United States Department of Agriculture Coffee: World ...

December 2023

United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service

Coffee: World Markets and Trade

European Union: World's Top Coffee Importer

European Union (EU) imports are

Brazil and Vietnam Drive EU Green Coffee Imports

dominated by unroasted green coffee


beans, which accounts for about 90


Million 60 Kilogram Bags

percent of trade. Top suppliers in 2022/23 40

(October through September) included


Brazil (32 percent), Vietnam (26 percent),

Uganda (7 percent), and Honduras (6


percent). Imports reached a record 49.1


million bags the previous year but slipped 20

2.6 million bags this year as lower imports 15

Other Colombia Honduras Uganda Vietnam

from Brazil more than offset gains from



Vietnam. These two countries accounted

for 54 to 58 percent of EU green coffee


imports over the last 10 years, leaving


2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23

limited market share for other suppliers.

During this same period, Uganda gained

1.2 million bags to total 3.4 million on

rising production while Colombia lost 500,000 bags to total 1.8 million on falling output.

EU imports of roasted coffee totaled just 1.4 million bags in 2022/23, down from a record 2.1 million bags 4 years earlier on reduced imports from Switzerland. Top suppliers included Switzerland (77 percent) and the United Kingdom (13 percent). Because coffee beans begin to lose flavor and aroma shortly after being roasted, these imports are mostly limited to neighboring non-producing countries.

Imports of soluble coffee rebounded 300,000 bags to 3.7 million in 2022/23. Top suppliers included the United Kingdom (34 percent), Vietnam (12 percent), India (12 percent), and Ecuador (10 percent). While imports from the United Kingdom have been nearly flat at 1.3 million bags for a decade, imports from India and Vietnam gained about 300,000 bags to each total over 400,000.

EU green coffee imports are forecast to rebound slightly in 2023/24 to 47.0 million bags primarily due to stronger shipments from Brazil, while roasted and soluble coffee imports remain flat at 1.4 million bags and 3.7 million bags, respectively.

Approved by the World Agricultural Outlook Board/USDA

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2023/24 Coffee Overview

World coffee production for 2023/24 is forecast to reach 171.4 million bags (60 kilograms), 6.9 million bags higher than the previous year. Higher output in Brazil, Colombia, and Ethiopia is expected to more than offset reduced production in Indonesia. Global coffee

World Ending Stocks Continue to Tighten

50 45 40 35 30 25

Million 60 Kilogram Bags

bean exports are expected up 8.4


million bags to 119.9 million, primarily


on strong shipments from Brazil. With


global consumption forecast at a record


169.5 million bags, ending inventories


are expected to continue to tighten to a

12-year low of 26.5 million bags.

2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24

Brazil combined Arabica and Robusta

Brazil Arabica Production Continues Rebound as Robusta Slips

harvest is forecast up 3.7 million bags to 80

66.3 million in 2023/24. Arabica output

is forecast to improve 5.1 million bags


Million 60 Kilogram Bags

to 44.9 million. In January 2023, coffee


trees in top growing region Minas Gerais experienced higher than average 50

rains during the fruit development


stage, causing difficulties for some

growers in controlling plant diseases


and pests. However, increased


precipitation resulted in coarser and

heavier beans compared to the last


crop, which contributed to production


gains. Although output is expected to expand, this quantity is below previous

2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 Robusta Arabica

crops that peaked at nearly 50.0 million bags. Arabica trees in many growing regions continue to recover

from severe weather that occurred in 2021 including severe frosts, high temperatures, and below-

average rainfall that lowered production in 2021/22 and 2022/23. Following 6 years of expansion, the

Robusta harvest is forecast to decline 1.4 million bags to 21.4 million as reduced precipitation and cooler

temperatures leading up to the flowering stage lowered yields in Espirito Santo, where the vast majority

is grown. Coffee bean exports are forecast to rebound 7.3 million bags to 39.5 million, fueled by higher

supplies and stronger EU and U.S. import demand.

Vietnam production is forecast to add 300,000 bags to reach 27.5 million. Cultivated area is forecast unchanged, with nearly 95 percent of total output remaining as Robusta. However, with lower total supplies due to last year's stocks drawdown, bean exports are forecast to decline 2.4 million bags to 23.0 million.

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA


Global Market Analysis

December 2023

Colombia Arabica production is forecast up 800,000 bags to 11.5 million on slightly higher yields. However, yields remain nearly 15 percent below normal because growers limited fertilizer use due to high prices. Bean exports, mostly to the United States and EU, are forecast up 1.2 million bags to 10.8 million on strong demand.

Indonesia combined Arabica and Robusta harvest is forecast down 2.2 million bags to 9.7 million. Robusta production is expected to drop 2.1 million bags to 8.4 million. Excessive rain during cherry development lowered yields and caused sub-optimal conditions for pollination in the lowland areas of Southern Sumatra and Java, where approximately 75 percent of coffee is grown. Arabica production is seen dipping slightly to 1.3 million bags. Bean exports are forecast to plummet 2.7 million bags to 5.0 million on sharply reduced supplies.

Million 60 Kilogram Bags

Indonesia Output Forecast Sharply Lower on Reduced Robusta







0 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 Robusta Arabica

India combined Arabica and Robusta harvest is forecast nearly unchanged at 6.0 million bags. Arabica production is forecast to drop 200,000 bags to 1.4 million due primarily to a prolonged dry spell from December 2022 to March 2023 which was followed by poor pre-monsoon rains. Robusta production is expected to rise 300,000 bags to 4.5 million on slightly higher yields. Bean exports are forecast up 300,000 bags to 4.3 million on a slight inventory drawdown.

Revisions to 2022/23 Forecasts

World production is lowered 5.5 million bags from the June 2023 estimate to 164.5 million. ? Vietnam is 2.6 million bags lower to 27.2 million due to dry conditions that dropped yields. ? Ethiopia is reduced 1.0 million bags to 7.3 million as dry conditions lowered yields. ? Colombia is down 600,000 bags to 10.7 million as damaging rains fell in some areas during the flowering period.

World bean exports are lowered 4.9 million bags to 111.6 million. ? Colombia is down 1.2 million bags to 9.6 million on lower output and higher ending stocks. ? Ethiopia is lowered 900,000 bags to 3.9 million on reduced output. ? Vietnam is reduced 600,000 bags to 25.4 million on lower output.

World ending stocks are revised down 4.0 million bags to 27.6 million. ? EU is down 3.3 million bags to 9.3 million on stronger-than-anticipated consumption. ? Vietnam is lowered 1.4 million bags to 300,000 on reduced production.

The next release of this publication will be on June 20, 2024.

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA


Global Market Analysis

December 2023

HS Code 090111 090112 090121 090122 210111


Attribute Coffee, Green Coffee, Green Coffee, Roasted Coffee, Roasted Coffee, Soluble

Coffee, Soluble

Coffee HS Codes and Conversion Factors Description

Coffee, not roasted, not decaffeinated Coffee, not roasted, decaffeinated Coffee, roasted, not decaffeinated Coffee, roasted, decaffeinated Coffee extracts, essences and concentrates Coffee preparations with a basis of extracts, essences or concentrates

Conversion Rate 1.00 1.00 1.19 1.19 2.60


For additional information, please contact Tony Halstead (202-720-4620), (Tony.Halstead@).

The Coffee: World Markets and Trade circular is based on reports from FAS Overseas Posts and on available secondary information. The individual country reports can be obtained on FAS Online at: .

Please visit to view archived reports.

PSD Online The entire USDA PSD database is available online at: .

Additional Resources Please refer to the USDA-FAS Coffee website at: for additional data and analysis.

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA


Global Market Analysis

December 2023

Marketing Years for Producing Countries


Angola Bolivia Burundi Ecuador Indonesia Madagascar Papua New Guinea Peru Rwanda


Brazil Cuba Dominican Republic Haiti Philippines Tanzania


Cameroon Central African Republic China Colombia Congo (Kinshasa) Costa Rica Cote d'Ivoire El Salvador Ethiopia Ghana Guatemala Guinea Honduras India Jamaica Kenya Laos Liberia Malawi Malaysia Mexico Nicaragua Nigeria Panama Sierra Leone Thailand Togo Uganda United States Venezuela Vietnam Yemen

Non-producing countries are on an October-September marketing year.

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA


Global Market Analysis

December 2023


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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