Is starbucks matcha keto friendly


Is starbucks matcha keto friendly

Learn how to order low carb Starbucks drinks that fit your Starbucks Keto diet. See real-life photos of my low carb Starbucks drink orders. Re-create low carb versions of your favorite Starbucks drinks. Download the complete Starbucks Keto Drink Menu (macros included) What To Order I've loosely organized my recommendations around the drink categories listed on the Starbucks drive-thru menu. The pictures below are my own and should give you a rough idea of what your drink will look like. LOW CARB COFFEE DRINKS 1. Low Carb Flat White The most common low carb coffee drink at starbucks is a Flat White. A Flat White typically comes with a highly concentrated shot of espresso and steamed whole milk to create a creamy coffee with a strong buzz. Steamed milk has 8g of sugar so replace it with a mixture of half heavy whipping cream and half water to get the same creaminess without the carbs. Mrs. SkinnyPants holds my low carb Flat White. Order it low carb: "Short Flat White. Replace the steamed milk with half heavy whipping cream & water steamed." Macros: 55 calories, 1g net carbs, 1g protein, 5g fat. 2. Low Carb Mocha A typical Caffe Mocha has 20g of net carbs and comes with milk, brewed espresso, mocha sauce, and whipped cream. To cut the carbs, replace the milk with half heavy whipping cream & half water and replace the mocha sauce with skinny mocha sauce. My low carb Starbucks Mocha casts a large shadow. Order it low carb: "Short Mocha with skinny sugar-free mocha sauce. Replace the milk with half heavy whipping cream and half water." Macros: 55 calories, 1g net carbs, 1g protein, 5g fat. 3. Low Carb Latte A Caffe Latte typically comes with espresso, steamed milk, and a light layer of foam. To recreate a low carb version, you'll start from from scratch and order an Americano with a splash of heavy whipping cream. Ask them to add foam if the presentation under the lid is important to you (I forgot). My Starbucks Low Carb Latte. Order it low carb: "Short Americano, filled with 3/4 water and the rest with heavy cream. Add foam on top please." Macros: 216 calories, 4g net carbs, 3g protein, 22g fat. 4. Low Carb Fresh Brewed Coffee Most of the fresh brewed hot coffees Starbucks are naturally keto friendly. I ordered a cup of their most popular brew: the Pike Place roast. My Starbucks Pike Place Roast. Naturally low carb. Order it low carb: "short Pike Place Roast." Macros: 5 calories, 0g net carbs, 0g protein, 0g fat Starbucks List of Fresh Brewed Coffees: Blonde Roast ? 5 calories and 0g net carbs Clover Brewed Coffee ? 10 calories and 0g net carbs Decaf Pike Place ? 5 calories and 0g net carbs Featured Dark Roast ? 5 calories and 0g net carbs Pike Place Roast ? 5 calories and 0g net carbs Download the complete Starbucks Keto Drink Menu (macros included) 5. Low Carb Americano Comes with espresso shots topped with hot water to produce a layer of crema (that dissipates quickly as you can't really see it in my photo). It's naturally low carb. My Starbucks Americano. Naturally low carb. Order it low carb: "Short Americano." Macros: 5 calories, 1g net carbs, 0g protein, 0g fat. 6. Low Carb Misto Comes standard with a one-to-one mix of fresh brewed coffee and steamed milk. If you order it "short," it only has 5g net carbs. If you want a larger size then replace the steamed milk with steamed half and half to cut the carbs. My low carb Starbucks Misto. Order it low carb: "Short Misto." Macros: 50 calories, 5g net carbs, 4g protein, 2g fat. 7. Low Carb Chai Tea Latte The typical Chai Tea Latte is a foam-topped hot drink made from milk, water, and chai tea concentrate which has added sugar and honey. The added milk, sugar, and honey give the short-sized Chai Tea Latte a whopping 22 net carbs. To get a low carb Chai Tea Latte, ask your barista to reconstruct the drink using their brewed chai tea bags (no concentrate), heavy whipping cream, and sugar free cinnamon dolce syrup. It's delicious. This is one of my favorites. The low carb Chai Tea Latte I ordered for my mom. I also tried it and it's very good. Order it low carb: "Short Chai Tea Latte using 2 Chai brewed tea bags -- not the concentrate -- with 2 shots of heavy whipping cream, and 2 pumps of sugar-free cinnamon dolce." Macros: 206 calories, 4g net carbs, 1g protein, 22g fat. 8. Low Carb Caramel Macchiato A typical Caramel Macchiato comes with milk, brewed espresso, vanilla syrup, and a drizzle of caramel sauce. To create a moderately low carb version, you'll start from scratch and order an Americano with heavy whipping cream, sugar-free vanilla syrup, and an extra light drizzle of caramel. My low carb Starbucks Caramel Macchiato. Order it low carb: "Short Americano, filled with 3/4 water and 1/4 heavy whipping cream with 2 pumps of sugar-free vanilla syrup, shots on top, and extra-light caramel drizzle." Macros: 123 calories, 7g net carbs, 3g protein, and 11g fat. Get it "with whip" if you want that pretty whip cream topping under the lid so that the caramel drizzle shows on top. Adds 2-3g of net carbs. 9. Low Carb White Chocolate Mocha A typical White Chocolate Mocha comes with milk, white chocolate mocha sauce, espresso, and whipped cream. A short cup of White Chocolate Mocha has 28g net carbs. Yikes. Starbucks doesn't carry a sugar-free substitute for the white chocolate mocha sauce, so you'll have to ask them to go easy on it and settle for a moderately low carb substitute with diluted flavor. My moderately low carb Starbucks White Chocolate Mocha with whip. Order it moderately low carb: "Short White Chocolate Mocha with whip. Single pump of white chocolate mocha sauce (instead of the normal 2 pumps). Replace the milk with 3/4 water and 1/4 heavy whipping cream." Macros: 183 calories, 12g net carbs, 1g protein, and 16g fat. I ordered this drink and drank less than half so that I only consumed about 5g net carbs. 10. Low Carb Vanilla Latte A typical Vanilla Latte has espresso blended with steamed 2% milk and vanilla syrup. It has 18g net of carbs. A Skinny Vanilla Latte uses steamed non-fat milk and sugar-free vanilla syrup. The sugar free vanilla syrup helps but the non-fat milk still has 9g net carbs. To get a truly low carb Vanilla Latte, you'll need to replace the milk with heavy whipping cream & water and replace the regular vanilla syrup with sugar-free vanilla syrup. My wife's low carb Vanilla Latte. Order it low carb: "Short Vanilla Latte, replace the milk with 3/4 water and the rest with heavy cream. Add 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup." Macros: 216 calories, 6g net carbs, 3g protein, 22g fat. 11. Hot Tea The following Starbucks brewed teas have 0 calories and 0g net carbs and are perfect for keto dieters. Emperors Cloud and Mist Green Tea Jade Citrus Mint Green Tea Mint Majesty Herbal Tea Passion Tango Herbal Tea Peach Tranquility Herbal Tea Royal English Breakfast Tea Teavana Earl Grey Brewed Tea Teavana Joy (Seasonal) Teavana Organic Chai Tea Youthberry White Tea You can add flavor and texture to your tea by using heavy whipping cream or sugar-free syrups. For example, I recently ordered a low carb London Fog hot tea and it was delicious. My low carb Starbucks London Fog Hot Tea. One of my favorites. Order it low carb: "Short Earl Grey tea made with 2 tea bags, 2 shots of steamed heavy whipping cream, and 1 pump of sugar free vanilla syrup." Macros: 206 calories, 3g net carbs, 1g protein, 22g fat. Download my personal Starbucks Keto Drink Menu (macros included) 3 KETO AT STARBUCKS OPTIONS There are several different options that will keep you in Ketosis at Starbucks. Some have been covered earlier but lets recap a list of our favorite 5 options. 1. Caff? Misto This comes 1/2 coffee and 1/2 steamed milk. Alternatively you can order it with cream instead of milk. To go the other direction and lower the carb content (or if you're lactose intolerant like me, order it with almond milk. Order it keto option 1: "Caffe Misto with Almond Milk" Macros: 37 calories, 1.5g net carbs, 3g protein, 2.6g fat. Keto option 2: "Caffe Misto with 4oz water & 4oz heavy cream" The Macros: 404 calories, 3.3g net carbs, 3.5g protein, 42g fat. 2. Low Carb Pink Drink This is a newer option made from iced passion fruit tea and sugar-free syrup. By adding some heavy cream you'll be in keto land for sure. Order it keto: "Pink Drink with 3 pumps sugar free & 1oz of heavy cream" Macros: 100 calories, 1g net carbs, 1g protein, 11g fat. 3. Starbucks Black Coffee (duh) I start 1/2 my mornings off with black coffee. The other 1/2 of the mornings I add some fat in the form of some clean MCT Oil or some kerrygold unsalted butter. At starbucks I just add some heavy cream. It's carb free and keto friendly. Order it keto: "Tall black coffee" (your choice of roast) Macros: 4 calories, 0g net carbs, 1g protein, 0g fat. Order it keto: "Tall black coffee with room for cream" add 2oz heavy cream. Macros: 196 calories, 1.5g net carbs, 1.5g protein, 20g fat. LOW CARB ICED DRINKS 1. Low Carb Frappuccino A typical Starbucks Frappuccino is a blend of coffee, milk, and ice, flavored with sugary syrups or sauces, topped with whipped cream and drizzled with decorative sweet toppings. The average "tall" Frappuccino has at least 40g net carbs. To make a low carb Frappucino, start with a tall iced coffee, and ask them to blend it frappuccino-style with heavy whipping cream, sugar free syrup, and then optionally top it with whip cream and a low carb spice like nutmeg or cinnamon. The possibilities are endless. Here is an example of a Keto Cinnamon Dolce Frappuccino without whip cream that I ordered for my mom. The Keto Frappucino I ordered for my mom. Order it low carb: "Tall unsweetened iced coffee with extra ice, 2 pumps of sugar free cinnamon dolce syrup, and 2 shots of heavy whipping cream, blended frappuccino-style but with no frappuccino base & no frap syrups." Macros: 211 calories, 4g net carbs, 1g protein, 22g fat. 2. Low Carb Iced Tea The iced teas at Starbucks are sweetened and have at least 8g of sugar in a tall-sized beverage. To create your own low carb Iced Tea, order one of these brewed teas on ice: Emperors Cloud and Mist Green Tea Jade Citrus Mint Green Tea Mint Majesty Herbal Tea Passion Tango Herbal Tea Peach Tranquility Herbal Tea Royal English Breakfast Tea Teavana Earl Grey Brewed Tea Teavana Joy (Seasonal) Teavana Organic Chai Tea Youthberry White Tea Then you can use Starbucks' in-store Stevia for sweetener or leave it unsweetened. Here's an unsweetened Passion Tango Herbal Tea on ice that my wife ordered for my son. My son's low carb Starbucks Passion Tango Herbal Tea on Ice Order it low carb: "Tall Passion Tango Herbal Tea on Ice, unsweetened." Macros: 0 calories, 0g net carbs, 0g protein, 0g fat. 3. Low Carb Refreshers The typical Starbucks Refreshers come with a high carb fruit juice base mixed with water and served over ice. Some also have milk added for flavor. To recreate a low carb Refresher beverage, order a brewed tea on ice then add flavor, color, & texture via 2 shots of heavy whipping cream and/or two shots of one of these sugar-free syrups: Vanilla (Maltodextrin) ? 1g net carbs per pump Cinnamon Dolce (Sucralose) ? 1g net carbs per pump Mocha Sauce (Sucralose) ? 1g net carbs per pump Perhaps the most famous Refresher beverage is the Starbucks Pink Drink which has about 20g net carbs. To create a low carb Pink Drink, you'll be using unsweetened Passion Tango Herbal Tea, heavy whipping cream, and sugar-free vanilla syrup. My low carb Starbucks Pink Drink. Loved this. Order it low carb: "Tall Passion Tango Herbal Tea on ice, no classic syrup, 2 shots heavy whipping cream, 2 pumps of sugar-free vanilla syrup." Macros: 206 calories, 4g net carbs, 1g protein, 22g fat. 4. Low Carb Iced Caramel Macchiato This one is featured prominently on the menu so I figured lots of people order it. A typical Starbucks Iced Caramel Macchiato has 26g net carbs and comes with milk, espresso, and vanilla syrup served over ice then topped with whipped cream and a caramel drizzle. Making it strict low carb is difficult. Here is a moderately low carb version: My moderately low carb Starbucks Iced Caramel Macchiato Order it low carb: "Tall Americano on ice, add 2 shots of heavy whipping cream, 2 pumps of sugar-free vanilla syrup (shots on top). Add whipped cream on top with an extra-light drizzle of caramel." Macros: 274 calories, 9g net carbs, 3g protein, and 28g fat. You can save 2 net carbs if you forego the whipped cream on top or just don't eat it all. 5. Low Carb Iced Coffee You can get any of the Starbucks coffees served over ice and it'll be low carb if you tell your barista to leave it unsweetened. For my research, I tried the Narino 70 Cold Brew on ice because it's featured prominently on the menu so I figured Starbucks was proud of it. My low carb Starbucks Narina 70 Cold Brew on Ice. Naturally low carb. Order it low carb: "Tall Narina 70 Cold Brew on ice, unsweetened." Macros: 0 calories, 0g net carbs, 0g protein, 0g fat. How To Improvise Here's a few tips to help you create your own low carb Starbucks drinks. Write your drink order on a piece of scrap paper. Often times, the barista will reference it to make sure they get your drink right. Order the smallest size possible. Moderation means lower carb. For hot drinks, the smallest size is "short" (8 ounces) and for iced drinks the smallest size is "tall" (12 ounces). If you forget, just ask the barista for "smallest size possible." Replace milk with a mix of 3/4 water & 1/4 heavy whipping cream. This will save you about 5 net carbs per drink. Request sugar-free syrup. 2 pumps, max. Here are your options: vanilla caramel cinnamon dolce hazelnut mocha peppermint (seasonal) Replace sugar-y toppings with decorative low carb spices: Nutmeg Cinnamon Sea Salt Pumpkin Spice The Research Thank you to Shannon at Keto Connect for her insider's guide to Keto Starbucks. I leaned heavily on her post for drink ideas. I also referenced the Peace Love and Low Carb Starbucks guide many times. Most nutrition stats and macros were taken directly from the Starbucks website. I used Google ingredient searches to fill in gaps. I also sent an as-of-yet unanswered email to Starbucks HQ to try and confirm that all my macro estimates are accurate. What's Next My next low carb fast food guide should be out soon. I'm visiting all the top 30 fast food chains and doing reviews of all their low carb options. Subscribe here to get it for free: [convertkit form=5279492] I'll report back with final results for how this fast food experiment affects my health, well-being, and bank account. And you'll get some simple low carb recipes and other tips from me for all the times you're not eating in a fast food joint :). Cheers,"Mr. SkinnyPants" Starbucks Nutrition References These were a couple of the nutrition references that helped me come up with the numbers. While not perfect they're pretty darn close.

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