ROMULAN RANK INSIGNIA - Amarillo Design Bureau


Magna-Admirals are the

Pente-Admirals are the

Major-Admirals are the

Ante-Admirals are the

equal of Federation five-star equal of Federation four-star equal of Federation three-star equal of Federation two-star

grand admirals and command fleet admirals and command vice admirals and command rear admirals and command a

an entire theater of war.

fleets of 20-50 ships.

a wing of 12-25 ships.

division of 6-10 ships.

Pente-Commanders are

Major-Commanders are

Ante-Commanders (also

Proto-Commanders are

senior commodores who will squadron leaders and

known as Sub-Commanders) the captains of destroyers and

never be promoted to admiral; command groups of three or captain cruisers or other large lesser starships, or students at

they are often staff specialists. four warships in combat.

ships in combat.

Imperial Command School.

Pente-Tribunes are equal

Major-Tribunes are the

Ante-Tribunes are the

Proto-Tribunes are

to Star Fleet captains, but are equal of Star Fleet comman- equal of Star Fleet lieutenant students at the senior

usually staff officers not in the ders and head major depart- commanders, and supervise leadership and staff schools,

chain of command.

ments on a starship.

minor departments on a ship. so that all students are equal.

Pente-Centurions have little hope of promotion to tribune, but are often deputy department heads.

Major-Centurions are the Ante-Centurions are the

Proto-Centurions are

equal of Star Fleet senior equal of Star Fleet junior

officer candidates serving up

lieutenants and continue to be lieutenants and have authority to two years with minimal status

in charge of duty sections. over a duty section.

in an active military unit.

Ultra-Decurions are Magna-Decurions

E9 sergeants-major, the are E8 master

senior enlisted man on sergeants, the senior

a starship or in a cohort enlisted man in a duty

of ground troops.

section or century.

Pente-Decurions are E7 senior NCOs who supervise junior sergeants in a duty section.


Ante-Decurions are

are E6 veteran working E5 junior working

sergeants in charge of sergeants on their first

a few enlisted personnel assignment in charge of

at a duty station

a duty station.

Pente-Soldats are veterans Major-Soldats are veteran Ante-Soldats are junior

Proto-Soldats are recruits

who will never be promoted to soldiers or crewmen who have enlisted personnel who have undergoing basic training, but

leadership positions, but are gained a broad range of skills completed basic training but in wartime some are sent to

respected for their skills.

through their experience. lack much experience.

frontline units for final training.

Copyright ? 2010 Amarillo Design Bureau, Inc.


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