UC Agriculture & Natural Resources


February 2008

Sun |Mon |Tue |Wed |Thu |Fri |Sat | | | | | | |1 |2 | |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 | |10

|11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 Barn Bash | |17 |18 |19 |20 |21 |22 |23 | |24 |25 |26 |27 |28 |29 | | |

March 2008

Sun |Mon |Tue |Wed |Thu |Fri |Sat | | | | | | | |1 County Field Day

At Bloomington Christian | |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8

South Section Mtg | |9 |10 |11

County Council Mtg |12 |13 |14 |15

SBC Fair Weight-in for lg livestock | |16 |17 |18 |19 |20 |21 |22 | |23 |24 |25 |26 |27 |28

Winter |29

Camp | |30 |31 | | | | | | |



UCCE/4-H Office

777 E. Rialto Ave.

San Bernardino, CA 92415


San Bernardino County

4-H Headlines

February 2008

Teen Council Winter Camp

When: March 28-March 30, 2008/ Check in time: March 28, 4-9 p.m.

Where: Singing Pines Lodge, 657 Modoc Dr, Big Bear Lake, CA

Who: Teens 13-19 Years old enrolled in 4-H

Cost: $80.00 – includes 2 nights lodging, 4 meals, (starting Saturday

morning) $100.00 – after February 29, 2008

Does not include “lift tickets” at Snow Summit for skiing and

snowboarding/ There is a tubing facility (if there is no snow

around the lodge) that costs $20.00/per person.

Why: To have fun, meet youth from other clubs in San Bernardino

County and enjoy the weekend.

Every Delegate is Responsible To…

← Act in accordance with the 4-H Code of Conduct

← Be responsible for yourself and your belongings

← Follow all facility rules

Be sure to bring with you…

← Toiletries, personal items, towels, etc.

← Suitable changes of clothing (for 2 days), including jacket. Please do not bring clothing that will not meet the dress code

← Snacks to share

← You do not need a lot of spending money, we are near a Starbucks and the village

Registration: Send completed registration/Medical Release/Signed code of conduct to the 4-H office




777 E. Rialto Ave. • San Bernardino, Ca 92415

(909)387-2179 • Fax: (909)387-3306

E-mail: caeggleston@ucdavis.edu

County Website:

North Star Foundation

North Star Foundation is a nonprofit organization that helps children to reach their social, emotional and educational goals through the use of well bred and well trained Assistance Dogs.  We have been incorporated for eight years and have 85 successful placements in progress.

  Our work was recently featured in Autism Spectrum Quarterly () as well as on the CBS Evening News, which featured a report of a North Star dog named Candy who won an honorable mention in AKC’s Awards for Canine Excellence in the Service Dog category.  You can see this report on the following link:  

We are currently creating a North Star placement with a family in your area and we are seeking a puppy raising home for the very gentle, well bred and well socialized nine month old lab named Sam that we are partnering with a young boy named Lucas, who has high functioning autism.  I am hoping that your 4 H group might help me to locate a puppy raising home for Sam for a period of approximately two to three months...the Verschell family will be picking up Sam and having frequent visits under the guidance of a positive local trainer, who will also be available to this puppy raising family to guide them in their work with Sam...I do want to assure you that at this age (Sam is about 9 months old) our goals for training are quite simple and surround our emphasis on correct socialization and a gentle training philosophy....Sam himself is a very sweet and affectionate dog.

This family's contact information is below...please let me know if you might have any possible homes for us, to begin as soon as they are ready to dive in!  Transportation of the pup and a training session when the pup arrives can be easily arranged.            


Jeff Verschell                          

164 Chisholm Trail

Redlands, CA 92373

909-793-2535 (h) 909- 556- 7062 (c)

 Please feel free to ask me any questions as they occur to you and let me know if you'd like me to send you more information.


Kind regards,

Patty Dobbs Gross

Executive Director

North Star Foundation

20 Deerfield Lane

Storrs, CT  06268


The 4-H Study of Positive Youth Development

San Bernardino County 4-H will join the national 4-H Study of Positive Youth Development in Spring 2008. The 4-H Study of Positive Youth Development is a longitudinal study funded by the National 4-H Council. The study is entering its sixth year and is led by Richard M. Lerner and Jacqueline V. Lerner at Tufts University. Researchers are using a longitudinal study so they can look at changes within the same group of children over time. Currently, about 4,000 diverse adolescents are participating in the study. The adolescents have varying levels of involvement in community-based programs, such as 4-H, Boys & Girls Clubs, YMCA, and Scouting. Because it is a sequential longitudinal study, more youth are added each year in “waves.”

The purpose of the research is to identify characteristics that are related to positive youth development. Some examples of these characteristics include having close friends and/or supportive in a young person’s life, receiving good grades in school, and youth having, overall, good feelings about themselves. Researchers want to understand how positive influences in the lives of youth help protect them from getting involved in "problem behaviors," such as substance abuse, unsafe sex, school failure, delinquency and violence. The study should help identify ways that schools and programs like 4-H can promote positive youth development.

California 4-H Youth Development Program (YPD) is entering into a partnership with Tufts University to collect data from California youth for the study. Sharon Junge in the State 4-H Office will serve as co-director for California. Our goal is to collect data this spring from 600 - 800 California youth who are ages 13 to 17 in order to better understand the development, growth and experiences of California youth and the impact of the 4-H YDP. Dr. Cyndi Barnett, PhD will coordinate with partners and collect data from 40 youth (both 4-H and non-4-H) in San Bernardino County. As data is collected and analyzed, the research team will prepare reports and recommendations for educators, youth program leaders, policy-makers, and parents.

Dr. Barnett will begin recruitment for this important study in late February/early March. If you have questions, please contact her at 909.387.2193. Watch for more information on the study in upcoming newsletters. If you want to learn more, visit the Tufts University website: .


Hesperia Highlighters

The Hesperia Highlighters serve the Hesperia and other High Desert communities. This club was first chartered in 1957. Darlene Roethlisberger is the Community Leader and she is also our current County Council President. Some of their projects include Beef, Swine, Dairy Cattle, Foods and Nutrition, and sheep. The Hesperia Highlighters is a club that has always helped put on county events and has been in charge of the food booth at our County Fair for many years! This club also provided our County with an All-Star in the 2004-2006 years. Way to go Hesperia!!!!!

Clothing & Fashion Review

Members and Leaders

Field Trip – Sat. April 12th

Field trip to the Fashion Institute in L.A.

to tour the Art of Motion Picture Cos-

tume Design Exhibit. We will be taking

the Metrolink train from San Bernardino

to Union Station. The cost is $7.00 per

person. If you are interested in going,

please call Janet Champlin at (909) 275-

0719 to R.S.V.P by March 10th.

The Apple Valley Rattlers at The Sterling Inn Commons!

By Brittany Haynes

This last Christmas, the Apple Valley Rattlers made gifts of various sizes to take to the Sterling Inn Commons. These gifts included: Santa, reindeer, snowmen, Christmas trees, small marshmallow snowmen and reindeer. On December 18, 2007, Amanda and I went to the Sterling Inn Commons where we meet up with Jolene, the director, and Amanda, a co-worker, at the Sterling Inn. We went into the Alzheimer sections of the Sterling Inn Commons. We arrived at dinnertime, and meet many people there, including some husband and wife couples. As we handed out the gifts, we got to know the patients a little better.

The Sterling Inn Commons has three different sections. The 1st section is for patients with stage one Alzheimer’s disease, the 2nd section houses stage 2 patients, and the 3rd section held stage 3 patients—the final stage of Alzheimer’s. Alzheimer’s is the degeneration of the mind, and patients memories tend to go back to the time when they had children or they where children themselves. They also have a hard time with short term memories. Some of the people we meet will probably not remember us at all, while others will recognize our faces but not remember our names. What surprised me the most—especially when the environment can be depressing and sad—these patients were well cared for and each had their own rooms that were like tiny little apartments. The patients were also feed great meals. The patients, like 4-H members, enter jams, jellies, quilts, and many other home crafts to the San Bernardino County Fair. We got to see their ribbons, and the crafts they had made. Plus we found out that they come on senior day to see the fair and the animals. So this next coming fair, Amanda and I will see all the friends we meet at the Sterling Inn. Our group got invited back, so we might play bingo, or sew, or learn some history, so maybe the next time you will come with us too.

Brittany Haynes

President of the Apple Valley Rattlers


Amanda Shaffer

A member of The Apple Valley Rattlers



"We help children find their way."


Teen Council is selling See’s Easter Eggs, chocolate bunnies and assorted candy boxes. The proceeds will benefit Winter Camp and a portion of your sales profits will be applied to your Winter Camp registration. Call the 4-H Office or Gayle Champlin (909) 877-0037 if you would like to participate. Because the supply of candy in our area is limited, the final day to order candy will be March 7th.



Attention San Bernardino 4-H Clubs!!!

The website was created for YOU! Each club will have an individual web page to share what you are doing with the rest of the clubs in the county as well as with your local community. For this to be successful, please submit photos, stories, club information, and 4-H officers to John Trammell at techdude4h@. Thanks!


The South Section Leaders' Council announces its Sectional Leader's Retreat!!

Events will be held at the Nutrilite facility in Lakeview, CA (between Riverside and Hemet).

Early Bird registration fee ($55 by 02/15/08) includes sessions, meals, and entertainment. Participants are responsible for their lodging.

Registration forms, hotel listings, and more information will be available soon!




Child with autism: Lucas  7/20/01

A Little Piece OF History

By Brittany Haynes

Member of The Apple Valley Rattlers


Hello everyone, my name is Brittany Haynes and I’m a member of the Apple Valley Rattlers 4-H club. During the Christmas holidays, my family and I went to Oak Glen which is a 2-hour drive from Apple Valley and located near Yucaipa. My family and I have a passion for old items that have a history attached to them. We stopped to look in an antique store that is filled with old collectibles like navy pins and hats, hay hooks, and pink and purple glassware. While I was looking, I noticed a belt buckle in a glass case. As the lady retrieved the buckle for me, I noticed a very old 4-H hat! I asked the lady to unlock the case so I could look at it. The hat itself is in good condition, but the metal button surround by the clover is a little rusted. The rusty button reads “California Leader.” The hat has four pins: 1 Achievement pin, three California leader pins, and one stripe. I was unable to find a date or year on the hat. The only thing I have that links it to the former owner is the initials sewed on the inside: D.K. Does anyone have a parent who was in 4-H with the initials of D.K? If so, I would interested in talking to them about their 4-H experiences. Thanks, Brittany Haynes, President of the Apple Valley Rattlers 4-H Club

Are you willing to assist in carrying out a military 4-H plan that requires a commitment of approximately 8 hours per month?

If so, consider applying for a truly unique opportunity. The San Bernardino 4-H office is seeking a motivated individual willing to volunteer as a liaison to work as a team member for Operation: Military Kids (OMK). OMK is the U.S. Army's collaborative effort with America's communities to support the children and youth impacted by deployment.  This initiative was officially launched in April 2005.  Since its inception OMK has touched 65,000 military youth and provided information to 7200 community members across the United States.

Preferred qualifications are to be a cleared 4-H leader and have an understanding of the 4-H program and be able to provide the required time commitment. You will need to be able to visit Fort Irwin twice a month on Wednesday afternoons to assist the Military 4-H Coordinators on base. You also need an interest in interacting with 4-H members and willing to give guidance and support to 4-H members. A major benefit is the opportunity to interact with teenagers and share in their growth and development while broadening your knowledge base and experiences.

Ability and means to travel on a flexible schedule as needed, proof of liability and property damage insurance on vehicle used is required. In addition, to enter the Fort Irwin Army Base, the selected candidate must have a valid driver’s license, Military ID (if applicable), current vehicle registration, and proof of insurance.

Applications can be accessed on the website under the Ft. Irwin tab. Adult 4-H volunteers will be screened by the County Extension Office. For more information or if you have questions, please call Cheryl at 909.387.2179 or Cyndi at 909.387.2193. Applications must be received into the San Bernardino

County 4-H office, 777 E. Rialto Ave, San Bernardino

CA 92415 by February 20, 2008 at 5pm (no late

postmarks). AA/EOE


A Message from your 4-H Youth Advisor

Dear 4-H Volunteer Leaders,

The San Bernardino 4-H office is conducting a needs assessment of its current 4-H program and we need your help! As educators, we want to provide the most appropriate resources to you to help you deliver the 4-H program to San Bernardino youth. In order to do this, we are requesting input from all county volunteers. What this requires is the ability to access the Internet, answer a short survey, and submit electronically. Step-by-step instructions are given on the website where the survey is located. The survey is located at – A password is required to enter the survey. The password is SBC4H_08. The survey will take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete. As San Bernardino 4-H volunteers, we want you to know that we value your input and if it wasn’t for all you do, our program could not continue to grow and improve as young people grow and improve.

Thanking you in advance for your participation,

Cyndi Barnett, PhD

4-H Youth Development Advisor

Horse Mastership

Horse Mastership was rained out on January 26th. We are trying to confirm a new date for the event to be held. We will announce as soon as we get conformation. The horse mastership packet will soon be posted on our county website at , so keep an eye out for it.

County Field Day

The date is set. County Field day will be held March 1st at Bloomington Christian. Packets will be sent out to all Community Leaders. If you would like a copy of the packet contact Cheryl at the 4-H office. Packets are also available on line at

Barn Bash

The Barn Bash will be held on Feb. 16th at

the San Bernardino County Fairgrounds in building

1. The cost is $20.00 which includes dinner.  This

is an evening for adults only as there is a bar open.

All precedes from this event goes to improving the Junior Livestock area of the fairgrounds.  Please come and join us for a fun night and the chance to help make a better place for our youth at the fair!  If you have any questions you can contact Jacque Cloutier at (909)877-1466.

Western Regional Leaders Forum

March 6-9, 2008 Boise, Idaho


Don’t miss out on one of the most energizing and educational forums for 4-H leaders. This event provides hands-on learning, and sharing of ideas, challenges, and solutions.

Make plans with other leaders from your state to Stampede to Idaho and rope a herd of ideas to bring back to the home corral.

Regular Registration Date: 1/15/08

Regular Registration Fee: $240

Late/Onsite Registration Date: 2/15/08

Late/Onsite Registration Fee: $270

Southern Regional Horse Classic


April 11-13, 2008

Online Survey for 4-H Youth Targets Improved

Bio-Security Measures for

4-H Animal Science Projects

Because backyard flocks and herds serve as potential vectors of disease, 4-H Animal Science projects represent potential bio-security risks. As a consequence, the State 4-H Office and several county programs have been working closely with Veterinary Medicine Extension over the past few years on innovative initiatives to address this critical issue. Our goal through these efforts is to strengthen our Animal Science Program through the adoption and implementation of timely and relevant materials and strategies.

One aspect of bio-security that is extremely important is predicting the spread of disease through computer modeling. To do this accurately, researchers must develop a program that can calculate where, when, and how a disease might spread using data on typical patterns of animal movement. Although such models exist for industry, there is much yet to learn about the potential of disease spread in the event of an unforeseen outbreak among animals from backyard flocks or herds.

California 4-H has a robust Animal Science Program that we want to protect from disease. To help accomplish this, we have worked with Veterinary Medicine Extension to design a survey for youth who raise market animals that that can help provide researchers with the type of data necessary to help develop a new disease spread model. This survey is completely voluntary, but we are asking 4-H youth in California who raise market animals to go to , read the information provided, and consider completing the survey to help with this important research. The results from this survey will strengthen 4-H Animal Science in California through enhanced bio-security measures that will help ensure the health and safety of 4-H youth and their project animals for years to come.

If you have questions about the survey, please contact Martin Smith, Associate CE Specialist in Veterinary Medicine Extension, at mhsmith@ucdavis.edu.

Southern Regional Horse Classic


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