Staff Report Starbucks - City of South Salt Lake




7 February 2013 Wadsworth Development and Starbucks Coffee 90 West 3300 South Request for a Conditional Use Permit for a drive-through coffee shop Commercial Corridor ? TOD Overlay Zone Francis Xavier Lilly, AICP, Deputy Director

SYNOPSIS: Wadsworth Development and Starbucks Coffee are requesting a conditional use permit for a drive-through coffee shop on the corner of 3300 South and West Temple, the site of the former Top Stop gas station. The applicant is proposing to develop a 380 sf facility with no indoor seating, utilizing an innovative site design that incorporates shipping containers and other recycled materials. This would be the first such facility for Starbucks, after a prototype in the Seattle area. This application comes before the Planning Commission as a conditional use because it is a restaurant with a drive-up window in the TOD land use district, and all conditional uses within the TOD district requiring design review of a new site plan require planning commission review.

SUMMARY: Staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit.


Staff is recommending approval of the Conditional Use Permit for a drive-through coffee shop located at 90 West 33000 South, with the following conditions:

1. All necessary permits will be obtained prior to development of the site, 2. The applicant shall continue to work with the Fire Marshal and Public Works Inspector in

the course of the plan review process, 3. The applicant shall participate in a CPTED review as part of the plan review process. 4. The applicant shall obtain all required business licenses and comply with federal, state,

and Salt Lake Valley Health Department regulations, 5. The applicant shall work with staff to provide a walk-up window for the benefit of

pedestrian customers. 6. The applicant shall work with staff to provide a detailed landscaping plan, including the

provision of enhanced site landscaping at the street corner and at least one tree per the provisions of the landscape ordinance. 7. All items of the staff report.


General Information:

Location: 90 West 3300 South

Property Size: 0.25 acres

Surrounding Zoning and Land Uses: North: Corridor Commercial (office and warehouse) South: Corridor Commercial (strip mall and fence company) East: Multifamily Residential (Trailer Park and Apartments West: Corridor Commercial (Maverik gas station and convenience store)

General Plan

Goal LU-1. Regulate land uses based on compatibility with surrounding uses, the health of residential areas, and economic feasibility. Maintain residential, business and industrial areas that are vibrant and where the health and safety of all are protected.

Goal LU-10. Enhance the street appearance in business and commercial areas. Business and commercial area beautification was a theme at all of the Plan's public meetings. Commercial corridor improvements are readily noticed. Improvements will add a sense of positive momentum to the City.

Goal CV-4. Change and development should consider the existing built environment. South Salt Lake has been developed, for the most part, for decades. Seeing the need for new development, many residents and business owners feel that their property and their way of life is unfairly impacted because of careless new development. Development should be well integrated; designed and planned to fit into the various South Salt Lake neighborhoods and business areas. Future designs should foster personal interactions at community centers, civic spaces, parks and other public places. Infill housing should be designed that can accommodate large and extended families.

The Future Land Use Map indicates that the 3300 South corridor should maintain its commercial and mixed use character. The General Plan established the intersection at 3300 South and West Temple as a neighborhood commercial node.

Parking/Access Parking requirements for this use are defined in 17.14.040 of the city ordinance. City ordinance requires one space per 100 square feet of fast food restaurant serving take-out food. The applicant is proposing four parking spaces, which is adequate per the ordinance and the anticipated parking demands for the employees on site. The applicant's proposal does not include seating for patrons.

The applicant prefers access off of 3300 South and West Temple, and South Salt Lake supports their request. Earlier this year, they received approval from UDOT for access off of 3300 South.

Landscaping The applicant has proposed landscaping around the perimeter of the site and surrounding the building. They meet the site requirements for landscaping. Their landscape proposal is lacking in detail, but can easily accommodate the requirements and intent of the new landscape ordinance, 17.25.020. The Planning Commission required enhanced landscaping at the street corner of the Maverik property adjacent to the subject property. Staff recommends that the same requirement be added as a conditional use in this project.

Fire and Public Works The Fire Marshal and Public Works Inspector conducted an initial review of the site plan at a predevelopment meeting, and made comments. Staff recommends that the applicant continue to work with both entities prior to receiving a building permit.

Signage The applicant has specific signage for the building, although additional site signage will be included on the property. As the site is developed, the applicant will be required to abide by the City's sign standards.

Site and Building Design Staff supports the applicant's proposed design ? utilizing recycled materials to achieve a modern and striking appearance. Staff and the applicant worked to move the building as close to the corner as possible and meet their requirements for a drive-through. The site is small; staff believes that this building, particularly with the vertical element, will stand out at this corner. The applicant's building and site design is consistent with the intent of the City's design standards.

As this project is in a transit-oriented development area, is along a bicycle corridor, is near a light rail station, and is along a major regional transit corridor, staff sees value in including a walk-up window as part of the site and building design. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission add a condition requiring the applicant to provide a walk-up window for the benefit of pedestrian customers.

The Planning Commission is advised to consider the intent of the City's TOD Overlay Zone Ordinance (17.36.050) when evaluating this application, specifically the establishment language:

The TOD district is established: 1. To promote new, well-integrated residential, commercial, office, institutional and other

employment center development close to TRAX and transit stations, while protecting and enhancing existing development; 2. To ensure that new development takes advantage of compatible, higher density, transit friendly, design opportunities in close proximity to transit systems in order to provide options for economic development and diversity; 3. To encourage pedestrian orientation and human scale in new development and provide public infrastructure that supports transit use and mixed-use development; 4. To manage parking and vehicular access utilizing shared parking and driveway access to avoid pedestrian conflicts; and

5. To encourage, through design, configuration, and mix of buildings and activities, a pedestrian-oriented environment which provides settings for social interaction and active community life.


17.24.330 - Design requirements.

A. Buildings shall not contain any overhead doors, docking bays, or other vehicle oriented doors in front facades nor should such features be included in corner side facades.

1. On corner sides, if overhead doors, docking bays or other vehicle oriented doors are necessary, the building must be set back sufficiently to allow for on site maneuvering of vehicles.

2. Exception. Buildings in Light Industrial zoning districts may be exempted from this requirement upon demonstration that current uses, methods of operation, availability of land or other factors make implausible full adherence to the requirement. For buildings in other zones of the city, a request to the planning commission may be made for a special exception which may be granted upon consideration of the factors enumerated in this section and the overall design criteria expressed in this chapter. In any case where exempted or a special exception is granted, the design shall still provide adequate space for maneuvering of vehicles on-site, and appropriate staging and deliver areas.

B. Buildings sides facing any street shall have facades that include architectural features (such as windows, arches, doorways, relief's, etc.) sufficient to give the appearance of being the front entry of a retail or office building.

C. Front Parking Designs. Except as noted herein, all buildings and sites shall be designed to include front and/or side parking. Other layouts may be considered if circumstances associated with the site, the nature and impact of the use, the neighborhood relationships, pedestrian orientations and any master plans of the city indicate that a more effective design and condition would result.

D. CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) principles shall be incorporated into building, site layout and landscaping designs.

E. All sites must include screened enclosures for garbage receptacles. Such enclosures must be located where least visible and not in front or corner side yards.

(Ord. 02-12 ? 1 (Att. A (part)))

17.24.340 - Architectural considerations.

Buildings shall be architecturally compatible with the character of the neighborhood and contribute to continued improvement of the building stock in the city. The city may require changes in materials, features, colors, and other items as detained necessary to accomplish better design, compatibility and contribution.

17.13.130 ? Transit Oriented Development Overlay (TOD) District

A. Purpose. The purpose of the transit oriented development (TOD) overlay district is to use incentives to encourage property owners to develop their property using transit oriented design principles while preserving rights under the existing base district designation.

B. The TOD district is established: 1. To promote new, well-integrated residential, commercial, office, institutional and other employment center development close to TRAX and transit stations; 2. To ensure that new development takes advantage of compatible, higher density, transit friendly, design opportunities in close proximity to transit systems in order to provide options for economic development and diversity; 3. To encourage pedestrian orientation and human scale in new development and promote public infrastructure that supports transit use and mixed-use development; 4. To manage parking and vehicular access utilizing shared parking and driveway access to avoid pedestrian conflicts; and 5. To encourage, through design, configuration, and mix of buildings and activities, a pedestrian-oriented environment which provides settings for social interaction and active community life.

C. Uses. In the Transit Oriented Development Overlay district, uses, buildings, structures or land shall not be used or developed except in accordance with the adopted land use matrix as found in Chapter 15 of this title. The overlay district shall not allow uses that are otherwise prohibited in the base district, unless specifically noted as a permitted or conditional use in the commercial land use matrix under Chapter 15. An applicant must follow the provisions of either the underlying district or the T.O.D. District.

D. Applicability. A property owner may elect to follow the provisions of the Transit Oriented Development Overlay District when developing or changing the use of property. If T.O.D. provisions are adopted as part of a development the City may allow for increased densities and building heights, decreased setbacks and decreased parking requirements. For such incentives the City may require increased building architecture and site design features.

E. Regulations. Regulations for the Transit Oriented Development Overlay district are as follows 1. Buildings and Site Development. Buildings, sites and structures shall comply with the requirements for residential and commercial design review found in Chapters 21 and 23 of this title.

17.25.020 ? Landscaping.

iii. Commercial, Professional Office, and Institutional Uses

a. Landscaped Areas: Landscaped areas shall comprise not less than fifteen percent (15%) of a commercial or professional office site. Landscape requirements for buffers, parking lots, park strips, and additional landscaping along urban corridor streets as required in this chapter may be included as part of the overall site requirement. Landscaping shall be used to screen

ground level utility equipment from view of streets, sidewalks, or walkways to the greatest extent possible.

b. Plant Coverage: All required landscaped areas shall be landscaped with suitable trees, shrubs, groundcovers, perennials, vegetable plants, other landscaping materials, and/or decorative paving. Plants, not including tree canopies, shall cover at least fifty percent (50%) of required landscaped areas.

c. Site Trees: A minimum of one (1) tree per two thousand (2,000) square feet of landscaped area is required, in addition to requirements for yards, setbacks, park strips, required buffers, and parking lot areas described in this chapter. For properties with more than sixty feet of frontage and where street trees are not appropriate in park strips, street trees shall be placed in the front setback at an interval of thirty feet (30').

d. Water features, landscape boulders, decorative rocks, gravel, and organic mulch are permitted but shall not be considered a substitute for plants. Landscape boulders shall only be allowed as a focal feature or may be used as a protective device from vehicle traffic.

e. If ornamental gravel is utilized, it must be contained within durable borders and arranged in a decorative pattern that incorporates varying sizes, types, or colors of gravel.

Staff Analysis:

Staff recommends approval of this application, because, if designed well, it will make a positive contribution to the appearance of a major South Salt Lake corridor. The South Salt Lake General Plan identifies this intersection as a neighborhood commercial node, and a small coffee shop, though primarily a drive-through facility, is a use that would work well in a neighborhood concept. One such facility, on the corner of 900 South and 1100 East in Salt Lake City, is designed to a scale to be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. 3300 South is more commercial in character, but the intent is similar. Staff believes that this use would be enhanced with the addition of enhanced site landscaping and a walk-up window to allow pedestrians, cyclists, and transit users a non-vehicular way to access this use.

Staff Recommendation:

Staff is recommending approval of the Conditional Use Permit for a drive-through coffee shop located at 90 West 33000 South, with the following conditions:

1. All necessary permits will be obtained prior to development of the site, 2. The applicant shall continue to work with the Fire Marshal and Public Works Inspector in

the course of the plan review process, 3. The applicant shall participate in a CPTED review as part of the plan review process. 4. The applicant shall obtain all required business licenses and comply with federal, state,

and Salt Lake Valley Health Department regulations, 5. The applicant shall work with staff to provide a walk-up window for the benefit of

pedestrian customers.

6. The applicant shall work with staff to provide a detailed landscaping plan, including the provision of enhanced site landscaping at the street corner and at least one tree per the provisions of the landscape ordinance.

7. All items of the staff report.

Attachments: 1. Current Zoning Map. 2. Aerial Photo. 3. Application, Letter, Floor Plan, and Elevations.

Attachment 1:Zoning Map



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