Los Angeles Mission College



Live foods are much richer in vitamins, minerals, protein, and enzymes, so you only need to eat about half as much food ... It’s the optimal way to eat for longevity. The benefits are a stronger immune system, an immense amount of energy and vitality, and anti-aging effects. Live foods are bursting with energy.” - Gabriel Cousens, M.D., author of Conscious Eating, North Atlantic Books, 2002

Simple, natural nutrition in moderation is a saving of time, money and strength. It increases bodily and psychic energy and strengthens resistance to disease. –Cornaro

Health and Happiness are the Measure of all things – Epicurus


Indeed, we are what we eat and our S.A.D. (Standard American Diet) is not making us “all that we can be,” nor is a lifestyle of constant stress and degenerate eating habits that are not conducive to longevity, health or happiness. Moreover, there are those, like myself, who, as a child, had a sneaky suspicion that growing decrepit and falling apart, as one ages, was out of harmony with the grand scheme of things in the universe. After all, there is nothing dignified, beautiful or appealing about aging in humans. Living close to nature as a child, I noticed that animals in the wild live in harmony with nature and did not develop cancer, arthritis, go bald or grow decrepit. They died with beauty and grace, the way they were born. On the other hand, I observed that domesticated animals developed the very same diseases as humans, looked old, and died miserable, pain-ridden deaths. After studying science and biology in Jr. High, I suspected that there was a connection between the dead, processed food that humans feed pets, which is the same type of dead food humans feed themselves For decades, I could find nothing to support my suspicions except for common sense: cells need to be able to assimilate live nutrition in order to thrive. I won a science fair in 7th grade based on my 3-D clay and acrylic depiction of the mitochondria of cells, how they receive nourishment, generate energy and multiply. Years later, on the internet, I ran across the Pottenger Cat Studies below, which finally validated what I suspected in Jr. High.



SOURCE: Pottenger’s Cats, a Study in Nutrition

The benefits of raw foods are nothing new to the new millennium. Experiments conducted by Dr. Francis M. Pottenger in the 1940’s provided proof a long time ago that eating raw foods are a major contributing factor in having a healthier, longer lifespan.

In the 1940's Francis M. Pottenger (not Pottinger) M.D. began a ten-year study using 900 cats to determine what effects processed foods have on the body, and to examine the genetic propensity of passing degenerative disease traits from generation to generation. The cats were divided into five groups with two of the groups fed raw, whole foods and the other three groups cooked, enzymeless foods. The cats were observed over a four-generation period and the following results were documented by Dr. Pottenger:


• The first generation fed cooked enzymeless foods developed diseases and illnesses near the end of life;

• The second generation fed cooked enzymeless foods developed diseases and illnesses near mid life;

• The third generation fed cooked enzymeless foods developed diseases and illnesses near the beginning of life.

• There was no fourth generation. They were either born sterile or were aborted before birth.

Contrast the results above with the four generations of cats fed raw, whole foods, alive with enzymes: All four generations remained healthy until they died of old age.

Genetic Potential of Pottenger Cat Study

Diseases are not inherited; rather only the tendency or potential of a disease is passed on from parents to offspring. The disease tendency is transferred by way of the genetic code. A genetic tendency is only a potential disease though. A genetic weakness does not have to manifest as a disease unless there are factors that exploit that weakness (poor diet and stress, for example).

These genetic weaknesses will get worse with each succeeding generation if they continue in an enzymeless nutrient poor diet. The study proved that genetic weakness becomes more evident with each generation, but more importantly, that there comes a point when it becomes totally out of control. This is evident in the fourth generation.

Here's what Dr. Pottenger said, "While no attempt will be made to correlate the changes in the animals studied with malformations found in humans, the similarity is so obvious that parallel pictures will suggest themselves" (Pottenger).

Pottenger's cat study offers simple insight into why children today are developing degenerative diseases that used to only show up in humans over 50 years of age. What is alarming about this study is how the levels of health in humans have gotten progressively worse with each generation. It is easy to observe the alarming increase in heart disease, cancer, arthritis, and autoimmune diseases in humans over the last two decades. The four generations of cats were observed over ten years. With humans, there’s an approximate 21 year gap between generations to allow for adulthood. Thus, the same study would take 84 years to conduct with people which is why the study has not been conducted on humans.


Instead of becoming resigned to the vicissitudes associated with disease and aging, one would be better served investing time into learning how to prevent and reverse signs of aging through healthier eating, thinking and belief patterns. Limiting beliefs held in the unconscious about aging, dis-ease and longevity could use a serious attitude adjustment. Once one sets an intention to take responsibility for living a longer, healthier life free of degeneration, the “universe will conspire” to help that individual achieve his/her goals, as Paulo Coelho explains in The Alchemist.

Moreover, there exists a plethora of research to prove that fried and baked foods, partially hydrogenated oils (i.e. trans fats), meats and sweets, (which feed parasites, yeast, mold and fungus, who eat and secrete toxins), are major players in the deadly game of dis-ease and aging as are the thoughts one thinks and the beliefs one holds about life expectancy and longevity many of which are being revealed in this book. The catch, however, is that changing habits not only entails believing that it is possible but creating an intention to do so, then setting viable goals to do so. This process involves awakening first, then breaking free from the limited, fear based illusions of the ego through daily discipline. No one has ever achieved greatness or realized their dreams without the discipline to execute, follow through and carry out the visions and desires that originate first in the mind.


Quantum physics has already established that everything is energy vibrating at different rates of speed. The more dense an object or person is, the lower its rate of vibration. Animal flesh, processed foods, saturated with refined sugar and trans fats (partially hydrogenated oils) as well as foods cooked at high temperatures that kill the live amino acids and vitamin content are very dense with low or very little vibration. After all, the food is processed or cooked to death. Those addicted to dead foods become slaves to their cravings and end up desensitized to their body’s natural distress signals that get short circuited due to a buildup of mucus, heavy metals, toxins and parasites in the body. Naturally, food addicts do not have the objectivity or insight that would allow them to connect a dead, devitalized diet to mood swings, physical pain and energy drains.


Food addicts have difficulty seeing the obvious let alone exercising common sense when it comes to what they put in their mouths because they are addicted to a limited range of tastes: salty, sweet and greasy. Stimulating all five taste buds (bitter, sweet, sour, pungent and spicy) will satisfy the senses, help prevent cravings and eliminate the constant need to snack or to eat too frequently between meals. I recommend taking a liquid, powdered or easily absorbable coral calcium supplement to curb cravings for sugar, along with Inulin, which helps digest fats and protein, while lowering the caloric content of the food. Adding these ingredients will cut appetite and cravings dramatically.

NOTES ON THE CALCIUM CONTROVERSY: The controversy about taking calcium supplements has to do with a build up of calcifications in the joints that cause arthritis and stiffness. My research reveals that this build up is associated with Candida microbes using calcium to build biofilms (hard, calcified shells around their cell walls that can cause pain and stiffness). The solution is to get rid of the overgrowth of Candida, not to stop taking calcium, which the body needs to alkalinize the body and to grow healthy skin, hair, bones, teeth and other tissues. See Chapter 9 to find out how.


The tendency to buy into disinformation that denies the body’s built-in self-healing mechanism amounts to an unwillingness to acknowledge plain old common sense. The body can and does heal itself, particularly after given a break from stress and fighting off toxins ingested through processed, pasteurized, or homogenized food products; high fructose corn syrup and partially hydrogenated oils (trans fats). The foregoing not only contribute to obesity, but high fructose corn syrup is addictive while trans fats suppress the leptin levels that send out the signal that one is full. It is foolish to believe corn syrup ads on TV that state otherwise.

Former food addicts managed to summon the incentive to override their addiction to dead foods by developing a sensitivity to and gaining an awareness of what is healthy for mind, body and spirit, then acting on it. Getting to that place of awareness involves the following:

• clearing the mind of negative, chaotic, hateful or fragmented thoughts and replacing them with positive, loving and forgiving thoughts;

• soothing and nurturing the body with astringent, enzyme rich live fruits and vegetables that appeal to all five senses: sweet, sour, bitter, salty, and spicy. When the taste buds are missing even one of those flavors, the appetite will not feel totally satisfied: a craving will come up in an attempt to satisfy all five senses. See Chapter 12 Recipes for the Five Senses Salad.

• eliminating dead parasites, mucous and intestinal plaque with Bentonite clay, psyllium and colonics/enemas;

• daily walks barefoot in the sand, soil or grass to pull toxins from the soles of the feet where the body pushes them (the feet are furthest away from the heart) so that they are easily pulled back into the electromagnetic field of the earth;

• sun bathing and sun gazing to draw photons of light energy directly into the brain and body. A mere ten (10) minutes of sun gazing within an hour of sunrise and sunset draws the energy of the sun directly into the brain to activate the pineal and pituitary glands;

• practicing yoga to increase the flow of kundalini energy along the spinal column, releasing energy blockages along the seven chakra system located along the spine.

• daily meditation with sacred music to allow one to commune with and listen to the voice of “The Presence.”

All of the foregoing practices raise one’s vibration, consciousness and energy. Higher vibrations help one be at peace in the midst of life’s storms; feel grateful for simple abundance; and find joy through work that one loves and through service to others. Moreover, those on a path to higher consciousness have learned the wisdom of the following old adages: “Cleanliness is next to godliness; Food affects mood; You are what you eat.”

An article titled “Finding Your Food Mood Solution,” that appeared in Erewhon’s Better Nutrition, magazine, May, 2007, laid out the following simple yet important findings regarding food and mood:

It’s not your imagination  -- there are plenty of people out there with “pissy” moods … One survey found that rude behavior is more common now than it was 20 or 30 years ago.  Another study reported that 16 million Americans terrorize others with outbursts of explosive rage. WHAT’S GOING ON? The mounting stresses of modern life and the deterioration in eating habits.  When we’re stressed … our eating habits are the first thing to slide. We delay meals or skip them completely, then end up quenching our hunger at the nearest fast-food restaurant.  The trouble is that junk foods and snacks turn our blood sugar into a roller coaster, pulling our mood with it and shortchanging the neuronutrients we need for better moods and behavior … In terms of supplements, take a high potency multi-vitamin supplement and 10 times the recommended dosage of B-complex; 1,000 mg of Vitamin C; and Omega 3 fish oils.


In that we are all a part of the quantum field of consciousness and the work that each person does to raise individual levels of awareness affects the entire field, even small steps create big ripples in the quantum pond of unlimited possibilities. For instance, Christ created a blueprint for the potential that lay dormant in humanity to claim their oneness with God. It is now time to begin the remedial work that lays the foundation for one’s greater yet to be. Going with the flow of the universe is a great beginning. After all, there is only one constant: change and it is idiotic to resist it. In fact, we are the only species with a fear of and an active resistance to change. Consider the Catholic church’s egoistic resistance to change which compelled them to put Galileo Galilei under house arrest for providing proof, in his telescope, that the earth revolved around the sun.

Centuries later, in spite of cutting edge quantum physics acknowledging that we live in a universe of infinite possibilities with the mind our last frontier, much of humanity still cling to limited, illogical and detrimental beliefs about health, longevity and aging that serve to further shorten lifespans while generating pain and suffering. Why? Possible answers include: Ignorance and gullibility; belief in the inevitability of disease, suffering and pain; looking for salvation outside of oneself; reliance on prescription pills versus changes in lifestyle and eating habits, to name a few.


The December, 2006 issue of “Psychology Today” interviewed some of the top alternative, holistic health care professionals in the U.S. after discovering that more people in America consult them over traditional doctors. Here’s what a couple of alternative doctors had to say about the benefits of live/raw foods:

A diet based on plants and whole foods is in itself medicinal, as are dietary herbs and spices, which not only promote wellness, but can cure disease. - Tieraona Low Dog, M.D. Advisor, National Institutes of Health.

Everyone can benefit from a near-vegetarian diet, regular exercise, and vitamin C to saturation. People with arthritis should take B6, niacinamide, and C. Those losing their eyesight due to macular degeneration should take vitamins C and E, selenium, zinc and carotene. -Andrew W. Saul, Ph.D. author, Fire Your Doctor! How to Be Independently Healthy

The body’s built-in self-heal mechanism is designed to protect itself from disease, heal itself naturally, and keep itself young and vital. The catch is, the body needs adequate sunshine (sun gazing during the first hour of sunrise and the last hour before sunset sends powerful photonic energy directly to the brain where it is distributed throughout the body), fresh air, fresh water (from rain, mountains, springs, or hexagonal/structured water machines, etc.) and the food nature intended humans to eat on a daily basis. Mother Nature, in her generosity, provides sunshine to dehydrate or bake foods (to be stored for later use) at temperatures that do not destroy the amino acids, vitamins, minerals and enzymes, which the body needs to keep itself young and healthy. That is why raw food is not heated beyond 118 degrees. Of course one needs to exercise common sense about the 118 degree rule as well because this applies to heat sensitive foods like leafy, green vegetables who cannot handle high levels of heat, whereas broccoli can because it grows on a stalk and is not leafy. Moreover, beans and rice can also handle higher levels of heat without losing whatever nutrition they have.


The good news is that there are signs everywhere of consciousness rising. I am beginning to see it in the most unlikely places. For instance, five years ago, when I began writing this book, it was like speaking Greek to the average American about the efficacy of live foods filled with enzymes and the dangers of cheap oils and processed, artificial ingredients. Now, Starbucks, where I do most of my writing (even though I am not a coffee drinker, I developed a habit, during graduate school, of writing at Borders, Barnes and Noble or Starbucks), has the following signs painted on the food display counter that states: “We’re making a change. Your food not only tastes better, it is better. No artificial flavors. No artificial trans fats. No artificial dyes. No high-fructose corn syrup.” The fact that Starbucks (who made a name for themselves getting people hooked on caffeine and sweet, refined pastries), is now serving salads and desserts that are less fattening, is a definite sign that food consciousness is rising, not to mention the fact that fast food chains like McDonald’s and others are now posting the calorie count of their foods.

A few years ago, the results of a student poll I conducted on campus revealed that the daily diet of my students was 90-95% dead or processed foods. Only 5-10% of their daily food consumption included fresh fruits and vegetables (canned, cooked or frozen veggies do not count). On one end of the scale, that ratio has increased today to approximately 15-20% live/raw foods, due to word of mouth among students, which is a significant increase over such a short period of time. On the other end of the scale, I am amazed by the number of students who have increased their daily live food consumption to 50%, which is a quantum leap. Even more unexpected is the growing number of students, among heavy meat eaters, that have gone vegetarian, not to mention the handful who have gone raw. It took six years of me being the lone voice in the wilderness at the college where I teach to finally add, not only a live salad and smoothie bar (with recipes I provided), but a standard raw food menu and Candida diet, which the chef called me to collaborate on creating; gluten free pastas and desserts, and a vegan menu. We became the first college in California to do so. During those six years, I raised a lot of money for the culinary arts program by doing raw food luncheon-seminars for them that were quite successful and profitable; still, the wheels of institutions are very slow to change, especially when it is in the best interest of all concerned.


What I am doing in this section is holding a higher vision for coffee shops like Starbucks, Coffee Bean, Barnes and Noble and boutique coffee shops around the world. After all, they are my favorite inspiration spots to sit with my muse and write, read, grade papers or edit. There is something about coffee shops that remind fellow writers of the lost generation of Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald, who soaked up brainwave stimulus at cafes in Paris and Spain. The coffee shop in Borders Bookstore in Sherman Oaks, California was my second home in graduate school. It’s unfortunate that they went bankrupt.

Once enough people start requesting desserts from coffee shops like Coffee Bean, Starbucks, and Barnes and Noble that are: gluten free (70% of people are gluten intolerant and do not know why they suffer from aches and pains or allergies) and sweetened with natural, zero calorie sugars like stevia, Truvia, Tastes Just Like Sugar (made from an enzymatic process applied to sugar cane), or raw agave, which really does taste just like sugar yet does not spike blood sugar levels and reduces weight gain by metabolizing protein and sugars, they will become as common place as the unhealthy desserts they serve. Moreover, it will truly be a major accomplishment when coffee shops begin serving raw desserts that have not been baked. Yes, I know I am, once again, ahead of the herd, but those who have never tasted raw desserts are missing out on a little bit of heaven that you can eat without guilt.


The most common complaint I get about going raw is how expensive raw, organic fruits, nuts and vegetables are. True, they do cost more, but poor health, lack of energy, pain and disease cost even more. Besides, it’s not that much work to plant a garden or fruit and nut trees, especially in sunny California where I currently live. Trust me, I will never live in a freezing or below zero climate; my body has a low percentage of body fat, which makes it better suited for tropical climates. I leave icy climates to the polar bears and members of “polar bear” clubs.

Those who do not have land to plant vegetables can co-op with someone who has a backyard and is willing to share the vegetable/herb garden in exchange for help in planting and tending the garden. Besides, fruit and nut trees require very little maintenance, other than spraying with organic compounds to protect them from fruit flies, mold, and spiders. Even those in apartments can grow food inside with grow lights, on patios, or can get permission from the property owner to plant pretty vegetables and fruit trees in the areas where shrubs now grow. Living in southern California, I am amazed that anyone would plant anything other than fruit trees in their yards. Moreover, those I know who do have fruit trees are willing to share because old fruit trees produce more fruit than one family can eat.


I remember, when I first went raw, I was told by the owner of a holistic health store, after he gave me the book, Twelve Steps to Raw Foods, that he had tried it for quite a few months, that he had never felt better, but that he gave it up because it was too much work. He also pointed out that I would never last, and that I would feel socially limited or ostracized when going out to eat. None of this turned out to be true for me. Every restaurant I go to offers fruits and salads. Moreover, I spend less time preparing food because nothing is cooked. In addition, because I grow my own garden, my favorite fresh herbs, fruits and vegetables are at my fingertips. I love it! I don’t even mind packing my lunch every day. It’s much more convenient than trying to look for something healthy to eat in a land where junk food is ubiquitous. On the campus where I teach, until recently, the selection of raw foods tended to be extremely limited in spite of the consciousness raising I did with students.


Admittedly, there are people all over the place who change diets without educating themselves first about nutrition and what the body needs to be able to maintain health and to heal itself. Thus, vegans and raw foodists can run into health problems by not getting sufficient B vitamins from dark, leafy green vegetables, iron from spinach, raisins, etc., or essential trace minerals available in sea salt (see “Salt Water”) or B12 from Inca/Golden Berries or Goji Berries. Thus, it is advisable to do as much reading and research as possible about natural sources of herbs, vitamins and minerals before changing a diet. In actuality, it is just plain old good sense to study nutrition regardless, particularly when one considers that “you are what you eat.” See “Recommended Reading” for a list of books to supplement this one.

When listening to propaganda about live foods, consider the source. The processed, fast food/junk food, meat, or pharmaceutical industries cannot possibly be considered unbiased or without a vested interest in keeping people addicted to their foods; after all, they stand to lose billions. Moreover, those with low frontal lobe brain activity who are addicted to meat and processed foods or who are full of heavy metals and parasites that interfere with their ability to think straight, cannot possibly be considered credible or reliable sources. Moreover, all that anyone who has an iota of common sense has to ask oneself is: “What could possibly be better for the human body: fresh fruits, vegetables, and nuts, or dead meat and food with artificial ingredients? In reality, all that is necessary in the face of scare tactics about nature’s foods is a willingness to exercise common sense. Yeah … I know … common sense is not so very common.

In reality, had Americans adhered to a natural, whole foods diet instead of progressing to processed, refined foods, they would not be the fattest nation in the world, nor would such an alarming number of children be suffering from diet and obesity related diseases like diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease. Ultimately, Americans can either continue doing what they are doing and continue getting the same results, or they can wake up and start taking proper care of the amazing body temples they have been gifted with at birth, bodies capable of doing far more than the linear mind can fathom operating at less than 10% of its capacity.


There is no need to count calories when eating raw/live foods in that one is less hungry since there is nothing ingested to suppress the body’s satiation signal. Moreover, since the food is nutrient dense, one automatically eats less when the body is not sending out distress signals of: “feed me nutritional food, because what you are feeding me is starving me.” Eating smaller amounts more frequently throughout the day is the most sensible approach to keeping a high metabolism and shrinking the stomach. Moreover, savoring each bite and chewing it slowly is easier since there are no sugar crashes to compel one to eat fast. Moreover, consuming live nutrition will also balance blood sugar levels, preventing mood swings.


The body innately knows it was never designed to eat dead or processed foods; thus, it produces mucous to line intestinal membranes and veins as a form of protection to prevent absorption of toxins. Eventually, the ongoing build up of mucus hardens into plaque that sticks to the walls of the intestines and veins, slowing down the absorption and assimilation of nutrition (what little there is in dead, processed foods). Herbal colon cleanses, colonics, and Bentonite clay help remove intestinal plaque.

With most of the body’s reserve of energy spent protecting itself from dead, devitalized foods, not much is left over to renew, regenerate and heal itself. Little wonder that the life span of humans is so short, dis-ease ridden, and (let’s face it), unappealing as it ages. Those who claim that getting old, wrinkled, stiff and bald are things to look forward to are either delusional or lying. On the other hand, those individuals over 50 who have honored their body temple are youthful (inside and out), graceful, filled with verve and do not look, act or think like old people. Moreover, there are people in remote areas of the world who live simple, unstressed lives, eat and drink the foods nature intended, live in harmony with nature, and get adequate sunshine and exercise, who end up living well into their hundreds while maintaining strength, vitality, beauty and youthful bodies.


The exceptionally long intestines and blunt teeth of humans (yeah, I know we have two canine teeth, but try ripping the hide and flesh off of a live animal with those and see who gets eaten by whom) are the opposite of carnivores who have short intestines and sharp, canine teeth designed to kill, cut, quickly digest and eliminate meat before it putrefies in the intestines. Moreover, in humans, meat can stay stuck to the walls of the intestinal tract for years, providing food for a multitudinous array of worms that feed off of dead meat. These parasites not only eat and excrete waste, but produce more parasites, create dis-ease, distended bellies, and bad breath, to say the least. Even the slimmest human carnivore has at least five pounds of intestinal parasites; while those who are overweight have twice as much.

Googling videos of parasites in humans should suffice to turn most carnivores into herbivores or watching the films Food, Inc. or Eating (). However, the hold parasites have over humans is so powerful that even those who are aware that parasites are turning their bodies into dump sites, are over powered by the sheer number of parasites constantly secreting hormones that compel them to eat dead meat or processed sweets, that their will to change is literally hijacked and subverted by the will of parasites. In lieu of the fact that human hosts are at a decided disadvantage in fending off the invasion of parasites by themselves, the support of those who have conquered these creatures is essential.


It goes without saying that those who are lactose intolerant should definitely avoid cow’s milk. Moreover, cow’s milk is acidic and mucus forming and we know by now that all pathogens require acidic conditions to grow and that mucus is a breeding ground for disease. As for cheese made from cow’s milk, it is bad news for those suffering from constipation, clogged arteries, digestive problems or for those with Candida related diseases because cheese is made from mold, not healthy bacteria like yogurt or kefir.

Further, even those who are healthy should avoid drinking milk from cows that are caged, sick, over-milked or have been given antibiotics and hormones. Homogenization scars arteries, prompting the body to react adversely to “processed” dairy in much the same manner that a lactose intolerant person’s body reacts to any kind of milk. In large, commercial dairies, cows routinely develop infections in their udders from being milked by machines. They then develop diseases and have to be given antibiotics to kill the bacteria that gets into the milk from puss and infections in the udder.


A good transition from cow’s milk would be goat’s milk for those who can handle the strong smell and taste. Goat’s milk is alkaline and easier for the human body to assimilate and absorb because it is the closest one can get to mother’s milk. It is mucus forming, however. In the Essene Gospel of Peace, when Christ said to let “milk be thy meat” he was most likely referring to goat’s milk or sheep’s milk because the topography of the Dead Sea area would not be conducive to grazing cattle. Sheep and goats are more acclimated to the desert.

Young coconut water kefir would be the best choice of all in that it is totally alkaline and is not mucus forming. Moreover, it is easy to make by using starter culture from coconut kefir or buying your own, then letting fresh, warm coconut milk sit in a wooden or glass bowl covered with a muslin cloth for a day or two in a warm, dark place, like a gas oven with the pilot light on or an electric oven left on warm. See Chapter 12 for Receipes.

After switching completely to plant based live foods, I became bemused at how many people were actually afraid to even try a gourmet meal of live, plant-based nutrition. On the other hand, I would watch these same people break a leg to get to a plate full of fried meat, greasy pizza, baked pastries or bag of chips that contain little more than empty calories to raise their cholesterol and blood sugar levels. I often wondered what such individuals thought was the worst that could happen if they put live nutrition in their bodies? Were they worried that they might find the minds they gave away when they abdicated responsibility for their health?


If the sheer grossness of parasites who need dead food to eat and excrete inside of the human body is not sufficient motivation to switch to a Live/raw foods, then consider the following: Live foods contain no high fructose corn syrup, to suppress the leptin, or hunger satiation signal, that tells one when the body is full; and no partially hydrogenated oils (i.e. trans fats) to trigger food addictions. More importantly, there are no potentially deadly ingredients like aspartame aka NutraSweet (which turns into formaldehyde when ingested in the body) to trigger cancer cells or to devitalize and age the body, overwork the immune system, or create dis-ease. Studies prove that when processed, artificial or overcooked foods are consumed, the white blood cell count immediately goes up in an attempt to protect the body from toxins produced by such foods.

Everything keeps going back to the fact that we “are what we eat.” A simple incentive to eat live foods is that doing so automatically resets the body’s natural set point for correct weight and it has anti aging properties because of the cleansing and astringent properties of fresh fruits and vegetables. The benefit of not being beyond the body’s natural set point for weight is that independent research and studies on longevity have proven that people who are at or below the weight for their height live 30% longer than those who are over it. The propaganda campaign to get people to ignore the facts and accept obesity, as if it is an incurable disease, is ludicrous, devoid of common sense, and is a clear reflection of minds unwilling to exercise straight thinking, especially when one looks at the danger obesity poses to health, quality of life and how drastically it cuts short one’s lifespan.

Americans are so conditioned to accept obesity as normal that many are unaware that one only has to be 30 pounds over the mass, body index for one’s height to be labeled obese. Most fall into the “morbidly obese” category. The fact that this reality is shocking to most Americans is a reflection of our social conditioning to accept obesity as if we are a character in Greek mythology doomed to roll an immense boulder uphill for eternity.

Dr. Edmond Bordeaux Szekely, who translated The Essene Gospel of Peace, selected texts from the Dead Sea Scrolls, and who founded the International Biogenic Society, points out a long list of benefits derived from following a diet of live fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts, in his book The Essene Science of Life. I have condensed and summarized the following benefits. This lifestyle:

1. eliminates sleeplessness by assuring deep, quiet, refreshing sleep;

2. strengthens, refreshes and rejuvenates the body; eliminates fatigue;

3. eliminates excess water, excess fat, and reduces excess weight in a healthy manner without weakening the body and without disagreeable consequences; increases the metabolism; creates new muscles and builds up the natural weight of the body for those who are under weight;

4. eliminates excess acidity [which creates a breeding ground for disease, bacteria, parasites and viruses];

5. relieves chronic pain by dissolving and eliminating accumulated toxic matter;

6. gets rid of chills and fever by restoring the normal heat of the body;

7. eliminates and stops fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines through internal cleansing;

8. softens scarification, sclerosis and other hardenings in the body; refreshes and strengthens the nervous system by eliminating the physiological causes of nervous tension and irritation;

9. relieves, lessens and progressively puts an end to nervous troubles, tension and blunting of the nerves by psychological diet in thoughts and feelings;

10. ends passivity, pessimism and lack of will, giving a healthy, robust and harmonious life rhythm to the body;

11. stops exaggerated appetite by introducing natural energies and making alimentary excess unnecessary;

12. ends sexual debility (impotence or rigidity) by reactivating the glands;

13. gets rid of exaggerated or abnormal sexuality by eliminating internal sensorial excitants;

14. renews the blood, changing it into a vitalizing liquid which improves the whole body by its circulation; cleanses, improves and makes more elastic the cells and tissues;

15. stops the process of deterioration of the basic biological functions of the body while improving basic biological functions.

16. makes the skin finer, stronger and more elastic,

17. improves the lungs and respiratory system;

18. balances and improves heart circulation;

19. purifies and revitalizes the digestive and excretive systems;

20. strengthens the muscular and bony systems;

21. gets rid of inflammation and swellings in the sexual organs; relieves nervous pains and tensions (Szekley).


Far too many humans are separated from their common sense to the point where they do not see the connection between what they imbibe and believe and their painfully short and dis-ease ridden life spans. Indeed, most are enslaved to their addictions and ego driven belief systems. Thus, it is still true there is no one blinder than he who just won’t see. Carl Jung said that what we believe to be true in the morning will change by the evening, which is why it is detrimental to one’s evolution, in today’s rapidly evolving times, to become attached to any belief system. Moreover, it is limiting and self-defeating not to discard old beliefs once new information is available to be tested. The proof is in the pudding, but the ego keeps the masses afraid of change, of anything new, or of what has not been sanctioned by the status quo. One of my former colleagues, Eduardo, loves to get together with me to validate some of the things I told him years ago that eventually make it into the mainstream. He laughs and says, “Damn it, Parthenia, you’re always way ahead of your time, but I never listen until everyone else jumps on the bandwagon.” That pretty much sums up the mentality of the masses.



• Our magnificent body temples automatically come with a built in self heal mechanism that gets turned off by negative, limiting beliefs and a diet of dead, processed foods that over tax the immune system, interfering with proper digestion, assimilation and elimination.

• Buying into disinformation that denies the body’s built-in self-healing mechanism reveals an unwillingness to rely on one’s innate common sense. The body can and does heal itself, particularly when given a break from stress and fighting off toxins ingested through processed, pasteurized, or homogenized food products; high fructose corn syrup and partially hydrogenated oils (trans fats) which not only make consumers fat, but addicts them to processed foods that suppress the leptin levels which tame the appetite by giving the body the signal that it is full.

• Far too many people are so separated from their common sense that they do not see the connection between what one imbibes and believes and one’s painfully short and dis-ease ridden lifespan. Indeed, most of humanity is so enslaved to their addictions and ego driven belief systems that it is still true there is no one blinder than he who just won’t see.

• Due to the ubiquity of obesity, Americans have come to accept obesity in much the same way that they accept taxes: as inevitable. It is not. There are no obese animals in nature. Had Americans adhered to a natural, whole foods diet instead of processed, refined foods, Americans would not be the fattest non-third world nation in the world, nor would Americans be suffering and dying early from obesity related diseases like diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and stroke.

• The rewards of switching to a live food lifestyle far outweigh any pleasure derived from addiction to cooked or processed foods. One lives longer, looks younger, loses weight, and raises one’s consciousness spiritually, emotionally and psychically on a raw food diet. Processed foods create feelings of sluggishness, fatigue, depression, illness and premature aging. Unless one is very ill, it is not necessary to be 100% raw in order to enjoy the benefits. Incremental increases in the amount of fresh, live foods consumed per day produce major results.



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