Minutes from the University of Gloucestershire Students’ Union

SU Sustainability Committee Thursday 21st March ’19 2pm

FCH room HC205


Phoebe Crook SU Welfare Officer (Chair) Present

Chloe Bench Ethical&Environmental Experience Officer (V-C) Present

Meg Stone Green Team President Apologies

Alex Burnett SU Student Activities Coordinator Apologies

Linda Farrall SU Membership Services Manager Present

In Attendance for items 1 & 2:

Miriam Webb UoG Sustainability Engagement Manager (ex-officio member)

1 The Chair welcomed members; apologies were received from Alex Burnett and Meg Stone, who sent notes to share at the meeting (in italics).

2 Update from University Sustainability Team

Single use plastics in refectories

MW advised the committee that the SU’s Education Officer raised the issue of continued extensive use of plastic packaging in the refectory at a Baxter Storey Catering Review meeting. Baxter Storey reported that the amount spent on these items has decreased from ’16 – ’17 but committee felt that use should be cut further. Plastic cups are still used in the bars and sometimes there is no metal cutlery available. LF to ask SU CEO to raise issue again at the Baxter Storey meeting with the SU and UoG.

PC will ask for this issue to be discussed at the next SU Exec meeting.

Green Team’s Bin Campaign

MW updated the committee on this live campaign, which is awaiting the benchmarking waste review at the pilot campus, Hardwick. MW explained that the Green Team’s goal is to encourage better recycling across UoG and reduce bin contamination. Their campaign will trial new signage (pictorial) to decrease contamination.

Solar Panels

MW reported that Michael Checkley, UoG Sustainability Ops Manager, is researching possible options.

Live Smart

Community Celebration Event is being held on 3rd April. Gargoyle workshops. SU has promoted. Final theme is wellbeing, PC to send all relevant campaign info and events to MW. The Live Smart student team will be in touch with the SU: they are considering involving the halls communities.

’17 / ’18 Annual Report

Has been published Limited hard copies will be available soon.

Gloucestershire Climate Change Summit – Michael Checkley is trying to find young people / students who might wish to attend the event on 21st May. LF to ask Green Team.

3 Committee Membership and ToR review

Committee approved ToR, including Committee membership.

4 What has worked well this year?

Notes from MS:

Glos Goes Green I think this is great and it should be rolled out for a longer period of time or continuously, could always repeat challenges.  I also hope that societies and sports clubs continue to make sustainable commitments rather than just do them for the photos and points for Glos Goes Green. 

Bins Great that we’ve got more bins and the signage is slightly clearer. 

Green Team We have about 7 people that regularly attend meetings now.  Apart from me and Yolande, none of them are from the original group. Jess Sellwood is now doing most social media.  Chris Thompson has said he will help with marketing.  Noami is going to help with designing graphics for campaigns.  Yolande is the recruitment officer and I’m grateful that she is organising bin data collection.  Are the rest of our plans for the bin campaign allowed to go ahead? I have sent our notes about the campaign to all green team members and Miriam Webb. Yolande has also met up with Miriam recently where I think they discussed our notes further. LF reported that MW advised her that indeed she had met with Yolande, Ed Moulding (UoG Assistant Facilities Manager) and Michael Checkley (UoG Sustainability Ops Manager) and that the date of the benchmarking waste review needed scheduling with the Green Team.

Cup Campaign I think this will have greatly cut down on the number of non-recyclable disposable cups.

5 What can we improve for next year?

Notes from MS:

Glos Goes Green If this does continue, I think some challenges could have been more sustainable such as ‘making a homecooked meal’ could in theory involve no-organic, imported, intensively grown food that all came in non-recyclable, non-biodegradable packaging but it would still have counted as ‘home-cooked’. CB wanted this initiative to be as straightforward as possible and both she and the SU believes that this is the reason that there was such a healthy take up for the scheme. Perhaps in future years the challenges could become more complex.

Bins Would still be good to have more bins and to have separate ones for food waste.  Need signs to encourage people not to put food in the recycling bin.  Could general waste bin be called ‘landfill/incinerator’, I have seen this in other places and it might make people think more about where their rubbish ends up.  Also, where does our rubbish go? Does it all go to an incinerator now we are zero waste to landfill?  Does it all get sorted out off-site? LF reported that MW stated that general waste is taken offsite to an incinerator, which produces power. MW is due to visit the waste contractor, Suez, to see firsthand how the recycled UoG waste is sorted and disposed.

Green Team My main issue is having the time to: plan meetings, think of ideas for meetings, recruit members and raise awareness of the society.  I would like to have some training with campaigns and more support with everything.  My masters takes priority and then Plastic Free Cheltenham and so Green Team is often last but I am still keen to get more students engaged in sustainability with the aim of getting the uni to number 1 most sustainable university in the UK.

Would Alex be able to change our logo on the SU societies campaign to the one that is on our Facebook page? And would we be able to be called Green Team on the society page rather than UniGlos Green Team. This is not as simple as it seems.. every page that is associated with your society is called UniGlos Green Team on the website, and also every entry on the SU finance software…. We can change it, I just need to be sure that it won’t be changed again when you elect a new committee (o;

Cup Campaign I was wondering if there is any info on how successful this has been?  Are cleaners noticing the new cups being thrown away, as I have seen them being thrown in the bin, which seems like such a waste of money and resource?  Is the scheme going to be renewed?

LF to ask Michael Checkley for info.

LF to ask Baxter Storey if they have any strategies they could employ to prevent the £1 reusable coffee cups being thrown away e.g. clearer signage at the coffee stations. Committee agreed with the UoG Sustainability team that these cups look similar to the disposable Starbucks cups which students are used to.

Plastic Free Cheltenham Within one of the objectives of Plastic Free Cheltenham (the community campaign that I run, which is part of a national initiative), I have to get half of universities or colleges within the community to support and promote Plastic Free Cheltenham as well as ditch at least 3 single-use plastics.  I will count the cups as one single-use plastic and straws since they are now only available on request.  I was wondering what the next single-use plastic could be that we could ditch? Salad boxes perhaps? Why should people who want to eat healthily have to purchase their food in plastic, with no alternative option?  This has been brought up by several students so I’m sure there would be a lot of support for there to be a more sustainable alternative. LF to ask TN to raise this at the next Baxter Storey meeting.

I got lots of publicity from the uni from the litter pick that I ran which was great and it would be great to get as much if not more support in future for the campaign as the uni is a huge part of the community. LF to ask AB to consider this request for Committee training for next year.

Committee discussed the fact that the bars still give out plastic straws. PC suggested metal straws could be used for those students who want or need one. Committee decided that perhaps it would be easier for Baxter Storey to implement a policy of keeping plastic straws only for those students who need them when drinking. LF to ask TN to raise this at the next Baxter Storey meeting.

6 Green Impact Progress

LF reported that she has made progress with gathering evidence and ensuring comms are sent out and recorded. Expressed her thanks to MW for the support that MW has given, and is meeting with her regularly to share issues. Deadline is 29th April.

7 Review of the Students’ Union procurement policy

Committee asked to see last year’s policy to see what has been taken out by LF and CEO. To discuss at the next meeting.

8 Report from the Ethical and Environmental Experience Officer

GlosGoesGreen going well, although CB would like to keep the enthusiasm going – she has noticed reducing engagement as the challenges have become slightly more demanding. SU has promoted again on social media. 14 sports clubs and 5 societies are taking part, and April is the last month. Awards will be given at the Gnomies and the Sports Awards. Committee thanked CB for her hard work and dedication to the competition, which has worked very well.

CB and LF are meeting regularly to ensure CB feels supported and to share concerns / successes.

9 How can we better publicise our work?

CB suggested pop ups at open days and applicant days, to outline all of the events / campaigns / work that UoG and SU do in this area. LF to discuss with MW.

CB also suggested that ambassadors be briefed so that they can discuss this strength when chatting to new / prospective students and their families. LF to contact Chantal Goldsworthy to discuss this.

CB will join the Green Team and UoG Sustainability on a Freshers’ Fayre stand.

10 Any Other Business - none

Date of the Next Meeting: LF to arrange for post-assessment period in June ‘19



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