Operation Disclosure.doc

Operation Disclosure

• Restored Republic via a GCR as of Sept. 6, 2017

• GCR/RV Intel SITREP: "Guinea" -- September 5, 2017

• Holy Spirituality with Pine Cone: 3D Death works Perfectly, just the way It Is

• BATR: Driverless Vehicles Powered by Artificial Intelligence

• GCR/RV Intel SITREP: "Pandora's Box" -- September 5, 2017

• (Video) Astonishing Find in Israel has Huge Impact on Prophecy

• (Video) The Lie We Live -- The New World Order

• Holy Spirituality with Pine Cone: Alice Bob Carol Danny

• Study Finds Diet Soda Can Increase Risk of Dementia and Stroke

• GCR/RV Intel SITREP: "Pink Lady" -- September 5, 2017

• Sheldan Nidle's Galactic Federation Update -- September 5, 2017

Restored Republic via a GCR as of Sept. 6, 2017

Posted: 05 Sep 2017 10:06 PM PDT

Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of Sept. 6 2017

Compiled 12:35 am EDT 6 Sept. 2017 by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret, CEO, Child Abuse Recovery ; Author, "Twenty Two Faces," 

Source: Dinar Chronicles

A. Sept. 5 2017 The Big Call, Bruce:  712-770-4016 pin123456#

1. For the past two weeks Iraq has moved through the GCR - have new rates on their Qi Cards, new rates in their ATMs, accounts are hydrated and Dinar rate went up 100 fold.

2. Iraq's digital Gazette is printed tonight with the new budget and new rates. The Gazette will come out tomorrow morning Sept. 6.

3. The BRICS financial conference in China will finish up tomorrow Sept. 6. Egypt is the latest member to be added to BRICS.

4. In the US as of 3:30 EDT this am Sept. 5 the fines and penalties were being paid out; they were hydrating SKRs and paying out 50,000 accounts per hour globally. This payout was believed to be completed within 36 hours.

5. The Tier 4 (internet group) should get started soon.

6. The 800 numbers could come tonight or tomorrow Sept. 6. We could get notified at any time.

7. New redemption centers were put in the mix - 9 in Texas, 7 in Louisiana - as a result of Hurricane Harvey. A few need finalization of their communication.

8. Zim rates have crept up slightly. There are good screen rates on the other currencies. You can negotiate for higher rates providing you have projects that will support those rates. You need to answer the question of how you are going to benefit humankind?

B. Sept. 5 2017 11:11 am EDT GCR Intel Situation Report: "Pink Lady" - GCR/RV Intel SITREP - Tuesday - September 5, 2017

1. Markets open tomorrow Sept. 6 at 9am EDT.

2. Before that at 7:27am EDT Sept. 6 Mercury goes direct and the earth starts to come out of retrograde.

3. Everything happening right now syncs up with this astrological event. Including Hurricane Irma which has slowed down ironically as it gets bigger and is delaying itself. Florida has already declared a state of emergency--and it's a week out--that the raw powerful of Hurricane Irma.

4. North Korea is about ready to announce the end of the world according to what this Mossad agent is saying:

5. It has been said that the more chaotic things became, the closer we are to pay dirt.

C. Sept. 5 2017 11:11 pm EDT GCR Intel Situation Report: "Guinea" - GCR/RV Intel SITREP - Tuesday - September 5, 2017

1. Zimbabwe went first on announcing the gold standard, followed by the Yuan. Why?

At this weekends BRICS business gathering Chinese President Xi Jinping of said that,

"Africa is the future of the world. The future of BRICS will be determined by cooperation with Africa."

2. The Zim was over $2.90+ as of the start of this week. This means Zimababwe's currency is valued more by the Chinese than America by nearly 3 to 1!

3. Emerging market counties are not only BRICS members already, America is not! And they are each primed for massive growth with China's backing a la Zimbabwe, Vietnam, Indonesia, Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran.

D. Sept. 5 2017 5:25 pm EDT BRICS Declaration, Tank: "BRICS, Xiamen Declaration" - TANK Update 9-5-17

Sept. 4 2017 Dinar Detectives: A Nikkei Asian Review report indicates that China is prepared to release a Yuan-denominated oil futures contract that is convertible (backed by) physical gold. The contract will enable China’s largest oil suppliers to settle oil sales in yuan, rather than in US dollars, then convert the Yuan into gold on exchanges in Hong Kong and Shanghai.

Updates for the last seven days:

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sept. 5, 2017

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sept. 4, 2017

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sept. 3, 2017

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sept. 2, 2017

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sept. 1, 2017

Restored Republic via a GCR: Summary as of Aug. 31, 2017

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Aug. 31, 2017

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Aug. 30, 2017[pic]

GCR/RV Intel SITREP: "Guinea" -- September 5, 2017

Posted: 05 Sep 2017 08:12 PM PDT


Source: Dinar Chronicles

Zimbabwe went first on announcing the gold standard followed by the Yuan... why?

At this weekends BRICS business gathering Chinese President Xi Jinping of said that "China and Africa are a community of shared future and common interests, which have gone through thick and thin together."

“Regardless of changes in the international situation, China will unswervingly work with Africa for win-win cooperation and common development, and resolutely support peace and development in Africa,” President Xi said.

“China supports Africa’s capacity building in peace-keeping.”

He also said that China intends to better combine the Belt and Road Initiative and the China-Africa cooperation plans set forth at the FOCAC Johannesburg summit with the AU’s Agenda 2063.

"Africa is the future of the world," Xi said, "The future of BRICS will be determined by cooperation with Africa... let us jointly face our challenges together."

Wow... ok. How do you feel about your ZIM investment now? It's over 2.90+ as of the start of this week. This means Zimababwe's currency is valued more by the Chinese than America by nearly 3 to 1!

That's how far America will fall, how fast and when is tied into the release of the RV--which is still an immanent event.

And this is why you're already wealthy beyond traditionally understanding. But tradition is a liar as it relates to Anglo-Saxon history.

White Supremacy wasn't some passing fad, it was a four century problem/war that has structurally been suppressed in our lifetime. Pretty cool.

People of Color are going to make a "yuge" comeback as a result.

In this same spirit of proper valuation... Egypt, Guinea, Tajikistan, Thailand and Mexico were all asked to join the three-day BRICS business summit as observer nations, what President Xi called potential "BRICS Plus” members who could one day expand into the larger BRICS bloc, although no new members have been formally announced.

Bullshit. They were there announced just being at the meeting and discussed publicly by Xi. China is telling you what they are doing, look at what they did with the Yuan going to a gold backing in exchange for oil!

Are you listening?

These emerging market counties are not only all BRICS Plus members already, America is not! And they are each primed for massive growth with China's backing a la Zimbabwe, Vietnam, Indonesia, Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran.

BTW: All these nations have vast majority populations that yup... are of color.

Get it?

Anglos have for four hundred years tried to steal the wealth of the world, and couldn't, now China and Russia are restoring the truth which creates fiscal arbitrages that we can all take advantage if we are paying attention. So are you?

Take the Nation of Guinea as an example...

... Guinea is richly endowed with minerals, possessing an estimated quarter of the world's proven reserves of bauxite, more than 1.8 billion metric tons (2.0 billion short tons) of high-grade iron ore, significant diamond and gold deposits, and undetermined quantities of uranium.

Yet check out its horribly under valued currency a la another little known undervalued African nation ... yup ... Zimbabwe.


No wonder a second category 4 level hurricane is barreling down on Florida this week. Locals should just leave and pray to be spared given what happened in Houston.


When all these historically evil lies and manmade catastrophic storms pass, peace and prosperity will restore and remain for 1,000 years.

So all is well. Be at peace. This too shall pass.

God is with us[pic]

Holy Spirituality with Pine Cone: 3D Death works Perfectly, just the way It Is

Posted: 05 Sep 2017 07:29 PM PDT

Metaphysics For Life 105 Heart Intelligence

We manifest here with our past Karmic-lifetimes in tow, and every other person close enough to scare ya, is your perfect Karmic-mirror, that brought you with them too. These mirrors are our Saviors as a gift from ONENESS Spirit Conscience, and as we disregard them, we spit in the eye of God’s Savior for us, until we listen to what they say, and do, with forgiveness of creation mirrors of our Past lifetime-fails to be kind.

I am your Savior right now, just as you are ‘my’ Savior too, and as long as we deny our Karmic lifetime-fails, this Physical-role 3D paradigm suffering works great, just the way we, still remain unkind. Those that choose to remain unkind will, all go to another 3D World just like this one, but we forget this Karmic World is, already where we came, to remain unkind from before. Now isn’t that a surprise to those that still preach Love here, when this Mortal World has nothing to do with Love, or Immortality at all.

Kids come here with their old lifetimes appearing as their parents in another lifetime-fail, so they get to experience the harm they did, before to their children in a role-reversal psychodrama, experientially, which is the only, true way to enhance any desire to turn within, and let go of any more need for creation-mirror denial failures. This Paradigm is for suffering Karma, and it, already is working so well that Nothing can, ever change how well it works to, never be able to remember Love this time, or remember mean-spirited Karmic-lifetimes before now, and before just like we, already planned all our life plans with help from all the angels, and guides that Heaven can muster for us.

Forgiving others, as ourselves clears away any more need to remain in creation illusion of separation, and makes it easy to Love Listen, once we wake up, and accept things just the way it is, so we, actually become free in this 3D Karmic World, but not any more committed to anything of this Illusion of separation suffering. Love is Immortal, and we, Mortals ain’t it, like, even that we think we are here, already speaks to our unconscious guilt of separation suffering, that has all the unconscious power-over us, whether we accept it in helpless surrender to ONENESS Spirit Conscience, or not.

Absolute Unborn Infinity intimates “Unborn”, very clearly, so any Immortal who can think outside the Mother Earth box goes somewhere, but I have an idea once we get there, there is no more time, any more than there is ‘anywhere’ either. This is the way it is to allow the mean-spirited curmudgeons to work as slowly as they need to, and it isn’t any different than where some will settle next, just like this is where we settled as mean as the next one, and so on, and so on, so we will, really ‘want’ to stop suffering with all the other prison gangs here, already too vicious for me.

Schools are prisons, just like gangs form in Prisons to get with a group to survive such a vicious environment, but parents and kids don’t call them gangs, we all soften cliques as if we can say “aren’t they cute to dress differently”. Half the population at any one time is not only half each gender for good Karmic divisive-gender half/life split-soul role-reversal mean-spirited reasons, but to support 8 Billion alive, takes another 8 billion sick, and dying ‘dead’ on the youth-genocide child-sacrifice Satanic-religious train, that makes half of 16 billion disappear.

All these Karmic systems work very well, and believe me I wouldn’t want to try to save someone who chooses to die, because I kept trying many times with suicidal ones, before I accepted them too, just like the mean ones who made them the way they made others a Karmic-lifetime before. I was a mean Mother half a longer swear last time, and it is so gratifying to feel this kind of coherent understanding, because everything mean now, just enhances my desire to turn within toward Holy Spirit, and there as nothing as nurturing as Creative Intelligence in abundance, that takes the constant itch out of, never accepting myself before, while every forgiving intention of my Mother, is really another notch forgiving myself, before as a mean Mother, just like mine this lifetime. Now where ya gonna buy this much Nurturing ONENESS understanding in this suffering separation man-made paradigm?

If you always have an agenda against, or for someone, or something, you can bet your sorry ass, that you need to forgive them/that so you can enjoy forgiving yourself before as that, very Karmic-them, or Karmic-that. “Buy ‘em books and send ‘em to school and what do they do, but mess with the prison teachers!” Acceptance can’t afford agendas, because the Peace definition of Love, only appears in the Spirit of forgiveness, and the operative idea of “Physical” can’t be there wherever/whatever Light does, when there are no more physical shadows following us around everywhere we suffer, and make others suffer as our Karmic patsies.

This suffering cellular paradigm is death of ONENESS Spirit Conscience, already, and real Liquid Crystalline Life is Immortal Love, that only works well on the other side, we deny even can exist without us. The ones in charge on this side are, like shit house rats in charge of all our drowning speed bump floaters, so they have nothing to brag about really, and it’s not user-friendly to sit at the top when so many rats will do anything to remove winners, as if they can’t even breathe down below, without swallowing Big Gulps, along with chocolate covered turds, that fool us, after we take a big winner-bite.(Think about the Chief-rats, and see how unhappy they look in charge of Mother Earth septic tanks, on this desert of life, across the sea of Karmic grease fat-suffering, and gender grime rat-motives)

3D Death works Perfectly to forgive, just the way we are, and we may as well accept it, with the kind wisdom of 5D life ‘intta-here’, not outta here gratitude :))

Global Coherence and Consciousness

About the Author


I “Love” to Admit it 11/22/16

I “Love" to admit it, but I have been captivated by the constant Blackmail battering of this Child-sacrificing malevolent World, so that I ‘want’ to surrender to Holy Spirit, by turning within, as a new humble priority. Sex-slavery robbed me of my soul, as a child, yet once I realized everything difficult, that happens enhances my devotion to turn even, more within ONENESS Spirit Conscience forgiveness nurturing, instead.

I fought like Hell to work, very hard for Money to, barely survive, but after a few years of meditation, and forgiveness prayers to Holy Spirit, to do the difficult forgiveness of others, as myself, more money came to me from Spirit, right through other benevolent Sources, than I ever, even knew about, before surrender. I “Love” to admit that Money doesn’t come from hard work, or social-norm Blackmail, but comes from Source, just like everything else, we need to ‘thrive’, instead of, ‘barely survive’ in addiction to this Child-sacrificing malevolent World.

After losing connection to my, own Conscience, I have become a kinder feeling empath, and a constant seeming mistaken threat to others suffering, just like me, before I sat down, closed my eyes, and meditated my suffering ass off. Like kindness comes from within Spirit devotion, so too, does being able to feel again, without letting those ephemeral duties control my reactive behaviors any more. Money, kindness, and feelings come from turning within, to ask for help to forgive all my captors that, still suffer much tortuous regret for forcing me, to do things out of fear, that no Child would, ordinarily want to do.

After annihilation traumas of the lower fourth dimensional ‘murky unkind’, everything outside triggered my reaction to live in the past swamp, ‘as if’, so, as I became more addicted to the outside Illusion of, more fear piled up onto, more traumas, I “Love” to admit that, with a gift of desperation, I became a, very willing candidate to surrender to something else, besides this unholy smelling foul-World of sulfur-predator crap. Now I see, all suffering evidence, as a gift from ONENESS to have compassion, and Mercy for, all who, still haven’t turned within to receive Money out of nowhere, and become a kinder feeling person, instead.

I am more sensitive to Blackmail than I have, ever realized, and even that’s a gift now, because I used to blame myself, ‘as if’, all evil was my fault, but NOTHING can, ever be further from the Truth. I was a beautiful innocent Child, and I, still am, inside, no matter what I used to think, and no matter what constant Blackmail, still wants to make me feel that lost-soul way. Blackmail is a constant battering here in Karmic Hologram miming-mirror Earth Paradigm, and who knew; before I turned within, where enlightening compassion makes me feel like a ‘kind kid’ with pocket treasures full of Sparkling Golden innocent-kaleidoscope perceptions again?

When I surrendered to Holy Spirit, Money was the furthest thing from my new mind of Delight, and I, certainly was convinced, that I would, never become a kinder feeling empath, ever again. Getting old had become a ‘given’, but turning within has made, even gettin-gold a ‘variable’ out of my getting younger now, every time Holy Spirit welcomes me inside, where eternal youth commands, all kinder feeling empathic Mountain Top kindergarteners.

Money, Holy Spirit, my soul, kinder feeling empath, forgiveness, my Conscience, compassion, Mercy, my Inner Child Spirit, eternal youth, the willingness to face outside Blackmail with a new motive to serve, with the, very “Love” that I have to admit, all these Wonderful gifts from within nurturing, that replaces any more outside need for what, best can be defined as needy-ransom soul-selling Blackmail=Burnout.

Inner-Child Spirit Safe-Home, within

author Pine Cone


BATR: Driverless Vehicles Powered by Artificial Intelligence

Posted: 05 Sep 2017 04:22 PM PDT

Driverless Vehicles Powered by Artificial Intelligence

The joy of driving was once an important part of the American Dream. Take to the open roads meant freedom and adventure. The utilitarian objective of moving from one place to another just does not seem to possess the same romance. As with all reminiscences of the past, the lingering memories like to keep the good times close and block out the troubles when possible. This same trait can be applied to the distinctly national love affair with the auto. But as with all things, times move on and many in the tech community believe that the next advancement in land travel will come from an AI revolution.

Motor vehicle manufacturers and the oil industry that fuels them became a large part of creating the Big Business model. Money was to be made. Names like Ford and Firestone rubbed shoulders with the likes of Rockefeller. Today, the stable of electric and hybrids appeal less to the muscle power consumers who value horsepower, than to the save the planet believers, who are less concerned about cost per mile.

Such a dilemma is being transformed by the programming of software that is being designed to take the thinking out of driving. Some may say that there is very little aptitude in the passing lane at this point anyways and that the promise of an autobahn with a Google hangouts plugin would enhance the gaming experience in transit.

Well, so much for controlling the direction where the rubber meets the road, the jumbo tech giants smell money all over this twenty-first century bonanza. When the Washington Post reported, in Google’s artificial intelligence breakthrough may have a huge impact on self-driving cars and much more; “Google researchers have created an algorithm that has a human-like ability to learn, marking a significant breakthrough in the field of artificial intelligence”, the part timers over at Uber were just given notice.

“A more appealing solution for Google would be for the car to develop a level of intelligence that’s so high, it wouldn’t need those preloaded maps. It could simply scan roads in front of it, and teach itself how to drive anywhere.”

In another account, this from Breitbart, Artificial Intelligence Breakthroughs in 2015, the Singularity by 2030.,”Several companies are testing self-driving cars, and they’re expected to be available commercially by 2020.” That’s just around the corner and it looks you will not have to stop to make a “right” turn.

So what are the economics from this brave new world?

It’s No Myth: Robots and Artificial Intelligence Will Erase Jobs in Nearly Every Industry, predicts that “Manufacturing will be returning to U.S. shores with robots doing the job of Chinese workers; American carmakers will be mass-producing self-driving electric vehicles”, but will also bring about “The first large wave of unemployment will be caused by self-driving cars. These will provide tremendous benefit by eliminating traffic accidents and congestion, making commuting time more productive, and reducing energy usage. But they will eliminate the jobs of millions of taxi and truck drivers and delivery people.”

Xconomy, from the San Francisco Bay area offers this analysis.

“So far most conversations around self-driving cars focus on personal vehicles. It’s unlikely we’ll take a fully autonomous car for our daily commute for quite a few years, but commercial trucking will see self-driving vehicles emerge far sooner. One company, Peloton, is already making this a reality. Long haul trucking is an easier technical challenge because interstates are generally straight lines, well-marked, digitally mapped in high definition, and generally free of pedestrians, bicycles, and other random obstacles; and the economic productivity of trucks can justify substantial investment in sophisticated cameras, sensors, and computers needed for autopilot systems. The economic need for autonomous trucks is huge due to the high cost and shortage of drivers, regulatory limits on driving time, and the fuel efficiency gained from convoys travelling close together in peloton formation.”

Lastly, from the respective McKinsey & Company, a global management consulting firm - Ten ways autonomous driving could redefine the automotive world. The entire descriptions can be read on their site.

1. Industrial fleets lead the way

2. Car OEMs face a decision

3. New mobility models emerge

4. The car-service landscape changes

5. Car insurers might shift their business model

6. Companies could reshape their supply chains

7. Drivers have more time for everything

8. Parking becomes easier

9. Accident rates drop

10. AVs accelerate robotics development for consumer applications

The economic dislocations can be earth shattering. However, the buggy makers in this round of the transpiration technology interchange just does not seem to promise the same employment uplifting that Henry Ford’s accomplished with his THE FIVE-DOLLAR DAY—JUMP-STARTING THE MIDDLE CLASS.

Well, when in doubt just go to a Starbucks and order an iced caramel macchiato. You might even get change. Is this the kind of benefit consumers could expect from having “more time for everything”?

Control of the transport market may bear an Apple logo, using a Microsoft operating system, built by Toyota, delivered by Bezos drones and sold through Musk marketing “programming” commercials, carried in Google ads. As for the displaced UAW workers, just chat and text from your smart devices, your unemployment benefits just ran out.

The future of truck stops on the nations’ interstates might need to convert to electric plug in stations for all those dependable green renewals and become rest areas for the travelling porn circuit, since such engagements may be the only services that AI cannot replace. Some even argue that may not be true.

The merchant economy is the only alternative to this Metropolis Melodramainduced society that is destroying the financial futures of most households. The billionaire ranks swell, while the consumers starve. Trading in your Ferrari sports car for a dependable Argentine Criollos steed may not be practical or appealing for most. However, compared to navigating the highways as cargo in an artificial intelligence environment; taking a greyhound bus looks more attractive than ever.

James Hall – January 27, 2016

Read the entire article on the "Negotium" archives

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GCR/RV Intel SITREP: "Pandora's Box" -- September 5, 2017

Posted: 05 Sep 2017 03:10 PM PDT


Source: Dinar Chronicles

Humanity is lacking the will necessary to break free from its enslavement. The delay to commence transition is as manmade as the recent hurricanes.

We know this because there is no RV--yet--and back screen rates don't manifest any mercy.

There are no arrests or shame applications to evil doers--Donald Trump, John McCain and Lindsey Graham cannot speak for America any longer. Their existence in public life shames us all.

There is no public announcement of an organized cabal--and to keep this truth unannounced is continued deceit in finance, government, military, science, education, diplomacy, energy and media simply doesn't accelerate human ascension--in fact it's now our "liberators" holding us hostage.

There is no restored Republic government--negotiating secrete treaties via secrete Congressmen, Presidents and Supreme Court justices because its still unknown. This fear dominates this entity not love.

Even the Elders are still hiding their own meticulous existence and reserved wealth keeping for humanity all in the shadows of history while chaos is allowed to take constant center stage.

The whole "alien conspiracy" too is an entirely additional and vital matter--which many now know is tied into everything stated openly and publicly above.

At some point now dear benevolents... ya gotta tell our species of our captivity and our divinity. That's why you are allowed to exist by divine covenant with Yeshua Ben Yosef.

Some is not all. All is all. And all is our birthright just as it is yours. We are One remember?

It is your place in the cosmic order of all affairs to deliver our freedom as universal law demands it so--do the right thing and release the Pandora's Box holding God's Will.

It is no longer yours to keep, but ours to flourish and thrive.

Only life equals life. And only death equals death. All must choose to willfully follow God's Will or their own inclinations. And this includes the ancient races of human beings and benevolent inner earth and extra terrestrial species assisting mankind's ascension.

Because until we together walks proudly into the light of he truth, together we shall all remain cowering in fear filled darkness that is inaction.

And this I know is not God's Will. So do you.

Release Heavenly Father's blessing now in the name and blood of Christ... and turn over to us our shared and whole truth and nothing but our truth so help us God.

We cry this unified claim of sovereignty as One humble voice in service of Abba, so He may alone will override your tepid desires, and the human mercy movement may commence and continue perpetually no matter the collateral damage initially incurred. Sobeit.

Please join the Mercy Movement at by submitting your email and encouraging others seeking the white light of heaven to do the same.

God is with us[pic]

(Video) Astonishing Find in Israel has Huge Impact on Prophecy

Posted: 05 Sep 2017 01:21 PM PDT

Published on Aug 22, 2017

Shocking Discovery In Israel Has Huge Impact On Prophecy & Leaves Experts Speechless![pic]

(Video) The Lie We Live -- The New World Order

Posted: 05 Sep 2017 12:59 PM PDT

Published on Nov 24, 2016


As a conspiracy theory, the term New World Order or NWO refers to the emergence of a totalitarian world government.

The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history's progress.

FREEDOM is self-determinance; it is the condition of minimal constraint. Naturally, in a society or community, there has to be some constraints — the burglar cannot have the freedom to steal, the thug cannot have the freedom to mug, and the businessman cannot have the freedom to excessively pollute and pay no taxes. But get the balance between personal freedom, social order and ecological integrity right, and the vast majority of citizens can live happily with moderate personal freedom and minimal constraints.

Democracy can only be an agent of freedom if it gives people meaningful voting choices (not just a choice of 2 or 3 parties with only cosmetic differences), and if it ensures that the people have the unbiased and undistorted information necessary to make a choice that is in their interest (which can only happen with a mass media and educational system free from undue government and corporate influence). Of course, sometimes the majority may want to use their democratic rights to restrict freedom (for example in the areas of gun ownership, stem cell research, GM foods, pedophilia, the "war against terror" or fox hunting). This is because different freedoms often conflict with each other.

Something else that manipulates the mind of the people into undervaluing freedom is the fact that adults spend the bulk of their waking hours toiling in the corporate environment. Are corporations democratic organisations? Of course not! They are authoritarian organisations — dictatorships — with a strict hierarchy of control. This means that most adults in democratic societies spend most of their time in dictatorships, and this skews their psychology and their values so that social freedom is much easier to pry out of their hands. (Sheep mentality is reinforced at every level.) And it is Commercial Law that is increasingly dictating the terms of that slavery.

Public freedom and civil rights are seriously compromised by fervent patriotism. In the words of Leo Tolstoy, "The subjection of men to government will always continue as long as patriotism exists, for every ruling power rests on patriotism — on the readiness of men to submit to power." Judging by the staggering number of "freedom" organisations and sites that are plastered with national flags and emblems, there is widespread confusion between patriotism and freedom. Patriotism serves only to pervert government accountability, allowing reprehensible behaviour to go unchallenged, even where that behaviour is directed at the people themselves. This is why governments waste no opportunity to stir up patriotism… it gets them off the hook and back in control.

Finally, it is important to remember that the freedom that so many of us now take for granted didn't just come about because everybody agreed that it was a "good idea". Previous generations literally risked their lives for freedom — that is how much they valued it. Those in authority generally don't give up that authority willingly; freedom needs to be taken from them (preferably, as Gandhi did, by peaceful means). We are now the generation that has become the custodians of freedom. Will we allow it to languish because we have more important things to do like watching TV and shopping, or will we take up the responsibility, as our forebears did, and fight for freedom and civil liberties so that the world is a better place for ourselves and our children?[pic]

Holy Spirituality with Pine Cone: Alice Bob Carol Danny

Posted: 05 Sep 2017 12:41 PM PDT

Listening With Your Spiritual Eye

Alice: I can feel how our Collective Unconscious-hate Consciousness never communicates Love, and acceptance, as if it’s against the Law to affirm anyone with Delight for self-disclosing with any honest vulnerable innocence, so I am frightened to be myself, and I am deeply ashamed all the time.

Bob: So what you mean is that our unconscious self-hate projects out our, own shame onto everyone else, that causes you to feel frightened, and ashamed , yourself, all the time, from no one ever communicating Love, and acceptance by responding with Delight, like you were already expecting would happen right now?

Alice: Yes, thank you Bob. That’s it, our Collective self-hate narcissism Consciousness communicates non-acceptance ‘censure’ so badly, that I’m ashamed of our Collective Mob-xenophobic Consciousness, that reacts all the time, so nobody expects Love, and acceptance, but instead, acts out with continual fear of separation, and judge/jury/executioner ‘non-acceptance’ just like all our Parents/Teachers/Fixers do to mind-control helpless little children.

Carol: You are very brave to speak this truth, and I’m grateful to you for the Love, and acceptance it takes to even, dare to put yourself out here, and I can feel how deeply this Unconscious-hate keeps us, all ashamed, and frightened to be our honest True Selves, any time all the time, and even right now it seems that we have to be careful, so thank you for making it emotionally safe to communicate honestly, and with a caring innocence.

Alice: Thank you both for receiving what Im saying with acceptance, and even deeper inside I get the feeling that I’m not trying to fix anything, just the way we all usually communicate unconscious self-hate projected-censure, but rather from my forgiveness intention to begin to wake up, and become aware, from more acceptance than can even deepen our group discernment, without any need to react like our Collective Unconscious-mob xenophobic/genocidal Consciousness makes us all frightened, and, more ashamed of ourselves.

Danny: Love, and acceptance is being communicated right now, and it helps us, all enjoy going deeper ‘under’ the first thing you began with, Alice? Thank you for your courage to speak the Truth of our Collective judge/jury/executioner unconscious-mob reactionary censuring, and I can, now see what our children have to put up with, while we, all mind control them and call it Love and acceptance. What A mind f*** on them we, all do without, ever admitting it?

Alice: I just realized what was deeper in my mind, that I couldn’t seem to say at first, is now being intuitively said by each one of you, as if we are all, really bonding with Delight, in a warming Communion?

Bob: Yes Alice, I feel it too, and there is a sort of a rhythm in our loving responses, as if our focus on you is not making you invisible, like all the ways we communicate ‘non-acceptance’ to censure each other, usually? I like the feeling of this experience together, and I wish every day, in every way everyone would get to feel the warm rhythm of Bonding Delight, so we can all trust each other again, and stop ‘saying’ ONENESS, to our children, while we ‘do’ total censure as if they can, never be right about anything, so they seem to have given up on us for such shame-projected parenting-dissonance reverse-exorcism motives to communicate hate, instead of Love toward them.

Alice/Bob/Carol/Danny: All slow down, stop needing to say anything more, and enjoy this healing ONENESS experience, as if they will, never forget what just happened, and it keeps working, like all good prophetic dreams keep working from Love Source, where we don’t harm others with our unconscious pain, like the Golden Rule says, and does what we say, from our inner child, to our precious progeny learning from ‘us’ how to Live Loved again.

Subtext: Like Christ disappeared to accept us with Love, and acceptance, so we can Delight-disappear with others, to encourage anyone to go deeper, than what anyone dares to say to begin with. A B C D can 1 2 3 4 altogether without denying anyone, as if the Personal Christ participants begin speaking intuitively for each other, without ever losing their focus on the need to affirm another, the very Collective ‘opposite thing’ Consciousness, that makes Alice frightened, and ashamed in our Mob-mirrors.

I use the Subtext idea like a beginning role-model of Love Listening, yet it never seems to draw out others from their own expectations to remain fan-base frightened, alone, and ashamed, so even this helps reveal what Alice first was introducing, where it, only happens in theory on a planet, so determined to remain separate, and afraid of innocently communicating, and honestly Loving each other in a welcoming Delight for the courage ‘to be the little fish that wants to talk about water’.

I notice, also that as long as everyone is so damned do-gooder inspired to fix everything, instead of forgiving everyone, our kids will, never have a chance to learn to Live Loved, either? This one little spot of oil on the water surface, that Alice dropped on us, can spread over, all the Love Oceans of hate we watch go bad>to worse, helplessly, like nothing terrible, ever gets fixed by the fixer statist-stasis state of mindless separation intention, that runs this Dump, we call Mother Earth ‘nurturing’?

Alice is a personal Christ with ONENESS Bob, Carol, and Danny Love Listening in a Bonding Delight rhythm, and it almost seems that rhythm, itself, is what’s missing in our fear-paid protection/projection 911 evil xenophobic Mob, that is always fixing, and never forgiving, so we can weave Light into our Collective Unconscious-hate Consciousness, to 1 2 3 4 all the letters of our unconscious guilt of separation ashamed, and denied, ever so outnumbered~illusory well, until ‘kind telepathy with empathy’ takes over and Crystalline-does it for us 5d autonomically

When will we notice, that we are the co-creating cause of everything we Quantify, without any Grace, or understanding how our ‘precious children’ are the way they become, from doing what we unconsciously do, and never doing what we consciously lie about? I am beginning to really feel like another member of the, ‘never before on Earth’ A B C D Pine Cone in a 1 2 3 4 5 new rhythm warm~waltz to ONENESS for~every~where in Delight-bonding shameless absolute unborn infinite Personal Christ Creative Intelligence Communion.

I want to enjoy living this way, so much I can almost taste it, yet even though I had to fake it today, at least we, all can get to minion-smell what’s up with me, deep down where unconscionable Mob-shame unconsciousness, never can seem to 1 2 3 4 5 stand the ONENESS healing heat in Pine Cone’s A B C D-Communion, communicating Love, and forgiving acceptance in Ascension kitchen. After Pine Cone, if there ever were an “F” Love Listener possible, I bet I would be able to slow down getting another “F” grade enough, to stop needing to say anything more too? Enough said, until forgiveness tomorrow speaks again through, and for me, and my continual infinite-discernment Love Source.

Everybody Loves Raymond Uses Active Listening - from Parent Effectiveness Training

About the Author


I “Love” to Admit it 11/22/16

I “Love" to admit it, but I have been captivated by the constant Blackmail battering of this Child-sacrificing malevolent World, so that I ‘want’ to surrender to Holy Spirit, by turning within, as a new humble priority. Sex-slavery robbed me of my soul, as a child, yet once I realized everything difficult, that happens enhances my devotion to turn even, more within ONENESS Spirit Conscience forgiveness nurturing, instead.

I fought like Hell to work, very hard for Money to, barely survive, but after a few years of meditation, and forgiveness prayers to Holy Spirit, to do the difficult forgiveness of others, as myself, more money came to me from Spirit, right through other benevolent Sources, than I ever, even knew about, before surrender. I “Love” to admit that Money doesn’t come from hard work, or social-norm Blackmail, but comes from Source, just like everything else, we need to ‘thrive’, instead of, ‘barely survive’ in addiction to this Child-sacrificing malevolent World.

After losing connection to my, own Conscience, I have become a kinder feeling empath, and a constant seeming mistaken threat to others suffering, just like me, before I sat down, closed my eyes, and meditated my suffering ass off. Like kindness comes from within Spirit devotion, so too, does being able to feel again, without letting those ephemeral duties control my reactive behaviors any more. Money, kindness, and feelings come from turning within, to ask for help to forgive all my captors that, still suffer much tortuous regret for forcing me, to do things out of fear, that no Child would, ordinarily want to do.

After annihilation traumas of the lower fourth dimensional ‘murky unkind’, everything outside triggered my reaction to live in the past swamp, ‘as if’, so, as I became more addicted to the outside Illusion of, more fear piled up onto, more traumas, I “Love” to admit that, with a gift of desperation, I became a, very willing candidate to surrender to something else, besides this unholy smelling foul-World of sulfur-predator crap. Now I see, all suffering evidence, as a gift from ONENESS to have compassion, and Mercy for, all who, still haven’t turned within to receive Money out of nowhere, and become a kinder feeling person, instead.

I am more sensitive to Blackmail than I have, ever realized, and even that’s a gift now, because I used to blame myself, ‘as if’, all evil was my fault, but NOTHING can, ever be further from the Truth. I was a beautiful innocent Child, and I, still am, inside, no matter what I used to think, and no matter what constant Blackmail, still wants to make me feel that lost-soul way. Blackmail is a constant battering here in Karmic Hologram miming-mirror Earth Paradigm, and who knew; before I turned within, where enlightening compassion makes me feel like a ‘kind kid’ with pocket treasures full of Sparkling Golden innocent-kaleidoscope perceptions again?

When I surrendered to Holy Spirit, Money was the furthest thing from my new mind of Delight, and I, certainly was convinced, that I would, never become a kinder feeling empath, ever again. Getting old had become a ‘given’, but turning within has made, even gettin-gold a ‘variable’ out of my getting younger now, every time Holy Spirit welcomes me inside, where eternal youth commands, all kinder feeling empathic Mountain Top kindergarteners.

Money, Holy Spirit, my soul, kinder feeling empath, forgiveness, my Conscience, compassion, Mercy, my Inner Child Spirit, eternal youth, the willingness to face outside Blackmail with a new motive to serve, with the, very “Love” that I have to admit, all these Wonderful gifts from within nurturing, that replaces any more outside need for what, best can be defined as needy-ransom soul-selling Blackmail=Burnout.

Inner-Child Spirit Safe-Home, within

author Pine Cone


Study Finds Diet Soda Can Increase Risk of Dementia and Stroke

Posted: 05 Sep 2017 12:32 PM PDT

Diet soda can increase risk of dementia and stroke, study finds


Sean Rossman, USA TODAY

Published 9:58 a.m. ET April 21, 2017 | Updated 1:42 p.m. ET April 21, 2017

Source: USA Today


A new study finds one more reason to skip artifically sweetened drinks. USA TODAY


(Photo: rez-art, Getty Images/iStockphoto)

The quest to trim waistlines using artificial sweeteners could be backfiring, as researchers found artificially sweetened drinks like diet soda can increase a person's likelihood of stroke and dementia.

A study published in the American Heart Association journal Stroke found a daily diet soda puts a person at three times the risk of dementia and stroke compared to someone who drinks less than one a week.

It's another blow to diet soda, which has been the subject of recent unflattering studies. Purdue University found in 2013 it doesn't actually help us lose weight. Another 2007 study discovered those who drink diet soda are no less at risk of heart disease than those who drink regular soda.

In fact, the Stroke study found drinking sugary drinks such as soda and fruit juice, doesn’t increase a person's risk of stroke and dementia. Researchers caution that's not a call to go buy sugary drinks, which Harvard has linked to type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

"Although we did not find an association between stroke or dementia and the consumption of sugary drinks, this certainly does not mean they are a healthy option," explained Dr. Matthew Pase, study author and a senior fellow at the Boston University School of Medicine. "We recommend that people drink water on a regular basis instead of sugary or artificially sweetened beverages."

Over seven years, researchers studied thousands of people over the age of 45 from the area of Framingham, Mass., on their drinking and eating habits. Researchers followed-up a decade later to see who had experienced a stroke or dementia. The data was adjusted for a number of factors, including age, sex and caloric intake.

The study only tracked the trend between artificial sweetener consumers, dementia and stroke, but was unable to prove that drinking artificial drinks was the cause of the diseases.

Pase added the overall risk for dementia and stroke isn't staggering.

"Even if someone is three times as likely to develop stroke or dementia, it is by no means a certain fate," he said. "In our study, 3% of the people had a new stroke and 5% developed dementia, so we're still talking about a small number of people developing stroke or dementia."

The American Beverage Association, which represents soda makers such as Pepsi and Coca-Cola, defended low-calorie sweeteners, saying they can be tools for weight loss. In statement, the ABA said various other factors contribute to stroke and dementia.

“Low-calorie sweeteners have been proven safe by worldwide government safety authorities as well as hundreds of scientific studies and there is nothing in this research that counters this well-established fact," the statement said. "The (U.S. Food and Drug Administration), World Health Organization, European Food Safety Authority and others have extensively reviewed low-calorie sweeteners and have all reached the same conclusion – they are safe for consumption."[pic]

GCR/RV Intel SITREP: "Pink Lady" -- September 5, 2017

Posted: 05 Sep 2017 12:12 PM PDT


Source: Dinar Chronicles

Markets open tomorrow at 9am EST.

Before that at 7:27am EST Mercury goes direct and the earth starts to come out of retrograde.


Everything happening right now syncs up with this astrological event. Including Hurricane Irma which has slowed down ironically as it gets bigger and is delaying itself.


Florida has already declared a state of emergency--and it's a week out--that the raw powerful of Hurricane Irma.

Also North Korea is about ready to announce the end of the world. You think I'm kidding, check out what this Mossad agent is saying, who ironically is also the only newscaster in North Korea affectionately called The Pink Lady.

Remember it was always stated here that the more chaotic things became the closer we were to pay dirt.

Well, if this isn't pure unadulterated chaos ... then I'm deaf, dumb and blind. I'm sure the remaining Trump supporters in currency world would conquer no matter.

To them I say ... orange is the new (im)peach(ment).


Sheldan Nidle's Galactic Federation Update -- September 5, 2017

Posted: 05 Sep 2017 01:37 AM PDT


7 Manik, 0 Zip, 1 Ik

Selamat Balik! All continues to move forward. The dark cabal persists in assuming that they are still untouchable, but this deep belief is about to be shattered. The various Light forces now possess arrest warrants to formally put away these rapscallions. This development is to also terminate the old illegal USA, Inc. and the attached-at-the-hip Federal Reserve Bank. The ugly truth is going to completely break them. The dark's future is to be revealed as they are swiftly rounded up and sent unceremoniously to the holding cells in the sky.

This much-needed imprisonment is going to greatly shock everyone still associated with the dark ones and their ways. It is to enable the beginnings of the currency flow long promised to you. An initial flow of funding is going to launch the new NESARA Republic and end the long delays that have characterized your reality. This one event is to historically symbolize your new reality. The purpose of this process is to complete our new reality by formally removing all things that can in any way be tied to the old.

Useless delays and mounting frustrations are to be replaced by success and joy, and a realm where you and the Light are really in charge. We urge you to please be patient as the Light finally commences the vitally needed round-up of countless scoundrels. We are to be dedicated to the fall of the old, illegal regime and their associated institutions. New technologies are to be properly introduced, but may take longer to come into effect than was first anticipated.

Hence, know in your heart that a great deal of fundamental movement is happening behind the scenes. It is these secluded actions that are presently accounting for everything that is expected to change our current reality. We remain confident that the new communications can allow us to do what is necessary for overall success. The initial part of our strategy is complete. The rest is to quickly follow. We fully expect that your existing concerns are to be swiftly replaced by the initiation of your grand visions, which are to be put into full operation. Indeed, the best is now to come. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! Heaven sees what is happening now as simply "just deserts" for the dark and its greedy minions. For a very long time, the cabal has delayed the inevitable. It has created inordinate frustrations and caused many to falsely believe that deliveries were never going to happen. Your magnificent divine visions are at last to be realized! It has taken a whole series of surprises to ultimately allow your funds to materialize. We simply ask that you thank Heaven and truly enjoy what is about to unfold.

Heaven wants you to employ your grand passion and show just how wonderful all of this is to be. The emerging funds are to permit the new NESARA Republic, end USA, Inc and allow the new UST notes to become this nation's new gold-backed currency. The cabal's minions are being separated and, as noted previously, are being sent to a specially readied incarceration in the sky. They are never to bother you again. You are to see them in the future only as part of the final steps of this globe coming into full consciousness.

These events took so long because time was required to successfully complete a number of crucial procedures just before you receive your initial funds. Be in joy as you are to quickly realize just how valuable this special process really was. At present, all is in place for what you have truly waited for. We simply ask you to continue on with your passion and quickly set in motion the divine prototypes that are to graciously symbolize this new and wondrous realm!

Today, we have joyously reported what is going on across our beautiful blue-green orb. This new landscape is to witness the completion of countless enterprises that are to reshape it into a world filled with freedom, peace and boundless prosperity. Never forget, dear Hearts, that the countless and never-ending supply of Heaven is yours! So Be It! Selamat Gejun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! And Be In Joy!) It is time for all to come to fruition!!!

Planetary Activation Organization


from Operation Disclosure.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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