Welcome to Sports & Entertainment On-Line …


Welcome to the Catering Menu homepage! This site contains an assortment of innovative tools that will allow you to explore, preview and ultimately engage the Base Menu program.

For efficiency, this site is divided into two main components.

The tools page provides an assortment of resources to enhance your knowledge of the Base Menu program and allow you to craft an enticing menu portfolio with culinary and financial integrity.

The print page allows you to select a unique look for your menu, configure each aspect of your portfolio, and complete your order.

Prior to beginning your order, please ensure that:

• You have configured your menu and pricing using the menu builder tool.

• You have discussed your menu and pricing choices with your DM.

• You have presented this menu to your client.

Thank you for taking part in the Higher Education Base Menu program. Please contact us with any questions or concerns.

For technical support or help with your order, please contact:

Customer Service

(877) 751-2644


For questions involving the integration or execution of this program, please contact your District Manager or one of the contacts listed on site.

CONTROL CLICK on a link below to take you directly to that section:











TOOLS & DOCUMENTS – Build Diagrams

Please see below for a walkthrough of the Catering Menu Online Ordering Website.

This instructional document will start with the upper right hand menu and continue on throughout the rest of the site.



Clicking on the HOME link in the upper right hand corner, will take you to the screen below where you will be able to access the two main components of this site:


Customizable Menus

Tools & Documents


In Your Cart, you will see all the items in your cart and have a final chance to review your order, update quantities, and/or delete selections.

If a number appears in parenthesis after Your Cart that is how many products you currently have in your cart. The example below shows you that there are currently 3 products in your cart.


Your shopping cart will contain the following information for each product in your cart:

Product Name


Unit Price

Total Price

To review a customized PDF proof again to double-check your work, simply click the icon next to the product in your checkout screen.


The Quantity for each product will default to 0 (zero). You will be required to enter a quantity and click UPDATE before moving on.

If you would like to make additional changes to the Quantity of your products, you must click UPDATE to save your changes. If you do not click UPDATE, your changes will not be saved.

You can check out at any point by clicking the Checkout button or continue shopping by clicking the Continue Shopping button.

In order to finalize your order click Checkout. At this time, you will have the opportunity to review your order one last time as well as choose some other important information.

Estimated Shipping: Choose the method in which this package should be shipped to you by FedEx. These are estimated costs. Actual costs will be TJV’d directly to your Component Number.

Primary Email Address: Enter your email address. This will record who was responsible for placing the order as well as where the confirmation emails will be sent.

ALTERNATE Email Address: You also have the option to send confirmation emails to other people.

Shipping Address: The shipping address will default to the address currently stored in your profile. You also have the ability to Select an alternate shipping address.

* Please note, FedEx will not deliver to a P.O. Box. Attempting to ship to a P.O. Box may cause delays in shipment as well as additional charges.


A confirmation screen will give you an order number that you can use to reference this order at anytime. You will also receive a confirmation email within 2 hours of placing your order.

If your order includes any Customizable Menus with pricing that falls below what is recommended, your order will be subject to approval prior to the order being placed. An email will be sent to your DM or to a Catering Representative when you place your order. They are required to approve the price changes you made to your menu. They will be required to APPROVE your order before it is submitted to the printer for processing.

Orders with no Customizable Menus or where Pricing was not changed below recommended, will ship within 5-7 business days from when you submit your order.

Orders requiring approval will ship within 5-7 business days from the time your DM or Catering Representative APPROVES your order. You will receive another email at the time of approval.


Keep your profile up-to-date. This link will display all of your information for you to view and edit if necessary.


All items with an * are required and must be completed.

All items with a † will display on your printed materials

The following information can be updated here:

• Location Name *† (NOT EDITABLE)

• Department Display Name *†

• First Name *

• Last Name *

• Address 1 *

• Address 2

• Address 3

• City *

• State *

• Zip *

• Phone Number †

• Phone Extension

• DM (viewable, but not editable)

• Email Address C

• Website †

• Logo †

All logos must be submitted in the following formats:

Specifications for logo uploads

Acceptable Logo/Art formats:





All should be a minimum of 300 DPI at 100%, CMYK format.


This site cannot check to ensure the logo you provided is printable. Please review PDF proof provided to ensure placement of logo. Any logo file not following the above specification is subject to misprint and compromised printing quality. Strata is not responsible for pieces printed with poor quality logos due to improper file uploads that do not meet the above requirements. Any pieces printed, approved and shipped with poor logo quality are the property of the purchaser. Reprints may be ordered with an updated logo, but will be subject to additional cost.

• Coffee Preference † (this will auto flow into your customizable menus)

How should coffee service (as it appears in packages) be described on your menu?

Your options are the following:

• Gourmet Coffee, Decaf and Hot Tea.

• Java City Coffee, Decaf and Hot Tea.

• Starbucks Coffee, Decaf and Hot Tea.

• Enter your own (50 character max)

• Prices Effective Until *†

You will be required to VERIFY that your profile is correct before customizing menus or supporting materials.



Here you can locate and track your past orders. The following information will be displayed for you here:

Order Number

Order Details

Product Name

PDF image of your customizable product(s)


Order Date

Total Price

Shipping Information (tracking # will display once information is available)

* If you click on the Tracking Number, you will be directly linked to to view the details of your shipment


At anytime, you can click on the Help menu. This will take you back to this document to assist you in finding a solution to your problem.

For technical support or help with your order, please contact:

Customer Service

(877) 751-2644


For questions involving the integration or execution of this program, please contact your District Manager or one of the contacts listed on site.


Logout to end your session.

The following instruction information will focus on Customizing and ordering products.


Before being able to customize and order menus or supporting materials, you will be required to Verify your Profile.

Once you have verified that all information contained in your Profile is correct, you will be directed to the main menu for Customizable Menus.


Please select one of the look/feel combinations to proceed with construction of your menu portfolio. In order to ensure consistency within your menu portfolio, please select the same look for each component that you engage. Click on the preview link below each concept to review samples of each element within the collection

There are 4 look/feels available for you to choose from. Please note that for consistency purposes, you will only be able to order from one theme during any visit. A date is displayed under each look that will tell you the last time you ordered any products from that particular look.

Modern -

The Modern Menu portfolio emphasizes a clean, sleek and streamlined aesthetic. Contemporary design and high-quality photographic elements provide a decidedly upscale feel.

Farmer’s Market -

The Market Menu portfolio makes extensive use of ingredient driven photography and natural textures to establish an authentic vision. In addition to driving sales with appealing imagery, this portfolio also invokes a sense of environmental responsibility and a devotion to whole/fresh ingredients.

Classic -

The Classic Menu portfolio uses traditional styling elements to create an elegant look. This is the perfect for any environment in which excellence and consistency are highly valued.

Light & Healthy -

The Light and Healthy Menu features fresh ingredient photography and a minimalist design approach. This is an ideal portfolio for any market in which lighter fare and healthy eating are prevalent trends.

Preview this Style

Before selecting your look, please take some time to preview each of the styles. There is a link called “Preview this style” for each of the 4 themes. By clicking on this link, you will be taken to a click through slide show featuring images and descriptions of each product available for that look.


Click Previous Product to see the previous product in the list.

Click Next Product to see the next product in the list.

Click Back to main menu to go back to the main menu.

When you have decided on the look/feel that is right for you, click Order this Style from the main menu.

Order this Style

This will take you to a menu for the Theme you have chosen. Here, you will be able to see an image and description of each product that is available for you to order.

Note: If you click on the thumbnail of any product, a larger image will pop-up to give you a closer look!


To order a product, click on the underlined name of the item you are interested in.

If the product requires no customization, you will be taken immediately to YOUR CART.

If the product requires customization, please continue to the next section below.


Some of the Customizable products (ex. Poster, Magnet) only contain variable information that is pulled directly from your profile. Therefore, no customization will need to be done when choosing these products.

Customizing your items takes just a few simple steps:

● Click on the link for the product

● Review your customized PDF for accuracy

*Images and Logos may not print exactly as they appear on screen

*make sure to take advantage of the onscreen zoom features

● Check the box once the PDF is approved

● Add to Cart

● You will then be taken to YOUR CART.

Other products (ex. Menus) will require additional customization. You will be prompted to complete all required fields. Anything in red or with a red asterisk (*) is mandatory. You will receive an error if you try to proof your product without this information.

Anywhere you see the following symbol,[pic]you can spell check the text in the corresponding field. Make sure to use this tool often when creating your menus. Whatever you enter into the text boxes will be printed exactly as shown.

After each Section Name, you will be instructed as to the number of choices to make for that section:

In the example below, you need to choose 2 of the 3 available options for the On the Go? section of your menu.


Any place you see a text box, you have the ability to edit the text that is shown:

In the example above, the text in the Section Header is allowed to be edited.

Another example is as follows:

In this example, the Section Header, Item Names, Section Units and Item Prices are editable. Since “Section Units” is not in RED, you can delete all of the text if you are not interested in it appearing on your menu. Section Header is in red so text is required. You would get an error if you tried to delete all text from that field.


Be sure to note that there are limits to the amount of characters that can be entered in each field. The number depends on the section and menu. Pay close attention as you type to make sure no text is cut off as you type.

Once all necessary information is filled in (or information is pulled from your library – see REORDER options below), follow the following steps to approve:

● Click Generate Proof

● Review your customized PDF for accuracy

*Images and Logos may not print exactly as they appear on screen

*make sure to take advantage of the onscreen zoom features

● Check the box once the PDF is approved

● Add to Cart

● You will then be taken to YOUR CART.

Please note:

*Generating a proof is required. You cannot add your item to the shopping cart until you generate a proof and check it for accuracy.

*If you make changes after generating a proof, you must generate a new proof to ensure your changes have been saved. If you do not regenerate a proof, your changes will not be saved and will not print correctly.


“My Library” can be found at the top of any customizable menu screen:


“My Library” will be available for all products that require customization. Every time you generate a PDF proof of a customizable product, a file is saved to your library. Your library will archive all of your files for the life of this project. These files capture all variable information used to create it. They will be saved as DRAFTS until the file is approved by your DM or HE Catering Representative. Once your file is approved, it will be renamed as APPROVED.

The naming convention for each DRAFT file is as follows:

Draft_YearMonthDay_12 random digits

The naming convention for each APPROVED file is as follows:

Approved_YearMonthDay(same as draft)_ORDER#_random1or2digitnumber

All customizable materials will be printed with a unique code on them that will reference back to a file in your library. This unique that is printed on the piece will be the following:

ORDER#_ random1or2digitnumber

Anytime you would like to place a reorder for an identical product or only need to make a minor change, you can pull archival files from your Library and make them live. (Pulling from your library will create a new unique draft name and your original file will stay intact)

*Any changes made to the following fields (Department Display Name, Phone Number, Phone Extension, email address, Website, Logo, Coffee, Prices Effective until) will affect files pulled from your library for reprint.


The tools page provides an assortment of resources to enhance your knowledge of the Base Menu program and allow you to craft an enticing menu portfolio with culinary and financial integrity.

To download or link to the document you are interested in please click directly on the underlined link of that file.

Depending on the type of file you are trying to secure, one of two things will occur after you click on a link.

1. A secondary window will open. From here, you can view, print or Save As, using the menu bar at the top of the page.


2. You may be prompted to OPEN, SAVE or CANCEL the document.


Click SAVE to save the document as desired on your computer.

TOOLS & DOCUMENTS – Build Diagrams

Step by step photos and assembly information for each new recipe.

This section is broken down into categories to help you easily locate the file(s) you need.


To view or download the document you are interested in please click directly on the underlined link of that file.

You may be prompted to OPEN, SAVE or CANCEL the document.


Click SAVE to save the document as desired on your computer.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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