55th Owen L. Coon Memorial Debate Tournament - Amazon S3

55th Owen L. Coon Memorial Debate TournamentTournament Schedule Friday, February 1 5:00 – 9:00 PM Registration, Hotel Orrington – location 2nd Floor – Northshore Room Saturday, February 2 6:45 AM Pairings for Rounds 1 and 2 Released 8:00 AM Round 1 – Start Time10:15 AM10:30 AM11:10 AM 1:25 PM1:00 PM2:00 PM2:30 PM4:45 PM 5:00 PM5:40 PM7:55 PM7:30 PM Round 1 - Decision DeadlineRound 2 – Pairing Round 2 – Start TimeRound 2 – Decision DeadlineLunch Round 3 – PairingRound 3 – StartRound 3 – Decision DeadlineRound 4 – PairingRound 4 – Start TimeRound 4 – Decision DeadlineDinnerSunday, February 36:45 AM8:00 AMRound 5 – PairingRound 5 – Start Time10:15 AMRound 5 – Decision Deadline10:30 AM11:10 AM1:25 PM1:00 PM2:00 PM2:30 PM4:45 PM5:00 PM5:40 PM7:55 PMMonday, February 4Round 6 – PairingRound 6 – Start TimeRound 6 – Decision DeadlineLunchRound 7 – PairingRound 7 – Start TimeRound 7 – Decision TimeRound 8 – PairingRound 8 – Start TimeRound 8 – Decision Deadline6:30 AM Light Breakfast for tournament participants 7:00 AM8:00 AMTabroom flip for sides for doubles, Orrington 2nd Floor Double Octafinals – 10:15 AM decision deadline 10:30 AM Awards 10:45 AM Boxed lunches ready for pickup for tournament participants 11:00 AM Octafinals – 1:15 PM decision deadline Remaining Elims to follow with roughly 30 minutes preparation time and decision deadlines 2:15 from start time; we will host a reception for all remaining participants at the start of the Finals. Tournament Procedures All tournament procedures are determined at the discretion of the tournament director. We will do our best to comply with the guidelines of all membership organizations; in the event of controversy or uncertainty about tournament procedures, rules, membership guidelines, etc. the tournament director will exercise that discretion as needed. Format Debates will use the 2018-2019 Cross Examination Debate Association topic and employ a 9-3-6 time format with 10 minutes of preparation time per team. Speaker points will be assigned on a 30-point scale, in one-tenth increments, with no tied points. We will offer eight preliminary rounds and break to double-octa finals. Student eligibility to compete will be determined by the relevant CEDA and American Debate Association rules. Each team must consist of two students enrolled with their college or university.Hybrid TeamsIndividual students will not be eligible to compete in elimination rounds. If one of the debaters of a team cannot debate in any given round, that round will be forfeited. Individual debaters can participate in preliminary debates but the team must be intact for more than half of the preliminary rounds to qualify for the elimination rounds. Other than the above stipulations, the tournament will follow the ADA rules on hybrid teams. They are located at: rules states:III.5.B ADA Tournaments. For the purposes of ADA tournaments, a debate team is defined as the two-person team that beginsthe first round of the tournament and who debate together throughout the course of the tournament. If one of the debaters of a team cannot debate in any given round, that round will be forfeited. To debate in a round is defined as to give one constructive speech and one rebuttal. Speaker points in forfeit situations will be averaged, but the team forfeiting is ineligible to clear to elimination rounds if speaker points are the determining factor for their clearing. The debate may still occur for educational purposes. However, that team will still be eligible for speaker awards and elimination rounds.Hybrid teams are allowed at the discretion of the tournament director, and are allowed to clear to elimination rounds atthe discretion of the tournament director. A tournament's policy on hybrid teams must be indicated in the tournament invitation.Tiebreakers for Seeding and Speaker AwardsTiebreakers for team seeding will be win/loss record, points dropping one high/low, total points, average opposition seed. Tiebreakers for individual speaker awards will be points dropping one high/low, total points, dropping two high/low, and Z-score. Pairing and Judge Procedures The first two debates will be preset. Gary Larson will use his algorithm for prelim pairings, which eliminates the need for a high-high debate. We intend to release the pairing for the first two debates on Saturday morning as per the enclosed schedule in order to facilitate participants’ movement in the morning on Saturday. You will have 1 hour and 15 minutes to get to your debate which should be plenty of time to navigate campus and prepare for your debate. We have decided to release the pairing on Saturday morning in order to give ourselves the option to expand the preset debates to a total of four; we will only do so if we face particularly inclement weather. If there are adverse weather conditions, we may also adjust the tournament schedule to allow more time to move between debates. We will make an announcement about adjusting the schedule on Friday if it looks like the weather will turn against us. We will avoid changing the schedule at all costs; hopefully the weather will cooperateWe will release the full pairing for the double-octa finals, with rooms and judges, on Sunday night. The tabroom-conducted flip to determine sides for the doubles will occur at 7 AM sharp, Monday morning (see section on bracket-breaking and side equalization). Subsequent flips will be conducted and posted at the start of the 2AR of each elimination debate. We will attempt to adopt five judge panels in the double-octa finals, and may continue to do so as we proceed into the elimination debates based on judging availability. The tournament director is responsible for official tournament decisions, including judge placement, and will endeavor to provide an excellent pool of judges throughout the tournament. No Northwestern teams will compete at this year’s tournament; however, we always reserve the discretion to enter our teams in future years. If we decide to do so at subsequent tournaments, we will continue our tradition of maintaining an inviolable wall between the tournament tabulation staff and any Northwestern teams that participate in the tournament. As always, we aim to achieve the highest level of confidentiality regarding competitor’s preferences and strictly limit access to such data to the absolute minimum number of tournament staff. Side Equalization and Bracket-Breaking We will continue our tradition of both breaking brackets and equalizing sides in the elimination rounds. Rules for side equalization and bracket breaking will be available at the tabulation table throughout the elimination debates. Side Equalization Procedures for determining sides: If the two teams met in prelims, reverse sides. If one team has more affirmative elimination debates than the other, the sides for the next debate should equalize each team’s total number of affirmative elimination debates. Examples: -- If Team A was aff in doubles, and Team B was neg in doubles, and neither side had debated in the prelims, an octos matchup would make team B aff, and Team A neg. -- If Team A was aff in doubles, aff in octos, neg in quarters, while Team B was aff in doubles, neg in octos, neg in quarters, a semifinal matchup would make Team B aff, and Team A neg. -- If Team A was aff in doubles, aff in octos, and aff in quarters (unlikely but possible because of side locks), and Team B was aff in doubles, aff in octos, neg in quarters, a semifinal debate would make Team B aff and Team A neg. If both teams have had equal elim debate sides, the sides are determined by tabroom coin flip. The tab room will flip a coin and announce sides at 7 AM for doubles, and approximately at the start of the 2AR for each subsequent debate. Breaking Brackets Brackets will be broken when two teams representing the same school are scheduled to meet in an elimination round. Once broken, the bracket is permanently set with its new seeds – teams that are reassigned within the bracket do not re-assume their original seed. Brackets will be broken by moving the lower of the two seeds up one seed, unless that is impossible, in which case the lower seed will move down one. Examples: -- Teams from the same school are seeded #5 and #28, and are scheduled to meet in the doubles. The team seeded #28 will move up one seed, to #27, and the team previously seeded #27 will move down to assume the 28th seed. -- Teams from the same school are seeded #16 and #17, and are scheduled to meet in the octos. Since moving the lower-seeded team up would not work, the #17 moves down to the #18 seed, and the previous 18th seed moves up to assume the 17th. Buildings and Transportation The debates will again be disbursed across the length of the Evanston Campus with rounds scheduled throughout 12 possible buildings. The tournament will provide multiple transportation options for those who would like to use our service.Transportation to Campus in the Morning:We will run school buses from each of the Evanston Hotels to a route on campus that will get you to the building cluster you will debate and judge in during Round 1 and Round 5. The buses will begin running at 6:30am, departing from The Orrington, The Hilton Garden Inn, and the Holiday Inn. Note: you are on your own in terms of transportation back to the hotels in the evenings.Transportation on Campus during the Day:The tournament will provide transportation between buildings on campus throughout the day. Any tournament participant can access the transportation service at any time by going to the ballot table in your building/building cluster; simply request a ride from one of the Northwestern personnel at the ballot table and they will call the nearest shuttle. Shuttles will depart from a series of points adjacent to the ballot tables, they are described below. If you still use boxes and paper evidence we are happy to move your tubs for you.The pick-up and drop off points for each building cluster are as follows, each building in use is bolded:I. THE ORRINGTONPick up and Drop off at the Main Entrance – (Ballot table on the 2nd Floor)Orrington - 1710 Orrington AvenueII. SOUTH CAMPUSPick Up and Drop off in the Parking Lot behind the Hardy House (Ballot Table 1st Floor Hardy House)Hardy House - 1809 Chicago Avenue1815 Chicago Ave. - 1815 Chicago Avenue (surprise!)Parkes Hall - 1870 Sheridan Road III. EAST CAMPUSPick Up and Drop off in the Parking Lot east of the breezeway that connects Locy and Fisk (Ballot table inside Locy 1st floor)Locy – 1850 Campus Drive Fisk – 1845 Sheridan Road IV. THE ROCKPick up and Drop off in between the Rock and the Main entrance to Kresge(Ballot Table inside at Main Entrance in Kresge)Kresge – 1880 Campus Drive University – 1897 Sheridan Road Harris – 1881 Campus Drive V. TECHPick up and Drop off at the main entrance of Tech (Technological Institute) on Sheridan Road.(Ballot Table inside at main entrance to Tech)Tech (Technological Institute) – 2145 Sheridan Road VI. FRANCES SEARLEPick up and Drop off on the Access road adjacent to the entrance of Frances Searle(Ballot Table inside at Front Desk of Frances Searle)Frances Searle – 2240 Campus Drive Parking If you do drive to Evanston or have rental vehicles you may park on campus after 4:00 PM on weekdays and anytime during the weekend without being ticketed so long as you observe the posted rules for reserved spaces. Given the proximity of the campus to the tournament hotel, you may well find that you can save a substantial amount of money in parking fees by doing so. Parking is available at the hotel for purchase, there are also a number of public pay lots and individual pay spots close to the Orrington. Food The tournament will provide breakfast and coffee each morning, lunch on Saturday and Sunday, and dinner on Saturday evening. Participants are on their own on Sunday night. We will provide breakfast for the elimination round participants and judges on Monday morning at the Orrington. We will do the same for the remaining participants during lunch, and will host a reception at the onset of the Finals for anyone remaining at the tournament. This section will serve as a reference for where to get all tournament-provided meals and food during this year’s OLC. If you see any tournament-provided meal that doesn’t meet a dietary need of you or anyone in your party, please email buntinjp@ with a thorough description of what you need and we’ll do everything we can to accommodate. Saturday Breakfast on SaturdayBreakfast will be available in five locations Saturday morning, one in each of our clusters of buildings. -- The Orrington for folks debating/judging coaching there in R1 – if you’re on campus R1, please pick up breakfast in the nearest campus building On-campus breakfast will be bagels & cream cheese, fruit, granola bars, and coffee. Locations: -- The Hardy House for folks in the Hardy House and 1815 Chicago Ave -- Locy Hall for folks in Locy and Fisk -- Kresge Hall for folks in Kresge, University, and Harris -- Frances Searle Lunch on SaturdayFor folks debating/judging/coaching in the Orrington at the end of round 2, please stay there – the hotel will provide your lunch. On-campus lunch is Mediterranean food from Pita Inn. It’ll be in two locations: -- Kresge Hall – anyone debating on-campus anywhere other than Frances Searle should head to Kresge at the end of round 2 for lunch. Kresge will have a buffet-style make-your-own-plate setup. -- Frances Searle – anyone in Searle at the end of R2 can stay put instead of trekking to Kresge – we’ve got a bunch of sandwiches from Pita Inn that’ll be brought up for you. Anyone who’s gluten-free and in Searle after R2 should go to Kresge for lunch – just let the ballot table know and they’ll get a tournament driver to give you a ride. Dinner on SaturdayFor folks in the Orrington during round 4, the hotel will provide your dinner close to the end of the debate. On-campus dinner on Saturday will be served in Kresge Hall near the end of round 4 – it’s deep-dish pizza from Lou Malnati’s, and for vegan and gluten-free folks it’s a rice-noodle-based Thai curry from Noodles & Co. SundayBreakfast on SundaySame basic plan as Saturday, slightly different locations: -- The Orrington for folks debating/judging coaching there in R5 – if you’re on campus R5, please pick up breakfast in the nearest campus building -- Locy Hall for folks in Locy and Fisk -- University Hall for the buildings around the Rock-- Tech-- Frances Searle Lunch on SundayFor folks debating/judging/coaching in the Orrington at the end of round 6, please stay there – the hotel will provide your lunch. Sunday lunch on campus is Chipotle. It’ll be in two locations: -- Tech for anyone debating/judging there during R6 – we’ll have burritos and fixin’s. If you’re vegan/gluten free, head to Kresge – the ballot table will be happy to arrange a ride for you. -- Kresge for anyone debating anywhere else on campus during R6 – we’ll have burritos, chips, and a build-your-own bar. The build-your-own food is reserved for folks with vegan or gluten-free diets – if you’re not vegan or gluten-free, please grab a burrito. NDT, CTD & ABAP MeetingsWe will host an NDT Committee meeting, a Council of Tournament Director meeting and an Association of Black Argumentation Professionals meeting during the tournament. Location and timing information are below. NDT Committee MeetingThe NDT Committee will meet during rounds 2 &3 in the Orrington. We have reserved space for the meeting in the ETown Den which is located off of the restaurant on the 1st floor of the hotel. Lunch will be provided for all tournament participants located in the Orrington, including those participating in the NDT committee meeting. Lunch will begin at 1:00pm and will be located on the second floor of the Orrington.CTD MeetingThe Council of Tournament Directors will meet during Round 6. We have reserved a number of rooms in Parkes Hall for the meeting, including breakout rooms that can be used as needed. We don’t often use Parkes for the tournament, it is on the campus map in this guide and is located two buildings north of the Hardy House. Use the entrance on Chicago Avenue (you will see lots of bike racks in front of it), not the Chapel entrance on the corner of Sheridan and Chicago. If you have any trouble the tournament drivers will know where to take you, and otherwise it’s a 2 minute walk from the Hardy House.The meeting will convene in Parkes 212.The additional breakout rooms are Parkes 213, 214, 215, and 223.ABAP Meeting The Association of Black Argumentation Professionals will take place during the tournament. Location and time are TBD. Please stay tuned and we will send out an announcement containing that information during the tournament. Note on ConductWe encourage all tournament participants to maintain the highest standards of ethical conduct in their interactions with other tournament participants, members of the Northwestern Debate Society, and members of Northwestern University’s faculty, staff, and students. All participants debate at the invitation of Northwestern University according to its tournament rules as well as any rules of their own sponsoring institutions. The tournament abides by the rules and norms of the American Forensics Association, the American Debate Association, and the Cross Examination Debate Association. As Northwestern University employees we are obligated to report any destructive, threatening, violent, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior to the appropriate campus authorities. Please bear in mind that the elimination debates are located on private property at the Orrington; the representatives and staff of the hotel expect the highest standard of conduct from their guests and may enforce hotel rules and regulations at their discretion and independently of tournament rules and norms. Please note that various academic units and departments across campus grant us access to many of the buildings that we use for the tournament at their discretion. It would not be possible for us to host such a large tournament without their generous cooperation. As such, we ask tournament participants debating in such areas to observe the posted signs that designate quiet spaces where members of the Northwestern community will be working, teaching, studying, taking examinations, and the like. Similarly, we ask that no tournament participant unplug, move, modify, or otherwise interfere with classroom technology or furniture. Tournament participants have an affirmative obligation to both respectfully abide by requests by members of the Northwestern community regarding noise levels and other disruptive behaviors, and to report any such interactions as soon as feasibly possible to the tournament staff so that we can immediately assist in best balancing our obligations to our colleagues and tournament participants. Accessibility & RestroomsWe have asked Northwestern alumna LaTonya Starks to direct an accessibility initiative at this year’s tournament. She will serve as the main point of contact for any tournament participants with disabilities or health related needs. You should feel free to contact her directly at latonyastarks@ with any accommodation requests. Please let us know as soon as possible if you have not already availed yourself of this initiative so that we can plan accordingly. All teams with limited mobility, coaches with limited mobility, and teams of coaches with limited mobility will have their debates in the Hilton Orrington and in University Hall. We will prioritize tournament related transportation between those two buildings Gender-neutral restrooms will be available in all buildings; follow the signs at the ballot table and on the restrooms themselves for more information.MiscellaneousAudio/Video Recordings All debates are open to registered tournament participants and may be electronically recorded for private educational use by registered tournament participants. We request that tournament participants respect the wishes of those competitors and participants who request not to be recorded, but note that such requests are not binding. Public distribution of such recordings is expressly prohibited unless prior written consent of all persons appearing on the recording is obtained and unless prior written consent of Northwestern University is obtained. Private sharing for educational use is permitted. Drugs/Alcohol/Smoking No alcohol or drugs are allowed on campus or in competition rooms. Drug use and/or drinking on campus or in competition rooms will constitute grounds for dismissal from the tournament. Smoking is allowed on campus outside of a 25-foot radius of each building. Dining in EvanstonIf you’re looking for something in particular that isn’t covered in this guide, please contact Jeff Buntin who will be more than happy to assist:buntinjp@ Trendy “New American” small-plates placesYou know the kind – the server says “our menu is built for sharing” as though you haven’t heard this routine from a hundred other places with ampersands in the name. They make their own charcuterie and have a ‘cocktail program’ and so on. Good for when you want to sit down for a civilized meal, which doesn’t often happen at debate tournaments. Found – 1631 Chicago Ave – very close to the hotel, great food, definitely make a reservation. Peckish Pig – 623 Howard – short drive from campus – they brew their own beer and the lamb burger is amazing. They don’t take reservations, and the wait at peak times on weekends can be long. Go early or late.The Barn – Rear 1016 Church – meat-focused place from the people behind Found, I haven’t been but I’ve heard good things. Ten Mile House – 1700 Central St – very short drive, solid option that’s less crowded than the downtown Evanston stuff usually. Blind Faith – 525 Dempster – 100% vegetarian! All the NU vegetarians like it. I wouldn’t know. Farmhouse – 703 Church – attached to the Orrington. Very solid Midwestern comfort-food cooking. The Cellar – 820 Clark – owned by the Stained Glass people, small plates, no-reservations wine bar. Gets quite busy at peak times. Evanston ClassicsIf you’ve been to an OLC, you might remember these.Pete Miller’s – 1557 Sherman – it’s a steakhouse. For the quality, it’s overpriced. But that’s pretty definitional to a steakhouse, I suppose. If you’re really craving a steakhouse experience, I’d advise you to head into the city. Tapas Barcelona – 1615 Chicago – solid tapas. If you’re looking for the absolute best tapas place, again you’ll need to head into the city, but this is definitely serviceable. Stained Glass – 1735 Benson – Evanston’s ‘nicest’ restaurant. They haven’t changed the menu much in all the time I’ve lived here, but the food is great, so they can get away with it. Al’s Deli – 914 Noyes – impeccable deli sandwiches. Very old-school European. Only open for lunch. Known Commodities Chains and other stuff where you know exactly what you’re getting. Chipotle – 711 Church – it’ll be Sunday lunch, but I could eat (and have eaten) Chipotle twice a day so I won’t hate. Subway – 724 Clark – can we at least all agree that Subway is objectively superior to…Jimmy John’s – 1729 Sherman Panera – 1700 Sherman Burger King – 1740 Orrington – the only – only! – restaurant in Evanston licensed to operate 24 hours. CoffeeI don’t drink coffee, so I am unfortunately useless here. If you have criteria for coffeeshops you like, googling around will tell you more than I could. The closest Starbucks to the hotel is on Sherman Avenue, there’s a new coffee place called Colectivo at the corner of Sherman and Church. Pubs, Burgers, etcThe ‘classic American’ contrast to the ‘new American’ above. Edzo’s – 1571 Sherman – If you like burgers at all, and you dine at one place in Evanston, make it Edzo’s. My favorite burger place anywhere, and I’m not just saying that as a homer. Get the char-burger – it’s a thick patty that you can order to a specific doneness. The griddle burger is the thin fast-food-style burger – also good, but nowhere near the char. All the special fries are awesome. Also, don’t feel constrained by the menu – they will make whatever you can dream up. Closed Monday. Sad! Epic Burger – 1622 Sherman – don’t cheat on Edzo’s like that. UNLESS you go on Monday, when Edzo’s is closed. Then, maybe. Bat 17 – 1709 Benson – very solid option with a diverse menu (good burgers and sandwiches, entrée salads, good for vegetarians). Solid beer list – used to be the best in Evanston before World of Beer and Bangers & Lace. World of Beer – 1601 Sherman – lots of, uh, beer. Pub food menu that is pedestrian at best. Ward 8 – 629 Howard – classic cocktail-focused bar with a small but excellent food menu. If Anders is your bartender, tell him I sent you and he will take excellent care of you. Dinner at Peckish Pig followed by cocktails at Ward 8 is a classic Evanston move. Bangers & Lace – 810 Grove – probably the most ‘grown-up’ feeling bar in Evanston. Food menu is excellent, carnivore-focused (hence ‘bangers’ in the name), and the beer list is top-notch. Prairie Moon – 1635 Chicago – typically less crowded than Bat 17, but serving similar food and similar-tier beer list. This is their new location, I haven’t been since the move so I’m not sure how the new space impacts crowded-ness. Celtic Knot – 626 Church – super-close to the hotel, but in my opinion doesn’t have a ton else to recommend it. If you really MUST hit up an authentic Irish pub…Bar Louie – 1520 Sherman – it’s a bar. Fried StuffYou know you wannaChicken Shack – 1925 Ridge – absolutely top-notch fried chicken, and open late.Buffalo Joe’s – 812 Clark – top-notch wings, waffle fries, also open late.Fish Keg – 2233 Howard – it’s a drive from campus, but it’s all super-delicious fried fish. Get the potato salad. Open till 1 AM on Saturday nights. Worth the drive for sure. Diners, Breakfast, EtcLucky Platter – 514 Main – drive from campus, but the undisputed champ of Evanston breakfastSarkis – 2632 Gross Pt Rd – bit more of a drive, but the absolute best greasy spoon in the world. Which everyone says about their own favorite greasy spoon. The ‘Sarkis challenge’ is to eat $20 worth of Sarkis food in one sitting. Drinks don’t count. Order the disaster sausage. And the Loretta sandwich. And the disaster Loretta. Clarke’s – 720 Clark – open early and late. Diner food. Standard. Golden Olympic – 1608 Chicago – Greek-influenced diner food. Fitz really likes this place. Draw your own conclusions about that. Le Peep – 827 Church – pancake house, dec. Evanston Grill – 1047 Chicago – diner with Korean food. More diner than Korean, hence not in the Korean section. Cross Rhodes – 913 Chicago – another Greek-influenced diner. I’ve never been, but I would imagine it’s better than Golden O. AsianEvanston has lots of older places with fairly pan-Asian menus (like Joy Yee’s for example basically tries to span the entirety of Asia), and lots of new places that focus and specialize. Pan-AsianJoy Yee’s – 519 Davis – for when you want an absolutely unreasonably huge portion of sesame chicken or pad Thai and you want it nowwwwwwwKoi – 624 Davis – for when your large party can all agree vaguely on ‘Asian,’ but some want sushi and some want Americanized Chinese food. Nicer interior and better service than Joy Yee’s. Dozika – 601 Dempster – sushi plus Thai plus vaguely Chinese-influenced things. Siam Paragon – 503 Main – mostly Thai, but also sushi, so in this category.Cozy Noodles – 1018 Davis – very solid pan-Asian noodle-focused place. Also incredibly cheap. Zoba Noodle Bar – 1565 Sherman – I don’t like this place as much as Cozy. I have no real reason for this. Lulu’s – 1026 Davis – this place used to be where Boltwood is now, and did awesome dim-sum among other things. Then they closed, then reopened in this new location, and I haven’t been back since then so can’t speak to its current incarnation. Flat Top – 707 Church – an OLC tradition for many – they’ve changed the model in recent years and now you get less opportunity to build your own. I haven’t been back since. Sad! Soulwich – 1634 Orrington – pan-Asian sandwiches. The owner is a great guy, but the food is merely dec. ThaiSiam Splendor – 1125 Emerson – now that Sookdee has closed, which I just learned while writing this guide, this is my favorite Thai place in Evanston. Siam Pasta – 809 Dempster – apparently there’s some rule that all the Evanston Thai places have to have ‘Siam’ in the name. This one’s dec. ChineseLao Sze Chuan – 1633 Orrington – my favorite Chinese place in Evanston. Part of the Tony Hu restaurant empire, one of Chicago’s most respected Chinese chefs. 527 Café – 527 Davis – next to Joy Yee’s, focused on Taiwanese food. I haven’t been, but I’ve heard good things. KoreanKoco Table – 720 ? Clark – solid Korean place. If you really want good Korean food, you’ve gotta go out of Evanston and drive a bit. Couple good Korean BBQs are west on Golf, out in Niles, or check out San Soo Gab San in the city on Western. 10Q Chicken – 810 Church – new fast-casual Korean chicken joint. I’ve been once and it was pretty tasty. Sushi and JapaneseSea Ranch – 518 Dempster – probably my favorite sushi in Evanston. No-frills, authentic, solid. Sashimi Sashimi – 640 Church – decent, more of a fast-casual place. Coast – 2545 Prairie Ave – more upscale and modern than Sea Ranch, larger menu, with a bar. Todoroki – 526 Davis – sushi and hibachi – solid all-around choice. Kuni’s – 511 Main – I’ve never been, supposedly fancier/more upscale than most other Japanese places. Kansaku – 1514 Sherman – another sushi place. I don’t know how they all survive. This one doesn’t do much to differentiate itself. Table to Stix – 1007 Davis – Evanston’s first ramen shop. I haven’t been, but I like that Evanston has a ramen shop. Sushi Burrito – next to Edzo’s. Just, no. VietnameseViet Nom Nom – 618 ? Church – this is what happens when you start letting millennials name restaurants, smh. I don’t think I could ever say this place’s name with a straight face, but their pho is satisfying. South AsianMt. Everest – 630 Church – super close to the hotel, they claim to be an Indian-Nepali place, but in my opinion they short-change the crap out of the Nepali part of the menu. Good renditions of all the Indian classics though. Lunch buffet, if that’s your jam. Mumbai Grill – 1728 Sherman – much smaller place than Everest, no lunch buffet (but yes lunch specials), generally cheaper, and usually quicker takeout. Food quality has improved substantially over the time they’ve been open, and nowadays I’m much more likely to order from here than Everest. Himalayan - 8265 W Golf Rd, Niles – this is a 20-minute drive from Evanston but SO worth it. By far my favorite South Asian place in the area. Red Hot Chili Pepper – 500 Davis – I have no idea how they’ve avoided a C&D with the name. This place does Indo-Chinese food, so like Chicken 65 and the like. Noodles. I believe owned by the same folks as Everest, which makes me wonder why they’re competing with themselves. Devon Ave – Chicago’s “little subcontinent.” Totally worth the 15-minute drive. The South Indian places are good and excellent examples of their cuisine, but most of the North Indian places are bizarrely underwhelming and kinda just skate by due to lack of competition, I think. Don’t sleep on the Pakistani places that are a bit east of the central intersection at Western & Devon. Ghareeb Nawaz in particular is amazing, super cheap, and, amazing. Also I live half a block from GN. Mediterranean/Middle EasternPita Inn – 4710 Dempster, Skokie – this’ll be lunch one day, but it’s probably worth a second trip. They run a tighter ship than the vast majority of restaurants you’ll ever set foot in. It’s a beautiful, well-oiled, delicious machine. You cannot go wrong with anything on the menu. Olive Mountain – 610 Davis – Evanston’s oldest Mediterranean place, slightly more sit-down than the other options in Evanston. Naf Naf Grill – 1629 Orrington – basically Mediterranean Chipotle. This is a great option for anyone looking to eat healthy yet filling yet tasty food – not many places nail that trifecta. If you get a salad bowl, make sure to get lots of sauce, otherwise the salads eat quite dry – they don’t have a dedicated dressing for their salad, which is the one menu choice of theirs that baffles me. The ‘fries’ are more in the ‘soft chips’ mode. Olive Mediterranean Grill – 1726 Sherman – not to be confused with Olive Mountain. This is another variation on the “Mediterranean Chipotle” theme, I eat here when I’ve eaten at Naf Naf too many days in a row and I don’t want the NNG employees to start making fun of me. Which has totally happened before. MexicanTomate Fresh Kitchen – 914 Noyes – really tiny place, not really any seating, but top-notch Mexican food with a lot of menu diversity beyond typical things. La Cocinita – 1625 Chicago – ostensibly Venezuelan influenced, but they have things from all over Latin America and the Caribbean on the menu from time to time. Solid pick, close to the hotel. Taco Diablo – 1026 Davis – fairly Americanized but good choice for a sit-down Mexican meal. Tacos plus other stuff, definitely not just a tacqueria. That Little Mexican Café – 1010 Church – I’ve never been here because I can’t get over how stupid the name is. Name your damn restaurant, don’t pick a cop-out like this. La Principal – 700 Main – newer, trendier, but really excellent food. PizzaWe’re ordering Lou Malnati’s for dinner on Saturday. But if you require additional pizza…Lou Malnati’s – 1850 Sherman – my fave for Chicago-style. Giordano’s – 1527 Chicago – if you’re a partisan in the Lou’s vs. Giordano’s conflict, by all means. Otherwise, go to Lou’s. Union – 1245 Chicago – this is NOT – I repeat, NOT – Chicago-style. It’s not true Neapolitan style, but it’s as close as you’re gonna get in Evanston. Blaze – 1737 Sherman – the Chipotle of pizza. All the youths eat here, which I will never understand. BBQSmylie Brothers – 1615 Oak – they brew their own beer, which is dec, and make serviceable BBQ. Hecky’s – 1902 Green Bay – an Evanston institution, but personally I just don’t get the appeal. Falcon Eddy’s – 825 Church – new(ish) BBQ place from the owners of Bat 17. I have not been. Budlong Hot Chicken – inside the NU student center, Norris. I think they’re open on weekends, and the hot chicken is legit. Operated by the restaurant group that had my favorite BBQ place in the area, which they sadly closed recently. Campus MapFollow this link to find an interactive campus map: We will also distribute a labelled version of the campus map at registration. It will include pick-up and drop-off points and we will highlight the buildings we are using. ................

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