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Student Government Association Minutes – November 19, 20191485900-4571991485900-457199Call to Order at 7:02 PMA Moment of Silence called by Vice President WilliamsRoll Call by Secretary AlvarezApproval of Last Meeting’s Minutes - Moved by Senator Farquhar and Seconded by Senator JonesGuest Speakers-Mr. Tommy Walpole and Mr. Kenneth Tipton talked to SGA about the proposed idea of a new Student Union Building called the HUB. It will be built on the area of grass of what was previously Garrett Hall. The HUB will be two floors, and will have many new, modern dining and shopping options. Starbucks and Chick-fil-a will be moved to HUB, there will be a market to by produce and food, there will be a quick-service sandwich shop, a sushi restaurant, and a restaurant that changes the menu to a different concept every 6 months (provides diversity for students). The current SUB will be gutted and handed over to Student Life and Leadership for updates, and SLL will make the decision on how to utilize the space. The project is supposed to be done Fall 2021 and will be paid for by an addition of $3 to students’ bill.Department Heads-RJA: Senator Henson reminded Senators that CAB Elections are held Wednesday, Nov. 20 and Thursday, Nov. 21. Polling stations will be running from 10 AM-1 PM on those days, so Hunter encouraged Senators to sign up for shifts and get volunteer hours. He also presented changes to the Election Code that include revisions to Article 4: Campaigning. 1) Candidates will not be allowed to campaign next to Schulze or Starbucks because they are polling stations, 2) Candidates are not allowed to take students’ phones to vote for themselves or ask students for their ULM logins. SLAE: Senator Parker explained that Parent’s Day t-shirts will arrive Thursday or Friday and will be ready for Saturday’s tailgate. The food provided at the tailgate will be Walk-Ons. The t-shirts will be sold at the chili tasting registration table and the SGA Parent’s Day tailgate. Jay encouraged Senators to sign up for shifts to receive volunteer hours. He also announced that Final’s Survival Kit handout will be on Sunday from 1 PM-3 PM at the Nest, and Ace Your Finals Week will be held on Nov. 25 and Nov. 26 from 11 AM-1 PM. Projects: Senator Misuraca told Senators to sign up for shifts for all of the events coming up. Promotions: Senator Fee informed the Senate that What’s Up Wednesday will be up this week, so Senators are encouraged to like and share that information. Lauren also asked Senate to promote the CAB Elections and Parent’s Day. Treasurer’s Report-Treasurer Adhikari confirmed that the current budget is $97,837.98. Prachanda explained that there is one more RSO Scholarship to be given out for the month of November, and the Senate will be voting on Dance Marathon to receive a scholarship later in the meeting.Secretary’s Report-Secretary Alvarez reminded Senators that office hours will be from Wednesday, Nov. 20 to Tuesday, Nov. 26. Ivan said that this week will be the last week of office hours of the semester.Ivan pointed out the multiple opportunities for Senators to get volunteer hours: Polling Stations, Parent’s Day tailgate, Finals Survival, Holidays at ULM, and Ace Your Finals Week. Vice President’s Report- Vice President Williams reminded those Senators that are on the STAP Committee that the meeting will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 20 at 8 AM in LIB 420.President’s Report- President Bailey reminded Senate that Lunch with the President will be held Friday, Nov. 22 at 11:30 AM on 7th floor of library. Olivia explained that it is a semi-casual dress event and that it is mandatory. The Senate updated the Google Doc for what each individual person will be asking about or discussing at Lunch with the President.Advisors Report-Emily explained that Holidays at ULM will be Monday, Nov. 25 at 5:30 PM. There will be a Christmas Program where Hawkline will dance and Miss Louisiana will sing. The Christmas tree will be turned on, and CAB, SGA, and other RSOs will have tables to decorate cookies, ornaments, etc.Emily also reiterated that Ace Your Finals Week will begin on Monday, Nov. 25. On Monday, SGA will hand out scantrons and pencils. On Tuesday, SGA will hand out bubble wrap. She also gave more details about the Finals Survival Kit handout. It will be held on Sunday, Nov. 24 from 1 PM to 3 PM at the Activity Center’s Nest.Old Business- The Senate voted to allocate $500 to the ULM Dance Marathon RSO for their Dance Marathon on March 21, 2020. Specifically, the money will go towards their miracle rooms and t-shirts. VOTE: PASSED (30- Yes, 0- No, 3- Absent)New Business-The Senate voted to support the plans for the new student HUB by writing a letter of approval. The Senate unanimously voted (by raise of hands) to support the proposal.The Senate voted to enforce the revisions presented by the RJA Committee for the Election Code Policy. The Senate unanimously voted (by raise of hands) to change the Election Code. General Discussion- President Bailey told Freshman Senators to get their SGA polos after meeting.President Bailey reminded Senate that the SGA Christmas Party will be held at Fieldhouse on Tuesday, Nov. 26 at 7 PM. This meeting will take the place of meeting. Good of the Order- Moved by Senator Baham and Seconded by Senator LeBasUpcoming Events: Lunch with the President (mandatory)- Friday, Nov. 22 Finals Survival Kit handout- Nov. 24Ace Your Finals Week- Nov. 25-26Holidays at ULM- Monday, Nov. 25125730025400125730025400 ................

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