Contest description - CyberGrants

Contest description

Earthwatch Expedition to CoopeTarrazu

Once again this year we are extremely excited to offer our partners a very unique opportunity to travel to CoopeTarrazu, Costa Rica. This opportunity is the continuation of a project that Starbucks and Earthwatch Institute began in 2007. Our partners will have the very unique opportunity to work on a project that is specific to Starbucks.

Earthwatch and Starbucks have designed a research project that is important not only to help create a more sustainable environment, but that will also benefit our coffee farmers and C.A.F.E. Practices.

As participants on this project, you will have an opportunity to work directly with coffee farmers’ with whom Starbucks is directly connected. Some of the exciting and physically demanding work that you will be doing will include:

• GIS mapping of CoopeTarrazu region including:

o Topography

o Coffee Habitat and other agriculture

o Natural vegetation

o Roads and houses

• Soil analysis

• Data collection on erosion, shade cover, pests and water quality

The work will be physically difficult with lots of hiking in mountainous terrain but will also be extremely rewarding. You will have the opportunity to interact with some of the 2600 farmers that are part of CoopeTarrazu. You will also have a unique up-close view of C.A.F.E. practices, and how they are being implemented on the ground, and what effects they have for our coffee farmers.

To learn how to take advantage of this great opportunity please visit the contest website at www

Who is eligible?

• Partners who are 18 years old or older as of March 1, 2008

• Partners who have worked for Starbucks for 2 consecutive years as of March 1, 2008

• Partner who received at least a 2 or Meets Expectations on their most recent review

• Partners who have received their Coffee Master Certification

• All Store Partners including:

o Store Managers (no matter how many partners)

o Assistant Store Managers

o Shift Supervisors

o Baristas

• Other Support, Regional and Roasting Plant Partners up to Manager Level with 3 or less direct reports.

o Directors and VP’s and above are not eligible for this opportunity.

• Partners must speak and write English. Although Earthwatch is a global organization and this research takes place in Costa Rica, all presentations are done in English and all data is collected in English.

• Partners who work in the following company owned markets:

o Amsterdam Roasting Plant and RSC

o Australia

o Canada

o Chile

o Germany

o Hong Kong (AP RSC)

o Ireland

o Puerto Rico

o Singapore

o Thailand

o United Kingdom

o Starbucks Coffee Trading Company Partners

o Starbucks Agronomy Office Partners

o Greater China (Shanghai) RSC

o Greater China

▪ Beijing

▪ Dalian

▪ Qingdao

▪ Shenzhen

▪ Guangdong

▪ Chengdu

▪ Xi’an

The contest is open for partners to apply from March 3 – March 28, 2008

The website will give you a complete description of the experience and requirements. There you will be asked to complete the submittal form and write an essay. Your essay should address:

• Why you are passionate about the culture of Starbucks

• Why you are passionate about coffee

• Why you are passionate about the environment.

As part of our overall environmental effort to reduce paper use, the only way to apply for this opportunity is by visiting www Please log onto this website from your personal computer at home and view complete details for this contest. If you do not have a personal computer at home ask a friend or family member if you can use their computer, or visit your local library or internet café.


Will I have the opportunity to travel to other parts of Costa Rica?

You will stay very local to the Tarrazu area. During the expedition you stay together as a group.

Do I have to know how to speak Spanish?

No Spanish speaking skills are required for this trip but if you do speak Spanish you’ll be better able to communicate w/ farmers and families that you meet along the way.

Do I have to have any special abilities or skills?

No special skills are needed

Will I have to work every day?

No, you will have 1 full day off during the 12 day expedition. Otherwise you will be in the field or in the lab every day working.

If I win what does the prize include?

Partners are paid their hourly wage for the hours worked on the expedition in Costa Rica.

Partners do not take vacation time

All room and board expenses related to the expedition.

Airline tickets

If I win, what am I responsible for?

Medical Exams and shots needed.

Starbucks can not pay for shots or the required medical exam. Earthwatch does require that all participants have a full physical before they can go on this expedition.

Understanding travel Visa requirements as well as obtaining the Visa and paying for the Visa.

Starbucks can not reimburse for costs associated with obtaining a travel Visa.

You must have all valid Passport Documents for your country

Starbucks will not reimburse for the cost incurred to obtain a Passport.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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