Name: Sal(vador) Monteagudo

Name: Sal(vador) Monteagudo

Nick Names: = Sal da pal

Birthday:=3/18/77 (year is optional)

Born In: =St. Paul

City/State you live in: =Morris (since 1999 all year round after graduating at UMM)

Shoe Size: =9

Boy/Girlfriend/spouse: = none

What Famous person do you think you look like? =have been called Yoda from Star Wars!

What's your personality type? =passive, but active when I want to

Most Embarrassing moment: =there are many, but onetime I was walking out of the boys bathroom in high school and some students were laughing behind me. I was trying to ignore them. Then I look back and realize I was dragging about 2-3+ feet of toilet paper stuck to my shoe!

Your best childhood memory: =many, but one was winning (second place) a baseball story writing contest (sponsored by the St. Paul Pioneer Press) in middle school and I had the chance to sit in the spacious box seats of the Metrodome for a Twin Game. I chose my mom to get the extra ticket, which we were treated with hot dogs, DQ, etc.. Also, seeing the Twins win the World Series in 87' & 91'


Parent's names: =Ansie, Necita (immigrated from the Philippines in early 70's)

Siblings: =Thelma-older sister and Marcelo-younger brother (attended UMM his senior year), who just got married this past winter!


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