Starbucks lemon pound cake recipe with cake mix


Starbucks lemon pound cake recipe with cake mix

10/07/2014 This is my recipe. For more lemon pods, make the following adjustment: Use two 2.9 queries cook-and-serve lemon pudding mix (unprepared), and swap a 16.5 queries of lemon cake mix for the yellow cake mix. That's so good. 02/01/2015 I used lemon flavored cake as suggested and boy was it extremely lemon. If you really love lemon, then use the lemon cake mix, otherwise stick to the yellow cake mix. I also baked it in a Bundtpan for about 43 minutes and it was very damp and delicious. Great hit with my friends who really love intense lemon flavor. I'm not sure what other reviews are talking about when they said it wasn't damp or down to sit. Not sure if an ingredient has been left out or not. It's an excellent copycat of Starbucks lemon bread and I'll definitely make it again. 10/07/2014 It has satisfied my Starbucks lemon bread craving, and my wife can't stop cutting off additional thin slices. I'm making more tonight! 03/17/2015 It's very good- I half the recipe using 1 9oz jiffy yellow cake mix and 1 box of cook and serving pudding - I baked 45 minlet rest about 10 min and shook from bread pan - cooled and glazed it with a mixture of about 1 cup of confectionary sugar,1T. soft butter and 1T. lemon juice - and then grated fresh lemon on top- its nice and delicious--I'll make again .. easy recipe 03/14/2014 This recipe was amazing and within seconds gone! Just like the real thing and super moist! 07/29/2016 I loved it!! I've never had Starbucks Lemon Bread and after making this one, I never will. I used a lemon cake mix and had to improvise as I didn't have lemon pudding. I replaced Cook a Serve vanilla pudding mix and added 2 tsp lemon extract. Very moist with just the right amount of lemon author. Great recipe!! 09/09/2015 I've never had the Starbucks version, but I can say it's very good! I've now made it twice (both times using lemon cake mix), once as a bun (cook 40 minutes) and a second time as jumbo cupcakes (make 12/cook 22 minutes). Both were very damp. I wasn't a fan of the icing using just powdered sugar and lemon juice, so I added butter as one reviewer suggested, which was thicker and so much tastier. I used 6 T. butter (room temp.), 6 T. fresh lemon juice, 6 C. powdered sugar. I also added 1-1/2 t. lemon zel (optional). If you love things lemon, you'll love this recipe. 02/10/2016 It was great! And virtually identical to Starbucks lemon bread. I accidentally used instant pudding... opens! But I added a little more liquid and it came out perfectly. I brought it to work to share and it was gone in an hour! I would recommend it to anyone and will make for sure it again! Thanks for Part! 01/13/2015 Followed recipe exactly but baked in a bundle pan for 40ish minutes. Turns out damp and delicious. Brought it to work for a morning meeting and cake was devoured. Definitely make again soon. 05/26/2016 OK followed this recipe to a T... mine was not cooked in the middle after going for a and 10 min... burned even on top but wasn't cooked, it was still raw. The edges cooked so at least I tried that part of the taste was there. Also after I took it out, it sinked off. Complete waste of ingredients 1 of 20 Copycat of Starbucks? Lemon Bread Mgc022 2 of 20 Copycat of Starbucks? Lemon Breadsik 3 of 20 Copycat from Starbucks? Lemon Bread Alyssap55 4 of 20 Copycat from Starbucks? Lemon Bread Rococi 5 of 20 Copycat from Starbucks? Lemon bread christine_bean 6 of 20 Copycat from Starbucks? Lemon Bread Yoly 7 of 20 Copycat from Starbucks? Lemon bread supergirl26 8 of 20 Copycat from Starbucks? Lemon Bread Annaa Nelson 9 of 20 Copycat of Starbucks? Lemon Bread Theda Stemler Blackwood 10 from 20 Copycat of Starbucks? Lemon Bread Sonia Carneiro Braga Cunha 11 of 20 Copycat of Starbucks? Lemon Bread Steph D 12 of 2 0 Copycat of Starbucks? Lemon Bread Jessica Miller 13 of 20 Copycat of Starbucks? Lemon Bread Yoly 14 of 20 Copycat of Starbucks? Lemon bread jennyunger 15 of 20 Copycat from Starbucks? Lemon Bread Monica E Gross 16 of 20 Copycat from Starbucks? Lemon Bread Mcale serv 17 of 20 Copycat from Starbucks? Lemon Bread Supergirl26 18 of 20 Copycat from Starbucks? Lemon Bread Wojcikfam 19 From 20 Copy of Starbucks? Lemon Bread Yoly 20 from 20 Copycat of Starbucks? Lemon Bread Jan If You Like Starbucks Lemon Bread, Then You'll Love This Moist, Delicious Lemon Cake! It easy to make recipe is loaded with delicious lemon flavor, and topped with an incredible lemon frost. It's even better than Starbucks! This delicious bread of heaven is the perfect cross between a quick bread and a cake! It's similar to both our white chocolate lemon bread, and our lemon bun cake-moist, delicious, and perfectly lemon-y! Even better than starbucks! Raise Your Hand If You Love Starbucks Lemon Loaf! Yes, I see you raise your hand -- I'm right there with you! There's something to that delicious, damp cake we're all coming back for more. It's rich, moist, perfectly flavored lemon cake topped with the perfect layer of lemon frosting, well... there's no way I share a cut. I've come to tell you that you can make this delicious Lemon Bread right at home, and it will taste even better than Starbucks! Why it's better a few things - I tested a few recipes I found on line. What I found were recipes that ended up either too dry or had a strange balance of tart lemoneur. No one really had the same humidity and perfectly balanced lemon flavor as the Starbucks cake. Another thing was getting a grind that had the same consistency as the Starbucks cake. The one I have here hits the place perfectly! While baking, I kept it in the oven a little longer than some of the other recipes I tried It needed a little longer to ensure it wouldn't sink down the middle. Unlike other recipes I've tried, I've added Greek yogurt to this cake recipe, and a little more oil. With these additions, this recipe is spot-on! The ultimate moist, delicious lemon cake! Tips, tricks and and Can't find lemon pudding mix? I can usually find lemon pudding mix at any of my local grocery stores. However, I know many people have had trouble detecting this particular pudding. If you have the time, you can order lemon pudding online from Amazon, OR you can use a vanilla pudding mix that is more readily available. If you choose to use vanilla pudding, just add a little extra lemon extract. Double check that you bought the KIT Speeding, NOT the cooking n serve friendly. Use different sized pans: Since each oven cooks a little differently, use the following information as a guide. Closely monitor the cake towards the end of baking time and adjust as needed. You will know your cake is done when an inserted toothpick/skewer comes out clean. Bundle pan: Preheat oven to 325?F. Be sure to fatten the pan generously and flour. Bake about 1 hour and 15 minutes. Mini loaves: Preheat oven to 350?F and bake for 25-30 minutes. Muffins: Preheat oven to 350?F for 20-25 minutes. Icing came out gray? Here are some common reasons why this might happen: Poor sugar quality: Use pure sugarcane powdered sugar and sift the sugar. Not enough fat (in this case the butter). Not with room temperature butter. Be sure to slowly beat the powdered sugar well between each addition. What do I do if the exterior is browning, but the inside is not done yet? Place loosely a piece of aluminum foil over the top of the cake while it finishes baking. Reduce oven temperature by 25?. Make sure that the pan is not too near the heating element. It should be placed in the center of the oven. Use a rosenail to help spread the heat to the center of the cake for a more even bowl. Also known as a flower nail or cake nail Keep your bread fresh This delicious lemon bread can be stored in an airtil container for 4-5 days. We do not recommend keeping it in the refrigerator as it will dry out the cake faster! For long-term storage, continue and keep it in the freezer. To freeze it without the frost, let the cake cool the bread completely with plastic wrap then again with aluminum foil. If ripe, first flash freeze by plading the cake (whole or sliced) on a baking tray. Freeze for 2-3 hours and then turn. Once wrapped, label and freeze for up to 6 months. I hope you enjoy this Lemon Bread as much as my family and I did. I think you'll discover this recipe is definitely better than Starbucks, and maybe even save you a trip to the coffee shop in the future! For more tasty quick loafers, check out: 1 1/2 cups flour3.4 oz instant lemon pudding mix1/2 tsp baking powder1/2 tsp baking soda1/2 tsp salt3 eggs1 cup sugar2 tbs butter softened1 teaspoon vanilla2 tsp lemon extract1/3 cup fresh lemon juice1/2 cup oil3/4 cup plain Greek yogurt1 lemon peel3e butter soft, but not melted 1/2 cup powdered sugar3 tbsp teaspoon lemon extract Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line the bottom of a 5 x 9 bread pan with a piece of parchment paper. (With a pencil, trace the of the pan on a piece of parchment paper and cut out with scissors.) Spray the pan and parchment paper with non-stick baking spray. Set aside. In a mixing bowl, combine the flour, pudding mixture, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Combine the eggs, sugar, butter, vanilla, lemon extract, lemon juice, oil and yogurt. Mix until evenly combined. Gradually add the dry ingredients to the wet, stopping to scrape the edges off the bowl. Add the lemon peel and mix until just combined. Pour the batter into the prepared bread pan. Bake for 55 minutes, or until the middle is fully set, and a toothpick inserted comes out crumbly free. After baking, leave to cool in the pan for 5-10 minutes. Start a knife around the edges of the pan, in turn over and remove from the pan, remove the parchment paper from the bottom. Cool completely on a cooling rack. For the frost: Combine the butter, lemon juice and lemon extract with hand or stand mixer. Gradually add the powdered sugar and beat until smooth and creamy. Evenly spread the diagonal over the top of the bread. Refrigerated to allow frost to set completely before cutting. Refrigerate any leftovers in an airtil container. _________ Oh my! This lemon bread looks AMAZING!!! And no yeast is involved, which is good for me, because I still don't feel like I've mastered it. Thank you, Erin! For more great recipes from her, make sure you go to delicious E Made. Made.

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