs of the last days are converging at the same time. Bible Prophecy is happening right before our eyes and like birth pains, ?the predicted events are happening more frequently and more intently. Never, in the history throughout the world have so many forces, including economic, scientific, techno-logic, ecologic, cultural, geopolitical, moral, spiritual and religion, converged together to bring this world that's already teetering over the edge into the abyss, to a point of no return. "CONVERGENCE" brings it all together and will clearly show where all this heading and what people need to do!To Order this Video on DVD Click Here!Nearing Midnight: The Crisis Awaits - Terry James - Obama recently made the statement, in effect, that anyone who tells us the economic situation in the United States is not getting better is "peddling fiction." This he said despite the fact that the debt clock is ticking at a rate that will soon have Americans and generations to come owing beyond $20 trillion. Extrapolated out over an extended number of years, some economists are saying unfunded liabilities of this nation amount to in excess of $200 trillion. ?Like it or not, believe it or not, you and I are being swept along by the tide of human history toward something profoundly ominous. Hourly news accounts, no matter how much they've been doctored to try to present a recovering national and global economic picture, engender fearful concerns about things to come. It is almost impossible to grasp the causes and effects of the evil shaping and moving America and the world toward a destiny the supposed best minds on the planet can't determine. However, that inability to define the problems, much less find solutions, doesn't stop them from making seemingly wild stabs at trying to channel all of us into a drastically changed economic national and world order. ?But, are their attempts really wild stabs, or is there method to their madness? History is replete with attempts to reshape national and even global economic realities. Money equals power and power exerts control upon this fallen planet. Power is the ultimate endgame of all who seek it for themselves. Henry Kissinger put it this way: "Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac." ?The declaration can be understood in recalling the most ancient of accounts of an infamous personality seeking the greatest of all power: ?For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. (Isaiah 14:13-14) ?Humankind's determination to do the same-acquire the power to which the angel named Lucifer aspired-hasn't changed since the serpent first told Eve that she and Adam would be like God if they ate from the fruit of the forbidden tree (see Genesis 3:5). Tracing the serpent's trail of power madness to a later time recorded in the Bible (Genesis chapter 11), Nimrod was the would-be one-world- order builder of his day, following the Great Flood of Noah's time. He, like every megalomaniac since, lusted for God-like power. ?Man's lust for power continues to grow; he has not learned the lessons of the past because, as a whole, he regards the Word of God as irrelevant to the governance of the earth. One philosopher of renown, George Santayana, put it this way: "He who does not remember history is condemned to repeat it." ?The corruption that God saw and condemned in antediluvian times, which caused Him to destroy all upon the earth except eight people, has again reached a dangerous level. Dictators prove the truth of another bit of philosophical wisdom, this by Lord Edward Acton: "All power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." ?In my estimation we see this level of power being sought in the words and actions of the current presidential administration. Circumventing the U.S. Constitution at every opportunity because this president has "a phone and a pen" poses a danger to this republic. To at the same time have another branch of government that is supposed to act as a check and balance to an out-of-control executive, yet does nothing to present opposition, creates real and present danger to this nation. ?While mainstream media types of network and cable seemingly sway acceptingly in the mesmerizing economic flute notes of the charmer -- the real peddler of fiction -- the immediate future looks ominously bleak, according to true financial experts who are without the benefit of the mainstream's ubiquitous microphones and cameras to get out their warning. The nation and the world are about to experience economic collapse the likes of which has never occurred, is their message. ?These are most all in agreement. There will come a trigger point, or a tipping point. This will be one moment in time, and it will prick the immense financial bubble that the money powers that be have manipulated to this point of crisis we face. ?My own belief continues to be that it is God's great hand of control rather than the would-be economic masters that has prevented the bubble from bursting. The crisis awaits the moment in time when the Lord, Himself, will burst the bubble. If one studies carefully the news of late, it becomes clear that the term "cashless system" is coming more and more into vogue. The economic gurus at the highest levels -- in human terms and in supernatural, satanic terms -- seem to be preparing a system of Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). They want to do away with physical currency and go to the cashless, computer system so they can carry out their sleight-of-hand, monetary machinations electronically. ?The marks-and-numbers system of economics of Revelation 13:16-18 is more than just on the drawing board. We are seeing it come to pass in our daily news. All that is required for its implementation is the crisis that will bring it forward. I am convinced that crisis will be created by the Rapture of all who name the name of Christ.?Scalia Dead: Eyes Wide Shut with Queen of the Damned - By Paul McGuire - staying at the Cibolo Creek Ranch in Presidio County, Texas, Justice Scalia died in his room. One might think he actually died of natural causes except the official narrative keeps changing like something from Alice in Wonderland. First a pillow is found completely over his head; then the pillow is found just on the top portion of his head. When the reports of Scalia's death first came out there was no mention of a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine being found on the nightstand next to him, although, as one who suffered from sleep apnea, he normally needed one. Then, mysteriously, the Washington Post reported that Justice Scalia was found lying in bed with his arms to his side and "his bed covers smooth." Clearly the Washington Post is trying to tell us something. Who sleeps without ever moving a muscle so that bed covers are smooth? Certainly not a man who had sleep apnea. ?A man with sleep apnea tosses and turns like crazy during the night, snoring very loudly, except for the countless times he becomes silent and it appears he is almost dying and then all of a sudden there is a loud gasping for air! A man with sleep apnea doesn't wake up with his covers smooth. John Poindexter (owner of Cibolo Creek) said Scalia retired around nine p.m. saying he wanted a long night's sleep. This would have indicated that he was probably very tired because, having sleep apnea, he did not sleep well, so he would have almost certainly plugged in and physically put on the (CPAP) machine breathing mask. At the very least, he would have taken sleep medication because he would have wanted to make sure he slept. Either of these two choices alone would have demanded an autopsy. But let's suspend logic for a moment, since apparently the authorities charged with carrying out their duties threw logic out the window before they knew any facts to begin with.?The authorities in were Sheriff Danny Dominguez and the Justice of the Peace, Cinderela Guevara. She did not come out to view the body and refused to order an autopsy, and declared that Scalia had died from "heart failure," then changed it to "natural causes." This is contrary to Texas law when someone dies alone, no doctor is present before or after death, and the cause of death is unknown (despite all of Cinderela's magical pronouncements).?As it turns out Justice Scalia belonged to a secret society...the International Order of St. Hubertus, whose American branch was started in 1966 by members of the Bohemian Club associated with the Bohemian Grove. This where things begin to sound conspiratorial, because in an identical manner the Illuminati founded Skull and Bones at Yale University in 1832 as Chapter 322 of a pre-existing German secret order. Apparently, members of the International Order of St. Hubertus, who wear long green robes and use terms and symbols (like the Maltese Cross) also used by the Masons, the Rosicrucian's, and the Knights Templar), were having a meeting at the Cibolo Ranch. When you see the artwork and the decorative masks hanging prominently on the walls of the resort it looks like something from Stanley Kubrick's movie Eyes Wide Shut. The artwork is dark and demonic with skeletons and a disfigured woman with her eyeball ripped out of its socket. Just the normal kind of artwork which you would have at a normal spa designed to relax you.?It's almost as if the artist who decorated the Cibolo Creek Ranch is the same one who painted the sinister paintings of World War III and the apocalypse on the walls of the Denver International Airport. According to a Washington Post article entitled "Justice Scalia Spent His Last Hours With Members of this Secretive Society of Elite Hunters" dated February 24, 2016, "the Society of St. Hubertus, an elite international men's only hunting club has its roots going back to 1695 in the Czech Republic."?But let's go back to the connection of the Society of St. Hubertus with the Bohemian Grove, where numerous U.S. presidents, senators, congressmen, heads of multi-national corporations, and world leaders attend. When the elite gather at the Bohemian Grove they participate in a "mock" sacrifice ceremony called the "Cremation of Care," in front of a giant owl statue which symbolizes the ancient god of the Canaanites: Moloch. In the Old Testament we read how the Canaanites would offer up their infant children to Moloch and burn them alive as a sacrifice to this demon god. When the ancient Israelites would rebel from the Biblical god they would also participate in the worship of Moloch. But the question has to be asked: why do so many members of the elite, including U.S. presidents, participate in a "mock" worship ceremony to the pagan god Moloch where they burn effigies of human infants? On whatever level you look at this, it is extremely dark, sick, and satanic.?We may never know exactly how Justice Scalia died, but his involvement in a secret society connected to the Bohemian Grove raises far more important questions. In our book The Babylon Code, I and my co-author Troy Anderson, a Pulitzer Prize-nominated journalist, look at the important role secret societies have played in world events and in the founding of America up until present times. In Stanley Kubrick's movie Eyes Wide Shut the famous satanic cult-orgy scene where the participants were wearing masks to hide their true identities was filmed in one of the Rothschild castles.?While we focus in on how Scalia died and consider the probability that he was assassinated, the bigger question is who were the other 35 members of this secret cult who were at the Cibolo Creek Ranch? We may never know the answers to these questions because their identities have not been made public.? ?One final note. If you think those masks that were left up on the wall of the Cibolo Creek Ranch were left there by accident and that the empty beds eerily lined up in the hall on the way to Scalia's room were there because they were cleaning, you better think again. Whatever happened at the Cibolo Creek Ranch was done in plain sight, as Kubrick suggested with his play on words in the title of his movie, Eyes Wide Shut, or we could say, "Eyes Wide Open!" For the average American who lives in a surreal trance state, it does not matter if their eyes are wide open because even when they appear to be open, they are actually "wide shut." One of the most powerful men in the world, Justice Scalia, died under very questionable circumstances. With so many critical decisions before the Supreme Court, Scalia's mysterious death, can appear very convenient.?But, ultimately for the mass majority of Americans it does not matter because most of them will have already forgotten. Scalia's death is just another image among countless images of death and chaos which remain buried in the collective consciousness of America's kaleidoscopic soul. May God have mercy on us all, or we to will walk with "eyes wide shut" into Hades hand in hand with the Queen of the Damned.?Daily Jot: Your duty to engage with good to overcome evil - Bill Wilson - ?In recent days, many emails have expressed discouragement with the political process and the quality of candidates that are winning. Some point to scriptures saying that God establishes the leaders, or the election is in God's hands, or God removes kings and sets up kings. Others question how God will judge them for their vote. Using scriptures to justify not voting, voting for a third party, or writing in a candidate that has no chance of winning, in this particular election, is a vote for the dark side. Not voting or throwing away a vote still counts. To those worried about judgment will in that day God say, "You had the choice I put before you and you chose not to choose"? Kind of like the parable of hiding the talents? ?Aside from advancing the Islamic Marxist policies and agenda that have been established over the past eight years, there is the possibility of at least two Supreme Court appointments. If these fall into leftist--not just liberal--but leftist hands, as we have seen with the most recent appointments, the law and the Constitution will be twisted beyond recognition. There is more at stake in this election than just another four years of Islamic Marxism, which is bad enough. Hillary Clinton's top aide is a Muslim Brotherhood operative, from a family of Muslim Brotherhood operatives. The Saudis essentially bought and paid for her husband's Presidential library. The list goes on and on. ?1 Samuel 8 describes how the elders of Israel got a king. They came to Samuel and said, "make us a king to judge us like all the nations." Samuel went to God about it. God told Samuel to tell them what a king would do--tax them, take their daughters and sons for his own work, take a tenth of their sheep, and make them all servants. The people still demanded a king. Verse 22 says, "Hearken unto their voice, and make them a king." The ensuing chapters describe how Saul was chosen by God out of all the tribes, how he was introduced to the people, and the problems that came with it. God allowed the people to have their way. He has let Americans have their way as well. ?Herein is my point. We do not have kings in America--no matter how flawed the system is--we have a choice for our leaders. Yes, God is sovereign, however, it is not an either/or situation. If you believe in free will, you also understand that God orders the steps of the faithful. God chooses to act through man. Otherwise nothing would be required of his creation. You have to make the choice to receive God's gift of salvation and then you are commanded to the Great Commission, to overcome evil with good, to love one another, etc. With all that is held in the balance for us as a people and as a nation, and knowing the difference of good and evil, we all have a duty to engage in this election. Just saying...Daily Devotion: People Reaching People - Greg Laurie - ?"So faith comes from hearing that is, hearing the Good News about Christ." -Romans 10:17?It is worth noting that no person in the New Testament came to faith apart from the agency of a human being. Have you ever stopped and thought about that? We can find example after example.?There was the Ethiopian (see Acts 8:26-39). There are many ways that God could have reached this man from a distant country. He could have sent an angel to meet him. Instead, the Lord sent an angel to Philip and told him to go. So Philip went and proclaimed the gospel to that man, and he believed.?Then there was the Philippian jailer (see Acts 16:27-34). God could have reached him in many ways. Instead, He allowed Paul and Silas to be incarcerated and to ultimately proclaim the gospel, bringing that man and his family to faith.?We can think of Cornelius, a man who was searching for God (see Acts 10). An angel spoke to him and told him he needed to meet a man named Simon Peter. The angel explained where to find him. The angel could have given him the gospel. But God chose to use Simon Peter.?What about Saul? While it is true that he was converted through an encounter with Christ on the Damascus Road, his conversion was sandwiched between experiences with two people who influenced him. First, it was the witness of Stephen that softened Saul's heart and made it receptive to the seed of the Word when he was confronted by Jesus Christ. Afterward, God sent Ananias to follow up on Saul and pray for him to receive the power of the Holy Spirit. ?So you see, God used people. And He wants to use you.?What better opportunity to allow God to use you than through Harvest America this Sunday? Your simple invitation could be the turning point in someone's life. So ask the Holy Spirit to direct you, and then get to work inviting!FROM THE HEART??IF YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED THROUGH THIS MINISTRY, THEN WE ASK THAT YOU WOULD PLEASE REMEMBER PROPHECY UPDATE IN YOUR GIVING - WE ARE TRULY,?TRULY,?THANKFUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT??Prophecy Update has no corporate sponsors. This ministry is paid for and prayed for by readers and supporters. Without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update, Please pray about becoming a monthly supporter - thanks!??If ever there was a time to invest in God's Kingdom, it's now!What on earth are you doing for Heaven's Sake?"Share in the Blessings and Rewards that will last Forever!""Folks, it's all beginning to unravel. America is in more danger of falling than at any time in its history. But I believe Bible prophecy predicts this very decline. From this point on, we believers have to get serious. We are going to face discouragement, disillusionment and, most certainly, persecution in the time between now and the Rapture. But don't be discouraged or disillusioned. The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey1) We need your prayers!- We proclaim the Truth of the Word of God and we are under constant spiritual and sometimes even physical attack.2) We need your encouragement!- We need to hear from you, let us know how the Lord is blessing you through this ministry so that we can share it with others.3) We need your input! - If you have a prophetic article or story or if there is a news related item we missed, let us know. 4) We need your financial support!- To put it quite simply, without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update.I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Remember, your gift, no matter how small, does make a difference! 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Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else." 2 Corinthians 9:10-13Prophecy Update is a 501 (c) (3) tax exempt -?non-profit?organization, and all your donations are tax deductible.??If you have been blessed by Prophecy Update and would like to help support this ministry financially. You can make a secure donation online by going to:DONATE NOW?Or Visit our website: write us at:?Prophecy Update P.O. Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384-0516???We are very pleased to offer all our readers this FREE download on Bible Prophecy from the Evangelical Bible College of Western Australia - Just download and enjoy and be blessed! 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