Parthenia Onassis Grant, Ph.D.



Our demons are the people in our everyday lives, the ones we envy, hate or harm, not because we hate qualities in them, but we hate that they reflect qualities we wish we had or that we do not like about ourselves. We take out on others what we hate. To keep from facing our inner demons, we come up with vengeance or transference of blame. We need chaos to act as a catalyst so that we will not notice the destructiveness and chaos within ourselves. That is what we are really afraid of. We do not want to look at our self hate. - Benjamin Stewart, Director, Kymatica

Consensus thinking has created a reality of self deception and crisis. – Mark Daniels, Co-Founder, Earth Shift Project


A parasite is defined as anything or anyone who lives off of another without benefit to the host. Metaphorically, this includes people and all facets of fear generated by the Ego, that old robber baron of joy and freedom. Benjamin Stewart, Director of the documentary, Kymatica, says that the “Ego is the parasitical false image of the self that distracts us from the freedom we were born with.” Stewart is a proponent of self reliance and restoring innate freedom through art, education and integrity. He states that “without complicity, the parasite starves; it needs our fear, denial, repression and projection in order to survive.” The ego also needs ignorance.

Lack of knowledge can compel individuals to surrender their inborn sovereignty to institutions, unexamined assumptions, flawed premises, and co-dependence. On the other hand, informed decisions are based on investigation of facts, history, and all facets of an issue. The Ego makes decisions without adequate information or firsthand research, preferring to rely on faulty premises and/or irrational ideas.

Stewart states that “until the masses wake up to their own complicity and participation in the psychic tyranny prevalent in the world, we will continue to be ruled by [parasites] despots and dictators.” From the moment Stewart’s voice came on the screen, I immediately connected with his premise regarding the literal and metaphorical control that parasites exert daily. Most of what he said validated a lifetime of my own research. Over the years, my dilemma was that the more I knew, the more alienated I felt and the more ahead of the herd I became. I was always setting trends and rarely following any. Today, people will call or email me, sometimes years later, to corroborate something I told them that they thought was crazy at the time but later turned out to be true. No doubt, a lot of the information in this book will fall into that category, but now I won’t even have to say, “I told you so,” because everything I am writing can be readily verified on the internet. I bow to whoever came up with the internet. In spite of the fact that there is no dearth of inaccurate information out there, anyone in search of truth can find it if they dig deep enough.

It is important to point out that Egotistical behavior is not limited to the classical Freudian definition of the Ego; it includes the primitive aspect of the personality that operates primarily from the reptilian part of the brain that is without regard for the harm caused to the authentic self, others, or society. Indeed, the ego owns the domain name to the fear based false self. On an unconscious level, it is shameless, refuses to take responsibility, has no conscience, blames others for the problems it creates, lacks compassion, empathy or insight into itself, and feeds off of causing pain, discomfort and suffering to others as if it were manna from heaven.

For the sake of clarity, the ego herein also refers to anything or anyone that views itself as separate from the whole, while generating harm to the individual, society or the planet, as proposed by Dr. David Hawkins in his book Power vs. Force. In comparison, Benjamin Stewart reveals the interconnectedness of the universe through the concept of humanity as “a community of cells within the community of the earth. The cosmos is a single living being composed of parts to the whole.” Stewart stresses that it is the sense of separation that creates a “void which we fill with materialism or sedate with drugs or addictions.” In fact, drugs and addictions (including food) are powerful tools that the Ego uses to divide, conquer and control.

Today’s popular pseudonym for parasite is the Ego, which cannot exist outside its host. Ironically, the unsuspecting host derives no benefit from the Ego, other than suffering, (which, when used for growth can be beneficial) even though the Ego does an award winning job of convincing the individual host that he/she cannot exist without it or that parasites are no real threat. After all, everyone has them. Moreover, humanity and parasites have existed together since the beginning of time. That almost sounds like a symbiotic relationship, where both parties benefit, but that simply is not the case with parasites. Buying into logical fallacies will not change the facts.


Parasites, while feeding off of a host, behave as if they are separate from the whole with no cognizance or regard for the harm caused to the host. Consider the many plagues and scourges parasites have created throughout history such as leprosy, malaria, bubonic plague, flu epidemics and today, cancer. Yes, cancer, but more on that in Chapter 4. All in all, there is nothing beneficial anyone can say about parasites other than pointing out that they help decompose dead bodies. This, however, is but an extension of their voracious appetites.

The brilliant Guy Ritchie movie, Revolver, explains how the ego hides in the last place one would ever look (inside of the self). The film demonstrates how ceasing to run from pain while letting go of attachments can lead to self mastery. The protagonist, Avi, says to Jake, the hero: “we’ve put you at war with the only enemy that’s ever existed … the one who causes all of the pain there ever was in the world … And you think he’s your best friend.” By the same token, Benjamin Stewart says that “we need chaos and catastrophe to avoid dealing with what we do not like or fear in ourselves,” but that “knowing your own darkness is the best way to deal with the darkness of others.” No greater truth has been spoken.

Clearly, the very definition of a parasite lends itself to pseudonyms in that it consists of a vast variety of parasites (including bacteria, viruses, yeast, mold, worms and fungi) that literally eat humans alive while metaphorically blinding them to the fundamental nature of life, which is to “follow one’s bliss,” as admonished by Joseph Campbell. The following quote from The Essene Gospel of Peace attests to the fact that thousands of years ago Christ revealed how to rid the body of parasites, whom he referred to as the Devil, Satan, and Beelzebub.

The devils left their bowels in the shape of multitudinous worms which writhed in impotent rage after the angel of water cast them out of the bowels of the Sons of Men … Jesus said, renew yourselves and fast … till Beelzebub and all his evils depart from you … Except you fast, you shall never be freed from the power of Satan and from all diseases that come from Satan. Fast and pray fervently, seeking the power of the living God for your healing … All must be born again of water and of truth … Suffer the angel of water to baptize you also within, that you may become free ... Baptism with water that flow[s] through all your bowels … frees you from … all the abominations and uncleannesses which defiled the temple of your body … Renew your baptizing with water on every day of your fast, till the water which flows out of you is as pure as the river’s foam ... By your fasting and prayer you have called back the lord of your body. And now Satan sees that the true lord of your body returns, and that it is the end of his power. – Essene Gospel of Peace – Book One

The universality of truth is irrefutable. Consider this: the Essene Gospel of Peace remained hidden in caves in the Dead Sea area after the Essenes stashed them prior to their massacre by the Romans at Masada circa 73 AD. The collection of books that make up the Bible was put together at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. It is highly unlikely that the 13th century Sufi mystic and poet, Rumi, was aware of the Essene writing quoted above, though he was familiar with the Bible. Thus, it ironic that Rumi’s belief in fasting as a physical and spiritual purification rite would parallel that of the Essenes as reflected below in a quote from The Illuminated Rumi, translated by Coleman Barks:

There’s a hidden sweetness in the stomach’s emptiness … If the belly and brain are burning clean with fasting, every moment a new song comes out of the fire. The fog clears … When you’re full of food and drink, Satan sits where your spirit should. When you fast, good habits gather like friends who want to help. Fasting is Solomon’s ring … Even if you’ve lost all will and control, they come back when you fast. A table descends … Jesus’ table. Expect to see, when you fast, this table spread with other food better than the broth of cabbages.

Even though humanity was given a simple blueprint to free themselves from the Ego (i.e., Satan) most continue to wander in the desert, still looking for the Promised Land. Today, the majority of people drift around in a parasitically induced brain fog triggered by addictive cultural dietary norms. One can only hope that this generation does not end up like the generation of Israelites who left Egypt and died without ever seeing the Promised Land.


One would be wise, therefore, to become ingenious, like Hansel and Gretel. They outsmarted the witch who wanted to eat them, which is what must be done with parasites. The task, however, is not as easy as one might think in that all forms of parasites are smarter than science will admit or that one might imagine. They continue to checkmate science at every move by developing antibiotic resistant strands, mutating, cross-breeding, and building biofilms out of toxins and stolen minerals in the human body, such as calcium, in successful attempts to evade the immune system. The good news is that parasites have never been able to fool Mother Nature or those scientists and natural medicine practitioners who are connected to nature, but more on them in Chapter 4.

Resistance to change is associated with what M. Scott Peck, in The Road Less Traveled, calls a “disorder of responsibility and disorder of discipline.” The rub is that the great anthropologist, Margaret Mead, said that it is easier to get people to change their religion than their diet. In that religious extremists will:

• kill those with religious beliefs different from their own;

• go to war to defend their right to practice their religion, even if they don’t follow it; or

• refuse to marry someone, they claim to love, if that person does not convert to their religion;

the irony of people changing their religion before changing a culinary preference was inspiration in itself for me to investigate this anomaly, particularly in light of the detrimental effects of the Standard American Diet (S.A.D). America’s obsession with eating as a recreational habit has not only been a bad influence on the entire world, who mimics America’s Fast Food habits, but has earned America the infamous title “most obese nation” in the world.


Like any dutiful mother, when my son and daughter were babies and became sick, I turned to their pediatricians for help. They prescribed antibiotics. I did not know that I was unwittingly destroying the secondary immune systems of my children, located in their guts, and setting the stage for their secondary immune systems to get hijacked by parasites. Yeast, mold and fungi adversely affected their behavior, thought processes and judgment.

Science in all of its arrogance and glory, has yet to come up with an antibiotic that different forms of parasites (which includes bacteria, yeast, mold, fungi and viruses) have not developed a resistant strand to or mutated around, thereby rendering most manmade antibiotics virtually useless in the battle against parasites in that antibiotics can only kill approximately 85% of the parasites they are intended to kill. The other 15% mutate or become resistant. Moreover, a virus simply laughs at manmade antibiotics. The true tragedy of manmade antibiotics, however, is the fact that they destroy the friendly bacteria in the gut which acts as the body’s secondary immune system, thereby leaving the body defenseless against Candida, yeast, mold and fungus taking over any and every organ system in the body, including the brain. In fact, 80% of mental illnesses are associated with parasites on the brain as is Alzheimer’s, which is treatable. What? Yes. (See Chapter 4). Of course, most people do not know the danger of manmade antibiotics, which are prescribed, almost indiscriminately, like anti-depressants.


A headline on the cover of the July 9, 2009 Daily News in Los Angeles, titled “Obesity Costing California Billions” unveiled the following finding in a study conducted by The California Center for Public Health Advocacy: “obese and overweight adults cost California $41 billion a year in health care and lost time at work.” This is an amount that nearly doubles the “state’s current $23 billion shortfall.” The study “looked at total medical care and prescription costs of conditions related to being overweight, obese and physically inactive, such as diabetes, hypertension and heart disease. The result is lost productivity for each risk factor.”

Obesity is also linked to parasites secreting substances compelling individuals to over-eat the foods that feed the parasites while starving the body of nourishment, in particular, magnesium. Thus, the body keeps sending out hunger signals that are actually distress requests for live vitamins, minerals, amino acids and essential fatty acids, while parasites subvert the body’s need for nutrition into cravings that poison the host and drain the adrenal glands, leading to chronic fatigue, not to mention diabetes, heart disease, hypertension and cancer. A study published in 2009 by the Center for Genome Sciences, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO 63108, USA, titled “The Effect of Diet on the Human Gut Microbiome: A Metagenomic Analysis in Humanized Gnotobiotic Mice” looked at the effect of transplanting human gut parasites formed from eating the Standard American Diet, into mice. The study found that “switching from a low-fat, plant polysaccharide–rich diet to a high-fat, high-sugar “Western” diet shifted the structure of the microbiota [in mice] within a single day … Humanized mice fed the Western diet have increased adiposity; this trait is transmissible via microbiota transplantation.”

In essence, the mice quickly developed fatty tissue around their guts after transplantation. This type of fat is labeled “love handles” or “pasta pouches.” The implications of this study are far reaching in that it corroborates other studies substantiating that parasites do, indeed, alter the DNA of their hosts. Moreover, the fact that the parasites also changed the entire structure of the bacteria in the host mice within a single day has alarming implications as to how quickly parasites can take over a new host upon entering via direct transplantation, saliva, or sexual fluids.


Thus, it is imperative to stress that no parasite cleanse is effective without everyone in the household doing the cleanse together; otherwise the individual who completed the cleanse gets reinfected within 24 hours after kissing, eating after an infected individual or after having sex. It is also important to stress that parasites are easily transmitted microscopically from the colon to other areas of the body by:

• not washing hands after going to the bathroom;

• failure to wash fresh fruits or vegetables that have been touched by unclean hands in antifungals aluminum free baking soda and water or hydrogen peroxide;

• putting a finger or penis in the anus, then touching the vagina, mouth or eyes with same.

Any of the foregoing can transplant dangerous gut bacteria into the vaginal tract, bladder, eyes, or mouth. Once in the mouth, they quickly travel to the lungs and other parts of the body, attacking the weakest organs of those who already have compromised immune systems or whose secondary immune system (the digestive track) has already been decimated by taking antibiotics, birth control pills or by eating too much junk food or processed or refined carbs.


Refined carbs such as white rice, white bread, white pasta, or peeled, white potatoes have been stripped of their fiber content and natural vitamins and minerals. One glance at the food served in school cafeterias reveals the alarmingly high ratio of dead meats, sugars and refined carbs served, all of which contribute to an over growth of parasites, particularly when consumed in conjunction with prescription antibiotics. That is because the cellular lining of yeast mold and fungi is made of sugar. Thus, all carbs, such as potatoes, corn, rice, pasta and bread convert into sugar, which feeds parasitic fungi. On the other hand, carnivorous parasites (worms) need meat to thrive; each different kind of meat is host to its own type of worm or intestinal fluke. An over proliferation of these creatures is the perfect recipe for obesity, underweight and diabetes. What is most alarming is that the average parent is unaware that Candida is connected to chronic ear, nose and throat infections in babies and children. The tragedy is that as soon as children get one of these infections, parents naturally run to the doctor, who promptly prescribes antibiotics (See Chapter 3) which destroy the friendly bacteria in the gut that that mother nature put there to automatically kill yeast, mold, fungi and bacteria.


Ultimately, it is easy to recognize the symptoms of an over proliferation of parasites. While talking to a person, listen and look for the following: check out their eyes; they tend to be cloudy, red, watery, or to have blurry vision; check out their skin; it tends to have rashes, acne, eczema, dandruff, pimples, white heads, blotchiness, redness, or itchiness; observe their gums; they tend to be red, swollen, bleeding, or receding; and don’t get too close, the breath out of their nostrils (coming from the gut) tends to be foul no matter how much they brush their teeth; check out their body odor: they need to shower more than once a day because their body gives off a sour, acidic odor; look at their bellies; they bloat after eating, or are permanently bloated; shake their hand; it tends to be cold; listen to them: they complain of anemia, frequent indigestion, heartburn, constipation, athlete’s feet, jock itch, yeast infections; diabetes, heart problems, hypertension, lupus, multiple sclerosis, etc.; observe their personality; they tend to be moody, overly emotional, depressed, erratic, or prone to chaotic behavior.


I ran across a fascinating bit of research on snails infested with liver fluke parasites secreted in the snail’s sludge. When ants walk across this sludge, eat it and then carry it home to the nest, other ants become infected. This liver fluke then infects the brains of the ants by secreting a substance into the brains of the ants that directs the unfortunate creatures to engage in uncharacteristically self-sacrificial death rituals. For instance, normal, uninfected ants will scurry out of the way when they hear a cow coming. The infected ants, however, behave abnormally when they hear a cow coming. Instead of running away, to avoid being eaten, the ant will cling to the flowers of the plant that the cows eat, ensuring that they get eaten alive by the cow, which is insane behavior because everything in nature has an innate tendency towards survival and self preservation.

The compelling part of the above scenario is that the ant is unwittingly coerced into sacrificing its life through a mind control substance secreted by the liver fluke so that the fluke can generate the means to move on to its intended destination: the intestines of a cow. Once in the cow, the liver fluke finds its way to the cow’s liver, where it causes the cow to waste away. This type of behavior is characteristic of parasites, but is also observable in humans infected with parasites. They will engage in the most amazingly self destructive and suicidal like behavior, such as unprotected sex with multiple partners, dangerous drug addictions and unhealthy food obsessions that have one thing in common: they ensure the survival and proliferation of parasites at the detriment and early demise of its host. As my grandmother would say, “Now, if that don’t beat all, I don’t know what does.”

For those who are struggling with the idea that parasites are capable of secreting a substance that compels its host to do the bidding of the parasite, at the detriment of the host, go to and search for the video called “Parasitic Mind Control.” After that short video, search for the Discovery Channel documentary titled: Parasites Eating You Alive. Then, watch the “You Tube” documentary titled Kymatica (it’s an hour and a half long). The director of Kymatica highlights the damage parasitic fear does to society through projection of individual psychosis. He gives viable solutions. The book you are reading sheds insight into the correlation between parasitic infections and insane behavior by intelligent people who otherwise appear sane and the connection between parasites and egotistical antics, weight problems, dis-ease and aging.


While doing the research for my dissertation on personality disorders, I recall being fascinated by a side note that an expert mentioned. It was so compelling that I ended up including it in my book I Thought I Was The Crazy One, which became one of the first books for the layman on personality disorders. In essence, this side note pointed out that, for some unknown reason, people with personality disorders, (who just so happen to be the most irresponsible and unreliable of all parents) are compelled to reproduce indiscriminately. Further research revealed that those personality disorders who are not compelled to reproduce themselves are nevertheless prompted to spread their parasites to as many partners as possible, even if they are not compelled to have children. In essence, the compulsion to indiscriminately reproduce does not limit itself to procreation. It also includes haphazardly spreading parasites through kissing; eating and drinking after others; and/or multiple sex partners.

The parasitic program to procreate in personality disorders is further evidenced by:

1. Males with children by multiple mothers as well as those with double digit parentage who play no real parental roles in the lives of their offspring;

2. Females with poor parenting skills who continue having children by multiple fathers in the hopes that having a child by the latest male will keep this man around even though that tact did not work with the previous fathers;

3. Poor parents who cannot afford to feed and clothe the children they already have yet keep reproducing;

4. Welfare mothers who won’t stop reproducing yet don’t know the first thing about nurturing or raising children;

5. Teenagers who just “HAVE” to get pregnant and are still children themselves;

6. Sought after males or famous athletes who keep complaining about how their girlfriends (plural) all told them they were on birth control, but ended up pregnant umpteen times, yet these guys won’t get a vasectomy because they “might want to get married one day or one more time” and their prospective wives “might want to have children.” Forget about “them” taking responsibility for birth control or simply using condoms.

This compulsion to procreate herein is not referring to those with the finances, emotional and intellectual capacity to devote the next 21 years of their lives modeling love, discipline, cooperation, and wholeness to their offspring. Nor does it refer to potential parents who realize that parenting involves directing children onto the “path of the infinite that they might travel swift and far,” as Kahlil Gibran says. Nor does it apply to parents who know that their role is to produce adults who do not need them financially or emotionally because they have been taught self reliance and self sufficiency.

Granted, there is embedded within the DNA of those who have survived genocide, an unconscious fear of racial annihilation, which compels them to reproduce without concern for global over population. Their unconscious drive is the low numbers of their race around the world. Armenians are quick to remind me that there are less than 2 million of them in America. Although racial extinction is possible, it is not highly plausible due to the Diaspora of groups migrating all over the globe, especially after genocide. Moreover, throughout the ages, natural disasters that have decimated populations have bred the same fear of extinction. However, there is no imminent extinction of any race on the planet today, that I can find, unless they are hidden in a remote jungle or island somewhere. Even though genocide continues to be systematically exercised against Native Americans in the US and Canada, they are nowhere near extinction, in spite of the government reservation diet of white flour and white sugar (a new form of genocide) which results in unprecedented numbers of native Americans dying from diabetes.


In direct contrast to random reproduction of the species by personality disorders, author, James Redfield proposes in The Celestine Prophecy, that families should have only the number of children that matches the number of adults at home during the day to give one on one attention to each child.


Sociologically and psychologically, any division of parental love, devotion and attention can create sibling rivalry, leading one child to feel that the other sibling is cherished more. Research has also proven that sibling rivalry can be so intense, in some children, that if the child knew for certain he/she could get away with making the rival disappear, he/she would do so. What stops such children is fear of parental disapproval or loss of love. As a result, they settle for ignoring, belittling, resenting, or envying the rival. Siblings who have never experienced rivalry are the exception.

On the other hand, research with “only” children reveals that, in general, by comparison, they have elevated levels of self esteem and are higher achievers than those who had to compete for their share of parental love. Of course there are exceptions. Nevertheless, it is true that only children are not burdened with wondering whether the parent loves the “other” sibling more. China’s one child per family rule is, thus, based on sound psychology. Whether intentional or not, China is breeding children with the “potential” for high self esteem and to become high achievers. Moreover, it is easy for an only child to feel that he/she came into the world “wanted” since everything in limited supply is sought after and more highly valued and appreciated.


It is interesting to note that the French province of Canada and the country of Australia are the only places I know of where the government is actually paying people to have more children because too many of the younger generation are wisely choosing not to have children since it takes two incomes to make a decent living and one of them cannot stay at home with the child. Imagine governments paying people to reproduce in a world that is already severely over populated?

Moreover, in lieu of the fact that, in a world with approximately 7 billion people who are consuming the world’s resources 1.5 times faster than the earth can replenish them, in the 21st century, any “compulsive or irrational” desire to procreate today can be viewed as illogical behavior considering the very real possibility of annihilation of humanity due to over population, not to mention natural disasters or parasitic epidemics that quickly spread around the world. Maybe in the 50’s or 60’s, automatic procreation, without thought of population control, made sense. However, today, in spite of the innate biological urge to reproduce, designed to ensure the survival of the species, the human race is NOT in any danger of extinction. Thus, the uncurbed urge to procreate does indeed pose a serious drain on the natural resources of the planet to feed everyone and to dispose of the refuse, pollution and garbage that over population produces.


One might also want to think about the orphaned and foster children in need of parents and the wealthy infertile couples who spend double and triple digit figures on fertility drugs, clinics, surgeries and surrogates, when they could use that money to adopt a child in need of parents. Or consider the extremely rich who could, in the very least, if they did not want to adopt, sponsor orphans, or pay someone to take care of children in need. In fact, it would be a far more responsible and loving approach for young couples today who want children, to adopt versus adding to the population crisis, which would do much to alleviate the unnecessary suffering of children already on the planet.

The foregoing information and suggestions may offend many of my generation who now feel a need to justify the fact that they have knowingly or unknowingly contributed to the problem of over-population. I am among those who have contributed. I have had to forgive myself for going along to get along when my husband, who wanted children, while I did not, seized two opportunities, while I was waiting on my birth control refills to force me to have sex with him. I got my tubes tied after the second pregnancy. I have now moved on to encouraging others to break free of the procreation program or to, in the very least, not have more children than they already have. When I hear parents looking forward to their children having children to “spread the love,” I cannot help but wonder what they are thinking.

I am also aware that my suggestion may offend those of the younger generation who can’t wait to have children of their own, or to have more of them. While it is true that most of my generation fell for the biological “procreation program,” this is not a sound enough reason to encourage today’s young adults to blindly follow in our programmed footsteps. The implications of over-population are not effective reviewed in retrospect, even though hindsight is 20/20 vision. The problem of over-population needs immediate forethought, planning and serious consideration before it reaches the point of no return.

On the other hand, for those who simply must reproduce, Redfield’s pragmatic suggestion, which essentially boils down to China’s one child rule, could spare new children intense psychological suffering and loss of self esteem. If the foregoing common sense approach, however, is of no concern, perhaps one might mull over Thich Nhat Hanh’s gentle reminder to potential parents that they “be fully aware of the responsibility of bringing new lives into the world. Meditate on the world into which you are bringing new beings.” Indeed, individuals today might want to ask themselves how they can justify bringing new life to a planet saturated in inequity, injustice, corruption, fear, and uncertainty.


The sad thing is that consequences are the last thing personality disorders consider when the compulsion to propagate or to spread parasites takes over. In that instance, they are no longer in the driver’s seat for they are being driven to do the bidding of the parasite. In essence, they are being “pimped” by parasites and do not know it. The focus of parasites is on eating their hosts alive, and then going “forth to multiply.” Millions of microscopic yeast, mold or fungi can quickly turn into billions through use of manmade antibiotics, birth control pills, and a daily diet of dead food. So the next time you feel and uncontrollable urge to eat food that you know is not good for you, or to have wreckless sex with abandonment, ask yourself who is running your program and if you are really in control of your actions, or are you being “pimped” by parasites.

If you don’t believe you’re being pimped by millions of parasites, just try to resist a craving for your favorite ice cream, pastry, meat, fried food; junk food, alcohol, cigarette, sex (you name it; addictions are endless). You won’t be able to ignore that voice in your head. It will begin by using soft, sweet, innocent persuasion to coax you into satisfying its needs by convincing you of the legitimacy or necessity of your immediate action. If that does not work, the voice will become loud/demanding. If you still don’t get up off your butt and act on the impulsive demands of that voice in your head immediately (parasitically driven individuals have an impaired internal locus of control which makes them very impatient and ADHD acting), these parasites will take on the true demeanor of a pimp. They will not hesitate to demean, insult or belittle you with diatribes like: “Bitch, I told you to go get my meat, sweets, drugs, and cigarettes … Don’t make me have to kick your ass again … You know I will.” And there you go, doing the bidding of parasites, while ignoring the voice of reason, which gets thrown out on its butt by the pimp. Now, tell me: “Who is being pimped by whom?


Parasites are spread through saliva (kissing) and semen (sex). Other than, perhaps, the obsessive compulsive personality disorder (in most cases), personality disorders appear compelled to use craft and cunning to spread parasites, almost on an unconscious level. For instance, they will innocently stick their spoon or fork into another’s plate and eat someone else’s food when they have food on their own plate, or drink out of someone else’s glass, spreading their parasites without having to kiss those who do not want to be kissed. It does not bother them that they are also picking up new parasites from the person they are eating or drinking after. Moreover, they will drink out of the milk jug or the juice box in the refrigerator then put their parasites back in the fridge to infect others. On top of that, they will not wash their hands every time after using the bathroom, which leads to them contaminating the foods and items they touch. All individuals have to do is touch a contaminated item then rub their eyes to spread the infection. As noted earlier, keeping a bottle of hydrogen peroxide under the kitchen sink, to wash all fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and grains with a couple of tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide in water, can avoid the problem. I now keep a fresh bottle of eye drops that I make with sea salt and baking soda in my purse (See Chapter 4 for details).

The parasite connection is the only explanation I have found that comes even close to explaining the behavior of personality disorders, compulsive sex addictions, promiscuity or the need for multiple sex partners. Whether an individual is compelled to impregnate another or to intentionally get pregnant is merely the tip of the iceberg in a much larger problem that is insidious and can affect or infect almost everyone because of the parasitically based program to propagate through any means necessary when intimacy with another is not appropriate or is not an option. That is why every member of a family has to do simultaneous parasite cleanses, including the family pet, to prevent re-infection because families tend to eat and drink after each other, use the same toilets and bathtubs, and someone inevitably forgets to wash their hands after scratching their head, picking their nose, or using the bathroom.


An even riskier factor to consider is the compulsion of personality disorders to have sex with multiple partners while in a relationship. This behavior has always struck me as harmful to everyone concerned. Thus, it never rang true when therapists, friends and sex addicts tried to convince me that having sex with multiple sex partners simultaneously was natural or that monogamy was unnatural. Yes, monogamy is definitely unnatural for those over infested with parasites in that they are under parasitic mind control to unconsciously infect others; the same is true for those with no internal locus of control due to brain dysfunction.

I’ve even come across the theory of “monogamous” and “non-monogamous” genes, which only makes sense when one takes into consideration that if microscopic parasites can shut down the DNA’s mechanism that tells cancer or rogue cells to self destruct, they most certainly can compel a person to disregard the sanctity of a committed relationship. Of course, there are single people who would argue that as long as they are not “committed,” they can have sex with as many partners as they like, especially if they tell their partners that they are “seeing” others, which means “sleeping” with them. Indeed, consenting adults are free to do what they wish, but it simply seems wiser to delay gratification long enough to get the other person on a parasite cleanse before becoming intimate. But saying this to a personality disorder or to someone with no internal locus of control is like saying, “Don’t eat that bowl of ice cream I just sat in front of you; it’s for someone else.” They will argue that if they had not eaten it, the ice cream would have melted before the other person got there. They were saving you the trouble of throwing it away.

When I discovered the nature of mind control substances secreted by parasites, I finally felt validated in my unpopular opinion that it was NOT unnatural to be monogamous. Since puberty, I was intuitively put off by the idea of promiscuity. I knew from 8th grade science and biology classes, long before popular science began publicizing the fact that individuals not only get infected with the parasites of intimate partners, but with the parasites of their partner’s parents along with all of the people that individual has ever kissed or had sex with because the parasites get into the blood stream and vital fluids of the body. Moreover, parasites are transmitted at birth, especially Candida. Many babies are born with thrush mouth and Candida (i.e. dandruff) as dry, scaly scalp.



• It is difficult to rise above the level of addiction to bad food, drugs, alcohol, drama, etc. while depriving the body of essential amino acids, or vitamins and minerals that aid in brain function while eating processed food with chemicals and additives or dead foods that have no live nutritional content from being cooked at temperatures above 117ºF.

• It is also difficult to move to higher levels of consciousness in a polluted body full of Candida yeast fungus, parasites, heavy metals, intestinal plaque, or intestinal blockages.

• Damaged or impaired frontal lobe brain function is associated with weakened ability to reason, poor socialization skills, difficulty communicating and getting along with others, erratic behavior, violence, chaos, moodiness, and depression. Moreover, frontal lobe damage is linked to alcohol and drug addiction and deficient diets.

• Substances that damage the brain, shrink it or restrict the flow of oxygen include: injuries to the brain, solvents, toxic fumes (paint thinners, gasoline, etc), smoking, caffeine, drugs (illicit and prescription), parasites, bacteria, viruses, anesthesia, alcohol, insufficient sleep, food additives and preservatives, processed foods and irradiated or microwaved foods.

• Things that improve and/or repair damaged neurotransmitter functions in the brain and increase serotonin or endorphin levels are: sodium bicarbonate, magnesium, EDTA suppositories, Ellagica (ellagic acid), bacopa, macuna, SAM-E (amino acids that increase serotonin levels and brain function), blueberries, avocadoes, omega 3 oils (fish oils, flax seed oils, borage oil), fresh spinach, fresh oranges, walnuts, sheliajit, inulin, colloidal silver, at least five hours of sleep a night, new learning, exercise, new dance choreography, classical music and love songs, communing with nature.

• Read Dr. David Hawkins’ books Transcending the Levels of Consciousness and Power vs. Force for detailed information on how to move beyond fear, addiction and reliance on force (all calibrated below 200 on Dr. Hawkins Map of Consciousness on a scale of 0-1000) into the realm of real power which resides at levels above 200 (the level of courage, honesty and integrity).

• Everything that vibrates below 200 on the Map of Consciousness is harmful to the individual, those around him/her and to the planet. Levels below 200 (shame, apathy, fear, desire, anger, pride) serve the ego. Levels above 200 serve society and lead to real power.





Art exorcises the shadow side of the psyche to keep it from reflecting outward. [Art and] rituals kept people from repressing psychological content and projecting it to the physical world. - Benjamin Stewart, Director of Kymatica

Check this lying hospitality and lying affection. Live no longer to the expectation of these deceived and deceiving people with whom we converse. Say to them … I have lived with you after appearances. Henceforward I am the truth’s … I must be myself. I cannot break myself any longer for you, or you. If you can love me for what I am, we shall be the happier. If you cannot, I will still seek to deserve that you should. I will not hide my tastes or aversions … I cannot sell my liberty and my power, to save [your] sensibility. Ralph Waldo Emerson in “Self Reliance”


It appears that humanity’s ego driven addictions, coupled with their herd mentality, has led them to forget, en masse, who they really are, where they came from and all that they are capable of. Until recently, humanity’s Divinity also remained cloaked behind flawed beliefs, logical fallacies, outdated attitudes, and illusions aided by the Ego’s minions of parasites. Those tuned into higher frequencies, however, will be pleased to discover what many biblical scholars always knew: that the first five books of the bible, called the Torah, were written in a numeric code. In fact, “each letter of each alphabet has always been linked with a very specific number value. The study of these relationships is known historically as Gematria. Through the one to one correspondence between letters and numbers, Gamatria reveals the hidden relationships” between alphabets of sacred languages and numbers (Braden 194). Gregg Braden, in his book The God Code states that “of the 17 characteristics that define today’s periodic table of elements, only one matches precisely with the hidden number values of the Hebrew language – the atomic mass, or simple mass. Through determining their simple mass, the elements of DNA (hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and carbon) within our bodies may now be replaced with four letters of the Hebrew alphabet: yod, hey, vav, and gimel, thus revealing that our DNA may be read literally as a translatable alphabet within each of our cells.”

Skeptics will be pleased to know that “the odds of these four letters randomly creating a meaningful message from the Hebrew alphabet are only one in 234,256 or the slim probability of .00042% (Braden 112). What scientists and scholars discovered was that by “replacing the elements of DNA with their equivalent of Hebrew letters, a message is revealed that is spelled out within each cell of our body. By substituting these words for our genetic code” we discover that “the literal name of God forms a message within each cell of our bodies … God/Eternal within the body.” The message “God Eternal Within The Body” translates the same in all of the sacred languages (Braden 139). Thus, Infinite wisdom transmitted a part of its Divine-self inside of everyone, thereby validating the claim of Genesis that mankind was created in the “image and likeness” of God.

Indeed, Infinite Wisdom hid the keys to “the kingdom within.” That message was the most amazing discovery of my lifetime. “God/Eternal within the body” validated a long lost connection I had been looking for my entire life … reconnection with the Divine. Little did I know it was within when I had been looking outside of myself for answers. What safer place to hide this knowledge from humanity where no one even thought to look until recently. Or maybe humanity’s consciousness simply was not ready to accept such knowledge until now. After all, it comes with tremendous responsibility. Those who take the challenge, however, move forward with great joy, liberated from the shackles of fear, ignorance and control, while those still begging to be ruled quickly dismiss the revelation, deny its value, or do not even get the message at all.

It was not until computers grew sophisticated enough that this information could be disseminated to the masses. Moreover, this revelation had to wait on a rise in consciousness for the message to be received. Greg Braden, in The Divine Matrix, uses the analogy of a holographic computer generated universe as a macrocosm and the human as a microcosm. What is revealing about this analogy is that when a hologram is divided into infinite pieces, each piece still contains a complete image of the original hologram. Thus, everyone has direct access to the infinite attributes of Divine Intelligence because they are a holographic image of it. The problem is ignorance along with attachment to old, outdated beliefs. In the age of information where new breakthroughs occur every day, such thinking is absolutely insane. Truly, the meek (which includes being compliant and able to change) are the ones who will inherit the earth. Why? Because they adapt and change effortlessly, unattached to the old once presented with new information.

The Ego keeps individuals attached to the past, holding on to dated ideas and insane thoughts that do not serve them. The old Aramaic, in which some of the Bible was written, translates the original meaning of the word “Satan” as “crazy thoughts.” Indeed, the Ego is insane. In fact, Osho says that “the ego is not a very intelligent thing; all egos are idiotic.” The ego utilizes dead, processed foods, drugs and addictions to keep unsuspecting hosts unwittingly treading a hamster wheel of self defeating behaviors that they desperately want to break free of but cannot because they are unconscious of how insane their unexamined assumptions, blind beliefs, and behaviors actually are. The kingdom of heaven can only be revealed to individuals at their own levels of awareness or consciousness. Moreover, an over growth of millions of parasites, such as fungi, can cause cellular DNA to mutate into enemies of mental illness, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc. Naturally, an overgrowth of this magnitude can also interfere with an individual’s access to higher frequencies. Further, those operating from a limited paradigm of disbelief, poverty, or victimhood unwittingly cut themselves off from higher frequencies that can liberate them from their self imposed prisons.

An analogy of the old telegraph best illustrates the situation. Without a telegraph operator on the other end to receive the message and transcribe it, the message is lost, not because it was never sent, but because there is no one in the telegraph office to receive the message, transcribe it and deliver it. When the Ego is in control of the human mind, the higher self is in a remote part of the house and cannot access the messages. Moreover, today’s fast paced lifestyle leaves little space for quiet time to tune into the higher self in order to access broadcasts from Source energy. Blessed are the few in the right place at the right time who can tune into the unending stream of well being that is constantly flowing, just waiting to be tapped into.


Dan Brown in his book The Symbol, which contains highly accurate and detailed historical information and research, reveals that while in meditative states, the “brain scans of yogis” reveal that they “physically create a wax like substance from the pineal gland. This brain secretion is unlike anything else in the body. It has an incredible healing effect, can literally regenerate cells, and may be one of the reasons yogis live so long.” He adds that this “substance has inconceivable properties and can be created only by a mind that is highly tuned to a deeply focused state.” Naturally, Dan Brown’s The Symbol, deals heavily with symbology, thus, Brown explains that “temple is code for body. Heaven is code for mind. Jacob’s ladder is your spine. And manna is this rare brain secretion.” In fact, readers are informed in the book of Exodus that manna fell from heaven for the fleeing Jewish people to eat. According to Dan Brown, manna could also “heal the body, create no waste, heal the sick, provide everlasting life, and cause no waste in those who consumed it.”

This biblical metaphor or code word for manna as the life sustaining substance produced by the pineal gland, indicates that “the ancients already knew many of the scientific truths we’re now rediscovering. Within a matter of years, modern man will be forced to accept what is now unthinkable: our minds can generate energy capable of transforming physical matter. Particles react to our thoughts, which means our thoughts have the power to change the world,” according to Brown. This revelation should provide motivation for those who are wandering in the wilderness looking for enlightenment, to turn inward while doing the practical work of purifying their body temples, physically and mentally, clearing the path to raise their levels of consciousness beyond the control of the Ego.


Even though there are those who incarnated in integrity (i.e. the level of courage), they, too, could benefit from cleansing their body temples of heavy metals, toxins, yeast, mold, fungus and parasites. The expression “cleanliness is next to godliness” includes cleansing and detoxifying the inner temple as well as bathing the outer body. Moreover, modifying the body’s inner terrain so that it is no longer hospitable to hosts that feed off of fear, doubt, uncertainty and crazy making is a win-win for the physical vehicle and the higher self, who will no longer be pimped by parasites and forced to serve as unwitting hosts to uninvited guests that turn one’s inner terrain into a virtual wasteland. Detoxification and a diet that takes one back to nature, are just plain old common sense. Yeah, I know that common sense is not so very common in much the same manner that those already at or above the level of integrity are uncommon in a world caught in the clutches of the ego.


There is an often over looked connection, not only between food and mood, but between a parasitic, heavy metal laden, vitamin and mineral deficient body temple and the ability to move into the pivotal level of integrity, not to mention higher realms of consciousness, along with problems implementing and/or following through with plans, goals and ideas that one clearly “knows” is in the best interest of the higher self. That is why those who are quick to say “I know” don’t know that they don’t really know because if they really knew what they thought they knew, they would be able to implement it in a meaningful way that adds value, purpose and positive change to their lives.

I made the connection, while writing my dissertation, between personality disordered behavior and vitamin and mineral deficient diets as well as high levels of toxicity in the body years ahead of the crowd. Later, I was pleased to that my findings coincided with the low levels of consciousness described in Dr. David Hawkins’ books Power vs. Force and Transcending The Levels of Consciousness as well as the dysfunctional behavior described in Dr. Daniel Amin’s book Change Your Brain, Change Your Life.

Based on the Map of Consciousness below, everything below Courage (200) serves the ego and is destructive to the individual, others and society. Moreover, everything below Courage (200) on Hawkins’ scale resides in the “Heart of Darkness,” hidden from the sunshine of higher vibrations. It appears obvious that detoxification and rejuvenation of the body temple would be a necessary part of the curriculum on the path to enlightenment. In fact, getting rid of the brain fog, confusion, and depression caused by Candida parasite infections alone would go a long way in aiding millions to focus on attaining higher ground physically, mentally and spiritually along with the clarity to maintain it.


by Dr. David Hawkins


Self Is Enlightenment 700+ Indescribable Pure Consciousness

All Being Perfect Peace 600 Bliss Illumination

One Complete Joy 540 Serenity Transfiguration

Loving Benevolent Love 500 Reverence Revelation

Wise Meaningful Reason 400 Understanding Abstraction

Merciful Harmonious Acceptance 350 Forgiveness Transcendence

Inspiring Hopeful Willingness 310 Optimism Intention

Enabling Satisfactory Neutrality 250 Trust Release

Permitting Feasible Courage 200 Affirmation Empowerment

Indifferent Demanding Pride 175 Scorn Inflation

Vengeful Antagonistic Anger 150 Hate Aggression

Denying Disappointing Desire 125 Craving Enslavement

Punitive Frightening Fear 100 Anxiety Withdrawal

Disdainful Tragic Grief 75 Regret Despondency

Condemning Hopeless Apathy 50 Despair Abdication

Vindictive Evil Guilt 30 Blame Destruction

Despising Miserable Shame 20 Humiliation Elimination

According to Dr. Hawkins, 78% of the world is vibrating below the level of courage (200) where truth, honesty and integrity reside. Thus, those desirous of reaching the level of integrity (i.e., 200) will find themselves caught in a Catch 22. The mental clarity (lack of brain fog) necessary to maintain and hold higher levels of vibration consistently is a challenge at best in an acidic body laden with heavy metals, Candida, parasites and toxic blockages in the colon which generate pain, irritability and moodiness. Although common sense is the single best reason to detoxify the body and re-embrace natural, live foods, Matt Amsden, founder of the raw food restaurant in Santa Monica, CA Euphoria Loves Rawvolution and author of the cookbook Rawvolution elegantly outlines the intangible benefits of detoxifying the body temple:

When your body and mind are free of pollutants, you become a clear channel for receiving information from the universe … Your body is your temple. Once your temple is clean and pure, there is space for divinity, insight, and virtue to reside. A temple so full of waste is unreceptive to the subtleties of the body’s divine wisdom, and is therefore unreceptive to the subtleties of existence itself. Cleanliness is next to godliness, and the control of one’s appetite is a true hallmark of enlightenment and immortality (Amsden).

No doubt about it, a change of diet is a challenge for the 78% of the population vibrating below 200, where shame, apathy, fear, desire, anger and pride reside (Hawkins). Because the level of courage is a crucial and defining marker for the masses to reach, it is important to focus one’s energy on serving those who are actively seeking assistance in getting out of a hell that they are coming into awareness is of their own making. Further, for those vibrating below 200, being around someone at a higher level of consciousness is not only beneficial but a necessity in pulling themselves out of the bucket of crabs grabbing at their appendages to pull them down so that they might all die together.

The importance of reaching the level of courage is in alignment with Emerson’s essay on “Self Reliance” which cogently points out that “God will not have his work made manifest by cowards.“ Neither should we be “cowards fleeing before a revolution, but guides, redeemers, and benefactors … advancing on Chaos and Dark [in that] nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind. Absolve you to yourself, and you shall have the suffrage of the world.”

Albert Einstein reminds us that “great minds encounter violent opposition from mediocre minds.” Both Emerson and Einstein embrace individuation (becoming one’s own unique, individual self, free from “group think”) and freedom from societal mass hypnosis that keeps individuals enslaved through parasitic mind control induced by poor diet, parasitic infections and Western, allopathic medicine with its toxic side effects. Such individuals are clearly without understanding of the cost of bondage and freedom. Emerson says that:

Society everywhere is in conspiracy against the manhood of every one of its members. Society is a joint-stock company, in which the members agree, for the better securing of his bread to each shareholder, to surrender the liberty and culture of the eater. The virtue in most request is conformity. Self reliance is its aversion … Whoso would be a man must be a nonconformist.

Interestingly enough, an individual below the level of courage, honesty, integrity, and truth will not “absolve you to yourself” and will, most often, flee from the “Dark Night of the Soul” without realizing that the cost of freedom is well worth the price of finding the courage to walk through pain and darkness to gain the privilege of living in the love, joy, and bliss waiting on the other side. Emerson says that “The secret of fortune is joy in our hands” and that “as soon as the man is at one with God, he will not beg. He will then see prayer in all action.”

My primary intention for this book is to provide a road map for those beginning to wake up; to offer practical tools to those already awake yet seeking safe, simple and affordable means to undo the damage done to mind, body and spirit; and to serve as a handbook for light workers to help those who are just beginning to unplug themselves from the Matrix. Ultimately, we must recognize that we are all in this together; there is much work to be done; and there are not yet enough volunteers. This book is a call for each of us to join together to save ourselves by serving the world in the area(s) where we are most gifted or talented. Along the way, it is also affirming to connect with those blessed in different areas, who are contributing their unique abilities to draw to a close a sequel Dr. Carl Calleman, in his book The Mayan Calendar, calls “the evolution of human consciousness.”

Those reading this book have answered the call of self mastery and are choosing NOT to continue being pimped by parasites, yeast, mold and fungus that secrete substances that compel the individual to go against the dictates of common sense and good health.

Am I saying that one will automatically become enlightened upon detoxing and changing to a raw food diet? No. People are born at different levels of consciousness in the same way that they are born with different set points for happiness, but that does not mean that the set point for happiness cannot be raised (i.e. see Marci Schimoff’s book Happy For No Reason) any more than it means that one cannot raise one’s level of consciousness (see Dr. David Hawkins’ book Transcending The Levels of Consciousness to discover how).

What I am saying is that we are at a most auspicious point in human evolution in that we work and play in a quantum field of infinite possibilities where many of the things humanity believed were impossible 100 years ago are nothing short of miraculous today (i.e. cell phones, computers, artificial intelligence, etc.). Moreover, because of the internet, anything we want to know is available at our fingertips. Thus, the last frontier for the masses to conquer is the dark dismal, deceitful and illusory realm of the ego.

Upon reaching the crucial level of courage, suddenly individuals develop the audacity to explore uncharted frontiers such as investigating the possibility of actually being a holographic image of the divine wherein the meaning of Christ’s words suddenly sound like a possibility: “these things I do, even great things you will do.” In fact, for those beginning to free themselves from Plato’s Allegory of the Cave or the Matrix, it even begins to feel like it just might be a possibility …

There is an actual upside to suffering, even though it tends to be an unwelcome component of personal growth. For the average individual, things have to get bad enough or hurt bad enough to summon the motivation to do something about it. Anthony Robbins says that, “Devastation will either destroy you or give you the drive to pull yourself out of it.” Moreover, one of our great American philosophers said that “life breaks everybody,” but what matters is “how you heal in the broken places.”

Experience has cautioned me not to take away the self imposed suffering of adults (although I will guide those who ask for help) because the sooner people realize that they are both the cause and the cure of what ails them, the sooner an end to their suffering can come. I discovered that when I ceased preventing people from “crashing and burning;” the sooner they learned their lessons, the quicker healing began to take place in the broken places. The alternative was unwittingly contributing to those around me taking out permanent membership in the land of the “walking wounded,” not to mention parading battle scars in exchange for pity, victimhood, or the company of fools.

Quantum physics teaches that everything is connected and affected by everything else; that we are in a field of unlimited potential; and that simply observing the field changes it. Moreover, Dr. Hawkins explains that certain spiritual truths are transformational within themselves. Thus, while individuals must be committed to truth at all costs, they must also remain aware that their level of truth and ability to absorb higher truths will expand according to their level of awareness and consciousness. Therein is the meaning of not casting pearls to swine. That is why it is important not to share information unless it is requested. It prevents those who are still plugged into “The Matrix” from attacking ideas that threaten their ego or their limited, linear belief systems.

Needless to say, it is imperative for those who want to raise their levels of consciousness to gravitate toward the 22% vibrating above 200 because, according to Hawkins, “one individual at level 700 counter-balances 70 million individuals below level 200.” On the lower end of the scale, one individual who reaches a level of 300 “counterbalances 90,000 individuals who are below the level of 200.” Overall, even though “only [22%] percent of the world’s population is above the critical consciousness level of 200, the collective power of that [22%] percent has the weight to counterbalance the negativity of the remaining 78% of the world’s people” (Hawkins). Note that the numbers in brackets changed from 15% to 22% in Hawkins’ new book. Consciousness is continuing to evolve.

Hawkins reminds us that “were it not for these counterbalances, mankind would self-destruct out of the sheer mass of its unopposed negativity.” Thus, “even a few loving thoughts during the course of the day more than counterbalance all of our negative thoughts” (Hawkins 283). Hawkins clarifies that it is “important to remember that the calibration figures do not represent an arithmetic, but a logarithmic progression. Thus, level 300 is not twice the amplitude of 150; it is 10 to the 300th power. An increase of even a few points represents a major advance in power; thus, the increase in power as we move up the scale is enormous.

Detoxing one’s body inside and out can lay the foundation for freedom from destructive relationships and enslavement to addictions, which contribute to various forms of depression, anxiety, physical and mental illness, addictive/compulsive behavior, self-destructiveness, and taking two steps forward and one step backwards, all of which serve egotistical drives that rip through the social fabric of society, leaving the world battle worn and fatigued from fighting inter-personal conflicts and social clashes.


According to Dr. Daniel Amin, the frontal lobe of the brain is responsible for higher functions such as spirituality, love, compassion, critical thinking, etc. Thus, poor or impaired frontal lobe activity is associated with weakened ability to reason, poor socialization skills, difficulty communicating and getting along with others, erratic behavior, violence, chaos, moodiness, depression, and a host of undesirable traits that render the world an unsafe and stressful place to inhabit (Amin). Impaired frontal lobe function is also directly associated with alcohol and drug addiction, cigarette smoking, brain injuries, poor or deficient diets, fluoride and chlorine, all of which create perfect breeding grounds for parasites, bacteria and viruses who use toxic heavy metals from these substances to build biofilms around themselves to avoid detection by the immune system and to evade antibiotics. Moreover, 80% of mental illnesses are caused by parasites in the brain. Nexus Magazine ran an article titled MICRO-ORGANISMS AND MENTAL ILLNESS by Frank Strick in its June-July 2004 issue, Volume 11, Number 4 revealing that “many mental illnesses seem to involve an associated infection by bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites, but can be relieved when these invaders are properly identified and eliminated.” That is information is probably the best case I can offer for one doing regular colon, parasite and Candida cleanses.

Dr. Hawkins’ work reveals that the brains of those vibrating below 200 operate in a linear fashion that inhibits them from grasping non-linear concepts like quantum physics or some metaphysical concepts that tend to get dismissed or invalidated by those with diminished frontal lobe activity. It also explains why quantum physics, the non-linear realm of infinite possibilities, is difficult for most in the 78 percentile (who are below the level of courage and integrity) to grasp; it is more readily understood by those vibrating above 200 who already have the capacity for non-linear thinking.


Millions who are beginning to wake up want to do better, yet simply cannot do better because of the ubiquity of bad food; it is everywhere; it is cheap; it is convenient; and, it is appealing to the eye. Few can resist it. Other reasons include:

• It is inconvenient and expensive to eat live foods in that there is a dearth of live/raw food restaurants versus the wealth of “dead food” restaurants, not to mention convenience stores, fast food restaurants and gas stations on every corner over stocked with foods that feed parasites and starve the host. No wonder we are the fattest and unhealthiest nation in the world.

• Social pressure is subtle yet insidious in that processed and/or dead foods are the food of choice at social functions, public restaurants and fast food establishments.

• Most people eat on the run to and from work and find themselves faced with choices between bad and “badder” food.

• Millions who believe it would be easier to donate a kidney than make a drastic dietary lifestyle change to live foods.

• Fear of ridicule, social ostracism, or being different which reminds me of the unconscious subjects in the fairy tale The Emperor’s New Clothes who did not have the courage to speak the truth to the king; they went along with the con, just like the foolish king. I have always been like the boy in the fairy tale who shouted into the crowd: “Look, the emperor has no clothes on.” This tendency is not inviting to Egoists who are allergic to the truth because it deals a death blow to their egos. In his essay on “Self Reliance,” I share Emerson’s sentiments:

I ought to speak the rude truth in all ways … If you are noble, I will love you; if you are not, I will not hurt you and myself by hypocritical attentions. If you are true, but not in the same truth with me, cleave to your companions; I will seek my own. I do this not selfishly, but humbly and truly. It is alike your interest, and mine, and all men’s, however long we have dwelt in lies, to live in truth … If we follow the truth, it will bring us safe at last.

• People work long hours that drain them of energy and create stress which leaves them disinclined to run to several stores to make meals at home. For instance, I go to Whole Foods, Trader Joes, the farmer’s market, and an Asian market once or twice a week to stock up on young coconuts, organic veggies, condiments and natural vitamin and mineral supplements.

• In reality, it takes time to establish a new routine, to reorganize the kitchen and get into the habit of preparing meals at home when it is so much easier to pull into a drive through restaurant and have someone hand you your meal already prepared. Thus, I keep meals simple and eat basically the same menus everyday for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I vary ingredients according to the season and the meal.

• Many believe that they lack knowledge or ability to prepare palatable fresh meals on a daily basis when, in reality, the recipes are simple and the basic equipment minimal. A one day class in raw/live food preparation can get one up and going. (For more information, see PART II, which includes recipes and suggestions for meals).

• Restaurants and coffee shops are where people date, conduct business meetings, write, work away from the office on their laptops, or socialize over food and drink. Just look at the popularity of Starbucks. I do my writing at Starbucks versus home. Overall, I give Starbucks four stars out of five for their forward movement in the direction of conscious food selections, particularly in light of their foundation which is steeped in addictive substances like white sugar and caffeine. Still, they have been ahead of the game in offering soy milk, honey, and raw sugar. In keeping with that trend, Starbucks now offers packaged salads, fresh fruit, and yogurt (even if it does have jam in it). I realize the following ideas are progressive and ahead of the crowd, but why not offer real raw cacao, raw milk, raw yogurt without the sugary jam and raw kefir, (both are filled with live probiotics); raw cream cheese; and raw mozzarella instead of aged cheeses, which are made with mold; or coffee substitutes like chicory and dandelion? Or how about salads with arugula and cilantro, since they kill parasites while cleansing the liver? And it would be extra nice if they offered gluten free, raw desserts sweetened with agave or stevia. Starbucks would pull in a whole new crowd of people who cannot eat desserts with wheat gluten, sweetened with white sugar, or dangerous sugar substitutes.

• The point is, we all have a voice and everyone can respectfully request that local food and entertainment establishments include healthier food choices. For instance, if enough people complained to movie theaters about them not have a single healthy food choice on their menu that a diabetic, someone with hypertension, or heart disease could eat, not to mention the deadly diet drinks with aspartame that, even though it does not spike blood sugar levels, it is actually more deadly than white, refined sugar. Even the bottled water is acidic, unless they carry Fiji, Icelandic, or other alkaline water choices. The public must first become conscious about what healthy food is vs. convincing themselves that dead food is somehow “healthy.” In fact, most people are unaware that carbs such as breads (including pizza, pastries, pretzels, pasta, or any flour product), popcorn, tortilla chips, French fries, potato chips, etc., all convert into sugar. Thus, the combination of carbs, candy, ice cream, sugary drinks or deadly diet drinks served at movie theaters and fast food establishments equal a total menu of sugar. That’s it. Nor do most people know that a very large percentage of the population happen to be gluten intolerant which prevents them from properly digesting the wheat in bread and pasta. And, of course, they have no clue that sugar feeds Candida, yeast, mold and fungi. (For more information, read Chapter 4).

• The average person is unaware that parasites, yeast, mold and fungus secrete a substance that compels them to eat dead, processed, acidic foods since such creatures cannot thrive on clean, alkaline foods like fresh vegetables, raw nuts, fresh or dried fruits, and whole grains. Parasites need highly acidic foods like dead meat, processed flours and sugars, and fried or baked goods, which nurture anaerobic creatures while depriving the body of vital nutrients.

• The fact that parasites, yeast, mold and fungus require heavy metals to build biofilms around their bodies to evade our immune system is virtually unknown to the public who cook or drink from containers made of toxic metals like aluminum and nickel, (yes, even stainless steel pots have nickel in them) not to mention the mercury in tooth fillings, the lead in gasoline and paints, and the chlorine in public water, etc.

• Most have never done a heavy metal cleanse and are unaware that they can take EDTA magnesium suppositories to pull heavy metals out of the body.

• The general public is told by most traditional doctors that colonics, enemas and detoxes are dangerous, while encouraging consumption of dead, devitalized foods and prescription drugs that damage and clog up the colon, preventing regular peristalsis of the bowels after each meal. Granted, it would not be necessary to do enemas, colonics and douches if most people’s immune systems were not compromised by having taken manmade antibiotics or birth control pills. (See Chapter 4)

• The average individual has no idea that he/she has to clear out the mucoid plaque in the intestines and colon (using bentonite clay, which has a negative charge that attaches itself to the plaque and pulls it out) to restore proper assimilation of nutrients and healthy bowel function. (See “Bentonite Clay” and “Detox”).

• Government subsidy of foods that are bad for the body, such as corn, used to make corn oil, high fructose corn syrup, and to feed cattle, render subsidized crops cheap and affordable for the public. Government subsidies also make processed, junk foods ubiquitous, convenient and available on almost every commercial street corner;

• Everyone can plant fruit trees, learn hydroponic gardening indoors with grow lights, create community gardens in the backyards of family and friends, or cultivate patio gardens in condos and apartments to offset the inconvenience and the cost of eating organic produce.


There are multifarious forms of addictions (other than drugs, alcohol, or smoking) which include addictions to dead, processed carbs, sugars and meats, all of which involve withdrawals, just like any other kind of addiction. Years ago, I discovered that I was allergic to wheat, as are millions of people, so I gave up wheat products first: breads, cereals, pastries, and pasta. Even so, I kidded myself for a long time that I could eat an occasional slice of sourdough bread because it was fermented and the fermentation process changed the gluten and sugar in the wheat to make it less painful for my body. I was only deluding myself. Eventually, I had to decide that the pain wasn’t worth the small pleasure of an occasional slice of bread. The delicious substitutes that got me through the withdrawals were flax seed crackers and dehydrated onion bread made from flax seeds, sunflower seeds, yellow onions, olive oil, and raw Nama Shoyu soy sauce, which is the only soy product I consume. Most soy is genetically modified or highly processed (See Part II, Recipes).

Giving up meat entirely was easy for me. It had no painful withdrawals in that I had no emotional attachments to meat. But carbs and sugars, (specifically, oatmeal and fruits) now, that proved to be something else altogether; they were my crack cocaine. I have found that, depending on the person’s blood type, it is easier for them to give up one or the other: meat or carbs. Giving up one tends to be a breeze, whereas, giving up both at once is akin to climbing Mount Everest.


It was not until I embarked upon a 30 day Candida cleanse, with no carbs (to starve the yeast, mold and fungus in my system), that I understood how powerful parasites are; the potent emotional and psychic component of food; and why so many are enslaved by food addictions. I thought that because I had given up processed flour, processed sugars and starches years ago and no longer ate them, that giving up unprocessed sugars like raw agave, raw honey and maple syrup would be a breeze. Boy was I wrong. The first two weeks on the no carb diet, I felt like a crack head scrounging around looking for something to satisfy my craving for mangos, dried fruits, and raw chocolate nutrition bars. There seemed to be a huge void in my meals. Even though I ate a high protein, healthy-fat diet designed to regenerate my liver, which consisted of salads like kale, arugula, cilantro, cabbage, lamb’s lettuce, mixed greens; avocadoes; raw walnuts, sesame, hemp and flax seeds; olives; raw mozzarella cheese; raw cream and raw kefir, I felt incomplete without a sweet. And that’s the painful truth.

While on the no carbs diet, I tried ruby red grapefruits as a fruit substitute, since they are low in sugar. The grapefruits helped, but I could not make myself eat more than one a day. In my pantry was a selection of dried, low sugar fruits like pomegranates, cranberries, gogi berries and Inca/Golden berries, (the latter are more tart than sweet). I began sprinkling them in small amounts in my salad. At that point, it became clear to me that all five taste buds (bitter, sweet, sour, pungent, and spicy) needed to be appeased in order for me to feel satisfied after a meal, which explains why I began to feel content after eating a salad that included a bit of dried, fruits that were low in sugar.


I am well aware that giving up all carbs and sugars is an impossible task for most people, including myself. Thanks to Candida, I was compelled to come up with a way to continue eating my delicious chocolate, meal replacement bars. As a result, I revamped my recipe and created a unique, cutting edge, meal replacement cookie that burns fat, metabolizes protein, provides pre-biotiocs, kills fungi, reinstates the self destruct mechanism to destroy rogue cells like cancer, has proven anti-aging and anti-oxidant ingredients, and tastes so decadent it should be a sin, yet isn’t. It is also alkaline and bursting with the flavors of acai, pomegranates, gogi berries, Inca berries, blueberries, and super greens. It has a natural anti aging ingredient proven to prevent wrinkles caused by sugar consumption. The bar also provides clean protein from hemp, flax seeds, sesame seeds, and walnuts (brain food) along with essential fatty acids from coconut flakes.

Pretty People Product’s Chocolate Un-Cookie™ is a dream bar that is convenient for those on the run; individuals increasing their intake of live foods; frequent travelers; work out buffs; and those suffering from yeast mold and fungi related diseases such as Candida, diabetes, heart disease, or cancer. I named my company Pretty People Products in honor of my cousin, Jeanie Morgan Christopher, who commented, when I shared my gourmet raw food with her that I was eating “Pretty People Food” as she sat munching on pizza and ice cream. My son, Salim, came up with the name “Un-cookie.”

How does the Un-Cookie™ work? Parasites, such as yeast, mold and fungi tend to be the foundation for 80% of all diseases. As pointed out earlier, they are quite crafty in mutating, cross breeding, building immunity to antibiotics, and constructing biofilms to hide from the immune system. Thus, a sneak attack must be set to trap them at the point where they are most vulnerable: when they open up their impenetrable biofilm walls to eat. Since their cell walls are made of sugar, they need it to thrive. Thus, their weakness is sugar. The Un-Cookie™ combines the natural, low glycemic sugar in agave with super alkaline ingredients like bicarbonate of soda (baking soda), super greens, antioxidants, multiple fungi destroying ingredients that work synergistically to create a powerful sneak attack that kills fungi while they are busy feasting on the sweets. In that parasites cannot survive in an alkaline environment, the super alkalinity of the bar adds a final death blow. Moreover, the inulin in the bar is a prebiotic used for over a century to treat diabetics. Agave Inulin stabilizes blood sugar, burns fat, metabolizes protein, and provides dietary fiber. More importantly, Pretty People Products Un-Cookie™ nutrition bar is a major step in the direction toward regaining sovereignty over one’s body without feeling deprived of foods that tempt the taste buds and satisfy all five senses.

In addition to supplementing one’s diet with the Un-Cookie™ meal replacement bar, there are other inexpensive protocols that help combat fungi based diseases. For instance: Those with an over-growth of Candida, diabetes, heart disease, lupus, cancer, or other fungi based diseases can take daily doses of baking soda and molasses or Candida fighting products such as Threelac or Ellagica. See Chapter 4 for recipes and more details.

• Baking soda and molasses kill fungi through high alkalinity by utilizing sugar as a trap that tricks the fungi into opening their cell walls to eat the sugar.

• Threelac works by introducing three strands of friendly bacteria that act as soldiers who seek out and destroy the invaders.

• Ellagica, which contains ellagic acid, is made from a concentration of raspberries and other natural fungicides. It has an impressive success rate in clinical trials for treating fungal based conditions like cancer. It works by uncoiling the DNA of fungi, who cannot reproduce once the DNA is uncoiled. Ellagica is available through .

Taking any of these products daily has the added benefit of allowing suffers of fungal related diseases to eat healthy carbs such as whole grains, agave, and fresh or dried low sugar fruits like berries and melons. All refined sugars and refined carbs must be eliminated, however, to get Candida under control and to stimulate a regrowth of healthy bacteria in the digestive tract/gut. Mother nature designed the gut to act as the secondary immune system specifically to destroy fungi since the primary immune system (our blood cells) work overtime to protect the body from bacteria, virus infections, etc.


It’s amazing how we have to remind ourselves of what we already know. Moreover, it has been eye opening to notice how easily we will discard our own common sense in favor of “new research” before we fully understand it based on our own research. For instance, at one point, I quit taking my Coral Min calcium/magnesium (a high grade powdered supplement that dissolves instantly in water, after hearing a lecture on how we did not need to take calcium because it can cause arthritis. When I did further research, however, I found that this is only partially true. Microscopic parasites, yeast, mold, fungi, etc. will leach calcium to use as a binding agent along with heavy metals and toxic waste in order to build biofilms that will allow them to hide from the immune system. Ultimately, these slimy biofilms harden and sharpen into concrete like shells that cause considerable pain in joints and muscles.

What I discovered is that the solution is not to stop taking calcium. The body needs calcium and magnesium in fairly large and regular doses to alkalinize the body (calcium) and magnesium to replenish the adrenal glands. Our adrenals are continually depleted by ongoing stress levels that ignite the “fight or flight” mechanism. The body is not designed to handle stress on a daily basis. Thus, the solution is not to quit taking calcium, but to cleanse the body of heavy metals and toxic waste so that parasites cannot leach calcium to use as binding agents to create biofilms. More importantly, the body not only needs calcium to alkalinize itself from the constant drain on its calcium reserves caused by unremitting levels of stress, but to curb the body’s craving for sweets. Naturally, when I resumed taking Coral Min calcium/magnesium supplement my cravings for sugar disappeared. Moreover, we need additional magnesium to calm the body so that it can rest and replenish the adrenal glands.


During my withdrawal period from eating a diet that was 75% fruits, I began to ask myself, “Who is really in control of my body … me … or the billions of prehistoric, alien-looking creatures such as tape worms, intestinal flukes, bacteria, yeast, mold, fungi and viruses? The pathetic truth is that I was being pimped by prehistoric creatures who outnumbered me by the millions. Even though I was aware that sugar binds with proteins and hardens into wrinkles, I had to “experience” them happening, especially around my laugh lines, before getting motivated enough to turn the situation around. That is when I made a resolution not to continue feeding and hosting creatures who had invaded, taken over and were defiling my temple inside and were now beginning to deface my face on the outside. They reminded me of relatives who come to visit for a month, then before you know it, six months have passed and they’re all but moved in. But the worst part is that your house is a wreck and you don’t even recognize it anymore because they’ve taken over.

Ultimately, I decided that the best plan of action was to entice the yeast, mold and fungi to move out on their own by starving them; eviction can turn into a fight and there were way more of them than me. It seemed wiser to take the slower, more methodical approach of modifying the terrain to make it unpleasant, uncomfortable and imminently unsafe for them to remain inside of me.


It was during the time I was on my 30 day no carb diet (including no fruits) and struggling with getting past my craving for sweets, that I developed a healthy respect for the intelligence of parasites, creatures we basically give little or no thought to while they move in unannounced, take over residence, then slowly turn our bodies into toxic waste dumps. In due course, our bodies and minds end up betraying us by constantly going along with the incessant demands of parasites to be fed the foods that age us, create dis-ease, make us feel bad and behave badly.

My work with clients, family, and college students struggling with food, alcohol, cigarette and drug addictions reveals that when they remove parasites, heavy metals, yeast, mold and fungus, and switch to an alkaline diet, that such individuals experience improvements in all areas of life, mentally, physically, financially, spiritually and relationally.


While restricting caloric intake does increase one’s lifespan (studies show that those at or below the mass body index for their height live 30% longer) many who are trying to lose weight cannot because they are vitamin and mineral deficient from eating processed, chemical laden foods with artificial ingredients, or food that is dead and devoid of live vitamins or amino acids, all of which are acidic, accelerate the aging process, cause flabby, sagging skin, are highly addictive and contribute to chaotic and/or destructive behavior and moodiness. Moreover, dead food, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, solvents (in nail polish remover, most house hold cleansers, gasoline, etc.), inadequate hydration, lack of simple exercise like walking and less than 5 hours of sleep at night will constrict the flow of blood to the brain, shrink the brain and damage the neurotransmitters, not to mention that toxic substances contribute to the proliferation of parasites, yeast, mold and fungus.

In that the brain is the operating system that jump-starts and manages the functioning of the entire body, those in control of their right minds would not persist in sabotaging or overriding their internal programming. Yet that is exactly what billions of people around the planet are doing everyday as they puff on cigarettes, take drugs (prescription and illicit) or overdose on coffee and dead food. This dilemma is a clear indicator of who is really in control of human bodies. It is obvious that parasitic, prehistoric creatures are holding the masses hostage to their addictions. The sad part is that they don’t even know it and those who do, cannot help themselves, which is why gathering research and current information is of utmost importance. Moreover, support systems of conscious individuals modeling a new lifestyle are also vital, as is making live foods ubiquitous and convenient for public consumption. All are critical elements in alleviating the unmitigated and unnecessary suffering of the masses who do not know that they do not know.


The good news is that the brain has the ability to create new neuropath ways once an individual stops damaging it and gives the body proper brain nutrition such as fresh blueberries, walnuts, avocadoes, spinach, oranges, omega 3 oils, SAM-E, (a natural amino acid compound that enhances neurotransmitter levels and increases serotonin input to the brain); at least 5 hours of rest a night; engages in simple exercise, like walking and taking the stairs, and continues to learn new things that challenge the brain (Amin). I would add to Dr. Daniel Amin’s suggestions in his book Change Your Brain, Change Your Life, the importance of ayurvedic or holistic herbs such as sheliajit, bacopa, macuna, holy basis (i.e. tulsi), inulin, and natural antibiotics like colloidal silver, EDTA magnesium suppositories, which are a form of chelation therapy, and herbal detoxes for the liver, kidneys and colon (See Chapter 4).


As quiet as it is kept, all one has to do is observe what a person eats or drinks and the activities that person engages in regularly to get an idea of how functional that individual’s brain is or the range of that person’s emotional, spiritual or Intellectual IQ. It would be inane to expect someone whose idea of a great evening is watching mindless, superficial television programs while gorging on sugary and/or processed junk food, meat and carbs, or drugs to offer much in the way of meaningful intellectual, spiritual, or emotional stimulation. Even those born at a high level of consciousness, who are damaging their brains and bodies with toxic substances, will not be able to apply in their own lives the higher level of insights they may offer. And, any insights they are able to offer will be inconsistent or questionable at best. Moreover, do not expect those with pineal glands shrunken from the size of a walnut to a pea (that would be most of the masses) from fluoride and chlorine, to be consistently tapped in and tuned into their higher selves. Sure, anything is possible and can happen, but toxic individuals are not clear channels for the Divine to follow through at consistently high levels of frequency. The bottom line, however, is that relationships with them tend to be disastrous in that they then to “swim around in an ocean of knowledge without an ounce of wisdom,” as Benjamin Steward reminds viewers in his film Kymatica.


Indeed, doing my part to assist in the awakening of diverse groups of college students, who hail from all around the globe, is a joy and an amazing journey even amidst resistance from the old guard whose egos keep them from embracing the wisdom of Emerson’s admonition that: “Envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better, for worse, as his portion; that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till.”

Unfortunately, instead of Ego driven individuals focusing on becoming better at what they do, they seek to harm the object of their envy through maliciousness, lies or deceit, unable to see that anything that harms another harms them since we are all one.


Like Emerson, “I am ashamed to think how easily [others] capitulate to badges … and dead institutions.” Even though witch hunts are alive and well in the 21st century, not only on the campus where I teach, but on campuses throughout the U.S., I cannot capitulate to “badges or dead institutions.” I also know that “freedom ain’t free.” Most are unwilling to pay the price of rejection by the status quo.

Most choose to go along to get along because they have forgotten the ancient wisdom of Hermes Trismegistus who posed the rhetorical question, “Know ye not that ye are gods?” This question points to a sacred truth all avatars have spoken: our minds were created in the image of god. The problem is humankind has forgotten they are divine. Sai Baba says that “man minus ego = God.

Dr. David Hawkins predicts that all institutions out of integrity with honesty and truth will fail. Gandhi brought down the British Empire because he stood on truth which represents real power. The British empire used force to rule the world. History has proven that even as the Roman Empire and Alexander the Great fell, so too must all institutions fail that are not serving the higher good of humanity. It is inevitable that they must make room for a new world order, but not the one that Bush and the Illuminati envision. This one is a world without control, free of ego driven rules and limiting boundaries.

Dan Brown states in his book The Symbol that “truth has power. And if we all gravitate toward similar ideas, maybe we do so because those ideas are true … written deep within us. And when we hear the truth, even if we don’t understand it, we feel that truth resonate within us … vibrating with our unconscious wisdom. Perhaps the truth is not learned by us, but rather the truth is re-called … re-remembered …re-cognized … as that which is already inside us.”

When one takes into consideration that so called “progress” has not increased humanity’s lifespan nor improved its health, even with all of the amazing inventions of the industrial revolution, change is overdue, in order and greatly needed. Granted, better sanitation and the use of antibiotics are responsible for the rise in mortality rates from contagious diseases that used to wipe out millions. Unfortunately, that is about the best that can be said for the technological revolution which has created every kind of physical, material, mental or emotional addiction imaginable. Moreover, manmade antibiotics turned out to be a double edged sword because they kill off friendly bacteria, often causing more deadly, resistant strands to develop.


Do not even expect those addicted to doom and gloom or fear mongering to help anyone find their way out of the Matrix. Such individuals are as yet unaware that they are still plugged in or that their fear is actually food for the machines. I honor the wisdom in the old adage “let sleeping dogs lie,” which is why Morpheus, in The Matrix movie, warns Neo that the people still plugged into the Matrix are a part of the system of control, which makes them dangerous; they will fight to the death to defend the very system that is exploiting and using them for energy. Thus, I advise clients and students to focus on themselves versus trying to wake people up who would rather be asleep. When those that are asleep wake up and see the new found light shining through, they will ask “how did you do it?” That is the time to offer advice/assistance, when they ask, because only then are they ready to accept it.

The sad part is, most people believe they already know everything. They are all too quick to announce: “I know that,” believing that superficial knowledge alone is sufficient to change their lives. I love Anthony Robbins’ response: He says that they don’t know anything until they have taken what they “think” they know and applied it in a meaningful way to improve their lives. For me, that is the real meaning of wisdom: application of knowledge. An obvious example of this mentality would be the millions of people wanting to lose weight who know that all it takes is reducing their intake of empty calories and increasing their exercise, yet continue to feed the parasites that thrive off of dead food and excessive empty calories.

So, don’t waste time trying to drag, prod, push or coerce loved ones along on your journey, and never when they come along kicking and screaming. It is not necessary. Honoring the body temple is a singular path. The good news is that the decision to embark on this “magnificent journey” to physical, emotional and spiritual freedom requires focusing only on one’s self in that one individual’s freedom from attachments and addictions positively impacts everyone in the quantum field around them through precept and example.


The striking difference in individuals after detoxing and changing to a natural, live/raw food diet is often so remarkable it is like meeting a new person. In truth, that person is made new in that cleansing the body temple and meeting its need for live nutrition makes room for the higher self to shine through. While I am not saying that one cannot transcend to higher levels of consciousness on a poor diet (there are exceptions to every rule), what is important to point out is that higher level spiritual traditions do incorporate fasting (i.e., the Christian tradition of Lent with 40 days of fasting, although not adhered to in the traditional sense, still exists) to cleanse the body and encourage dietary modifications that include giving up meat, as did the Hindus and ancient Essenes (of whom Christ, Abraham and Moses received spiritual training). Both are vegetarian and believe in letting “milk be your meat.” The problem with today’s Hindu diet is the British influence ended up killing the nutrition in Indian food by encouraging over cooking it and pasteurizing all dairy products.

It is interesting to notice that many who embark upon a strict spiritual path and reach high levels of consciousness often do so to the detriment of their body temples by forsaking proper nutrition. Their bodies tend to age, breakdown and decay quickly. An interesting irony is the fact that they tend not to care about the body temple because their focus is primarily on the spiritual. In fact, they tend to see the physical body as temporal, speak often of physical death and look forward to shedding their physical bodies so as to move into higher levels of consciousness within non physical realms.

I find it rather incongruent that even though all of the spiritual traditions speak of “ascended masters” and “immortality” with examples of avatars who mastered ascension and were able to materialize and de-materialize their bodies, including Christ, that this teaching tends to be totally over-looked by the masses as well as most on spiritual paths. Moreover, today’s cutting edge research on anti-aging and longevity clearly indicate there is no reason for humanity to “invite” aging, disease and suffering; it is not necessary, and is avoidable through proper nutrition and diet. Further, it puzzles me how much many of the spiritual masters I meet look forward to physical death and shedding their physical bodies, as if they are a burden, when many wisdom schools teach ascension and mastery over the body.

It is even more quirky to observe how unconsciously humanity buys into the “collective death urge” by unwittingly celebrating aging; focusing on age consciousness; preparing for death; referring to themselves as “old;” or by using terms such as “years remaining.” I am even more baffled by the disconnect between aging, disease, premature death and diet. Such unawareness leads me to appreciate the wisdom of my eighth grade science teacher, Mrs. O’Banion, who told us that we “dig our graves with our teeth.” It made sense to me back then and makes even more sense to me today in light of the plethora of longevity and anti-aging research available today.

What I know to be true is that helping clients raise their consciousness becomes infinitely easier and their path or purpose becomes a lot clearer after cleansing their brains and bodies of the worms, parasites, fungi, yeast, intestinal plaque, and heavy metals that have literally been fogging their brains and eating away at their happiness, energy levels and health. Moreover, feeding the body live foods helps neurotransmitters in the brain to connect and fire correctly, improving their ability to analyze, think critically, and act in harmony with their higher self.

Gandhi said that the way to save the world is to begin by saving oneself. The wisdom of this adage is the fact that Dr. David Hawkins’ work, along with examples of individuals like Gandhi and King, whose high levels of consciousness inspired and automatically raised the level of consciousness of the whole world, attests to the fact that the work one person does to raise his/her level of consciousness can and does make a difference in the quantum field. People in the East have always understood this fact as attested to by them taking care of those who dedicated their lives to meditation with the intention of reaching enlightenment. That is because the East is aware that one person reaching enlightenment benefits everyone as attested to by Dr. David Hawkins’ research in his book Power vs. Force.



• It is difficult to rise above the level of addiction to bad food, drugs, alcohol, drama, etc. while depriving the body of essential amino acids, or vitamins and minerals that aid in brain function while eating processed food with chemicals and additives or dead foods that have no live nutritional content from being cooked at temperatures above 117ºF.

• It is also difficult to move to higher levels of consciousness in a polluted body full of Candida yeast fungus, parasites, heavy metals, intestinal plaque, or intestinal blockages.

• Damaged or impaired frontal lobe brain function is associated with weakened ability to reason, poor socialization skills, difficulty communicating and getting along with others, erratic behavior, violence, chaos, moodiness, and depression. Moreover, frontal lobe damage is linked to alcohol and drug addiction and deficient diets.

• Substances that damage the brain, shrink it or restrict the flow of oxygen include: injuries to the brain, solvents, toxic fumes (paint thinners, gasoline, etc), smoking, caffeine, drugs (illicit and prescription), parasites, bacteria, viruses, anesthesia, alcohol, insufficient sleep, food additives and preservatives, processed and foods with radiation.

• Things that improve and/or repair damaged neurotransmitter functions in the brain and increase serotonin or endorphin levels are: fulvic acid, bacopa, macuna, SAM-E (amino acids that increase serotonin levels and brain function), blueberries, avocadoes, omega 3 oils (fish oils, flax seed oils, borage oil), fresh spinach, fresh oranges, walnuts, sheliajit, inulin, colloidal silver, detoxing with EDTA, at least five hours of sleep a night, new learning, exercise, new dance choreography, classical music and love songs, communing with nature.

• Read Dr. David Hawkins’ books Transcending the Levels of Consciousness and Power vs. Force for detailed information on how to move beyond fear, addiction and reliance on force (all calibrated below 200) into the realm of real power which resides at levels above 200 (the level of courage, honesty and integrity).

• Everything that vibrates below 200 is harmful to the individual, those around him/her and to the planet. Levels below 200 (shame, apathy, fear, desire, anger, pride) serve the ego. Levels above 200 serve society and lead to real power.




Everything can wait except your search for Enlightenment. – Paramahansa Yogananda

Once we know that we are not at the mercy of events beyond our control, but are indeed drawing the blueprint for those events with our thoughts, attitudes and beliefs, we will begin to take very seriously the responsibility each of us has for our part as co-author’s in this “movie” we call life ... We are awakening individually and collectively to the realization that we are responsible through our actions and choices for setting the stage for parallel efforts on the part of those within our sphere of influence. When we understand that the magnitude of the difference we are able to make lies in direct proportion to the degree in which we are able to practice integrity with our word, we will then teach what we know by practicing what we know. – Mark Daniels, Co-Founder, Earth Shift Project

Why are you denying or accepting something based on the suggestion of another? Information is information. Not following the herd is your responsibility. Be not dependent on the approval of others. Making a conscious decision to do what is right everyday and questioning everything is true Divinity. There are no laws of nature, just habits. – Benjamin Stewart, Producer, Kymatica 2009


According to the Mayan Calendar, there is a timetable for the evolution of human consciousness. In that the ego has been the primary impediment to the evolution of human consciousness, it stands to reason that humankind will not be able to evolve to higher levels of consciousness with the ego blinding and binding it every step of the way. The Mayan belief system maintains that “Maya” or the world of illusion, as represented by the ego, must be replaced with awareness of the truth of its divine nature, which will restore humanity to its original state of grace. The good news is that consciousness is rising, according to Dr. David Hawkins, and humanity is beginning to awaken, almost en mass. By simply sitting still and observing through the heart, one can feel a quickening, an urge, a movement in the direction of an age old yearning to return to humanity’s original state of grace and oneness with the Divine. Again, the greatest obstacle in the way of this awakening is the mind control methods of the ego and its minions, a multifarious array of parasites that keep people embedded in addictions and dysfunctional behavior that is self defeating at best.

It is, therefore, essential that those desirous of transcending to higher levels of consciousness practice the discipline of taking responsibility for detoxification and nurturance of their body temples in that, as a species, we have arrived at the most propitious time in the evolution of history as we complete an approximate 13,000 year cycle of darkness that comprises half of a 26,000 year Grand Cycle ending December 21, 2012. On the winter equinox of 2012, the universe will celebrate entering a new 13,000 year cycle of light through an auspicious alignment of the sun and all of the planets in the solar system with the center of the Milky Way Galaxy.

No one can be sure of anything other than the fact that the most accurate and most sophisticated calendar in the world ends on December 12, 2012. It is interesting to note, however, that every sacred text speaks of an “end time,” “end of days,” or a “judgment day,” while indigenous tribes and the Bible both speak of a forthcoming “new world.” Though, no one knows anything for certain, what we do know and can perceive with our senses is that things are changing at a fast pace, including economics, weather, and people. Furthermore, time appears to be speeding up while the weather is doing its own thing: spring is no longer spring and winter is no longer winter in areas that once had definite delineations of seasons.

An exciting aspect of these changes is that we appear to be witnessing the death throes of the Ego with its attendant karma and drama as humanity consciously and unconsciously prepares itself for a quantum leap in its evolutionary journey as we approach an end to linear time while we transition into the eternal now or timelessness. In The Light Body DVD, J. J. Hurtak speaks of a return of the light body once the other 10 strands of our 12 strand DNA are reactivated, along with the merkaba which is composed of the 7 chakras along the spine and the other five that surround the body’s energy field, as depicted by the circle around Leonardo de Vinci’s Vetruvian Man. Today, scientists have no explanation for the reactivation, in some children, of more than the standard 2 strains of our 12 strand DNA. For thousands of years, the other 10 strands have remained dormant in all but avatars. Sound like science fiction? Truth is often stranger than fiction. Consider that many of the once futuristic concepts debuted in Star Trek back in the 60’s have become reality today.

Another phenomena many are beginning to experience is the fifth dimensional violet ray. The great 19th century healer, Edgar Casey, often used a violet ray in many of his treatments. The return of the violet ray is designed to heal old emotional wounds and illusions of separation, to assist in the evolution of those on the path to higher consciousness. It is also here to assist in reactivating the other 10 strands of our dormant DNA which scientists refer to as “junk DNA.” Science’s ongoing refusal to acknowledge the existence of anything beyond the physical or what is considered acceptable within the status quo, keeps many of them stuck at the level of reason, which registers at 400 on a scale of 0-1000 on Dr. David Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness. At that level, most scientists remain unable to connect with the unified field of consciousness, even though quantum physicists have proven that a quantum field of unlimited possibilities exists. The problem is that most humans are not utilizing sufficient brain capacity to tap into the unlimited possibilities available within the quantum field. My daughter reminded me the other day how I have always been years ahead of my time by refusing to buy into limited thinking. Now that she is waking up, she is amused by how opposed she used to be to my belief that anything one could conceive could be achieved. Direct experience made her a believer after she stepped out of the mind grip of consensus thinking.

We were blessed to be able to capture a spectacular video of The Fifth Dimensional Violet Ray in the shape of a cross during a trip I took with a small group to Mt. Shasta, a sacred energy vortex in Northern California that attracts light workers. At Medicine Lake (aka Crystal Lake) near Mt. Shasta, we formed a circle, held hands, and we each gave thanks. I gave thanks to St. Germaine, guardian of the violet ray and asked that we be blessed with the gift of a sign of his presence. I then gave the Oneness Blessing to each person in the circle. Afterwards, everyone posed for pictures in front of the lake. All of a sudden, an eagle appeared out of nowhere, glided down close to us, made a complete circle over our heads, flew up to join a second eagle, then a third eagle. The three of them formed a triangle then disappeared. In our excitement, we were only able to capture two of the eagles in formation, but we did capture the violet ray in the spectacular image of a cross. Those who have viewed the video point out interesting images in the cloud formations by zooming in on them. Go to my website at and click on “Miracle at Mount Shasta” to see both videos and decide for yourself what to make of it.

To lead the way into the Age of Aquarius, remarkable children have been born who are operating on more strands of their DNA than we are. They are also utilizing a larger percentage of their brains than the rest of the population who appear to be using 100% of their brains to maintain the collective illusion that we are only capable of using less than 10% of our brains. These children have amazing abilities that heretofore have only been displayed by avatars. For instance, some can heal diseases; see without aid of eyes; read minds; and perform superhuman feats like characters in an “X-Men” movie. Sound like science fiction? Again, truth is stranger than fiction. However, the spiritual texts of the world all teach the same truth. In fact, the most recent of the avatars, Christ, predicted that “a child will lead them all.” He also states that “unless you become as little children, you will not inherit the kingdom of heaven” which he pointed out was “within.” Christ also told us that the things he did, “even greater things you will do.” He was right, the Crystal Children, Rainbow Children, and Indigo Children are doing just that. A recent book titled Conversations With Children of Now by Meg Blackburn Losey, MscD, PhD, coined a new title for these kids: “Children of Now” which is fitting in that they live in the present moment or the timeless now. China was the first country to study these remarkable children and to create special schools for them. Now Mexico has followed suit. Books and documentaries have been made about China’s super psychic children who can now be found all over the world.

The Indigo children are older and have less dramatic psychic abilities in that they came first (in the 50’s during the McCarthy era where they would have been burned as witches had they come with the same abilities as the children today) to pave the way for the super psychic children of now. Some of these children have no label yet; they are immune to every disease known to man and their DNA has activated (or mutated) to the point where it is no longer human. Read about these children who are immune to all disease in Drumvalo Melchizedek’s book Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life. Indeed, the egotistical forces of darkness, now ruling the planet, would prefer mass ignorance of such phenomena. But another interesting fact prevents widespread knowledge or understanding of such things: diminished or impaired frontal lobe function from shrunken pineal glands caused by fluoride, chlorine and garlic, as pointed out earlier in this book. Granted, garlic is a broad spectrum antibiotic, however, many Chinese and Tibetan traditions avoid using garlic because it shrinks the pineal gland. There are other natural, broad-spectrum antibiotics listed in this book that do not shrink the pineal gland.


This book is designed to help prepare the body emotionally and physically for the current changes happening and for changes to come. Detoxifying, freeing oneself of harmful addictions, and raising one’s level of consciousness will help prevent fragmentation of the psyche into what enlightened scientists are terming “terminal madness of the end times” as we transition from linear time into “The Eternal Now.” This transition from Linear time is essential in that linear time is a concept constructed by the ego to keep humanity from the only time that exists, the present moment, which, ironically, is the one place where the ego cannot exist. Emerson was aware of this when he said, “bring the past for judgment before the thousand-eyed present, and live ever in a new day … but man postpones or remembers; he does not live in the present, but with reverted eye laments the past, or … stands on tiptoe to foresee the future. He cannot be happy and strong until he too lives with nature in the present, above time.” Dr. Thomas Hara, founder of Meta-Psychiatry says, “God is life and reality and is in the timeless now. We do not live in a timeframe. The past is pride; the future is ambition; and the present is vanity. Spiritual existence takes place in the timeless now.”

Fasting is not merely a means of spiritual purification or discipline, (i.e. 40 days of lent; 40 days of fasting during Ramadan; or fasting on the Sabbath), but a powerful tool for freedom from attachment to the egoist mind and its addictions. Moreover, the longer one fasts, the sharper one’s thinking becomes and the higher one’s frequency begins to vibrate toward spiritual truth. In that we live our days, much like apes in the forest, foraging for food, it is difficult for those who have never fasted for more than a few days to conceive the beauty, clarity and simplicity inherent in being free of enslavement to eating. Food takes up an inordinate part of one’s day mentally and physically in that individuals spend a lot of time thinking about what they are going to prepare, buy or eat next. I recall how light and liberated I began to feel on the fourth day of my first 10 day fast. By the 7th day, I was euphoric. By the 9th day it became clear to me that food is a habit, an addiction. Sunshine, oxygen and water are necessities; food appears to be a luxury. Case in point: in the womb, for nine months, we lived entirely on amniotic fluid. A body free of parasites can thrive solely on prana or energy from the sun and water. Granted, to a food addict, the mere idea sounds absurd. In fact, only those who have fasted and purified their bodies can even conceive of such a possibility. However, ask anyone who has done a liquid fasted for 40 days, and they will tell you about the energy and clarity they get. The trick to successful fasting on the Master Cleanse is sea salt water every day, and hanging in there through the first three days of healing crisis, headaches, jitters and low energy. After that, it’s liberating, exhilarating and life changing. Those with an overgrowth of fungi should not do the Master Cleanse to fast. I recommend the Fat Flush fast using four ounces of unsweetened cranberry juice in a gallon of water. Yeah, I know ... it’s definitely for the strong of heart not the weak of spirit.


Far too many humans are separated from their common sense to the point where they do not see the connection between what they imbibe and believe and their painfully short and dis-ease ridden life spans. Indeed, most are enslaved to their addictions and ego driven belief systems. Thus, it is still true there is no one blinder than he who just won’t see. Carl Jung said that what we believe to be true in the morning will change by the evening, which is why it is detrimental to one’s evolution, in today’s rapidly evolving times, to become attached to any belief system. Moreover, it is limiting and self defeating not to discard old beliefs once new information is available to be tested. The proof is in the pudding, but the ego keeps the masses afraid of change, of anything new, or of what has not been sanctioned by the status quo. One of my former colleagues, Eduardo, loves to get together with me to validate some of the things I told him years ago that eventually make it into the mainstream. He laughs and says, “Damn it, Parthenia, you’re always way ahead of your time, but I never listen until everyone else jumps on the bandwagon.” That pretty much sums up the mentality of the masses.


Hawkins explains that the “current anti-drug programs calibrate at only 150” on his Map of Consciousness (on a scale of 0-1000). Moreover, in order to alleviate the drug problem, society would have to use a social approach that vibrates at 350 which is the level of Acceptance, mercy, harmony, forgiveness and transcendence (Hawkins 109, 68-69). America’s legacy of the Puritan ethic, which advocates that “the more hellish one’s life is, the more heavenly the reward will be” has created a society in which “pain becomes associated with pleasure;” thus, the “insane alternation of suffering and euphoria that typifies addiction becomes at least provisionally defensible in a deadly antisocial game of winning and losing the forbidden high” (Hawkins 108).

The challenge for those vibrating at levels below Love (under 500) is the tremendous amount of work involved in raising one’s level of consciousness from DESIRE (125) to LOVE (500). It is particularly discouraging when one discovers that at the time Hawkins wrote his book 85% of the world was vibrating below 200. That number has decreased to 78% vibrating below 200, which shows promise. Before the new millennium, however, the collective consciousness of the masses was at 190. According to Hawkins, it did not rise to 207 until after the harmonic convergence in the late 80’s. Major obstacles to growth are unawareness of the hold the ego has over individuals along with the requisite willingness to master the ego and to let go of attachments, that includes food addictions. Most would rather abdicate their personal power for victimhood, so that they do not have to take responsibility for fixing what they do not like about their lives. That is one of the real reasons why so few people actually manifest the life of their dreams.

At the risk of being repetitive, it bears repeating that the biggest obstacle on the path to unconditional love, freedom and enlightenment is the inability to control compulsive addictions to food, drugs and alcohol. Hawkins points out the irony of getting high in that

alcohol or drugs do not have the power to create a “high” at all; they calibrate at only 100 (the level of vegetables). The so-called high that the drug or alcohol user experiences, however, can calibrate from 350 to 600. The actual effect of drugs is merely to suppress the lower energy fields, thereby allowing the user to exclusively experience the higher ones. It’s as though a filter screened out all the lower tones coming from the orchestra so that all that could be heard were the high notes. The suppression of the low notes doesn’t create the high ones; it merely reveals them … Rarely does the average person get to experience, for instance, love without fear, or pure joy, much less ecstasy. But these higher states are so powerful that once they have been experienced, they are never forgotten, and therefore, are sought ever after (Hawkins 104-105).


Hawkins points out that there is a huge price paid for reaching these high states of consciousness without doing the necessary ground work because the “permanent high-state of experience that may be legitimately attained only thorough a lifetime of dedicated inner work” creates an imbalance. “The balance of nature dictates that to artificially acquire that state without having earned it creates a debt, and the negative imbalance results in negative consequences. The cost of such stolen pleasure is the desperation of addiction, and finally, both the addict and society pay the price” (Hawkins 107).

David Wolfe essentially says something quite similar in his book Amazing Grace. He states that “hallucinogens can be activators of heart-centered awareness;” however, they “demand a price of admission. You have to pay to play. You also have to pray to play … The psychedelic experience may be rife with side effects of mental illness, abusiveness, erratic behavior, the inability to integrate the experiences (flashbacks), spirit possession, entity attachments, irresponsibility, etc. As a result, the “explosion of power plants and hallucinogens (psychedelic) compounds … unfortunately has cast individual souls into madness, depression, irreconcilable vistas of thought, and irresponsibility.” (Wolfe 73, 74, 80). By the same token, “alcohol exacerbates control issues … inhibits proper judgment, creates erratic behavior, increases meat consumption, causes dehydration, elevates anger, clouds one from seeing the consequences of one’s actions, and invites one to forget” while “chemical concoctions such as crystal meth and its amphetamine derivatives … distort one’s perception of oneself and the world … The abuse of such substances can paralyze the very core of what it takes to succeed in life -- the ability to take action" (Wolfe 74, 81).

Some readers may be feeling above the mass of drug addicts by thinking “at least I’m not an alcoholic or drug addict,” without knowing that they are unaware or in denial about their addiction to fast food, sex, religion, work, processed food, anger, dead food, sugar, drama, craziness, co-dependence, being a victim, exercise … (you name it), which makes them an addict as well. Addictions are quite endless and complex which is why it is important to honor that a sugar addict or a work addict is still an addict and is no better than a drug addict. Moreover, anything one cannot stop oneself from doing is an addiction. For instance, in The Peaceful Warrior, Socrates says that “The habit is the problem … We must be conscious of our choices and responsible for our actions.”

The problem is that addicts tend to operate on automatic pilot, doing things they vowed yesterday they would not do today because they cannot help themselves; they are slaves to satisfying the cravings of their parasitic hosts. To break this cycle, one would need to own one’s powerlessness over the addiction and be willing to turn one’s life over to a higher power as advised in the 12 Steps. One might begin by ceasing to blame the Creator, who never left humankind; humanity disconnected themselves from source energy through ego identification with the world of Maya or illusion. One can reconnect to the source anytime one lets go of the lies and illusions of limitation, lack and egotistical drives. The Divine is waiting for humanity to wake up and clear away the debris of lies and outdated beliefs obstructing their pathway back to Divine Mind.

Admittedly, it is challenging to reach a level of unconditional love with the ego resisting every step of the way which keeps one enmeshed in low vibrational relationships, co-dependent, or in environments that lower one’s consciousness levels. It is interesting to note that, according to Dr. Hawkins, all 12 step programs vibrate at a level of 540, the level of Joy, which is above the level of Love (500). In actuality, religions that do not advocate a “them vs. us” mentality also vibrate at the level of love.

Thus, upgrading one’s associations and spending time in beautiful, uncluttered, natural or sacred sites do wonders for the spirit as does love songs and classic or inspirational music. In fact, those on a spiritual path will intuitively feel a calling to visit sacred places like India, Sedona, Mt. Shasta, Palenque, Bali, Peru, or the Himalayans because the vibrations there are so unusually high. Simply being in these places raises one’s level of consciousness exponentially in the same way that spending time in the presence of a guru or a master vibrating at a level of 700+ (the level of enlightenment) raises the consciousness of everyone around them. Being in Hollywood, and having formerly worked as a talent manager, spending long hours on the set with the rich and famous, most of whom vibrate at the level of pride (145), which did not incite desire in me to bow down in adulation or worship just because they are labeled a star. The only thing that has ever impressed me was being in the presence of those vibrating at or above the level of unconditional love (500). Unconditional love was in rare supply on the sets I worked on in Hollywood, but there was plenty of narcissism to go around for everyone. One does not need to be told that an individual is at the level of unconditional love; one simply feels it and wants to bathe in it. Most people confuse love with “infatuation,” which is the level of addiction and that is below the level of pride.

Regularly and repeatedly watching uplifting and inspiring films also help lift one’s level of consciousness. My favorites are Kymatica by Benjamin Stewart; Peaceful Warrior with Nick Nolte, What the Bleep Do We Know?; The Gods Must Be Crazy I and II; Powder; Dragonfly; Les Miserables; The Wizard of Oz; and Lost Horizon. Books by enlightened authors like Dr. David Hawkins, Louise Hay, Don Miguel Ruiz, Paulo Coelho, Joel Goldsmith, James Allen, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dwyer, Thomas Hora, and others on my recommended reading list at the end of this book, offer invaluable insights that help one gain mastery over the ego.

Ramtha, in the intriguing and mind altering movie What The Bleep Do We Know?, stresses the importance of conquering addictions so as to be free to pursue spiritual truth free from the insanity of obsession. The path to enlightenment is much smoother and the way a lot clearer without the monkey of addiction creating delays and distractions every step of the way. Unquestionably addictions can impede the expansion of consciousness by keeping the addict below the level of integrity ever ready to betray any and everyone, including him/herself, to serve the addiction before all else.

What The Bleep Do We Know? defines an addiction as “something you can’t help.” Both Dr. Hawkins, in Power vs. Force and Eckhart Tolle in A New Earth contend that those acting under the influence of the ego are unconscious, unaware, and cannot help themselves. In The Science of Being Great by Wallace D. Wattles, he calls such individuals “incomplete.” Tolle says that those acting out of egoist impulses are temporarily insane.


The challenge for those with addicts in our family (and who doesn’t have one or two or three, even if they’re only food, religious or sex addicts) is that all 12 step programs teach that unless the addict hits rock bottom, or comes face to face with losing what’s most important, the addict will not surrender to a higher power for help in letting go of the addiction. Dr. David Viscott viewed addiction as a spiritual disease fed by feelings of separation from source energy. The drug acts as a substitute for the desire to reunite with the source of all things.

James Beard, an addiction specialist, helps family members of addicts understand the importance of tough love. He explains that whatever an addict devotes his/her time to becomes God. In that an addict’s primary love is the addiction, the addiction often leads to jails, institutions, or death unless the addict finds someone or something he/she cares about more than the addiction. For instance, some addicts can lose their jobs, loved ones, or wealth, and still not reach bottom until they lose something that others might deem insignificant, like their dog or an old car. Beard stresses letting the addict go so that he/she addict can bottom out sooner rather than later. The addiction will rule supreme unless or until the addict reaches a spiritual, mental, emotional or physical bottom. Often this means that things have to get worse before they can get better. This is why rescuing the addict rather than allowing him/her to hit rock bottom only prolongs the suffering for everyone concerned.


Ultimately, the purpose of suffering is to compel individuals to surrender their false, egotistical natures, fraught with suffering, disappointments, drama, and pain to their higher selves. It is by letting go of identification with the false self that one reconnects with Source energy and steps into an intuitive knowing that there is no need for adversity. God has always been as near as our own hearts. When we close our hearts, we actually shut out light, love and healing based on a mistaken belief that we are protecting ourselves from future heartbreak. Oriah, Mountain Dreamer, points out the importance of choosing a mate whose heart is open. She poses fundamental questions that one needs to know about the other before becoming intimate, such as “if [they] have touched the center of [their] own sorrow … [whether they] have been opened by life’s betrayals or have become shriveled and closed from fear of further pain ... if [they] can sit with pain, [yours or their] own, without moving to hide it, fade it or fix it.”

The heart is the way to the Divine aspect of one’s being, the essence of one’s God-self. The Sufi poet and Mystic, Rumi, contends that “the wailing of broken hearts is the doorway to God.” It is through this doorway that one realizes force is not power, lust is not love, and the artificial high of drugs is not the unending intoxication of unconditional love. Elias Gewurz in his book The Hidden Treasures of the Ancient Qabalah says that man must be “tried and proven in the furnace of affliction. When he has tasted the bitterness of life’s cup and emptied it to the very dregs … and enters into … the great void … to stand his trial … If he passes it successfully, he is admitted into the inner court of the temple and permitted to know the true character of his karma and the laws under which it operated” (45).

Getting there begins with appreciating the acumen of the Oracle at Delphi who tells us to first “know thyself;” the wisdom of Shakespeare, who admonished: “to thine own self be true;” and the magic and majesty of Oriah, Mountain Dreamer, who reveals exactly what she aches for: one who has the courage to “disappoint another to be true to [one]self.”


One of the reasons more men than women die from heart attacks is not purely stress and diet. Far too many men (as well as women who have become honorary men) have closed their hearts to the unlimited possibilities of love. They settle, instead, for physical intimacy as a substitute for love. Meanwhile, they make ineffectual attempts to dissolve feelings of disquietude, worthlessness, and empty hearts with more sex, more food, more drink, more money, more power, more delusions, or new and improved gizmos and gadgets, while the holes in their hearts grow, along with their bellies and sagging faces that grow sadder by the day. Every time their hearts wake up empty once again from yet another one night stand or after another substitute-for-love affair gone awry, they walk away disappointed, yet convinced that they will find it in the next lay or substitute-for-love affair. Elias Gewurz further reveals that, “the social life of a man distracts the soul and makes it depend upon the whirl and change of events for sustenance. When the soul is to awaken to its new and true life, these kaleidoscopic changes must give way to consistency and unity ... As a rule, those who enter upon the path must dwell alone. Solitude and aloneness are their lot. It is only when they have learned to stand alone and remain unshaken that they are allowed companionship.”

Ever onward the relationship addict goes, pursuing the next conquest with dogged determination, seeking the profane, assiduously avoiding the essential, the fundamental, and the vital act of allowing … allowing their hearts to open like a thousand petal lotus. Why? Because once upon a time they got their little hearts broken and vowed, like Edgar Allen Poe’s The Raven, “Nevermore.” For want of a heart, they quickly forgot the bottomless beauty, enchantment and spark of aliveness they felt during that brief moment when they permitted themselves to first fall in love. Somewhere along the way, they lost what the Cowardly Lion in the Wizard of Oz was looking for: Courage. And now, they face a crossroad: continue on the same path of insanity, uncertainty and fear, or summon the valor to go inside and bring forth the real man/woman they’ve always longed to be and were destined to become before they veered off course and lost their way home.

The gift lies in appreciating Elias Gewurz’ cogent point: “when harmony had been established on the physical, mental and spiritual planes and the purpose of the given association is to serve the highest which both partners cognize, then divine revelation comes to them and enlightens them in all things. It is the voice of God in the garden telling how to crown the sanctified life with beauty and joy and how to make it a milestone for the wayfarers of succeeding generations.”

The challenge, then, is to coax oneself to come outside and purify the soul in the sunshine of innocence, surrender, and abandonment … to experience, once again, the delight of love free of fear, then guard it for all time with audacity, bravery and guts.


In that we are all a part of the quantum field of consciousness and the work that each person does to raise individual levels of awareness affects the entire field, even small steps create big ripples in the quantum pond of unlimited possibilities. For instance, Christ created a blueprint for the potential that lay dormant in humanity. It is time to begin the remedial work that lays the foundation for our greater yet to be. Begin by practicing going with the flow of the universe. After all, there is only one constant: change. It is ironic that we are the only species with a fear of and an active resistance to change. In our egoistic resistance to change, we forget that the whole world once believed, with absolute certainty, that the earth was the center of the universe and that it was flat.

Today, in spite of cutting edge quantum physics acknowledging that we live in a universe of infinite possibilities with the last frontier, not space, but the mind, we still cling to limited, illogical and detrimental beliefs about health, longevity and our place in the cosmos which shorten lifespans while generating pain and suffering. Why? Ignorance and gullibility; belief in the inevitability of disease, suffering and pain; looking for salvation outside of oneself; reliance on prescription pills versus changes in lifestyle and eating habits, all play important roles. For instance, one glaring example is the tendency to buy into disinformation that denies the body’s built in self healing mechanism which reveals an unwillingness to rely on innate common sense. The body can and does heal itself, particularly when given a break from stress and fighting off toxins ingested through processed, pasteurized, or homogenized food products; high fructose corn syrup and partially hydrogenated oils (trans fats) which not only make consumers fat, but addicts them to processed foods that suppress the leptin levels which tame the appetite by giving the body the signal that it is full. Don’t listen to the new corn syrup ads on TV that state otherwise.

Moreover, the mind cannot relax and enjoy life fully in the moment without overcoming morbid fear of death; this keeps most people from actually living at all. A lot of time is wasted trying to experience everything as quickly as possible, regardless of how detrimental, without consideration for how their behavior affects others; or exactly the opposite: not experiencing life at all out of a desire for parental approval by playing the role of good girl or good boy; either way, life is spent without savoring the sights, sounds and smells along the way because they are too busy worrying about the adage: “Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow you may die.”


My quest for longevity and health began at the age of 12. One of the two books that led me to question why we grow old and die was Lost Horizon, which is the enchanting story of an author who accidentally finds Shangri La or the Valley of the Blue Moon in the Himalayan mountains where no one grows old or dies because they live under the law of love and abundance with nothing to stress them to death or to age them. I was happy to see that the movie Mummy III reacquainted audiences with Shangri La. The other book was Secrets of the Chinese Herbalists which taught me the efficacy of natural herbs that have no side effects vs. prescription meds, which do. I later learned that the ancient Chinese health system was based on preventing disease. For instance, if the village got sick, the doctor did not get paid. What a concept!


According to Western medicine, since I had childhood lupus, it was supposed to kill me before adulthood. Those who develop it after adolescence rarely live beyond their 40’s. I have defied both odds. Plus, I look 20 years younger than most people my age due to low blood pressure, being health conscious, being in integrity (rarely, if ever, betraying myself for others), thinking positive, and never being promiscuous, a smoker, drinker or drug addict. In fact, I have always been cautious about taking prescription drugs and have only taken antibiotics as a last resort in association with surgery or severe infection. Even when lupus was full blown, I avoided anti inflammatory over the counter pain meds like Advil unless I absolutely could not sleep from the pain in my joints associated with lupus. Usually, I took hot baths and slept with a heating pad over a castor oil compress for pain.

When I was 28, I was hospitalized for two weeks with lupus, which was triggered by post traumatic stress after my infant daughter was kidnapped for five days and returned. Upon release from the hospital, I quit taking the steroids and other drugs the doctors prescribed while in the hospital. For a year, I read every self-help book I could find. Out of a couple hundred, there were several that truly changed my life: Louise Hay’s You Can Heal Your Life (she healed herself of cancer) James Allen’s As a Man Thinketh, Dr. Hulda Clark’s The Cure For All Diseases and Edgar Casey’s Encyclopedia of Healing. These books emphasized the mental and emotional pathway to dis-ease and its remedy. Years later, the film The Secret confirmed everything I had studied over the years.

James Allen’s book As a Man Thinketh was truly foundational in changing my world view. It is available free at and The Secret is readily available. I was the first professor to use the film The Secret in my classes before it was available in bookstores because I had met several of the people associated with the video at Oneness University in India and got an advance copy.

For a couple of decades, I managed to waylay a return to the hospital through an 80% natural, live foods diet and by managing my stress. The other 20% of my diet was cooked foods, including occasional seafood and chicken once or twice a week. Multiple levels of stress can trigger a flare up of lupus. Mine flared back up again with a vengeance, during my second divorce. At that time, I was experiencing multiple levels of stress at work and with my son and daughter who were creating their own suffering since I had prevented them from suffering when they lived at home. I meditated on what to do, and was led to Victoria Bouteka’s book 12 Steps to Raw Food which led me to understand that I would have to go 100% raw to allow my body to focus on healing itself, otherwise it would expend the energy it could otherwise be using for healing on protecting me from the harm inflicted by eating dead food that feeds parasites and helps them proliferate.

After ingesting the wisdom of hundreds of books on holistic health, a paradigm shift ensued, leading me to the conclusion that the best way to give my body the break it needed to heal itself from a lifetime of eating dead food was to undergo a total organic, herbal detox (liver, kidney, colon, parasite, and heavy metal cleanses); to eat only raw, sprouted (i.e., soaked) nuts and seeds, fresh fruits and vegetables, and sprouted, raw grains. Each day I drank 8 oz of unsweetened cranberry juice mixed in 52 oz. of pure water as recommended in the Fat Flush Plan by Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, along with taking the herbal detoxes as recommended. I then took classes and attended seminars to learn how to prepare gourmet raw meals. Lou Corona’s seminars were my first introduction to preparing raw food.

The one thing I learned early on in my quest for health was the common sense of the following quote from The Essene Gospel of Peace, Book 1, which plainly states, “If you are eating living food, the same will quicken you, but if you kill your food, the dead food will kill you also. For life comes only from life, and from death comes always death. For everything which kills your foods, kills your bodies. ”

I adhered to the Essene Food Pyramid as follows, with radiant and astonishing results:

40% fresh, juicy fruits;

30% fresh vegetables;

20% sprouts, sprouted whole grains, and carbs, like bananas or yams;

10% raw nuts

Note: Those who are diabetic, prone to yeast infections, or who take antibiotics periodically should stay on a low sugar/low carb diet and do a Candida detox (see Chapter 4) until a live blood analysis shows that the blood is yeast free. This cleansing process can take 6 months or more depending on how many of the antifungals mentioned in Chapter 4 one takes on a rotating basis every day.

During a Candida cleanse, those who cannot handle cutting out all carbs, (it’s no joke going without carbs) have to cut out all refined and processed carbs while using Threelac (see Chapter 4) or any of the other antifungals in order to get a jump start on containing the over growth of Candida fungi. Keep in mind that this process can still take 3-6 months even on Threelac, especially for those who have suffered with Candida symptoms for years. It definitely takes patience, perseverance and commitment to wholeness and health to triumph over parasites, Candida, yeast, mold and fungi. The rewards, however, in terms of increased levels of energy, insights and peace of mind are worth any inconvenience along the way.

It literally took a lifetime of research for me to figure out that all I had to do was manage my stress, detox my body, and maintain an alkaline condition in my body, through live foods, structured-alkaline water, and loving thoughts, for my body to heal itself of lupus and fibro cystic disease. Now, I know the value of staying on a path that works and not deviating from it, as well as the pain of suffering the consequences.

This book is not intended to take the place of medical advice from doctors, especially for diagnosing disease. I do, however, recommend alternative or holistic practitioners for the healing process. This book is, however, compiled to educate readers about the efficacy of nature’s remedies since our medical system does not seek to prevent disease through education about the importance of vitamins, minerals and herbs found in live, organic foods for healing the body. Adopting a live food lifestyle, and detoxing, for instance, to build up the body, before getting a cancerous tumor removed, and keeping the body in an alkaline condition (with bicarbonate of soda) can prevent the cancer from returning without chemo therapy, which weakens and/or destroys the immune system.



• Today, in spite of cutting edge quantum physics acknowledging that we live in a universe of infinite possibilities with the last frontier, not space, but the mind, we still cling to limited, illogical and detrimental beliefs about health, longevity and weight loss that not only shorten our lives but generate pain and suffering. Why? Because many have bought into a belief in the inevitability of living with disease, illness and pain, or who believe that their only salvation lies in prescription pills as opposed to changing lifestyles and eating habits. That’s not to say that antibiotics are not effective in cases where infection has gotten out of hand. True wisdom would dictate, however, taking care of the body to ensure that it does not become so acidic that bacteria and infection can flourish and taking natural antibiotics first like colloidal silver, garlic, pau d’ arco, black walnut, etc, and prescription antibiotics as a last resort since they create resistant strands of the bacteria they seek to destroy and set the stage for Candida infections.

• Buying into disinformation that denies the body’s built in self healing mechanism reveals an unwillingness to rely on one’s innate common sense. The body can and does heal itself, particularly when given a break from stress and fighting off toxins ingested through processed, pasteurized, or homogenized food products; high fructose corn syrup and partially hydrogenated oils (trans fats) which not only make consumers fat, but addicts them to processed foods that suppress the leptin levels which tame the appetite by giving the body the signal that it is full.

• Fasting is not simply a means of spiritual purification or spiritual discipline, (i.e. 40 days of lent; 40 days of fasting during Ramadan; or fasting on the Sabbath), but a powerful tool for freeing oneself of the strong attachment the egoist mind has to its addictions. Moreover, the longer one fasts, the sharper one’s thinking becomes and the higher one’s frequency begins to vibrate toward spiritual truth and health.

• Far too many people are so separated from their common sense that they do not see the connection between what one imbibes and believes and one’s painfully short and dis-ease ridden lifespan. Indeed, we are so enslaved to our addictions and ego driven belief systems that it is still true there is no one blinder than he who just won’t see.




A few really dedicated people can offset the ill effects of masses of out of harmony people, so we who work for peace must not falter … Good will win in the world. The darkness that we see in the world today is due to the disintegration of things that are not good. Only the things that are good can endure. Yes, love will win in this world. Those who are filled with hatred are desperately unhappy and desperately – even though unconsciously – seeking a better way. Only those who are filled with love are serene and at peace.

--Peace Pilgrim. peacep.htm

“There is no way to live harmoniously except by grace, and grace is not a word; grace is an experience. Just as God is an actual experience, so grace is an actual experience.” The only prayer one needs is “Thy Grace is my sufficiency in all things” (Goldsmith 37, 33). All 12 step programs start with acknowledging that one is powerless over the addiction, then surrendering one’s ego over to the higher power/higher self. That is where the prayer for Divine grace being sufficient in all things comes in. For instance, during any detox, a healing crisis occurs wherein individuals are prone to give up without learning to lean on Divine grace for support during this dark night filled with fear and trepidation about death. In reality, the only thing that is going to die is the Ego’s minion of parasites who must die that individuals might know life lived as a free person. We settle for the illusion of freedom because real freedom comes with a price: responsibility for reclaiming it then guarding it vigilantly. Instead of praying for “Divine Grace” and claim the whole treasure chest, we pray for triflings.

Grace is defined by Merriam Webster as “divine, unmerited, assistance given humans for their regeneration or sanctification.” As we prepare ourselves for entry into the new eon of Aquarius, the current cusp period is one of preparation until we move completely out of the 2000 year eon of Pisces, with its testosterone induced wars, persecution, intolerance, ignorance, darkness, duality, dogma, and limitation. This new eon of Aquarius heralds a return of the Goddess energies that will usher in what many belief systems term a “Golden Age” filled with love, harmony, peace, understanding, sympathy, respect and equality.

During this transition period, humanity is in dire need of unmerited “Grace” and Divine assistance. The Ego, in its death throes, is fighting madly to maintain its unmitigated reign of chaos, confusion, illusion, insanity and suffering. Indeed, things do get worse before they get better. The good news, however, is that it appears, this time around, the forces of light are destined to win, as depicted in the Matrix movies and as predicted in The Mayan Calendar and the folklore of every spiritual belief system in the world.


Being one of the 40 individuals from around the world invited by Toltec Master Don Miguel Ruiz and his sons to become founding members of The Academy of Awareness during Blue Moon 2009, in Teotihuacán, Mexico, afforded me rare insight into the peace that is possible in a community populated with people practicing integrity. Bhagavan, founder of Oneness University in India, where I received a fellowship and initiation into the Oneness Blessing, says that integrity is humanity’s direct link with Divine Grace which gives one access to the realm of the miraculous. It takes courage, however, to be in integrity in that integrity resides in the land of authenticity, honesty and truth. Most choose the land of lies, delusion and confusion; it fills their days with excitement and drama.

At the Dreaming House, where Academy members stayed and attended classes in Teo, I witnessed members effortlessly practicing Don Miguel Ruiz’ Four Agreements by actually

(1) being impeccable with their word,

(2) not taking anything personally,

(3) not making assumptions, and

(4) always doing their best …

I use Dr. David Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness from his book Power vs. Force in my writings and lectures. Students often ask me how they can move into integrity, which is the level of courage, honesty and truth on the Map of Consciousness. They understand that everything at or below the level of integrity is harmful to the self, others and the planet. As a child, I realized it was lack of integrity that destroyed relationships and lives. When I was young and naïve, I mistakenly believed that my dedication to integrity would be sufficient to pull my husband into integrity. I learned, however, that both parties have to already be in integrity (or in the very least be committed to getting there), otherwise the relationship is destined for disappointment, heartbreak, or betrayal … guaranteed.

I had the word “Priceless” written in calligraphy in an arc above my belly button (I must have been East Indian in another life because I love the sari look with the belly button exposed) as a testament to the fact that I cannot be bought and have never “sold out” for comfort, ease or money. And, yes, I have been offered luxuries and a life of ease by some of the richest, most powerful men in the world. Still, I refuse to lay down for married men; men that I work with; men who are out of integrity; unappealing; or that I do not have enough in common, other than attraction, to sustain a relationship. Even as a child, I could not be coaxed or coerced into betraying myself or those I loved. The fact that most people do not understand the significance of integrity lies in the fact that the average person will stare at my belly button and see the word “Princess” instead of “Priceless.”

In spite of the fact that I have been using the Four Agreements in my work for a decade, it did not dawn on me that they offered a viable path to integrity until I actually witnessed the group at the Academy of Awareness consistently applying the Four Agreements in word, deed, and action every day. For me, it was act of seeing integrity in operation that led me to the epiphany that practicing the Four Agreements daily can keep one in integrity. Thus, I felt fortunate to observe the potentiality that awaits a world peopled by individuals holding fast to truth above all else. This experience not only reaffirmed my faith in humanity, but profoundly transformed my consciousness by affording me the very thing my college students are desperately seeking: hope for the future of humanity. It was a beauty to behold and truly marvelous being swept up in the majesty, ineffable grace and wonder of integrity and unconditional love modeled so effortlessly by Don Miguel himself, whose ability to continually emanate love was downright enchanting. He gently reminded us to:

(1)    listen openly yet skeptically to others, while remaining respectful

(2)    never raise our voice to others

(3)    not to use our word against ourselves or against others

(4)    not to compete with others.

I felt at home because I had learned from my 8th grade teacher, Mrs. O’Banion, not to compete with anything but my own best. She taught us that competition generates winners and losers; whereas, non-competitiveness creates a win/win for everyone with no one feeling less than nor greater than anyone else. My experiences at the Academy of Awareness reminded me of the values my 8th grade teacher instilled. We were fortunate to be shown a path to our own possibilities, which is the same offer Don Miguel and his sons extended to members of the Academy.

The first day I arrived I missed breakfast, was late to class, and found out that I had also missed the first class the night before because my flight was late. I sat off to the side of the room in the back as an observer. Everyone was seated on couches or laid out on the floor on pillows and blankets. There was a lot of hugging and snuggling with people’s heads resting against each other. Being an abused child, I was uncomfortable with the touchy, feely stuff. I grew up sleeping lightly, hiding and protecting myself from inappropriate touch. I wasn’t ready to snuggle up against strangers. Heck, I wasn’t very good with people I knew getting that comfortable with me.

At the dinner table, during lunch, I unwittingly prompted Don Miguel to challenge my discomfort and distrust of others. I told him there was no absolute truth. He responded with, “Yes, there is one truth.” He then got up and promptly sat down on my lap, put his face as close as possible to mine without touching my nose, held my cheeks between the palms of both hands and instructed me to look directly into his eyes until I found the truth. It was the most uncomfortable experience of my life, sitting there with a grown man on my lap as everyone at the table stared at us. I squirmed and tried to avert my eyes, but he turned my face back to his each time and patted me on the head like a child. When I could not make myself relax, he asked me, “Why are you so uncomfortable with people staring at you? … Why do you care what they think?” I had no answer at that time and literally pulled away from him, forcing Don Miguel to get out of my lap. He laughed and said, “I was just getting comfortable.”

Later that day, I found the answer within myself. The only absolute truth is love and Don Miguel was modeling for me how to experience unconditional love, in the moment, from a stranger. Love can only be fully known and appreciated in the moment. Don Miguel smiled proudly when I shared this insight with him and called his son Don Jose over for me to repeat my insight to him. I also explained to Don Miguel one of the reasons why I felt so uncomfortable earlier. Later, I remembered that I did not like being treated special because I feared the jealousy of females who, growing up, had ganged up on me more than once. We moved around a lot and as the new girl on campus I took away the attention of their guys. Each time I was literally saved from death by divine intervention. As a result, overt attention by males in a new environment has always made me feel uneasy and unsafe. Growing up, I also had to deal with the resentment of siblings and classmates because my mother and teachers held me up to others as an example to emulate for being an over achiever and for consistently scoring in the 99th percentile in America on the Iowa Basic Skills Test.

Every time Don Miguel saw me after that, he made a point to display public affection and to pay special attention to me. I figured it was to help me overcome my past conditioning, and it did. In fact, I actually got comfortable with public displays of affection to the point where I began to spontaneously hug strangers. And I mean really hug them. At the same time, I was impressed with the fact that Don Miguel honored all of the women by treating each of us as Goddesses. As a result, no one felt slighted and there was no room for jealousy among the women. That was a first for me. He also modeled for the men how to treat women. It worked; they were all respectful.

It became readily evident that practicing the Four Agreements automatically eliminates any need for pettiness, arguments, or proving a point. Living the Four Agreements also reduced misunderstandings, hurt feelings and imagined slights because no one took anything personally and avoided making assumptions. Moreover, even when someone messed up, made a mistake or simply fell short in an area, no one got upset because they knew that each individual was actively practicing doing their best at the level of awareness they were at. It was truly refreshing to be part of a group who did not judge or criticize and dealt with others with an open heart and hands. For instance, if someone did not relate to what another was saying or if they disagreed, the usual remark was: “That’s an interesting story” which was in alignment with the Toltec philosophy that we are all making up the stories of our lives, dreaming our own dreams of heaven or hell, all the while tapping into the collective dream of the world. Plato’s Allegory of the Cave and the movie The Matrix espouse similar concepts.

I admired the way that everyone in the group appeared to be sufficient unto themselves, enjoying spending time alone at the pyramids and on the grounds at The Dreaming House. No one crowded anyone else’s space even though we had roommates. Moreover, everyone was respectful, considerate and helpful without imposing upon anyone else or hovering over anyone. Even when we were taken through an all night process called Mitote, where we confronted the Voice of Knowledge, which I alternately refer to as the Chatter Box in our heads, the Ego, or the false self, no one complained about the sleep deprivation; having to move out of our comfort zones as soon as we got comfortable in them; or being put on the spot to tell stories to the group. Being an abused child who was constantly sleep deprived, it was a breeze for me; I was conditioned not to complain and have lived my whole life on a few hours of sleep at night.

My time in Teo was also filled with synchronicity. For instance, I would think of a question I had been struggling with and later, in class, Don Miguel would answer it without me even asking. One day I was trying to reconcile childhood feelings of responsibility for everyone around me which followed me into adulthood. Don Miguel emphasized later, in a lecture, the importance of not taking responsibility for others and for focusing on one’s own dream. The vision of the Academy of Awareness is to dream a new dream for the planet, a dream of heaven, a dream that will awaken the world from its collective nightmare of hell.

The first day we visited the pyramids Don Miguel allowed us to explore on our own. In spite of my fear of heights and vertigo, I went straight to the highest peak, The Pyramid of the Sun. I literally and painstakingly crawled up each step, eyes fixed on my feet and hands, not daring to look down, up or to the side. I paused every few steps to breathe deeply just to quiet my nerves and to still the vertigo and dizziness. I was fine once I reached the flat plateau on top. It was the middle of the week, so only a few people were there with me. After uttering the following prayer to the four winds, which I learned from Sharon Shalana Hillis’ book Healing Yourself and Expanding into Your Adam Kadmon Body, Volume 1: “I give the god of my being my soul and the totality of who I am out into infinity … I surrender all that I am to the god that I am,” I opened my eyes to see three white butterflies appear over the ledge. They danced around me followed by a big, beautiful monarch butterfly with a baby monarch in tow. I took it as an auspicious sign that I was undergoing a transformation.

Later, when I told the owner of The Dreaming House about my experience, he replied that the butterflies come to innocent or pure spirits. Later, Don Miguel told me that is why the Temple of the Sun is also called the Temple of Butterflies. When I returned home, Jade, who designs jewelry (without knowing about the butterflies) had made me the most beautiful stone necklace with a silver and turquoise butterfly as the focal piece. She grew teary eyed when I told her about my experience with the butterflies on top of the pyramid.

On another occasion, when I heard that the Temple of Truth, also known as the Temple of the Elders, was closed to the public, I was really disappointed and mentioned it to Don Miguel. I had read about it in his book Beyond Fear and that was what I most looked forward to on the journey. He smiled at me and said: “We’ll see.” The next day, it was announced that we would be taking a journey that had been closed to the public for years and still was, but special accommodations had been made for Don Miguel and our group to go to the Temple of the Elders and look into the eyes of the Eagle, the Toltec tribe Don Miguel is descended from. My heart was filled with joy, gratitude and grace the entire 15 minutes we were allowed to stay in the temple of Truth where lies cannot abide.

On New Year’s Eve, I literally danced from 7 pm till almost 2 am practically nonstop. Almost everyone danced, even those with no rhythm. It was the most joy filled, totally in the “Now” New Year’s eve I have ever celebrated, spent with people who did not have to get drunk to have a great time; and those who did were utterly happy drunks, no crazy, jealous or inappropriate behavior by anyone, just jubilance and joy. The women, young and old, danced with no inhibitions, comfortable in their bodies; many were dressed in sexy, feminine attire. The ease and abandonment of the other women on the dance floor allowed me to relax in a manner I was heretofore only able to do except where salsa lovers celebrate a coming together of the masculine and feminine. For me, salsa is a sacred dance wherein the male acts as a frame who holds up the picture of the feminine in her Divine grace, utilizing the strength of his body to embrace, twirl, and support hers with assurance, ease and finesse as he dips her body backwards, her eyes facing the stars from whence we came. My friend Chauncey, who sings as well as he salsa dances, once told me that the male has to remember that in salsa his job is to make the woman look good. She is the picture; he is the frame.

Don Miguel and his sons danced with the ladies as we formed a circle on the dance floor. A young girl from Turkey took one of the big red ribbons off of the formal white dinner chairs and tied it in a bow around my hips as I danced in white, hip hugger, Palazzo pants, with my belly button peeking out, of course. The other ladies liked the look and began tying red ribbons around their dresses. We became the red ribbon brigade on the dance floor. Don Miguel, Jr. turned out to be a fabulous salsa and swing dancer, twirling and dipping me around on the floor with effortless ease. Throughout the night, for the first time in my life I felt totally connected and at one with everyone in the room. Right before midnight, even though I tried to avoid being blindfolded and hitting the piñata, both Don Jose and Don Miguel insisted. I ended up dealing the final blow that broke the piñata: me, the girl who, growing up, couldn’t hit a baseball to save her life, even without a blindfold!

The last day of our visit to the pyramids, as usual, on the way up to the Pyramid of the Moon, I was dizzy, lightheaded and nauseous, pausing after every step to breathe. I began to tremble uncontrollably midway. I was as afraid to go down as I was to continue up. I felt as if I was going to faint and moved especially slow. I was determined not to turn back. When I reached the last step, I rushed to the wall, sat down and began to breathe deeply, going into meditation. I could not stand up due to vertigo so I focused on my breathing, eyes closed, feeling the energy around me. In front of me, a vast chasm opened up. A gentle, feminine voice told me to fall into the void. Initially, my fear of heights made me push further back against the wall. But then I told myself, “The Great Mother is trying to heal me, go with it.” I coaxed myself to lean forward, relying on faith. As I leaned into the void, the bottom of the chasm reached up and caught me. My nausea and dizziness disappeared. Just moments before, I had sat there wondering how on earth I was going to get down the pyramid without fainting. After the meditation, I was able to actually walk down the steps instead of scooting down like a baby, the way I usually do. For the first time, there was no dizziness, faintness, fear or nausea connected to heights.

One night, during class, as I pondered Michael Byrd’s statement “at the level of the soul, humans have exactly the same essence as God. In essence, humans are like God,” I was compelled me to ask the question: “If we are gods ourselves, to whom do we pray and why do we pray?” Don Jose, who was lying on the floor, jumped up quite excited and took the mike from his brother, don Miguel, Jr. Tapping into a stream of consciousness directly from the cosmos, he said: “Prayer wakes up the world from its nightmare of hell … Prayer is a message … Prayer is communion with the one who made us, communion with the community … Prayer is putting out good intentions … Prayer sends life force to others and to yourself … Prayer is faith and love in action … Prayer is a tool … Prayer is how you transform the force … Prayer is truth and integrity in your heart … Prayer is your impeccability with the word … Prayer is mastery of love … Making love is a prayer.” That answer from Don Jose was worth me paying three times the regular price of the airline ticket to be a part of the Academy of Awareness. Don Jose closed by reminding us that there is only one religion; everything is the house of God; and, 2012 is the end of superstition.

Don Jose’s words reminded me of the following quote from Emerson’s essay on Self Reliance about prayer wherein Emerson clearly understands the apparent opposition of negative emotions like “cravings,” “regrets” and “discontent” as reflected in the following passage:

Prayer that craves a particular commodity – anything less than all good – is vicious. Prayer is the contemplation of the facts of life from the highest point of view. It is the soliloquy of a beholding and jubilant soul. It is the spirit of God pronouncing his works good. But prayer as a means to affect a private end is meanness and theft. It supposes dualism and not unity in nature and consciousness. As soon as the man is at one with God, he will not beg. He will then see prayer in all action.

Another sort of false prayers are our regrets. Discontent is the want of self reliance: it is infirmity of will. Regret calamities, if you can thereby help the sufferer; if not, attend your own work, and already the evil begins to be repaired. Our sympathy is just as base. We come to them who weep foolishly, and sit down and cry for company, instead of imparting to them truth and health in rough electric shocks, putting them once more in communication with their own reason.

Thanks to Don Miguel’s intervention, after returning home, I no longer freeze up or withdraw from my two best friends, Eduardo and James, whom I love dearly, when they take my hand or put their arm around my waist in public. No longer do I associate genuine affection on their part or my own with fear that they will turn it into a sexual advance because of their admitted attraction to me. The best I could muster before was the fake California hug that does not touch the heart or spirit. Now, it feels liberating to be able to freely express the love, gratitude and appreciation I feel for them as they model for me what it looks and feels like to be valued, honored and cherished in a non sexual way by the masculine. I am enriched by their friendship as I was by my trip to Teo and my new found ability to relate spontaneously through the lens of unconditional love and genuine, authentic affection.

Shortly after my return, I ran into my ex-husband, Pierre, whom I had not seen since he behaved so shamelessly and disrespectfully toward himself as a male during the divorce almost six years ago. I knew when I saw him that there was nothing left to forgive. I was able to see him through the eyes of humor and compassion. A visible wave of alarm, shame and fear suddenly gripped his entire body as I approached, from a distance, him and his new female companion, whom he treated with the same disregard he holds for all women. He looked as if he was afraid I would pull out a gun and go postal at the sight of him as punishment for the money heist he pulled during the divorce with cunning, lies and deceit. I could not help but laugh as he scurried by like a rat looking for a hole to hide in, unable to look me in the eye or to even speak. I thought how distressing for him that after all of his courtroom antics and drama to take everything of mine in the divorce (which he got) Pierre was still miserable, unhappy and not at peace. My heart went out to his companion and all women who settle for men with closed hearts who are unable to love. Pierre’s psyche was still locked in a nightmare of self imposed suffering.

I wished Pierre an awakening and sent him goodwill. Everyone who knew me during the divorce can attest to the 360 degree turn that was for me. Pierre’s shockingly duplicitous and scandalous dark side that emerged during the divorce left me walking out of the courtroom some days thinking that Luciferan evil on the level of Pierre’s needed to be obliterated. Later, I learned that he was my Master Teacher in meeting darkness with light; developing discernment about psydeuo-men like him; and embracing the shadow side of myself. James laughed when I told him about the encounter and shared that he, too, once had to fight the urge to wish Pierre dead. He explained that he had to remind himself that we are all one, which meant that Pierre was an aspect of himself and that wishing Pierre dead was the same as wishing himself dead. Both my about-face and James’ are testaments to the beauty of grace in operation.


At one point in my spiritual journey I could only utter either mechanical prayers, which I doubted would be answered (and of course doubt insured that they would not be answered), or my Catholic/Protestant background automatically programmed me to revert to desperate prayers in desperate situations until I eventually moved away from religious dogma into true spirituality which acknowledges that spark of the Divine that is within everyone. Yes, even those, like Pierre, who are behaving badly and choosing to experience their dark side still contain the Source of “all that is” within him; he, and those like him are simply making poor choices that cover their light under toxic beliefs and parasitic programs that they respond to like robots. They do not realize that they have within the power to choose that which sustains all life. Instead, they blindly seek only that which serves them destroying anything that stands in the path of that pursuit. Often, nothing less than a literal earthquake or the loss of something or someone of value can shake such slumbering souls awake.

It is not the Divine who has cut individuals off from Grace; it is their lack of awareness that disconnects them from their birthright of bliss and joy. The purpose of life is to experience bliss, not to extend this nightmare of separation, struggle and suffering that the ego dreamed up. The problem is the masses collectively choose to tap into the ego’s self defeating dogma, allowing that to be the dominant reality of their lives. Poor choices, lack of discipline and the need to be accepted by the status quo, keep the masses running in circles on the hamster wheel of suffering, misery and self loathing.

The metaphor of an omnipotent being literally answering seven billion prayers can only be grasped within the framework of each individual being a holographic image of the Divine, which allows them to step into that awareness, go inside and tap into their own Divinity. Prayer, surrender, and meditation are means to that end. Further, the Divine set it up so that everything one wants or needs is already in vibrational escrow waiting for individuals to endorse the check and cash it. Through free will, however, the Divine grants the freedom for humanity to figure things out for themselves and to experience opposites; the agony of darkness and separation from the source as well as the ecstasy of reunion with the light that humans might learn to appreciate both. Darkness is but the pathway to the light and is there to cultivate the courage to leave one’s fears inside Plato’s Allegory of The Cave as one embraces the light of truth.

The challenge is in the realization that “knowing” a concept is different from actually taking action on what one knows and applying it through direct experience. That is the difference between “hoping” the escrow will go through without a hitch and knowing that it is already done and simply showing up at the appointed time to pick up the check and cash it.

The following words from Joel Goldsmith’s can save lifetimes of unnecessary angst and worry regarding the safety of loved ones. He points out that “if you send that child out knowing that “I” in the midst of him is God and whithersoever he goes, “I” go, he will walk safely … As I recognize that “I” in the midst of you is your Christhood, it is the only prayer or treatment I can utter … I in the midst of you is God … and therefore my Oneness with God constitutes my oneness with all the spiritual treasures of heaven and earth. Only by virtue of my oneness with the Father [Mother] do I have access to the health and wealth and abundance of all spiritual good (Goldsmith 32).

Truth is ever so simple which is why the Ego has mastered subverting and complicating it. The ego convinces its host that “it can’t be that simple,” or “that’s simply not possible,” which then makes it so. Moreover, individuals tend to put the cart before the horse, and then wonder why they cannot get where they want to go in life. Goldsmith encourages the masses to step into their divinity where everything is abundantly available. Unfortunately, those under parasitic mind control:

(1) operate on automatic pilot doing the same dumb things over and over;

(2) continue to behave like children, asking for permission, assistance or approval from others;

(3) search for answers everywhere but inside,

Personal growth is always from the inside out. It begins with an input of accurate information, action, and due diligence, daily. In The Divine, there is no time: there is only an eternal now; thus, there is a sufficiency of the Divine’s grace NOW to meet the needs of this moment; thus, “your realization of that makes this a continuing moment of grace for the next million years … If there is a sufficiency of God’s grace for this moment, and this is a continuing moment into eternity, that is the answer … Once again, the only prayer one need ever pray is a “prayer for Divine Grace” (Goldsmith 33).


Joel Goldsmith says that “prayer cannot be fruitful when it is addressed to a thought, concept, or image of God.” The goal is to attain God’s presence through the “still small voice” which is “empty of all beliefs and concepts.” Most of us end up with a concept or a thought of God but not a direct experience of God. At such times it is wise to pray thus: “I know not how to pray or what things to pray for, but let Thy spirit bear intercession with my spirit” (37). I had to go all the way to India to learn how to do that.

Most people end up frustrated, mechanical in their prayers, disappointed in prayer or at a loss as to how or why to pray. I am no different. When I was at the Academy of Awareness with Don Miguel Ruiz and his sons, in Mexico, one night, during class, I asked: “If we are gods ourselves, to whom do we pray and why do we pray?” Don Jose jumped up quite excited and took the mike from his brother, Miguel. Tapping into a stream of consciousness that was directly from the cosmos, he said : “Prayer wakes up the world from its nightmare of hell … Prayer is a message … Prayer is communion with the one who made us, communion with the community … Prayer is putting out good intentions … Prayer sends life force to others and to yourself … Prayer is faith and love in action … Prayer is a tool … Prayer is how you transform the force … Prayer is truth and integrity in your heart … Prayer is your impeccability with the word … Prayer is mastery of love … Making love is a prayer.” That answer from Don Jose was worth me paying three times the regular price of the airline ticket to be a part of the Academy of Awareness. Don Jose closed by reminding us that there is only one religion, everything is the house of God, and 2012 is the end of superstition.


There is a true story told in David Wolfe’s book Amazing Grace that moved me to tears. It tells the astonishing circumstances under which the author of the historical song “Amazing Grace” was inspired to write the lyrics. Wolfe states that the story of this song “touches archetypical soul powers of inspiration based on courage, will, song, compassion, and joining together as one human family” (Wolfe 16).

John Newton, author of “Amazing Grace,” was captain of a ship on its way from the coast of Africa to England with a cargo of human slaves chained to the bottom. In a torrential storm, with hurricane conditions, he had to strap himself to the wheel to keep the ship from spinning in a circle and to direct the ship “perpendicular into the swells to avoid a deadly, parallel slap by one or more than 20 foot waves which would quickly bust the ship’s frame apart.”

The human cargo of Newton’s ship, chained below with ice cold water dumped on them every few minutes, “instead of screaming, crying, yelling, wailing, demanding … began to sing together what sounded like a hymn or a prayer. And that prayer came from the ”Ah-Om” languages, originating all the way back in Ancient Egypt. The song had no lyrics, just tones.”

The song was so loud Captain Newton heard it over the roar of the storm, “over and over they delivered it, like a mantra – an affirmation while the conditions on deck became so intense” Newton “began to sing too. Just to keep his sanity, he began to make up lyrics that he created that very moment, fitting them to the song he heard coming up from the enslaved people below.” After Newton became so exhausted holding on to the wheel “he was only able to continue on based upon the power of the souls of the people down below who continued to sing in spite of their captivity, their distance from home, and their being on the brink of death. At that moment, Captain John Newton swore, that if he made it – if they all made it – he would let them all go, return his shipping license, and become a minister.

As the story goes, they all survived the storm and Captain Newton sailed back to Africa, freed his cargo and returned to England to become a minister. Thus, Amazing Grace, is actually an ancient African prayer with English lyrics.

Wolfe points out that “when we are shackled … all options are not lost … we always have a choice … we can whine and complain and point fingers or we can turn towards grace, love, beauty and the power of our souls ... through the influence of the heart (channeled in communication through song) … direct soul power to our ship’s captain, who is totally and previously unconscious of his crimes. And through that heart-felt communication, an Amazing Grace can give him the strength to make it through the night, transform his being, turn the ship around, and save instead of destroy lives.” The slaves could have chosen “rage, despair, terror. But what they chose was love, beauty, and dignity in the form of a song-prayer directly from the heart. A song-prayer so monumental that it saved all of them, and still touches us even today” (Wolfe 16)

My prayer for Divine Grace resulted in an unexpected fellowship to Oneness University in Southern India, near the Bay of Bengal at the V.I.P. campus, for a one-on-one initiation into the Oneness Blessing. It’s located about an hour and a half from Chennai (Madras).


When I was in India, I was amazed to witness over and over that the most important quest in the lives of indigenous East Indians is their search for grace. In fact, their sincerity and humility inspired me. In all honesty, I had never seen so many people so satisfied with so little (i.e. their humble jobs; their gratitude for daily bread (rice) and a thatched roof over their heads). Watching these rural natives live their lives moment to moment fully present, and in the NOW was an act of grace in and of itself. I used to watch two lovely young girls, in their saris, sit on the lawn and pull weeds with grace and beauty. They were living lawn mowers. There was something peculiar and special about the grass; it did not grow above a few inches; thus, all the girls had to do was pull the weeds to keep the lawn perfectly manicured, and the lawn was beautiful. Watching them at peace in the performance of their humble service made me sad for Westerners who have so much more materially yet are infinitely more miserable with all they have. I mean, honestly, how many of us could find grace in pulling weeds every day?

It seemed to me that the suffering of Westerners must, in some way or another be connected with our separation from the Divine and our dismissal or ignorance of the power and beauty of grace.


I was also moved by the greeting “Namaste” (i.e. the Divine in me greets the Divine that is in you) and the way that the greeter puts his/her hands together in the prayer position and bows his/her head when uttering “Namaste.” If they do not put their hands in prayer position, they place one hand over the heart and bow their heads as they say, “Namaste.” This greeting is uttered whether coming or going; there is no “hello” and “good bye;” just “Namaste.” Personally, I think this is the most beautiful greeting in the world. I felt humbled not only by the word “Namaste” but by the sincere pause, smile, and direct contact with the window to the soul that is made in a meaningful way, so unlike the manner in which we are accustomed to saying “Hi, how are you?” and are on our way before the person can barely muster a perfunctory “fine.”

When I returned to L.A., I missed that meaningful connection with strangers who wanted nothing more than to honor the Divine by recognizing and greeting the Divine that is in everyone.

The servants at the V.I.P. campus where I stayed at Oneness University were so accustomed to many of the Westerners treating them as if they were invisible, that I witnessed surprise in their eyes when I began to greet them FIRST with “Namaste” and a bow. I suspect it may have been due to the fact that, within the Indian caste system, low caste people are accustomed to being treated as if they are invisible. Or, perhaps I was breaking a custom of high caste people being acknowledged first by the low caste. They never seemed to grow accustomed to me greeting them first; there was always that surprise in their eyes when I did.

I told Sri Bhagavan, founder of Oneness University, and an Avatar of Grace, that I had never in my life experienced such generosity of spirit, warmth and hospitality as at Oneness University, from perfect strangers, no less, and all at his behest. He replied that, in India, they have a custom of treating their guests like a God. Indeed, I was made to feel like a goddess from the gift of the fellowship, to all of the non tangible blessings given to me during my visit.

Sri Bhagavan’s revelation of how they treat guests helped me understand why the staff would not take tips for doing my laundry, for taking me into town (an hour away) and waiting a half a day for me to shop, or for getting me wonderfully fresh yogurt, fruits and vegetables (in winter) when I told them I could not eat the overcooked vegetarian meals.

For Westerners to grasp the magnitude of my gratitude toward Sri Bhagavan, he is treated like Elvis in India and he doesn’t have to sing, or say a word when he appears in public. All he has to do is sit on a throne, close his eyes, and raise his hands to give the Oneness Blessing by intent and thousands are moved to tears or will swoon in his presence. It is the same with Amma. Thousands come every day to the different campuses hoping to get a glimpse of Bhagavan or Amma.

It was in Bhagavan’s presence that my heart opened up to the masculine principle, allowing me to fully receive the gift of grace; I simply felt blessed by Amma’s presence. Sri Bhagavan told me before I left that I would be able to heal my audiences by giving the Oneness Blessing through intent during my lectures and that when I gave the hands on Oneness Blessings, it would be more powerful than Ashwin’s, my teacher at Oneness, because I had suffered greatly and would be able to heal those who were suffering.


I am continually humbled by the gratitude of individuals who attend my lectures and come up to me afterwards to tell me that I had spoken directly to their hearts and life situation. All I know is that I am able to intuitively and accurately gauge the emotional temperature of an audience. I can take the assigned topic and tailor it to feed the needs of those who are empty, lost or in pain. I won a state wide competition for extemporaneous speaking in high school without knowing that my gift for talking off the top of my head would serve me well as a public speaker and professor. After India, that gift deepened and expanded in unexpected ways.

Now, I no longer live my days in search of the miraculous; I live it in the realm of the miraculous. I continue to have one serendipitous, synchronictious, or miraculous experience after another. Upon my return to the states from India, people who saw me repeatedly remarked that I literally “glowed.” Others stared in curiosity and amazement at my transformation in that my energy field became so charged that light bulbs would repeatedly blow out when I walked under or by them; my stereo would come on when I came into the room or it would begin to behave erratically when a CD was playing. Replacing light bulbs became a regular chore at home; they would blow out when I entered. Psychics would stop me and tell me how beautiful my aura was; some commented on the white while the others spoke of the purple or turquoise green. That lasted for almost six months until I became grounded by the dense energy field of L.A.


I had to actually receive and accept unmerited grace and experience what that felt like before I could model it to others. What I received at Oneness University allowed me to find peace, forgiveness and genuine compassion for myself and others. In turn, that ability allows me to help others find the same within themselves.



• Meditation is the practice of listening to the Divine.

• Visualization paints a visual landscape of the life you want to live. Add positive emotions and you’ve got a mix that is magical.

• Keep a vision board to help hold a visual image of one’s desire.

• Know that you were created in God’s image and are therefore designed with the free will to create and design the life that you wish to live;

• Do not allow the limited beliefs others have passed down to you to prevent you from achieving the life you desire and deserve.

• Seek to grow spiritually every day and use spiritual practices like yoga, prayer and meditation to raise your consciousness.

• Remember that the first path to Grace is through prayer; the second path is through joy, so do something every day that brings you joy.





Link your arms with individuals of lofty consciousness, language and achievements ... As long as they astonish you with their commitment to dedicate their lives to the betterment of themselves and the salvation of the world from ignorance, they are the real deal. -David Wolfe

Corinthians 3:16 says, “You are the temple of God.” When the bible tells us to “go build our temple” a temple that we must “build with no tools and making no noise,’ what temple do you think it’s talking about? It was our minds that were created in the image of God. - Dan Brown The Symbol

Greg Braden points out in his book Fractal Time, that the earth and its inhabitants all repeat cycles. More importantly, it is the traumatic cycles that tend to grow bigger and become more devastating with each new cycle that recurs, until the pattern is broken. The question is, how? Answer: By gaining an understanding of the source event surrounding the issues that keep coming up to be healed and learning the lesson lying embedded within that cycle.

But before these cycles can be rightly comprehended, the original source of a child’s pain and pleasure would be the logical point of reference to allow the healing to begin. For instance, if your childhood was filled with fear, distrust, feelings of abandonment and lack of love surrounding your parents, then you are likely to grow up with similar feelings toward God since your parents were the first all powerful gods upon whom you were completely dependent for your entire world to turn. Because of neglect, abuse, misunderstandings, a demanding ego, or plain old immaturity and/or failure to become self sufficient as an adult, far too many children grow up blaming parents for everything that goes wrong in their lives instead of: taking responsibility for their inability to learn from the past and letting it go; making better choices; and taking complete charge of their lives instead of relying on others.

There can be no lasting happiness, peace of mind, or satisfaction in the lives of adult children who fail to find gratitude and forgiveness for the parents or caretakers who nurtured them when they could not take care of themselves as infants. Thus, a major key to calming inner chaos and breaking the repetition of painful patterns is a willingness to think outside of the conceptual frameworks absorbed unconsciously during conception, birth and childhood. It is also important to set an intention to heal, to forgive and to learn to love oneself first, then everyone else.

Granted, asking an adult child, who has been emotionally and/or physically abused or abandoned by a parental figure to be grateful for such a parent, appears to be asking a lot to a mind mired in the mud of the ego; in fact, such an individual might associate forgiveness with self betrayal when, in reality, it is a path to salvation. Thus, a paradigm shift is required to get past this mindset. Finding gratitude for parents or anyone who has abused or harmed one in any way is a challenge, to say the least. Yet, gratitude and forgiveness are gateways to healing and to receiving the many gifts of grace.

An amazing aspect of grace is that it fills one with the satisfaction and peace of mind that many have been seeking through addictive behavior such as over eating, over working, drug and alcohol addiction, thrill seeking, sexual addiction, perpetual drama, craziness and chaos, loneliness, alienation, or estrangement. The ego is masterful at deluding the masses into thinking that addictions will soothe the hurts, pains and betrayals of the past. Any fix the Ego offers is short term and comes with the price tag of an addiction.

Those who find it difficult to be grateful to others for small favors or lessons that can transform their lives in big ways, find it equally difficult to be generous toward themselves or to be grateful for the opportunities inherent in adversity. This is understandable. It is human nature to recoil from pain and move toward pleasure.

The irony of adversity, however, is that it can be one’s greatest teacher when one humbles oneself enough to learn its lessons. The first step is to take ownership for acts of omission or commission by acknowledging and accepting responsibility for the fact that individuals are co-creators of their reality. Moreover, one must learn to set boundaries and say “no” to unacceptable behavior from others, or suffer the consequences. Otherwise, abuse or bad treatment will be viewed by the abuser as acceptable, with the victim enabling the abuser to continue.

Admittedly, before adolescence, most children do not have the critical thinking skills nor the emotional maturity to make sound, responsible decisions. On the other hand, there are those who do come here with high levels of consciousness (i.e., “old souls”) and are innately able to use the light within them as a form of protection from harm. Others require assistance or guidance from adults in learning how to set boundaries for acceptable social behavior from others that enable them to recognize and cultivate self respect, self reliance and the ability to speak up for themselves.


We all know that children who are overly indulged grow into self indulgent adolescents with no internal locus of control. This results in a sense of entitlement that compels young adults to make unreasonable demands the same way that a two year old does. They often become a burden to the household by not contributing to the family and refusing or failing to perform their share of household chores. Later, they tend to become a burden to society by not following rules of acceptable behavior or by not respecting the rights and property of others which ends up getting them sent to correctional institutions for truly ridiculous reasons, like failure to pay for moving traffic violations, especially in California, where traffic violations tend to be an easy avenue for LAPD to catch criminals because criminals feel above the law or do not have the discipline or presence of mind to tend to details. It is the highly intelligent, sophisticated criminal who attends to minute details to ensure he/she does not get caught because he/she knows how the system operates and takes pride in beating it.

However, when both parents use precept and example to model discipline and the importance of honoring boundaries, mutual respect, cooperation and consideration, children feel safe from the unmitigated reign of terror from the ego when it takes over residency during “the terrible two’s.” It is a definite hit and miss proposition when only one parent in the household sets the example. Moreover, the consequences tend to be much more serious when the father is the poor example because children look to the father for discipline and direction and to the mother for love. Single moms who have to take resent or fear her, no matter how much she has sacrificed for their well being. She would be better off enlisting a male member of the family or a male friend of the family, such as a godfather, to assume the role of disciplinarian, so that she can simply be available to model love the child.


Parents who do not get a pre-school child’s ego under control before kindergarten are in for one hell of a ride for the rest of that child’s life since the child’s personality and paradigm are pretty much set by the age of five. It is difficult to reframe a child’s view of the world after that age, though not impossible. The point is, a lot more work is involved after the age of five, if the parents were not knowledgeable enough to understand the importance of preventing a child’s ego from running amuck or completely taking over. Establishing clear rules and boundaries, while setting up consequences for violating them, are more effective than beating the child. My point is not to break the child’s spirit, or to domesticate the child, but to help the child grow into an understanding and appreciation for respect, empathy, compassion, consideration and boundaries.

M. Scott Peck, aptly states in The Road Less Traveled that Americans suffer from a “disorder of discipline and a disorder of responsibility.” This is clearly apparent in a large portion of today’s youth. Parents often do not discipline their children because they fear the child’s disapproval or fear being reported to children’s protective services and having the child taken away. Thus, they may choose not to make their children responsible for something as simple as picking up their toys when they are young. Even toddlers can learn this task and will do it willingly when praised or rewarded for the effort. Parents also overlook requiring that toddler’s treat others with consideration or respect during the “terrible two’s,” because they think the child is too young, or that the child cannot understand the “cause and consideration for others, compassion, and respect and that when they violate these basic tenants of behavior, there are consequences, like no television or no treats or something else they are attached to taken away or denied for a specific period of time, or they get “time out” in a corner where they must sit quietly. Since small children live in the moment, and do not easily grasp the concept of linear time, a few minutes of “time out” or having something they want or love taken away, is like eternity and works wonders. Conversely, the promise of a future reward of something the child loves (hopefully, their favorite “raw” dessert or “raw” chocolate bar) is incentive enough to entice favorable behavior in exchange for something the child wants. Granted, this is all common sense, but a tired, frustrated parent, especially one suffering from any of the many symptoms of Candida is working with foggy thinking.


The pain of betrayal by someone who has returned love and loyalty with unkindness or ingratitude feels like a slap in the face. It is also ironic when the offender tries to make amends, the cycle of pain and payback continues if the offer is rebuffed or rejected. Understandably, the offended person may reason that the offender is undeserving; is setting the offended up for another betrayal or heartbreak; or cannot be trusted not to do it again. All of the foregoing may or may not be true. However, it bears pointing out that every individual is:

(1) actually doing the best they can from their level of awareness and consciousness;

(2) operating from a sense of self preservation;

(3) generating assumptions that distort the truth;

(4) making up inaccurate or warped versions of reality to fit their assumptions; and

(5) forgiving others is a gift individuals give themselves to stop the heart from producing cortisol, which attacks the immune system (see research conducted by the Heart Math Institute).

Thus, any meager gesture toward making amends by the offender is actually a mighty move in the direction of peace and reconciliation. Rejection of a move toward peace or ingratitude for whatever another offers to set things right tends to elicit feelings of rejection, anger, resentment, hopelessness, or depression which can lead to continued cycles of self destruction or acting out toward others. Bear in mind that a willingness to forgive does not mean continuing to put oneself in harm’s way nor does receiving a generous or kind gesture obligate one to be bribed, manipulated or used in any way by the giver. Communicating to the giver that your forgiveness cannot be purchased at any price; it is given freely and that only gestures designed to make amends can be accepted can clear the path to harmony and balancing the scales of injustice. Such clarity can create positive reinforcement and a desire on the part of the offender to make things right in that it restores the offender’s sense of self worth which is automatically damaged anytime anyone acts out of alignment or integrity with the greater good of all.

Due to the duality of human nature, no one is all good or all bad. If they were, humans would not be so easily attracted to toxic people nor so readily ensnared by their charm. Everyone has some good in them and catering to the goodness in another generates a desire for the other person to show more of the generous side of his/her personality versus the dark side.

Moreover, it becomes easier to operate from a place of gratitude when one realizes that no one HAS TO DO ANYTHING for another (that includes your parents) and NO ONE OWES ANYONE anything. It is only a sense of entitlement that leads one to believe otherwise. The challenge is to cease having expectations at all (I know, that’s a tall order) and to always graciously accept and show appreciation for gifts that are given; that includes compliments and acts of kindness. After all, everything is a blessing, even those we tend to label bad experiences. They are put into one’s path that one might learn a particular lesson; exercise forgiveness; or find love and compassion for self and others.


Even when egotistical people are wrong as two left feet, their egos compel them to be right at all costs. The ego is incapable of choosing peace, being at peace or being in the moment. Instead, the ego gets caught up in playing the following games that perpetuate craziness, chaos and drama:

(1) dominating others;

(2) avoiding being dominated by others;

(3) being right;

(4) making others wrong;

(5) covering up for mistakes made;

(6) not taking responsibility by blaming others for their mistakes

Becoming aware of the games the ego plays makes it easier not to get pulled into the drama and not to take any of the Ego’s nonsense personally. It’s just a program that ego driven individuals get drawn into unwittingly; they cannot help themselves as they get sucked into the vortex of negative energy and self defeating behavior. Thus, it is wiser not to get pulled into personality disordered drama by not reacting to their ploys designed to push your buttons and get you to participate in their games; it does, after all, “take two to Tango.” If one walks away, says no, or ignores them, Ego driven individuals will quickly find someone else to pull into their dance of anger once they see that their potential victim is not reacting as expected to accusation or attack. They have to find someone else because their egos feed off of negativity and the pain of others; it distracts from their own pain body. One reason why most potential victims go along to get along with the personality disordered Ego driven individual is because they know that the other will walk away and bad mouth them with lies, exaggerating about how badly they’ve been treated; or many people simply go along to get along; they simply do not want to deal with drama.

Liberating oneself from enslavement to the antics of the ego is further expedited by recognizing that the ego loves to elicit empathy, pity or compassion from others by wearing its pain or victimhood as a badge of courage. “Misery” does, indeed, “love company.” When one operates from the ego, there is a disconnect between emotions, objectivity and logic, resulting in a failure to use common sense or to listen to intuition, which is right 99.9% of the time. In effect, the ego prefers commiserating with other ego driven individuals who are also disconnected, thus, explaining why millions end up living “lives of quiet desperation,” chaos, or perpetual drama. The problem with common sense concepts is that common sense is not so very common among that 78% vibrating below the level of courage who excuse foolish or self defeating behavior in themselves and others.


Healing begins with a willingness to sit with one’s pain or the pain of others to hear its story and learn from it. Of course, this is quite the challenge for those below the level of courage (200) where the ego lives in denial, avoids truth at all costs and runs from the ring of fire or the center of their pain. Who can blame them, really? Pain is not for the weak or faint of heart and is certainly no picnic in the park. Unfortunately, refusing to face, work through, or learn from pain contributes to perpetuating ongoing cycles of pain coming up to be healed; diminished self esteem; incapacity to love; inability to trust again; a tendency to jump to conclusions without gathering all of the facts or evidence; making assumptions based on one side of the story only, usually the ego’s side, which has little or nothing to do with facts or reality; or holding grudges against someone who has not knowingly wronged the other; the wrong exists only in the ego’s mind or imagination. As mentioned in the previous chapter, Don Miguel Ruiz’s book The Four Agreements is a practical tool for raising consciousness. I’ve listed the agreements again with my comments in brackets:

1. Be impeccable with your word [i.e. honesty, courage and integrity enable a person to say what they mean and mean what they say].

2. Don’t take things personally [people act out of self interest and do what they think is best for them; so, since it’s not about you, why take it personally?].

3. Don’t make assumptions [this is a good way to make an “ass” out of oneself].

4. Always do your best [i.e. that way, one has no regrets when it’s time to move on].

In that the ego is hell bent on keeping individuals separate from each other, their God-selves, and the cosmos, while wreaking havoc on others and the very earth that sustains it, it is time to accept that we are at a point in the evolution of human consciousness where it is imperative to gain mastery over the ego and end its hold on humanity if the human race is to create the new Golden Age, which the Aquarian Age offers.


An important step in freeing oneself from the ego’s tendency not to forgive, is to acknowledge the wisdom of the analogy Nelson Mandela shared regarding the fact that when one hates (which is separation from others) one is drinking poison and expecting it to kill the person who caused the pain. In reality, the poison flows from ego identification, which creates stress that ages individuals, makes them sick and causes premature death. The irony is that the person one is holding resentment against is usually not losing any sleep. The reasons are tri fold:

• most people act out of self interest and do what they do primarily because they consider it in their best interest;

• believe it or not, many actually think that they are acting in the best interest of those they hurt;

• everyone does the best they can, given their level of consciousness, education, information, knowledge, skills or lack thereof; and

• most are unconscious and unaware of what they are doing.

Thus, it is pointless to hold individuals who are at low levels of consciousness, over infested with parasites, and who have arrested emotional development, to the standard of behavior one would those operating from higher levels of consciousness and emotional maturity. That realization alone can free one from so much unnecessary upset over the callous behavior of others and from being constantly disappointed by those who are not even in conscious control over their behavior.  

Another powerful death blow to the ego is acknowledging that one does not truly know another. In fact, one does not even know oneself, nor does one fully understand the underlying reasons why one does what one does. So how can one expect to truly know another? On top of that, it is impossible to change others so why not expend that energy on improving oneself, which is a full time job.

Further, in that one often lies to oneself, what makes one think that others won't lie as well?  When one takes into consideration that most people suffer from low self esteem, it is easy to acknowledge that much of what many people tell others about themselves has been fabricated to make them look good or to gain acceptance. Further, one has no way of getting inside of other people’s experiences or pain that is compelling them to act from a limited paradigm or world view. One tends to judge others based on how one would have behaved in a given situation, which is a logical fallacy in that even siblings who are raised in the same household do not behave the same under similar conditions.


Gratitude not only invalidates the ego, it helps to heal the ancient wound of separation from others and Source energy. We are each a part of the human heart and anything we do to others we are, in effect, doing to ourselves, good or bad. So it makes sense to give out as much good as one can since it comes back to the self anyway. This includes having the courage to tell others the truth and not allowing them to take advantage or violate one’s boundaries.


What are the benefits of a grateful heart versus the hazards of a hard heart filled with ego generated resentment and ingratitude? Resentment and lack of gratitude toward one’s mother attracts unexpected obstacles that prevent one from fully reaping the benefits of one’s labor. It also creates perpetual struggle in life, which is why one should rush to forgive one’s mother for every wrong one thinks one’s mother has committed.

Moreover, a man who resents his mother will never experience a truly intimate, loving relationship with any woman, just as sure as a man who has not individuated or separated from his mother cannot have a healthy relationship with a woman.

In essence, a humble and grateful heart toward mothers, irregardless of what they failed to give or the harm they intentionally or unintentionally caused, is necessary to remove unexpected, ego generated obstacles or blocks from one’s path to success.


Gratitude towards one’s father is essential for financial security and career success. Enough said, unless one likes working and having one’s cash disappear as soon as the check is deposited. Dr. Michael Beckwith of Agape International Spiritual Center points out that being in debt indicates an attitude of non forgiveness or a belief that one is owed something by someone. Thus, if one wants to get out of debt and stop attracting it, then letting go of past hurts, losses and resentments will invoke the law of the vacuum, allowing an unending supply of abundance to rush in and reward one for commitment to evolving toward love, light and forgiveness.

Resentment toward one’s father also causes women to have difficult intimate relationships with the men in their lives as well as adversarial or nonexistent relationships with God since patriarchy created God in the image of man. In that the role of the male is to protect and provide, an unhealed father relationship engenders feelings of insecurity, vulnerability, lack of faith in the benevolence of others and the universe, alienation and estrangement.


It is important to note that crucial to my healing was separating myself from the people and situations that trigger stress. If anyone should know, I know the toxic effects of personality disorders since I wrote one of the first books for the layman on that topic: I Thought I Was The Crazy One – 201 Ways to Identify and Deal With Toxic People. This book was also a part of my dissertation.

Challenges create choices that can lead to new and better outcomes and situations. The good news is that the undesirable situation goes away when one lets go of resistance and a need to change anything other than one’s reaction to others or changing one’s focus toward the things one desires versus wasting time expanding the things one does not want by giving unnecessary attention to them which only adds fuel to the fire. Such time and attention is more productively spent focusing on what one does want. Moreover, in actuality, it is profitable to focus on finding gratitude for being given an opportunity to learn exactly how one does not want to be treated or what one wants or deserves in life or a relationship. A simple change in attitude can propel one to move on to bigger and better things instead of becoming bitter.


After writing I Thought I Was The Crazy One, I finally realized that the reason I had been a magnet for personality disorders all my life was so that I could (1) write a book on personality disorders for the layman [art acts as a form of catharsis for one’s inner demons while exorcising them] and (2) find the wherewithal to transcend my attraction to personality disorders. I was not aware, at the time, that it was my focus on and attention toward personality disorders that attracted them to me. It was a process that took a few years after the book was published, a second divorce, and a fellowship to Oneness University in India to practice, fully embrace and live what I had learned.

At times, the journey to joy was painful because of my resistance and my desire to control or change the bad behavior of others. I did not get that all I had to do was focus my attention on the things that I wanted, instead of fighting against the things I did not want, in order to manifest what I wanted instead of continuing to create and call forth what I did not want by simply focusing on it. I used to waste a lot of time, energy and money trying to remedy situations, crisis and conflicts created by others, when all I had to do was avoid engaging my energy in such situations or spending time with individuals who thrive off of negativity. The logical fallacy was that pushing against what I did not want would make it go away, when all I had to do was turn my back on it, walk way and focus my time and energy on feeling good and being attentive to what I wanted instead of what I did not want. Wow! Every penny I spent in the process and every agony I endured turned out to be worth the reward of learning that lesson. And I am grateful for every rascal who came into my life just to teach me that, including Pierre.


The peace I now experience in my life is worth all the pain I had to go through to gain the wherewithal and the courage to change the program in me that was attracting toxic people or keeping them in my life. Now, I no longer allow into my life needy, fraudulent souls who used to win my affection while depleting my bank accounts. The gifts of discernment, gratitude and forgiveness have granted me a blessed life with only a select few in my inner circle, even though being a professor, public speaker and author require that I interact with many people. Even after divorcing the smoothest, most narcissistic sociopath I have ever been privileged to encounter, it took a fellowship to Oneness University in India for me to find gratitude in my heart toward Pierre to free myself from the toxic effects of resentment. In India, I was asked to find something I was grateful to Pierre for. Initially, the only thing I could come up with that I was grateful to Pierre-Martin Drolet for (yes, I do want to acknowledge him) was unmasking his dark side sooner rather than later. Otherwise, I would have lost a lot more than two years of my life and a lot of energy and money to get him permanently out of my life.


Even though I do not believe in burning bridges, there are some situations and relationships that need to be put utterly and completely behind oneself; thus, the meaning of Christ commanding, “get thee behind me, Satan.” Truly some people are beyond our ability to reach and are only there for us to learn the lesson and move on quickly to the next one. It felt good to finally own the many lessons Pierre came into my life to teach me. I have Oneness University to thank for most of the insights I now own, which include learning:

(1) To follow my first mind, especially in affairs of the heart where one often fails to listen to intuition. In fact, the first time I met Pierre-Martin, I avoided him because my instincts said: “He wants something from you.” Boy, was I right. I had to forgive myself for not following my instincts;

(2) Whenever a negative thought or bad memory used to come up about Pierre, I would say a prayer of forgiveness and gratitude and focus on something more pleasant. Now, I center on staying in a place of good will and grace towards everything and everybody.

(3) I have since learned how to distinguish between real men who honor their masculine role (i.e. to protect, provide and serve the feminine principle in themselves and others) vs. “girly guys” posing as men who want women to serve them and provide for their mental, emotional or financial well being;

(4) To avoid trying to fix broken winged men looking for women to prop them up;

(5) To honor my innately nurturing side by using it to serve those with an attitude of gratitude and appreciation not greedy, ego driven individuals;

(6) That pain is the ultimate motivator, in that the stress Pierre’s malevolence triggered during the divorce ultimately led me to find natural solutions to the debilitating symptoms of lupus brought on by stress which led me to go raw, to write this book, and to experience a complete renewal of mind, body and spirit.

(7) That the price I paid to complete my karma with Pierre and to learn my lessons on all levels was worth every penny lost in the divorce. Now, I will never have to enter another courtroom looking for equity or justice when I can void the problem altogether by staying single and avoiding litigious individuals.

(8) That the time invested in learning my lessons was not time lost at all because I ran into my higher self along the way and was ultimately united with my disowned and abandoned selves. Now we throw exclusive, “private, parties” with only ourselves in attendance doing what India Arie advises in her song, “celebrating the woman I’ve become.”

(9) That within each devastating loss is a big, beautiful blessing in disguise; one just has to find the wherewithal to receive it with gratitude and without looking back with regret over what was lost in the process, especially when one learns that there is so much more waiting in an abundant universe of unlimited wealth, power and potential. All I have to remember is that I am a Divine immanation of the Creator of all that is, as is everyone else; some are simply slower than others in the process of embracing their Divine selves.


“At this point in my life, I want to live as if love is the only thing that matters.”

-Tracy Chapman

My new found energy and peace of mind have permitted me to focus on unconditionally loving myself, others and everything around me. Love of self dictates letting go of any idea, belief or person who does not serve the self or who does not contribute to the overall personal growth and well-being of everyone concerned. Self respect also dictates enforcing healthy boundaries while automatically respecting the right and necessity for others to make their own mistakes. We are not here to control or to change others. We are here to learn how to control our own thoughts, which are our greatest enemy. That is why the original Aramaic translates “Satan” as “crazy thoughts.” Negative, limiting thoughts are the main demons that need to be cast out in that they are primarily controlled by the parasitic ego as discussed in Chapters One through Four.

Free-will means giving others the freedom to choose and to learn their own lessons. Yes, often, those we love do hurt themselves. Unfortunately, pain and suffering is frequently the only way the hard headed or slow learners can get the lesson. Certainly, pain is a powerful motivator in that most people will not change without painful or pleasurable impetus. That is the purpose of the Dark Night of the Soul: Transformation. Breakdown is designed for one to have a Breakthrough. It’s a beautiful thing when one comes out on the other side of midnight.

One can draw comfort from the fact that good and evil both emanate from the same source: divine love. Those who currently choose evil will eventually return to their source, the light. The difficult part is accepting that slow learners not only hurt themselves, but those who love them, over and over, until they figure out that anything they do to harm others also harms them since we are all connected to the same divine source (Carey 29-31). Fear compels slow learners to choose poor substitutes for love: power, materialism, manipulation, and control (all of which calibrate below 200 on Dr. Hawkins’ scale). Life is all about learning to love the self that one might become fully open to and capable of truly loving another (calibrated at 500) versus getting trapped in desire or infatuation which calibrate at 125.

Ultimately, until the “children of darkness” and the “people of the lie” as M. Scott Peck terms them, learn to value and respect truth (which is honesty and integrity), they continue to create craziness, divisiveness and chaos everywhere they go because they do not know how to give or receive love; they do not know that love is what they are looking for. Their low emotional IQs, low frontal lobe brain activity, and the high level of heavy metals, toxins and parasites in their bodies seriously impair relationships and exacerbate separation issues that end up alienating them from those who love them. The following suggestions are helpful in dealing with the toxic people in one’s life:

• Be compassionate and loving by understanding that the high levels of toxicity in some people’s bodies preclude them from behaving any better than they do;

• Look into the mouths of toxic people when they laugh. You will find heavy metals galore. That should prompt you not to argue with them; they won’t get your point anyway because all they focus on is winning the argument at all cost and being right even when they are wrong;

• Get a whiff of their breath and you will understand how impacted their intestines are with blockages and parasites; they cannot help themselves;

• Glance at their bloated bellies (do not stare; it is impolite) and you will quickly get a picture of the buildup of parasites and toxins adversely affecting their personality, behavior and how they feel. At that point, it will then become a bit easier to:

• Become forgiving and detached from a need to have them be different; in their state of toxicity, they cannot;

• Set personal boundaries;

• Educate, inform or guide those who ask for help;

• Choose not to stay in destructive, violent or painful relationships;

• Focus your energy only on what you want in a relationship and not waste energy expanding what you do not want by thinking about what you don’t want: focus only on what you want;

• Seek authentic relationships based on mutual respect, honesty, integrity and love, not desire, lust, co-dependency, dysfunction, or infatuation;

• Embrace the wisdom of Ralph Waldo Emerson in “Self Reliance” who says “Live no longer to the expectation of these deceived and deceiving people with whom we converse. Say to them … I have lived with you after appearances. Henceforward I am the truth’s … I will not hide my tastes or aversions … I cannot sell my liberty and my power, to save their sensibility.”

Here’s the good news for those dealing with personality disorders, which I revealed in my book I Thought I was The Crazy One, long before “narcissism” became a household word, and in spite of the fact that the Diagnostic Statistical Manual for Psychologists claims that there is no “known cause or cure for personality disorders:” that diet, detox, and dietary supplements significantly alter the dysfunctional behavior of personality disorders. Years later, my research was backed by Dr. Daniel Amen’s clinical research in his book Change Your Brain, Change Your Life wherein he lists the foods and supplements that boost brain function and reverse dysfunctional behavior. See Chapters 3 and 4 for more information. What this book is adding to the field is that parasite cleanses, detoxes and live/raw foods definitively alter the compulsive, irrational, combative, and self defeating behavior of not only personality disorders, but those over infested with parasites. The remainder of this book deals with additional means for living a longer, healthier and happier life, along with practical tools for accessing higher levels of consciousness.


Non forgiveness resonates at the same level as Anger (150) which breeds resentment and/or revenge. Dr. Fred Luskin in Forgive to Love says that the “blessing of love is the most remarkable experience of your life.” That being the case, one should cherish it and “take a moment to silently give thanks” that someone picked you “out of the six billion people on earth” to love (Luskin 131).

Anger should be used as a springboard to get one upset enough to be propelled out of an undesirable situation. That’s it! The challenge is that one cannot forgive until one lets go of anger and resentment and it is difficult for most people to find something to appreciate about the person one is struggling to forgive. Again, it becomes easier when one admits that no one is all bad. Moreover, no one is perfect. Why not do the selfish thing and forgive to get to love since love is what everyone is after anyway? More importantly, love is the realm of magic and miracles. When one finally figures that out, it becomes easier to move up the ladder past the six levels of separation between anger and love.



• Nelson Mandela pointed out that when we hate someone or refuse to forgive those who trespass against us, we are drinking poison and expecting it to kill the person who caused our pain. In reality, the poison of non forgiveness stems from ego identification which creates stress that ages us, makes us sick and contributes to premature death.

• Forgiveness is a gift we give ourselves. The Heart Math Institute discovered that when we are in a state of hatred or resentment, our body produces a substance that attacks our hearts. Thus, the irony is that we are harming ourselves by refusing to take the steps necessary to move beyond pain, resentment and non-forgiveness. Success, living well, and learning the lesson from the pain is always the best revenge.

• Opulence is the nature of the universe. Thus, if we truly want to fill our lives with opulence, which is our Divine birth right, one must equate oneself with the infinite; give thanks daily and be grateful for what is. It is also important to seek to be free of mental attitudes, traditions, habits or customs that are out of harmony with the laws of love which is where prosperity resides.

• Watch everyday attitudes about money and what one says about money, wealth and abundance. That will give you a clue as to why you are lacking or struggling in certain areas of your life.



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