Liberty Union High School District

Anatomy and Physiology 8/2015Skin Conditions and Diseases Poster Presentation ProjectSkin Disorder______Student_____________________1. Acne Vulgaris-----------------------_____________________________________________2. Psoriasis-----------------------------_____________________________________________3. Seborrheic Eczema---------------______________________________________________4. Contact Dermatitis---------------______________________________________________5. Tinea Pedis ------------------------______________________________________________6. Urticaria----------------------------______________________________________________7. Rosacea-----------------------------______________________________________________8. Vitiligo-------------------------------_______________________________________________9. Impetigo----------------------------________________________________________________10. Boils--------------------------------________________________________________________11. Carbuncles-----------------------________________________________________________12. Ringworm------------------------________________________________________________13. Warts------------------------------________________________________________________14. Keloid------------------------------________________________________________________15. MRSA Staph Infection---------________________________________________________16. Gangrene-------------------------________________________________________________17. Harlequin Type Icthyosis-----________________________________________________18. Scleroderma---------------------________________________________________________19. Alopecia -------------------------________________________________________________20. Burns-----------------------------_________________________________________________21. Necrotizing Fasciitis----------_________________________________________________22. Hives-----------------------------_________________________________________________23. Cutaneous Candidiasis------_________________________________________________24. Cellulitis-------------------------_________________________________________________Skin DisorderStudent____________________25. Hypohidrosis-----------------______________________________________________________26. Cutis Laxa--------------------_______________________________________________________27. Erysipelas--------------------________________________________________________________28. Herpes-----------------------________________________________________________________29. Ichthyosis Vulgaris---------________________________________________________________30. Acrodermatitus-------------__________________________________________________________31. Seborrheic Keratosis------__________________________________________________________32. Pemphigus Vulgaris-------___________________________________________________________33. Shingles-----------------------___________________________________________________________34. Malignant melanoma-----___________________________________________________________Anatomy and Physiology 8/2015Integumentary System Project: Skin DisordersDuring our study of the SKIN and its accessory organs; nails, hair and cutaneous glands, we are going to learn about some common skin disorders, diseases and rashes and the problems they can cause. You are going to organize information on a specific topic and you will present this in a “poster session” in class. Scientists routinely attend meetings where they have to present their information in poster sessions to other scientists, so you might as well get in some practice! You will select a topic that you would like to investigate and sign up for this in class. I have many topics so there will be no repeats. If you have a special interest, please OK it with me before you start working.You will spend time as Homework over the weekend, gathering facts and pictures and place this onto a thumb drive to be used in class on Thursday Sept. 3rd. We will be going to the library where you can gather more information about your topic and will be able to print your information so it can be placed onto your mini-poster. Examples of sources that you might use could include medical dictionary, magazines, books and internet. Be sure to cite sources as you go. You will be given 3 pages of card stock to make your folding mini-poster. These are the content items to include on your poster: Name of your skin Disorder, disease, etc.Causes (name of virus, incident, bacteria, fungus), scientific and common nameSigns and symptomsHow and where would somebody most likely contract this?Cures &/or Preventions(if contagious, how do we protect from spreading, or how to reduce risk of catching or getting this)Quality of life of person with this? Are there any restrictions for a person with this condition? 3 or more Illustrations/Pictures (can be diagrams of tissue affected, images of the affected skin, images of treatment options, etc.)8. On Back: attach written list of at least 3 sources sited9. Handout: Create a 3 question mini-quiz for the content within your poster for students to answer. This should be titled with your name, your topic title and a line for student name. Create a pocket on the poster to hold these questionnaires for each student to take. (you will need 35 copies of the questionnaire. (probably can fit 5 on one page)10. Your mini-poster should be eye catching, informative and professional looking.All proper English language rules apply.Extra Credit: Please find an article from the newspaper, magazine, internet, or other print sources, that discusses any skin disorder or any new procedures or products dealing with helping those with skin disorders or afflictions. Please write a summary of this article including information about the scientists, companies, and the people involved. Include the process of the work they are doing, how this is to help or aid people or how this can improve knowledge about skin diseases. Be sure to define and explain any medical vocabulary.Include a copy of the article. This summary should be 1 page in length at least, typed, font 12 and single-spaced . More credit for longer and more informative summary.Rubric: Thoroughly Discussed / Discussed/ Mentioned Absent or completed or completedAppropriate title:3 21 0Causes 3 21 0Signs and Symptoms 3 21 0How this is contracted 3 21 0 Cures and preventions 3 21 0 Quality of life and/ or restrictions 3 21 0 3 images3 21 03 Sources cited3 21 03 question student mini-quiz 3 21 0 Eye catching and professional 3 21 0 Total: Extra Credit: 6 3 ................

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