Bring Your Own Mug - University of British Columbia

Bring Your Own Mug

Amal Hatmi J a de Ya ng Minka Hong Vipa n Aula kh

Zoe Lin


1) Company Overview 2) Industry 3) Competitor 4) Customer: research 5) Target Segment + Positioning 6) Goals & Objectives 7) Strategy + Tactics 8) Implementation Timeline 9) Appendix: Budget, Monitors & SWOT

Company Overview


Industry: Consumer Food Services

Category: Hot Be ve ra ge s

Uppe rc a se is a ffe c te d by shifts in hot be ve ra ge s industry a nd stude nt ta ste a nd pre fe re nc e s

Canadian hot beverages industry: 3.47Bn a s of 2015 Fore c a st: 5.1 Bn by 2020 1.5 million disposa ble c ups pe r ye a r from UBC c a mpus a lone goe s to la ndfill.

Competitor Analysis

Customer: Primary Research

Highlights Students lack awareness of initiatives

Need constant reminders Influenced easily by peer pressure, social pressure, money incentives

Value their time and convenience


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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