Fun Dog Quotes“No one appreciates the very special genius of your conversation as much as the dog does.”? -Christopher Morley“Ever consider what our dogs must think of us? I mean, here we come back from a grocery store with the most amazing haul, chicken, pork, half a cow. They must think we’re the greatest hunters on earth!” -Anne Tyler“I once decided not to date a guy because he wasn’t excited to meet my dog. I mean, this was like not wanting to meet my mother.” -Bonnie Schacter“In order to keep a true perspective of one’s importance, everyone should have a dog that will worship him and a cat that will ignore him.” –Derek Bruce“You can say any foolish thing to a dog, and the dog will give you a look that says, ‘Wow, you’re right! I never would’ve thought of that!’” -Dave Barry“A dog can express more with his tail in minutes than his owner can express with his tongue in hours.” -Author Unknown“Some days you’re the dog; some days you’re the hydrant.” –Author Unknown“Did you ever notice that when you blow in a dog’s face he gets mad at you? But when you take him in a car, he sticks his head out the window.”?— Steve Bluestone Dog Puns The dog groomer told her dentist, “I clean my?canines?every single day!”Dachshunds never nap directly under the sun because they don’t like being?hot dogs.When I got my new car, the first thing my dog did was inspect the?subwoofer.I’m always extra careful after it rains cats and dogs, as I don’t want to accidentally step in a?poodle.It’s amazing that my dog can bark all night long without any?paws?in between.It’s the Year of the Dog. I hope it’s not a?ruff?year.I threw the ball into the canyons, and my dog retrieved it for me. I know it sounds?far-fetched, but it’s true!While the curious Labrador was sniffing around the giant oak tree, the shepherd dog approached him and said, “you won’t find what you’re looking for, you’re barking up the wrong tree.”The reason why that dog got the last spot on that baseball team was because he always got walked.Punny Dog NamesHairy Pawter (and the Terrier’s Bone)?– What’s a pun list without referencing Harry Potter (and the Sorcerer’s Stone)?Jabba the Mutt?– Reference of Jabba the Hutt from the beloved Star Wars series.Chewbarka?– Another classic dog name pun from Star Wars’ Chewbacca.Arf Vader?– Have you ever heard of Darth Vader’s sidekick dog?Sherlock Bones?– The beagle detective that no one has ever heard of.Mary Puppins?– If Mary Poppins was a crazy dog lady, this would be her nickname.Winnie the Pooch?– Winnie the Pooh should have totally been a dog.Andy Warhowl?– Just imagine the pop art featuring kibbles, treats and balls.Bark Obama?– If this dog was running for President of the United States, i’d vote for him.J.K. Growling?– Ah yes, the writer that brought you the ever-so popular Hairy Pawter series.Queen Elizabark?– All hail (howl?) the queen Corgi of Wales.Brad Sit?– The Hollywood canine with tremendous talent. No pressure or treats can stop him from doing his camera-ready tricks.Bark Twain?– Brilliant writer, great thinker and also a dog?Dog Vocabulary List HYPERLINK "" \l "bark_1__1" \o "bark" bark?verbto?make?the?short?loud?sound?that a?dog?makes HYPERLINK "" \l "bay_2__1" \o "bay" bay?verbif a?dog?bays, it?makes?a long?loud?sound,?especially?when it is?hunting HYPERLINK "" \l "beg__13" \o "beg" beg?verbif a?dog?begs, it?sits?and?holds?up its two front?feet?as a way of?asking?for?food HYPERLINK "" \l "faithful__7" \o "faithful" faithful?adjectiveused?about a?dog?who?behaves?like?a?friend HYPERLINK "" \l "howl_1__1" \o "howl" howl?verbif a?dog?or?similar?animal?howls, it?makes?a long?loud?sound HYPERLINK "" \l "howl_2__1" \o "howl" howl?nounthe long?loud?sound?that a?dog?or?similar?animal?makes HYPERLINK "" \l "retrieve__9" \o "retrieve" retrieve?verbif a?dog?retrieves?something, it?finds?it and?brings?it back to you, for?example?a?ball?that you have?thrown?or a?bird?that you have?shot HYPERLINK "" \l "slaver_1__1" \o "slaver" slaver?verbif a?dog?or other?animal?slavers,?liquid?comes out of its?mouth?when it is?hungry?or when it has been?running?fast HYPERLINK "" \l "snap_1__9" \o "snap" snap?verbif an?animal?such as a?dog?snaps?you or?snaps?at you, it?bites?you or?tries?to?bite?you HYPERLINK "" \l "wag_1__1" \o "wag" wag?verbif a?dog?wags?its tail, it?moves?its tail from one side to the other several times HYPERLINK "" \l "wag_2__1" \o "wag" wag?nouna?movement?of a?dog’s tail from side to side HYPERLINK "" \l "whine_1__6" \o "whine" whine?verbif a?dog?whines, it?makes?a?high?noise,?usually?because it?wants?something HYPERLINK "" \l "wire-haired__1" \o "wire-haired" wire-haired?adjectivewith?short?stiff?hair HYPERLINK "" \l "worry_1__9" \o "worry" worry?verbif a?dog?worries?sheep?or other?animals, it?attacks?or?chases?them HYPERLINK "" \l "worry-at__2" \o "worry at" worry at?phrasal verbif a?dog?worries?at an?object, it?holds?the?object?in its?teeth?and?shakes?it HYPERLINK "" \l "yappy__1" \o "yappy" yappy?adjectiveinformal?a?yappy?dog?yaps?a?lot Basic Vocabulary of Dog CommandsSit.?The sit command?means the dog’s hips are on the ground while the shoulders are upright. The dog should remain in position until e.??The come command in dog training?means stop what you’re doing, ignore distractions, and go directly to the owner.Down.?In dog training,?the down command?means lie down on the floor (or ground) and hold that position until released.Stay.?Remain in position while the owner walks away from the dog and the dog holds still until he’s released.Release.?This is the word that tells the dog he can move from the position he’s been in.Yes.?A verbal marker to let the dog know his actions are correct.Good dog/good boy/good girl.?Verbal praise that can be used after the ‘yes’ marker or after the dog is released.Leave it.?Telling your dog to "leave it" means to ignore what you’re paying attention to; whether it’s food on the floor or the dogs barking next door.Outside.?What is your word or phrase for the dog to go outside to relieve himself?Go to bed.?This sends the dog to his bed or crate.Dinner.?This word, or the phrase, “Are you hungry?”, signals that it’s time to eat.Go for a walk.?It’s time to go for a walk.Get it.?Please get your ball, toy, or the newspaper.Bring it here.?Bring me your ball, toy, or newspaper.Drop it.?Spit out what’s in your mouth. ................

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