
Plans BookStarbucks CampaignFitchburg State UniversityName: Kayla DeLucaInstitution: Fitchburg State UniversityWebsite: fitchburgstate.eduFaculty Advisor Contact: Robert I. Carr III, PhDCommunications Media DepartmentTelephone: (978) 302-3645Email: rcarr@fitchburgstate.eduExecutive Summary: Starbucks is world wide coffee chain. Starbucks offers a wide variety of beverages and drinks. However, they are seen as a bit pricey and only the stereotypical white girls and hipsters are seen as the ones that go there. But, Starbucks has people of all types as their customers. Also, Starbucks’ prices are a tad bit higher due to the good that they do for the community and their employees. This will be further explained along with what Starbucks can do to change their image and bring in more loyal customers. Table of ContentsClient Project ProposalCompany AnalysisConsumer AnalysisMarket Analysis Product/Brand AnalysisCompetitive Analysis Problems and Opportunities Target Market ProfileMarketing ObjectivesAdvertising ObjectivesMarketing Communications StrategyAdvertising StrategyCreative Strategy ExecutionSales Promotion StrategyPublic Relations StrategyDirect Marketing StrategyMedia StrategyCampaign Evaluation/ConclusionClient Project ProposalStarbucks is a brand name for coffee and espresso drinks. Starbucks is often thought of as the coffee for rich people or for "basic white girls". However, it is and does so much more that not many people know about. Starbucks is mainly known for its coffees and espresso drinks, however, they also sell a wide variety of teas, partnered with Teavana Teas, breakfast sandwiches, pastries, and fruit. One of my personal favorites from Starbucks' breakfast sandwich assortments is the turkey bacon cheddar egg white sandwich. It is really great and is healthy with half the calories as a Dunkin' Donuts breakfast sandwich. I typically would get this sandwich on my morning commute to work or school along with a large coffee. I liked the combination of these because the egg in the sandwich gave me the energy, along with my coffee, to start my day. It was also easy to take on the go so I could eat it while I was driving, just as others could with a donut. However, this is much healthier.?Not only does Starbucks have a lot of options with their food and beverages, but Starbucks takes good care of their employees and the community.?Starbucks employees have the option of free college. Yes, free. If a Starbucks employee works full time he or she will receive free tuition to Arizona State online. While one may not get that college experience that he or she was looking for, free tuition is free tuition. Now a days, college is something that is really hard to afford and sometimes people aren’t always as able to go to college due to it being so expensive. In addition to free tuition to Arizona State, Starbucks also gives back to the community. An example of this is with the store on Oceanside in Southern California. As most people know, it is very hard to find a job these days. It is even harder to find a job when you’re a parent or dependent and have a spouse or parent deployed over seas and your spouse makes just enough money to pay the bills at poverty level. Because of this, Starbucks is offering jobs to primarily military personnel. This means mostly service members, their spouses and or children will be hired to work at that store. I think this is great because it gives people in this group a chance to get a job and make a little money to better their own lives a little bit. Currently, Starbucks targets consumers between the ages of 20 and 40. Starbucks is typically seen as the place to take a coffee break. Where an individual can go in, get a coffee and do some work with the complimentary wifi and relaxing atmosphere. Starbucks competes with Dunkin’ Donuts, another popular coffee shop. Where they mainly compete is their pricing. There is about a dollar difference between a Starbucks grande (medium) and a Dunkin’ Donuts medium coffee both with cream and sugar. I used to go to Dunkin’ Donuts because it was in town and cheap. However, once I found out that Starbucks offered free tuition to its employees and other benefits, I knew that the extra dollar that I was paying was going to good use. As of late, I had been having bad experiences at Dunkin’ Donuts, my coffee would taste burned and the breakfast sandwiches weren’t always the best tasting, but it was always cheap. When it comes to advertising, I believe that Starbucks needs to expand a little more. In Dunkin’ Donuts advertisements we will see all of Boston’s favorites. Ranging from Big Papi to Gronk individually or in a duet. These commercials are very creative and entertaining. However, they lack informing the audience on what the coffee will provide. Will it make me say “yuck, now I know why I paid $2.00 for a coffee.” Or will it make me say “wow, that was great. Everyone was so friendly and now my Monday morning is off to a great start now that I went to Dunks”. However, Starbucks does that. Although they do not have too many commercials out, and they recently got a lot of bad publicity over the infamous red cup, the advertisements for their coffee tell you what the coffee will bring to you. In a commercial for Starbucks introducing new tempread cups in 2011, the coffee shop shows what the coffee brings to its customers simply by showing live footage from a Starbucks store. In this commercial, you saw the interaction between the customer and the barista, where the barista looked very attentive and the customers all looked very happy walking out with their coffees. (link for commercial ) Another great reason why Starbucks is liked is because its very personable. I walk in and give the barista my order and he’ll take down my name. Starbucks also does the customer of the month where they advertise a customer whom has given them the utmost loyalty over the month. To mitigate the problems of Starbucks seeming expensive and for people who are seen as basic, I think it would be great to start showing live clips from a Starbucks store. Showing the employees working and the customers getting their coffee. Also, showing those who like to stay and sit and enjoy their coffee. I think coffee is one of the smallest things that play such a huge role in people’s lives. Because of this, it is important to have a good coffee that does good for you. So, I would show how Starbucks does good for the community and for the customer. I want to show, what Starbucks brings to people. Company AnalysisStarbucks is a coffee company that started in Seattle in 1971. The company prides itself on being very connected to its customers and thinks of them more as friends than someone that gives them money. Starbucks’ mission statement, found on aboutus, is “to inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup, one neighborhood at a time.”. As of June 2015, Starbucks has 22,519 stores. In addition to this high number and rapidly increasing amount of stores, Starbucks is also in 67 different countries. Thus, making this coffee brand very well known throughout the world. Starbucks has several products. This company has 30 different blends of coffee, making it the perfect choice for even the pickiest of coffee drinkers. Even if one does not like coffee, Starbucks has their own handcrafted beverages including: Starbucks Refreshers (has caffeine), smoothies, teas, and frappachinos. Starbucks opened its market to the public in 1992 at $17 a share. As of December 29, 2015, Starbucks sold its last share at $61.13 and went up 1.6%. Over the past 5 years, Starbucks has significantly gone up as well. This accurately shows how well the company does. Despite how well Starbucks does, they struggle with their overall appearance. This is because they are seen as overpriced. However, the price difference between Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts is not that big. A medium coffee from Dunkin’ Donuts is 14 oz and is about $2.00. A grande (medium) coffee from Starbucks is 16 oz and is about $2.15. Prices vary amongst location and with state taxes. However, due to the size difference the price difference isn’t that much. In addition to being judged for their high prices, Starbucks also struggles with being seen as the coffee for hipsters and or basic white girls. This causes their consumers to believe they must be primarily of one class/race/and or gender.Consumer AnalysisStarbucks’ doesn’t sell only coffee, therefore their consumers aren’t predominantly coffee drinkers. Starbucks’ consumers have a wide range. The consumers are commuters on their way to work or school. They are, coffee breakers and coffee daters. Due to Starbucks’ wide variety of locations all around the world, they are conveniently located for commuters. This applies to employees on their way to work that need to grab a coffee to start their day or students at the start or in between classes, especially with Starbucks shops located on campus. With Starbucks’ relaxing atmosphere and free wifi, the coffee shop allows consumers to stop in for a coffee break. Here he or she can take a load off for a while and also still be productive. This aspect is great for white collar workers and college students. In addition to taking a coffee break, Starbucks’ atmosphere is also great for people whom want to go on a coffee date, either romantically or to catch up with friends. I am a college student and because of this I run on coffee. So, my friends and I will sometimes meet up for coffee at Starbucks and make a coffee and study date out of it so we can be productive while also hanging out and getting our coffee fix in. In addition to the consumers stated above, Starbucks’ consumers are also those whom have specific wants and or needs in their coffee. With the wide variety of beverages that they offer and different types of milks, sugars, etc. (almond/soy/Splenda/etc.) it is easy for most people to find something that he or she likes to make his or her taste buds happy. Market AnalysisThe Starbucks market is quite the large one. With Starbucks having 22,519 stores, as of June 2015, and stores in 67 different countries around the world, their market is pretty big. It is hard to imagine a day when the world will not want any coffee. However, the day is upon us where people are brewing their coffee at home more frequently now than ever. With regular old coffee makers with the physical coffee pots, it still wasn’t as convenient you had to put the coffee grinds in, wait for the water to boil, then slowly but surely the wonderful liquid that makes the day a little more tolerable would trickle out and into the pot. Now, there are single serve brewers, such as Keurig. With devices like Keurig, it is a lot easier for people to make their coffee at home and take it with them wherever they go with just the right amount of coffee for them. This method is also a lot cheaper than going to Starbucks every day. For about $10 I can get 12 KCups in the Green Mountain brand or a generic brand. So, there is no doubt that this has effected the Starbucks market a little bit. What can they do to fix this? Starbucks has their light, medium and dark roast, and chai teas available in KCups but that is about it. Although Keurig hasn’t hit the Starbucks’ market too hard yet, it is bound to happen, especially with the Keurig Kold that recently came out where people can now make their iced teas and iced coffees at home. So why go to a coffee shop any more and waste the time, money and gas?Product/Brand AnalysisAlthough Starbucks has been around since 1971. Over 40 years has passed, and it still is seen as one of the most popular places to get coffee on the go. The Starbucks logo is green and white. Green is a color that is often associated with harmony, freshness, and energy. White is a color that represents purity. So, with these two colors together in the Starbucks logo, one can expect a coffee that is pure, fresh and gives someone energy all while being in an environment that creates a harmony for the customer. The Starbucks brand also has the familiar green and white siren on it. This siren is seen as a welcoming face, perhaps because in Greek Mythology the siren lured men in with their singing. In this case, the siren luers people in with her mixture of colors, peaceful environment, and delicious smelling products. Starbucks originated in Seattle and is now known and tasted throughout the United States and 66 other countries. This brand is easily accessible now a days with Starbucks stores, drive throughs, and at home coffee grinds, teas, and Refreshers. For those who cannot make it to a Starbucks store for whatever reason, Starbucks is readily available and so easily accessible for the consumers in their own home. This allows them to have their Starbucks fix whenever and wherever. However, the brand itself is a tad bit expensive even for at home brewing. The price difference isn’t that much there is about a dollar or two dollars difference between the Dunkin’ Donuts KCups and Starbucks Kcups but there is still a difference. When consumers find out how much they are saving by switching to Dunkin’ Donuts or generic brand coffee rather than having Starbucks they’ll likely be less loyal to Starbucks. However, people aren’t realizing what they are giving and getting from a Starbucks coffee at home and or in store when they pay the extra dollar or two. They are giving a hardworking employee a chance at a college education and bettering their future. They’re giving a military spouse, a couple extra dollars that they will use for groceries or even daycare for their children because things that are often thought of as “not that much money” end up costing a lot for a military family whom make on average less than 30,000/year for people whom literally give their life for our freedom. With a fresh form of advertisement, Starbucks can show what a single cup of Starbucks coffee can do. How that cup of Starbucks helps someone else while also giving the consumer their caffeine fix. Starbucks can show how incredible it is that we can be so connected to someone else simply by a cup of coffee. Competitive AnalysisFor awhile Dunkin’ Donuts used to only be available in New England. While it is still known as a New England and a “masshole” coffee, it is popping up all around the United States. Thus now making America run on Dunkins and neck and neck in popularity with Starbucks. Starbucks has been around from east coast to west coast for quite sometime now, but maybe people want to try something newer and even cheaper. However, with more Dunkin’ Donuts shops popping up all around the United States, there is now some serious competition for Starbucks nation wide. Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts are both very well known coffee shops, both are said to have good coffee too. At both shops, consumers can get coffee, smoothies, macchiatos, breakfast sandwiches, pasteries, etc. So what is the difference? The major differences between Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts is the price and quality One cup of Dunkin’ Donuts medium hot coffee with cream and sugar is about $2.00 while the same coffee at Starbucks is about $2.50, prices varying with taxes. This dollar or so difference can be not that big of a deal to some people but it can be to others. In addition to the regular price difference, Dunkin’ Donuts has more promotions going on more frequently. With every 10 or so Starbucks beverages you purchase using your Starbucks Rewards, you will get a free grande beverage. Dunkin Donuts’ DD Perks has something similar as well. However, in addition to that they also have the occasional free donut offer, add a dark roast for 99cents, and the Massachusetts favorite: every time the Patriots win, you get a free coffee the next day. As a whole, the company has a lot of really good deals for their customers. Unfortunately, Starbucks is lacking on their rewards and deals. Another major difference between Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts is quality. Although one may be paying a little bit more for Starbucks the customer can be assured that he or she is getting a good quality coffee. While, at Dunkin’ Donuts its just a coffee. There may be some flavor shot in it or it might even be a dark roast coffee, but there isn’t too much that is special about it. At Starbucks the customer can choose from a blonde, medium or dark roast coffee. Although the products vary in quality and price, Dunkin’ Donuts is a competitor for Starbucks due to its popularity. When people find that they can get just a plain old regular coffee and pay less, eventually that will be the coffee that they will want. Problems & OpportunitiesA problem that I have personally found with Starbucks is that there are too many choices. Between the beverages and the food items it gets to be a little much. I think it is great that there are so many options just because there is a little bit of something for everyone. However, I find it to be a little overwhelming at times, especially when they have certain holiday collections out. In addition to there being too many choices, the sizes tend to throw people off too. There is no small, medium and large. At Starbucks it’s a tall, grande, venti, and trenta. Of course most Starbucks employees are nice enough and will know what you want when you ask for a medium size, and won’t correct you most of the time. I also find myself feeling as if I have to get the venti sized coffee because tall and grande just aren’t big enough. A major problem that Starbucks faces is their price and whom their audience is believed to be. This past Christmas, my family was talking about how Starbucks is for snobs. They were talking about how over priced it is for “just a coffee” when in reality the price difference between there and Dunkin’ Donuts is about a dollar or so. They also mentioned how it was for basic white girls and hipsters, both of which I am not and I give a lot of business to Starbucks. Another problem that I have noticed personally is their lack of gluten free foods. This is not a huge problem now, but being gluten free is becoming quite the fad these days. Unfortunately, I have to be gluten free for health reasons and I have yet to find a coffee shop that provides gluten free bagels and or breakfast sandwiches for its customers. There have been countless times where I was running late for school and couldn’t have breakfast at home but refuse to go to class with an empty stomach. Because of this I’ve had to cheat and either get a breakfast sandwich from Starbucks which later caused me to not feel good. However, with problems come opportunities. Because Starbucks has so many options it is good for the picky eater and drinker, however they lack gluten free options for their food. Rather than the usual pieces of fruit, it would behoove the Starbucks company to start getting some gluten free English muffins and pastries for their shop. Gluten allergies in addition to other allergies are becoming very common today. There are also some people don’t eat gluten just because they feel it is healthier. Adding some gluten free options to their menu will definitely increase sales. Especially since Dunkin’ Donuts has only gluten filled food options between donuts, muffins, bagels and breakfast sandwiches. Being someone that has a gluten sensitivity, I can vouch for how hard it is to be on the go and be hungry and not having too many options that are gluten free, especially when all you want is a good breakfast sandwich. Target Market ProfileStarbuck’s target market is commuters between the ages of 16-45. This is because their prime customers are people who are on their way to work or school and get a coffee, tea, or other beverage with a breakfast sandwich or pastry. Starbucks also targets those whom don’t mind paying as much for their products. Even though there isn’t too much of a price difference between Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts, the price difference could be a lot to certain people. As a whole, Starbucks targets consumers who want to take a coffee break. With the atmosphere being relaxing with free wifi and with several spots to sit down, Starbucks allows their customers to sit and stay a while and take a coffee break with them. This is great because it also establishes a connection between the customers, baristas, and owners. When people think of Starbucks they tend to think of the stereotypical basic white girl with her pumpkin spice latte and Ugg boots, when in reality so many different types of people go to Starbucks for whatever reason. Mainly, men and women of all races between 16-45 years old go on their commute to work or school. But, also those whom want to drink a cup of coffee or two while enjoying a pastry and doing some homework or something for work. Starbucks is the perfect destination to just relax and have a cup of coffee. My friends and I will go here and just hangout and talk for a while. Other times we go on our way to class because we need a quick pick me up and are too busy to stay and drink our coffees. With that being said, I believe that a huge part of Starbucks’ target market is college students. Us college students basically bleed coffee. We get it on our way to class in the morning and in between and we go there with our friends. Sometimes we go there just to take a quick coffee and study break and enjoy the relaxing atmosphere Starbucks has to offer along with free wifi. This is more accurate on campuses that have Starbucks at them. When I attended Southern New Hampshire University, my peers and I would go to the multiple Starbucks we had on campus at least 3 times a day. Marketing ObjectivesThere are several goals that Starbucks needs to have when promoting its products. My overall marketing objective would be to show consumers all that Starbucks does for the community and its employees. Doing so will show consumers what the extra money they are paying is going to. Also, I would show how much and what exactly Starbucks has to offer as a company as a whole, giving its employees benefits and free tuition, and as a coffee chain to customers with many choices and options for coffees and other beverages and food. The ultimate outcome we hope to achieve is to increase Starbucks’ sales and the amount of new loyal customers they have. This goal should be achieved in a year after fresh and new marketing and advertising has begun. Advertising ObjectivesThe overall advertising objective for Starbucks is to persuade consumers on why they should give their business to Starbucks rather than other companies such as, Dunkin’ Donuts. Smaller objectives within this objective is to change the stereotypes of Starbucks being the place where basic white girls go and that is overpriced. In their advertising, one will notice that Starbucks reflects more on how their coffee makes their consumer’s day more enjoyable. In a majority of Starbucks commercials, the customer walks into a warm and welcoming environment, has a great experience placing their order with their barista and leaves happy with a delicious Starbucks beverage or pastry. Starbucks persuades consumers to go to them over another coffee shop by showing consumers how enjoyable their experience can be. They show how the barista is attentive and cares about the customer and their order. They show how the environment is calm and welcoming right when he or she walks in. There’s no stress from lines if one orders on the app and there’s no headache with cashiers not paying attention and taking down the wrong order. Showing the consumer that they will have a great experience at Starbucks persuades and encourages consumers to go to Starbucks over other coffee shops. Marketing Communications StrategyThere are not very many advertisements for Starbucks rather than the people that post the pictures of their drinks and coffee dates with friends. Therefore, the marketing for Starbucks is at a low. I had honestly never been to a Starbucks before. I had constantly heard that it was for basic white girls and it was over priced. I had no idea what to expect. Sadly, that is probably how a lot of other people are today too. Starbucks needs to change that, and here is how they can do that. The one thing that truly separates Starbucks from its competitors is the fact that there is a connection between the company and its customers. That is ultimately what makes Starbucks unique. The atmosphere is warm and welcoming and the baristas always have a smile on their face even when its their morning rush. They give their customers the option to sit and stay a while. The best way that they build the connection with their customers is by taking their names down. Although it is something so small and so basic, it makes the customer feel like they are more than just their order or their order number that gets called out when its ready. This is what Starbucks will be showing to its customers and this is how they will ultimately get more people in their stores. Starbucks needs to create ads about this connection between customer, barista and coffee. Showing how they are unique from other coffee shops will further their sales and increase the amount of loyal customers that they have. Advertising Strategy Starbucks hardly has any sort of advertising. It is said that the best form of advertising is by word of mouth, and that is about the only sort of advertisement that I have received from Starbucks, which was enough to bring me in. However, that won’t be enough to bring in a good amount of new customers into Starbucks. The company needs to get more actual advertisements about the store and what the company as a whole brings to consumers and their community. Starbucks will show commercials on TV during prime morning news time while people are watching and getting ready for their day and during the afternoons when they might need a pick me up. These commercials will show the relationship between customer and barista and the mark Starbucks leaves on its customers when they leave the store. Showing this sort of advertisements will have consumers wanting what those customers have rather than their coffee from somewhere that burned their coffee and doesn’t usually get their order right. Creative Strategy Changing the image for Starbucks should be relatively easy. We need to persuade consumers to not see Starbucks as just another expensive place. But rather a place to make memories, connections, have fun, grow, and refuel. To accomplish this should be quite simple. Starbucks could quite literally film real interactions between customers and the coffee shop. An example for making memories and having fun at Starbucks could be this: a group of students are at the library on campus. It is finals week and they’ve been studying for hours on end, they are struggling to stay awake but need to finish studying and ace their finals. The dining hall isn’t serving coffee anymore because it is not breakfast time so where do they go? The on campus Starbucks. The students bring their class materials with them and get coffees and teas to stay awake for a little longer. The caffeine hits and they are able to stay at it for a few more hours. The calming and creative atmosphere is thought provoking and made for a better work environment than their library. Here, they all bond, laugh and have a good time enjoying each others company and Starbucks beverages all while getting some work done. Showing a case where someone grows, the company could show how Starbucks company is helping their employees. Perhaps showing the story about the 20 year old barista who has a 2 year old daughter. This barista struggled with affording college on her own but knew she had potential and wanted to go to college. So, she enrolled online at Arizona State University and received free tuition from Starbucks. Thus, helping her realize her true potential and helping her grow as an individual and helping her provide a better life for her daughter. Not only is this good advertising for Starbucks but also for Arizona State University. Perhaps, if Starbucks advertised this they could get a bigger budget for this advertisement from Arizona State University. ExecutionTo accomplish this task Starbucks should air commercials of real live interactions between customers and baristas and the Starbucks company. These commercials will air in the early morning during the morning news when people are getting ready for work. While seeing all of these Starbucks commercials and mentions of coffee, they will be more likely to want a coffee from Starbucks by the time they are walking out the door to head to work. Starbucks can show commercials of the barista going to college for free around afternoon times and at night when people are watching the nightly news or their favorite TV shows. However, it is important that this advertisement comes across as a commercial showing consumers what the extra money they’re spending there is going to. Another way to execute this strategy would be to get Starbucks more active on social media. Maybe they can have people tweet their Starbucks stories. The type of story where something interesting happened or something made their day. For example, an event that happened to my mom and I was we were in the Starbucks store waiting in a line during our holiday shopping. We were just talking about life and school and the man in front of us over heard our conversation about me being a college student while also working over 40 hours that week and he commented about the big yawn that I had. He must’ve felt that I really needed that coffee and decided to pay for both mine and my moms drinks by leaving an extra $10 for our order. We of course reciprocated the random act of kindness from that man and put $10 towards the people’s order behind us. I did not see if the random acts of kindness continued after that. But that was my Starbucks story of making memories with my mom and that is definitely something I would share to Starbucks on social media to have publicized. It only takes one splash of generosity to make a wave of kindness, and that man that paid for our coffees was the splash that made the wave. Sales Promotion StrategyIntro: Starbucks’ target audience needs to get the “feeling” with a message that stays consistent. Objective: Starbucks’ needs to improve the knowledge of their target market on their products through more forms of visual communication and advertisement. By showing that Starbucks is the coffee shop that focuses on making sure the customers create a connection and bond with the barista and company as a whole. By doing this, Starbucks will begin to have more customers in addition to the loyal ones they already have. Showing more about the company and their products will make people more aware of Starbucks as a whole, rather than them just knowing the logo.Tactics:Consumer Promotions: having coupons and or free coffee days and samples.Trade Promotions: free coffees for certain things (i.e. if the Patriots win, like Dunkin’ Donuts does.) half off certain products at certain times or days. Schedule: these promotions will run for about 3 or so months. Once the three months are up, Starbucks will check their sales and earnings to see how they did with these promotions. If the sales improved, Starbucks will start making strides to put these tactics in their every day business to get more loyal customers and keep them. Budget Summary: About 20% of Starbucks’ budget will be going to their promotions. Although this is a little expensive and is not guaranteed to bring in a lot of money, it will definitely bring more people into their stores and create more loyal customers and help Starbucks eliminate their stereotypes of being basic and or overly expensive.Public Relations StrategyIntro: It is safe to say that even people whom have never been to Starbucks know that Starbucks is known for its coffee. However, besides their stereotypes, that is about all they are known for. Starbucks needs to show the world what more they are doing for their business, community and employees. Doing so will allow Starbucks to shine amongst its competitors when they see the difference between one coffee chain and another and the difference in where the money from their sales is going. Objective: For consumers to understand more about what Starbucks does as a whole rather than just make coffee and money off of their coffee. Tactics:Show the wide variety of products that Starbucks has and talk about the new products they are working on now.Show consumers the Starbucks store in Oceanside, California that employs predominantly military personnel. Educate consumers and employees that the extra dollar or so that customers are spending on their coffee is going to helping their community and or tuition for an employee. Schedule: Starbucks will maintain their public relations strategy year round.Budget: Starbucks’ budget for Public Relations will be about 40%. This is because their business is done predominantly through customer to employee interaction. So, having a good foundation with their customers is what will be the backbone of this business. Direct Marketing StrategyIntro: Providing certain rewards or prizes for guests whom normally do and do not go to Starbucks will definitely help make more people aware of the business itself and their products.Objective: To directly communicate with consumers, either presently loyal to Starbucks or Starbucks’ competitor. Tactics:Direct mail, internet services (ex: show this tweet to your barista and get a free shot of espresso). Schedule: Direct Marketing will take place all year. Towards the end of each year Starbucks will take a look at what tactics went well and what did not and how well their sales were. If the tactics caused better sales then they will be kept or improved to increase sales and amount of new customers for the following year.Budget: About 40% of Starbucks’ budget will go to direct marketing. This is because marketing via mail or internet will be going to every type of consumer, male and female young and old. This will get a little pricey because of the quantity, but it will bring in more customers.Media StrategyTarget Audience: Coffee and espresso drinkers between the ages of 16 and 45. Also, commuters that have a need for caffeinated beverages and or food.Media Types: For types of media we would use the TV for commercials and social media to advertise a “Starbucks Story” from customers. This message will show consumers some of the good interactions and memories that were made at Starbucks for these customers. Hopefully it will persuade new consumers to come in and try Starbucks out despite all of what they heard about it being for hipsters, basic white girls, and it being over priced. Perhaps advertising on the radio might be a good idea but it is kind of hard when you can’t see a type of food or drink you may want. It doesn’t really give someone that craving factor. However, during the seasons where they have their holiday flavors, etc. advertising that they are back will be a great way to get regulars back in and new customers as well that want to see what all of the hype is about.Media Timing: These ads will run mainly in the morning and in the afternoon. This is because people will be thinking about getting coffee more in the morning on their way into work or school but will not want to necessarily stop at Cumberland Farms for the $1 coffee or Dunkin’ Donuts coffee either. He or she will want a good coffee served to them with a smile, made just the way that he or she likes it because this is what will help start his or her day off right. The ads will also be running in the afternoon because a lot of the times students will head to Starbucks in the afternoon after school to work on some homework while sipping on a cup of coffee utilizing the free wifi and creative atmosphere. Also, many people often feel like they’ve hit a wall by the time the afternoon rolls around so he or she will want a delicious cup of coffee or other caffeinated beverage as an afternoon pick me up to help get them through the rest of his or her day, at least until happy hour rolls around. Media Mix: I believe the most advertising will have to be done via social media such as Twitter and Instagram. This is because the company will be able to retweet tweets that were made about a customers’ experience. Also, this will be how they share the “why Starbucks” aspect. Meaning, why does Starbucks do all that they do, why do consumers like Starbucks, and most importantly why should consumers give their business to Starbucks over other coffee shops. Advertising done on Instagram is to appeal to the consumer’s senses. We want Starbucks to be more well liked and generally well known by people actually going there not by people complaining about a $5.00 latte. Advertising through videos and pictures on Instagram will cause consumers to see what Starbucks does and has to offer and will appeal to their sight sense making them crave Starbucks, appealing to their taste sense. Also, showing all that Starbucks does in and out of the coffee shop will appeal to their emotional sense as well. Calendar:The calendar of which these advertisements will be shown will vary around the time of year. For example, we will advertise more about the iced coffees and Refreshers in the summer time rather than our crème brule latte which we will be advertising after Thanksgiving. Mix: Ads will be shown via TV commercials and social media postings. Should Starbucks happen to make it on the news again as seen this past winter with the “War On Christmas” when Starbucks changed their holiday cups, a lot of the advertisement will come from morning/night news and radio talk shows in addition to people posting their thoughts on the subject via social media. Advertising Environments:It is best to advertise in more populated areas for Starbucks because that is where they are more common. Smaller towns tend to have their own little coffee shop or only one major chain coffee shop. Budget: The budget for these ads will be a medium sized. It will cost money to have a social media account for a company to use as a form of advertisement. However, since they will only be advertising on TV and social media for the most part, it shouldn’t cost too much.Campaign Evaluation/ ConclusionThere are several things that Starbucks must do in order to determine if Starbucks’ objectives are being achieved. The most efficient way to determine this is to have surveys for their customers. These surveys could be given out on the receipts from customers’ purchases. The survey will ask the customer how the service was, what he or she enjoyed from Starbucks and how they heard of Starbucks and or what brought them in that day. When Starbucks gets this feedback from their customers, they will be able to appropriately see how their marketing has worked with their consumers. In addition to giving surveys, managers at Starbucks stores can ask these questions as well and write a report to general managers to send to corporate. This will show how their marketing has reached their consumers in different areas. This is helpful for stores not only in the United States but around the world, as well. ................

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