For implementation in

2012-2013 School Year

SCHOOL NAME: Greece Athena High School

Submission date: August 17, 2012

School Improvement Planning Team

School Improvement Team participants should be representatives of the various constituencies involved in the school improvement process. You may invite others to consult through part or all of the process or participate on sub-teams. All schools must have a parent on their SIP team or sub-teams that is not a district employee.


|Jason Gianotti |Principal |

|Susan Fix |Assistant Principal |

|Jackie Goodwine |Assistant Principal |

|Kathleen Harrison |Support Staff |

|Julie LaRosa |Teacher |

|Amy McCabe |Teacher |

|Diane Maddck |Teacher |

|Kathy Masters |Teacher |

|Lori Ruggeri |Teacher |

|Jean-Paul Scott |Teacher |

|School Based RTI Team (Academic Recovery Team) |

|Identify the school-based RTI Leadership Team who will monitor the students assigned to Tier II and III interventions for quality and results: |

|Administrative Team |

|Counselors |

|Learning Center Teacher (Sandy Garcia) |

|Reading Teachers (Andrea Kukol and Sandy McLaughlin) |

|Twilight Sped. Teacher (Monica O’Brien) |

|Describe how the school-based RTI Leadership Team functions (meeting processes/roles/functions). How does it work with the other school teams to organize and coordinate RTI efforts and report |

|results? |

| |

|Triage Meetings scheduled at 5 week intervals (Sandy Garcia, Nancy Jo Gross, Grade level AP, Grade level counselor, Principal) |

|See comprehensive support chart & pyramid |

|Triage Dates 2012-2013 |

|10-10 C day |

|11-14 C day |

|12-19 B day |

|1-30 D day |

|3-7 A day |

|4-10 C day |

|5-15 D day |

|6-24 |

|SIP Sub-teams |

|Identify the school-based sub-teams: see attached Athena Improvement Framework |

| |

|Describe how the school-based sub-teams function: see attached Athena Improvement Framework |


|District Vision Statement |

| |

|Access to Success: Every student, Every Day |

|One Vision, One Team, One Greece |

|District Goal 1 |

|Academic Acceleration |

|Ensure improvement of student, school, and district achievement as measured by performance indicators identified in the Strategic Framework |

|District Goal 2 |

|Talent Development |

|Ensure high quality teaching and leadership as measured by the APPR performance indicators, local assessment protocols, and school plans. |

|District Goal 3 |

|Safety and Wellness |

|Ensure a positive, safe, innovation and collaborative school and district environment as measured by annual assessment indicators. |

|District Goal 4 |

|Community Partnerships and Planning |

|Improve communication, family/community engagement and build effective partnerships as measured by data points contained in the Strategic Framework |


Comprehensive Needs Assessment

Based on an analysis of the data, list the key strength and priority concerns in student performance, instructional and intervention practices, and program implementation.

|Key Strengths |

|Algebra passing rate increased by 11% |

|Geometry passing rate increased 6% |

|ELA passing rate increased by 4% |

|Global passing rate increased 2% |

|US History rate increased 2% |

|Earth passing rate increased 7% |

|SESI Walkthrough data shows a 49% increase in differentiation |

|SESI Walkthrough data showed that our writing posters were visible in 100% of our classrooms |

|Priority Concerns |

|87% of our students are on track with credits |

|78% of our students are on track with exams |

|Declining attendance rate (92 of our students missed 18 or more days of school last year) |

|High rates of referrals for truancy (over 250) |

|High referral rate for minority students. 13% of our students are black & they are receiving 52% of our referrals |

|55% of our 9th graders scored a 3 or 4 on the ELA 8, only 1.4% scored a level 4 |

|Increase in F/R Lunch rate from 13% in 2005 to 29% in 2011. |

|67% of our 9th graders scored a 3 or 4 on the Math 8 |

|Grad rate is dipping |

|RAD rate is dipping |

|Algebra 2 Trig passing rates decreased 2% |

|LE passing rates decreased 6% |

|Chem passing rates decreased 2% |

|Physics passing rates decreased 10% |


Verification of Causes-Root Cause Analysis

For each concern, verify the root causes that impact or impede the priority concerns. Identify research-based solutions that address the priority concerns.

|Priority Concerns |Root Causes |Solutions |

|(e.g, Reading results for sub-groups) | | |

|13% of our students are credit deficient |Insufficient tier one interventions |PD - Implement research-based teaching strategies |

| | |CEP – continue writing and differentiation |

|22% of our students are exam deficient |Insufficient tier one interventions |PLC Progression - Formative assessments aligned with the regents |

| | |exams |

| | |PD – Research-based teaching strategies |

| | |RTI – Systematic tier 2 & 3 interventions |

|Declining attendance rate |Poverty rates, mental health issues, not feeling connected to school,|FFS - Increase home/school connection, increased mental health |

| | |support |

| | |PBIS – teach improved attendance procedures |

| | |RTI – tier 2 & 3 interventions |

|High rates of referrals for truancy |Inconsistent expectations and consequences |PBIS - New privilege policy, behavior ladder |

| | |FFS – improve communication around expectations |

|High referral rate for minority students. |Lack of pro-social skill training for students, |PBIS - Culture/Climate committees research strategies, SWIS data |

| | |analysis |

|55% of our 9th graders met the state standard for ELA |Insufficient targeted reading instruction |RTI - Double and Triple dosing, ART |

|67% of our 9th graders met the state standard for Math |Insufficient targeted foundational math instruction |RTI - Double and Triple dosing, ART |

School Improvement Master Plan


| |Goal 1: Increase graduation rate to 95% |

| | |

| | |

| |Measurable Objectives: |

| |Increase credit accrual at each grade level by 5% |

| |Increase exam completion rate at each grade level by 5% |

| |Increase attendance rate by 5% |


|To implement the solutions/strategies | |For each of the Action Steps you list, give specific timeline, person(s) responsible, resources, and|

| | |monitoring measures. (for monitoring measures, identify evidence the school or district will use to |

| | |monitor the progress of the action step) |

| |Persons |Timeline |Resources |Monitoring Measures |Person(s) Responsible |

|Strategies and Action Steps |Responsible | | | | |

|Professional Development | | | | | |

|On going training around research based instructional |Principal |Monthly staff mtg |Monthly staff mtg |The Running Record |same |

|strategies |AP |6 KRA mtgs |6 KRA mtgs | | |

|Research-based grading alignment |KRA – Writing | | | | |

|Increase integrated technology |KRA – CCLS Analysis Team | | | | |

|Develop analysis component of Common Writing Framework | | | | | |

|PLC | | | | | |

|Strengthen PLC process through PLC Progression Framework |Principal |Monthly staff mtg | |PLC Progress Check Points |same |

|(see attached) |AP |Bi-Weekly PLC mtgs | | | |

| |PLC Team |6 KRA mtgs | | | |

| |KRA – Inst. Com. | | | | |

|RTI | | | | | |

|Academic Recovery Team |Principal |Monthly staff mtg | |5 week triage |same |

|Integration of Right Reason Technology |AP |6 KRA mtgs | |10 week pass rates | |

|Increase support for teacher driven tier 1 & 2 interventions|Twilight Teachers | | | | |

| |KRA – RtI Refinement | | | | |

|PBIS | | | | | |

|Improved attendance accountability procedures |Principal |Monthly staff mtg | |Attendance data trends |same |

|Development of system of privileges through the Culture & |AP |6 KRA mtgs | |SWIS Data | |

|Climate SIP sub-committee |KRA – Attendance | | | | |

|Parent Engagement | | | | | |

|Improve communication between school and home |Principal |Monthly staff mtg | |Parent Survey |same |

| |AP |6 KRA mtgs | |Email list | |

| |KRA – Communication | | | | |

School Improvement Master Plan


| |Goal 2: 100% of our students will be college and career ready |

| | |

| | |

| |Measurable Objectives: |

| |100% integration of the Naviance Portfolio as appropriate at each grade level |

| |Development of a College and Career readiness metric |

| |Increased participation and achievement on the PSAT |


|To implement the solutions/strategies | |For each of the Action Steps you list, give specific timeline, person(s) responsible, |

| | |resources, and monitoring measures. (for monitoring measures, identify evidence the |

| | |school or district will use to monitor the progress of the action step) |

| |Persons |Timeline |Resources |Monitor Measure |Person(s) Response |

|Strategies and Action Steps |Responsible | | | | |

|Professional Development | | | | | |

|Continue development of Common Writing Framework with focus on |Principal |Monthly staff mtg | |Running Record |same |

|analytical writing |AP |Weekly Counsel Dept mtg | |Naviance Data | |

|Naviance integration in the classroom for each grade level |Counseling Dept |6 KRA mtgs | |Teacher feedback | |

|Increase staff understanding of the role of Naviance |KRA – C&C Culture Team | | | | |

|PLC | | | | | |

|Advisement Mini Lessons – developed by College and Career SIP |Principal |Monthly staff mtg | |Student feedback |same |

|sub-committee analysis of need and advisement integration |AP |Weekly Counsel Dept mtg | | | |

| |Counseling Dept |6 KRA mtgs | | | |

| |KRA – C&C Culture Team | | | | |

|RTI | | | | | |

|Right Reason Technology test prep for Algebra 2 Trig |Principal |Monthly staff mtg | |RAD Rates |same |

|Prioritize/increase Dual Credit opportunities for all students |AP |6 KRA mtgs | |Dual-Credit Accrual | |

|not pursing a RAD |KRA – C&C Culture Team | | |Rates | |

| |Twilight Teachers | | | | |

|PBIS | | | | | |

|Advisement Activity - Naviance interest assessment |Principal |Monthly staff mtg | |Naviance Data |same |

| |AP |Dept mtg | | | |

| |Counseling Dept |6 KRA mtgs | | | |

| |KRA – C&C Culture Team | | | | |

|Parent Engagement | | | | | |

|Increased communication to parents about the requirements for |Principal |Monthly staff mtg | |Dual-Credit Accrual |same |

|College and Career Readiness |AP |Weekly Counsel Dept mtg | |rates | |

|Website update and newsletters |Twilight Teachers |6 KRA mtgs | |Website & Email hits | |

|Market dual credit options to parents more effectively |KRA - Communication | | | | |

School Improvement Master Plan


| |Goal 3: Increase by 10% the number of students responding at an 8 or higher on the Athena Culture and Climate survey. |

| | |

| |Measurable Objectives: |

| |100% teachers involved in KRA committees |

| |Parent and student membership in AIT |

| |Initiate Olweus anti-bullying/dignity for all program |


|To implement the solutions/strategies | |For each of the Action Steps you list, give specific timeline, person(s) responsible, resources, |

| | |and monitoring measures. (for monitoring measures, identify evidence the school or district will |

| | |use to monitor the progress of the action step) |

| |Persons |Timeline |Resources |Monitoring Measures |Person(s) Responsible |

|Strategies and Action Steps |Responsible | | | | |

|Professional Development | | | | | |

|OLWEUS training |Principal |Monthly staff mtg | |Bully survey |same |

|Pro-Social student development |AP |Weekly Counsel Dept mtg | |Athena Culture survey | |

|PD plan to develop from KRA committee |Counsel Dept |6 KRA mtgs | |SWIS data | |

| |KRA – PBIS/ Olweus Team | | | | |

|PLC | | | | | |

|PBIS/OLWEUS KRA |Principal |Monthly staff mtg | |Bully Survey |same |

| |AP |Weekly Counsel Dept mtg | | | |

| |Counsel Dept |6 KRA mtgs | | | |

| |KRA – PBIS/ Olweus Team | | | | |

|RTI | | | | | |

|Refer to comprehensive student support chart |Principal |Monthly staff mtg | |SWIS data | |

|Building a behavior intervention ladder |AP |Weekly Counsel Dept mtg | | | |

| |Counsel Dept |6 KRA mtgs | | | |

| |KRA – RtI Refinement | | | | |

|PBIS | | | | | |

|Results of surveys are used to evaluate and redesign initiatives|Principal |Monthly staff mtg | |Bully Survey |same |

|Develop incentives, rewards and quarterly celebrations |AP |Weekly Counsel Dept mtg | |SWIS data | |

|Initiate an anti-bullying/dignity for all program |Counsel Dept |6 KRA mtgs | | | |

|Develop pro-social skill mini-lessons |KRA – PBIS/ Olweus | | | | |

| |KRA – Recognition | | | | |

| |KRA – System Refinement | | | | |

|Parent Engagement | | | | | |

|Results of surveys are used to evaluate and redesign initiatives|Principal |Monthly staff mtg | |Parent survey data |same |

| |AP |Weekly Counsel Dept mtg | | | |

| |Counsel Dept |6 KRA mtgs | | | |

| |KRA–Communication | | | | |


List and briefly describe, as appropriate, how the school has incorporated activities of intervention such as tutoring before school, after school, within the school day or any extension of the school year:

| |

|Advisement Interventions: 9th and 10th grade students are scheduled into 4 skinny advisements (45 minutes each) that prioritize time with core area teachers and LOTE. This time is for additional Tier 1 |

|instruction and initial Tier 2 interventions. |

|Common Planning – Most PLC Teams have common planning time for intervention discussions, collaborative planning and professional dialogue as needed and desired |

|Recovery Center – see building and district models |

|Learning Center – see building and district models |

|Twilight Academy – see building and district models |

|Reading Center Intervention – small group pull out to target low level reading skills |

|Mandatory AIS – mandatory academic intervention for 9th and 10 graders during advisement that is more intensive and directed that targets skill deficit students in each core area |

Describe the support needed to achieve overall plans (what do you need from the District to carry out your goals?)

|On going support and training in the areas of PLC, RtI, PBIS, Olweus, FFS and APPR. |

|Time to do the work |

|Consistency to deeply imbed this work over time (multiple years on the same focus) |

|Starbucks Coffee franchise in the school |



Describe your school professional development plan’s alignment with the District professional development plan. (How will you set up teaching and learning team visits, Common Core BOCES teams visits, additional training within the school day, etc.) You may attach your PD calendar to this plan.

|See attached 2012-2013 PD Calendar |


Review of SIP


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