How to prepare Keto coffee drink?

[Pages:2]How to prepare Keto coffee drink?

Use contents of sachet in a suitable cup and add 150 ml of hot water (up to 90?C) while stirring.

Instead of hot water you can use hot milk or milk replacer.

For cold preparation we recommend to use lukewarm water and shaker, because of lower solubility of coconut oil.

Empty the bag

Add water

Sr or shake

Less than 1 minute

Enjoy the drink

Go WPC 80 BCAA ?

Cesk? n?vod na druh? stran.

Why Keto coffee drink?

Keto Coffee drink is a source of fibre.

The Keto coffee is a low carb drink containing 18 % of spray dried coffee powder, 41 % of coconut oil and 41 % of butter powder. Coconut oil is containing 65 % of medium-chain tryglycerides (MCT), which could help to suppress hunger and keep the feeling of fullness. MCT are converted into body to ketones, which brain uses more efficiently than sugars or carbs. Saturated fat from butter helps to slow down the absorption of caffeine, so it gives energy for several hours without a caffeine spike and crash.

1 portion contains 91 mg of caffeine from South America coffee beans extract.

The Keto Coffee drink is free of any preservatives, colourants or flavours.

The drink is suitable for vegetarians.

Keep in dry place below 25?C.

Why not try other Keto drinks?

The Keto coffee drink is without added sugar and is suitable for Ketogenic diet. It can be used as a fast source of energy in the morning or during day.

Keto choco Hot chocolate Keto tea Matcha latte

Coffee 18 %

Coconut oil 41 %

Buer 41 %

Supressed hunger

Lasng energy

Mental clarity

Jak si pipravit Keto k?vov? n?poj?

Sm?chejte obsah s?cku se 150 ml hork? vody (do 90?C) a zam?chejte lzickou.

M?sto hork? vody mzete pouz?t hork? ml?ko nebo ml?cnou n?hrazku.

Pro p?pravu za studena doporucujeme pouz?t vlaznou vodu a sejkr, protoze kokosov? olej se v chladnjs? vod he rozpoust?.

For English see rst page.

Empty the bag

Add water

Sr or shake

Less than 1 minute

Enjoy the drink

Go WPC 80 BCAA ?

Proc jsme vyvinuli Keto k?vov? n?poj?

Keto k?va je zdrojem vl?niny.

Keto k?va je instantn?m n?pojem s n?zk?m obsahem sacharid a s pod?lem 18 % sprejov susen? k?vy, 41 % kokosov?ho oleje a 41 % m?slov?ho pr?sku. Kokosov? lej obsahuje 65 % trigycerid se stedn dlouh?m etzcem (MCT), kter? mohou pomoci potlacit chu k j?dlu a udrzet pocit plnosti. Pi pemn MCT na energii se vytv?en? tzv. ketony, kter? n?s mozek dok?ze vyuz?t l?pe nez bzn? cukry a sacharidy. Nasycen? tuky z m?sla pom?haj? zpomalit vsteb?v?n? kofeinu, coz prodluzuje jeho efekt a zamez? prudk?m v?kyvm energie.

1 porce obsahuje 91 mg kofeinu z Jihoamerick?ch k?vov?ch bob.

Keto k?va neobsahuje z?dn? konzervanty, barviva a aromata.

N?poj je vhodn? pro vegetari?ny.

Skladujte v such? a chladn? m?stnosti do 25?C.

Uz jste vyzkouseli?

Keto k?va je bez pidan?ho cukru a je vhodn? pro ketogenickou dietu. Mze se pouz?t jako rychl? zdroj energie po r?nu nebo v prbhu dne.

Keto Horkou cokol?du Keto caj Matcha latt?

Coffee 18 %

Coconut oil 41 %

Buer 41 %

Supressed hunger

Lasng energy

Mental clarity


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