DOC More and more sentences -


(They’ll never stop!)

Rewrite each short group of sentences below. Include proper end marks and capitalization. Have fun, homies!

• mound Road is usually filled with traffic in the morning do you know why there is so much there are so many peeps going to work there are also a lot of homies going to school

• where are all of those students going what school do they attend it must be a very popular place so many of those students are driving too fast do they like it there

• i just found out that they are going to community high school chs is the place to be chs has many fine peeps who attend what else makes the school so attractive

• i have heard that the teachers are the very best that money can buy these peeps start working at five o’clock in the morning they teach with skill and energy they are caring they don’t go home until midnight wow what a group

• are you able to find a better group of students I don’t think so these homies are ‘da bomb they are never late for class they are rarely absent they do all of their work have you ever known this at any other school

• did you know that one of the teachers is an addict his stomach is rotting other organs are rotting why is this it is because he can’t get off the coffee bean

• espresso is this teacher’s beverage of choice he prefers to drink it without sugar or steamed milk he would rather drink it while eating a bag of chocolate covered espresso beans

• don’t you just love this assignment would you like to do these assignments every day of the week I can schedule them into every day’s lesson plans let me know what you think

• everyone enjoys this class don’t you do you need some coffee to stay awake during this hour i have some starbucks to help you out

• Aren’t you amazed that I haven’t made any jokes about CAPUT would you like to hear some what is CAPUT spelled in reverse does this sentence remind you of any bald-headed thugs who are full of tattoos

• where is mr. j. today i believe he was not feeling well during the picnic did he decide to be like one of his students and take a sick day please hurry back mr. j. we want to do more writing we want more of these sentences we want to practice the 1-2-3-2-3-1 method hurry back

• did you enjoy this assignment did it help you get more skills to pay the bills make sure to pay your bills make sure you get your skills


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