The amendment

centertopThe Amendment 2014???? - Dos Mil Catorce02/01/2014A reader asks The Committee: "What are some of your wishes for us, your readers in our new year of 2014? Be as specific or general as you wish, you know who we are and what we are about. We know who we are when we read your words."C:We enjoy and thank you all for your questions, those already presented and to come in this year on your calendars. We will speak to the concept of time and years and what we hope will transcend time as you see, mark and measure it.We cannot say when the marking of time in this way you do, was begun; we do say it was done differently in civilizations before your current knowledge. Your Earth's rotations have been varied and disturbed in moments not so distant in your history, the rotations seemingly reversed briefly. Moments where your sun was seen to rise and set within hours of each moment, along the same point of the horizon. No extinctions or deaths resulted and such moments caused a ripple or wrinkle to the view of time's passing and we say, a restart to the marking of time would result, were this to happen today.There were common elements in prior civilizations as the understanding of Earth's revolutions about the central star were known to require three hundred and sixty five rotations of the light and dark cycle that defines your bodies. The light and dark have always been good for planetary inhabitation and we suggest there are few beings of your matter density and dimensional awareness inhabiting planets without the rotational day and night cycles.Events and happenings are grouped by your annual units and it is along this we wish to describe time.The central star of your planet grouping appears fixed in place relative to planet revolutions; true yet relative to space, your galaxy travels and so does your planet. Thus the orbit that appears circular, nearly perfect, is either a straight line or an elliptical line. It is relative to galaxial positions or to positions within the galaxy that this line can be seen as straight or curved. The majority of mass in the galaxy you inhabit lies generally along a common plane, this plane perpendicular to that of other galaxies. If the orbit of your central star is seen as a straight line, your Earth follows an elliptical course. If Earth is plotted to follow a straight line, the central star, your "sun" follows the series or oscillations or ellipses.We suggest a computer view allowing a zoom in or zoom out function; the farther out the view the easier it is to perceive the galaxy and components within.Time on Earth is the sequential occurrence of events. Reality is these events occur all around the participants; they are assembled artificially along a line – the way the sun or Earth's orbits can be seen, as circular, straight or oscillating, depending on the view chosen – and thus to you appear to occur in series, the one following the other, one before and one after. This is the illusion. As you remain on Earth, everything fits inside this illusion, so there is no illusion. Reality for Earth presence is sequential.Off Earth, the sun does not rise and does not set; there exists no cycle to be divided in half, each divided by a dozen, then sixty (ten times a half dozen) and sixty again to create segments of this concept. Occurrences are artificially assembled along the line of time the course the sun draws across the sky; true reality as from where you all originate and shall return home, has these events arranged in a circular, spherical manner about your soul.So now we have come to the beginning of another revolution about the central star, on this most recent calendar to be numbered two thousand fourteen. Our wishes for you transcend time as you have it; we wish now what is always now. It is always now. There is no past; there is experience. There is no future; there is experience. The difference between past and future is called understanding.We wish for you to have understanding. We wish for all of you to continue your journeys as you blend experience with understanding. We love all of you; we adore your lives and we watch and observe with rapt attention and interest as we have not words to describe, for such words exist not. Your language born of Earth existence contains not the terms. We are especially grateful to the readers of these words we offer, as your view, sight and ingestation of them open a doorway, a hatch, a portal and a view into your minds we otherwise would not have and this insight is of value, beauty and enjoyment we cannot describe. Words of language fail the moment, we regrettably say.For world events, we can see the many extracted from their files arranged in the depths of the spherical files about Earth and about each of you. We see the plan and arrangement for these events to be manifested in these dozen revolutions of your moon now just underway.We can say you will do well, all of you although humanity will see its share of the bumps and stumbles these times are scheduled to bring. We wish for your calmness as you grow your understanding, as you blend the experiences of future and past, the fertilizer and nourishment of the knowledge planted and cultivated into understanding and comprehension, the growth of your souls.Our advice and recommendations are to consider money as the voucher it is and recognize its flows. It will flow away and flow towards; you are not the stream it appears to create. Enjoy closeness and also distance from the current, as both bring benefit and perspective.We recommend the higher view of conflict, a long term understanding. Be it what you call war or personal, understand this is given to some people and entities and there will be eruptions of it as energies and shifts create effects to ripple through humanity. As you feel the ripples of the sea upon which you float, despair never for the waves created, which might rock your boat. Rise above the waves and shapes of the water disturbed, look down from above it as you imagine yourself floating above and independent of the events, for you truly are.This we wish for you in two thousand fourteen. We wish you all what we wish upon ourselves. Until soon again, be well, one and mentsAhmed 03/01/2014 1:48amGreat post, thank you. Is the year appearing in Arabic for everyone or is that just me?Patrick 03/01/2014 10:25amGood channeling, Ahmed I thought of you as I typed it and you've picked up the energy! Also for everyone, since so much of the world uses Arabic based numbers, now distorted over time. I threw in Spanish for kicks, too. Britta 03/01/2014 1:07pmI loved this message! Thank you!Hazra 03/01/2014 10:52pmThe best answer yet! Thanks Patrick, that was really, really good.centertopMetaphor of Time04/01/2014A definition of "metaphor": A short phrase or word, a figure of speech that compares two apparently dissimilar, unlike things which in fact, have something in common.A reader inquires of The Committee:I thought of an extended metaphor to address the seeming contradiction in time as it exists when one is in a material body versus eternity and unbreakable connection to "All There Is" a.k.a. the ultimate creator. How good is this metaphor? How would you improve it in English language terms?The Committee says a lot our existence on Earth is like entering an automobile. We are inside the car but also separate from the vehicle; we can get in, get out and drive.So in turn, our souls are divisible from our bodies, the loss of connection to "home" just an illusion with purpose and objectives. Like running an errand from someone in the household, getting into a car, driving somewhere to fulfill the errand - or fail - then returning, getting out of the vehicle to walk back into the house.The part I don't grasp well is the paradox between linear time in a body and how time for our souls is not an issue; it doesn't exist. Is it correct to think that while on Earth, we’re in two places at once, our soul still in heaven while we’re on earth? Is a human body like a puppet on stage with strings leading back to the creator? Connected yet unconnected, just an illusion that we're cut off, since we cannot look to the sky and see our creator? Is it okay to say we're everywhere and in one place at the same time? Maybe what I'm trying to achieve with language isn't possible. My other extended metaphor is like the movie "The Matrix". Does our soul "sleep" in heaven while actively engaged on Earth? Earth is the illusion, Heaven the true placeholder in the universe?!C:Your scribe, your interpreter of our thoughts, your typist as he has called himself, repeats here the question above, the questions within numbered to identify responses we gladly give, as he believes a first reading of the question with his numberings inserted will dilute understanding, and we do see this is possible for some readers.The inquiry - repeated with numbering - in italics, Committee answers not italicized. I thought of an extended metaphor to address the seeming contradiction in time as it exists when one is in a material body versus eternity and unbreakable connection to "All There Is" a.k.a. the ultimate creator. 1) How good is this metaphor? C: This automobile transport metaphor is good, very good for the movement also represented. Movement is a permanent component of existence, and thus you always have the choice to feel still and stationary, calm and at rest, for movement is an integral part. Movement on Earth is of and with the body, without which movement is not seen. Fixture of a human body in a place is deemed punishment, deprivation and restriction. Prison is a name for its sanction. So as you come to live a life, it can well be seen as a trip by vehicle, or sea vessel, or horseback before them. 2) How would you improve it in English language terms? C: We do not suggest an improvement; it is good.The Committee says a lot our existence on Earth is like entering an automobile. We are inside the car but also separate from the vehicle; we can get in, get out and drive.So in turn, our souls are divisible from our bodies, the loss of connection to "home" just an illusion with purpose and objectives. Like running an errand for someone in the household, getting into a car, driving somewhere to fulfill the errand - or fail - then returning, getting out of the vehicle to walk back into the house. No question came with this phrase, yet we do wish to say, you do not fail in life. None of you. Failure is not possible, none of you fails at life. This human concept is discarded when humanity you return to your memory, as the experience becomes the understanding the past and future are blended to become, as the notion of time is recognized artificial. Humanity is a success and each of you a success within, always and permanently. The human view is otherwise; standards, criteria and evaluations do you create yet these are for the environment in which created, only. Each of you, please congratulate yourselves and each other for your success, for this is absolute, immutable and universal.The part I don't grasp well is the paradox between linear time in a body and how time for our souls is not an issue; it doesn't exist. 3) Is it correct to think that while on Earth, we're in two places at once, our soul still in heaven while we're on earth? C: Yes. Your view is accurate, precise and certain. 4) Is a human body like a puppet on stage with strings leading back to the creator? C: No, none of you are puppets. You create and pull your own strings, always. You are not controlled elsewhere or from it. Your Guides and Guardians truly are. Discard this notion of manipulation, it applies not, it is an illusion of your Earth. 5) Connected yet unconnected, just an illusion that we're cut off, since we cannot look to the sky and see our creator? C: Yes. Well said, well understood. 6) Is it okay to say we're everywhere and in one place at the same time? Maybe what I'm trying to achieve with language isn't possible. C: Yes, it is possible and also accurate because "at the same" requires an idea, a notion and a perception of time. Where no time applies, where it does not exist, everything is simultaneous because nothing is simultaneous. To this idea of possible with human language of words, we say the embedded concepts of time and language make separation and use difficult and, while you live on Earth, unrequired. It is not necessary to separate language from communication, neither arises there a need for time to be forgotten; as you chose it and thus all of you accept it. My other extended metaphor is like the movie "The Matrix". 7) Does our soul "sleep" in heaven while actively engaged on Earth? C: Yes and no; by Earth time segmentation and sequencing of occurrences, you soul can be understood to sleep as you are awake and conscious however removal of timelines means no cycles and thus unconscious conditions of sleep occur. 8) Earth is the illusion, Heaven the true placeholder in the universe?! C: Both are true, Earth but an "illusion" by comparison to a non-linear, non-time existence.Last idea to sharpen my grasp. 9) God has what most people call a plan; this motivates God to express himself and live through the created in a vicarious way but probably to God, it is simultaneously first person, also vicariously, at the same time, all at once for every divisible soul, created by Him? C: Yes. A natural expression of His nature? C: Absolutely, yes. "Bravo" you would say to this sharp interpretation, and we thus say it to you; bravo! By choosing to experience this way, 10) I suppose we strengthen our "puppet strings" to our creator, making them shorter or more direct? C: Yes, absent strings of a puppet yet we do say, improve recognition, for the connections are always there, always present and always permanent. All ways.C: We speak to time on Earth. In just a few languages of societies recently and closely related, with language patterns similar, are found clues into meanings of time. In one language, the word means also weather, the condition of the atmosphere. In another it means pace or speed, the word borrowed to indicate the pace of music, its tempo. So you see, time is a series, a queue, a line. What is a line, but a set of points? How close or how far apart should the points be located from one another to create a line? We say, there is no distance, as the limits to perception of size, on Earth, are this….mere limits. The congregation of points is a spot, a grouping, a splotch or an accumulation. A three plane or three dimension view of existence, as you have on Earth, allows a splotch to be created. Where no flat plane limit is imposed, then an accumulation of points can have depth and height also, as related to length and width.We return to the points along a line, a line of time. Are one second intervals too little? For sharp bursts or flashes of light – a strobe, for example – they are not. For movies and meals, seconds are far too close to one another, on your Earth. Thus the line along which events occurs exists only as events are seen separately. There exist many lines of time, timelines through experience, strung together as the occurrences are defined by you. The convenience of a day & night, light & dark cycle provides a mathematical common denominator, divisible into segments of equal size against the cycling of light appearing from your central star.Depart your planet surface and instantly this base vanishes; the appearance and angle, or disappearance of light of the sun can be shifted as chosen. Time measurement disappears, it vanishes. Gaze at Earth from your moon, as have astronauts and many of you from the photographs taken by them; look upon your Earth, partially illuminated and then at a wristwatch from Earth, taken to the moon. Look away momentarily, your Earth's sphere out of view and what relevance does the indicated time have to the moon? None.We suggest the large spot of points taken from a line of time and clustered like dust, floating before you; if a flat dimensional view is removed from the view of this dust cluster, from each particle within it – as each particle represents a point of time, taken from a line – which is seen as separate, as the view is expanded, as you would do understand a microscope, what series or sequence applies? The arrangement of the particles can be as you choose to approach the cluster of dust; absent gravity and the up & down orientation gravity creates, which approach to the cluster of dust becomes its top? Thus, which opposite side becomes bottom? To the left side, or right or behind? Any side can be any of these Earth descriptions and thus, none do apply.This is the orientation of the universe and each event, in the past as humans see the past and in the future as humans see the concept of "future", can be placed before or behind another point; simply re-approach the cluster of dust from a different angle or redirect your approach or movement within.Each event or occurrence of the past can be reached, viewed and either opened or filed away as if all existence were arranged like a spherical, globe-like computer storage disk. We do say, this concept of a sphere for data and information storage comes soon to Earth, your extraterrestrial visitors preparing the introduction in general. This method and device has been shown to world leadership, the technology not grasped because of observer desire to see arrangements solely upon a flat plane, along a linear queue. Your computer binary language. We do now say, you who have read these words now, have understood a concept from "outer space" as it would be called, that is not yet comprehended by a good number of scientific people deemed intelligent, bright and along the "cutting edge". Reluctance to share this arises from related reluctance, even resistance, to confess the source of this concept, so all you reading here now are privy to a future development. A prediction, as Earth English calls it, that light beams you call lasers will supply, retrieve and read data from and onto spheres, multi-layered and both vast in their capacity to store and fast to deliver volumes of data, heretofore unknown on Earth.This is a small change, to be deemed a breakthrough in your language, of technology soon coming to Earth and we thank your question, dear reader, for posing this inquiry. We trust our attempts to explain in your language have succeeded yet ask any and all to inquire further or again, if more clarification is desired, for explanations of this notion of time. Your old friend Einstein, Professor Albert as he was called, greets you all as we relay these thoughts. He has helped with his selection of words.Until we again meet, fare well and good, we do wish for mentsMike 04/01/2014 8:01pmWhen we go back home is it like going back inside a bubble which houses all our thoughts, imaginings and manifestings. In this bubble we carry our own thoughts as to what we perceive as an afterlife? But this bubble can merge with other bubbles to create a shared experience or similarly share in anothers? And this bubble can expand or contract at will, never overstretching or popping.What then would exist outside this bubble of our own existence?The Committee 05/01/2014 1:10pmThe Committee responds: "Bubble a good description is, yet bubble means border, enclosure, capsule or containment. Pressure, force or resistance to entry and exit would be necessary, to a small degree or extent. We suggest this is not the case, entry of information - the essence of your existence - is generally unrestricted. Entry into your sphere of existence and your own entry into other spheres.We suggest a basic or even crude example of Earth; digital information. The way an image called a digitized photograph is stored then recreated mimics, in a basic way, all energy as it exists.The loss of electric flow in the many Earth devices can cause loss of the data until stored, and magnetism - a permutation and source of electricity - can distort and to the degree of erasure of that which is stored. This represents a bubble as you have suggested the word, Michael, and as correct it is in your use of it, such use represents more Earth than our home.We suggest a spherical energy field and then to respond to your last, pointed and excellent question, we say what exists is you. The universe. You are as much a part as any other entity, no other one means more than do you, no other being or soul is greater or better or more necessary and thus outside of you exists the continuance of the universe your existence creates.Human societies have recently striven for this view under the concept of 'one person one vote' yet hierarchies born from control of resource remain and continue creation of authority humans anization requires no hierarchy of rank as humanity desires; thus your fluid and flexible 'bubble' of existence is part of, an extension of and the extent of the universe as much as any other."Kees 05/01/2014 7:39amAgain Patrick another great post. I can't wait for all this new technology to arrive and to be a part of it. I also keep re reading all these posts constantly and hoping to find a new "clue" that i have missed between the lines. Also i liked that Albert Einstein "helped out" the committee on this post. I think he is still one of the great ones that is not yet on the departed page. I hope he will be there soon and can give us some more clues about things like anti gravity and how crystals will play a part in future technology. Many thanks againPatrick 05/01/2014 12:49pmYou're most welcome, Kees, it's a pleasure and honor for me to do this.Mo 05/01/2014 7:42am@MikeSpiritual Orb or as a light sphere?Mike 05/01/2014 10:52am@MoI suppose you could say spiritual orb. Are we all orbs floating around in the vastness of I don't know what. In your orb is all your existence, thoughts, feelings, emotions, life experiences. Plus your current surroundings and those in the afterlife. Outside of your Orb, bubble exists other people's bubbles. You can also merge, amend or disconnect from other bubbles as you see fit.Patrick 05/01/2014 1:20pm@ Mo & @ Mike:After transcribing The Committee's input above, I read these analogies and references to light orbs and see how both of you have "channeled" The Committee's reply "in advance" by questioning and expressing the ideas before I received them.See how time sequence on Earth is an illusion and how you both have "channeled" out of order?Mike 05/01/2014 4:55pmPatrickIt was something that came to me whilst reading the article and it was a field with all these bubbles floating around. Some bubbles merged with other bubbles to create one bubble (not increase in size). Some separated and floated on. Each bubble represented a soul and all that it is. The bubbles never popped, but could be stretched and re-shaped by their creator. There were many colours to these bubbles. Just a strange image to have!Abe 06/01/2014 9:08amThis is a very intriguing post and the technology prediction is fascinating. As has been forecast earlier on this blog, let's suppose there is a meltdown or partial collapse of the global banking system. All those currencies (IOU's) plummet in value and the entire structure of banks, central banks, world banks is seriously downsized. Perhaps the level of computing power available through this technology could power an international bartering system where goods and services are exchanged for "points". The individual's or corporation's inventory of points could then be exchanged for other goods and services. Who needs the bureaucracy of the current banking system when it seems to be not much more than a house of cards anyway. It could transcend country borders much as the Internet does now. I love this blog! Thank you Patrick and The Committee.Patrick 06/01/2014 9:58amThank you, Abe.You have just described "bitcoins"; Wikipedia has an entry: 11/01/2014 11:30amExcellent, post, thanks!centertopState of the State15/01/2014Q:Do we - we being humanity in general - need or want to know more about the past, the present or the future? Possibly a combination, but if so, which gets the emphasis?C:This emphasis, choice, selection and view are born of time.Q:Yes, and the three are interchangeable BUT for humans…C:The future. The unknown always attracts, it is the reason for your place on Earth.Q:So, as the title asks, what is the state of the state of Earth?C:Good you see that divisions also exist as illusions; tightly, closely held illusions. Dear and sacred are these illusions of Earth life, are they not? As are many.Q:What awaits us all? The lot of Earth, political divisions excluded.C:The result of choice.Q:We've heard this over….and over….and over…..but none of us individually or as a group controls what happens….C:No? How many humans as a percentage of humanity chose to commence which war? We ask that you choose a war as example.Q:And you’ll tell us we put these “choosers” into power, gave them ability to act and then we get what we created.C:We shall not tell you, as you have already stated it. If you do not like your system, change it.Q:The country targeted in a terrorist attack, such as train bombs in Spain, can hardly control the individuals behind the bombings.C:Would leaders and even citizens of the target nation listen to elements of the attackers, if given the opportunity to do so, absent threats?Q:I imagine yes, they might. Yes, that’s likely.C:So the attackers, in reverse, would not listen to the target?Q:They wouldn't know they were a target, because….C:We suggest many targets do know they are. Leadership chooses to conceal knowledge or at least suspicion that attacks against its society are planned. We revert to our comment that leadership you dislike should be replaced. Possibly leadership should be eschewed, cast aside, reduced or diminished in its role. Could this be an option?We take the powerful military nation, the USA. Could its ability to defend and resist give confidence to approach dangerous elements and offer solutions, ideas points-of-view? We say yes, this choice is viable. It is taken, yet concealed. Has it produced results? We say, it has. Are the results generally seen as sufficient? This humanity and the nations involved shall decide.Q:So as powerful “terrorist target” nations have done as you say, approach and speak with terrorists, why does the danger persist as we see it?C:Do terrorists convince targets to see the terrorist point-of-view? So why should the terrorist see its victims' idea? They do not, either side, and logical this is.Q:There has to be some method of progress to resolve this.C:Of course, there is.Q:Lay it on us, Esteemed Committee..slather on the naked truth, smack us with our reality.C:Stop informing yourselves about it. For how long would you argue with an unpleasant person and how many return visits would you make to argue anew? We say, the many of you would avoid the person and risk for argument upon first possibility. This response and approach – avoidance – can be followed with news of terrorism. The vast majority of potential targets would feel no concern, fear or worry for they do not know and behavior would not be changed. The attackers act out to inflict change. If a group of ten attacks and kills twenty, injures fifty and directly affects three or four thousand associated people such as family, friends, medical workers, builders and tradesman, then knowledge and effect, leading to a change in attitudes then behaviors, might encompass five thousand humans. This is less than two hundredths of one percent of a nation made up of forty million. We suggest chemistry; if such concentration, one hundred twenty five parts per million, were introduced into an entire organism such as a human body, there would be almost no effect and it would fade quickly if even detected. So would it be with society.Q:We can’t cease to report on events like that.C:Please explain.Q:The press cannot be curtailed.C:This ideal is never fully reached and retribution for reporting unpleasantly about the powerful, as you have chosen to make them powerful, is omnipresent. So we say, pressures to curtail reporting information exist and function. You have collectively named this “politics”.Thus we say, there was a time in recent Earth history where such horrific acts were reported much later and often not at all beyond the immediacy of the event. Shortly before that and for millennia, no reporting or press existed. This meant events did not happen? We suggest the rhetorical question recently coined; if a tree falls but is not heard or seen, did it fall?Q:So allow me to circle back to the title of this entry, state of the state. Have you told us, Esteemed Committee, that we should stop reporting news if unpleasant?C:We suggest the choice and effects are not considered; what obligation do humans have to consume information offered and what reactions do you prefer to have to such information? This thinking is consistently applied to nourishment; foods unpalatable are avoided and also others considered bad tasting. Why can news not be avoided also?Q:We’d end up uninformed and ignorant, some of us?C:We suggest not; if sufficient consumers of news made their collective will known to a news provider, that no perusal of their offerings would there be until an affirmative decision were made to cease reporting about a specific subject, we suggest this would have great effect, and it would be quick. It would be voluntary.Q:So what IS the state of our state?C:Humanity proceeds on schedule and positively. We do say, progress is admirable we see it every moment in every place.Q:To have a quick thought about what occupies news nowadays on the world’s stage, that’s a long and deep look not many of us see, I don’t think. Economy, conflicts, wars, severe cold weather….C:These effects existed always, as you know. Why are you concerned? Is humanity frustrated it cannot erase what has always been? If this is the case – we say it is – a look must be given to the things humanity creates. Much malaise is generated by and for humanity.Q:Diseases? Malaria? AIDS? Bubonic plague?C:The ability to halt the spread is available; is it implemented? We refer to our example citing parts per million; do the great maladies of society affect directly and indirectly, concentrations of humanity greater than five or ten parts per million?Q:Point well taken.C:You wish to know your future; we say, you can predict it now. Arrange your choices along your lines of time, this line will be drawn towards the precise future you prefer. The understanding of time’s illusion yet its reality and application on Earth, where it IS real, reveals human ability to control the future.The sum of your individual acts creates the effect and course of your life; so go all societies and the Heavens are exactly this way also.Examine choices today and add them; the total produces the effect. The flow is continuous.Q:What trends and choices do you see that are positive?C:Awareness rises in all ways; complaints gather views, as do tragic attacks. Humanity has its elements that require attention because it is seen to be given. This is the way of Heaven, yet on Earth without ready knowledge and understanding that your true existence also offers. Thus humans enjoy attention without the examination the attention involves in reality. Thus psychic ability is discounted, shunned and denounced, for the fear in some it creates. The concern motives different from outward acts could be understood, is cause for pause and even concern in some attention seekers.We say, cast this aside as awareness will rise and solve unpleasant, undesirable aspects much as consumption of the written word is a self pruning, self improving process. As words are expression of sentiments, poor writing will lead a reader to better writing consumed as it relates and informs ideas. Better expression of thoughts and ideas occurs as these are understood beneficial.So we say, awareness of Earth, humanity’s role, place and purpose all rise well and in greater ways than have been experienced in many, many millennia.Q:We want even predictions, also. We always want those. What can we know?C:If you can be counted among the five thousand of the forty million in our example, you can know that you shall be among the one hundred twenty five parts of the million. Do you wish to know what affects the one twenty five, the forty million OR what shall be the news to report around the globe, of the event, as you choose to inform? This question must be asked first.Q:I will consider this and return later, with questions. Maybe readers also?C:Welcome will be these questions and we await them; good day!COMMENTSHazra 16/01/2014 12:16am"Stop informing yourselves about it"Most succinct piece of advice ever. Or more to the point mind my own business. Haven't watched/listened to news since 1995. In order to keep my reality favourable, I have to deliberately choose to read or listen to uplifting news and info.Patrick 17/01/2014 7:17pmSince 1995? Does the landlord have any more space to lease in your cave and when may I move in? You are to be admired but I dare say, the BBC/CBC/NBC/ABC/CBS/FOX/Breitbart/HuffPo/Daily Caller/Daily Beast/Newsmax/WND Information Oligarchy is less than pleased!The Committee offers a comment: "Where you draw the boundary between information offered and reviewed can indeed be named a minding of your own business, and we like your view. That which is offered for consumption, what you might choose to observe, is not an intrusion as not minding one's business can be said to be. All of humanity minds the business of all of humanity; what shall matter always is your thought and reaction, your purpose and motivation to understand it or otherwise. Your reality can be favourable either way; we admire your decisive choice to make yours favorable, in the manner you select; well done."cristina 20/01/2014 4:29pmThank you committee for your patience and wisdom <3 Your words are as rain to the treescentertopADD / ADHD17/01/2014A reader asks The Committee about Attention Deficit and Attention Deficit Hyperactive disorders.Q:It appears that ADD and ADHD are either more noticed over human history OR it has become very disruptive and increased.C:More noticed, the behaviors considered and labeled this way fit not easily or neatly into definitions. A component of the process involves pursuit of profit from medication, we wish not to say some behaviors are not disruptive, not beneficial and never gain relief from treatment, for there are, certainly yet the profit motive seeks expansion of the defined group. This effect operates currently.Q:As parents we are bombarded in this country with medicating everything despite the fact that there is such a negative downside to the medication they are administering and pushing like candy on the children. Parents struggle with this enormously and though many use natural alternatives including often does not cure or help enough. So I am wondering if there is any reason for this seeming epidemic and if there is any other cures or treatments they can relate to us here to help us through this maze.C:There is not an epidemic. The many behaviors sought to be included under the definition are often a unique combination of factors, each requiring of both treatment and acceptance. We would suggest aerobic exercise is one good treatment rarely mentioned for children, not that all should, it is only one example. The benefits of aerobic exercise, such as running and swimming are well understood. If otherwise highly active behaviors were mixed with changes to diet and periodic exercise, these would produce no pharmaceutical profit. So we hope you see one motivation.Q:The second "question" is about mental health in general in terms of so many people and even many more kids dealing with depression/anxiety. Is there a way to help heal/cure this outside of all the drugs? We know exercise, meditation, diet and supplements are helpful but it appears often times this too is not enough. Just wondering if from the vantage point of the Committee there is a 'way' we are not seeing and that we can help those we love with who suffer so.C:In many cases, yes, improvements in what humans deem depression and anxiety can be reached without medications and with the ingredients you name. Much incidence of what occurs results from energetic shifts on Earth and active efforts to identify and treat the anxieties that have always existed. It is difficult to suggest where acceptance of an undesirable condition is favorable, for all involved, as this is seen as giving up, being weak or lazy. Certainly there are cases of such however physical ailments clearly resulting from disease or injury are accepted, by the clarity of occurrence. Mental distortions from minor to severe are not so easily defined, if at all. The bona fide desire to always help, cure and improve fails to include acceptance or the faculty to choose when acceptance of the condition should be made.Not all conditions can or should be cured, if they have come forward as part of a life plan. The purpose can often be a lesson for the surrounding loved ones, supplied by the afflicted's decision to fulfill the role and provide the opportunity to those close to her or him.This is not always and we suggest it is a minority of the cases of what is considered a mental condition, yet acceptance of them is something humanity can include in its list of responses, in a more broad way.We suggest the view of death as the end of existence, a common and dearly held view, is a similar mentsgarrett 17/01/2014 7:32pmIt's a relief and a silver lining to know that at least these conditions that have risen in awareness are not the result of our fouling our own nest.Eva Masini 18/01/2014 1:39pmThe all-consuming desire to "fix" a condition/malady is so prevalent among us humans. The lesson is not easy to swallow aswe are told there are contracts/plans to fulfill but our duality is not allowing us the clarity, 'hey, it's all been planned this way.' If we could JUST accept how things work spiritually, a lot of our pain would be diminished. Also, those who are sick and tired of being exactly that, will have the motivation to 'jump over their own shadow' and gradually come to acceptance of the undesired and start a gradual healing of body and mind. Contracts can be voided and we can create a new version of ourselves.britta 20/01/2014 2:11pmInteresting input here. Eva, your comment is well taken. I do get 'confused' over the parts of 'contracts' we can change and those that we cannot. I like the visual of 'jumping over our own shadow'. Idrlaurie 27/01/2014 6:14pmSorry I'm late to this topic. I have ADHD and I'm pretty sure it is, in large part, due to my psychic abilities. I bet many of your readers are in the same boat! I reluctantly manage with adderall but HATE being a slave to the meds. I believe my "lack of attention" comes from this: I often feel overwhelmed with information that I am unable to interpret at this time, and it sounds like "noise" to my brain. This makes me "spacey." I want to be able to USE the information, meditate like a normal person, and function at my best - what advice does this committee have for people like me?centertopYou say you want a revolution?18/01/2014?00A reader asks about…..RQ:Social media might be defining for the current young generation, who grew up with it as normal and are likely to innovate and revolutionize it to do things never considered by inventors or first adult users. The gap between the rich and poor is growing; more importantly the same gap is widening between first world nations and those considered second and third world countries.My hope and first question is: how likely is social media to help overcome the built-in apathy in our first world nation cultures to suppress these issues and just live fat and happy in a bubble? If social media can create public opinion to address world inequality which cannot be ignored by world leaders, how would they attempt to address the issue initially?My hope is public opinion concerned for a better "ground floor" for general living conditions as the result of an old opinion that “societies should be judged by how they treat the most unfortunate of their populace” could become re-entrenched in the psyche of first world nations. An attitude that one cannot be satisfied with a standard of living partly at the expense of others elsewhere on Earth; and that businessman should not be allowed to play the shell game of creating unnatural markets for goods and services in the first world by exploiting the pain and suffering in the second and third worlds.To me it is not even a morality over money; if business people could see beyond a few financial quarters, they could make the long term calculations to see that while in the short term they lose money, they could sink the money needed to raise the standard of living, improve the governmental and citizenry's disposition towards them, and make customers out of what they thought was only a country with nothing but a natural resources to take back to first world nations.On a larger scale, nations could pool resources just like businesspeople and spread risk and improve benefits even further. Realistically, maybe even a percentage number of likelihood, how probable is this scenario?C:Many topics are covered here, we shall begin with first and third world nations; political divisions humans create are not the source of wealth; human trust and belief in one another are the source. Physical material in your dimensions of Earth existence all exist; manufacturing manipulates what exists physically, matter and material are not created. Services which employ less material reveal this. We suggest your functions of banking and insurance, which supply value vouchers received for service or material, materials themselves the result of service. The value vouchers worth what humanity chooses it shall be.Absent concepts of national borders, creating a disappearance of developed nation and otherwise, what would change on Earth? How willing is a nation to modify habits, customs, practices – what is called culture – in exchange for more service or investment?Social media, the recent increase in quicker, more detailed communication brings humanity closer to its true nature of communication. We suggest consideration of ability for all there would be known about any one of you to be understood by any other one who might come into your view or who might think of you; this is your true home. Social media allows this where you offer the information, and it reduces perceived delays. We say, social media will not change society as automobiles did not; your attitudes and use are the change and these are you, not the object or function. The faculty to use, not use or misuse remains.There exists no apathy as you suggest, yet examples can create this view. No error is committed by seeking contentment, bubbled or uncontained.Human choice creates and distributes wealth; make other choices. To the frustrated who perceive disparity, we suggest choices and responses that create it be set aside, replaced. Patronize not the purveyor of service or product who gains wealth – as humanity defines it – and the distribution will be more even and we offer it will be reduced generally. If a lesser accumulation for the few creates a lowered opportunity for the many, this might be a consequence. The choice and outcomes are yours, collectively.To address what you name inequality, we ask consideration of its definition. Once agreed, causes can be examined; what conditions allow accumulation and scarcity? Change them, if you choose.The suggestion beneficence towards the disadvantaged defines goodwill and could be expanded between nations implies a disappearance of those nations, identities erased. The perceived recipient nation will maintain a currency or accept a different one from its helper? What effects will result, from either choice?We suggest much of your ruminations and proposals will not come to pass; Earth enters a period of economic change, simply a reflection of societal change. Economics mirror beliefs, ideas, attitudes and the expectations created. Change comes to these as you read these words; we suggest a recent decision in the USA to spend one trillion one hundred billion of the nation's currency units, during this solar revolution; complaints the proposal was not read have been many and we suggest, examining not the nature, source and effects of such procedure are an example of the change that comes.Physical symptoms of the shifts in energies form part of this, and physical effects – we refer to the lower rainfall in the western portion of the USA as one small example, colder weather as another, volcanic eruptions in the nation of Indonesia a third current example – all foretell changes to come shifting economic behavior. These will make the many questions here less mentsGeorge 18/01/2014 5:34pmEven before I read the answer: WHAT A PROBING, THOUGHTFUL question!Garrett 20/01/2014 4:53pmAwesome. How easily The Committee sweeps away human constructs to get to the core of humanity and our behavior to answer questions.centertopCuriosity20/01/2014A reader's half dozen.RQ1:Is there a difference between curiosity of the physical brain and spiritual curiosity about the meaning of life, existence and nature of God, purpose of earthly life, existence and nature of the soul; curiosity not related to human tangible existence, that attempts to find a higher meaning to life and existence?C:No, no difference to the curiosity. The differences are environment and access to the unknown. The physical brain limits the database and the access to information relevant to Earth existence. Once you again think where no brain compiles information and thoughts the physical body employs, the available information expands; curiosity shall remain. You will always be curious, it is the nature of existence, on Earth as it is in Heaven. The absence of curiosity is the unnatural state.RQ2:Can one exist without the other?C:No, they are the same.RQ3:Where does brain based curiosity end and the mind/soul's curiosity begin?C:There is no ending or beginning; the question assumes a division. None exists but for your choice to briefly limit yourselves to that which surrounds you, yet this limitation can be amended.RQ4:Am I incorrect in that the soul has nothing to do with those types of abstract philosophical questions?C:Yes; you are your soul and it is you.RQ5:Are there any human ailments that somehow block the interaction between brain/mind to prevent this type of thought?C:Yes, there are far too many to describe here. We shall say, many mental function ailments and distortions your psychiatry studies have such effects, and we offer many such ailments are life plans.RQ6:In general how should people who have a mental issue based on anxiety that the day-to-day physical world might be "all there is" approach and attempt to resolve this?C:We suggest such anxiety is of an Earth limited existence; often it is remembrance of true existence and frustration with the absence that cause such anxiety, worry or fear. This is design; the frustration a catalyst to seek answers and lift understanding the soul has already possessed long ago, but wishes to rediscover within limits of Earth existence, are what drive the feeling, the push, the emotion and create the anxiety.Resolution is found in appreciation of the beauty of Earth; no need exists to be forever frustrated and consigned to the limits of the anxious person's immediate surroundings. Many entertaining challenges and experiences await on Earth. Seek mentAhmed 23/01/2014 8:55amMore great questions, I've always been very interested in how the brain limits or enhances thought and information processing when compared to the soul. Parts like logical thought, critical thinking, pattern recognition, abstract thought, intelligence in general, how these exist without a brain, and how they differ between souls of different creaturescentertopBlack Holes21/01/2014A reader asks about them.RQ:Black holes seem to be hardly understood. What change in focus or emphasis could spur a breakthrough in the understanding? My paradigm - I'm no scientist - is like a bathtub drain. How accurate is that? Where do they lead, if anywhere? How accurate is the idea that matter "spaghettifies" upon entry?C:From other dimensions – what human perception would call the other side - black holes are doorways, hatches portals and gateways. The effect perceived from the dimensionality of Earth existence is well described in your example, as existence disappears from the vibration levels of Earth.The understanding will come as awareness of dimensionality rises on mentsBrett 22/01/2014 8:00pmPatrick, thank you. I appreciate it a lot!Ahmed 23/01/2014 8:43amExcellent question, so black holes are one-way gateways/portals from other dimensions to this one? Or can they be crossed somehow from this side as well? If higher dimensions are more mental in nature, and can access this one by consciousness alone, then why are these portals even needed?The Committee 23/01/2014 10:25am"They are not one-way; no doorways are arranged thus, in the universe. We suggest they be understood as bottlenecks, where matter, material and substance of the dimensions in which humans have temporarily chosen to inhabit enters arenas, environments and surroundings of higher dimensions, disappearing to the observer not of those dimensions.These doorways are not required to pass from dimensions; they exist as crossroads, intersections, junctions and connections between universes, as you might consider parallel realities.Upon crossing them, a simultaneous existence along a different course and path is encountered."Ahmed 23/01/2014 4:22pmI see, thank you for the explanation.cristina 24/01/2014 12:58pmLOVE the subject ! <3 Thank you Patrick and committeecristina 24/01/2014 1:07pmWhat creates those black holes? Everything that passes thru a black hole will end up matching the vibrational frequency of the universe on the other side of bottleneck ? What creates the shift in frequency of the "matter" passing thru the bottleneck such that the frequency is lowered or increased to match the one from the other side? VERY interesting :)The Committee 26/01/2014 9:16pm"Black holes are not created as this word might be understood, they are the result of a crossover, a confluence and connection, an overlap or an interface of dimensional ranges and parallel realities, either or both.The vibrational ranges across this portal can be the same or different; depending on the subject examined.The appearance that matter is drawn in and disappears is the loss of view, not of the matter. There is no destruction of material but disassembly of the hologram surrounding, creating and comprising the view.Black holes seem to be a drain into which no matter escapes, all light and all things are sucked away and collapsed. This is what is seen from your distant observation. In reality they are just disappearance and entry from and into the universe and reality you occupy.cristina 7/01/2014 5:51amThank you so much Committee and Patrick ! Fascinating subject :)centertopCommittee Speaking & Transcript22/01/2014Transcript of the sound recording below, for those of you that didn't request it. The bold, green & underlined text indicates the second, deeper voice. I cannot speak like this but more than a few listeners heard it! The afterlife in our dimensions.==================================Q:Question one; will this sound file help some readers or will writing be the preferred format?Committee, please speak to us.C:We can say that sound, as will be answered in subsequent questions you have written, yes certainly, no doubt sound will always help. Remember always that your sensory organs, the eyes, ears, touch - all of them - through which you sense your environment and surroundings that connect to your brain that use [distorted] tissue, are transliterators, receivers, transmitters into which information from your energetic existence and environment, which is ours, is translated to you and from you to us. Sound is no more than a distinct format from the eyes, the eyes transmitting light photon energy to images sent to the brain, so it is with the eardrum and the sound sent. Because it is different and connects to a different part of the brain, it will help some readers, certainly and we will say, likely the majority. At the very least many will [distorted].The great advantage of sound is wave energy which reverberates through the medium, in this case the air then upon the eardrums. Yes, it will help.Q:Question two; does the speaking more closely approximate the telepathic communication of our home, Heaven?C:Yes, as have said, it does come somewhat closer by transmission of the energy through the medium. Telepathic communication is the pure sending and receiving of information and sound does come more close to this effect. An example is the sensation humans feel when listening to music.Q:Question 3, since music is a connection to Heaven, will the spoken word connect better than the written one?C:Yes, as we have said to question 2; please proceed.Q:OK, question four, do ears and hearing improve communication over eyes and reading?C:We will say, that your ears and the hearing they provide the body do not improve or worsen reading or eyes, both are alternatives, unique to Earth, your body and your environment. How they are used or not used is the key difference. We would [distorted] and behavior many animals in your environment have with ears and eyes, their sight and their hearing as examples; go on. Q:OK, question number five, does The Committee have any recommendations for the website readership, to improve Guardian Angel Guide communication and understanding?C:Yes we say, we implore, we insist that for this communication, to always follow intuitions and feelings. It is good to add, to combine, to consider thinking intelligence, understanding of your environment, habit of communication, methods of speaking, reading listening [distorted] for this reason television has become so quickly popular and the method of the internet to supplant or provide imagery and speaking upon demand, simultaneously, has grown as this approximates just what your true home provides. Yet as in your true home, these components of understanding, of reading, of seeing are just components; they supplement but do not replace or create the substance of your understanding, which is your absorption and receipt of the energy just as you send it. So our recommendation is to always combine and consider your sensations and your feelings, your intuition [distorted] as Earth in your language of English to that which you see and hear. Be well; good day.Original Post 17 January 2014I have made a sound file, speaking in my voice what The Committee supplies in messages & information. Please send a comment on the "CONTACT" page and include an e-mail address where the file should be sent. (If using an iPad, MAC or iPhone the file will require conversion using iTunes, as it's been saved in *.wma format)Here are my 5 handwritten questions, as The Committee tells me some of you understand analysis of handwriting, and even those who don't, will absorb more meaning from the energy the look provides.Feedback will be appreciated; what is preferred, spoken messages, written posts or both?COMMENTSRandi 17/01/2014 10:30pmSpoken messages sounds fun :)Ahmed 18/01/2014 3:02amInteresting idea, you can also upload the file on a hosting site like .I'm having trouble reading the first word in question 3, what music?Patrick 18/01/2014 8:45amMusic in general, not any song or composition specifically.Good idea, I will have a look.Hazra 19/01/2014 12:07amBox for iPad and iPhone is currently available for free with 50GB of free storage.Mary S 18/01/2014 10:38amWondering if there will be anymore from The Famous Departed. I see it's not listed.Patrick 18/01/2014 1:58pmYes, there will. I'll just post those entries on the main landing page.jon besson 18/01/2014 12:42pmPrint is the best for me. With print ,no problems with accents, no problems with sound quality, no squeaking chairs and background noise, no echoes, no faint noises, all of which I encounter on my other favorite web site when trying to listen . I can parse the message, at my speed, over and over until I'm satisfied when printed.Patrick 18/01/2014 2:00pmI will post a transcript of the Q&A, stand fast, y'all.Eva Masini 18/01/2014 1:14pmGenerally speaking, I prefer the written messages. I can read them at my pace of understanding although the voice would be a nice touch but it distracts me. Again, for the sake of comprehension, I prefer the written version. Thank you for asking.Denis Giroux 18/01/2014 1:15pmPrint is best. I have earring problems and so do not listen to videos. I listen to music, I don't need to understand the words just the melody.Susan 18/01/2014 4:34pmI think a combination of both :-) I do like the Q&A format :-). Sometimes with spirit answers either both written or heard can take a few listening's or readings to understand.;-) Music is always wonderful. So many songs with messages and spirit love to choose songs for signs etc.....:-)Mike 18/01/2014 5:16pmProblems with audio recordings areAdditional hosting requirements and extra work for youDiffering dialects makes interpretation difficult/frustratingAudio streaming or download for people on a slow connection could be prohibitiveWeb text is much easier to translate to non locals who read this page translated to there own language than audioPatrick 20/01/2014 1:18pmExcellent points these, all not considered. The inspiration came from watching a Darryl Anka video as he channels Bashar; I could do that also (but probably not with Bashar).OK, I'll follow Hazra's good suggestion for Apple created doohickies - and in general for non Appleheads - and set up "Box" from time posting the audio, to be noted the post.Ahmed 19/01/2014 7:30amThank you for the file, there was some strange distortion in parts, but I had no problem understanding the content.Patrick 20/01/2014 1:10pmOthers noticed this also. How the recording was "slowed down" when made - since the voice recorder app is a simple start/stop - I couldn't guess BUT The Committee told me it was their energy. Wow.Ahmed 21/01/2014 8:49amHmm, very interesting. Have you ever thought of conducting a kind of informal experiment with that, maybe being recorded by a 3rd party with good equipment and see if the distortion continues?Hazra 19/01/2014 11:19amPatrick Much appreciation for the lengthy transcripts you grace us with here. We appreciate the time it takes for you to get all of this typed and posted.Patrick 20/01/2014 1:07pmMerci beaucoup pour le commentaire, très apprécié.Britta 20/01/2014 2:14pmThank you Patrick for all the time/energy you put into this!centertopView of Time23/01/20140130810Q:I believe one of the most intriguing, perplexing and interesting differences humans encounter is the notion of time; why does it exist on Earth if it doesn't exist away from Earth? If things happen on Earth as events and occurrences - providing learning, growth and understanding - how could that continue where there is no "time"? If things do not happen one after the other, do they all happen at the same instant, the same spot, same place, same moment and same time? How can one lifetime happen after another but there is no time to define "before" and "after"?? How does this work?C:Time exists; it exists on Earth. It ceases to exist away from the environment of Earth. We say, environment of Earth means upon its surface. An example we shall give; your extraterrestrial visitors originate from planets where cycles of light and dark, where they occur, are longer or shorter. The measurement device brought to Earth will see the cycle repeated long before or after the device would indicate it upon the world where created. Just as your devices would mark the twenty four pieces of your cycle after or before a repeat of cycle would happen on a planet, far away.If and as you walk about the surface of another planet - for some of you have, the memory blocked but for brief pieces, recalled as dreams - you would find your body's rhythms changed much as would occur if taken to a cave on Earth, light cycles absent. Your bodies are constructed to function with an ever increasing length of cycle, peaking at twenty five to twenty six of your cycle parts, or hours as you say in Earth English. This your research has unearthed; we use this pun intentionally. Upon a planet where light surface cycles require more than twenty six or so cycle pieces, functions of the human body would become difficult. The same occurs upon Earth to your extraterrestrial visitors, who return to their vessels where a typical cycle for them is created.Time exists and is real; in the environment where circumstances create and require it. Time is an illusion in the universe, an illusion unique to dimensions you choose to occupy, to gain experience of the effects. The sequences time create are one of, often the principal of reasons for incarnation. The separation of your soul's existence from its environment, by following a sequential pattern, allow understanding, feeling and reflection impossible away from an un-timed environment. You might observe a sporting event on television; is this the same as attending the game, in your physical person? Time gives this to you.Q:How do parallel realities exist?C:Parallel requires straight lines, which are a series of ever smaller points. We say, there is no such element in the universe, a straight line. All things intersect. The concept emerges only as the observer draws back and away from a select set of points. Parallel realities or existences are, in actuality, simultaneous occurrences.We suggest memory and experience be seen as we shall describe here; you float solid and steady with no ceiling, roof or barrier above, no ground, floor or surface below. No walls, fences or limits exist around you, in any direction. There is not an "up" because there is no "down" and the concepts do not exist, as there is no gravity to pull or draw towards a surface.Arranged around you are all places and things; if you wish to see one, the arrangement rotates and revolves around you; the one you wish to see appears around you. The one previously appearing is not below or above; it can be returned to you in an instant, as you desire. The absence of gravity and force acting upon a physical existence creates a sensation of absolute solidity, steadiness and complete rest at all times, as you wish it.Each occurrence you have experienced can be reopened before you; you may observe and you may also step into it, to re-live, as it involves you.Each life and each day has all experience and events perfectly arranged and filed; you may see the future as Earth existence might call this, by bringing the event forward to your study and observance. This is the way a "future" is predicted; often we refer generally to what such files contain, avoiding specifics where you might change behavior on Earth and corrupt the file. You have written the file; we have no authority to alter or amend without your approval. If you wish for something to occur that does not happen, we can say, you have not authorized the change and have moreover instructed your Guardians and Guides to hold fast to your plan, as they have agreed to do.Q:What do humans gain by living with time? What benefit does it have?C:Time teaches acceptance; you have choice and complete control of your will, your wants and desires. The ability to reject and avoid can deny experience. Understanding comes from true feelings of finality a time existence provides. Time is very real on Earth; it only becomes an illusion as the experiences of a human life are filed into the arrangements and structure of Heaven. For this understanding of acceptance, you travel to Earth and follow a journey your body and life lead.Q:What happens to the idea of time after we leave Earth?C:The departure from Earth will be felt as your beliefs are applied; we say, beliefs are of Heaven and also of Earth. Your experience of life matters very much, as much as anything of your soul and the beliefs adopted during body life remain. You will see the broader, more complete beliefs and understanding of your soul after your return, but the beliefs of a life just completed reign strong and dominant. The life cut short by original plan, ended before you chose, brings great sorrow and regret to the enders. We suggest the punishment humans seek to apply to a killer; the illusion of Earth's finality creates a notion of punishment that exists not; humans release a killer upon execution and then punishment in the true sense of regret, pain and sorrow descend upon the killer's soul, by his or her own hand and desire. Humans cannot achieve this; it happens independently of time passing on Earth. We suggest the notion of execution misses the objective; the killer might be separated from others to prevent repetition however the death imposed is not punishment. Only a soul may punish itself.The murderer who then takes her or his own life after ending that of a victim hastens the onset of effects and true understanding, and encounters the true feeling and sensation of regret, the opposite of that sought. The consequence or circumstance suicide avoids works in an opposite way, in the great number of cases. The illusion of time on Earth suddenly no longer applies.The regret felt at departure from reality of sequential time we cannot describe with words, where this has shortened the experience planned otherwise. Human life is sacred; it is powerful and to be preserved and cherished. The opportunity time provides the soul is of such benefit, again, no description would we offer.Q:How do lifetimes happen one after the other?C:They seem this way only on Earth; you can choose the location an event might fall upon the line of time Earth will appear to follow. Until a choice creates a material shift or change in others contrary to plan and desires, you may select what you prefer. The details of the environment matter very little, if at all. The important thing you seek then experience is interaction, emotion and response. These are, were and will always be available.Q:Is the number of lives we live on Earth limited?C:No.Q:Can we always know what our final lifetime will be?C:Yes; you choose the spot, the place and the location of the life on Earth. You must choose first; you may rearrange all experiences on Earth in any order. The last one is the final one, from the Earth view. It can be increased, but on Earth the final is always the last, the ultimate one. If you choose to add one, it is the new final one.Q:This doesn't make sense; final is final.C:On Earth; well you have adopted the illusion of your current reality.Q:Illusion of reality? That's a prize winning oxymoron!C:On Earth.Q:Why is a rotation of Earth divided into twenty four parts, really twelve counted twice? Why are there sixty parts to each piece of a rotation, and sixty pieces of the sixty parts? Why not ten, for all, like metric measurement?C:This derives from atomic and subatomic structure; the appeal of ten originates in mathematics absent understanding and knowledge of subatomic structures. The desire to use a dozen twice comes from four and three; these interchange. The atomic pieces you have named electrons, protons and neutrons are three pointed triangles rotating among four stop points, thus four times three or the reverse, three times four. This creates a dozen, you understand well. Vibration is the speed of rotation relative to the next dimension, a range. Because human dimension existence recognizes only atoms, their components and builds above this, one dozen results as basis for time measurement, the pulsations of three points among four stops. As Earth rotates, a surface point moves farther away from darkness for half the rotation then closer. This is the reason for double dozen; this view a legacy of Earth civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria before it. The division of sixty is simply half the dozen times ten, ten from human digits, which ease counting.Q:Committee, thank you.C:Most welcome you are; return soon, in mentsChris 24/01/2014 7:50amHi! I was wondering if you could expand on the comment "humans release a killer upon execution and then punishment in the true sense of regret, pain and sorrow descend upon the killer's soul, by his or her own hand and desire"...So does this mean that many killers, once released, usually won't feel a true sense of regret, pain and sorrow because they will choose not too? How exactly does this work? I thought in the life review, they would feel their victims' pain and suffering and then naturally respond with a profound sense of regret, pain and sorrow? Well this sucks if they don't have any regret for such terrible acts against innocent people..."The regret felt at departure from reality of sequential time we cannot describe with words, where this has shortened the experience planned otherwise." What if someone has just had enough with the difficulties of life and wants to cut their current life shorter than planned but wanted to avoid regretting this descision once on the other there anyway to avoid regret for leaving life on earth earlier than planned?thanks!Patrick 24/01/2014 11:56amYou have understood correctly, Chris. Release means die.The solution, in almost all cases, is to release the difficulties making life unhappy, not life itself.Chris 24/01/2014 12:04pmSo when these killers die, they choose not to regret the horrible things they did to people? Or do they regret it anyway because the true nature of the soul feels regret for causing great pain and sorrow whenPatrick 24/01/2014 1:13pm@ Chris: Unless the murder(s) are part of a life plan for all involved, yes the killer feels the emotions of the event from the place of the victim, exactly as the victim experienced them, as if repeated with roles reversed.cristina 24/01/2014 12:54pmAs always, committee answers make me doubt my intelligence :)))))))))))))))))) My brain gets only half picture I think and I get pissed off with my limited understanding :POne question: if there is no past, no future and we can check into the future anytime we want, that means the things in the future have already happened? Like in a movie? The movie has been filmed, recorded, and we simply check into a certain time of the movie?I remember some people saying that we live in a world of holograms :) DO we? Reminds me of Matrix movie :)Patrick 24/01/2014 1:11pmYour second paragraph demonstrates the falsity of the first. You get it - and well!Yes, we live in the holograms we create. Yes, we can check into the "future" anytime - OFF EARTH. We come precisely to NOT have that ability, to experience finality. There are several movies, we can pause and watch another one, or make a new one. On Earth, the delay makes the process seem linear and sequential, that things are happening in a row.cristina 25/01/2014 9:36amThank you so much Patrick !Boy oh boy, does that mean that are many who can check into the life thread of jesus and have similar experiences?That means that some of us, living on earth today, may experience different earth environments in the next 20 years? Some will witness big disasters because they will follow one reality (the one they chose before incarnating) and others will see heaven on earth because they will experience another reality (in accordance to their own raised vibration) ?Patrick 25/01/2014 3:17pm@ cristina: Yes, it is possible to experience the feelings of Jesus as he walked upon Earth, just as Jesus felt them. The difference is, the experience is felt and then put back; we gain understanding of what Christ traversed without going through the life he did. All souls can do this for any soul that allows it and access is nearly universal. It is not the same as incarnating to live the life. Doing so provides a sensation and experience above and beyond a temporary visit to the experience of another soul. This is the reason we come here, repeatedly and willingly.Yes, we will each see events yet differently. Details might be the same or similar BUT reactions and feelings caused by witnessing or participating, are unique to each soul.cristina 25/01/2014 4:23pmVery interesting the bit you told me about Jesus. I was wondering a lot about it as I see many people claiming they are incarnation of Jesus, Buddha, Mary Magdalen or even Tesla and..made me wonder why/how would they have such vivid memories of those famous lives as long as only one soul lived inside that carbon body and truly lived that life :)Thank you Patrick, I think my questions will never end :PStill wondering 25/01/2014 12:45amSo if we can view "past" and "future" events what is the range of free will? Are all events dynamically intertwined to effect all ? I think the subject has been discussed but can we have some more clarifications please? ThanksPatrick 25/01/2014 9:18amTo answer the first question (referring to Heaven) the past and future only exist on Earth. Our existence is like a tree; which branch is prior and subsequent, of similar sizes on different parts of the tree? They develop simultaneously. The tree does not grow one branch out the the size seen, then stop enlarging that part to begin another branch elsewhere. Walking around the tree gives many views.Free will versus captive or captured will? Please excuse the silly remark, but I make it to emphasize our control; if our desire, will and wants are not free, they are not. ON EARTH we feel captive to...circumstances, effects and conditions beyond our control. Don't we all feel that way from "time" to "time"? For some things, always?Off Earth, our range of control is complete, as are our understanding and insight. This constrains ill effect such that it does not arise like on Earth. It isn't possible to hide like we humans do, so we act openly and honestly and get it in return.NO, all events are not necessarily intertwined, but there is a lot of that. Certainly arrangements are made to affect the experiences of many souls - a natural disaster we travel to experience, for example - but these are voluntary. They seem involuntary on Earth. Many other things we do on Earth - nearly everything - falls under our control within the circumstances; to eat this or that, smoke or not, work at this or that or not and so on goes the list.As we create an experience on Earth - a hologram and our role in it - the experience becomes anything from a twig to large branch of the tree of our soul. Unlike the tree, with the ground & roots below and a sky above, we are seen and can see from any angle or view, inside or out and we can also see these things in others. The spherical filing cabinet around us, extending out as far as necessary, allows any moment to be retrieved or re-filed no matter where it might have fallen along the "time" line of an Earth life voyage.Thanks 26/01/2014 12:53amThanks Patrick. I am rereading your reply and will continue to do so until I get it....cristina 26/01/2014 8:41am@Thanks ... maybe I can help with additional explanations: when we incarnate, we set our paths in details. But no path can be set into such small details that will take into consideration every little step we take. So i am guessing we set important events we want to go thru and make sure our guardian angels will be near us to ensure we are going thru those events. Along these paths are different decisions we make and from results of those decisions we continue on a certain path or another. That is why comparison with branches .Now, EVERYTHING is free will :) The paths we set for ourselves and ensure our guardian angels are there to push us on the paths we wanted for ourselves. The small steps in between big decisions --- everything is designed by us - so it is free will ALWAYS.If you know Erik, from channelingErik, he says "if you are on Earth is because you wanted to be there and you wanted it for a good reason"centertopThe Sargasso Sea25/01/201400A calm area of the Atlantic whose name popped up as The Committee answered another question.It is a region in the middle of the North Atlantic bounded on the west by the Gulf Stream; on the north, by the North Atlantic current; on the east, by the Canary Current and on the south, by the North Atlantic Equatorial Current, the system forming the North Atlantic Gyre. These currents deposit marine plants and refuse into this sea.It is 1100 km/700 mi wide and 3200 km/2000 mi long, stretching from roughly 70 to 40 degrees west longitude and 20 to 35 degrees north latitude. Bermuda is near the western fringes of the sea. Its waters are distinctive for their deep blue color and exceptional clarity, with underwater visibility up to 61m/200 feet.Q:Does the existence of this calm sea in the ocean have anything to do with Atlantis?C:Atlantis created it, Bermuda a remnant, rising from the remains of Atlantis as it sunk. The ocean currents of Earth flow around in relation to the land masses, the large calm areas found great masses of land once were. The rotation of Earth causes ocean current flow, just as the movement of air in the atmosphere. The disappearance of an influence is often insufficient to alter the greater pattern; the movement of the currents dependent upon the others, much like an organism.Q:So the flow of the currents around this calm center marks the placement of Atlantis?C:Yes.Q:Is there an ongoing effect from the remains of Atlantis, far below the waves?C:Yes, Earth magnetism and flows still follow routes and contours this land once created; these electromagnetic influences perpetuate the flow of water around the area.Q:Why does this effect continue?C:It reduces steadily, however the movement of Earth continents and tectonic plates is far slower than the disappearance; these tectonic plates remain as they were, when Atlantis existed.Q:What causes the magnetism in this area? You have said remains of Atlantis, but what is really there?C:The land mass once above the waves and the remains of meteors which struck, highly charged magnetically. They are enough to create the field, below the surface, to affect influences upon ocean currents.Q:If we descended to the bottom of The Sargasso, several kilometers below the surface, what would we find?C:Atlantis. The remains of the civilization, preserved and covered under a thin layer of deposits.Q:Oceanographers would argue the circular currents are not unique to the North Atlantic, the effect is called Coriolis and all oceans have them.C:Yes, however why in this location, we would respond. Why not farther north and east? Why does the western current, called the Gulf Stream, flow so close to the western land mass, your North America? The reason is as we have described.Q:Do we know so little about the ocean floors because of the pressure and temperature?C:Precisely, as little is understood about many things of Earth. Soon all will be more easily mentscristina 25/01/2014 5:24pm"Soon all will be more easily remembered." - oh boy, can't wait ! :P As I understood there are some NICE things for me to remember :PThe geography lessons from my childhood look boring and useless compared to your posts, Patrick ! :) Thanks to you and committee <3jon besson 26/01/2014 7:10amThis phrase "Soon all will be more easily remembered" puts me in mind of the self imposed veil required to come here that lifts when we're finished with this adventure.Patrick 26/01/2014 10:06amThat's one way to see it BUT I suspect humanity will get more information sooner than that, about Earth and geography. The solar system will also be better understood and we'll learn about The Moon and where it came from and how it's only been orbiting Earth for a short part of Earth's existence.centertopГригорий Ефимович Распутин26/01/2014Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin (1869-1916) was a Russian peasant, mystic, private adviser to the Romanovs and an influence on Czar Nicholas. Rasputin did not belong to a religious order or sect and was considered a strannik (pilgrim) wandering from cloister to cloister. He was obsessed with religion, possessing an impressive knowledge and ability to explain the Bible in an uncomplicated way. It was widely believed Rasputin cured bodily ailments. Rasputin was regarded as a starets (elder) by followers, who considered him a psychic and faith healer, his critics using the same description in an ironic manner. Rasputin never considered himself such. He spoke an almost incomprehensible Siberian dialect and never preached or spoke publicly. The Czar's wife considered Rasputin a "Man of God " and clairvoyant; his enemies saw a debauched religious charlatan, a lecher. His influence on the Czar's wife involved him in events leading to the Bolshevik Revolution ten months after his death; Rasputin was murdered at the end of December 1916 by conspirators in the Imperial family.00Q:Mr. Rasputin, your name always made me think of Rumpelstiltskin.R:No connection; thank you.Q:Why "thank you"?R:A well known and regarded story. Who would not like this?Q:Why were you so well versed in the Bible?R:I helped write it.Q:Who were you?!?R:Ha ha ha, that I will not discuss, but will say at a last supper I did eat.Q:So what was your purpose of the life as Rasputin?R:To introduce a few concepts and ideas from my time many, many centuries before. My efforts were not successful.Q:You refer to the revolution?R:Of course.Q:There is a lot of talk the Bible is full of enhancements and even fabrications. Is any of that true?R:Yes, there are bits of "improvements" made but not so material, not anymore.Q:So how much of that book did you write?R:As a mathematical percentage of the words, little. I'd like to think many key bits. It was quite a job, hint, hint.Q:Ha, ha back at you. So… were killed to cut your influence upon the Czar's wife. Were you able to influence policy as history attributes?R:Not as might be thought; I explained what I saw to the Czar’s wife and she decided. I confess she took into account a good bit of what I explained.Q:Was she that influential over her husband Czar Nicholas and was he weak as they say?R:Outwardly he seemed that way to some; in reality they had a more collaborative relationship and function than many would expect and very few saw, as it would not be popular for Emperor Nicholas to be seen consulting a female, above all his wife! He left her in charge of affairs, as he left to oversee the war, with good reason and belief.Q:You were seen as an influence.R:Yes, and her decisions were seen as controlled by me, by enemies of her rule. Have politics ever been different? Lenin was attempted killed, Kennedy was killed and many others lesser known, for similar reasons.Q:Given your view of humanity, how do we eliminate assassinations and attempts on significant leaders?R:Make the world larger, make the nation states smaller, more local. This might reduce influence and shrink the nut pool, but crazy people will there always be, as there always have been. When a formula to eliminate craziness is offered, I will be doing it!Q:Had you escaped an attempt on your life, would the Bolshevik Revolution, Red October, would it have happened?R:Yes.Q:What message from the Bible would you like to convey to humanity now, something relevant to nowadays?R:There are other messages, other books, other writings considered equally sacred. These say the same things so please emphasize similarities and set aside the obsession with differences. This serves only the seller of books. Humanity can have as many spiritual groupings, as are called religions, as it chooses but these need not all create differing philosophies just to coalesce a group.Q:What message do you have for humanity?R:Eat more cheese. No, I am kidding…I liked cheese. Eat more goodness in all you do; when faced with a choice to eat what is good and what is not, go for the good. I understand this sounds simplistically stupid. Really? Look around you, all of you, every day and observe how many do NOT.Q:Mr. Rasputin, thank you.R:My beard and I enjoyed MENTSBrett 27/01/2014 8:43amRasputin is awesome! Thank you Patrick. No wonder the royal family liked him.Allen 27/01/2014 11:43amThat was both interesting and amusing. I appreciated the humor coming through. I wonder why the lack of disclosure about any other past lives.Oddly enough, my only familiarity with the name and individual is through a beer named after him - Old Rasputin Russion Imperial Stout. It is a tasty one. :0)Patrick 27/01/2014 12:19pmTrue evidence of a significant, meaningful life is to have a beer named after you.For what again was Billy Budweiser famous?Allen 27/01/2014 7:01pmIn Rasputin's situation, it is a very good beer and appropriate in its style (Russian Imperial Stout). :0)Patrick 27/01/2014 9:03pmMy interpretation of Rasputin's reluctance to detail prior lifetimes is concern for reaction. A composer of the Bible, reincarnated as a controversial historical figure in Russia? I suspect Rasputin understands the irrelevance.Ahmed 27/01/2014 1:48pmInteresting man and a good interview, thank you.Jake 27/01/2014 4:49pmI remember listening to the Rasputin song from BoneyM as a child ! Amazing interview, I wish it lasted longer - thank you Patrick.Allen 27/01/2014 7:22pmI wonder what he meantt by 'eat more goodness... choose to eat what is good'? Some things are good, but not necessarily good for you. Is he saying to enjoy what you think is good, or to choose what might be "best" (healthier) for your body?Patrick 27/01/2014 9:05pmSymbolic; take in the positive. Not only food and beer, but in all things good.cristina 28/01/2014 7:46amI liked the interview and I too wanted to last longer :)Robert 28/01/2014 9:09amThanks for this! I was "Jonesin'" for some more interviews!His advice to "Eat more cheese" made me smile! I still expect some profound, earth - shattering statement when this question is asked; but, I guess we humans take life too seriously. Reminds me of what Groucho said: "There should be a star named "Relax" in the constellation"Ex - Lax"! Good stuff, Patrick! Please keep 'em comin'!!!Garrett 29/01/2014 3:00pmI think the hint hint right after the phrase 'it was quite a job' means he may have been responsible for the book of Job (with a sharp (cheesy?) o). That was the book where the devil and God horse traded regarding a successful human named Job that if the devil took away all his blessings he would curse God's name and cease to believe. It was also very much a book for those who want to always know more and the downsides and ultimate impossibility of that, because Job wanted to know everything and I believe an angel told him that it's impossible because we can't totally fathom God.Hope that helps somebodyGarrett 29/01/2014 3:13pmUhhh i should have said read the wiki on the book since the above summary doesn't do it justice and may be a tad misleading.Sarah 29/01/2014 5:27pmThank you, good post.centertopDNA Communication27/01/2014A generous and astute reader sent me a link to an article on a website I haven't visited in more than one year. It was good to read and I believe it is interesting, here is the link to the article, sent by that keen reader: repeat this excerpt, regarding DNA communication and offer The Committee's explanation.Excerpt: "We have told you this before, and we have written books about it. Your DNA has quantum attributes. It's not a quantum molecule, but it gives quantum instructions. Ah, but there's more. All the DNA I perceive in your body right now is singular, with only one allied consciousness. This is because the DNA in the Human body is in an entangled state with itself. It is quantumly locked in a way that it works as one benevolent union. This is a quantum physics attribute that is not yet fully understood and not yet applied to biology. It represents the smart body, the innate body, and if you want proof of that, it's everywhere!What do you know about identical twins? You know that they have the same DNA and that they are the only Humans on the planet who do. What do you know about studies of identical twins? You know that they can be on opposite sides of the planet and both can have the same intuition at the same time about something that's happening with their family.Now, what does that tell you about their DNA? It's connected! In fact, it's connected within a particular quantum state. What do you know about quantumness in DNA? The answer is, almost nothing! So let me fill you in. It's beautiful. Let me fill you in, because it's going to temper everything you do from now on."C:Each atom's neutrons, protons and electrons vibrate at identical frequencies, for the same atom; oxygen is oxygen, hydrogen is hydrogen, etc. Atoms form molecules, molecules accumulated together in sufficient numbers create mass. Humans understand well the makeup of mass & materials.Each human's DNA structure is unique; that means the collection of atoms - and resulting molecules - is slightly different; the frequencies of vibration of each proton is the same, proton by proton (and neutron by neutron, electron by electron) but when the frequencies are totalled up, the sum is different for each cluster of DNA, because the atoms are a different combination. The difference can be slight, as a percentage of total atoms in that cluster or molecule, but there are billions of atoms in a living organism, so the small slight differences in any one molecule, added up, create a large difference.Identical twins and their DNA have the same frequency; the reason twins like that feel each other across the globe is the same way a cellular mobile telephone is recognized among the many, many other phones on and communicating with towers and the network in a given area. Each device has a unique code. The intended unit recognizes the signal intended for it, and mentsMike 28/01/2014 8:24amPatrick,Saw this on tv a few weeks ago, along these lines - (genetics)Seems like an odd occurrence and only affects 40 people in the world.cristina 28/01/2014 12:19pmFascinating ! :)centertopSylvia Shoemaker28/01/2014 Sylvia Celeste Shoemaker, known popularly as Sylvia Browne (1936-2013), was an author, psychic and spiritual medium. She appeared regularly on television and radio and hosted an hour-long internet radio program. She was frequently criticized for making false psychic predictions, including some about missing people. She wrote dozens of books about paranormal and spiritual subjects.00Q:Sylvia, if you do not mind, thanks for coming.SB:No problem honey, and no charge!Q:You don't charge for honey?SB:Not you, sugar! Ha ha ha, or what is it now, L-O-L?Q:My impression is criticism of psychics and predictions is something precious; people love to be skeptical, and to doubt things. You were involved in this in a big way, since you were well known. Can you explain the discrepancies in some predictions you made?SB:Sure; I was human! "Hue-Mun"…got it? Like not perfect? But in the world of doubt, it's so reinforcing to find imperfection, for some people. It gives them comfort and reassurance, they latch onto it like a permission slip to disbelieve. They're often afraid to trust something that doesn't fit into their database, their experience and when they run into a discrepancy, they immediately lay a foundation with it, and stack bricks and blocks as high as they can. Then they jump behind these walls to feel secure.Everybody remember the trauma of getting punished or spanked as a kid, you didn't see it coming and after it happens you realize it was coming but didn't know it? So now you watch every move, every clue you think means it's coming again. Some people apply that their whole lives.Q:You gave a lot of readings, wrote a lot of books and gave truckloads of information over like three and half decades. Logic would say, you'd miss once in a while.SB:I always offered up what I was getting as information. I now know a lot of the incorrect outcomes I saw were possibilities, what's called a parallel reality or universe. I didn't know that, I just said what I saw happening. Also I saw a scene related to a different event, different people. Abductions happen to lots of victims, crossed wires are not impossible.Q:From your home now, could you say most of your predictions were accurate?SB:Yes.Q:So what's Heaven like? You told all about it, but now that you're back home, how are things?SB:It's like going to every car show, dealer and factory you can and reading, studying and memorizing every brochure possible about a certain car or cars, and then you drive one. Watch a video of skiing and then try it yourself. That's Heaven.Q:Does it look good?SB:Yes, everything looks great and funny, it isn't by comparison. People who think a restaurant kitchen is dirty compared to their kitchen at home have a relative view. Spend enough time in enough restaurants….here, you don't need a comparison to appreciate and absolutely love the beautiful things. The few souls who have incarnated somewhere have a comparison, but the majority who haven't done that still love and appreciate all the beauty and wonderful things. The incarnated simply have a different perspective or angle, not better or worse. You want a cigarette? (She takes a long one out of a soft pack and lights it)Q:No thanks but that's bad for you?SB:Not here, honey bun, you can smoke and it's all make believe. But don't you do it on Earth.Q:I read one of your books a long time ago and liked it. Seemed normal and not unusual.SB:Not to you, but other people don't wear your style and size of shoes, if you know what I mean.Q:The whole psychic and medium concept, what would you say to the people who says it's a load of bullshit, no truth at all to any of it?SB:You want some hot sauce with that? That's their taste, that's their order, let 'em have what they like.Q:You were financially successful with your work and that probably caused more than a few skeptics to doubt the purity of your motives.SB:So silly; so somebody drove a car badly, all of them should be banned? Success is bad and does that mean failure is good? So let's call it "lack of success" that's right, that makes failure better, 'cause we'll call it something else? Let's all punish Bill Gates, never mind we like his company's products. Yeah, let's go confiscate everything Steve Jobs ever earned; Apple Computer was a big sham, a total fraud. So Sylvia Browne wasn't perfect and somebody didn't believe me, so I should be poor. Obviously I didn't agree.Q:So what advice would you offer a psychic or medium?SB:You know what you're getting.Q:What advice do you have for humanity?SB:Try driving someone else's car. Heck, try walking or riding a bike where you usually drive. The same route will seem very different and you'll understand new things. Does anybody ever come to understanding and say 'No, I didn't want to know why my mother was such a bitch. NO! I wanted to remain unaware and traumatized; take that understanding away and leave me in the dark!' Does anybody EVER regret figuring things out? So….ride a bike down that street and figure things out. (Takes another puff on her cigarette).Q:Sylvia, it was great to see you.SB:Good to drop by! Toodle ooh….CommentsMike 28/01/2014 2:29pmI read her book the other side and back and would love to know if it's the same as she said.What does she think of James Randi he was her biggest criticPatrick 28/01/2014 2:42pmShe says "Give him a bottle of hot sauce and a pack of cigarettes."About the book, she says "it is accurate but barely scratches the surface. You'll see."cristina 28/01/2014 2:33pmReally really enjoyed her answers !!! <3 Very good Sylvia !I think I'm too on the way to "know what I'm getting" while being annoyed of my LACK of accuracy :PMeanwhile I'm swinging on the tree like the monkey from Erik's comparison (as in getting both yes and no for same question) :PCheryl 28/01/2014 7:50pmWow!I must have crawled under a rock..I didn't even know that Sylvia had passed on!I have read many of her books and enjoyed watching her on tv once in awhile...loved her candor! :)Thank you Patrick and Sylvia for a enjoyable interview!lori 29/01/2014 1:59pmThank you thank you thank you! I've read her books and watched her every time I heard she'd be on someone's talk show. I always dreamed of getting a reading from her but could never make it happen. Anyway this was soo much fun! My mom loved her too and is also on the other side maybe she could look her up ha ha thanks Patrick!garrett 30/01/2014 11:17amI had previously wanted to see an interview with her, kinda because I was sort of on the fence because of the amount of criticism. This quote, "That's their taste, that's their order, let 'em have what they like." hits the nail, and I'm so happy to change my order and kind of return the small order of doubt I had regarding her.garrett 30/01/2014 11:18amAnd geesh, where are my manners? Thanks!Patrick 31/01/2014 8:50amSylvia says "You're welcome, anytime I'm around."lori 30/01/2014 1:18pmWell said, and doesn't it suck that we can enjoy something so thoroughly only to have it tarnished by someone's or some groups' negative comments or ideas. . . this was a gift for me as well...Patrick 31/01/2014 8:53amExcellent example, Lori, of ideas, opinions and free will. There's a good lesson for all of us, in rejecting or accepting opinions and deciding what we will believe. Not always easy to discount criticism, or set it aside.centertopSam Kinison30/01/2014?00Samuel Burl Kinison(1953-1992) was an American stand-up comedian and actor, known for intense, harsh and politically incorrect humor. Once a Pentecostal preacher, Kinison performed with an intense style, similar to enthusiastic religious speakers, punctuated by his trademark scream, erupting without warning during an otherwise calm portion of his routine. He died in a car crash on April 10, 1992.Q:Sam, if you don't mind…SK:I don't. Not anything.Q:Given your place now, I presume…SK:Well, of course.Q:Let's start in reverse; was your passing in a car crash pre-planed, pre-mediated, pre-destined?SK:Yes. Fuckin' cars….Q:Why blame the cars?SK:I wanted to die getting shot by my girlfriend in a wild jealous rage as she walked in on me boning her stripper sister in group sex with the sister's promiscuous friends…Q:What a way to go…SK:Fuckin' A… Z!Q:If you were alive today and still doing stand-up comedy…SK:I would.Q:…what would be your likely topics?SK:Gay marriage and Obama.Q:Why?SK:Have you ever heard anybody discuss gay male performance problems?Q:No.SK:You mean, not yet.Q:You would?Uh oh….SK:The TV ads for all that hard-on medicine, always showing the perfect middle aged people, well dressed, in-shape and content like they're on fuckin' happy pills without a clue? Those ads are homophobic….aaaaahhhhh,aaaaaahhhhhh, AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!Q:(cleaning out my ears..) Next question! What about Obama?SK:What about?Q:What topics would you discuss?SK:The guy's a comedian's dream come true. I'd talk about his wife.Q:That's supposed to be off limits…families.SK:Do I look like I'm working for The Wall Street Journal? (In a sweet, almost cute mocking voice) Come here, my little first crumpet, how's life in the big first house where the white people have to stay downstairs?Q:I'm gonna get hate mail.SK:Good! The post office needs the business…they're broke. Fuckin' broke.Q:If you had remained as a preacher….SK:I did; you think my stand-up routines weren't preaching?Q:If you'd never become a Pentecostal preacher, what course of life would you have pursued?SK:Sex change and then become a nun.Q:I don't think that's been done, or even possible.SK:Just wait. Aaaaaahhhhhh, aaaaaahhhhhh, AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!Q:What were your past lives before living as Sam Kinison?SK:I was a marriage counselor; I told every couple to get divorced or to just avoid marriage and shack up. I was a founder of the local chapter of Alcoholics Anonymous and I never drink, I just tell the members to smoke pot instead.Q:Speaking of smoking marijuana, you know it's become legal in a few United States.SK:About fucking time, too. John Denver's song was way ahead of the curve.Q:I read recently about comedians and brain functions; that good comics see the world differently because their brains work in a unique way, similar to what we'd call bipolar or manic depressive. Any truth behind this?SK:Of course; you want a world full of corporate executive types who never break a sweat or even wind? How do they look like they never fart, when you know they do? Remember what Carlin said about Nixon, the perfect symbol for America, looks like he hasn't taken a shit in a month. The world needs assholes like me…Q:'Cause all the proctologists would be out of work…SK:That Obamacare shit'll do that.Q:You'd like to tell jokes about it, huh?SK:I don't use jokes as the subject of jokes.Q:Ouch. Was your passing quick and painless?SK:Yeah…I knew it was coming, dreamed about it the night before and remembered the dream after I saw the cars come to rest, after all the bits & pieces stopped tinkling. Still, it was cool in a way, to then see it and be able to say to myself "so that's what it's like".Q:What recommendation would you have for a comedian today?SK:Kill yourself first. No, I'm kidding. Become one and let the crowd do it to you.Q:Because…?SK:Too many people are too sensitive. Not everybody, not even a majority but enough and they're the really nutty ones.Q:Wasn't it always that way?SK:Nope….Q:So what's causing it?SK:Democrats.Q:Somebody could complain.SK:OK, fuckin' Republicans. Feel better?Q:I see your point.SK:Do you feel my point? Do you?!? Do you feel my Nazi walking stick on your head, aaaahhhh, aaaaahhhhhh, AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!Q:You wore jackets and ties on stage and then went to berets, long overcoats and always, long hair and even head bands, kind of hippie-like. Any particular reason?SK:No.Q:Do you have any message for humanity?SK:No, just for my old landlord. Listen pal, fuck you and your favorite horse.Q:How about advice?SK:Be serious about what you want to do, do a serious good job but don't take it too seriously. Adios, people.Q:Thank you Sam, take care!CommentsBrett 30/01/2014 11:48amAwesome!!! That's hilarious.Randi 30/01/2014 2:55pmI can hear his screams while reading this lol. Great interview.cristina 30/01/2014 3:13pmIf Erik was there i bet he had a great time and learned new stuff :PGod, i hope he was joking here :))))))))))))))))))Q: If you'd never become a Pentecostal preacher, what course of life would you have pursued?SK: Sex change and then become a nun.Q: I don't think that's been done, or even possible.SK: Just wait. Aaaaaahhhhhh, aaaaaahhhhhh, AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!Patrick 31/01/2014 8:57amI would not expect to see it but it wouldn't surprise me, either. Is there a position for any organized religion on transgender people "on staff"? I'd like to be a fly on the wall in the convent as the new nun's "origins" are discovered by the sisters; talk about reality TV!Allen 30/01/2014 7:31pmWow! And thank you, Patrick. That had to come across as a little bit intense. I can't imagine what that would be like or to experience something like that coming through.There doesn't seem to be any toning down of personality, given access to other lives and experiences. That sounds like Sam all the way.I still wonder what his purpose or objective was to go out like that at the time he did as an entertainer. Seemed like he had a lot more left in him.Thank you for doing this interview. I really enjoyed it.Patrick 31/01/2014 9:00amNah, it was easy.britta 30/01/2014 10:58pmWow Patrick. I have to say this is so very interesting for me. Just this morning my husband and I and my daughter were discussing car accidents due to the horrid weather here in Minnnesota. My husband brought up an accident he had witnessed in the past which then reminded me of the story of Sam. I had not thought of Sam in so very many years and had never relayed this story to them. This morning I retold the story of how Sam had died and the encounter with 'someone' he spoke to on the side of the road debating about how he didn't 'want to die'. I had seriously not thought of this in WELL over 10 years. And then tonight I go onto your site to catch up on reading and here is your post on Sam posted TODAY. Not sure what the message may be for me personally but it is profoundly felt. Thank you!Patrick 31/01/2014 9:07amExcellent example of synchronicity and the illusion of time. That's your message. Your discussion and remembrance of Sam and then reading this were all "foretold". The illusion of time could make it seem coincidental. A life plan detail manifested, in an innocuous way. Sometimes not so innocuous.Another example would be reading or hearing a new word for the first time at age 30,35, 40 or so then running into it several times over the following week or two. That's happened to me many times, in several languages.britta 31/01/2014 10:07amThanks Patrick. I SO know this was not a coincidence. When this happened I KNEW it contained a message specifically. Out of all the billions of people I could think of and discuss on a given day (someone I never talk about or even watched as a comedian) and then the same day you post a channeling. Wow. You are spot on. It DOES speak directly and powerfully to the illusion of time.centertopGay Marriage31/01/2014?00Q:Esteemed Committee, we turn to a well publicized, popular subject with controversial opinions, marriage between humans of the same gender.C:We do say, to understand the convention is to understand marriage.Q:Many people say they do and the opinions differ, controversy right on its tail.C:Humans have created marriage and it is no different than any social grouping, that it exists because the participants and sometimes observers choose that. You are free to ignore this system, this society you have.Q:Homo- and heterosexuals alike say it's inside and within them from birth.C:Yes, often pairings and preferences by gender are planned for a life.Q:What about the idea homosexuals have switched physical genders but retain the preferences of the other gender from a previous incarnation?C:This occurs yet we say, such notion also derives from a human Earth understanding, and assumes a preference for a current life must be attributed to a combination preferred or more desirable from the view of the current life as applied to a prior life. The lesbian today retains the role of male from a prior life, and to this a preference is attributed, that it is more normal or typical the male & fe-male bond. More common we say, yet not more normal. Homosexuality is as typical as heterosexuality; the difference is lower incidence or rate of occurrence.Q:Are there homosexual arrangements in other physical beings on Earth? The more complex beings?C:Yes, however not to the same degree. The occurrence is more rare yet quite different as courtship and interchange socially, living arrangements, domiciles, abodes, residence and location all operate differently. The emotional interchange is far less and expressed in different ways, among animals of Earth. We say, romantic bonds and sexuality are not always connected in humans, yet strong is this view on Earth.Q:Makes sense, cats and dogs hook up pretty much to make babies.C:Yes, the reproductive function predominates, it prevails among animals. This your anthropology understands well.Q:So what about the reproductive function in humans?C:Human fertility requires no document or agreement a social compact might produce; copulation serves the function in the same way for humans as with other complex life forms, animals as you say.Q:So human sexual behavior and reproduction, long connected and now unhooked through understanding of biology, means what?C:It means what humanity chooses. Beyond conception then birth, all of you understand the role of human intimate behavior. The pleasures, pains, the benefits and otherwise.Q:I always understood marriage as a good way, and for much of human history, nearly the only way, to be intimate with a girl.C:For you are male thus many females willing to couple with a male include you in the possible range or group for that arrangement. These behaviors, like language, family roles, education, diet and many others are chosen, learned and developed behaviors. This you know well.Q:The intimacy issue is pregnancy; the dilemma at ending a life before its opportunity or being compelled into a long term arrangement because of the pregnancy. These don't affect same gender relations, they don't imperil, affect, create or force it. I always understood marriage protected against abandonment, of a child and a mother needing protection.C:Yes, it is a social convention created to achieve commitments from the creators of a human body.Q:So without marriage, would women and babies be abandoned?C:Marriages can be broken and the spouses and offspring abandoned, this has always happened and will continue.Q:The effect on society would be so bad.C:We suggest not so much; the notion a parent should be involved with a child is a social creation.Q:If there are no fathers around, the children, male and female alike, suffer consequences not too positive.C:In your social conventions. These can be changed.Q:OK, let's look at relationships, intimate, between people of the same gender. What's the difference?C:No difference, the range of preferences, approaches, interactions and behaviors follow similar patterns, without regard to gender.Q:I see marriages between people of the same gender as fundamentally different than marriages of opposite genders, because of child bearing. The same sex arrangements connect for gratification; the opposite sex for reproduction, although lots of gratification is possible.C:We understand this view, yet heterosexual couplings which occur for gratification only are more common than the homosexual variety, more limited to gratification. Social acceptance plays the large role in recent development.Q:Sure, criticism of homosexuality is common.C:Yes, and we ask, to what end? What purpose is served?Q:The common view is homosexual marriage will change society and many will not like it the way it becomes.C:To answer this, we wish to introduce bisexuality.Q:Never thought of that; you’re right, it's a gratification behavior not a social convention.C:Why or why not? Can you not compel, through social arrangement, obligations for cohabitation, sharing and access to assets and so forth, an agreement between three or four? Polygamy is still known in many human societies. Do the several female spouses of the one male in such arrangement have no homosexual tendency or behavior? We do say, this occurs.Q:OK, how about polygamy of one female and several males?C:Less common and not sanctioned by social convention or arrangement yet entirely possible. Reproductive drive lessens this, as the virile male would prefer sole access to the female, by social convention.Q:Why do you say, "by social convention"? Many large animals have dominant males who fight off other males seeking to copulate with their chosen mate.C:In human societies, a female can more easily conceal her copulation with several males, if she so chooses. Common this is, as you know. Animal life has not this aspect.Q:Could there be homosexual behavior among the several male spouses of a single female if such living arrangement were to become practice?C:Of course; sexual attraction operates independently of social agreement. Behavior is expected to fit practice; ideas and thoughts concealed if so chosen.Q:What effect will homosexual marriage have on societies as they exist?C:By the numbers, little. Rates of homosexuality, of the desire and preference for intimate emotional bonding are three to five percent of the specimens of any group of humans. Less might choose the marital arrangement, as has always been the case with the convention of marriage. The ninety five to ninety seven percent will not marry, divorce, reproduce, copulate or otherwise alter behavior because of the three to five.Q:The push for acceptance of homosexual marriage sounds like a push to force acceptance, or a push to claim acceptance or a desire to reward or punish ideas.C:This stance is not limited to social arrangements, as you know well. Humans have always sought to castigate or reward ideas and opinions, in general.Q:Why would a homosexual person choose a lifetime with this preference and feeling?C:To understand oneself better; we shall venture to say, the many of you have lived lives as both genders and both intimate preferences. Hetero- and homosexuality are well known to nearly all of you.Q:Why do some people find the idea of homosexuality revolting?C:For similar reasons some of you, nearly all of you, would find the idea of consuming animal food in the same way. There can be an element of social training, pre-life planning or a combination.Q:I don't believe most homosexuals find heterosexual contact revolting, even if avoiding it.C:Social training and convention. When examining attributes, qualities and traits, physical and of personality both, that one finds attractive, humanity accepts that some people are deemed more appealing and others less so, independent of gender. There are many, often complex combinations.Q:Will marriages between adults of the same gender become more common?C:Acceptance will become this way; the percentages among a population will not be material.Q:Do interracial, or as is often said, biracial couplings follow many of these patterns?C:Yes, another example of social training. Religious affiliation and belief, nationality by political division, physical traits and appearance all matter more or less, in many circumstances. These will continue to be regarded as less important.Q:The rejection of homosexual marriage, criticism of it originates in what?C:Self rejection can be a component for some critics; just as infidelity can cause strong reaction and emotion.Q:That's a topic for another day.C:We agree, we sign off and wish you all mentAhmed 02/02/2014 8:00amWell explained by The Committee, thank you.centertopSouper Bowl02/02/2014This day is the forty eighth annual performance of The Super Bowl, the season ending championship game of professional football in the USA. Because of the physical punishment, ever growing amounts of money involved and ensuing controversy, we ask The Committee about the ingredients in the "souper bowl" of professional sport.Q:What purpose, benefit or attraction is served by professional sport?C:Performance, expansion, competition and dominance. The physical forces of Earth, in the illusion of reality your "holodeck" provides, seem indomitable. Foreboding, uncontrolled and even deadly. Efforts to survive, prevail and control provide confidence. Competition supplies this sensation where the appearance of threat is absent.?Q:Humans need a challenge and sports provide it?C:Yes, however competition amongst humans is only one small way to create challenge. It is a simple and fleeting challenge, as it is easily joined or abandoned. Distaste for the challenges is easily erased by ignoring it, however some enjoy irreverent criticism of competition, and this another purpose is served.Q:The injury and money are favorite aspects criticized.C:Yes and the criticism of money placed in these competitions speaks about the critic's attitudes and ideas of money, not sport. Many things require and even more involve finance, portable, common resource allocation, so the critic of sport for the money it involves dislikes the role of money in society. We suggest a critic of sport would be less or even disinclined to criticize medical treatment and practice, an activity also involving much money.Q:What about the injuries? Are they a specific function within?C:Sometimes for some participants, who have chosen injury for a life purpose, their own or a role for the injured to play in society.Q:I have heard sports criticized as a metaphor for war.C:To alleviate an urge for bellicose action? That war is the natural state of humanity? No. No to both ideas.Q:I'd think sports as a method to reduce war-like tendencies would be a good thing.C:If war you wish to discuss, we shall yet sport is not related.Q:If sports do not provide an outlet, escape or refuge from militaristic behavior, how is war stopped?C:Do not start them. It is that simple.Q:One strong argument says wars result from unprovoked attacks, unjustified acts against which the target must defend itself. World War Two is an example.C:Deterrents can hold back such action yet the need for a deterrent must be examined. What does the target perceive such that it believes deterrence is prudent? The potential attacker perceives gain. The answer lies in the worth of the gain. This is a great challenge of your physical environment and density of existence, a large reason you go to Earth. The illusion of material wealth is strong and consuming in some cases. The finite aspect of the environment creates a need to seize and control, where the reality of your existence is diminished, discounted, distracted and denounced.Q:How would you suggest greater appreciation for the permanence of our souls, the ability to have what is required and to recognize it?C:Give it up, give it away. Stay away from gain, wealth and possession and into perspective it shall fall, alternatives emerging. Alternatives and options unseen or considered backwards, regressive, undeveloped and primitive now, would not later be seen this way.Q:What is the future of organized sports on Earth, and especially professional competition?C:It shall fade and nearly disappear. The decision to not invest will curtail its offering and interest will fade in proportion. This will be not so noticeable, as many activities, products, services and efforts connected to them will fade, many disappearing. Sports will be seen as another victim of the changing times, yet no victimhood view need there be.Q:There will be great celebration in some quarters about this, major league disappointment elsewhere. What might come about to replace the function served by sports, the creation of a sense of control and dominance?C:Understanding. Much frustration occurs now regarding cold and drought in this nation of the Super Bowl contest, and others. Controversy about causes of climate variation speak to a human need to see activity as possibly controlled. No illusion exists regarding earthquakes or volcanoes; the functioning of these physical aspects are accepted as outside human influence. We suggest the proponents of sport, of professional competition are motivated by the same ideas behind desires to name and manage global warming.Q:From where will this understanding come? I don't see it penetrating deeply enough to either support or contradict ideas about climate change.C:The current approach arises from the final stages of Earth limited views prevailing among humanity. The instantaneous communication and ability to produce volumes of information and data are the final chapter in the physically limited illusion; much attention can be placed and drawn in a way impossible very recently. This ability is simply a preparatory stage for true transfer of information as done by all of your physical cousins around the galaxy and universe, and certainly by all of you in your true homes of Heaven.The views and ideas raised and offered are merely the chaff, not the wheat. The ability to communicate in volume and with speed are the purpose and objective. The finality of the environmental debate will come quickly as changes on Earth begin to occur in unmistakable ways. These upon you now, yet not generally recognized.The low solar activity of the current moments is related to the aberrations in rainfall and temperature.Q:As we watch sporting contests and performances, what advice do you have?C:Enjoy them. Be well, we wish you mentsDenis 03/02/2014 7:48amSouper Bowl = The Last Supper"changes on Earth begin to occur in unmistakable ways "Is this the year, if not The Commitee seems to point at a very close location. Enjoy them, the last days of predator/victim times.garrett 05/02/2014 2:00pmHello Patrick and Committee! I'm going to guess the fade away of professional sports has a bit to do with the changing weather, which in turn affects long distance travel, which sports rely upon to compete. How will the existing infrastructure tend to get used once sports pass away? Will major cities just have huge swap meets every weekend or does it get more interesting? Will the olympics cease to be as well because of weather and travel? I know you and The Committee always cautious us not to worry, but it seems the future weather and travel constraints are going to be rather far reaching. Despite the obvious negative impacts that jump to mind given how we're used to the world working, there then must be some awesome positive effects or silver linings that are going to be breathtaking, right?Patrick 05/02/2014 6:46pmEconomics. Most of the stadiums, arenas and other facilities will be abandoned. I suspect anything requiring long distance travel will be cut back, not just sports.Yes, enormous benefits are coming, dependent on how circumstances are seen. A reposession is loss of debt, not commonly seen that way. Understandable but still, losing debt isn't negative. What our calculations of net loss/gain include will always be a choice and possibly offer great advancement.centertopMaria Antonia Josepha Johanna04/02/2014?00Marie Antoinette (1755-1793) the last Queen of France, was born an Archduchess of Austria, the fifteenth and penultimate child of Holy Roman Emperor Francis I and Empress Maria Theresa. She became Dauphine in 1770 and Queen when her husband Louis XVI ascended the throne in 1774. Initially charmed by her personality and beauty, the French came to dislike her, accusing "L'Autrichienne" (literally the Austrian [woman] also pronounced as the Austrian bitch) of being profligate, promiscuous and sympathetic to France's adversaries, particularly her country of origin Austria. She became known as Madame Déficit because of lavish spending during famines. The French Revolution saw Louis XVI deposed in 1792, the monarchy abolished and the royal family imprisoned. Eight months after her husband's execution, Marie Antoinette was convicted of treason and executed by guillotine. Q:Madame Marie, if this address is okay with you.. .MA:It is.Q:The story of your life and death fascinates a good many people even now, nearly two and a quarter centuries after your execution. I only asked you forward because of this.MA:I know this and understand your revulsion at the manner of my death. Be not concerned for the way I was released and returned home. The timeline of Earth allows what is finished to be finished.Q:The way humans are fascinated with memories…MA:…this is a reflection of reality, where all memories and times are able to be recalled and understood, without the blur of time Earth creates. You all know and remember this, thus memories seem so precious. They are your substance…but you can finish them, for now. Box them up, store them.Q:Do you believe the image of lavish spending was accurate?MA:Yes, royalty has always been this way, through the ages, creation and existence of royalty.Q:My scant knowledge of the French Revolution tells me a good deal of envy and resentment lead to the deposition of royalty.MA:Blame is easy to assign when challenges face humanity.Q:Was your rise to the throne and your husband's deposition your life plan?MA:Yes, certainly.Q:Your execution?MA:Yes, also. The possibility I would have been spared was available; fervor for revenge and to sweep away the object of any residual sympathy rose very strong.Q:The accusations of treason?MA:I did not have this authority and even by influence of the position, I did not commit any. It did not matter; resentment and desire to place blame and then punish were strong. A lesson for humanity.Q:Could you expand on this?MA:As you have thought often yourself, how is punishment going to correct the event for which it is given? It is understood it cannot, so the punishment is to create new hurt? New fear? Deterrence?Q:Capital punishment has always seemed to contain a large revenge component; the victim is almost always gone.MA:The crimes for which human society executes can be avoided nearly completely. The solution is to make all of yourselves belong. The sensations of membership valued remove the emotions which might eventually create the crimes.Q:As you were paraded through the streets before execution, what were you thinking?MA:I was both numb to surroundings and in a way, looking forward to seeing my husband. I prepared for the day as I dreamed over the several nights before; I had no awareness at the time this had happened. I only realized it after returning home.Q:Is this common with a subject of execution? Does it create the stoic indifference and almost acceptance seen in the condemned?MA:Yes.Q:Of what were you most proud as Marie Antoinette?MA:My children, of course.Q:What would you have done differently, given the chance?MA:Nothing; I was given the chance. I planned my life. I lived it nearly as I planned it.Q:Was the elimination of the monarchy in France part of the trend then to eliminate royal power?MA:Certainly and a lesson in public policy was contained in the revolution; humanity will only allow constraint to a certain point.Q:What observations do you have of the world today, as compared to the events leading to the revolution in France?MA:We have seen many examples since then, of power leading to conflict. In many nations, acts have been carried out by leadership never able to pass muster, as it were, with the citizens of it. Had all participants and potential victims been asked to consider then vote, none of these occurrences would have proceeded. I refer to Vietnam and southeast Asia, the Bolshevik Revolution, World Wars I and II, Korea, Rwanda, Bosnia and many others.Q:A popular referendum about war?MA:Yes; I assure none would pass.Q:We would never see this happen.MA:When willingness and courage to do it become common, no need will there be.Q:What message and what advice do you have, not for humanity as I normally ask, but for the readership of this website, this blog?MA:Quite a personal question, and I will say this. You who read with regularity what appears here are seeds. Have you planted yourselves yet?Q:I've been considered crazy, nuts even and confess I almost enjoy the description.MA:Concern for being considered crazy is the strongest evidence against the condition.Q:Madame, merci beaucoup!MA:Un honneur de visiter; you are mentssarah 04/02/2014 3:30pmohh, thank you Patrick for this post, always love it!Denis 04/02/2014 6:56pmPatrick,un bel interview et des questions juste a point. I am reading 2013 posts, so very much aware of these seeds. Would you and The Commitee like to expand on that notion. Thank you.The Committee 05/02/2014 1:15pm"A seed unplanted will not be cultivated. Where do you plant yourselves? Where what you understand, is never spoken? Who will enjoy what you grow with your thoughts if they are kept inside you all?"Denis 06/02/2014 6:00pmSo simple and obvious :)))))) Thank you PatrickKatherine 07/02/2014 7:09amThis is another thought provoking post. It's not easy to share seeds with others who aren't like-minded but when a conversation lends itself to the opportunity to ask another "If we are eternal beings, what if we actually chose to be here and live this life?" the seeds are sown. Some don't want to engage further, some think its a stupid concept because there is much suffering and others give it some thought.Patrick, your posts make us give it more thought. Thanks!Lori 04/02/2014 8:17pmWell, as usual Sir Patrick, you've knocked it out of the park. This has become my favorite part of bedtime! What wondrous surprise packages you create. . . Thank youBrett 04/02/2014 9:37pmA wonderful post.Britta 06/02/2014 9:45pmI loved this piece. Thank you Patrick and the C! Helpful insightscentertopLeftenan Saidi07/02/2014Adnan bin Saidi (1915-1942) a Malayan Lieutenant in the 1st Infantry Brigade, fought in the Battle of Singapore, leading a platoon of forty two against the Japanese. He was credited with early detection of invaders disguised as "Indian troops" marching four abreast Japanese style rather than by the British three. Heavily outnumbered in combat, he refused surrender and withstood two days under heavy shelling and attacks, running low on food and ammunition. He kept fighting even after being shot, urging his men to battle to the end. After Singapore fell, Japanese soldiers tied him to a tree and executed him with bayonets. For his actions and bravery, Adnan has become a Malaysian and Singaporean hero.?00Q:Lieutenant, we trust you understand the interest in war related questions and society.AS:Yes, of course. Go on.Q:This seems to be a challenge humanity won't surmount. One body of thought would have all military capability disappear; another set of ideas says that's suicide. Even powerful armed forces, which use very little of the destructive potential available, still seem to be involved in conflict. I am thinking of the United Kingdom, the USA and Russia over the last few decades.AS:Israel, Iran, Korea and China can be included on the list.Q:Would national sovereignty really be threatened if military capability were discarded, REALLY set aside?AS:I suggest it be done, to see.Q:What would happen?AS:To consider won't bring the effect; it must be done to experience.Q:This reminds me of a scene in the movie, The Matrix, where a character is faced with capture if he won't jump off a tall building. He is urged by his companions and friends, in whom he places absolute trust otherwise, that he will successfully escape if he leaps. He succumbs to fear of death, stays on the ledge and is captured.AS:If beliefs are not powerful, they have little value. Power overcomes power.Q:Good politician answer, but we, the many of us, want to know; would a powerful nation be invaded if it dropped its military ability?AS:No, by this reasoning. The collective decision by a powerful potential foe would not create a transmutation onto adversaries, who would not believe it. They would be suspicious of the political angle, they would see a Trojan Horse. This is the challenge of humanity; free will. You each individually choose beliefs and impose them. Some resist, some accept.Q:So the military potential would require a long time to be believed?AS:Yes, if ever.Q:What would happen to the remaining potential aggressor?AS:As belief took hold, attitudes in the aggressor nation would fade also. There would not be a large waiting for the best moment to pounce; a potential aggressor and even invader would have time to consider the effects and consequences.Q:Are we ever going to see a reduction in military capability, threats and conflicts?AS:Yes, in the lifetimes of the many of you. Fuel, navigation and other physical effects will reduce ability to travel by air and sea.Q:The idea military ability creates an urge to be used seems similar to the idea personal protection creates an urge to use it also, are either true?AS:Do dogs kill each other and their masters?Q:Sometimes but it's rare.AS:Shall all dogs' teeth be removed, just in case?Q:What possesses the mind of a leader, a military unit or a nation state to invade, destroy, kill and subjugate? What goes on in the minds of people willing, even eager to do this?AS:Control; the sensations of it are addictive in the physical. The annoying branch manager in the larger organization, with an air of condescending superiority and control, through criticism, favoritism and condemnation does this to serve his or her own need. The leader and leaders of a nation, more than for reasons put forth to others, use force to create a similar reaction of which they are not aware.Q:What did you think as the Japanese began invading Singapore?AS:They would kill many of us.Q:Did you sense you might die, as the battle pressed on?AS:Yes, but I was determined it would not happen easily. I would make the Japanese regret the decision.Q:You survived the battle only to be executed after your defeat, no longer able to fight. Why was this done?AS:The Japanese, as many military leaders know, understood the danger to them of allowing an adversary to remain a threat. They understood nothing would subdue such soldier.Q:What if your forces had simply stood down and allowed the Japanese to take over, offering no resistance?AS:The Japanese would not have believed it, and would execute several people in a cruel public way and create fear, as they see it. The believed terror was necessary to maintain control.Q:This idea of control, it permeates everything humans do.AS:Only where the controller sees no threat to his or her own. The word that better expresses what humanity should embrace is coordination. Voluntary organization, absent threats, is the way to proceed. Much power and strength is felt by resistance; the control threatened by this is more shallow even. Is resistance not just an attempt at control as a reaction? Is there much difference between control of action and control of reaction, but for ordering?Q:Heaven has control of challenges and war? Obviously I am kidding.AS:Why kid this way? You question is good; yes, everyone, every soul, has massive control, absolute control, complete control. All of you have it, in our home. You can control everything, nothing controls you, a given where your control is complete. You cannot kill because you cannot be killed. Earth offers elimination, at least the illusion of it.Q:Complete control?!? I can tell God to go get……well, whatever! And reject the whole concept completely?AS:Yes, if you choose. Many souls do.Q:How does God react?AS:With love, honor and pride. Is a parent not proudest of offspring who are determined and decided? Who have their own mind and make decisions in their best interest, as they see it?Q:Not all of them, but I see your point, Lieutenant! What did Japan think after the war was lost a few years after attempting to invade your nation?AS:Which Japan, the Imperial leader or his subjects? There were, as there always are, vastly differing points of view.Q:Did the Emperor see Japan as having made an effort not worth it?AS:Yes, and this sensation now comes to other nations from other conflicts.Q:What would you do differently if you could return to the place of your famous battle?AS:Nothing, as a return to this place would only be under similar, nearly identical conditions. This means attitudes and ideas, mine and those of my fellow soldiers and also our enemies. The event was, because of these ideas. I would like to suggest a new set of ideas, and this has been called a parallel universe. I can suggest humanity will not do what is required to reduce conflict this way, without collective force acting upon all of it. And these are coming. They are beginning.Q:Since we cannot force our ideas of pacifism upon a potential aggressor, which itself is aggression, we humans will just have to accept violence, war and conflict.AS:No! It is not necessary. Simply act with calm, always seek goodwill in others and suggest improvement, explain and encourage. Lead by example; this will work faster and better than anything possible.Q:Sounds terrific; let's tell everybody to be warm, tender and loving to everyone always!AS:Why not? What cost will you incur, but your pride? It cannot be sold and s/he who dislikes your expression of goodwill and good example is most in need of it. It will not be much worth to you, to grasp your pride tighter when it is ridiculed. Give it away, it costs you nothing of your happiness.Q:May I ask a military question; what will happen to Armed Forces around the world, as time passes?AS:There will be less of them; this already occurs in many nations. It will continue.Q:The idea military force should never be used and therefore should not exist, is strong and has great appeal. Will this drive the reduction?AS:No; economic pressure will achieve it.Q:Lieutenant, thank you.AS:You were welcome, be good. So long mentsgarrett 07/02/2014 2:07pmInteresting perspective on reasons for war and international relations. I do wish we do change for the better in controlling our impulse to create enemies in other groups of human beings to feel more in control by doing so. Good choice, Patrick.Patrick 08/02/2014 9:10pmNot my choice so much, he was suggested to me, just as all the "invitees" are. I never know what will be said, and I try to never plan too many questions. Our "guests" never fall short with the answers, either!Ahmed 07/02/2014 3:35pmGreat questions and great answers, thank you Patrick and the Lieutenant.Patrick 08/02/2014 9:08pmYou're welcome! He was quite a warrior, with quite a message for us.Mike Thomson 07/02/2014 8:03pmGreat post; really enjoyed it.Patrick 08/02/2014 9:09pmThanks for coming to read it!Alistar 08/02/2014 12:23pmbrilliantPatrick 08/02/2014 9:08pmHappy to see you appreciate that!Mo Fo 08/02/2014 2:28pmThank you Patrick for this wonderful post. =)Patrick 08/02/2014 9:07pmI'm pleased, honored and also a bit perplexed. Very interesting to read but I don't see the wonderfulness. I am glad you do! Happy to do it!centertopPotpourri07/02/2014A potpourri of reader questions.RQ:Will successful, widespread hacking of monetary networks be the end of the U.S. and world economies??00C:No. There will never be an end to economic activity on Earth as you know it. There will be great change; exchange of goods and services as now undertaken will not utilize a medium of exchange such as money. Its role and method of manipulation, both, will become better understood.RQ:Will such a loss of confidence be very quick, or will it be drawn out for a stretch of time before leaking out of information finally takes the last shred of confidence in currency away?C:It shall be rapid and drawn out; as has happened many times in your recent Earth history.The loss of confidence in currency will not be lost; you will collectively withdraw it, as you see money for its place. It is a promise.RQ:One pharmacy chain in the U.S. stated they intend to stop selling tobacco products. Will this be an isolated occurrence or the start of a trend?C:No more than one more small event in a series of them; the reduction of the habit of inhaling of tobacco smoke has been falling for several of your decades.RQ:Will the phrase "corporate conscious" be a driving concept for other CEO's to try longer term wealth accumulation through limited altruism?C:No.RQ:Is Pope Francis the last Pope of the Roman Catholic Church as we understand it today (nation state status, tons of assets and wealth, global reach, and large presence in person and in all forms of media)?C:No.RQ:Is the recent discovery of taking blood cells and exposing them to acid to create stem cells going to be an unqualified success or will there be limits exposed in regards to this method?C:It will fade away.RQ:What opportunities does the recent DNA discovery of Neanderthal DNA markers for increased susceptibility and protection to type 2 diabetes, Crohn's, and increased smoking cessation difficulty provide doctors?C:Alteration of DNA to bring about disease is controlled by you as you plan life on Earth. Disease is not as haphazard in occurrence as believed, and the genetic propensity is created, used or subdued as each life progresses.RQ:If we ignored all of the ethical issues, does humanity have the know-how and the tools to successfully clone a human being?C:No. What is a body without a soul and how would one be created and placed into a body humans have grown? The debate on the termination of a pregnancy considers not the aspect of opportunity lost. It is seen as a life thrown away, as murder. There is more planning than understood in disease, birth and death.RQ:Since our governments allow for patenting of discovered DNA sequences, creating an environment that discourages sharing of information among researchers; what is the general nature of the biggest discovery that is being sat upon right now?C:There is no great discovery being held back because of the situation described.RQ:Is Alaska a decent example of how future communities will look and function once our ability to travel great distances is reduced and the weather gets more extreme?C:No.RQ:What would be The Committee's opinion on what will be the most challenging issues and the most positive results of the changes?C:Challenging will be the acceptance of change. Contentment will be the outcome, as Earth has not understood.RQ:Is it o.k. for Iran to develop nuclear weapons? Based on previous statements, they wouldn't work if we tried to use them. If America has some previous experience with nuclear malfunction, does it have a clue that their malfunctions in the past were beyond technical explanation? If not, how extensive has interference been with our arsenal for them to still put so much faith in them as to attempt to prevent other nations from possessing them?C:No; yes; yes. The value perceived is the value perceived. Belief of possession creates attitude and reaction, these reactions the purpose of the weapons. You have been told your nuclear weapons will be prevented from detonation; they would be deployed, armed and dispatched at targets, for this to be demonstrated. It is hoped humanity will not attempt to test your extraterrestrial mentsMike 07/02/2014 2:45pmI like the last nuclear question. What would happen if someone did press that Red button. Apart from wiping the human race out. Would we get an Independence Day kind of visitation? Do all the world leaders including places like North Korea actually know what the extra terrestrial consequences would be, of a launch?They say the Cuban Missile crisis was the closest we have come to nuclear war. Was this averted because of what ET's would do if they did.Patrick 07/02/2014 5:01pmThe button either wouldn't work or the warheads would not operate as expected. No "Independence Day" movie style invasion would occur, no matter the circumstance.The ability for nuclear arsenals to be disabled is not widely understood or believed among world leaders.No, The Committee tells me the Cuban Missile Crisis was "defused" (pun definitely intended) without ET intervention. The Soviets blinked.Mike 08/02/2014 3:25amSo even though our contract of protection ended in 2012 as we are led to believe as far as ET's go nuclear annihilation is a non starter.Are all the world leaders including rogue nations with nuclear capability aware of the possible consequences should they launch ICBM'sAlso an incident involving tampering with nuclear weapons happened about 30 or so years ago at a UK/USA Military base, RAF Bentwaters. What was the purpose of this and why did it take place?Patrick 08/02/2014 8:44amI would not say "contract of protection" rather agreement to not interfere unless the event would have repercussion beyond Earth. We can't destroy Earth and expect no effect but that's precisely the expectation. Absent knowledge and understanding of what surrounds and visits us, unable to measure the greater forces in effect, it's easy to see us burning down our own house without affecting anything? "What other planets? There's no life elsewhere in our solar system and other stars? They're so far away, that's not possible..."Yes, the people in control of nuclear weapons have been made unequivocally aware a full-on exchange will not be permitted. Most don't really believe it even though they will admit, if pressed tightly enough, they've been told as much by our visitors.centertopPol Pot09/02/2014Pol Pot (1925-1998) was a Cambodian revolutionary, leader of the military political group Khmer Rouge and General Secretary of the Communist Party. He became leader of Cambodia in 1975, when his forces captured the city of Phnom Penh. As communist dictator he imposed radical agrarian socialism, forcing urban residents to collective farms and slave labor. Including executions, malnutrition and disease, his regime killed an estimated one to three million of the eight million population. In 1979 Pol Pot fled to southwest Cambodia and the Khmer Rouge government collapsed. He and regime remnants clung to power until 1997, partially supported for years by United Nations recognition as the rightful Cambodian government. Pol Pot committed suicide under house arrest, rumors persisting that he was poisoned.?00Q:Mr. Pol Pot, may I call you this?PP:Yes, I am in recognition of it.Q:Were you poisoned or was your suicide true?PP:I am dead. Alive but Earth dead.Q:Were rumors of poisoning intended to cover pride?PP:Another good way to ask the question, well approached. It does not matter so much the method of death, but to the living.Q:We're all alive, we never really die.PP:Precisely why the method means little and nothing to me or any soul here.Q:The failures of communist policies were probably best seen in the compact, intense four years your government was in power.PP:Yes.Q:Was you life course pre-destined, including all of the events surrounding it?PP:Both; there were many followers also given the choices.Q:The Khmer Rouge attempted to remain independent and influential, clinging to power, for what eighteen years?PP:This is a good example of what motivates a megalomanic dictator; lust for power and control.Q:It's shocking and dismaying to believe UN recognition remained for even a short period after your government's collapse; didn't anybody over there know what went on?PP:Fear of upsetting China, by confirming United States and French involvement in Southeast Asia. This motivated the United Nations stance.Q:One idea says the USA's withdrawal from Vietnam, starting in 1974 if I remember well, opened the door for the Khmer Rouge.PP:Yes. It did. Cambodia would not have fallen so quickly, maybe not at all.Q:We humans like to believe we're always more advanced and smarter yet humanity allows a mass slaughter of one quarter of a country's population, even in the late 1970s. How? Why?PP:Respect for sovereignty of nations cuts both ways.Q:I understand you are no longer Pol Pot but I still live on Earth; I even remember receiving my military draft notice a year before your government collapsed. I fired a rifle previously used in combat in Cambodia, so the war in southeast Asia isn't only a history event. I find it difficult to understand how you could operate as you did.PP:You will, when you return home.Q:Is there a special Pol Pot, Hitler, Hirohito, Stalin Club in Heaven?PP:No.Q:Has humanity learned its lessons?PP:Mostly, yet not completely. Elements of pacifism remain vulnerable. Prepared peacefulness is better than pacifism, for now.Q:What message for humanity do you have?PP:I do not.Q:Have you encountered victims of your regime?PP:Of course.Q:Murdering millions to supposedly improve things for the remaining population; when did the illogical reality of this become obvious?PP:Death; my life's review.Q:Mr. Pot, my thanks for your having come.PP:Good bye.?Commentscristina 10/02/2014 2:22amPatrick, on CE Hitler says he was an evolved/high level spirit because you need to be like that in order to accept such life contract to commit such atrocities - I wonder if PolPot was the same: he obviously seems still sad.He avoids telling how he died probably not to influence negatively other people....Patrick 10/02/2014 12:08pmAn interesting view, cristina. Makes a lot of sense.Denis 10/02/2014 3:37pmcristina, it makes a lot of sense to me. All these victims chose the experience to learn something, Pol Pot provided the opportunity and got a review of this life where all souls experience the victims emotions. You have to be pretty strong to take on such a role and deal with the responsibility.cristina 11/02/2014 3:56amYes, and in some cases (eg Hitler) were apparently big lessons for entire humanity. In the end of interview on CE he says that in the future, his acts will be studied and better understood .... hmmm...I also read from other sources that Hitler had lot spiritual knowledge and that made me wonder about his "blond hair and blue eyes " mania and why picking swastika as a symbol.... And more important, how come having so much spiritual knowledge, he went so bad....cristina 11/02/2014 3:41amThank you for your kind replies Denis and Patrick ! :)And unrelated to this post, I have to tell you Patrick that finding all the 2013 posts in one big pfd yesterday, made my day :)))))))))) I was so happy about it, now I can easily find ideas read before and copy-paste to my friendsPatrick 11/02/2014 10:10amI do not deserve or accept thanks for that combined consolidated file. It is the entire responsibility of another reader I will leave anonymous until s/he claims the recognition deserved for doing so, voluntarily, un-requested to our great collective benefit.centertopShirley Temple10/02/2014Shirley Temple Black (1928-2014) was an American film and television actress, singer, dancer, corporate director, United States Ambassador to Ghana and Czechoslovakia and Chief of Protocol of the United States, 1976-77. She began a film career at the age of three and was the top box-office draw four years in a row, 1935-38 retiring completely from films at age 22. She ranks 18th on the American Film Institute's list of greatest female American screen legends of all time.?At age 22 in 1950Q:Mrs. Black, if you accept this form of address, I would like to thank you for coming through so quickly in Earth time. As this is written and posted, we understand from press reports you've been home for less than one of our days. This leads to my first question, about time.ST:I am happy to be here, please ask your question.Q: We hear so much from our good friends on "The Committee" about how time isn't linear off Earth and doesn't even exist as we see it. Still, your appearance with us so quickly, as we see it, is a surprise?ST:Yes, on Earth. I have already met with everyone who wished to greet me upon return home and I had already made a few visits, pre-emptive strikes you might say, as I slept. Shortly before departing my Earth body for good. My other lives proceed in parallel, as all do. Existence is forever. I have simply looped back around to the moment in which you all see yourselves on this day, the eleventh of February. There are no days in Heaven, and no calendar built from them. The sun always shines for you, if you want.Q:I won't bore you with career, anyone can look that up. I am most curious about what you can tell us about the world and the United States government, given your involvement as a diplomat.ST:It was a terrific career but the childhoods of most people confused me at the time. I understood later on; don't we all?Q:Were you ever thinking of returning to the screen as an adult, to be a regular actress in full length feature films?ST:Not seriously, but I did think about it from time to time. I decided the only attraction was really money, and I didn't want any more. I didn't need the fame and didn't want more of either. I understood what famous people like Marilyn Monroe had to endure; as a child I was insulated from speculation and rumor the way an adult isn't.Q:What was the best thing about being an Ambassador?ST:Showing pride in my great nation.Q:The worst?ST:I would not say there was a worst thing, but there were several challenges. The biggest was how I felt pressured to accept the host country's view of the USA as if the USA's point-of-view were not valid, was not as worthy. Diplomacy requires a good listen but the convincer mistook this for acquiescence; somehow my lack of objections equaled agreement to their cause or view. Not so fast!Q:Younger and ever more exposed youthful entertainers seem to always be in hot water or at least in the middle of a controversy. How do you compare what you see today with your time in the 1930s?ST:Technology allows it but human nature is what drives it and would have done so in my time, if photography and video were so fast.Q:Do you believe entertainers have more or less controversy nowadays?ST:It's the same, but more known for the people who choose to pay attention.Q:The image is, things are far worse now. Entertainer misbehavior, scandal and so forth.ST:It was common in the 1930s but not well publicized, unlike today, the twenty first century.Q:What future for entertainment awaits humanity?ST:I can't spill those beans, but it's a big plateful!Q:You can hint, can't you?ST:Well, sure…..there will be more three dimensional movie like experiences. There will be projections that surround you, these will be demonstrated by visitors and then the ability to do it will be given to you. Instead of watching a film, you will feel one, as if you are in it.Q:That would dampen the experience, since viewers will know they're not the actors and actresses.ST:It will fade in and out; some of the time the image will be on the screen as you now see its two dimensions and then suddenly it will expand and envelop you, especially the slow motion development of key scenes. Car crashes, bombs and things like that will seem to happen around - not just in front of - the viewer.Q:Diplomacy seems to be a growing issue, what with interaction between nations ever more visible. How do you see this developing?ST:The challenge I faced has grown; it is fashionable to be critical of the United States, both inside the nation and by friend and foe. This is all done for political gain. I will say, the pressures and energies affecting all of humanity and Earth – and the universe – also create effects in this area. The desire to manage and improve, a natural consequence, has invaded diplomacy. To manage the USA's role in world affairs is shown as the better way forward, and it is pursued.Q:Should the USA push back in moments where it might believe it is being unfairly criticized?ST:Not at all, let the critics sound off. Half the time they might be right, the other half just manipulative for their own political ends. Let them; what does criticism ever really improve? Actions, or inactions, essentially a change in course, is what will lead to improvements. These are always voluntary and few of us volunteer to be criticized.Q:Of what are you most proud?ST:My happy and fulfilling life long after I left show business. I became something nobody, not even I, expected. This mostly means my family.Q:Do you have any regrets?ST:No, however there are a few things I see I could have done differently and it would have helped me and others around me. Either way, the experience was rich and worthwhile.Q:What message do you wish to send humanity?ST:Give yourselves credit for all bad things that happen, because you see, they are not so bad. They are even good, as bad as they are.Q:Anything you wish to say "locally", given the recent passing of Shirley Temple?ST:Yes, to all my family and friends who were with me; I have returned to this moment and want to thank you. So thank you. That is all.Q:Your visit honors us; my thanks also.ST:It was an honor and pleasure; back to my parallelity!CommentsBrett 11/02/2014 9:17pmGreat interview. I was worried about her when I first heard the news.Susan 11/02/2014 10:36pmAww, lovely to hear from Shirley Temple so quick :-) I absolutely adored watching her movies on TV in the 70's when I was a small girl. She was/is an Angel of Joy :-)got it 12/02/2014 1:29amThanks Patrick. The time question and reply were just what I neededto get a better understanding. "parallelity" indeed.Patrick 12/02/2014 10:25amI stumbled over the word when she "said" it...I thought I'd made a mistake, but she insisted I put down "parallelity".cristina 12/02/2014 3:32aminteresting bit this one"Q: What message do you wish to send humanity?ST: Give yourselves credit for all bad things that happen, because you see, they are not so bad. They are even good, as bad as they are.":)centertopHOW TO CHANNEL11/02/201400A reader asks about channeling.The Committee doesn't hang around the way a small group of friends might. They're GAGs (Guardian Angels and Guides) one or several always with us, wherever and whatever we do. One role it seems we all agree is supply, receipt and re-distribution of information. GAGs have a support supervisory role. All of us get this from at least one and often several, depending on the moment. Figure 1 :-)They supply information. A channel as conduit (see Fig. 1) converted from noun to verb, has come to mean an action humans initiate. That might be the case for some people, however generally it's a willingness to offer back, the flow not initiated or controlled the way humans usually understand that. (For example, placing a telephone call, writing a letter, sending an e-mail or text message, etc.) It can seem easy enough when it happens but sometimes we don't get information. The "celebrity" interviews of well known people, appear here only as a connection has been given. Sometimes, nobody answers the knock at the door.EVERYONE can "channel" without training in hydrodynamics or construction and no water is necessary. S/he who speaks can learn to speak another language. A bike rider can ride it where somebody else took a cool, unusual and fantastic bike trip.Step 1: Acknowledge your Guardian Angel(s) - they are not humans and might never have incarnated. They know you as your true self and understand your place on Earth, your circumstances and the challenges YOU planned. You asked them to assist you, a GREAT honor. It is a compliment of the HIGHEST order to be asked to serve this role. There is NO burden involved; you have given a gift of value un-measurable in objective, impartial terms.Step 2: Recognize their communication with you. How? Step 1 goes 90-95% of the way. The remaining 5-10% simply require patient listening, a good Q&A session done regularly. Don't expect quick results but don't be surprised either, if that happens. Just like antibiotics or exercise, it's a steady, even approach that works.Step 3: As you ask and listen, write down what you think is communication "from beyond" separate and distinct from your thoughts. Don't be concerned with accuracy; just write down what you believe are communications, on a hunch, as it seems that way. Set aside your notes for an hour or even overnight. When you look them over, you will feel what is communication from Angels and what isn'mentsMike 11/02/2014 1:09pmLooks wonderfully easy to do. I would always caution a short prayer of some kind before starting communication with the spirit world. Surround yourself with White light just in case as well.I used to channel once upon a time and it's not easy. Keeping a positive mental attitude is important as well.cristina 12/02/2014 3:45amOh Mike, this reminded me, how few months ago, I asked to speak with my guide, but another guide, not the usual playful, loving one appeared.This other one was very knowledgeable, very serious like a master and it took me by surprise. I asked only 2-3 questions and then I closed the session because I was too confused :P While closing the session I asked for protection and this guy while leaving, told me something like "You should not worry about that as you are always very much loved and protected" --- cute huh? :)Patrick 12/02/2014 10:35amHow easy or otherwise depends on each one of us; but it will come to everyone. Alive, consciously aware and willing to receive information are the only requirements, the complete set of tools necessary. Then add time, that non-existent ingredient that exists for us! Prayer is a very good idea, always and for anything we do. Just taking a walk benefits from it.cristina 12/02/2014 3:39amThank you Patrick, is very useful ! :) Sometimes when I ask questions, I don't know if answers come from my heart of from my guide :) But I guess is not very important at this stage from where the answers comes, right?cristina 12/02/2014 3:49amI meant "if answers come from my heart OR from my guide" :)Patrick 12/02/2014 10:30amAs long as you understand the information, message, image or symbol given, you're right - it's not so important to distinguish the precise source. That will happen automatically anyway and probably quicker than expected.cristina 12/02/2014 10:38amTrue, Patrick, but if I want to talk to Erik, I make a mess of answers :P Then I try to focus too much on him and lose completely any little connection I probably had :PBut is fun anyway :P Good fun with my close friends :)Denis 12/02/2014 11:45amInteresting post, so based on what you say Patrick I have been talking with my GAG's for the past 68 years. Well, I just thank them for being such a great team. Now I have to listen to them and write down the info. I expect that will be harder to do.Patrick 12/02/2014 3:13pmBy expecting it will be hard to do, you can create a difficulty not necessary. Who or what suggests or requires difficulty? Is it difficult to hear? See? Laugh? Those all require bodily function and process yet seem to happen effortlessly.Yes, your GAGs and mine and everyone else's talk to us constantly.Denis 12/02/2014 7:18pmWhat is hard to do, Taking notes on paper pad so I can remember what was thought(said), agreed, understood, so I can read back later on and surprise myself. On second thought I just might enjoy the process and make myself laugh as much as you and The Committee do. Just read Viktor Frankl interview and thought maybe you could add Jiddu Krishnamurti to the list. Thank you PatrickcentertopJohannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart14/02/201400Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) was a prolific and influential composer of the classical era. With prodigious ability from earliest childhood and already competent on keyboard and violin, he composed from age five and performed for European royalty. At 17, he became a court musician in the city of hisbirth Salzburg in what is now Austria. While visiting Vienna at age 25, he was dismissed from his Salzburg position and chose to stay, achieving fame but little financial security. During his final years, he composed many of his best known symphonies, concertos, and operas and portions of the Requiem, unfinished when he died. He composed over 600 works, many acknowledged as pinnacles of symphonic, concertante, chamber, operatic and choral music. He remains one of the most enduring and popular composers of the era, his influence on music profound well through the twentieth century. Mozart fell ill in Prague from an undiagnosed, unknown illness, speculated to have been rheumatic fever, and died at home in Vienna just two months shy of his 36th birthday.Q:Herr Mozart, is this OK in German?M:Yes, I mean "Ja wohl". Certainly.Q:You were born to the role of master composer, as your life plan; yes?M:Yes.Q:Did you play piano or violin in a prior life, carrying the talent forward to 1756 onwards? Was some of your ability planned by you before incarnation, not coming from a past life?M:Yes, a blend and a combination, especially the composing. This was the real purpose I went to fulfill. The musical instrument ability gave credibility to the composition. Had I attempted that without playing several instruments, I would have been discouraged and derailed from my purpose.Q:We hear how music plays such a large role in Heaven, that music has great value, purpose and admiration beyond what we have on Earth. How does this suggestion compare to the true relationship?M:I attempted to introduce Heaven to Earth. It was time to use the technology of musical instruments as they existed in the middle and late eighteenth century to their best advantage.Q:Do your compositions contain parts of Heavenly music?M:Yes.Q:Have you returned to Earth in a reincarnation related to music?M:Yes, part of my soul introduced the genre of ragtime, created by Scott Joplin.Q:You were Scott Joplin!?!M:Indeed.Q:Wow! As we've heard, no time as we have applies in Heaven and our lives, seeming to be a sequence the way we see it, are not. You lived both simultaneously?M:Yes, but the parallel aspect isn't relevant on Earth, in its dimensions as humans exist, so it doesn't matter.Q:How much ragtime style music came from Heaven?M:Nearly all of it; all good music is channeled. Our love of art and sound transcends dimensions and parallel courses. Wave energy is another form of energy movement, and that is the essence of existence, wave movement. It is the method used to traverse great expanses of out space, as you see it.Q:Sound waves can be very powerful and destructive, where they match harmonic frequencies of certain objects. Is this a hint?M:Yes, of course. The energy that creates electricity, magnetism as its initial step, is also what you know as wave energy. It is a different form. Electricity behaves differently in certain materials and with one type of effect. Movement, heat and force as good applications. Sound is used for communication and emotion.Q:The way good music makes us feel, well, I speak for myself but the nice feeling a good song can bring out has no words.M:This is Heaven you feel. This is your home and you will feel this way often, never tiring of it.Q:Had there never been a Mozart or any other composer of significant influence, where would humanity have gone?M:This parallel course has not been mapped, as the music would have been composed almost without a doubt. All significant shifts in society and advances in civilization have components of design from Heaven. There are many souls incarnated, ready and able to pursue the necessary course, if decisions and events curtail the achievement of any key person. There are developments of many types now coming to fruition on Earth where redundant teams of volunteers stand ready.Q:What happened to people in place to achieve what you did?M:Some pursued music and composition for a time, some were older than I was and as my output reached healthy amounts, their life courses took different directions.Q:What would you have done differently, given the chance?M:Finish the Requiem by performing less.Q:Do you have any regrets?M:No.Q:What advice do you have for humanity, what message can you offer us?M:I can speak from the viewpoint of musician and composer but as many of you understand, I am more than music and the person who contributed to its development. So I will offer advice, a message with broader appeal or application than music.Change comes to Earth, as it accelerates it will not seem that way. Many observers will speculate disaster and destruction where bits of such incidents take place. These always happened so allow not that they be grouped together to form a view of demise. This is not what happens. Spread your word and opinion as you feel proper and useful in the moment you encounter the distribution of negative reactions. Speak of hope and improvement when a storm of doubt swirls, for the storm will pass, unpleasant as it seems while it unfolds. The sky will clear, the sun will shine and happiness will be offered. Even if the costs seem troublesome, they are not. Cast aside the illusion of materiality, it is not as important as it might seem. Damage to materials and possessions and belongings in the physical are just road bumps. The music will play again and beautifully, just wait a moment.Q:Herr Mozart, thank you for your time, for coming.M:You are welcome, it was mentstom kelso 14/02/2014 12:37amI thoroughly enjoy these posts. These personalities share relevant information with current times. It would be great to hear from other beings such as pleidians big foot etc.cristina 14/02/2014 2:53amWhen i saw the post first I thought "Oh, My Beloved Mozart" :) Then reading thru it I felt it was speaking directly to me :)))))))))))))) Gave me goosebumps :PI was almost sure his music was channeled from heaven (I'm never 100% sure) and this is the strongest desire I have "attempted to introduce Heaven to Earth" and struggling to achieve a bit of that everyday. And his last advice is what I try to do all the time: talk to people and make them understand the power of positivity and the huge impact it has on earth and on bringing heaven on earthThank you so much Patrick !!! :)cristina 14/02/2014 3:04amBoy, can't wait for jesus interview :P Love that guy ! :) Will you ask him about years from childhood? I heard there are some documents written as while being kid he killed a boy by power of though because he was angry at him, and then he felt so sorry that he brought him back to life? Can't believe it to be true, but he can confirm or not :)Will you ask him where he studied and where he traveled ? Will you ask him who was his real father ? And where he went after the crucifixion ? Can he explain how come many people believe about themselves they are incarnation of Jesus or buddha or mary magdalene? I have thousands of questions :Pgarrett 14/02/2014 11:55amcool as pretty much all of your interviews. if i had the gift i would have wasted my time or driven him away by asking about his scatological humor and short life span choices on his Mozart and Joplin lives haha.Randi 14/02/2014 12:28pmI appreciate the advice each spirit offer in their interviews. Mozart's advice really touched me: "Speak of hope and improvement when a storm of doubt swirls, for the storm will pass, unpleasant as it seems while it unfolds. The sky will clear, the sun will shine and happiness will be offered. Even if the costs seem troublesome, they are not."I was completely shocked when Mozart revealed he was Scott Joplin in another life!! This led me to do a little more research on both figures. I look forward to the Jesus interview!Eva Masini 14/02/2014 12:53pmMozart -- I have come to love and cherish his music in the last little while. I listen to his compositions daily. Then you mentioned ragtime -- this music genre also resonates with me like no other. What a wonderful revelation how these two incarnations of Mozart and Scott Joplin converge on those two musical fronts. So appreciated it. Thank You Patrick.Susan 14/02/2014 5:30pmGreat interview! :-) Interesting about part of his soul being Scott Joplin... makes sense. The Entertainer is such a brilliant tune. Many people also say Mozart was Michael Jackson.Can you describe how he appeared to you, what he looked liked etc?XORenie 15/02/2014 4:46pmThank you Patrick for bringing in another intriguing interview. So much to learn!Laurie 16/02/2014 5:45pmMay I ask Mozart about the Solfeggio frequencies? Is this scale more "heavenly" and more restorative to our bodies? Was the standard scale (A=440 Hz) created to limit the public in their progress and make them easier to "control?"centertopJesus of Nazareth15/02/2014Jesus (0000 to ~0036) also referred to as Jesus Christ, was a woodworker, Jewish rabbi and preacher born in now northern Israel. He is the central figure of humanity's largest religious faith named for him,Christianity. A principle belief holds him as the son of God sent to Earth, the awaited Messiah mentioned in the Hebrew Bible or Old Testament. The estimated date of his birth is the starting point for numbering years on the now most common calendar. Jesus traveled, preached and performed miracles of healing; he chose twelve disciples to help him. His popularity and following threatened the established Hebrew hierarchy; he was betrayed by a disciple Jesus predicted would do this. He was apprehended, interrogated, beaten, whipped and mocked, then nailed to a cross in Jerusalem on the orders of the Roman prefect, such cross becoming the symbol of the religion founded by his followers.?00Q:I do not know what to call you, training and habit say I should use a title.JC:Not necessary, simply Jesus.Q:If there is a person whose life was more closely examined, I can't imagine who it is.JC:Everyone's life is more examined than mine, to each person. You, of your own, as it should be!Q:Never thought of it like that, good point. From a historical view, you're #1, right?JC:This does not matter, my life was no more or less remarkable than any other. The message I went to give is what should be remarked, and it has been.Q:Your death foretold, the torture and suffering you endured, you predicted it, including the betrayal.JC:Yes, as it was my life's plan.Q:Did Judas the disciple who betrayed your trust, have the option to not do it?JC:Yes, however I would have met my encounter in another way, another day. This was foretold. I feel and felt great sorrow for him, and consider my forgiveness of his decision the most valuable thing I could have done, and did, with my life.Q:Your teachings and preaching were not of great, maybe greater value?JC:They became immensely valuable to many others, by their choice, the trees grown from the few seeds I hoped to plant towering far above the heights I hoped they would reach. To me personally, the value to my life was the opportunity to forgive, given to me by Judas. It was the greatest of great gifts, for the learning and understanding I reaped from this chance, have been of value I cannot describe. I truly love him for what was done to me.Q:Criticism of many sects, or sub-faiths or portions of Christianity and their hierarchies, is not uncommon, How do you see these, from the place you occupy?JC:So easy to complain, is it not? Complaint is good, understanding of its causes better, resolution the best. The second and third parts of this come less easily in the human habit.Q:I've been asked to describe how you look to me.JC:As you prefer and imagine. The drawings and depictions are good, I appeared essentially as I have been shown.Q:That's basically what I see, but you are wearing a robe, a rope like belt that isn't really rope, you have a beard and average length hair, you’re about 5'10" or 1m80 and you seem to be of a medium to thin build.JC:As you wish to see, yes this is true.Q:Were or are you the Son of God?JC:Yes. As are all of you, God's sons and daughters, just as I am.Q:In your time, you were the only one.JC:No, you are all, eternally and faithfully the children of God, each and all of you. My life filled a role God asked that I perform. A great gift was this service; it was an honor to do and the benefit of forgiveness I gained, unspeakable.Q:Fear motivated Judas, is that right?JC:Yes, and I will say, the power contained in a threat is solely and entirely because of the fear you give it. If you set aside fear, you set aside the threat completely and totally. The risk of harm, of condemnation, of death all evaporate like a short burst of steam dissipating into the air. Nothing can harm you but for your fear of it, as you imagine it.I do not wish to portray arrogance of Heavenly immunity upon the idea of fear, which I know is very real. What I wish to say is, fear requires your participation. Desist from the belief you should fear something, and it will not threaten you.Q:That's not so easy faced with a high cliff, speeding train, lighting storm or a violent parent….JC:Ask me to stand with you, and I shall. I will be there and I will hold you and protect you, as you have also done for others. With my love for you, which is eternal, nothing may harm you. It is not possible. I love you, I love you all, deeply and eternally and this protects you absolutely.Q:The accepted story is your conception was a virgin pregnancy, your parents Joseph and Mary had no relations to bring about your physical life. Is this true?JC:Yes, but this is not to say it had to be this way. The normal physical contact required for a new life was, in my case, overlooked to ensure good timing and synchronicity of events. For simple purposes of timing. The human ideas surrounding intimate relations gives an importance to this aspect of life it does not require, really.Q:Was the founding of a religion which spread around the Earth a purpose of your life?JC:No. The planting of ideas, in the region, this was my goal.Q:Had no religion grown out of your preaching and ideas, what course would humanity have likely taken, as far as religious faith is seen?JC:One very similar, with different names and traditions, but similar messages. All great faiths of Earth as they have flourished, are an example. Humanity did not require Jesus' image and life as a symbol or even faith to my offered version of life, simply adoption of the concepts I often preached.Q:What do you see of these ideas of blasphemy, of insulting a religion or a faith?JC:It isn't possible; this is a point-of-view adopted for the benefit of human hierarchy and control. To call me words considered vulgar or disrespectful in your languages say nothing about me and everything about the user of the word, where bitterness and ire are intended. I cannot be insulted and never feel this when I am spoken of in terms intended to be malicious. I love and forgive those who choose to think then speak this way. They will come to understand.Q:There are rumors and stories you might not have died on the cross, you survived and died much later, elsewhere.JC:This is true.Q:How? Where?!?JC:The stories of my resurrection derive from appearances of my soul as I slept, recovering from my ordeal. The blood loss from the injuries was significant, and I went into a comatose state, taken of course for deceased. The cloth and grave where I was taken were true, but as I was roused from the comatose state, as some followers discovered me breathing, I was taken away and eventually brought to what is now France.Q:How long did you live there?JC:I eventually died some two decades later, in my later 50s.Q:You were never found out?JC:No, the followers who removed me feared the Romans, told almost nobody and abandoned their own lives in Judea to take me away. My wounds healed somewhat and I was not recognized, once I was able to venture beyond the surroundings of my convalescence. I implored these very few brave souls to never speak of me, and this was easy for them, for fear of the Romans and the Hebrew leaders who felt threatened by my following.Q:Did you ever feel the urge to return?JC:No, my life purpose was done, completed. I took great satisfaction knowing the seeds were planted, that I was able to forgive my betrayers and tormentors, and lived quietly until the end came.Q:Where was this place?JC:A small town which no longer exists.Q:What did you do there?JC:I was able to teach carpentry and woodworking in a small way, as the methods common in Galilee were not known well and they were appreciated.Q:Did your saviors remain with you?JC:Yes.Q:Was it their life purpose to do this for you?JC:No, their choice. I was sustained by my gratitude for them, it gave me an energy and a will to live I might have never found otherwise. I could have been left to die, their lives continuing and humanity would have gone on, either way.Q:You can see all around Earth today; what assessment could you offer?JC:The moments of kindness, generosity and benevolence overwhelm me, as much as they always did. I see such goodwill in humans, it makes me feel so proud for the opportunity to have participated and offered help. It is truly holy and sacred to see the simple goodwill given.Q:We hear constant negativity; you know the phrase about news, "if it bleeds, it leads."JC:There are other choices. Many of you follow them. More of you shall. Fret not at imperfection; I was far from it and expect no one to be this way.Q:What message for humanity do you have? What do you wish to tell us, that we can benefit to know?JC:In every moment you encounter another person, treat them as a mirror. All that you offer them is reflected upon you, always. What do you wish to see in the mirror? You all know this; the mirror shows you what you display. Your life is contained within mirrors, every moment you are awake, mirrors surround you. Look upon everything as a mirror and you shall be happy. I also wish to offer my hope and blessings. By your acceptance, you gain power over your contentment as you can only know once you have done it.Q:Jesus, thank you for visiting us.JC:I visit always and I love the opportunity to do it in a way yet unique, as we have done today. I will always hope to do it this way, always, when the moment is requested. Please all of you reading this, I am at your service; it is the greatest of gifts you can give me, this generosity of yours to ask for my presence. Be well and happy in the best and less best of moments; the nuances of life ebb and flow. My love for you, never. Love yourselves always, and it shall be never ending. Blessings and until the next visit!Commentscristina 15/02/2014 5:09pmI can't get enough of this guy :P And in case anyone still doubts how amazing he is:"JC: I visit always and I love the opportunity to do it in a way yet unique, as we have done today. I will always hope to do it this way, always, when the moment is requested. Please all of you reading this, I am at your service; it is the greatest of gifts you can give me, this generosity of yours to ask for my presence."Big love back to you J <3 :)Edie 17/02/2014 8:29pmDouble ditto Cristina. I want to hear more from JC.cristina 18/02/2014 2:01amAnd I bet JC doesn't mind answering questions :) Would be great to get the teachings straight from the source with as many explanations we need until we get it :PJC will have the chance to leave his complete teachings, unobstructed bu church. And if we get Buddha too, we are GOLD :PHSB 19/02/2014 6:37pmI hope Patrick doesn't mind me posting this, and please feel free to remove this comment if it isn't appropriate. :)If anyone is interested in more Jesus channeling, there is a couple in the Netherlands who post messages (in English) channeled from Jesus (aka Jeshua), Mary and Gaia. I find them pretty amazing and informative. www Jeshua dot netPatrick 19/02/2014 9:32pmI do not mind at all; to the contrary, my thanks for suggesting the website.cristina 15/02/2014 5:38pm"Blessings and until the next visit!" Can we have him and Buddha along with the committee like every 3-6 months? :) I bet are many things we can learn from them <3Patrick 15/02/2014 9:42pmNot through this radio station, of course, but Jesus is always available in Bibles, churches, prayer and rosary beads the world over!?Sure, remind me in a dozen or half dozen fortnights and send questions!cristina 16/02/2014 4:23amWell, they didn't put in the bible all Jesus teachings and many got distorted. Apparently he was also teaching about reincarnation, but is nowhere in the bible.So I feel like we would ALL expand our awareness and understanding by having those 2 guys: Jesus and Buddha explaining things clearly --- directly from the source ;)Wouldn't that be amazing? To have Buddha classes/sessions where you can ask questions and clarifications :) I think many people would have questions to send :)Mike 15/02/2014 7:38pmWill there be any evidence found in France that he lived and died there?What about the Shroud of Turin is that real or fake?Is it true he is one of the very few humans who have incarnated that did not experience the mental blocking of afterlife awareness, of who he is and where he came from?Patrick 15/02/2014 9:54pmLet's get The Committee in on this."Greetings Michael, good to hear from you and see your input, for which we thank you. No evidence shall be found there. Jesus was not known in that land, the influence of his preaching and the ideas and concepts developing from them did not spread until after his death. His disappearance from the grave into which he had been placed, with belief of his death, was a local matter of Judea.The shroud of which you speak was discarded as Jesus and his saviors, not his disciples, made their way west, appearing in the city from which the shroud's modern name is taken.There was indeed an amnesia of home, or a blockage of what Heaven is, for Jesus and as there is for all of you. His was less obscure, more transparent and benefitting from stronger and more obvious connections to the abilities we all possess, belief in which you set aside somewhat, as you develop through Earth societies."Tina 15/02/2014 9:15pmHello,I found your site through Channeling Erik and have really enjoyed reading your interviews. I recently watched Jamie Butler's channeled interview with Jesus & remember her asking him if he was created via immaculate conception. In that interview he stated that was not the case. But in your interview he said that indeed he was created that way. How can both channeled interviews be correct with such differing information? Thank you for sharing your insight, as I truly find what you do fascinating.Patrick 15/02/2014 9:38pmThanks a MILLION for this question, because the opportunity to clarify is good for everyone. I ask my good friends and Guides, The Committee:"The concept of immaculate conception infers Mary and Joseph were not intimate, no consummation of their coupling had there been. They were intimate. As the study of biology has since discovered, conception is possible for a minority portion of the menstrual feminine cycle. To avoid the risk infrequent or not ideally timed intimacy of Mary and Joseph might result in conception far later than the life plan considered ideal, a concept not understood in that day, it was brought about without a preceding intimate coupling considered necessary to do so.We do say, not so rare this is; as the many physical ailments of a lifetime are planned and require 'activation' so can this be for conception. The view and attitude of humanity towards sexual relations and reproduction heavily influence emphasis on this aspect of procreation, where its relative importance is not what humanity traditionally ascribes."Mike in Vegas 15/02/2014 10:20pmWondering if the Committee could let us know the locations of the Holy Grail, Noah's Ark, the Ark of the Covenant, and the tablets on which the Ten Commandments were written. I've read/heard that the Ten Commandments were INSIDE the Ark of the Covenant.Thanks so much, Patrick.Patrick 17/02/2014 11:02amSays The Committee:"These artifacts of human history on Earth are not so important, but for their symbolism. We refrain from discussing these details for the reaction such information will provoke, in those cases where anything remains, to be found and identified. We foresee much criticism and condemnation aimed at the locators of the few remaining pieces of these things, no benefit to them or to greater society is there to come from this. The insistence that some impartial means of verification be provided, which humanity does not possess, will cast the presence of such objects into permanent doubt."sarah 16/02/2014 5:05amAs always excellent work and enjoyment reading.Thank you Patrick & JC and the Committee.Renie 16/02/2014 11:27pmBeautiful words of liquid gold!Lisa 17/02/2014 9:39amDoes Jesus still have that humor with you, when he was with erik?Patrick 17/02/2014 10:54amI didn't get a sense of humor as much as pleasant, confident acceptance, tranquility and strength mixed with humility.Mike in Vegas 17/02/2014 12:00pmMany Sunday morning preachers are saying that, according to their interpretations of the Bible, that we are currently living in the "end times", and that those of us living now ARE the generation that will see the return of Jesus Christ. Some say there will be a rapture of "the believers" to heaven for 7 years, and then those who were raptured will return to Earth to help Jesus rule the world.Could the Committee please advise if any of this is Jesus returning to Earth to reign over the world?...If not soon, then when? What about the rapture, which some ministers are convinced of, yet others dismiss.Thanks in advance to Patrick and the CommitteeThanks.Patrick 17/02/2014 12:53pmJesus has come through loud and clear on this, you hit all the right buttons it seems with these questions!He says:"All of you on Earth, my brothers and sisters, all of you traverse the changing times of this moment in Earth history. I will offer that I can never return; I have never left, to enable this. When I offered my disciples bread and asked them to eat it, as it was my body, and wine, to drink from it, it was my blood, I did so as a symbol of yourselves. More solid and significant is your body to your existence yet it is only a vehicle with which you travel. Just as the bread and wine themselves can be replaced, or lost yet still enjoyed when made again, so can your physical existence. More is involved yet your physicality is not your essence and it is this I wished to say to my friends and disciples. You have seen my body, now go with what is the true substance of me, the same true substance that is you, all of yourselves.I never sought to reign over anyone, and I was mocked as a king, the king of the Jews. I never sought this role and seek it not now. You rule yourselves, individually and collectively. There is no rule upon and over you in which you do not participate, in which you are not a willing accomplice in a certain way. This is your choice, often the choice made before you went to live on Earth, as did I.There will be no capturing and absconding of people from Earth, taken away to not be seen for seven years, or any period of time. There will only be understanding, the rapture of ideas no longer beneficial to each of, as you choose to see them.I spoke often of good deeds returned, good will done for its own sake, that these would be multiplied upon return to you and so it has always been. The notions of rapture refer to the disappearance of ideas a higher authority looms over humanity, with power to decide who receives what reward for which act. No hierarchy as this operates but for what you wish upon yourselves first individually, then together. No king of Heaven comes to you, for you all rule the kingdom of your creation. I stand always ready to help you and protect you, simply for the asking. I do it willingly and happily and ask nothing in return. Your well being rewards me in ways you do not remember, yet you shall."Wow, we got a little sermon from Jesus there! Let's put a new Bible up for sale, with 21st century addenda! Jesus says "YES! but give my words free, for they incur no cost."cristina 17/02/2014 1:09pmwow, talking about coincidences --- i was just pasting to my friends on facebook from dolores cannon "the keepers of the garden" and being sad that earth was at the point of suicide, but help was sent to her ....Anyway, Thank you Patrick and Jesus for the wonderful words as they are balm for my heart" I do it willingly and happily and ask nothing in return. Your well being rewards me in ways you do not remember, yet you shall. "Renie 17/02/2014 5:14pm...and thanking Jesus for clarification of the meaning of the Last Supper. So incredible...I can hardly believe I am reading current words spoken by Jesus! These are truly amazing timesin which we live!cristina 18/02/2014 2:36am@Renie - yes, we have the chance to see these people Jesus and Buddha for who they REALLY were: some great loving guys who came here to leave some teachings that WOULD IMPROVE OUR LIVES .They never came to be adored or other things that are done in their names today :( ... but people instead of follow their teachings.... people do anything but they were supposed to do... :(Have you guys seen the movie "the man from earth (2007)" ? Quote from there "I threw a clean pass, they ran it out of the ballpark" ;)Edie 17/02/2014 8:43pmThank you So much Patrick for your extraordinary work. Love "The Committee" And a sermon from JC himself. Powerful and yet humble. Love this man more than ever!SoulScribbles 18/02/2014 9:55amMany thanks, Patrick, for this incredible opportunity to read, as echoed by another commenter, current words and clarifications from Jesus. Your thoughtfulness in answering your readers questions in the comment section by going back to your sources is much appreciated. It's why we have that wonderful explanation of the Last Supper, and why I always make sure to read through all the comments. I think at time I learn as much from this section as the post themselves.I discovered your blog from CE blog and I always look forward to reading your posts. I think your work is extraordinary and enlightening. I do hope you will have other opportunities to interview with Jesus and to share them with us.Parv 18/02/2014 2:13pmTell Jesus he's awsome and I hope I get to meet him one day :)Yah go Jesus!!cristina 18/02/2014 3:24pm@ParvJesus goes anywhere he is needed and asked :) These are not empty words he says "Please all of you reading this, I am at your service; it is the greatest of gifts you can give me, this generosity of yours to ask for my presence."So anyone who calls him to assist, he will be there helping for a good cause or simply to hold your hand if he can't help you the way you would like to be helped :)ASK him and trust he will come, pay attention to any sudden joy in your heart or slight shivers of energies in your body...Patrick, sorry I commented so much on this particular post... :)Parv 18/02/2014 4:59pm@cristina aww thanks girlMike 19/02/2014 4:01amWhat would be real interesting and controversial would be a (channeled) Gospel of Jesus by Jesus himself. His own commentary on his own life. From the horses mouth so to speak.britta 19/02/2014 10:53amI would be interested to hear, from Jesus's perspective......what he views as one of the 'greatest' errors/misapplications/understandings/twistings of the scriptures which constitute todays BIBLE is/are?Patrick 20/02/2014 9:28amHe came through just as I read this message and said:"I did not write the Bible and claim little influence over the effects of what it provides. Much of what I offered that is also in the bible is faithfully relayed to you; how it should be interpreted? This is great and wonderful decision everyone may have, if and as they choose.There is no misapplication of biblical scripture; this would mean mistaken lives, misguided experience. Yes, many behaviors are held forth as ideal, beneficial and desirable and others as mistaken. These are human interpretations and ideas; there is no life worth less than any other. All provide enormous, immense value and purpose.All ideas about scripture are equally good; this does not mean agreement is required or even that attention should be given. It means simply that as scripture is read, what impression it supplies is the value and proper application it should have, in that moment.My love to you all."lori 20/02/2014 4:15am1. Thank you!2. When you are channeling the different individuals do you feel the difference in their energies? I.e., Rasputin as opposed to Jesus? What does that feel like?Patrick 20/02/2014 9:13am2. The "energy" I feel is the same as sitting in a room with a person or observing someone nearby. If you could "acceptably" close your eyes for thirty seconds or so as you spoke to someone, "imagining" how they look as you continue listening and speaking? That's the feeling I get.1. You're very welcome, all of you with your kind and appreciative comments. If I don't respond to each bit of thanks, that's only to avoid cluttering up the comments. I humbly appreciate them all!Maddie 20/02/2014 1:13pmHi Patrick I really enjoy reading these conversations.Will you be havin more soon!Patrick 20/02/2014 1:33pmYes, Michael Jackson just visited. I do them when I can.Mike in Vegas 22/02/2014 1:01amOne more question regarding the Bible, when Jesus said that we must be "born again"...was he referring to reincarnation, where we will be literally born again as another human being to continue learning lessons, or, like how many preachers say that what he meant was "born again" as a "new" "saved" person, which is the only way to get to Heaven....Thanks again.MikeJesus 22/02/2014 9:48am("Jeshua" came through himself as I read the question, Mike)"I did not mean either of these things, although I see how it has been understood. To be born is to begin, to look forward with hope and forgive. You see, your existence is eternal and Heaven is always close to you. It does not mater what has happened, it matters how you react and go forward, what ideas, what reaction and what learning from all things you do can be gained.If you return to Heaven with regrets, unfinished challenges, unmet purposes or incomplete travels as these might seem to you, you may try again, afresh. A new voyage upon Earth is not just that, it is your desire to accept, understand, forgive yourself as you may, if you wish, to forgive others.You save yourselves; no one does this for you. No requirements exist; redemption and salvation you may do for yourselves, where and how you decide. I will always help you, now and forever, my arms open and outstretched to welcome you."(Big image of the statue overlooking Rio de Janeiro came through, Cristo O Redentor)cristina 22/02/2014 2:31pmI love this questions/answers session guys <3Mike in Vegas 22/02/2014 3:18pmWas there a typo in your first paragraph, Patrick? I know a lot of people read and benefit from what you do, and I don't want people to misunderstand what you share.In the first paragraph of your answer, you share that Jeshua said: "It does mater what has happened,".....Did you mean to say that "It does not matter what has happened..."I'm not trying to put words in your mouth, I just thought you might have mistyped....MikeTYPO ALERT 22/02/2014 5:17pm**** TYPO ALERT ***Yes, Mike, you're right! It should have said just what you understood, what you CHANNELED.Thank you! - PatrickMike in Vegas 23/02/2014 3:58pmYou don't have to print this question or your response, but I'm just curious....why did you say "what you CHANNELED"? I just noticed what appeared to be a typo and thought I'd send the info on to you. Did your GAGs or Jeshua mention anything about me channeling Him?Thanks.Mike in VegasRenie 22/02/2014 8:40pmRe-reading this wonderful post several times-and finding great inspiration in how Jesus reveals to us his gracious forgiveness of Judas, despite being grievously betrayed by him. If Jesus can forgive Judas, how can I not forgive the betrayers in my own life?centertopThe King of Pop20/02/201400Michael Joseph Jackson (1958-2009) was an American musical recording artist, singer, actor, producer, dancer, businessman and philanthropist. He and his brothers performed as The Jackson 5 in the 1960s, he went solo in the 1970s and become dominant in the 1980s. His music videos transformed the medium and showcased his extraordinary talent with unique steps such as the robot and moonwalk. Jackson's 1982 album Thriller is the best seller of all time; many others also rank among the world's most popular, his all time global sales estimated at over four hundred million records. Jackson was inducted twice into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, he is the only rock/pop performer in the Dance Hall of Fame and is the most awarded artist in the history of popular music. His appearance, relationships and behavior generated controversy and even formal charges of abuse, for which he was acquitted. Michael Jackson died from acute intoxication of medication and cardiac arrest, his death ruled a homicide and his doctor convicted of involuntary manslaughter.Q:Michael, do you mind if I call you this?MJ:No, man not at all.Q:Being close to your age, I don't feel the habit of formality, plus remembering you from when I was kid...MJ:Yeah, a nice time, wasn't it?Q:I'm not very good at this, this interviewing people considered celebrities – or anybody else – and I know I get lots of help. I know there's a possibility of some people being star struck, so I worry about a screw-up.MJ:You won't, don't worry about what others see where you don't.Q:Business before business; a reader asks when will you incarnate?MJ:Not again as Michael Jackson, but I think you know that. I already have but on the Earth timeline, I haven't decided.Q:The whole idea of simultaneous or parallel reality?MJ:Train tracks, yeah.Q:The obvious question is as who, where and what?MJ:To look me up and convince me I'm Jacko? You see why past lives aren't so obvious and your future lives you lock away from yourself. Life on Earth would never be, if that weren't done.Q:I'm guessing your life plan and your family's, was the Jackson 5.MJ:Yes, but my purpose and plan was the music video thing. To create visual art to go along with sound, that was the goal.Q:You achieved that in the greatest way, MTV, shoot even....uh...what's that band's name...?MJ:Oh yeah, right I forget, too….Q:They sang about it, what's that group's name?MJ:Look it up!Q:Dire Straits! They said that, in one song, "I want my MTV", so, if you hadn't come along, would it have been done?MJ:Yes, of course. The idea was music and dance together, different and a unique combination people would like to see, which was already popular, like tap dancing. My inspiration was Sammy Davis, Jr. and my music and dance, new types that would appeal enough for a television channel to be dedicated to it.Q:Were you killed by Dr. Murray?MJ:Nah, man….I grabbed and swallowed a bunch of pills he didn't know I took. I was desperate to medicate myself asleep, numb.Q:Was your use of medication, some would say dependence, a slow suicide like overeating?MJ:Yes.Q:Was it your life's plan to check out by age 50?MJ:Pretty much, yes.Q:Given the pressure celebrity like yours brings on, like you can't go to McDonald's or Starbucks without a stampede, I thought you did well.MJ:Thank you, I tried. It had its challenges but the celebrity wasn't the reason I was done by that age, it was the loneliness, the detachment. There wasn't much left to do and it was tough having no schedule or normality of rhythm to life.Q:I almost forgot, another reader question; will humanity ever get to see a person like Michael Jackson again?MJ:Yes, of course. Other stars and talents will always be coming. There were many before me, but technology propelled me across the world. This is a permanent step forward and up for humanity, the growing pains are interesting but it's permanent. So other equally popular talents are coming, some here already.Q:Growing pains? Like internet and some aspects of it?MJ:Yeah, things like that.Q:The other day I watched a television news debate about internet isolation among young people, the effect on socialization and the tone of the debaters was divided.MJ:It is adjusting as it develops and the benefits will outweigh the bad parts of it. The criticism some people withdraw because of technology and communication isn't really a cause and effect. Some people withdrew anyway, now technology allows it in a different way. Autism is a way to come observe humanity really well, like from Heaven without Heaven's openness. The Earth limitations without so much interaction. It's always seen as so bad, a person with less ability to interact by conversation but it's observation, really. Technology gives another way to do that, with less but enough separation. It'll work out, it's working out now.Q:What do you miss most about Earth life?MJ:I don't much, I can revisit just about all of what I want. Some physical sensations but no big deal with those.Q:Do you miss your kids?MJ:Yes, but mostly they miss me.Q:What do you regret about Earth life?MJ:Some of the changes to my appearance; I didn't get the same effect after later procedures as from the first ones, and I tried harder. I shouldn't have. I'd do that differently.Q:The changes were caused by?MJ:I was running away from myself, the pressure of childhood and family. Becoming famous and soon after that, rich; those were tough for my family. I didn't understand that and in a way, I never really did. I understood the pressure and tension created, I felt that and I tried to run away from the image of myself I associated with the pressure.Q:I've often wondered about people who give up wealth and career and run away from them.MJ:It isn't news any journalist finds out about; they'd run with it but the people doing it, keep it quiet, if they can. I tried it, being a philanthropist, but memories of others are theirs.Q:I especially remember your white glove and then schoolkids wearing one, which caused a problem in some cases, like a white glove had to be banned.MJ:Why? So silly. Wearing a white glove hurts what?Q:How hard did you practice those fantastic dance steps? I was so envious of the backwards walk.MJ:Not too much, it came pretty easily, almost naturally. You liked it?Q:It was fantastic.MJ:Thank you.Q:My daughter, who was 17 when you died, knows almost all your songs, except the Jackson 5. The first time she heard them, as I was listening, she was surprised I knew the words to "Rockin' Robin".MJ:Ha ha, she knows them now! It's a real compliment to see people learn and like the music, who were born after it was on the charts.Q:Do you have a message for humanity?MJ:Everybody from Heaven does, especially us veterans!Q:Do Earth graduates get some higher status because of it?MJ:Yes, but not status, it's admiration and appreciation. Mostly the repeat travelers, which is almost everybody. Once an incarnation is done, the value and learning that come from it are such a powerful draw, such a strong effect that the urge to do another round is very strong. The souls not making the leap, not taking the jump appreciate it yet haven't felt it. The feeling of Earth, from incarnating on it….you'll all remember!Q:So the message from an Earth veteran such as you, is admired?MJ:Yes, but any soul could offer an interesting message.Q:Before you give us your suggestion, what observations of Earth can you make?MJ:It's a unique mix of choice plus will and destiny plus plan. You could say chill and destiplan, new words? Many things are happening as destiny, planned across a large portion of society, probably more than ever yet at the same time, the choices, options and alternatives are also greater than ever. It freaks some people out.Q:What choices do humans have versus planned events? This is the never ending question…MJ:Some bigger things are planned across humanity. Humanity does the planning, it's like a large parliament of everybody planning to incarnate or participate. Each group and individual also plans options, alternatives. Once we're on Earth, almost everything we do individually seem like an option; well it is, just that many of the options were selected BEFORE the Earth time line was pressed onto things, and now that you're faced with the choice, it seems like an open decision. It is and was, at the same time and the outcome you might have already given yourself. It never seems that way.Q:Before I forget, I'll be asked what you look like. I used a Jackson 5 picture I remember from the time you & I were kids…but right now I see you as in your late 30s, black shoes, black jeans, white long sleeved shirt, black vest, some kind of steel or silver jewelry or necklace. Did I miss anything important?MJ:Not at all.Q:OK, now hit us up with the message for humanity, if you could.MJ:I'd say, every time you get the chance to speak to somebody, or speak about them, listen as if you were them. It's how you treat yourself, really. It's a very selfish thing, I apologize for that, but that's how you treat yourself well. Think of yourself always, treat yourself really well always and do that by treating others that way. It all comes right back.Q:Michael, thank you so much for being here.MJ:No thanks needed and I felt very welcome. See you again!Commentssarah 20/02/2014 2:45pmLove it. Great job, Patrick!cristina 20/02/2014 3:49pmI think he said on CE as well that wasn't doctor's fault :) Very nice interview Patrick and Michael <3 i found myself googling and trying to find picture with same clothes you describe :PPatrick 23/02/2014 10:30amWere you successful?Mike 20/02/2014 3:49pmWould have been interesting to hear his comment on the smearing of his name in relation to children. Sadly it's what most people seem to remember him for.Patrick 21/02/2014 9:27amI doubt it's a majority. I believe most people who knew anything about him - and nearly everybody who remembers the Jackson 5, like me - has understood the attempts to use civil & criminal courts to extract money. Sadly and typically, the press ran with it.Hazra 20/02/2014 3:52pmHow uplifting!Love the message for humanity.Definitely a swirl n sip post.Diana Anderson 20/02/2014 5:26pmI met Michael several times while he was purchasing his ranch. He was/is a very loving soul. So many took advantage of him trying obtain money it made those of us who knew him to be of truth and kindness absolutely ill. But then of course, that is not exciting news to report. Thank you for this. I revered his very being and what he withstood in life.Donna Massa-Chappeelink 20/02/2014 6:29pmDear Patrick,Nice to meet you.I am the author & illustrator of my new book The Untold Stories Behind "The Michael Jackson Series." In 2009 three months after the passing of Michael Jackson my life literally changed forever on one late September morning in a dance studio. I was working with my close girlfriend who is a dancer doing of all things upper body boxing drills. This experience is fully explained in my book as were so many others unexplainable incidents. From 2009-2013 I created twelve illustrations, a cover illustration and a book about who Michael really was and is through fine art illustration. Illustration was the only way I could possibly communicate with the constant flow of information and powerful energy surrounding my thoughts. This spiritual inspiration literally entered my brain and came out through my hand.First and foremost it is important to understand I was not a devoted MJ fan, I had never met him or seen him perform live, and I never even owned one of his albums. What I did do is watch from afar as many of us did this highly gifted, multi-talented prodigy child evolve into a solo performing artist and mega star of our time.I respected his artistry, loved his music and knew nobody could possibly move or dance like him. To me he was indeed very special.I found your site because of a friend who had just contacted me after reading my book. She felt I should visit your site and read your interviews. I have, and I'm happy that I did. I understand what will become of humanity and what could be the plan. It is perhaps the greatest plan that the world has ever known...Thank you Patrick for sharing your gift.Sincerely in peace, love, hope & unityDonna Massa-Chappee <3Susan 20/02/2014 8:42pmDonna's book is very beautiful and if you love Michael, I know you will love this book :-)Loved the interview with Michael :-) Thanks Patrick....:-)Patrick 21/02/2014 9:38am"This spiritual inspiration literally entered my brain and came out through my hand." That's how it happens!I'd offer two great talents that come close, the late, the great Sammy Davis, Jr and Prince Rogers Nelson, known as simply Prince.You're welcome, all of you, it's an honor and pleasure to do this.Parv 20/02/2014 6:37pmCan you just tell him he's so cute!! An such a loving soul I wish there were more people who were loving like him.Parv 20/02/2014 6:38pmI heard he was the recarnation of mozart is that correct Patrick?Patrick 21/02/2014 10:24amI'm not getting an answer one way or the other.Becky 20/02/2014 10:03pmI'm just wondering, michael never really talked in a way. When he said no way man" he didn't say man when e would speak.?Patrick 21/02/2014 9:42amI never spoke to him before, I couldn't say. It's typical American male baby boomer generation lingo to speak like that, didn't seem the least bit unusual, to me.I never get the sense of an interview the way we see them done & broadcast; these sessions always feel like a conversation, a visit.Mindy 21/02/2014 12:07pmWow, what a wonderful interview. I always thought of him as a musical and dance genius not knowing much about him as a person or soul. What wise, beautiful and loving words. Very profound. Thank you Patrick and Michael!"I'd say, every time you get the chance to speak to somebody, or speak about them, listen as if you were them. It's how you treat yourself, really. It's a very selfish thing, I apologize for that, but that's how you treat yourself well. Think of yourself always, treat yourself really well always and do that by treating others that way. It all comes right back." MJ This reminds me of the Golden Rule "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"Parv 23/02/2014 9:53amHi Patrick, was mj himself psychic or had psychic abilities?Patrick 23/02/2014 10:29amThe real question is: did he utilize or express them, since everybody does. His music and dance unequivocally say yes.centertopHumanity & Technology - Part 1 of 222/02/2014?00Q:Esteemed Committee, we see technology as gadgets, devices, apparatuses, gizmos, doohickeys and thing-a-ma-jigs that enable us. We can do what we otherwise couldn't and humanity increases the new technologies faster and in greater volume than ever before, it seems. Is this all channeled?C:To yourselves, yes in nearly all instances. The significant changes in machines and methods are chosen by their introducers, as part of a life plan. This is not universal, exceptions occur, as free will allows and encourages. Remember in all moments, choice reigns supreme. Technologies of Earth are not controlled by any being or entity not of Earth; everything is yours or, on the Earth timeline illusion, coming from a soul soon to arrive in your dimensions.Q:The rate of increase cannot be indefinite, like population. Saturation would happen, wouldn't it? The way things are going, humans would spend more time inventing than using.C:Saturation looms on the horizon; as you know, the horizon never moves, never approaches. Saturation is spread up to and also beyond it.Q:So the rate of new devices, be them iPhones or Google glasses, will drop off?C:Yes, and significant technology and devices come also.Q:I've always wondered about the ability to send messages and photos and even video around the world, almost instantly, from a little device now the size of pack of cigarettes. Amazingly convenient yet what purpose does it serve most people?C:It imitates your true nature and hints at your true abilities; the transmission of electromagnetic energy that creates and reproduces the images sent, as you call your e-mail, files of binary information, these are basic, even crude examples of how your traverse the universe by your thoughts and even how your physical bodies will travel across the galaxy in what you would consider an hour or two, a distance currently measured in several dozen parsecs.Q:Please, explain!!C:The transmission of sound, then image was done as analog then digital communication. There is little difference, the digital transmission clumps together the transmitted clusters of information in a way you can organize, number and compartmentalize more easily. The analog reproduces a stream of the same electromagnetic effects you do not yet recognize or measure. The digitization, if you will, is how matching occurs. If you are aware of something, you can go there by matching its numerical footprint or signature. A small and basic example is what you have named DNA. Everything in existence has such structure and corresponding numerical formula, which identifies it. As you become aware of something, this is because its numerical pattern has entered your awareness and likewise, in an equal opposite way, your numerical pattern enters the awareness of the object. The object becomes aware of you; distance is irrelevant, distance as you understand on your Earth surface.Q:I am thinking of the Star Trek transporter, from ship to surface or between places.C:This is a good example, yet we shall say, the physical human body resists the process over great distance relative to the body. The density of your existence slows the rate of rearrangement and makes the re-establishment of the object sent, less accurate and eventually distorted.Q:How would a device like that work?C:We shall say, does work for it is used regularly and often, even near and upon your Earth surface. The device maps each cell of a living body organism, or the molecular structure if the object is inanimate, not living as you perceive it. The structure of rock need only be mapped to the arrangement of molecules; where sufficient molecules of identical material are proximate, no additional, smaller clusters are necessary, and the restoration of the rock will be identical, atom by atom and molecule by molecule within that portion of the object. This can be a portion of the rock far larger than the cell of a living organism. The cellular building block of a body or living thing, a fish, a tree or human, cannot be disturbed if the exact being shall result upon transmission and reassembly; re-creation is a better word.Q:Re-creation?C:Sub-atomic particles are identical, as you will soon see when this ability to measure them, observe them and manipulate them is demonstrated to a few more individuals.Q:A few more?C:Yes, it already has been, yet some disbelieve what was observed and others haven't spoken of their experience.Q:So a person sent by Star Trek transporter isn't really transported, they're "re-created" or "reassembled"?C:Yes, the map of sub-cellular then supra-cellular organization is used to assemble protons, neutrons and electrons, then atoms, then molecules. Once the cell needed exists from these, it is placed in its mapped location taken from the organism to be re-created. As the next cell is produced, it appears, and so forth.Q:Wow; how long does this process take?C:By your Earth time, about five to ten of your seconds.Q:Not the same time for all things transported?C:The mapping is done by sector; this will require a series of processes. The larger the object, the greater the mapping.Q:This is very advanced; do all extraterrestrial visitors have this ability?C:No, and it is not necessary in the great majority of cases. Travel from a location to another can be done easily without this device and technology.Q:OK, before we digress from the topic of the day, what about technology on humanity, as takes place right now?C:It develops in an interesting way, does it not? Intriguing for us to observe, not the technology but use and reaction.Q:There is much discussion about world youth becoming isolated by use of text and e-mail messages, virtual images of personality through social media and undesirable changes to society that result.C:These are stages of development; we offer that you are observing the first stages of the process of human interaction, broken down and used in place of the more complex methods deemed natural. Soon and sooner than you believe, this phase or stage will be completed and human interaction will appear normal and natural again even as it has been permanently changed, altered and amended.Q:I have to say, the era of no telephones to common telephone conversations to now, texting to eliminate telephone conversations, all happening in one hundred years, seems like a dangerous pace for humans, if it continues.C:It is mentsMike 22/02/2014 12:54pmOoooohh technology my favourite discussion. I have seen on a recent tv series about the particle transporter in use by one of the clandestine US agencies. It seemed to consist of two opposing metal wheels. And somehow a electromagnetic current was sent round it. You then just walked in between the wheels and was instantly transported to another location.Also if you look up the Philadelphia Experiment you'll see experiments with time travel.cristina 23/02/2014 5:00amMike, I think the committee covered " Philadelphia Experiment "and it wasn't about time travel but about creating invisibility shield... The ship never changed its locationAhmed 22/02/2014 2:06pmInteresting post, thank you.I don't understand though, is teleportation of humans possible or not, a reconstructed human is not the same person, is it?Mike 22/02/2014 3:08pmAhmed take a look at this - , it would be interesting to hear if this ties in with what the Committee has said and is to where it will start?Patrick 26/02/2014 12:50pmThe federal government of the USA is nearly irrelevant in all these things. I say "nearly irrelevant" because there could be attempts by gov't "representatives" to hasten or delay knowledge and development as slowdowns or advances are seen to benefit authority. These are largely beside the point; the vast majority of voters are not asked to consider any of these things, even less are aware and as developments proceed there will not be "official" involvement.cristina 23/02/2014 4:58amFascinating ! :) I think Dolores Cannon explains same concept of teleportation in her books ("the custodians" i think) Thank you committee and Patrick ! <3centertopHumanity & Technology - Part 2 of 226/02/2014Q:Can you describe teleportation better, or give some more detail about how it is accomplished??00C:Atoms are assembled at the destination location, creating the molecules. The protons, electrons and neutrons are taken from surrounding material. On Earth this would be from air, which is unlimited in supply to the size of the object to be re-created. This occurs without perception by living beings of a more complicated cerebral function such as humans.Q:Is this where the phrase "out of thin air" is taken?C:Yes. The re-arrangement of the atomic components of air molecules into the atoms which shall begin the assembly of the human body, if this is the case, or the object where no living being is sent, can cause a temperature variation felt, usually a chill, as would be described. A brief cooler temperature, and a slightly and very temporary warmer, are also possible. Animals are more likely to perceive the presence of the energy.Q:Movies show the transported person or object shimmering, first transparent and then more and more dense and steady, eventually becoming the person and/or objects sent. Is there any truth to this?C:Yes, the creation of more and more atoms will steadily block the light, in the frequency ranges of human existence.Q:Does the "soul" of a person stand by as this happens?C:Yes, at the destination. As the body is re-created, the soul prepares for entry into it just as it occupied the body at the source. This operates just as do your states of sleep, dreams and comas. The perceived delay does not exist in your time linearity; the re-entry of the soul into the body is instantaneous, as you see it. This operates at the speed of light and electricity, of your dimensionality. There are a few adjustments and calibrations required, accomplished in several millionths of your second, your one sixtieth of one minute. This is not able to be perceived, by inhabitants of the environment.Q:What happens to the body at source?C:The molecules are disassembled and turned into those of the surrounding environment, usually air. This is all done by formula; your chemical formulae are followed to achieve this. We suggest the way pixels are copied to re-create a digital image as an analogy. This is what happens, in a larger and more complex way, by volume and substance, yet the pattern is similar.Q:Is this technology coming soon to Earth?C:We say no, not by your timeline. The benefit is small in relation to the risk of misuse.Q:Is this technology commonly used elsewhere in the galaxy?C:Yes, generally for inanimate objects. The risk is repeated exposure to surrounding energy fields and stray particles. As you know from your use of x-rays, cumulative exposure is damaging. The energy field must be precise and focused; the ease of creation of an energy field to accomplish the teleportation does not bring precision required to eliminate risk. Thus inanimate objects unaffected by the stray emission of particles are better sent this way.Q:Is this part of the past mention of nuclear risks we do not yet understand?C:Yes, very much so. What is called radiation sickness is a clear example of exposure effects.Q:We do not know how to separate or control molecules, atoms and the pieces of them, not yet.C:Not yet, not for some time and many civilizations in the galaxy and universe also do not. This is the situation because of the relative range of frequency and vibration.Q:It seems as if we could dispose of physical computers and displays; screens would not be needed. The image could just appear in the air?C:This is much how information and imagery are shown to you, and appear to your mind or imagination. As you read a book and imagine the scene described, often this effect, the imagining of the scene in your mind is not imagination; it is the intent and image file of the author sending the scenery to you. Because of the physicality of your existence, you have not yet the ability to re-create the image on a physical display or screen, as does photography, a capturing of an image already seen. The image can be created without physical substance, as you feel and see it. This is common and represents how we send information to you.Q:Why will Earth see no more nuclear electricity generators built and a reduction in use?C:The use of heat transfer will be bypassed; this step is not necessary. The molecular energy released during fusion is deflected and we say, very inefficient. It operates and provides power and by comparison to oxidation, appears efficient and clean. The energy that holds the atom in place can be used directly; magnetism. It is recognized yet not used, not yet, on a sufficiently large scale. This comes, as you know well.Q:What will technology accomplish?C:Control of resources and the domination sought to achieve the control; these are not necessary. As your social groupings have expanded, so has distrust of relatively unknown groupings, what you call nations, and the respect, allegiance and loyalty you give and receive are also done by the proximate group. Their desire to seek control of the physical resource prompts this; as the ability to alleviate dependence upon physical resources rises, there will be a similar diminishment in gains from domination. This is a risky approach if taken too quickly, as the supporters of ideas seen as progressive and more beneficial do not shirk the urge for domination of ideas and also some resources. The urge to present the better way is not this way, as it suppresses disagreement. This is a fascinating aspect of humanity and is entertaining beyond words to observe.Q:I suppose energy, communication, spirituality and science are related.C:They are the same but for the separations of understanding seen, as they develop.Q:Can you hint at some applications of technology we shall see demonstrated, if not provided to humanity, and what is planned to be shared?C:Yes; medical treatment will improve and methods to detect, avoid and cure will be much improved. Disease will not be eliminated, firstly because of the way humans interact with the environment. We refer to food and other substances ingested; the idea anything can be consumed and all negative effects erased easily, returning the body to perfection, this assumes no connection to the mind and the body operates. They are the same.Q:Esteemed Committee, thank you.C:Our pleasure, be mentscristina 27/02/2014 5:51amI've been chasing this idea too "The energy that holds the atom in place can be used directly; magnetism. It is recognized yet not used, not yet, on a sufficiently large scale. " :)And about this bit "The urge to present the better way is not this way, as it suppresses disagreement" --- can committee give advices about a better way, even thou we may ruin their fun :P (joking about ruining fun :P )And this bit I didn't quite understand "this assumes no connection to the mind and the body operates. They are the same." - are they talking about positive thoughts healing the body or more than this?Thank you very much Patrick and committee ! <3 (and love the smileys :P )The Committee 27/02/2014 11:27am"Greetings, cristina, we hope you take notice your name has not been capitalized as it is always written by you. We shall answer your three questions or suggestions in order.The idea has lost the chase; success of pursuit is now inevitable.To your second comment, we say this refers to the tone and texture of presenters of many a new idea. An approach of replacement, not enhancement, takes hold. Public policy reveals this much, yet many areas of human development feel these effects. The supporter of the new idea seeks to displace an existing one. The best way forward is offer and suggest allow disagreement to do so. The most advantageous way will be adopted by the majority, willingly, voluntarily.Yes, we say your example is a good one. The mind and body are one; why does a person feel goose bumps, as you call them?Be well and until soon again."cristina 27/02/2014 12:01pmThank you so much committee and Patrick for the kind reply <3While I was still giggling because of "The idea has lost the chase; success of pursuit is now inevitable." I realized the wisdom of the second argument :) You gave me a subject to think about it :) - and to help me grow :)I guess I do write my name like that :P amazing how I didn't really focused on that :P - this gave me another big subject to think about :)))))))))))))?Few days ago was the first time I saw body and spirit as one, were two amazing days :) Yes, they seemed to be all as one:mind, body, spirit, emotions and people appeared as perfect, beautiful creations :)You really planted some good seeds today with me :) And I am grateful for them <3 You all 4 are amazing !Denis 27/02/2014 9:59amYes; medical treatment will improve and methods to detect, avoid and cure will be much improved. Disease will not be eliminated, firstly because of the way humans interact with the environment. We refer to food and other substances ingested; the idea anything can be consumed and all negative effects erased easily, returning the body to perfection, this assumes no connection to the mind and the body operates. They are the same.Are the following foods what The Committee refers to.HFCS, soy not fermented, gmo corn, soy and any animal fed these foods.cristina, I missed your last comment on Pol Pot interview, very happy you like the compilation of 2013 post.cristina 27/02/2014 11:30amOh, Denis it made my day :) I'm happy I can thank you in person <3 Great job !Btw, about missing comments, Patrick, I found some pictures matching close the description of Michael Jackson clothes, but not exactly :PPatrick 27/02/2014 11:34amOK, the cat is out of the bag, the "compiler" of the archives is revealed by his own hand! Thank you Denis.You found a MJ picture dressed like that?!? Really?! Can you send it??cristina 27/02/2014 12:42pmHere is what I found Patrick (not exact matches, but close)--- the closest matches I could find about clothes are: Not sure about the steel or silver jewelry or necklace, maybe: Committee 27/02/2014 11:32am"No, we refer not to these, more basically to improper balances of carbohydrates and sugars to proteins. Consumption of alcohols and other substances, including smoke into the lungs."Denis 27/02/2014 6:33pmThank you committee and Patrick for the kind reply.centertopGenetic Chemical Trails10/03/2014A reader asks:Another hot topic would be to ask the committee their thoughts on GMO foods, like our corn and soy crops. Ask about the U.S. chicken that is soon going to be processed in China and then sent back to us. China hates us! Worst idea ever!! Also, ask how these chemtrails are going to affect our population. Being poisoned by various chemicals sprayed on us daily cannot be a good thing. What will the effects be and what can we do to help ourselves?!?00Says The Committee:"Greetings, and we say we think little about food, we who do not eat. We know you who do eat, think about it more, and should. This is good, as should be the taste. We know you might find this humorous yet all is true, can you see?People in China do not hate Americans; just as Americans do not hate Chinese; most Chinese are not aware of Americas in general and think very little about the subject. Much the same applies to America, few people there actively consider China and do not hate people of that nation.Genetic modifications occur at two levels; the arrangement of the molecular structure or the substitution of the one molecular structure for another. It is also possible to change the molecules and retain a similar structure function, yet humanity has not quite reached this point, yet it is close.The increase in yields is to earn more money by more efficient process; this is an illusion, just as is money. The ability of Earth to produce sustenance for its inhabitants far exceeds demand; we suggest all of the foods and ingredients regularly consumed around the world not necessary to good body function, as an example.Where the altered arrangement of the genetic coding does not alter the resulting substances upon ingestion of the foods, there is no concern. This is the case; humanity has not modified the genetic code of plants grown for consumption to the point of damaging human bodily operation. This is possible, the point has not been reached and is very unlikely to be done, even as ability and awareness of the ability become clear.This is not to be mixed with additions of substances to foods; different from genetic code change. This practice brings benefit and risk, as you all know well.You must define for yourself what is a "chemtrail" and what is being sprayed on you; does this mean exhaust discharge from turbine engines propelling aircraft? Yes, some chemicals are released yet the concentrations are infinitesimally small when coming into contact with humans. The greatest risk is for an airport dweller; and this risk remains low and undetected. There is little need to be concerned for this; are there other chemicals discharged intentionally into the Earth atmosphere for purpose? Yes, this has occurred and there are risks; these depend upon both chemical and surface concentrations.We suggest economic changes will cause the little of this activity to stop yet moreover, so little takes place now, no concern should there be; be well."Commentscristina 10/03/2014 1:37pmHey ! Look who's back !!! We missed you and we are so happy you are back <3cristina 10/03/2014 1:53pmDolores Canon says the same in an interview: that "chemtrails" have no effect over the population, the way some people believe ... I find committee and Dolores information agreeing on many things - i like that <3britta 10/03/2014 2:15pmOnce again I find it fascinating that in the last 3 days, very specifically, intense discussions and viewing of media on chemtrails and GMO have been front and center for me. Just today I was telling someone how I found I cannot eat salsa type chips made of GMO corn without stomach upset but non GMO are fine. I found this out by trial and error testing of myself. And knowing you were gone Patrick, I had no reason to come over to the site. But I felt compelled to. And voila! VERY interesting. I am however still feeling that the chemtrails are working far more damage overall to our weather patterns............hmmm. Thanks!ajh 10/03/2014 2:31pmnice one. i hope the response helped put to rest the fevered mind of the enquirer. conspiracy stuff like this needs to stop in my humble opinion.Eva Masini 10/03/2014 2:31pmWonderful; you're back!Ahmed 10/03/2014 2:33pmI always felt that fear of GMOs was exaggerated, normal I guess since people usually fear any major change or technology they do not yet understand.britta 10/03/2014 2:49pmI recall a friend who was allergic to fish. She was having major issues with tomato's all of a sudden. Interestingly enough..........she came across some information that some tomatos were being genetically altered by the use of a gene from fish. Something to do with a blight on tomatos and this fish gene helping to stop that (had to do with a correlation between the scales of fish and that gene that stopped that scale disease etc). Anyhow, she went to eating organic tomatos and was fine. When we eat things that have DNA of other stuff that MAY affect us in it and we are unaware....that is a problem in my mind.Renie 10/03/2014 6:13pmHi Patrick!What a surprise to see your blog today! I agree that the food allergy aspect may become the problem with altered food products which, hopefully, will cause the demise of such practices. Unfortunately, there will probably need to be a few multi-million dollar wrongful death lawsuits to get it to stop completely! Worry and stressing about it is likely to cause more harm than actually eating such foods.Melissa 11/03/2014 9:55am"Worry and stressing about it is likely to cause more harm than actually eating such foods."Very true statement in my opinion. You are right.AD 11/03/2014 2:46pmlike commenter denis below, this post has me all riled up. i'll have to remind myself of your point, that stressing over it may actually do more harm. thank you for that.and thank you, patrick, as always.Denis 10/03/2014 6:27pmPatrick, nice to read you again and back on the front line with some stimulating thoughts on GMO and chemtrail.I will go along with the Committee view on chemtrail but will keep my opinion on GMO, after all they do not eat, I do. I know too many of my friends struggling with diabetes and arthritis, I do not, have been avoiding this junk for 25 years now. Or can these health problems be explained as a life contract.Denis 11/03/2014 12:21pmYesterday after posting I asked myself: Why am I so uptight about this subject and upset after reading it?Got some answers to that question:1- I saw GMO has dangerous food, it is not but it is not healthy, it weakens your immune system in the long term.2- In a balance diet I would eat less than 1/3 of carbohydrate on a dish at meal time, so not enough to make one sick but would not help maintain a healthy body.3- Read the post, think about it, put the question to my gags, wait for an answer and then post.4- I will not reintroduce GMO food in my diet but will be in a better position (perspective) to help my friends in making the connection between good eating habits and health.5- Thanks Patrick and Committee for the opportunity to revisit this subject.Abe 10/03/2014 7:14pmI'm more and more inclined to think; if you think it's gonna get ya, it's gonna get ya...and vice versa.Hazra 12/03/2014 3:50pmI feel this as well. I think how we feel about what we ingest is more significant than the actual food. Feeling good about what I choose to eat is a good starting point for me.Avid follower 11/03/2014 1:21amWelcome happy to follow again.just thought you should know you have been missed.Veronica 11/03/2014 6:59amThank you!ajh 11/03/2014 10:59ampeanuts and other things are enjoyed by some, bring allergies and even instant death to others. were they ever tampered with? should they stop growing/harvesting them?anything we eat has been tampered with to some extent for generations and just because something is natural doesn't make it good.who can claim to regularly eat stuff that grows/roams wild these days. not very many people. it goes back to finding out what works or not for each person.i wonder if its bias and expectation that certain things are 'bad' that brings about a negative placebo effect.Bee 11/03/2014 7:11pmPerhaps it's not so much the GMO crops themselves, but the insects who harvest the crops that are paying dearly for the chemical changes. Monarch butterflies, honey bee die-off, just two that come to mind. And without those pollinators we can forget about GMO or non-GMO. There will be no crops to spray.Dr Laurie 12/03/2014 6:15pmPatrick! Wonderful that you are "back in the saddle!" Committee, I love you guys, but I feel you have missed the ball on this one. I don't want to be a "Negative Nellie," but I wanted to share an opinion. The vast majority of genetic engineering of food is being done to 1) sell us pesticide-resistant plants (so you can douse them with pesticides and not kill the plant), 2) to sell us the pesticides used to drench the plants, 3) create plants that will not reproduce, so that the farmer has to re-purchase the seeds each season, and 4) sell us plants with pesticides genetically built-in. I do not want food that has been drenched with chemicals. I do not want food that has a pesticide (or a sequence of some animal or insect's DNA) in it's genetics (that will kill my gut flora, for example). And guess who does the "research" to show it's all safe - hmm, the very same companies that are making money on this. We all know how well that kind of relationship has turned out for so many things!I do not want companies to have a monopoly on seeds. Remember when you were a kid, and you took an apple, let's say, and planted the seeds of this apple in a little pot, and got a little apple plant? Or a bell pepper, etc.? You can't do that anymore - the genetic engineering has removed the reproductive ability of plants - on purpose. How can this be good? Don't we have a right to grow our own food the old fashioned way? Anyway, don't want to belabor this. Maybe you guys were just over-generalizing. Or using rose-colored glasses : )darlick 12/03/2014 11:08pm they deliberately stop reproductive capability (reproductive isolation), but not for nefarious reasons according to this (USA?) article.not that i bothered much with it here in UK/Europe but i'm sure i've seen 'seed packets' for sale in loads of shops. i hear those that bother report good results.Sharon 13/03/2014 4:31pmWelcome back Patrick! So good to see these posts! THANK-YOU!!centertopSaint Peter12/03/2014?Saint Peter (?? - AD 64 or 67) also known as Simon Peter, was a fisherman from Bethsaida in Galilee in now northern Israel, chosen by Jesus to be one of the twelve Apostles. He was venerated as a saint and became first bishop of Rome and Pope. St. Peter's brother Andrew was also an apostle. He was crucified in Rome under Emperor Nero Augustus Caesar, upside down at his own request, as he saw himself unworthy in the same manner as was done to Jesus Christ.Q:Saint Peter, I saw that you were originally known as Simon, the name Peter coming later. Is it good to see both names so popular because of your life and also knowing a massive activity, petro-oleum, also shares the name?SP:I must chuckle at this comparison, I knew nothing in that life of oil extraction from rocks. Thank you.Q:No need to thank me, I also carry the name of a famous figure, I imagine always an honor to the originator of the name's popularity.SP:As long as no trend of Adolph overtakes humanity, your idea shall hold positive value!Q:Who knows, a wave of forgiveness could overtake humanity and then Hitler's name would symbolize that and become popular, for that good reason.SP:I like that idea.Q:You could be considered one of if not the founder of Christianity, after Christ's passing.SP:There are no founders of faiths, only followers and leaders, one and the same. Some express it more, these are the eventual leaders, who only become such after following their true beliefs.Q:That's quite a humble view, give that you were the first Pope.SP:I did not know I was the first, no person knew there would be a series and moreover, I did not see myself as a bishop or leader the way others say. I saw myself as a servant to my great and good friend, Yeshua. Only that.Q:Religion has always played a large role on Earth, through at least the Earth history we now know. Can you tell us what you observe about it?SP:The overlaps far outweigh the scant differences, and only on Earth. I see a convergence, already occurring. Withdrawal into religious separatism and isolation, the desire to compartmentalize faiths and maintain distinctions between and within, is an illusion. It appears so real, just as yours and what was once, my, notion of time. I refer to the small distinction between Shiite and Sunni Islam as an example. This but one of many things given great energy of irrelevance. The coming together of message and beliefs draws ever closer. I will offer it operates much as does the imminent bankruptcy of a large entity, appearing steady nearly up to the moment of implosion. At a point not so distant in humanity's future, this will occur with what is called religious faith and freedom. All will coalesce.Q:I can see a lot of resistance to this.SP:Today? Yes. Tomorrow? Less.Q:That rhymed nicely, Saint Peter, thanks! Why will resistance diminish?SP:Changes to human society will provide great incentives to look in new directions; the notion of being lost causes a search for a destination, a path and a way. Many will feel lost, ever the more so right up their awakening to a higher idea previously unseen, yet always present.Q:This sounds a lot like what happened with Jesus' early followers, the first adherents to his ideas; not just you as a disciple, an apostle but the many others who listened and followed through in their actions, the ideas offered.SP:Yes, and this is the second coming of Christ foretold in the bible; Yeshua comes not back to Earth, for he has never departed. I have never left my beloved Earth and what returns is a repeat of an awakening.Q:What would you then say to the followers of a significantly different faith, one much more distinct from today's Christianity?SP:Welcome, as Muhammad has said to the many Jews and Buddhists.Q:What about your ministry in Rome caused the Romans to have you executed?SP:Fear.Q:Just that?SP:Strength is acceptance, fear causes repression. Look at your political institutions and the leaders installed within them. Pursuit of their ideological adversaries always arises from weakness of position and doubt of faith, covered by a false layer of bravado, force and bluster. I erred this way with the sword strike against a man hostile to my friend Yeshua; it was my last such error in this manner.Q:Did you ever achieve forgiveness with your killers?SP:Yes, long ago. I had a wonderful example on Earth, as wonderful as there can be, in my good friend Yeshua and his forgiveness.Q:It is interesting and unique to hear you constantly refer to Jesus as your good friend; was he really that?SP:Oh, yes….above all else he was no preacher or leader of me or any of the apostles. The appearance of our deep reverence and even awe of him is not true; this only came after his passing and for some of us, after ours. He was first and always my "buddy", my "pal" to use words of your American slang of today. What we did together was a journey and adventure of friends; the effects of our journeys and the influences resulting were not what we saw as sacred purpose or mission, even though they were. We did what was fun, and it was truly. He was a good and loyal friend.Q:Please give us your observations of humanity, not just from a religious view but overall.SPThere is no difference; religion is just a name given to a compartmentalized component of human society and activity. A formalization of thought and gathering. A group about a campfire is just the same, has the equal effect as the pomp & circumstance of a formal mass. No criticism do I mean to impart to the rituals conducted with the noblest of intent; these are good also. Yet, simplicity and basic process are equivalent in effect, where beneficence of intent is genuine.Humanity makes immense strides and the creaks and groans of the growing pains receive all the attention; this is okay yet I would suggest, so gently, that generosity of thought also become a gift to the happiness and joy of life in equal installments as paid into bad news and strife. Sweeten your bitter drink with the "bondad", your good word of Spanish, of good intentions. You will see that, mathematically, the goodness mixed in what you see as equal parts to the bitter, drown it out. A curious phenomena of chemistry, where one plus one equals four, the original one in the positive, trebles.This your thought energy provides, freed from the density restrictions that teach us all so very well. How well I was taught through them.Q:OK, as a good fisherman, who your friend Jesus said "be a fisher of men" what do you Saint Peter recommend to catch good fish, since I plan to pursue this hobby in the near future?SP:I suggest patience and a good vision of the delicious meal of roasted fish you shall prepare over the campfire near the lake. This shall attract your meal.Q:Saint Peter, my thanks for coming to help.SP:On Earth as it is in Heaven, I came happily in that time, as I do now and forever. I wish tranquility and the strength of acceptance for all you who come to read these words. Fish mentscristina 12/03/2014 1:37pmSo great to have St Peter here <3 Great wisdom about religion, loved it :) I never managed to put it so well in words myself, I was only able to guess/feel it :)Patrick, can you channel Martha,Mary and their brother Lazarus? Including if Martha followed Jesus in France (she is celebrated in south France i think)Did you ask what happened to the malaysian flight? Are few hypotheses :)Patrick 12/03/2014 2:13pmThe fourth asking of the question! (There must a be a prize waiting for you somewhere) so, here's what I got:?================================No survivors, terrorism, the device used was brought through passenger security in disguised pieces, assembled then hidden in the carry-on bag of an unsuspecting passenger. The perpetrators were not aboard, the trail leading back to them has already gone cold. The passenger cabin depressurized abruptly, low oxygen claiming everyone in the passenger cabin within minutes, some sooner. Cockpit oxygen allowed some control despite reduced airworthiness; the bitter cold soon also affected the cockpit. Pilots turned to attempt a ditching closer to land, and to descend into warmer and oxygen richer air. They also succumbed to the effects. The gaping hole ripped into the fuselage prevented a more rapid emergency descent and eventually the plane could not maintain flight.Reports of transponders, radio and other communication systems going silent are because those systems were damaged in the explosion. The wreckage will conceal most of this.Cheryl 12/03/2014 5:17pmThis is quite disheartening, especially for all those closely affected. :(cristina 13/03/2014 4:56amThank you so much Patrick ! You have no idea what excitement this answer brought me :)))))))))))))))) Who answered? Was it the committee?You mean I was the 4th person asking this? :) Yes, people trust your answers, so they will ask ;)garrett 13/03/2014 12:09pmhey Patrick!I didn't expect to see the airplane mystery asked and answered by the committee. Cool deal. My follow up question would be that since this 'new technique' to bring down a plane by terrorists without hijacking it or even having to get themselves aboard, is the reason the claim of responsibility was so quiet (one obscure chinese group if they even really did it) is because this is part of a bigger new strategy to reinvent terrorism to get around current safeguards? To add to that is this possibly only one new tactic used in isolation that now proven successful will embolden whomever to <i>add</i> more strategic elements and be able to cause more damage.Last thing, promise. Is this kind of thing one of the elements that goes with increasingly extreme weather that ends up limiting long distance travel in the near future? Sorry about the length :-/Sarah 12/03/2014 1:56pmBeautifully said, thank you Patrick & Committee.Garrett 12/03/2014 2:01pmRight on par with Jesus' dialogue. Glad to see you back, Patrick!Cheryl 12/03/2014 5:12pmThank you Patrick and St Peter!Denis 12/03/2014 6:55pmVery nice and peaceful Patrick.Just notice the post set between Heaven and Earth with a peaceful setting at the sea, just love it.Brett 12/03/2014 7:53pmGlad you are back! What does Peter look like? Were you able to see him?Renie 12/03/2014 9:41pmPatrick, thank you for bringing St. Peter's message to us! I love the description of the friendship the Disciples had with Jesus. They were just regular guys out having fun!And your question to St. Peter about catching fish brought a beautifully simple reply that perfectly describes how to attract and manifest our desires. Thank you for this incredible post; I will be reading this one over and over!Also sorry to hear that the Maylasian flight was an act of terrorism. I wonder if that will ever be discovered?lori c 12/03/2014 10:23pmA nice welcome home hug...and I agree with Ernie , I`'ll be reading this again and again for the direction to welcome and allow the good in our lives.Randi 12/03/2014 10:35pmYay! Glad to see you posting again Patrick. Thanks for interviewing Saint Peter. I hope this doesn't sound weird but I could sense from reading that Saint Peter has a peaceful energy; very warm spirit. Thanks again.My heart goes out to the victim's families...Steve 12/03/2014 11:10pmHi Patrick,Welcome back, nice post, i can help you on fishing...... Research, Research, your intended target... There are so many variables with each different type of fish, the bait they prefer, their habits, ect, the more you know about this the more success, and of course patience, purchase top quality gear, and bait, and enjoy, or get really pissed off eventually, and smash all your top quality gear and take up golf ha.hah..Stevecristina 17/03/2014 6:08amWish you Happy Saint Patrick's Day !!! <3 reader asks about…Q:I have a question. Could you try to do your best to explain to me the experience of receiving messaging from an intelligence outside yourself? It must have differences, at least some physiologically symptoms/signs you experience when receiving a message from The Committee as opposed to the average person silently asking and answering their own questions in their head. When did you first experience communication? Did you question it? How went your 'initiation' into your gift? Do the hairs raise on the back of your neck, is there a feeling of love and warmth as you receive the answer? Or am I totally off base and your method is obtained within the quiet of meditation and how is that? This isn't a question of doubt. It is curiosity into the experience and process of your gift and others like you. I know mediumship has a diversity in how communication occurs. O.K. I'll stop you get the drift ha ha. Thanks for what you can convey.00A:I cannot say for others unless invited specifically and deliberately inside their head – and even then I likely can't appreciate what happens there HOWEVER The Committee says, "there is not a phenomena accurately able to be described as 'the average person silently asking and answering their own questions in their head' ". The Committee also says "there is no average as it applies to any one person; general trends can be measured, calculated, compared and reviewed but these have no application, meaning purpose or value to any one person or soul."I first experienced "communication" from outside myself many decades ago and did not recognize it. Most of us don't; by design. We often have to learn to distinguish, to identify, to separate and recognize it. Read or not read, listen or not listen, look or not look, see what happens or not, these processes are what life as a human involves and it's easy to extrapolate that ONLY this way of ingesting information is possible.No, I did not question it. Once I began to recognize it, I slowly and reluctantly started to both practice and expand it. Most keenly, remember all the times in life when the information was supplied. I often repeated bits of information given and I have also learned, a fair portion of most humans dislike much information that isn't easily fit into what they believe, they like, they prefer and they follow. Being agreeable and accepting and going along is a strong yet very limiting human behavioral trait, one humanity is leaving aside now, ever more steadily. We learn from a very early age to shy away from, feel annoyed at and in general shun information that is not encapsulated in the size and shape we have learned to hear. Some us – mostly women – grow weary and frustrated with others among us – mostly men – that eschew detail, nuance and verbosity. This behavior is learned, it is a human habit.A clear example I recall was after the 11th of September, 2001; I remember being informed that a new agency would be established in the USA's federal government, to focus upon and manage physical and terrorist threats to the USA. About two or three weeks later, the White House announced the decision to create what is now called the Department of Homeland Security.By this example I hope to illustrate a separate thing I now understood was taking place with me many times over a long, full lifetime; I was passing along "Committee Offerings" to equal delight and dismay, and didn't realize it most of the time.So there was no "initiation" but rather a slow, steady recognition.As I receive the answer, no physical senses are activated or triggered; physical presence of The Committee, other souls, "invitees" and so forth often involve the feeling of goose bumps but they are felt throughout the upper body, head to waist, all over all at once. I thought this was normal and typical for most people most of the time, like sweating when hot or shivering when cold. I have since discovered it isn't so common and is often felt in a more limited way. I do not get the goose bumps feeling when receiving information; it happens when I have a certain thought or hear about certain things for the first time.When calling forward a deceased soul – or the soul or GAGs of a living person – I focus on some aspect of the person generally known, such as history or a brief physical description. This "places the call" and makes the connection. As I think of a question, the answer comes steadily almost like a teletype or a telex message. Other times, before I attempt to write what I'm getting, the answer floods in like a rush of air, information that flows like water, all clear and understood. The recent Malaysian Airlines disappearance is an example; the details and scenario all play out quickly and in almost rapid succession, easily sequenced and understood.It is not at all like speaking; we all have the habit of initiating a question, listening then formulating an answer put forth in words. This is a human pattern in our physical selves; we don't communicate this way naturally. Intuition and hunches are good examples.When encountering a block, a stumbling point over words, it's a matter of waiting a brief moment and the correct synonym or new word instantly, almost magically pops into place. This is most evident when writing a quick limerick or rhyming poem; rarely do I need to hunt for a word that rhymes and also has meaning that fits. It just seems to "occur" to me; that's "communication from the hereafter" which is right here, in another dimension occupying the same space I believe I hold, in my physical perception. This is why physical proximity of a hug, a kiss, a romantic encounter, a wrestling match, a massage or any other close physical contacts create sensations unique to the occurrence. The connections of the souls involved are recognized and seen for their true nature as they exist in our real home, in our natural mentscristina 17/03/2014 3:13pmThis is very interesting Patrick ! <3 I'll share from my very small experience in channeling (I call it like that even thou i'm not sure how much is channeling and how much is imagining - the recognition/separation is not clear for me yet)Erik, I recognize him because of the goosebumps :P He is unmistakable :P I think every now and then I pick words and images from Erik, but if i focus intensely on him, i lose the connection.Jesus i recognize him because of the explosion of joy in my heart and very sweet energy he has (i hope i'm not imaging it :P )And my guide, well... he is never merging with my field, I can see his black big eyes full of love, love streaming from his eyes and that love energy is like a river :) Then I don't feel so lonely on this earth anymore :) In a meditation session I did with a lady, the lady asked him "who are you" and he answered"the one that loves her (ME) the most" :)))))))))))))) Isn't that sweet? :)Lately I have the feeling my second guide is ready to make contact and the first guide is stepping back :) This one is more serious and knowledgeable.... interesting times huhlori 17/03/2014 9:36pmReally great questions! I am so curious about all aspects of the info, the mechanics, and the natural abilities necessary to communicate and receive response from spirit.Patrick 18/03/2014 10:42amNatural abilities would not be, were they necessary.Ahmed 18/03/2014 10:24amGreat questions and a good explanation. When I meditate or pray, I sometimes feel this swelling of energy, like a peaceful coolness (don't know how else to describe it), usually in my forehead and right thigh for some reason. Not sure if that's a spiritual thing I'm feeling or if I have a bad back haha.The skeptic in me has to ask though, have you ever received a piece of information that's so evidential, so accurate or specific that couldn't have possibly come from your own mind?Patrick 18/03/2014 10:41amConstantly.Bee 18/03/2014 12:46pmI recall someone saying "if you want proof of God's existence just ponder the phrase 'It occurred to me."lori 19/03/2014 11:57ambeautifulgarrett 18/03/2014 1:56pmSuch a detailed answer, Patrick. Thank you. It even unexpectedly helps to sort of categorize some stuff that happens to me (I get the goosebumps while thinking a lot with a little surge of a warm feeling in the upper body). Your post is a good starting point to try and sort out stuff that weird me out a bit; since I cannot mentally put it into a box, it's always been an experience I've had to disregard to a certain extent because I felt there was no one that would be able to relate or they'd think I was kooky or crazy or something.Patrick 19/03/2014 10:21amConcern about being considered a crazy kook has held back more development than all the King's horses and all the King's men. Kooky craziness has also been the source of nearly all human advancement. Einstein was a kook, and looked the part, too!lori 19/03/2014 12:01pmwould the committee be able to tell us what the first guys who accidentally created say, fire, thought when it first happened, and how long did it take them to recreate it on purpose? or any things like this actually...lori 18/03/2014 5:34pmI love this class!Patrick 19/03/2014 10:22amQuiz on Friday.cristina 18/03/2014 7:53pmI was wondering Patrick: how about you have individual, PAID sessions with your readers and their guides? Lets say 30 dollars for 30 minutes/person? Afterwards you give them the recording and they post if they want the session and their own comments?I bet the readers will have questions towards their guides :) And this can confirm for them if they are really channeling and how to recognize their own guides....Could be fun for a while :)centertopCentipede Horse19/03/2014Q:Esteemed Committee, we are so often told by all of you, and many other sources, that our imagination is not fiction, that thoughts create reality. Why can’t we just imagine a hybrid centipede horse and create it?C:You can.Q:Well, yes in the picture but…C:The picture does not exist?Q:Yes it does, but…C:Does the picture not exist again in identical form and appearance for every person loading this webpage?Q:Yes, but…C:The pictures do not exist??Q:Yes, but it’s not the same as in reality.C:Reality as you choose to define it; what you expect reality to be.Q:The picture isn't reality; it’s just an image.C:We implore you to describe the difference between reality and imagery.Q:Y’all are asking the questions and I’m giving the answers!C:Yes; now, go on.Q:The image in this case isn’t a real animal; it’s only a distortion and a representation. In the cases of a portrait, a photo like that can be matched to a real person and we can see the image as real.C:Thus you say, real is only this way when a physical object can be attributed to or matched to it?Q:Well, no not really. We don’t have pictures of magnetism just the effects.C:So if the effect is real, the cause can only be imaginary? We do wish to say, this word “imaginary” is an excellent example of human belief in only the subset of a more complete reality. Your environment abounds with examples of things unable to be captured in images. We suggest a look back at a time when images were difficult or impossible to create; did this inability erase reality? Consider cave dweller drawings of animals; did the crude, primitive depiction of the beast render it so? Your analysis of genetics, evolution and archaeology suggest many animals now existing were much the same across the time of recent human history when accurate images were not possible. Statuesque physical recreations in stone, oil paintings, drawings on more fragile media such a paper all began the process which has now lead to electronic re-creation and manipulation. Who can say stone busts appearing white from the marble used did not portray blue skin but for the inability to locate blue stone for the statue?Q:We’ve been told many times, if it is imagined it is real.C:Of course; inexistence of what exists is not possible; it is illogical. How can what exists not exist?Q:Well the picture exists but not the thing.C:The thing does not exist by your definition, desire and understanding; these are not the same as its existence. Expectation does not create substance; it is an interpretation of substance. Expand your range of substance and so will increase the potential of what fits.Q:So we can create a centipede horse by our thoughts?C:Yes, and you have created it; the photograph is not a creation?Q:In the physical, I mean.C:What is physical is a subset; creation and existence exist outside your subset, to an enormous, nearly infinite scale. A scale you cannot measure, define or see. You cannot feel most of it; this does not equal inexistence. Do you remember your dead relatives? All of you have them; their bodies and physical existence might no longer exist for you, yet the memory goes on; or do humans forget all living beings after they “die”? So you see, the people you remember exist very much; your memory is the proof. Can anyone convince the daughter of her deceased mother, the son of his dead father, that his or her memory of that parent does not exist?Q:So what’s the difference?C:Perception; you have drawn a veil around existence, chosen to limit perception to what is allowed to appear inside the veil. Humanity has chosen appearance as reality, as a principle belief. This is an individual choice. Does anyone choose the memories of another person?Q:Of course not.C:So how are memories created?Q:Experience.C:Yes, and if you choose your memories - you have them and they are not selected for you; yes to both? Certainly – then you choose the experience that creates them. You also choose to have the experience appear outside your control. This is easy because your choice to require a cloak which blocks your imagination from entering your existence, as it does naturally, allows this.Q:So we can, if we wish hard enough, create a centipede horse?C:Yes. You can create in your physicality anything you imagine.Q:I see your point; all new things required somebody to imagine it, a building, a spaceship, a house..C:….a conflict, a baby, a war, a meeting, an attack, a promise, a wish and a car. And so on.Q:How does imagination create existence?C:Imagination IS existence; manifestation is simply the place or dimension chosen.Q:So we can manifest in our dimensions anything we can imagine? Zombies? Ray guns that reach the moon? Hovering skateboards?C:Quadruple yes.Q:How? Scientifically, how?C:This occurs more easily than you “imagine”. Yes, we intended this pun. The manifestation in all ways, across all dimensions occurs with the arrangement of energy and the particles created from them. All particles in the universe exist in a sub dimension; there are many groupings of dimensions or levels and we suggest the word range to describe them. Each range allows and permits certain amounts and types of energy created particles. Pure energy is what you call God; it is the true and sole substance of existence, as you will once again experience. Your favorite song, then video of the song and then a live performance of the song by the same musicians in your favorite version, are a sample, an example of what is felt in your true energetic existence, as you encounter pure energy. You do not become the musicians yet you feel the emotion of the song, much the way the musicians themselves feel the creation. You dance, you sing and you ingest the music you like; this is your enjoyment of pure energy.This energy also allows creation of particles and ever more complex arrangements of them. We suggest a beautiful digital photograph, simply a series of 1s and 0s….no more unique than the same mass of 1sand 0s that comprise another photograph of something equally beautiful or horrific; a gorgeous sunset or a car bomb photographed as it detonates. Either one is simply a mass of numerals. Back away and what have we?In the dimensionality of Earth and many worlds, the ability to create then arrange the particles is limited by reduced access to the energy necessary. A delay is encountered; the illusion of time creates the perception of delay, and the waiting for manifestation creates experience. What a glorious gift you have. We admire your choice to present yourself with such circumstances; well done.Q:Take us though the steps, please.C:Look upon the photograph of a beautiful car; look upon the car itself, with your own eyes. This difference we need not describe; you understand. Consider the ability to look ever closer to the car, the surface scratches, the details, eventually the molecules, the atoms….repeat this looking inside the atoms. Once the particles that comprise the atom are seen, look inside those; and inside those and then inside again and again. Eventually you shall encounter the energy which creates the particle, just as the wind creates a vortice that is a tornado. Absent physical objects able to be seen, a tornado can be invisible. A dust devil is often only called this as it lifts dust and dirt from the ground, revealing its presence. The energy creates the substance, even if unseen. So is the process with the construction of your physical environment; the energy creates the smallest of building blocks, assembled to create ever larger blocks and eventually, the existence desired. It is but a matter of arrangement to make an ever greater number of differing materials, objects and substances.Just as you may disassemble what you create on Earth, so may this be done with everything able to be created. The essence and true nature behind the creation is permanent; this is you, for this is God.Q:Esteemed Committee, this loads my head like an overweight truck, thank you.C:You are welcome and until another time, all of you, be well we mentsKatherine 19/03/2014 12:54pmWhew! That's a lot to digest and will require multiple reads.Tom Kelso 22/03/2014 5:52pmPatrick. Thanks for the post. Your posts have much more value to your readers that you can imagine.Parveen 19/03/2014 6:02pmHi Patrick, would it be okay if you can do topicAbout mermaids!! :)Do they exist on earth.cristina 19/03/2014 6:37pmFascinating subject Patrick ! And I understand how difficult could be for committee to explain such things to us, because I have experience in trying to explain things to my friends, but they can not understand me and they keep point to the obvious facts that majority agrees on :) Is nerve wracking :)))))))))))))))))But back on imagining/creating: we are all aware how spirits can manifest things and enjoy them. Just because we are in the body, doesn't mean we can't manifest things, but we are under the veil, so we obey "veil manifestation rules" - I think can be easily explained with these"Q: So what’s the difference?C: Perception; you have drawn a veil around existence, chosen to limit perception to what is allowed to appear inside the veil. Humanity has chosen appearance as reality, as a principle belief.""This is easy because your choice to require a cloak which blocks your imagination from entering your existence, as it does naturally, allows this."So (my understanding ) : what we imagine we create, but is not created on this plane, 3D as automatically as in spirit world simply because we decided to do things like this and have the delay between the imagining and manifestation:"In the dimensionality of Earth and many worlds, the ability to create then arrange the particles is limited by reduced access to the energy necessary. A delay is encountered; the illusion of time creates the perception of delay, and the waiting for manifestation creates experience. "" Imagination IS existence; manifestation is simply the place or dimension chosen"I remember Bashar talking about the same delay in manifesting and dolores cannon talking about "when you decide:shall i do this or that, you create alternative realities"-but you are simply not aware you create them so you think they don't exist because you done perceive themAnd now my BIG question: was Jesus manifesting wine and bread? How he did that? Simply because of strong belief? "He replied, "Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.""This is fascinating Patrick ! <3 Thank you !Renie 19/03/2014 8:22pmHmmm...this requires some serious pondering...this manifestation question. Even though most of us have unconsciously manifested every moment of our lives, why does it feel so impossible to intentionally manifest something physical?lori 19/03/2014 much weight is today's class going to have on our final grade?Veronica 20/03/2014 7:50amThis is one to read many times over! thank you Patrick and Committee.AD 20/03/2014 1:09pmgolly, this reminds me so much of the law of attraction + "destiny of souls". my brain is exploding now.Hazra 21/03/2014 10:58amSo this is the physics of how our imagination or virtual reality creates our own physical reality. NIce to know! All the more reason to deliberately focus on what IS wanted.I really, really enjoy how The Committee takes my understanding of how this all works to the next level. Thank you.Eva Masini 21/03/2014 3:14pmMe thinks The Committee is fencing with you, Patrick! Why would they take this opaque stance when you implored them to explain this imagination game further? To us humans it's just as simple as stating that imagery is not the real physical thing. It is somewhat frustrating to me and it begs the question: do they really want to answer this by asking you? Unless this is such a deeply imbedded lesson that I fail to "get it", ever. I still enjoyed their banter with you nonethelesscristina 21/03/2014 3:44pmMy feeling is that committee is trying very very hard to explain some concepts that seem to have no foundation/basis in our world.Imagine explaining about a plane to a tribe in the jungle, a tribe that never heard about planes or cities.... your explanation will be "plane is a big iron bird that eats people in one place and vomits them in another place and people are willingly doing that" :P Because you can only build/explain a concept based on existing concepts/explanations and for them to understand it, they need either to visit a city or to start learning physics, engineering etc and to build one themselves....What committee explained matches very well to other explanations from different sources :) I truly love them because they are able to answer with high accuracy, but this creates for many readers too complex ideas that are hard to follow.... I don't say for me is easy, but i love mind bending exercises :)))))))))))))))))))Denis 21/03/2014 6:42pmWhat I understand from this post after reading it quite a few times is: to experience physicality requires a reduced access to the energy that creates what we can imagine in other dimensions. We are not here (3D) to create but to experience and learn in a limited environment and raise this body to a higher vibration in the near future.“The essence and true nature behind the creation is permanent; this is you, for this is God.”What a great insight. A wonderful post, Patrick and CommitteeRandi 23/03/2014 1:03amWhen I saw the pic of the centipede horse I laughed so hard.I could be wrong for this comparison, but this post reminds me of Sylvia Browne's book, "Secrets and Mysteries of the World." In her book, Sylvia talked about tulpas which are entities "created by an act of imagination, rather like the fictional characters of the novelist, except that tulpas are not written down."Examples of tulpas in her book were the Loch Ness Monster, Sasquatch (Nessie & Big Foot has been discussed on CE) and The Leviathan; it freaked me out...cristina 23/03/2014 1:22pmI was still chewing on committee's words and watching the rain when it hit me: Rainbow - it does exists because we see it, but is actually some sort of illusion created by sun and rain :) But still, nobody will look at the rainbow and claim is an illusion or that it doesn't exists, but will enjoy it and show to others...Btw, did you know this "All rainbows are full circles, however, the average observer only sees approximately the upper half of the arc, the illuminated droplets above the horizon from the observer's line of sight"Now, the committee explained what is real, but we don't admit/realize it because of our own definition/perception of "real". But we see that our own definition/perception of real includes optical phenomenons/illusions ....What is rainbow? Reflected/refracted light. What is thought? Thought is energy. What is matter? Matter is energy as well....Going further, our perception of real is based on the 5 senses and on the approval of majority... like a mass hypnosis :))))))))))))))And now I remember a physics discussion where the talk was about wavelengths and that we perceive colors simply because of different wavelengths that energy has.... probably there are no colors but just energy, frequency and vibrations like Tesla said :PCrazy huh? :)))))))))))))))))))Patrick 23/03/2014 1:57pmOnly if crazy is right.centertopMH37023/03/2014?00Many a reader has inquired and I both briefly replied to a comment under the post "Saint Peter" and also answered a few questions separately, by e-mail. Because of the somewhat intense media coverage – essentially, media speculation until humanly "acceptable" hard evidence is encountered – I post again what The Committee offered, and their messages about human reaction, in general.I have gotten the following: There was a sinister component to this event. A device was brought through security in disguised pieces, then assembled out of sight. The device was inserted in the carry-on baggage of an unsuspecting passenger. The perpetrators were not aboard the flight. Investigation into likely suspects - such as passengers checking in but not boarding - has grown cold.There was an explosion and rapid, abrupt decompression of the passenger cabin at high, cruising altitude. A cascading series of mechanical failures occurred and the cockpit desperately attempted to manage them. The passengers were overcome by low oxygen then frigid temperatures. These effects soon took their toll on the cockpit. The pilots turned to attempt to ditch closer to land, attempting to descend into warmer, more oxygen rich air. This descent was not done as rapidly as normally possible because the breached fuselage affected perceived airworthiness in addition to the series of mechanical system failures. These also caused communication systems to go silent. The aircraft remained aloft at a lower altitude and slower airspeed and eventually went down. It will be found in deep water – I am getting four figures in feet – in the Indian Ocean south of the Bay of Bengal. Most of the damage and cause will be obscured in the wreckage; there are, unfortunately, no survivors.I ask The Committee to speak to us in general, with their observations."Greetings we offer on this sad occasion yet do wish to assure you, that all who perished are well and home. The great majority departed more easily than is understood; the loss of physical consciousness in the body, by lowered oxygen, is what affected the great many aboard. At this point their souls departed, long before physical injury was possible.The worry and speculation are an example of your sensations of environment that mirror your true home, and the great longing for understanding are your soul reminding you, who you are and what your ability truly is.You may all know what happened just as we are now looking into the events; the device was taken into the passenger hold as the carry bag was seen as too heavy for lifting into an overhead compartment, eventhough it fit the otherwise acceptable dimensions. There was an aggravation of damage by the contents of the cargo compartment directly affected by the first event. The examination of the wreckage will be difficult and not reveal this clearly. The entry into ocean water and permanence of stay will obscure signs of events.We beg a brief look upon rates of accidents involving automobiles and resulting deaths; by comparison to aircraft, there are the many more, of little concern by their occurrence in single and small amounts spread over a large area, over time. The acceptance is nearly unique and the causes of the mishaps clear in many cases, deemed within and under the control of the motorists.The physical journey you undertake in a body brings a great sense of claustrophobia in the many of you; the inability to control a hostile environment lifts the sensation of horror when it occurs simultaneously to several or many dozens of you.The desire to know impressed upon the habit of physical evidence gives rise to the scrutiny, speculation and theorizing now underway. This is a symptom of your true selves, of your desire to know and understand as your natural existence provides you.The very few in general will accept - yet we offer the many of you reading these words shall understand more completely, more comprehensively - the desire to know can include sources not connected to commonly accepted and required physical evidence.There was agreement of all involved, who perished in this event, that we wish you to know and no condemnation of the pilots should there be; these were good men overwhelmed by circumstances and challenges of a crucial moment.Be well, we wish all."Commentscristina 23/03/2014 3:28pmLove this part "no condemnation of the pilots should there be; these were good men overwhelmed by circumstances and challenges of a crucial moment. " <3 I think the same :)santanu 24/03/2014 2:24amI also felt that the pilots did their best under the circumstances. They are being unnecessarily suspected and their near and dear ones feel added sadness due to this reason.The current investigation findings also appear to support the above message by the committee. That the plane flew at a lower altitude has been confirmed in today's news.While it is clear from the words of the committee that it was a deliberate attack which brought down the plane, can we have an idea on why they would try to bring down a china bound plane? Although there have been some recent terrorist activities within China, normally China is not a target of international terrorism. So what was the motivation for exploding a bomb in this case and what could possibly be the motive? So far nobody has claimed responsibility, which is unusual for terrorists because they like to advertise their vengeance. In that case, was the bomb exploded with any specific objective in mind?Patrick 24/03/2014 9:23amRevenge. The Committee told me the perpetrators came out of Indonesia and have been angry with Malaysia for some time.Mike 24/03/2014 3:39amPatrick, what are we to learn from this experience as onlookers of these tragic events.Patrick 24/03/2014 9:28amExcellent question, which I pass to The Committee."You who watch should compare what is determined, what remains unable to be concluded from physical symptoms and what was said, what is being offered now. In this you will understand."Mike 24/03/2014 10:57amWould the Committee care to elaborate a little. My spiritual eyesight is a little off focus and my human eyes are only slightly better to see the message in all this.Patrick 25/03/2014 11:39am@Mike - I don't believe there is a great message for humanity in the event itself, rather the reaction and reporting is the basis of the message we benefit from understanding.Mary 24/03/2014 4:16pmChanneling Erik: Erik mention that there was a problem with some kind of chip on the plane, I guess in the cockpit? Maybe the chip got fried. But nothing about what the committee has stated.Thank You for the information.I hope the find it, so the families can some answers.santanu 24/03/2014 9:18pmSimply a problem with a chip cannot escalate the matter to such an extent. When Partick first published the message on MH370 from the Committee on 12th March, nobody was talking on these lines in the media. Later some people tried to indicate pilot involvement by saying that his last words came after the transponders were switched off. This was later disproved. On 12th March, Committee mentioned that the pilots took the plane to a low altitude to escape the effects of low oxygen, cold and depressurization. Much later, the issue of taking the plane to a low altitude was being discussed, but it was said that pilot had done so to evade radar. Only in the last 2-3 days, the possibility of rapid depressurization and pilots' consequent attempt to take plane lower has been discussed in the media. Unless a catastrophic even took place which partially disabled the plane, there would have been some kind of communication with the ground. Surely the pilots survived the incident for a while but later died. Otherwise the plane would not have flew for 5 hours after they turned. The "zombie plane" theory gained ground much later than 12th March. Almost all of what the Committee had mentioned has become the prevailing theory and is being considered by many experts as the most likely event. Only the issue of terrorism is not being confirmed by anyone and as the committee says, it might never be.Anne 24/03/2014 4:18pmWelcome back Patrick,glad to see you cover this important subject for us all. Love to all ...Steve 25/03/2014 5:47pmthanks Patrick,Their souls departed prior to physical injury being possible... excellent !centertopTravel & Outer Space29/03/2014?00Q:More questions then, now about location. If we can create things with thought energy, we can find these things? Locate them, the same way.C:The location of something is its code or frequency signature or pattern; there are many words that can be used to describe the footprint, the image or the mark of something. It is the alignment with the resonant frequency of the thing that locates it. To locate is also to travel to the place of the thing.Q:You mean like sound? Resonant frequency of sounds, that each thing has?C:Yes, precisely. Each separate object on Earth has a sound frequency its structure creates and reflects. The Earth perception of this is energy of what you call sounds; the energy waves that travel through air. Briefly we review what is well known on Earth; human hearing perception detects a range of frequencies below what many animals can hear, and as the frequencies reach the lower end of the scale, humans can feel them.These resonant frequencies are not only receptive they are also transmitive; they broadcast the signature of the object and this includes its location.Travel through space involves this matching of frequencies; this is easily demonstrated on Earth. An object when struck will be drawn to a similar object because the sound frequencies match. If the struck object is held in place, the similar one will be drawn towards the one struck.Absent the physical limitations an Earth environment presents, such as traction, gravity, air resistance and so forth, the similar objects will move towards one another easily and what seems almost effortlessly.Your planet is reached from many parsecs of your distance units in a matter of only an hour or so of your time; by this method.Q:The traveler space vessel coming to Earth locates Earth how?C:We suggest your astronomy of visual and radio telescopes; this allows examination through the frequencies these devices detect. Expand the detection and also the ability to analyze the information observed; this exists not yet on Earth. It comes in time, in some time as little purpose would it serve, currently.As a location is detected – the way on Earth its visual footprint would be detected – it can then be analyzed. We take as an example the stars well known to anyone looking to the cloudless night sky. The speed of light seen as the limitation of the universe, places the travel time to the star seen in light years; that so many Earth revolutions around the sun would occur as the light travels from the source to Earth to be seen. The light travels much faster; not years of your Earth time are taken but minutes to hours for the entirety of your galaxy. The portion Earth inhabitants perceive and know how to detect bleeds off and is seen to be limited to three hundred thousand kilometers or one hundred eighty six thousand miles per second. This is the stray portion of the electromagnetic energy which wanders into the the spectrum human detection and perception capture.Earth transmits, by its existence, a similar outward energy, unique to Earth. Principally this mark indicates where and what; it is but a matter of attuning to the information and creating a like resonance, in the higher vibration dimensions. This draws the vessel and Earth closer.Q:You have told us earlier that this occurs along circles, the outer edges of spheres. How?C:Observe the ever expanding ripples traveling out across a calm lake surface after a stone has been thrown in; travel occurs along these edges. Across space, these are not circles but spheres. As there occurs an intersection, it is possible and simple to switch or transfer to another sphere. Much as a connection or junction of roads or rail lines are encountered.Q:So how does the vessel reach Earth specifically?C:The solar system of Earth, the groups of stars near Earth, the area of the galaxy all transmit these location prints, all easily mapped and pursued. As the travel along the larger spheres intersects with the sphere of the next step, if you will, the space vessel switches tracks and continues. Eventually it arrives close to the mapped destination. The frequency detection and matching are dialed back, reduced and the rate of travel slows also.Q:Sounds like Star Trek and warp drive.C:This programme of television made reference to this very process. As each sphere is traversed, time and spatial relationships can become warped or bent in relation to the absence of the spherical information.Q:So how are these vessels propelled?C:The generation of matching frequencies is done with a version of nuclear energy, as you know it. We say a version, because primitive Earth knowledge of atomic properties only knows of massive fusion or fission; the ability to separate just a few molecules and split them, controlling the sub, and sub and sub atomic particles released, allows use of this energy without the risks human use does not recognize, not yet.Q:This power does what?C:It is easily converted to electrical energy and thus generation of matched frequencies of all intermediate and final destinations is achieved.Q:How does a vessel move through Earth’s atmosphere, once here?C:This is done through magnetism; a similar charge is generated and this repels the vessel, thus holding it in place or moving it.Q:How fast can a vessel move through Earth’s atmosphere?C:The hull materials will resist velocities up to approximately twenty thousand kilometers or twelve thousand miles per hour, at the density of the surface air, at the level of the seas. This is approximately five times the muzzle velocity of the highest speed rifle slug now used.Q:These vessels always go slower, though.C:Yes, they never require these velocities although they have been used to escape detection and threats, such as human combat aircraft and other launched projectiles. The approach to these velocities makes it difficult for the human eye to even see the vessel.Q:We’ve heard of the vessels being attacked and then the aircraft is disabled. Is this true?C:Yes, the subject visitor vessel can emit a strong magnetic field, similar to the one used for atmospheric or local propulsion, in the vicinity of a planetary magnetic field. This localized magnetism disables the aircraft, often permanently. The pilot must eject and the aircraft is magnetically pushed to fall in a place where no harm or damage will occur.Q:Do visitor vessels orbit Earth?C:Yes, this is possible but not common; it is easier to remain stationary or move around at will. The maintenance of orbit requires course deviations to maintain and also deviations around and away from human satellites. The following of an ellipse around Earth versus stationary positioning is like walking versus sitting. Observation is easier from a sitting position.Q:Can we locate almost anything we want on Earth, this way?C:Yes, you often can. The manner in which some people, as you might call psychics or mediums do it, attunes to the same energy pattern. Rare is the need to supply the human with the information; it is simply detected. All humans have this talent, this ability, to a certain level and can enhance it, if they believe it possible. To travel to the location, in human energy density, is not possible. The use of a ceramic vessel – the materials used for interstellar flight contains much of what you call ceramics and other silicone and carbon based compounds Earth knows not yet – is necessary, possibly a metallic one, yet the metals present themselves certain resonant and magnetic challenges which complicate the process at lower relative velocities.Q:Can our extraterrestrial visitors manifest things the way you described in the previous entry?C:Yes, somewhat more than humans and somewhat more quickly but there are limits there also. Your extraterrestrial cousins also journey through life in a path of understanding and enlightenment a dense existence provides.Q:Committee, thank you.C:Our pleasure, do re-visit. Good mentscristina 30/03/2014 6:18amSooo interesting this bit "These resonant frequencies are not only receptive they are also transmitive; they broadcast the signature of the object and this includes its location." --- it reminded me of "Star Wars" movie of tv show "Friends" --- the last one is fun :PSara30/03/2014 11:12pmVery interesting, I wonder where these extra terrestrials live an wha planet?And I wondering about black holes? What is really in the black hole?Denis01/04/2014 9:14amI listen to a song and recall a place, a feeling, a sensation, a smell, so I unknowingly put a signature frequency of the location in the sound at that time, Now I can experience the place again.Fascinating information thanks, Patrick and Committee.centertopJesus of Nazareth or Galilee02/04/2014Jesus returns for a visit and chat.Q:Our good friend, Yeshua (I'll spell it "Yéshua" to emphasize the first syllable; does anybody not know this? Oh well, redundance for those who did) ….as you know, the last session we had with you was popular.JC:Yes certainly, it was. Tea I was ready to make.?00Q:Or you were going to read the tea leaves for us?JC:Yes, that, too….Lipton, Tetley, Luzianne…Q:For those not fortunate enough to have seen it, there is a popular brand from Louisiana called Luzianne, aimed at the iced tea consumer. So Jesus is a frequent visitor to the southern USA?JC:Yes, of course. All parts of the USA and of the world.Q:There is no shortage of humans who reject the message offered in your name.JC:As they should, based on valid belief. This demonstrates what I often said on Earth and see not enough; if you cannot disagree, then what is agreement? What is orderly in the absence of disarray and confusion? What is cleanliness absent filth?Q:To what do you attribute the apparent vigor of rejection or forced acceptance of any set of ideas or beliefs? Not just regarding faith in a supreme holiness, but any set of beliefs?JC:Safety and security are seen in them, the beliefs; adherence to doctrine provides support, inside the limits of Earth existence. Calamity from the environment and strife from humanity have been seen as the threats to be controlled, because examples of success attract anyone weary or afraid. What works there should work here? Will you ever know if you do not try?Q:Should we always attempt the solution that worked for someone else?JC:Not unless you feel you should; if the idea of the attempt is unpleasant, you are telling yourself something you understand in a greater way. There is a lesson to be learned.Q:Is human life always a set of contrasts? In other words, without them, would the course of life lose its purpose, flavor and meaning?JC:Yes and no; contrasts there will always be. You design them into place; the excitement you sense as you plan your encounters, your appointments is a wonderful thing to behold, as it is observed. The greatest excitement for all of you, as there was for me, is to anticipate your reaction and response, which you can never plan. You will feel what you shall feel, when the moment arrives, and react. What you all learn is so great; the move to the next appointment lifts the excitement. Have you ever wondered why there seem to be a series of unusual dreams occurring close to each other? This is your planning stage nearing implementation, and you allow yourself glimpses into the excitement and sensations, by staging an analogous, similar, parallel yet fictitious event, fictitious as it relates to what your appointment with life contains. What the plan for the day includes.Q:The appointments of life, what happens to them if the previous one takes too much time?JC:There is only time on Earth; it is no matter and no challenge to adjust events and have the appointment come due; as all scheduled agree. The setting of the co-incidence, which is not a coincidence, is the same as the adjustment. There is no greater difficulty or tougher task doing the one or the other. You are pleased and happy to do so, as you sleep and confer with all involved, and all the Guardians and Guides, for great benefit comes to you all.Q:The benefits to disaster, loss, strife and strain are so hard to see.JC:The reason they offer much; if there were no challenges, what would you learn? Humanity is loaded with examples of souls, brave volunteers, who journey through a life on Earth benefitting from advantage, wealth and privilege and using these to always seek pleasure, satisfaction and enjoyment in all things, all the time. How many of these cases end in a crash? Does not the observance of the crash teach a great lesson? There are also examples of these privileges of wealth and position that possessors set aside and largely ignore. Do you all generally observe happiness in the seeker of constant enjoyment or the avoider of constant surroundings of what is deemed pleasure?Q:Great point.JC:Do you bathe better with marble tubs and golden faucets, with purified water and rare, expensive soap? Does this make any of you more clean, satisfied and content? Will a shower in simple porcelain tile, with common, inexpensive soap, plain metal pipes and water straight from the ground leave you equally well washed? This simple example, with little consequence, for the ability to bathe in a sumptuous way is good for those who want it, who are able to do it, they are to be congratulated for this if they have gotten it by desire and intent, this simple example, is it a representation of other behaviors?Q:Yes, in many cases.JC:Certainly, humanity has never seen an absence of luxury and expense for the few who desire it and if this is felt to be needed, then it should be had. Does it produce contentment and happiness? In the some, it does and in others, it is soon seen as effort unfulfilling. You see the contrast emerge?Q:Do we all plan for encountering, manufacturing and experiencing contrasts?JC:Yes, always. Exciting these always are, aren’t they?Q:And unpleasant.JC:Yes, and the unpleasantness ended brings not relief? Is this not a good sensation?Q:Tell us about Heaven; what about contrasts where the limits of Earth don’t apply?JC:Contrasts of other types reign strong.Q:Please, can you describe an example?JC:I will provide several; the first links to a life ended before schedule, with business unfinished. Sometimes a life is ended intentionally by the departee, the soul returning from the dense existence. Suicide. There remain many appointments that will not be attended, and the interlinked and often, interlocked purposes of them remain. The departed soul encounters immense contrast attempting to arrange these appointments differently. The honor and challenge of a chosen Guardian, a volunteer for this enormous honor, can often encounter great difficulty with the soul plan the Guardian has agreed to help follow; the traveler as I like to say, the traveler to Earth either learns to resist or simply is not tuned to the frequencies the messages employ. The departed soul must work with and through the Guardians of all the soul travelers on Earth to attempt maintenance and success of the lesson events. Just imagine this task. To the victim of accident or foul play, likewise returning and departing before schedule, this burden is often tougher.Q:Why tougher?JC:The Earth travelers involved in the accident, the bad behavior, foul play or what is deemed a crime, remain in many cases and muddy the waters. It becomes incumbent upon these departed souls to not only see the boat rowed but the water cleared before the craft. Great, great contrasts are there, in these things. This is one example; I offer another.The transparency of thought, of ideas and understanding do not homogenize Heaven the way humanity might expect; on Earth how simple would interaction become if true motives were obvious in all encounters, yes? With transparency in all thoughts comes also the ability of manifestation of all things; just imagine the contrasts these manifestation create. Humanity knows of power to trump thus control. This exists not in Heaven; all things created remain solid and permanent until dissolved and no group holds power, sway or control. Consider the obstacles any and all manifestations can become, where the one disagrees; these can seem insurmountable. On Earth, it is automatic to see a greater force able to take over anything. The strongest, most solid mountain is vulnerable to the earthquake; the deepest pit can be reached and ruined by water; the hardest structure damaged by explosions, the entire Earth civilization erased by weapons humanity now possesses. This understanding of a physical force beyond individual ability or collective resistance is understood intrinsically. This constraint of Earth exists not, in Heaven. Absence of such constraint makes for great contrast and experience where acceptance is the greater force, not destruction. Where destruction cannot occur involuntarily, the differences offered shall re-amaze all of you.A third example of contrast in Heaven, that Earth holds not, is presence. Presence can be had by all souls and all beings, anywhere. God is not limited; access is instant and universal and unlimited. No time equals no under or overstay. All of you are welcomed anywhere you choose to be; there are no doors to close, no hatches to seal and no separations to erect. The notion of hidden does not exist. In this environment, the slightest nuance is magnified and the differences of nuance starkly emphasized. Your individuality flourishes and nearly overwhelms all things that surround you, as does the individuality of all souls. These contrasts cannot exist on Earth. These can all be more tough and challenging in Heaven, depending on your acceptance or rejection. You cannot flee or make disappear any thing.Q:Do souls ever seek a dense body existence on Earth or any other civilization, what we'd call extraterrestrial or alien, as a respite, escape or refuge from Heaven?JC:No, never. The opportunities for a life on a planet of density are limited to many fewer than souls available; the honor and privilege is of the highest order, to do this. There is no sense of escape from Heaven, for you all travel willingly to your Earth existence, knowing and understanding you shall return home in what will seem to you to have been only a few moments as you gain experiences of a lifetime.Q:If the chances are limited to many less than souls to take them, what’s the procedure to choose?JC:Gift. The souls who love you, who adore you and accompany you always, give to you the opportunity. You, in turn, give the opportunity to a soul you choose to be a Guide or Guardian for you, another honor of the highest order in Heaven, as a demonstration of gratitude and appreciation for the opportunity to be upon Earth, given to you.Q:What happens if a soul is given the chance at a life and does not want it?JC:An equally great gift, because this soul now has an opportunity to pass along the chance, to give a great gift to another. It matters not who accepts; the eventual receipt, the assumption of the life the journey provides returns a joy, satisfaction and contentment to the giver, who passed along the opportunity, such that no words or emotions of Earth properly describe it.Q:Why so valued?JC:The physical limits of Earth, to sustain life, are a curiosity you never tire from observing, studying and learning. The size of a body relative to the planet, the lungs and all the air for breathing, water for drinking and all other processes of humanity, have limits related to the planet, in the dimensions you choose to occupy for your journey. Were gold as common as aluminum, would it be gold anymore? Heaven is all gold, all jewels and all riches, all the time. Earth is a limited selection with choice and consequence, how exciting this is.Q:There must be a procedure; how can twenty, fifty or one hundred souls be considered for one opportunity among them?JC:The deservance of gratitude is what decides; the most grateful of souls, who return the humblest, deepest of appreciation to the gift givers is the one who most often goes.Q:We see on Earth so many wasted lives, wasted efforts and disasters that can be avoided. How can the tragedies of life be rewarding? Just yesterday we had another mass killing in Texas.JC:I will ask you, in the humblest and most respectful way, with only love for you; who among you shall decide what is wasted and what is of value? I will mention again, a song sung in my honor during the masses celebrated in the days of my birth on Earth, where I am named a king of Angels. This is Earth; is it not? There is no king, no judge and no power over you but you. You alone are the assessor of value of your life and I will say to all who doubt the value of a life’s decisions, there are none without value, greatness and honor. Not a one. All of you, independent of human assessments of worth, have value and love of equally high standing and rank. None are better, none are worse, Your human views discarded like a robe dropped to the floor, you shall stand naked, exposed and loved before yourself and all who love you. In this moment you shall understand, that no matter what you have done or not done, you gain a value of understanding that has no measurement or comparison. None of you shall ever berate another for anything done on Earth – not a thing, not one thing – and all shall be welcomed back into the kingdom of God, where you shall all reign supreme upon your own throne, as a king and queen equal to any other.Q:Wow. Jesus, what ideas!JC:These are yours; not only mine. I simply repeat what is already a part of you.Q:I hope the readership enjoys your visit.JC:I hope so also, and bid you a fair adieu until next time.(He opens his arms to hug humanity and I see a huge Earth embraced by him.)CommentsAD 03/04/2014 11:58am"there are none without value, greatness and honor." a beautiful and timely reminder for us all. the convicted killer sitting in jail, the homeless drug addict, the lying politician with all his riches....they're no less valued than you or me. thank you, thank you.Sarah 03/04/2014 1:55pmGreat visit, thank you!sharon 03/04/2014 5:27pmWow! So much to to read through this one again! Thank you for this informative post!!!Renie 03/04/2014 9:16pmOh, thank you Yeshua (and Patrick for bringing this incredible interview to us!) It is difficult to grasp the magnitude of the importance of our lives when one mostly feels so small and inconsequential.I certainly will reconsider my own pervasive feeling that "the grass is greener" everywhere else, except where I am standing. Every moment in my life will prove to be a precious gift beyond compare no matter how I've judged it!Cristina 04/04/2014 4:53amThis gave me goosebumps "He opens his arms to hug humanity and I see a huge Earth embraced by him" <3Very useful lessons JC <3cristina 04/04/2014 4:57amPatrick, I realized few days ago: you are a teacher for teachers ;) Great work ! <3Patrick 04/04/2014 10:24amI'd say, more like the microphone and loudspeaker or pen & paper.Veronica 04/04/2014 6:14amThank you Patrick for the great questions and thank you Jesus for the wonderful answers. This post has inspired a sense of deep gratitude for the gift of being on earth. Thank youKayra Sun 04/04/2014 4:51pmWow! I am so moved by this. From my heart and soul to yours, J, Patrick, thank you.Mike Thomson 05/04/2014 8:56amWhat an inspiring fellow Jesus is. This post really cheered me up.Hazra 06/04/2014 8:41pmThis post reads like the CWG books. Very inspiring.Thank you!centertopAnti-gravity, Magnetism and Propulsion04/04/2014I ask The Committee to explain these forces, effects and also devices we might expect to see, used by our visitors and possibly shown & explained to us? One can only hope....Q:We’ve covered this subject before, I remember, but not all the details. (Why and how could I? I’m no biological tape recorder or camera…) Please, may we start with propulsion. How does it work in an extraterrestrial’s ship compared to what we use on Earth??00C:On Earth, as all of you know well, you release energy thermally and combustion – rapid oxygenation or burning – is the most common method. Absent air and its oxygen, this method doesn’t work yet its operation is similar to other, fuel-free methods, although we hesitate to use this term, “fuel” and supply, as it implies limitation in Earth understanding. There is no limit, in fact or deed, but Earth science limitations create this impression.Q:Not what I expected to hear, so before we do propulsion, what about fuel?C:Anything combusted creates a residual product, which can be returned to its original condition and state. Once possessing of the ability, you shall not, for it is inefficient.Q:We could turn the ashes and smoke back into the firewood? The exhaust from a vehicle back into gasoline or even, crude oil?C:Of course, but why? We suggest the absence of time creates the ability, as you could simply return to a place – what is called a point in time – before the wood was burned. Likewise, the chemical process could be reversed. This requires understanding of and ability to manipulate atoms at the sub-atomic level, one significant step below nuclear fusion or fission, as currently understood. You have knowledge of atom rupture, joining and use of the great heat produced; once the capability of manipulating the protons, electrons and neutrons is available, and chemical process can be reversed. Likewise, any substance can be created and thus, scarcity vanishes. As do need with desire.Q:Do many extraterrestrials have this ability?C:No, although we shall offer it is understood and accepted if not able to be done. Just as you would accept God’s existence and presence without being a God yourself, so you see.Q:OK, back to propulsion; we burn fuel in a jet engine to make the aircraft go forward, either by force of expansion of the combustion of fuel or, before that, a turning a propeller to pull the craft through the air, the burning and heat used to move pistons.C:The temperature differential is what does it, as you all know well. Hotter gas expands rapidly and pushes against cooler, this pushes the plane forward. This supra-atomic process mirrors the subatomic process achieving the same thing.Q:Please explain!C:The forces of gravity and magnetism are the same force at the same level, well within or below your dimensions of existence. We shall briefly explain gravity then magnetism so you see the difference born from the same source.The relative densities of materials – gases, liquids and solids – concentrate both the molecules and the inner forces of them. Thus a solid will “fall” through air faster than it will “sink” through a liquid until reaching a solid material which impedes closer attraction; dropping a stone from a building to the ground or into a pool. The lighter and smaller object is pulled by the larger one because the inter-connections create ever larger forces inside the atoms, and this holds objects together. Certain atomic structures allow less fixed connections, and these are called liquids or gases, those that assume the form or shape of the surrounding solid or fill it. The sub, sub, sub and sometimes sub-atomic particles and forces controlling them, are gravity. The relative complexity or simplicity or the arrangement of the atoms is what makes a stronger or lesser pull or force that draws a smaller object towards the larger.Q:OK, so far so good, please continue.C:The clue to propulsion, gravity and a device which uses gravity to oppose itself and create propulsion the way heat does, is found in magnetism and electricity, the manifestation of magnetism through materials at the supra-atomic level.Q:That was a brainful!?C:The opposite poles of a magnet attract; similar repel. No air, water or solid need there be, and none interferes unless the material is similar to the source of magnetism, of similar supra-atomic conductivity. These shield from magnetism and effects, as you know well; lead is a good example. Its relative density serves this function. Lead is also capable of receiving stray or liberated protons and neutrons and absorbing them. These two effects are the same.Just as rapid heat differential – the effect of burning – creates force and does work, so shall the rapid differential of subatomic particle shifts, the same as supra-atomic rearrangements, what is called chemistry.Q:How is this done? We all get the burning part, steam engine, internal combustion engine, turbine, yada, yada…but INSIDE the atoms?C:If the atom is viewed as the limit of existence and the smallest possible piece or part of material, then anti-gravity devices shall not work or exist. They do, because the atom is an intermediate step and we say, a higher level, complex step far up the structure and chain of physical existence.Polarity is rotation of the subatomic particle, where enough rotate in the same direction creates a positive or negative charge. There is no such thing as positive charge or negative charge, more correctly you call them opposing charges; we suggest a two way road. Which direction is right or wrong? It depends on the destination. The indication of charge polarity simply keeps everything flowing in a congruent manner, it eliminates opposition. If alternating current generators around Earth were all stopped and then run in the opposite direction, there would be no difference and all devices would operate; all polarity would be reversed but as long as there is coordination and consistence, current flows.Q:So propulsion is polarity?C:Yes, opposite polarity of gravity. The size and density of Earth create a fixed mass and the magnetized materials of it also determine the potential gravitational effect; an object smaller drawn by the larger will only receive the exact energy necessary; this is exactly how electricity behaves, where a resistance in a circuit will only have the proportion of voltage dropped across that resistor as its resistance bears proportion to total circuit resistance. You electricians know this well; the supra-atomic effect operates at the subatomic level, equally.Gravity acts upon an object where an opposite charge exists; just as magnets of opposing charges attract. Create a similar or matching charge and there is repulsion.Q:How does this affect magnetism?C:Magnetism and gravity are the same force, and magnetism grabs and propels the electrons from atom to atom. Electricity you call this. It pushes the electrons at the supra-atomic level, above the inside of the atoms, above the orbit the electron would otherwise establish. Gravity is this same force acting upon the insides or the guts of the atom, acting upon the insides of the insides and the insides of those insides. This force rises and descends through the levels, much as an elevator through a building. Thus, force from without affects within, just as within affects what is outside. This is how anti-gravity devices operate and is how your Great Pyramids of Egypt, and many other ancient structures, were erected.Q:How do extraterrestrial visitor ships use this to propel themselves?C:High voltage versus low; to lift slowly that which is heavy requires sufficient size of charge then slow and gradual change, a steady, carefully measured increase. To propel an object very fast is simply a quicker application of electromotive force, or voltage as you have named it, external to the atom. This operates inside the atom.The fixed object produces a steady field; it is not complicated to measure the steady energy and adjust against it to create as rapid a movement as needed. Gaseous surroundings are also easily displaced by this method, eliminating air resistance, drag and any effect. A permanent, small vacuum surrounds the vessel and it moves easily at any velocity it chooses. It generates a similar gravitational charge of like polarity, through magnetism, that its mass requires to be repelled.Q:These technologies could be used to create hovering skateboards? Military jets? Other weapons?C:Yes, and you will not be allowed to develop what you do not control to your benefit. You would never give power tools, sharp knives, guns or chemicals to children.Q:I am getting that you are thinking of Russia and Ukraine about now.C:How long will force and death not be involved in this process? The threat of force is what enables domination and eventually, it must be used to maintain the effect, either by demonstration without destruction and death or sometimes, use for these effects. Possession of this ability by all sides deters; this is the universe. Where differences of force are applied, there is great movement, propulsion.Q:If every entity, sovereign nation, military force or command or what-have-you were equally capable, would threat of violence fade away quickly?C:Yes, however not as quickly as you might imagine. How many children would be poisoned, killed, injured and maimed before the children would learn, collectively? We wish not to speak down to humanity as if you were children for you are not; you are us, on a grand journey. Your travels unplug you somewhat, from your existence and knowledge and place you on a course with great, invaluable destinations. How many of you would stand back from use of the new ability to kill deposited suddenly, abruptly in your possession? How many would employ the ability, to some Earthly gain and at what cost? When you learn to earn and pay for that you choose to buy, you shall go shopping.Q:Does the ability to create magnetic, gravitation sourced propulsion come to Earth soon?C:Not inside the current lifetimes of the many of you, yet it shall as you choose. We forecast one hundred fifty to one hundred seventy five of current years.Q:Esteemed Committee, thank you, as always.C:Be well and good, we wish you mentsMike 05/04/2014 7:11amWhat does there anti gravity device look like and what components make it up. Could we even replicate it as a mini science projectPatrick 05/04/2014 10:37amI wouldn't say as a mini science project but yes, we could do it. The device can look anyway we want.Any object to be levitated will require force of gravity to be reversed in equal amount and then a little bit more. A hint comes from a hovercraft pushing air underneath itself, a simple use of wind or the wing of an airplane, which uses airspeed differences to create lower pressure above, the higher pressure below lifting the aircraft.To do it without air pressure - an atomic external effect - it requires using the internal atomic or subatomic effect, from where gravity is derived.The Committee tells me it can be done by reversing polarities or charges of electrical fields around the object and the ground; creation of magnetic field - which happens any and every time we generate electricity, be it chemically from a battery, from the rotor inside a generator or from static sources - will ALSO have effect internally, inside the atoms, including polarity.One magnetic field should be created around the object to be raised, another of opposite charge below. Once the strengths of the two reach a sufficient level, then the field around the object can be gradually increased and it will rise.The Committee tells me we recognize polarity of electrical current, as it always flows - hence the name current - but we don't likewise identify or measure polarity of magnetism, which has it also. This because we use magnetism to make electricity; the magnetism itself seems to have little value beyond generation. We don't create magnetism for its own use, not much.How do we detect and measure magnetic polarity, to the end of making a gravity reversal device? The Committee says we will have to find and open that package for ourselves.Cristina 08/04/2014 3:32pmOne of the subjects I'm obsessing about :P But my other obsession is that humanity should only use it to do good.... Soooo .... Maybe is not the time and place yet for this discovery to take place :)Mike 09/04/2014 6:16amSo something along the lines of a MAGLEV train in principle. Only we would have to be able to do it without the magnetic track.Is this why when UFO's are spotted and fly over our cars all the electrics die?Kees 07/04/2014 4:44pmI just love these posts. I keep thinking while reading this that Edward Leedskalin that you interviewed last year was really ahead of his time with his anti gravity device. If he could do it on his own 65 years ago why can't somebody do it now. I read his book about magnetic current and that magnetism runs both ways simultaneously north to south and vice versa. And if i try to verify his findings on the rest of the internet i can't find an article that stats the same. So why won't the more scientific minds in the world look into his findings? And second is it safe for a human body to be in this magnetic field if we would ever create one?I get the feeling that the committee is giving away lots of hints about this subject so would you please thank them very much!centertopHypnotic Work04/04/2014A reader asks about hypnosis and work.RQ:How does hypnosis – especially past lives regression – work? How reliable is it? How come the subconscious holds so much information from all our “past” lives? Or maybe it’s actually the soul that’s doing all the talking and the remembering?Another subject is work; many end up doing work they don’t really like! How come? Why do we make a plan before we come back to earth to do a job that many of us end up hating?! How can we get more satisfaction from our jobs? How do we know if we’re in the “right” job? Most of us do it only for the money, is that “bad”??00C:We suggest you mean accuracy by reliable and we answer in saying, to the level of detail you require in this life. The precision of the information will be supplied by the usefulness and understanding it has to you now.All lives and all existence are simultaneous; your past lives only become this when wrapped in the calendar you now use to mark your existence, to count your daylight cycles. The completeness of a prior life assumes finality; the plan for a life is always complete before the life is begun. You may commence construction of a building before the architect is done but you realize the implications if reaching a stage of construction the plans have not yet included. Your lives on Earth or elsewhere are always mapped to completion; thus a change in course of the life you wish to visit could create an inaccuracy in the life of today, as you examine it and study it, and the past life regression could thus be seen as inaccurate.The subconscious is the overconscious; your awareness and consciousness of this life is a subsegment; the true body of information, the database on the server of your existence is unlimited. It is the true and real you and always contains all that you are.Your description is a good one; the soul indeed does the talking and remembering, the wholeness and entirety of you above and beyond the subsegment of existence your current life provides.You pursue vocations to learn; dislike of task and burden, of activity and process, offers enormous amounts of things to learn and for this, you choose them. If you hate your work, do you see how you have provided yourself an opportunity to change it? Once moved on to what you believe is better work, do you see the pleasure, relief and deep understanding the previous burden, decision to alter it and process of doing so, provide you?You derive satisfaction from a vocation that supplies it; to do this, you must actively choose the things that provide the satisfaction you want. Clearly list them and either pursue an opportunity where this is available OR create it yourself. If you are expert at rapid, efficient and accurate delivery to local business, why must this be done in the employ of another person or entity? Can you not create this service for yourself, and control the components of the work you otherwise dislike?You are in the right job always; for your choices place you there. These choices can be active and from your awareness or from your life plan and outside what you consider your awareness, but the choice remains yours. No compulsion is there; if you feel forced, compelled or pressured beyond your will, know that you CHOSE this effect, to learn to manage it.It is never bad to do a job solely for money, where the money is obtained honestly.Be well, we wish; work ever mentscristina 04/04/2014 5:30pmDolores Cannon was receiving same message "to the level of detail you require in this life. " :) Is interesting that the sources I feel to be reliable, have similar answers ;)wow, you are doing lot of work Patrick ! <3 I'm still in lazy mood :)))))))))))))))))Here nice song for you and readers 05/04/2014 10:13amNice hat, scenes of Los Angeles and a great, Motown 60s style beat.One good turn deserves another! (the music begins at 1:30) 05/04/2014 4:52pmvery good one ! :)time for me and my fun guide to dance :P Erik can join us as too :PMike 04/04/2014 6:53pmI always wondered whether Hypnosis could be used to improve our connection to the spirit world. To fix our broken receptor to the world beyond. Or even enhance our intuitiveness.Patrick 05/04/2014 10:17amTriple yes and the receptor doesn't break.centertopCharlton Heston07/04/2014John Charles Carter (1923-2008) was an American actor, political activist and civil rights leader. Appearing in 100 films over six decades, Heston is best known for roles in The Ten Commandments (1956), Ben-Hur (Academy Award Best Actor 1959), El Cid (1961) and Planet of the Apes (1968). In many starring roles his characters portrayed a grave, authoritative persona that embodied responsibility, individualism and masculinity; he declined roles without these qualities and gained an image as an example of Judeo-Christian moral values. Heston's political activism involved support for political candidates, causes, civil rights, Presidency of the Screen Actors Guild labor organization and as head of the National Rifle Association. Diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease, Heston retired in 2003.063500Q:Mr. Heston, the request to have you come forward comes from a loyal, regular reader who’d like to know several things, among them your “terrific roles” and which, if any, had an impact on your spirituality or religion, your take on Russia’s current activity in Ukraine, USA involvements in Iraq and Afghanistan, mass shootings, survivalist groups and the way things are going in the USA in general. There’s a good half dozen there, we can fill an interview with that.CH:We could fill a book, but who would read it?Q:I’d bet lots of people.CH:I suggest otherwise; they’d think you were a crackpot who belongs in a real world Planet of the Apes sequel, or they’d be sure you were disguising your own opinions inside the memory of my image or they’d attack you mercilessly.Q:You believe your ideas, wrapped up inside any medium’s identity, would generate reactions like that?CH:They did when I was around offering them and things have gotten even sharper since then. Yes, to answer your question.Q:Why?CH:There is a general belief about awareness, political involvement, public policy and so forth, that too many people are disconnected, unaware and uninformed. This is not true; the human population and without a doubt, the country where I lived, where you live, is now more aware and connected. The vigor of disagreement is a symptom, an effect. Attacking that with which you disagree has become a tactic for many newly aware; the two don’t require one another, but are linked. So disagreement with ideas I’d offer would be attributed to the messenger.Q:OK, what about your roles? Your favorites?CH:I didn’t have a favorite, really. Some films were easier to make, more enjoyable but not because of the role. I acted what I believed made the character believable and effective; how that would be rated by critics and moviegoers I couldn’t control beyond making my best effort.Q:What films were difficult to make?CH:Planet of the Apes, because the suits and makeup of so many characters took so long; it was frustrating at times.Q:Did your movie roles affect your spirituality or religion?CH:No, not much beyond confirming what I believed, especially Moses in the Ten Commandments. I liked the script because it said what I already thought true in many ways.Q:Why did you decline certain roles?CH:I didn’t think I’d be convincing; the audience would see through my efforts to portray the character. After any success, any actor or actress will come to be seen with certain traits, at least. To use an extreme example, I would never be a successful Aunt Jemimah.[Editorial sidebar – Aunt Jemima is a brand of pancake syrup, mix and other products, too - I think, which show a heavy-set, smiling, middle aged American black woman on the label]Q:You were the President of the National Rifle Association, a controversial organization then and even now. What’s your overall take on the NRA, its role and its place in US society now?CH:To the detractors of civil rights, I suggest they have them taken away. I didn’t think civil rights were anything less than sacred – all of them – and the NRA focuses on specific defense of one clear, unmistakable right. The rights of speech, press, protest, assembly and religion cover so much ground and so many areas and organizations, it is difficult to add to their understanding and preservation and achieve much. America practices these rights openly; the right to keep and bear arms for defense and protection defends so many of these things, which would be in grave danger otherwise. The NRA is the lead defense and support of rights of speech, religion, press, protest and assembly.My involvement with the NRA was an evolution of all civil rights I saw as sacrosanct, such as civil rights legislation passed in the 1960s, which I supported strongly. I believed and still see elements of need, that without a strong defense of the right to individual defense, the largest beneficiaries of newly emerging civil rights would be the first to see them curtailed again. White racists could both rise again or be replaced by equally corrosive racists of another group. The ultimate ability to provide both individual and common defense, protection and security, all independent of authority, will ensure any such tendency is kept in healthy check.Q:What about Russia and Ukraine?CH:Russia is rebuilding the Soviet empire. What else could be going on?Q:What about the USA’s Iraq and Afghanistan involvement?CH:All nations there, leave. There’s nothing to be gained. What problems might erupt in the absence of military forces from other nations are not caused by external effect. Yes, I know the arguments which say the USA’s involvement made things worse. Look forward, not behind; there is nothing more to be gained and it is up to those nations to maintain.Q:What about mass shootings?CH:As long as the means for multiple deaths exist, there will be temptation. The issue isn’t shooting; the numbers of violent perpetrators cut down in the act by would-be victims able to stop the attacker must be weighed against removal of the ability. The numbers who act to kill groups of people is so small, I must ask, what rate of approach to perfection is satisfactory? I will say with certainty, if no firearms were around, murders would increase.Q:Survivalist groups, people who have prepared for the breakdown of society; are there any upcoming events that will make these preparations necessary?CH:No, not in a general way but there will be pockets of activity making it seem that way, from time to time. There isn’t a need to be this way, although, it could seem that way in a few places for brief, intense interludes. I should say, there will be no more social disorder and chaos than there has ever been, but for the ability humanity has developed to put attention on it.Q:The USA in general; what’s happening? What trends, tendencies and influences await us or are we creating at the moment, collectively?CH:Creating, exactly the correct term. The USA is barreling towards financial stress nearly impossible to avoid now, and the loss of wealth will set off a new blame game like none seen before. You really won’t lose wealth, you’ll just need a new system, a new medium of exchange and these will rise quickly, erupt is not too far a word, in the wake of the current system’s collapse. This effect is not unique to the USA, and the size of the nation will both cause problems and draw them from outside its borders. The world in general follows the same financial practices; the few less indebted or imperiled nations will also feel the effects.Q:Can we reverse course?CH:Always, but this is not probable. How will that happen? Sufficient recognition for what I describe will not take hold across the population before the onset of problems. Once perception gains momentum, the wave will have to approach, rise, break and wash through things before recognition rises. This will take place.Q:Mr. Heston, thank you for coming.CH:You are most welcome and my thanks for asking me to share my thoughts. Back to my chariot in the sky!CommentsVeronica 08/04/2014 7:32amThank you Patrick and Mr.Heston,Very interesting and timely. I would love it if he would expand further on the questions.Patrick, another great job, thank you.Katherine 08/04/2014 9:52amThanks Patrick.It's interesting how Heston's personality comes across much the same as it did when he was here--I would have guessed he would have mellowed a bit but it doesn't seem so. It's easy to see why he took such strong roles--they suited him well. I wonder what his take on Syria might be.Do we have any idea what the new medium of exchange is that will replace currency? We've been told often that currency will collapse but many of us aren't looking forward to the chaos that will initiate; however, it's good to know that there may not be an increase in social disorder and chaos, just more attention directed at it.Maybe he does need a book--he's thoughtful, articulate, and seems to have so much more to say.Eva Masini 09/04/2014 6:17pmIt was curious to see this channeling of Mr. Heston, Patrick, as I was just thinking about this possibility less than a week ago! As I was reading his answers, it was as if I heard him audibly with his very distinct voice. Interesting.Renie 08/04/2014 8:52pmGreat interview full of insights and predictions! It is interesting to note that Mr.Heston lived in his truth, and his values, from his higher perspective, have not wavered. Would love to hear more from himsteve 08/04/2014 10:07pmHi Patrick,I would like to put forward a question to the comittee if i may, for consideration at your/ their convienience.. Q. Are you, and or people like you, who have the ability to talk to dead people, allowed to help humanity solve problems, and i am refering to a missing plane, I'm sure it would come as no surprise to either the pilots that they are probably the most wanted 'TO TALK TO" being that have exsisted for a very long time, or is there some kind of law that forbids such comunications???Sincerely,Steve.Patrick 10/04/2014 10:43pmThe subjects of these interviews don't see themselves as either people or dead; if & how these choose to present themselves might appear like "talking to dead people" but it's only how they decide to show up.The ones I select who don't appear choose otherwise, for a variety of reasons, I guess. They don't come forward.What is always avoided is interference; this means providing information that would distort one or many lives. If I were given for myself or passed on information that caused someone to miss an appointment, encounter, consequence and therefore, an OPPORTUNITY, this would be a nearly unforgivable transgression. You and I might love winning lottery numbers BUT the direct and contingent effects, seen against our life plans and agreements, would undermine our desires, objectives and plans, all to our detriment.I will venture to say, correct as you are about the pilots of the Malaysia Airlines jet, they themselves will vigorously avoid coming forward until no life distortions would be risked.Steve 11/04/2014 12:10amThanks Patrick,I understand..Regards,Steve.Joshua 10/04/2014 5:25pmWill this new currency be backed by gold? China has been importing a tremendous amount of gold over the past few years. Will China, Russia and the UN be the key players for this currency?Patrick 10/04/2014 10:23pmNo and no. The gold standard was abandoned because there isn't enough to both satisfy industrial use, which includes jewelry and use as currency reference. If just the basic measure of US currency, M1, required gold or silver as a reference standard, the price would be astronomical and immediately limit currency growth, crippling economic growth, weak as it now is worldwide.centertopNietzsche14/04/2014?00Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) was a German philosopher, cultural critic, poet and composer who wrote about religion, morality, contemporary culture, philosophy and science, with a fondness for metaphor and irony. His philosophy embraced reality of the living world over ideas of one beyond, emphasizing individual creative powers to strive beyond social, cultural, and moral contexts. His radical questioning of value and objectivity of truth attracted extensive commentary; his ideas have had deep effect on late-twentieth and early-twenty-first century thinkers, as points of departure in the development of their own philosophies.Q:Herr Nietzsche, if you do not mind, welcome aboard.FN:It is good to be here, thank you for having me come.Q:No cost, too! Not you or me…FN:Everything has a cost and a benefit; a price and a payment, the value known only long afterwards.Q:Waste no time, jump right into the philosophy with three feet.FN:Legs, too. The feet appreciate it. There is not time, thus none to waste so efficiency is relative. I now know this concept of efficient as direct. For the absence of time, all is but a matter of route.Q:Your career was about over at age forty four, you passed at fifty six. Is this a typical plan for the great overachievers?FN:Back to the time issue; if success requires a calendar, yes. Remove them from the equation and your mathematics becomes more efficient, or as I would prefer now, more direct.Q:Given that nearly anybody reading your interview here can look you up and learn all about you independently…FN:Nothing is about me, is it is about understanding of ideas. Individuals don’t matter to others; what matters is what is perceived. Misunderstand me not, I don’t wish to say others don’t matter, for they are matter and it is a matter of fact they are, but what is of matter to you is application of understanding others might offer. As you offer them.Q:So nobody should look you up?FN:Look up what I offered and wrote, far more productive this is.Q:I think it’s more beneficial that we hear your view, ideas and impressions of today; what can you say?FN:Ich m?chte etwas auf Deustch, aber zu verstanden das…[Editorial sidebar – invitees can’t use languages the medium doesn’t know but they DO know how to pick out pieces of what a medium does know….and here we went….he said “I’d like something in German, but to understand that….]Q:We’ll stay in English.FN:All right then, what shall we discuss?Q:The world seems to shrink, as least as far as knowing what happens elsewhere. Also travel to places far away, nearly several week journeys in your day, are now two day affairs. How has this changed things?FN:You get points for this good question. It has an overall negative effect, although it is easy to focus upon the positive. I say negative because the quick trip provides an equally quick return, so what can be appreciated? Often a good portion, maybe two fifths, of the journey is that; the journey, not the visit. After two journeys like that, your visit becomes all that matters. Just a few days in a strange for you place does what? Essentially disrupt your sleep and confuse your metabolism.Q:We should travel less?FN:And better. You will travel less and the notion of better will tend towards moot; the volume will drop away. To your betterment, my friends of humanity.Q:So absent lots of empty travel, what do you recommend?FN:Cast aside your preferences; so easy to be lazy with them. Everybody knows their own preference and as far as your coffee is concerned, this is fine. Don’t make the entire world that surrounds you, your cup of coffee; you bore yourself to ignorance, happy in your caffeine.Q:The brief description of you seemed to be a contradiction to me, although if you’d been told that in say, 1880, I will guess you’d have a good explanation.FN:I would have but not now. No sugar in my coffee for the moment; push me outside my preference; what contradiction did you see?Q:You stated preference for the world in which we live, not the idea of one beyond. You’re in the one beyond so why is it an error for humans to have considered it?FN:Application; it was too easy and frankly, risky for people to be led by charlatans into an ideology unable to be applied. Who makes good Mars dust make-up remover? See my point? Investigate Mars dust, its chemistry, use and effects on human skin and make-up, but apply this; without ability to go there and have Mars dust…what is gained? So my ideas were about confronting the effects and their source and cause, for personal benefit.Q:Is this an issue of remembrance of our true self, our true soul?FN:Yes, partly but the knowledge of a world beyond doesn’t change the one you have. It expands it, allows you a greater understanding of why the one you have operates the way it does, but it doesn’t suddenly materially change and so, you must apply what is known of the hereafter – what I’d prefer to call the here-before, since Earth was later in the sequence, but that’s a damned preference poking through again, isn’t it? And didn’t I say to set those aside a bit, how hypocritical of me? No sugar in MY coffee for a day.Q:Go on…FN:You must apply what the world beyond shows as it can be integrated into the world you have.Q:There’s a lot of this to be done?FN:Oh God, yes……did you hear that, God?God:I hear everything.FN:See, we can run but there is no hiding.Q:What can we apply right now, for our benefit?FN:There is no karma; you have no storage of retribution paid back like a debt come due. You have tons of karma, goodwill stored that operates to help when you need it. Why is karma instantly thought to be negative, a punishment? Why cannot instant karma be cake? Goes well with coffee, too, doesn’t it? You have to like coffee, a lot of sweet cream, goes well with the cake….I digress.Why is karma not positive? Just say it and immediately it’s interpreted as payback. NO! It is positive, so there is no karma, There is positive help, reward. This is the way a world beyond, really the world within, operates and is an example of application to benefit you all might follow.Q:What can you say about current events?FN:Which ones?Q:Syria was a big deal not so long ago and now, seems to be less so.FN:The crisis of the week is something else; Syria’s week has passed.Q:Will it become an international news item again?FN:It might, but will never rise beyond crisis of the week status.Q:Russia?FN:It shrinks so it must grow to survive; I mean its population, specifically. So like weed grass, it branches out to new soil, it expands to fertile Ukrainian ground.Q:Should NATO or a powerful opposing force from the UK or USA stop them?FN:This depends upon the saved; do these national damsels in distress want permanent protection from a nation whose presence they will reject? For at the moment the resistance is seen to be withdrawn, so the aggressor will renew plans and dates to act.Q:I don’t think either nation – or any other- will do that? Intervene and supply resistance.FN:No, the political cost will be too high. Even if there were a free political voucher, a free one-time pass or wild card to be used this once, the recipient of this assistance would soon grow weary of it; the dynamic of changing nation states is the weather at a slower pace. Should a sovereign nation remain as one unable to police its sovereignty?Q:It could be argued the USA and many EU nations have this same challenge?FN:Yes, driven by political consideration. Remember, you elect them so you get what they give you. They are you, the elected leaders, thus reflect you. They win by denouncing the adversary during a campaign; what governing ability comes from criticism?Q:Is there much difference between elected leaders and strong arm dictators?FN:Yes, the strong armed ones don’t worry much about campaign finance laws.Q:OK, that’s rich, but in practice?FN:They all share a common trait; perpetuance. They wish to remain in position once attained. Everything that comes from an elected leader’s office aims this way.Q:There are plenty of leaders who step down when the time comes.FN:The minority do it happily and because they have understood this finality from the beginning. The majority of humanity yet sees it otherwise.Q:What changes should we make regarding elected officials worldwide? We all know many of the Earth’s people live in nations where it’s difficult or impossible to change leadership on schedule, if at all, so that part, difficult as it is, is clear. I mean the places where elections are a regular part of the scenery?FN:There is the simple way and the complicated way; humanity casts simple aside because it is feared ineffective. Why kill with a rock when a jet aircraft is available?Q: A jet will kill a lot more than a rock…FN:Yes, but its complication justifies an air show, doesn’t it? Who attends rock shows?Q:So what’s the simple way and what’s complicated?FN:Fire them all every election you can; this is the simple way. Like the chap who suggested governance by choosing leaders arbitrarily from the phone book. The complicated way to make changes is attempt to follow the course the same politicians have designed.Q:We could never get the whole lot fired at once.FN:That approach ensures failure. OK, accept what you are given. We are done.See this playing to interests not serving you so well?Q:Yes; OK, let’s shift gears a bit…let’s apply your ideas of creative powers to expand horizons of understanding. This fits well with the functioning of the world beyond, where the mind and thought ARE power and creation…FN:The fusion of my contradicting positions, OK, thank you for throwing them back at me!Q:…what can any one individual do today, to better his or her place in the world?FN:Identify priorities then replace them.Q:What like, old tires on a car?FN:In a way, yes. If you sense dissatisfaction with something, embracing dissatisfaction enhances it. Switching objectives – priorities – sets aside what ails you. This does not mean it disappears – nothing ever does, as your return to Heaven will remind you so well – but your energies grow something yet unburdened. New lessons are there, in this process.Q:Mr. Nietzsche, how does anybody set about “switching objectives”?FN:Find a new destination. It does not matter where you are; there is always another place to go. A simple map lists your options, your alternatives. There are maps for nearly all things; lists of what you haven’t done.Q:OK, one last question. Assuming a good deal of your work was channeled to you…FN:And it was, by my life plan agreement….Q:…what did you mean regarding social, cultural and moral contexts?FN:These are definitions; they work well for words and help create dictionaries. Are humans but that, entries in a dictionary? A thesaurus perhaps? You are far more and attempts to fit inside definitions lend value to the definition, not you. This does not mean definitions are negative; they are not. They must be seen as platforms, not fences or walls. The social, cultural and moral ideas of any society help create it but stifle it simultaneously. You cannot hope to improve society overall without first doing it for yourself, otherwise what is the point? Helping everyone else win the lottery for free? So the contexts of society, morality and culture must be understood, defined as part of the process and then they will be recognized when they are encountered. This way, they will be surmounted. Who says maternity nurses cannot form a drum and bugle corps? What if several in the crew discover a shared pastime playing the trumpet? The accepted culture tends away from this and the individuals within gain what from remaining inside that context? Boredom, thus stagnation.Q:Mr Nietzsche, thank you.FN:It was a pleasure, my mustache notwithstanding. Fare well, mentscristina 14/04/2014 4:47amI loved this :))))))))))))))))))"Q: Is there much difference between elected leaders and strong arm dictators?FN: Yes, the strong armed ones don’t worry much about campaign finance laws."aka: there is no difference between them :PAnd I love the last part about definitions :) I was talking about same things, using the word "labels" instead of "definitions" --- totally agree with him :)And the part with god answering and Mr N "there is no hiding" :))))))))))))))) ---- because we are part of each other :Pgarrett 14/04/2014 9:08amwhoa. i think it was a good choice to not focus so much on specific texts. all these souls of former prominent persons clearly have a unity in message that they did not truly have in life. tells me that home really brings clear what is important both here and the hereafter.awesome work again, Pat.Kayra Sun 14/04/2014 10:56amJajajaja this was a great interview, Patrick thank you so much! It was unexpected to laugh so much and find Nietzche's thoughts so amusing. I now will have to seek out some Mars make-up remover, for I am obsessed with those girly mundane things. ;) Much love and appreciation your way!Renie 14/04/2014 9:15pm"There is no Karma...there is positive help, reward." Another common misconception turned on it's head! Thank you for that! cristina 15/04/2014 4:54amRenie and Steve, here is a clarification from Buddha about Karma --- from CE"Buddha: With karma--Jamie listens for a while, then giggles.Buddha: Humans who are alive now in this phase of earthly life--Jamie: It’s almost like this era, you know?Buddha: —are still trapped in the desire, wanting to not be held responsible. They want something external to them to be held responsible but not themselves.Jamie grins.Jamie: So when he goes to define karma, which is a self-evaluation of lives previous and lives forward and how they feed onto the life you are living now, it is very self-responsible for a person to be able to identify.Buddha: In the past, it has been translated into a punishment. If you were to have done something seen as hurtful or wrongful, then you may--Jamie looks over at Buddha, giggles and looks back at me and makes air quotes.Jamie: Air quotes! (She points her thumb at Buddha.)Me: Buddha did air quotes!Jamie: In air quotes, “Then you may pay for it.”Buddha: Then you may sacrifice for it; you may pay for it during this living life.Me: So it’s almost like an external, yes, like an externally directed punishment.Buddha: There is no punishment.Me: Yeah.Buddha: It would be a personal goal of yours to balance your own scale. There is no punishment. That is the correction I would make with karma."Sorry for the long copy-paste 15/04/2014 4:24amAt last, someone Calmer about Karma, Thanks Patrick, nice work.Steve.centertopFunding National Debt16/04/2014?No verses have been offered in some time; they’re so overdue, the late charges could erase government debt like the End of the World.Cry us a river and play us a tune; if we all die happy, no one will swoon.Meaning through what is our languageUnderstanding given through wordsSeems sometimes so complicatedA system made just for nerds?Frustration can sometimes meet speakerAs understanding slows and then stopsWhen listeners filter the wordsThrough holes in their own bottle topsCommunication offered by thoughtMessages with lots of nice goodnessDoes talk then become all for naught?Print press thus rendered but useless?Will speeches have to be bannedBut then how will schoolteachers bore?If listening becomes so passéWill we close down every bookstore?Words give thoughts lots of coverSupply some concealment of truthLies are then fabricatedAt tip of the tongue and the toothCan honesty really be managedTruth digested that wellDo we truly all want to find outWhat’s so deep down in that dark well?Only if we think we can keep?Hidden all what we haveWhile everything else should appearOn a big, bright screen of satnav?Understanding that which is hiddenReveals what we don’t want to showOne way streets in our mind are so fewWe could call them Caribbean snowWe believe we’d like to know thoughtsThe truest of meaning’s intentWill we also share what we storeFrom the database information tent?Exposure will uncloak it allKnowledge is just revelationWill we always hide and concealThe parts of our mental devastation?The ping pong ball of our thoughtsThe popping corn of mental chatterMake us think maybe we knowEverything around that should matterIs it possible to separate chaffKeep wheat stored in the right placeUnderstand we do not fly soloThere’s a team for all that we faceThe challenge is always to trustWhen honesty from us is requestedDeposit enough in the bankTo cover what is later collectedIt all sounds so simple right nowSo easy to just offer upBut when time to pay comes rolling roundEagerly will we fill the cup?Habits can always be questionedReinforced or maybe dismantledWhat’s easy for us to do nowWas likely a beast once unshackledExpect a fresh movement forwardThis new road turned into a habitWhat’s old yet so friendly familiarCould just be a sad, dying rabbitHints of nuanced allegoryShades of subtle strong nudgeAre often themselves not enoughFor curmudgeons well set to be budgedCages shook hard made to rattleEnvironments made to be toughSupply the ways we might needTo create the resolve for enoughWe’ll finish with short and bad limericksThe style of poets from ?ireThe place where snakes cannot liveAnd peat feeds the hunger of fireThere once came new ideas from HeavenThat when totaled did not add to sevenThey were tossed aside fastDeemed not to lastThe math students’ bread was still leavenedSince everything still seemed okayAnd farmers went back to their hayThe people forgotWhat they’d learned about notResuming their rhythm each dayChange will be constant we knowThe way winter will likely bring snowYet when it does happenThere’s always much yappin’About how could we ever have known?Stagnant can seem so secureLike a loyal friend faithful & pureBut when calamity strikesThat nobody likesThat bad leads to good to be MENTSCristina 16/04/2014 3:38pm"Seems sometimes so complicatedA system made just for nerds?" ---- well, I am a nerd :P A happy one .... lately a lazy one :PRenie 16/04/2014 8:26pmWell done!!!Melissa 17/04/2014 11:43amLoved that last bit..."But when calamity strikesThat nobody likesThat bad leads to good to be sure.":-DMike 17/04/2014 11:46amVery well done Patrick.The only ones I know usually start with some like..There once was a man from Nantucket..... you can guess the restPatrick 17/04/2014 12:22pm..whose faith would not fit in a bucketAs he said to the priestIf you don't mind in the leastI'll believe what I like you can chuck it.centertopWhat is God?18/04/2014?Cloudy weather is decreed for today...God:I am your Lord.Human:Well, I didn't vote for you.God:You don't vote for God.Human:Well, how'd you become one?"Welcome to Blasphemy 101, Dept. of Heretical Studies at the University of Irreverence. We hope you enjoy this course; no offense."~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~God made a quick, unexpected appearance during the visit with Friedrich Nietzsche. None of us know who & what God is, just as we all know what and who God is; don’t we?That quick hit visit by God sparked the following exchange:Reader: When one prays to God, to whom does one really pray? To Jesus, a specific entity, but the god that Nietzsche called to, is who and/or what? The context implies Nietzsche's god is an entity with whom he has a personal relationship, as with any spirit. If God is everything/everywhere then how could God be a personal entity?Scribe (Yours truly): My interpretation of the "God" appearing in the Nietzsche interview referred to our conscience, that sees everything we do. In other words, suggesting we are our own overseer, our own "overlord" and we see everything we do. The collective of the consciousness we each have, is "God".Finished and done, right? Not so fast…..Reader: Who and/or what is God as referenced by Jesus and biblical characters? How does "God, the Father" reconcile with our collective consciousness as "God"? Religion generally dictates who and what God is, which makes it simpler to not question; however, when religious doctrine doesn't fit, all kinds of questions come up to try and put the puzzle pieces in some semblance of understandability. Humpty Dumpty can't be put back together but :-) I don't want that egg anyway.Scribe (Yours truly again): All the kings horses and all the King’s men, couldn't cut mustard with a dull ballpoint pen. Even if national survival depended on it. Oh, wait….This ocean is large; so large, its bigness requires circumnavigation aboard the steamship Committee.Q:Esteemed Committee, we are on deck and subject. You all know these questions, lay it on us. Did my answer misinterpret the question?C:There is no misinterpretation; there is difference of view. To the notion of not having understood, we say, none of you are required to stand under anything, for this implies support. You should not support that with which you disagree, just as and equally, the thing supported underpins you not.Q:Never thought about understanding as being a bridge column. So, where I suggested God is our collective consciousness, the sum total of the individual conscience of each of us…C:If the bridge stood underneath you, it would not be a bridge. You do not need the bridge to support you, it exists as a temporary need, only. The bridge however, must have constant support, to be a bridge. So to understand something requires you to prop it up; how generous of you all, because it does not and cannot support you, but it requires you to do so. As it receives your support, it dominates you. As long as you understand it; stop standing under it, and it will fall.Q:So misunderstanding and misinterpretation are similar?CYes, yet there is one large difference; interpretation will not collapse when missed. Understanding removed means support withdrawn. There is difference of view.Q:So a student of….anything, astrophysics, welding, equipment operation…what should we think when such student is said to misunderstand?C:The method, material and master are unbalanced.Q:This blames the instruction, not the student.C:How inconvenient for the instructor, yes?Q:There are bad students.C:No; there are not. Present means willing, in all cases.Q:Certainly you can appreciate a lazy, lackadaisical student, with no interest, energy or motivation.C:Yes, created and formed entirely by the student’s environment. Is any such student forced under physical threat to attend? Were this the case, truly it would justify a student’s resistance to progress. Absent this threat, the burden is entirely upon instruction.Q:How does this tie in to the question of God?C:Do you understand God, misunderstand God and misinterpret God?Q:Heck, just like the reader questions, we’re not even sure we know what God is, to understand it.C:You do not understand God, for you do not stand under her or him or it. You do not misinterpret God, for you are not interpreting her/him/it.[To be abbreviated H/H/T from here on; sounds like a chemical, doesn’t it? “The Catholic Church today appealed to the European Commission to reduce use of H/H/T in gardening, citing the increased incidence of…. ]Q:So who or what is God?C:To ask who means God is a person; this on Earth means body & soul. To ask what means on Earth, a thing or a concept. We offer God as both and much more.Q:Prayers go where?C:To their destination.Q:So if we pray to God, where is this destination? Is there a map? (Impressive, snappy question, huh?)C:We shall say God, this word in English, is a variation of good. We suggest the word Allah in Arabic means all, from this derives the word of English, long ago yet not so long ago. To refer in Arabic to the bridge or the key, al jasr, al miftah, you see these definite articles, pluralize them. The many “alls” become Allah…Allah, the all-ness of everything. The goodness, the Godness. In Spanish the Dios, "de os", of you all, all of you, the entire group. In Portuguese, Deus, "de eus", of all the I’s, I and I and I and I, thus we, the collective “I”…this is God.Q:We are all God?C:Yes!Q:God is not a separate thing from us?C:No, you all create God. It is the collective of your existences; the sum of the parts and a greater concept than a mathematical total.Q:Can we use a mathematical formula for God?C:Yes, however this formula will recognize parameters Earth knows not yet, so the formula would seem incorrect. The insertion of a variable value deemed impossible, would render the formula useless. It would be declared null and void. The speed of light is considered a constant; it is, within the range where the constant is used. Switch ranges and the speed is different, faster by comparison. If the higher speed is not recognized, its insertion into the formula would provide the “incorrect” answer or render the formula, the equation, “wrong”. The formula for God varies from range to range, dimension to dimension.Q:What’s the formula for God in the dimension of Earth, the plane or level of our existence?C:Love.Q:Is God not the collective of our souls?C:Yes, that is another way to see love.Q:There’s a difference?C:No; there is a view. Illuminate a white house with blue light after dark, and you shall have a blue house. Paint a house blue, and by day, it will be a blue house. Is the blue illuminated house more blue than the painted one?Q:The painted one is more permanent.C:No, it may be painted again.Q:OK, the illuminated one can have its color changed more quickly, then.C:By measure of Earth time, yes, the Earth illusion of quickness thus applies. Absent the notion of time, which house is more blue, painted or lighted? Is the blue house not just a house which absorbs all colors of light except the blue, which is reflected back?Q:Well that’s true, color is the reflected, unabsorbed frequency of light.C:Yes, white returns almost all, black absorbs almost all. So, is the method of blueness better by illumination or coloration? The white house absorbs not color, so the blue it’s given, it returns. The blue painted house absorbs all except what it returns. Is the giving or receiving better, when both are blue?Q:So God is both giving and receiving?C:Yes!Q:So when we seek solace and comfort in God…C:You supply light reflected, or you receive it unabsorbed. Give pain, the darkness of it, to God and it shall be absorbed, the best part returned to your benefit. Give brightness of the color you want, and it will be given back and even magnified.Q:So God is light?C:Yes! Which is reflected everywhere the surface allows. Why is there appeal of colored windows in houses built for worship? These are seen the world over, for all groups, faiths, congregations and gatherings. Why does the brilliance of a colored sunset seem so beautiful? God returns to you by piece and part, the light of your souls. This look within the goodness of your hearts creates a feeling you all know, you who have gazed upon the beauty of the setting sun, the hues and the clouds as mirrors.Q:So there is God as a separate, all powerful entity controlling us, consoling us, loving us, directing us and encouraging and loving us?C:Yes, just as - and in absolute precise proportion to - the love, direction, encouragement and consolation you choose for yourselves.Q:When Christ said we are all children of God, what did he mean?C:The collective love of all of your souls is yours personally and eternally, you are from it, and you are of it. You make it and you receive it.Q:God cannot punish us? Castigate us?C:You punish yourselves; solely and entirely of your own devices. As you are God, you might choose to see H/H/T at a long dining table from one end or the other. It is the same table, room, wood and meal from either side. Do you prefer to see your chair at your end as lesser than the chair at the opposite end where God is seated, the chair man? Well, then we suggest you both exchange places. There now, you have assumed the chair, God in your former place and you in H/H/T’s place. Have you escaped castigation?Q:Well…C:You may delay and deflect it if you have not avoided yourself. The illusion of time supplies a notion of delay. By this appearance of sequence, escape is perceived. Encounter your circumstances again, you shall.Q:Like the suicide killer?C:Yes, the encounter of the event’s participants is not changed by the passage of intermediate events during the Earth life of the killer; who as all know, will pass on. Upon passing, the wagon wheel of existence will rotate into position, and all who might attend this encounter, shall convene. God is good.Q:God punishes whom in this instance?C:Punishment in this example is almost unique in Heaven, for the attempts a killer makes to face the circumstances of acts, encounters an enormous goodwill of resistance in the mass forgiveness the former subjects of the acts offer.Q:So Adolph Hitler would be given a pass?C:He was; he was embraced and forgiven and excused massively and regularly, and is still loved and forgiven for the horror of the things perpetrated.Q:Why would we, as God, forgive such horrors?C:For you love yourselves; this enables you to love all around you.Q:What could – or should – humans mean when thinking of the term, “God the Father” as Jesus might have said many a time?C:Father on Earth as planter of seed, driver of course and leader of growth is a manifestation of your collective effect upon one another in Heaven. You all recognize father as caregiver, protector, leader, guide and symbol. A provider of biological function and no more, is soon seen as not a father but donor, yet sensibility well placed, to the perceptions of the offspring, slows and resists the calling a donor as such.In Heaven you have neither biology nor necessity thus no sensitivity to the individual as related to Earthly fatherhood; it is collective. Jesus spoke of this collective goodwill, into which all of you connect, for all of you form it. Like the image from the light, to and from, the blue house.Q:Esteemed Committee, my thanks.C:Our welcome and gratitude, be well upon your return to questioning mentsKatherine...18/04/2014 8:47pmWow! Awesome. This'll take several reads to absorb.?Thanks Patrick!Renie 19/04/2014 5:50pmAbsolutely brilliant!cristina 22/04/2014 11:21amI just love the explanations <3 The ones with the word God in different languages and the explanation how darkness can be absorbed and light returned to youLoved it !centertopThe Illusion of Time19/04/2014Q:Esteemed Committee, the way events happen on Earth in series, in sequence, day after day, month after month and so on, is obvious to all of us. Despite this, we constantly hear how time is an illusion and we experience all the realities and experiences at the same “time”, especially lives on Earth. How??00C:We shall describe the structure of experience in Heaven in terms of Earth surface reference. We suggest a wagon or bicycle wheel be considered; there are spokes and the arrangement of them creates a circle. The circle is formed from the ends of the spokes, where the spokes are the same length or distance. If the spokes are made to move, then the wheel becomes a disk.Q:Like in a computer hard drive?C:Precisely and exactly, and how is information arranged and kept on a computer disk?Q:Lined up along the spokes. A light beam is used to retrieve it.C:As the spokes extend from the center, there become infinite possibilities, the greater the distance. We suggest the bicycle wheel be considered elastic, the curves can be twisted and bent as the core is rapidly rotated; the plastic, elastic spokes will be temporarily distorted before bouncing back to a normal, straight configuration. If the spokes are of a different length, the end of each will draw a line perpendicular to the spoke, a latitude versus longitude.Q:Like on the Earth’s surface?C:Yes, upon which the lines are placed, across a fixed, steady surface of a globe, a “three dimensional circle” with depth. The arrangement of time does not require a fixed size to the globe, and the depths shall vary. The lines of latitude, which run across the spokes, not with them, allow a switch from spoke to spoke without returning to center, to the core. You know the word of your Spanish, "corazón", which means heart, it just the large core.Q:Go back to the comment about elastic; this sounds like what I’ve heard on many occasions, “bending time.” Related?C:Yes, this is how time events are compressed or expanded. As the core center chooses to reach a destination, the desire will stretch, compress, bend and otherwise distort or deform the spokes and the shape; this allows the desired location to be reached easily, without following a route along spokes or segments between them.Q:Like the purlins across the rafters of a roof?C:A good example.Q:How much stretch is possible?C:A complete circuit, or three hundred sixty degrees, in Earth terms. The entire arrangement can be reversed, then returned to its base, original arrangement.Q:How does this relate to the passage of time on Earth?C:Earth existence, for humans and many animals, contains day & night cycles plus sleep. These create segments, which you have chosen to add up, giving them numbers. Depart Earth, eliminate sunsrises, sunsets and the notion of days and this perspective vanishes.Q:So if we don’t have days, twenty four hour cycles, and the hours, minutes and seconds within them, how is time measured away from Earth?C:It is not measured, it does not exist.Q:How do events occur in sequence? Some thing comes before something else, right?C:Yes, however there are not assigned elapses of time, as time’s passage does not apply. Without a daily cycle, divisions of the daily cycle do not exist. Because all of you on Earth have chosen a physical body then placed it in an environment where arriving sunlight constantly and steadily changes angle, it is natural to compare the rate of change, the pace at which the angle of light is altered.This measurement of change, modification or alteration is normal and natural in Heaven, your true home. The difference is, on Earth, you do not control the rate or pace of shift. In your true home, you may shift the angle of light at any pace you choose or have it remain fixed.Q:So we could go to the park on a sunny day and have the sun remain in the same spot for as long as we choose?C:Yes, this is common. The beauty of the evening twilight, the colors reflected off clouds, this can be made to last for the extent of your enjoyment; it will not fade and disappear if you choose otherwise. We liken the effect to reading; at night, where no shift in the angle of light occurs, you may turn on a lamp, read by the light you have chosen, for the time you choose. The light remains the same in angle and intensity. Until daylight arrives and enters through windows, there is no perception of time passing unless you check a watch or clock, yes? The clock functions not by the length of night, but by the length of day; the night is the reciprocal and as soon as this was learned on Earth again, that Earth is a rotating globe, the idea of a fixed period returned. Before clock measurements, the expanding and shrinking lengths of day were not perceived so well, if at all. Devices such as sand clocks gave some insight into a lengthening or shortening of the day’s duration, as the planet orbits the sun. As these regularly shift, the perception of less or more daylight time, compared to previous or subsequent, is not generally perceived without time measurement, or really, rotation measurement devices.Q:Rotation measurement devices? I like that.C:This is what time measurement devices do, do they not?Q:How does the parallel or simultaneous reality work? How does it operate?C:Assume for a moment, time is required to travel up or down one of the spokes of this wheel; then you choose to turn ninety degrees and proceed to another spoke; if the time measured to travel from the center core, to the point of the ninety degree turn requires a certain amount; is the marking of that change continued or stopped, when the turn is made?Q:Stopped, of course.C:Yes, certainly and then events would proceed in sequence in a perpendicular way, to the spoke followed. Go along this perpendicular segment until arriving at a spoke where you wish to turn again; if you do, the options to either return to the center or continue along the spoke, away from the center, are possible. Either way, the sequence taking place along the perpendicular segment, the purlin to the rafter, are not in front of you or behind you as you follow the spoke. Those occurrences only have an aspect of before and after when you might travel along that perpendicular segment. Once you have turned from it and let it be, the notion of before and after is unfixed. If you travel along that perpendicular segment in the opposite direction, the occurrences will be in opposite order. Time could be seen to run backwards. Time does not run backwards, because there is no time to run forward.Q:If the spoke travels outward from the center, and it is possible to travel along the spoke back to the “corazón” or may I use the Portuguese word used to name an island, “cora??o”, in other words, back to the center, then which is perpendicular, the spoke or the segment between them?C:Both; it depends upon your view, either is perpendicular, when viewed from the other. Q:Shifting gears, why is the Caribbean island Curacao, with the Portuguese name, called that? It’s the heart or center of what?C:The remains of Atlantis, what was once the center of the island continent.Q:So far from the Atlantic?C:Is it so far, really? We suggest not. The location has not shifted as far as might be believed. Q:What about close by Aruba?C:Its name derives from arrival close to the center or heart.Q:I know next to nothing about these islands’ name origins, but I’m sure there’d be disagreement.C:Yes, much justification would be offered for the accepted history and version of events; yet we shall offer, over the sixty or so centuries since Atlantis disappeared below the ocean’s surface, not so much time is this for a complete language to develop and entirely replace one used. Arrival is a common word in the many languages of Europe and also in what was Atlantis, in the area of these islands. Your languages of Europe all derive from it.Q:OK, back to the time deal; how do parallel events occur?C:We suggest the spoked wheel be seen not just as a wheel but a sphere; there are an infinite number of wheels or disks within the sphere, just as there can be an infinite number of spokes traveling from the center. The thinner the spokes the more are possible, within a certain distance. If the spokes are thicker, it is but a matter of traveling farther from the center to gain sufficient distance between them, to make them distinct, make them seen separately.Q:Do parallel realities occur along the spokes or the segments between them?C:Both, however principally along the segments between the spokes. As each new reality or sequence is created, a new spoke emanates from the center and reaches to the place where the ninety degree turn creates the new segment. The segments run around the center, in sections, in a manner similar to circles or orbits. Each segment can be moved by rearrangement of the spokes, to bring it parallel to any other segment, and compared if you choose.Q:There is a limit to the amount of these?C:No; travel farther along a spoke and more segments can always be created. These segments can be brought closer to the center by shifting another one away, yet they all remain always connected. The internals of the sphere the spokes and segments create can be churned and moved. This is how the notion of time is erased. Do you see how there is but existence?Q:So a previous life on Earth to the current one, or a subsequent life, all occur simultaneously?C:Yes, as each segment between spokes is drawn. The segment can be followed in one direction or the opposite, there is no difference. Thus no time sequence exists, as on Earth.Q:When we follow a life path on Earth, we travel along one segment?C:And in one direction, for the “time” you live on Earth. You fall asleep and return to your home and review, returning to awaken in your body again, the visit largely forgotten but for what you choose to allow through.Q:We choose what we shall remember from dreams?C:Yes, and your friends and guides also suggest memories to be put in front of you, once awake. Once you have regained the consciousness you feel as a being in an Earth body, your guides and guardians watch closely to ensure synchronicity with the plan for the day, and that you reach its end.Q:How does the reality of one soul intersect with the reality of another? How do the events line up?C:Geometry and congruence; many of you shall remember these from school and study. The event in the sequence along the segment you follow is brought parallel and aligned with the event in the sequence along the segment of the people with whom you shall interact; this can be done several, and often as many times, as necessary. Just as segments of different lines can be brought together by shifting the entire line; distinct points along each segment are brought together. This is quite simple; the spokes, which define the ends of each segment, are moved, like antennae or rods extending from the centerpiece. These spokes or rods are moved in any direction to shift the segment between their ends to bring that line segment parallel to the other line segment of the other soul. Then the segments are shifted along the same direction to bring the points together.Q:How do we then time travel?C:From your center, you identify the segment you wish to visit; you have an immediate directory, an instant list, of all the things you have done or have planned to do on Earth. Simply find the spoke, travel along it, and turn when arriving at your segment.Q:How do we know what is the future and what is the past?C:You don’t unless you have already chosen the experience to be followed and intersected with other places and souls. This is what we have always said and what will always be said; none of you is alone and unconnected, ever. All of you are always inter-connected. You have plans for interaction and then interactions accomplished. As each plan is followed, it moves from one column to the other. There is what is done and not yet done, as you choose to include them. There is no time by which to measure the accomplishment of each adventure, so all seem as quick or slow as you like. From this comes the sensation of time flies when you’re having fun. Yes, because you are isolated from time measurement as you enjoy yourself, you divert from the Earth rhythm sequence, the reason this word diversion means fun. You divert from the illusion of Earth time and return to the course of natural existence. The joy of your soul.Q:How is travel accomplished across great distance of space? In a way related to this?C:Entirely and completely; this arrangement of center, spokes and segments between them, the rafters and purlins of your existence, represent all souls and all collective creations. All have a unique structure in this way. To travel from one galaxial place to another is simply a matter of locating the segment, following the spoke and segment it reaches.From Pleiades to Earth is but for the Pleiadian vessel to turn its center rapidly, stretching the elastic spokes to bring the one needed closer, follow a segment to the next spoke, and so forth, repeat, repeat and reach the segment along which Earth is found. Once arrived, the spokes of the Pleidian existence return to straight while the vessel remains at its destination. It can choose to observe Earth time but it will likely not; by remaining above Earth and the cycles of every shifting sunlight angle, it enters not the cyclicality of Earth surface rhythm you might all see as applicable to everything. The sun, seen clearly by this vessel if it chooses the inner angle, never changes in appearance. It may move to the dark side, or it might choose a synchronous orbit and experience sunlight angle changes from the spot, as it hovers above. All three are options.Q:Do visitors from other worlds, extraterrestrials, mark time as they have it on their own planets?C:Yes, generally, to facilitate their return. They often make what you consider daily trips, the time of their cycles taken to travel to Earth and home are similar to the effort and elapse of time humans would dedicate to travel to and from a job.Q:A human’s prior incarnation to this current life… only prior when glued to your Earth calendar. We beg you excuse the interruption!Q:No, that’s fine, thank you.C:It is planned to apply to an Earth calendar; the day numbering sequence, with intermediate subtotals named years, decades and centuries allow the segment of points – days you call them – to be selected as easily as a word is found in a dictionary.The calendar is but a book; from Heaven you choose the dates, knowing that on Earth, they must be in a continuous sequence to allow proper interaction with other souls. It could be intermittent, with phases such as a coma, but rarely is. Choose a book, look at its table of contents, close it and place it back upon a shelf. Select another book, do the same. Then reverse the places on the shelf. Which book came first? You remember this or you might also look at the author name for alphabetization. Remove marking that allow ordering within the system, and which book might an observer know “came first”? They would not, while no system of ordering is applied or able to be applied.Q:Is this how lives work?C:Precisely; each incarnation is a book unmarked, unordered by sequence. It can be placed anywhere on any shelf you have, and the books can all be arranged any way you select. Only when applied to an Earth calendar, do concepts of previous and subsequent emerge. The Earth calendar creates the past & future. Just as you might look at any book on the shelves in any order.Q:Committee, thank you.C:Our honor and pleasure, pass your time happy. Good mentsMike 19/04/2014 2:21pmPatrickIf in the afterlife one chooses to see a sunset do all souls then bare witness to it. Or is what is seen in the afterlife only your own personal vision of the afterlife.Patrick 19/04/2014 3:42pmWitnesses must bare themselves voluntarily. (couldn't resist)Seriously, The Committee says "it is an option for companions and observers. The choice of one isn't forced upon others in the same company, however it is common for an experience to be shared. If one suggests this as others are around, it is as much the desire to be generous and give of a beautiful experience as to have it for oneself."Mike 19/04/2014 7:39pmIf we are not focusing on our own view of the afterlife or sharing someone else's. Are there mainstays in the afterlife? Like buildings or structures, landscapes etc. Things that would be there even if no spirit was intending it.Patrick 20/04/2014 10:01amGreat question. the Committee says: "On Earth, you have many permanent things humans create, so are they permanent? A large building is not permanent to the many, yes to the one or two. Created by great and coordinated effort, taken away by a collective effort also. Other things deemed permanent and beyond human ability in the creation, yet within it for destruction. We refer to nuclear weaponry as the latest example.In Heaven all exists by collective creation, as does your Earth but you shall not see and appreciate it this way until well into your return home.The permanence of the many things of great beauty and design, built on a large and grand scale, across all the Heavens, you will see much as a loyal dog does his master; despite ability, the canine never injures or kills its human companion.The island Earth, this oasis in the Heavens, likewise created by collective design and decision, will not be damaged or allowed destroyed yet its existence and creation are a collective endeavor.The notion deterioration will occur or eventually, many years, decades or centuries later the creation will be taken or knocked down by humans, with a great change of mind, applies on Earth. This view and idea that creates, perpetuates."Denis 19/04/2014 6:46pmLove the visual, the sphere applies equally to the previous post.Mike 21/04/2014 12:23pmIf there are things of permanence in heaven besides the souls of us who inhabit that place. Would the committee be willing too offer us a mere glimpse of what we could expect to see there. My impression is just of an extremely brightly lit vast area of pure white light. A canvas if you will to project our thoughts and ideals onto.centertopLighter Energy22/04/2014Reader Question: There is so often reference to light discussing energy, love, dimensions etc. As I assume this is not the light frequency we see, can someone get a bit more scientific? Can one specify frequency ranges? Will humans be able to define energies beyond the range measurable today??00C:The ranges of light vibration frequency extend within the energy as it also vibrates across the spectrum of what is called visible and other light. The detection of light on Earth occurs inside the dimensions occupied, where humans dwell.Control of light you all have, and as it is directed by your thoughts, this directing controls more than visible light; there is also control exercised over the invisible and also light energy of frequencies of dimensions you do not occupy. Just as light from and through dimensions you do not occupy also bleeds, strays and sometimes enters visibly, your dimensions.The light seen with human eye organs also contains components of energy the eye cannot detect. There are also components to it, humanity may not detect, not yet.Often you might have heard of the depth and intensity of colors in Heaven; this is true and is an example. You may not see such colors, while you occupy a human body, so exposure to them – which occurs all the time – will not benefit you. We suggest the paint of a car, where many, many layers or coats are applied, the color is said to have depth a single or few coats do not provide. This is a small hint; as the breadth of light frequencies detected across the electromagnetic spectrum also supply a depth and intensity of color unable to be seen, with human, animal or insect eyes of your dimensions. The tales of color remarked by users of hallucinogens are descriptions of a temporary unlocking of the memory and sensation of seeing light and color, available in Heaven.The reason for variety and depth of light is the ability to see also the sub-components of atomic particles, invisible to you now. As a bullet is invisible by its speed, so is the vibration of an atom’s pieces. Assemble sufficient atoms and you may see the object or material created; you are able to see the atoms. If the pieces of the neutrons, protons and electrons were seen also, this would supply both the depth and the variation of color about which we speak.Your higher dimensionality provides the ability to see neutrons, protons and electrons grouped together as these atomic pieces, separate from the object or material formed by their atoms. You see and feel and perceive both. Your thoughts and mental energy operate in this range and above, the reason you do not see them, yet they exist and influence all things.Imagine willfully drawing light down to you and it does come; you do not see it. It descends despite invisibility; do planets, the Moon and Sun cease to have influence while outside your view?Light is energy and thought, the light which retrieves information from a computer disk just as the light of the person you see and love.All things you send and receive by thought, hunch, feeling and intuition are light. Slow light enough and it becomes solid; this you call solid matter.We trust this helps a bit; please come back with your questions below; be well one and mentsAdmirer 23/04/2014 12:13amThanks Patrick. Need to reread to understand .Seems my physical mind expected a physical terms reply...Patrick 23/04/2014 10:54amSays The Committee, "Physical terms reply? Light is not physical? As sunlight touches your bare arm and warmth is felt on your skin, is this not physical?We offer a physical example then; a block of steel. Slow light, it is. Concentrate sufficient sunlight upon it and observe it dissolve. With distance and through a camera, we suggest."Haha 23/04/2014 1:27pmTouchéMike 23/04/2014 7:09amPatrick,Slightly off topic I know but is there any point to this search for the 'God Particle' or the Higgs Boson? Will we benefit from it and in what way? These experiments they are doing with the LHC seem to be just for nothing. Similarly the SETI project seems to be a futile waste of money if they are never going to reveal themselves to us.MikePatrick 23/04/2014 10:48amDigression is good; at the least, entertaining.Says The Committee, "Until the use, purpose, application and role of these particles is seen, your view is accurate; what is the point? As these things become known, so will 'the point'.There is no such thing as a waste of money; there is no such thing as money. It exists simply as a voucher of agreement. You suggest a different agreement be made in place of other opportunities? You speak not of investment; this concept humans have named 'opportunity cost' and we suggest also, this exists not. Absent time sequence scarcity illusion, all agreements are possible and beneficial. Forgiveness we beg, for digression we have likewise committed. Yet after all, we are a committee. Be well!"Robert 23/04/2014 8:15pmAbout 16 years ago I did some auto writing Angel messages. One of the messages received was,"The essence of your being is light." This message makes more sense to me in light of the committee'scomments about light. Not to make light of them, but I am feeling more lighthearted now. Maybe I`m beginning to see the light! Please don't take these my comments too lightly!Actually, when you think about it, it's all pretty heavy, man!(Don't know if that was funny, but it sure was "punny"!)Maybe it's time to bring Groucho back...Unless I just did,momentarily! Anyway, I hope this didn't leave anyone in the dark!Oh, well, gotta go! It's almost time for lights out! ;)Patrick 24/04/2014 11:55pmMaking light of the situation, I see.....centertopMama Cass25/04/2014?00Ellen Naomi Cohen, known as Cass Elliot and nicknamed Mama Cass (1941-1974) was an American singer in the musical group The Mamas & The Papas. After the group’s break-up in 1968, she embarked on her own career, releasing five solo albums. In 1998 Mama Cass and three former musical partners of The Mamas & The Papas were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. She passed away from a heart attack at age 32 in London, during a concert tour.Q:Do I call you Cass or Ellen?CE:You call me Cass! I like that name and always did.Q:The whole notion of choosing a name before birth, is it always true and did you also choose to alter it?CE:Double yes, baby. That’s right. The name choice isn’t always just the person who will take that name; the parents-to-be can sometimes have a part in the choice and sometimes other people, too. That’s not the case always, mostly each soul does the choosing for her or his reasons. Guardian Angels, they can also have a say.Once you’re in the body and starting to speak, the name change, like I made, can happen and this is also a chosen thing.Q:Astrology and numerology say the birth name is the true source code, blueprint, order sheet or what-have-you for a soul’s personality and life. If that’s true, what happens with the name change?CE:It’s like changing your mind; you give yourself the option when the time comes, but it’s rarely a compelling choice. You give yourself the choice at the time. Sometimes you might not take it; either personality as that might correspond to a numerology interpretation, can be seen or a combination. Like a walk-in soul, to give a more stark example. The name change is more subtle, a blending in.Q:Your death from sudden heart failure, did the yo-yo dieting play a role? Cause it?CE:A little, but I was going to pass in my thirties anyway.Q:I have to say, reading about the death of The Who percussionist, Keith Moon, in the same London flat, four years later at the same age as you, was this just a wild coincidence?CE:No; it was planned for him and he chose that hotel room because of me. His soul knew it was coming and the room was seen as a place for him to feel more comfortable and relaxed, because I was there also. Remember, in the absence of time, the thing that seems to happen before or after, which is true, isn’t that way in Heaven, necessarily.Q:Before I forget, I must say, like many guests here, you were suggested by a reader, who offered questions. He asks,“you were on earth during the 60s, with the ubiquitous peace signs, slogans such as ‘Flower Power’, ‘Make Love, Not War’ and the ‘Hippie’ movement. Although derided by the establishment at the time, humanity has been moving in this direction since The Age of Aquarius finally dawned on the twenty first of December, 2012 (12/21/12). Although an earthly notion, do you feel somehow ‘vindicated’ by humanity's shift in this direction?”CE:I will say many of the “establishment” types who criticized the trend secretly wanted to be a part of it, much the way intense dislike of a person reflects dislike of yourself, something inside you seen in the person the object of your scorn. I wouldn’t say I felt vindicated at all, in Heaven, but had I lived on Earth through this time, I very well could have felt this way. Yes.Q:What was the whole flower power, make-love-not-war thing really about? What was its true significance?CE:It seemed to be aimed at the United States where protests took place there but these also were fashionable trends in other nations. They were just what they seemed to be; protest against the effects of military action. They were directed as much at aggressor nations and armies far from the USA even though little effect did that have. The idea all would be good if the USA just stayed away from trouble was largely true, for the USA. It was a well intended, isolationist approach but only a first step. All sides have to stand down from aggression for this to be effective and it won’t happen very quickly; in fact it won’t happen until the ability to project aggression far away is reduced. This is coming too, but the change must be internal. The aggressor cannot insist upon national sovereignty while invading that of others who believe they have it also. So the flower power, make-love-not-war idea was a solid step towards global peace.Q:Wow, Mama Cass discussing global geopolitics!CE:Happy to help!Q:Was there a purpose to your physical appearance and struggles with weight?CE:Yes, it was a life purpose. To show beauty and talent are within and to understand life from the place of a woman not considered attractive by popular standards. In a prior life I was thought to be very beautiful, and took that for granted somewhat. I was not sensitive to others not treated to similar attention I received. Cass Elliot gave me the opportunity to see the other end of the spectrum.Q:Do you believe you accomplished this purpose?CE:Yes, for the people who see it; there is no shortage of those who don’t. As you all know.Q:Why do certain physical characteristics gain popularity yet others do not? I understand the physical ability aspect, especially as this relates to health and survival but this doesn’t correlate well. There are many people with a physical appearance that doesn’t immediately announce agility and athleticism, yet achieve it very well, like sumo wrestlers. Imagine one in street clothes and a trio of muggers attempting to knock one down and rob him.CE:There is a life plan and purpose, individual and collective, to these things. The contrasts teach enormously valuable things and for this reason, there are preferences and dislikes. This is no consolation to the person who dislikes her or himself because s/he believes others in general dislike her/him, but having been this person, I understand the value in the lesson. Mostly, it’s a lesson of teaching. The critics of an unattractive person, as they consider it, gain much more from the equation, but often don’t realize what they learn until passing. This happened with me in that previous life. So I volunteered to be Cass Elliot.Q:You see Earth and humanity from a unique place few of us appreciate through our memories, as you know. What do you see happening that’s important for us to understand?CE:Every little struggle and all of the big ones are jewels and riches to your soul. Constant attempts to minimize and if you can, avoid difficulty and unpleasantness, create a beauty the value from which you will immediately understand. Have you considered how, with all the efforts to improve and make anything better, the struggles that come with life continue? No matter what, there are obstacles always?Q:Yes, new ones but just the same.CE:Embrace the change an obstacle forces. That is my advice. You can trade it in for a new obstacle and enjoy that, too!Q:What is it about singing that warms our soul?CE:Words and meaning; a story unfolds. Music sounds, like an instrument, these touch your physical being, like a massage. The lyrics of a song also touch your heart and combine the feeling with a story; you imagine what fits for you, in the story suggested. Think of the place imagined the way a book is read; anybody who has read a good book or story knows this. Singing does this too, doesn’t it? But the rhythm of the tones, the notes, the beat also connect the story to your soul.Q:When you sang and observed the audience, the listeners, did this provide anything different or positive that wouldn’t be the same in a studio?CE:Oh yes, the reason concerts are so enjoyable. The expressions on the faces of listeners says everything. It’s confirmation the music takes them where they hope to go.Q:Why do certain songs become popular and sometimes, “hits” when others don’t?CE:Resonance; the frequencies accumulate in the soul of the listener and remind her or him, who s/he really is. Even if your soul at home doesn’t show exactly who you are, you feel a little bit of Heaven again and this piece of home and the feeling it gives, this warms your heart. This is why a certain song “hits” the charts.Q:How would a music producer achieve hits every time? How could a song’s eventual success be predicted?CE:This isn’t just about music; the same thing about a book, painting or design for a house, boat or car. The answer is, it won’t be done. If everything offered in hopes of success became one, the predictability would undermine the purpose. The aspect of investment risk any designer, manufacturer or publisher takes is a great lesson for all involved. Removal of the risk of failure destroys the benefit of success; what is success then, if unpopularity isn’t likely? So the predictability of music success will never be offered, elimination of success is too costly to humanity.Q:If you could return to Earth and do something differently, what would it have been?CE:Talk to my daughter a little more and differently. I believe I did well, but I didn’t know I’d be leaving her at her age of seven. I loved her enormously and would have told her that more often than a mother would otherwise say it to a four, five and six year old.Q:You wouldn’t call this a regret?CE:No, regret implies negligence or a selfishness that caused things to be unfavorable. This wasn’t what happened at all.Q:Cass, thank you for visiting, it was a real honor.CE:An honor for you maybe, but a pleasure for me! Take care, mentsRobert 25/04/2014 5:55pmThank you Patrick and Cass! As with all the interviews, I enoyed reading this one. I shall endeavor to view obstacles and struggles as "jewels and riches for the soul", however difficult that usually is while down here in this dense human experience on earth. If I understand correctly, this is precisely the reason souls choose to incarnate on earth, because earthly obstacles and struggles are not available in heaven. Thanks for asking my question, which, I'm sure, Cass, as did Houdini, already knew about. Until next time,"Sweet dreams 'til sunbeams find you, sweet dreams to leave all worries far behind you!" : DKayra Sun 25/04/2014 8:06pmThis interview was so moving for me. Especially in one of those moments in which a family situation has me suffering as I wonder how to let it go or even if I should. At this moment my soul feels very rich and bejeweled. ;))) Ooooh Cass thank you for the reminder that we are all mirrors of each other. And btw I think you are beautiful. Thank you so much Patrick.Renie 25/04/2014 11:32pmWow! Groovy interview! Mama Cass, you are a beautiful spirit in every way...a true icon of the '60's! Your message is "right on!" Thank you!Susan 26/04/2014 12:17amAwww that was a lovely interview :-)Brett 26/04/2014 1:12pmGreat Interview. Neat that you mentioned Keith Moon. I remember when you did the John Bonham interview, I mentioned in a comment that it would be great to hear what Keith Moon had to say. Thanks for asking about Keith!!centertopFormula for Happiness26/04/2014?Q:Esteemed Committee, how do humans find the happiness we feel is missing?C:Happiness is never missing; it’s just a little bit obscured or out of sight.Q:OK, so simple, we just pull back that curtain drawn across the answer to any trouble we might find.C:Yes.Q:Just like that?C:Yes.Q:Seems so stupidly simplistic, makes me want to stop right here.C:Why is complication so attractive, we ask?Q:I didn’t expect that answer, or rather, question.C:Well? What about complication in life makes it so prevalent? It is a common thread in the lives of almost all humans. Almost nobody proceeds through life believing in nearly general contentment all the time. One who does, she or he is considered somewhat crazy, daft or a little off. Is this not true?Q:Yes, generally.C:If discontentment and unhappiness are common for the many of you, at different times and places in your life, it would be easy to conclude that humans are inherently defective, flawed or mistaken. Is this true? For many religions will suggest imperfection is an absolute human trait that must be accepted. This is not true.Q:That comment earns a few blasphemy points!C:Do you see the suggestion of imperfection setting the table for a religion as the offering of salvation? From what must you be saved, yourself? If this is true, the religious order offering such salvation or redemption must explain how it is composed of only humans and yet possesses ability to erase the imperfection it hopes to sell you. Have you heard this explanation?Q:I haven’t but what the heck do I know about religious salvation?C:This explanation is not offered; it cannot be. All humans are already perfect; no division into groups of differing levels can be made in the absence of a misbelief given as a certainty.Q:Christianity would say God is perfect and we should aspire to this, that Christ died for our sins.C:Sins as this religious order defines them are permanently occurring, and keeping the activity alive supports the belief. Christ was a man named Jeshua and he died not for you. He lives as eternally as you do. You do not die for a sin, and you are not constrained to a definition of sin others supply unless you also choose to agree. If you choose a belief that no sin exists, none does.Q:So this means anything done anytime, no matter the effect, can’t be a sin?C:No. What we offer is that an action will have a consequence you will encounter, apart from and aside from humanity. You will encounter the effects of your acts, always and without fail. How the view is chosen for the temporary stay in your body, you choose, individually and sometimes, collectively. The encounter with the effects will come, sooner or later. To insert intermediate steps of judgment and classification of acts as good or bad, this is a human choice you need not follow. If you choose to consider acts as negative, it will be done solely by your own mind and hand. No others will sit in judgment of you or impose punishment. The notion of sin is constructed inside a human view.Q:OK, so we eliminate sin from life, as we have learned it and chosen it, and then how does this lead us to happiness?C:Happiness is memory; you locate it inside your recollections. It is not elsewhere, hidden and stored for your discovery, unpacking and use. It is inside you and around you.Q:So many great challenges befall so many people, how could we say to the crime victim, the war victim or the disadvantaged in so many ways – all through no own fault, by virtue of storms, attacks, accidents and economics – that happiness is also theirs?C:By saying it. The reactions to these things are largely learned and often by your choice. It is not popular to believe this, as it seems as if blame is placed upon the victim. By doing so, the perpetrator is absolved? This view is common. We say firstly, no perpetrator is absolved of any harm done, despite Earthly appearances. We suggest not disappointment at tragedy but offer that other views are possible. The possibilities are not commonly followed; does this mean they do not exist?We offer an example; the ritual of burial and mourning of the recently passed. These are done entirely for survivors; the unknown who might hear of the death, they have learned to express sympathy to those seemingly affected. Do any of these practices help the dead? Can the deceased be brought back to life? Should they? So imagine if the passing of a close friend or relative were ignored beyond disposal of the body. We can assure you, there would be zero effect on the soul of the newly returned and the effort and energy given to sadness, mourning and sorrow could be applied elsewhere. Could there not be an immediate listing of the deceased's accomplishments and a celebration undertaken about them, appreciation shown to all who have benefited? The idea a death has to be tragic ignores the reality you shall all die. If absolute certainty will always be tragic, then why live? Yet you all do, and we can say, you do not travel to live upon Earth to culminate in tragedy. We can say this with certainty so the perception of death as tragic for the survivors? Why? It is not a tragedy for the dead, who have not ceased to exist.Q:Esteemed Committee, few will embrace this view.C:So go the choices of Earth society and culture, yet we return to the subject of happiness. As few might consider death a cause for celebration, we know you who read these words appreciate its possibility, even if you remain unwilling to do it. Thus we suggest, you are all equally able to see the happiness within yourselves independent of and often, in spite of the circumstances you believe reduce it.Q:“Aw, this makes my head hurt, just give me the winning lottery numbers” some might say to themselves.C:Yes, and replace current troubles with new and larger ones? No happiness is located in that money. Happiness is you.Q:Esteemed Committee, my thanks for the time.C:Most welcome are you, return mentsRenie 26/04/2014 6:07pmSo much of our unhappiness seems based in fear-fear of death, poverty, illness, loneliness. How do we move past the fear?Patrick 27/04/2014 10:40amThis is a question for the big "C".C: "You cease to create it. Halt production, stop manufacturing. The fear of the things you mention can, at its most extreme, be attributed only halfway to them. Do not fear death, embrace your return home. Do you know of any human that lived forever? So is all of life just a stream of fear leading to the fateful, tragic end? No, it is not yet every human dies. Few humans fear death to the point and place where it cripples them, disables them from taking any risk or moving forward in any meaningful way. Poverty is not to be feared; desire to consume beyond ability is the cause. Poverty can be erased steadily and permanently in all who choose it. Illnesses can be managed and cured and understand that, while they are not seen arriving, they are almost always planned. Loneliness is a choice where there are billions of humans. There is not an easy solution, so this means no choice exists?"Renie 27/04/2014 7:01pmAwesome answer! Yes, I can see the role that choice plays...we can choose to see Heaven or hell in all situations...thank you Big "C" and Patrick!Robert 27/04/2014 1:18am"No happiness is located in that money. Happiness is you."Be that as it may, this Earthling would STILL like to be happy me with 247 million dollars! : DPatrick 27/04/2014 10:32amI suggest the shock and initial joy of a windfall like that would fade faster than you might imagine, as half the people you know would suddenly see you and treat you like a checkbook. It would be difficult to either invest or begin a business without potential partners, bankers, investors, employees, suppliers and customers finding out. Half of them would also treat you the same way half your current friends and family might treat you.Ajh 27/04/2014 2:37pmThat in itself may be an intrestating experience. that said, personally i'd be 'happier' in a society where a money means nothing whatsoever. Back to cooperation, i say. Won a lotto? *scoff. Who cares..Veronica 27/04/2014 7:49amHi Patrick, Thank you for asking this question and for the Committees answer. Wonderful. Timing could not be better in my life. I think I am getting it. In a nutshell: It is not what happens, but how we react to it. Our actions create reactions combined with situations we have created with fellow earthly humans to create lessons. We are not victims. We are ultimately perfect, living eternally. Thats pretty comforting to know, I feel happier already.Patrick 27/04/2014 10:43amYou earn a channeling gold star, Veronica; The Committee has spoken to you with great effectiveness. See your channeling in action? Do you believe what you wrote was entirely the result of what you read, no channeling did you do? Possibly not, consider otherwise.Ahmed 27/04/2014 10:43amGreat post, but I still struggle to understand or maybe apply what I understood. Like someone already said, fear can be hard to overcome, fear of death can only be overcome by either a certainty of eternal life or an acceptance and living in the moment (a philosophy I do not find very useful in face of oblivion). So here my happiness depends on achieving this certainty, which is hard, if not impossible.Fear of not achieving certain experiences in life like success or love or travel are other things, what does The Committee suggest in face of that? Acceptance and letting go of what you cannot obtain? Part of me feels like that's surrender and apathy.Patrick 27/04/2014 11:46amLife is either eternal or it is not. Do you accept that your body is eternal? Probably not, since no human body has ever been this way and thus yours likely isn't, either. Against the evidence, the expectation a body could avoid expiration isn't realistic.In the meantime, does every human being turning towards Mecca, Buddha, Christ etc etc engage in false, empty self consolation as they pray? Does every thought called prayer simply flow into a huge septic tank to decompose?Are your thoughts empty, frivolous and useless beyond the moment they occur? Experience, study, learning - i.e. memories - all involve thought but do those thoughts fade and vanish? So if not, why would thoughts directed towards deceased love ones, friends and symbols of Heaven be essentially empty?If there is fear from not achieving another experience, is the experience that IS achieved appreciated? In other words, all of us - ALL OF US, NO EXCEPTION - achieve experiences. Why are these lesser than other experiences? Human choice to see lesser versus better, that is all. Change your views and your experiences will be altered all that much more."In the face of oblivion"....well, what is oblivion and why is it in your face, or you in its face? Define it as you understand it, then examine where you see your face - or its face - in relation to your definition. Do you agree with what the dictionary says oblivion should be? If so, when has this dictionary definition of oblivion occurred on Earth such that you should fear it, that it could be even remotely likely?What is certainty? Once you have defined it, in steps, pieces and parts, you can acquire those pieces and assemble them. Does certainty involve five billion Brazilian cruzeiros? These were considered valuable and in this suggested amount, once represented great acquisition power in a large and developed country. Today a good segment of the people of that nation barely remember that currency, much less its relative purchasing power in today's money. Having it likely defined a fat part of certainty, for many people, at that time. Today, no certainty exists for it, only faded memories.What do you choose for certainty?You may obtain anything you imagine; what will you do with it once you have?Ahmed 27/04/2014 12:37pmI understand that The Committee is trying to make me see things from a different perspective, but just as you said people pray and believe many different things, the only logical way I have to judge what's true and what isn't is by evidence.As for thoughts and memories, from our view at least they can seemingly disappear with brain injury or ailment. So while we can argue about whether thoughts have an independent existence of their own from a philosophical viewpoint, again I require evidence to reach certainty.What is oblivion? Nothingness, non-existence, a void. Before birth I have no memories of existence, so not existing after death is a reasonable deduction without evidence to counter it.What is certainty? An absence of doubt, very little is certain in this world, least of all money, but death is, and there either is something after it or there isn't.What is evidence? Supernatural occurrences that have no other explanations without a spiritual or soul component, e.g. a physical manifestations of the "dead", information conveyed through a medium that can only be from the "dead", etc.Anyway, the point of this is not to enter into an argument about life after death, been there, done that, several times and I only feel like I'm going in circles. I guess I was just trying to make a point about fear and happiness.As for experiences, it's true that we give value to our experiences, however is that value entirely arbitrary? From a purely physical perspective, isn't the experience of being in love better than the experience of being in pain. Isn't having an enjoyable conversation better than boredom? Should I simply accept every experience as valuable, even pleasant, even if it doesn't immediately feel that way? Should I stop pursuing those experiences I see as worthwhile to avoid the frustration of not achieving them?Oh Committee, you always give me more questions, :).The Committee 27/04/2014 10:34pm"Must evidence you accept always be brought within your chosen subset? Is the range of evidence never expanded? For how long was Earth deemed flat because no evidence proved otherwise?The moon was brought to Earth one hundred ten centuries ago, and has orbited your planet for approximately eleven thousand Earth revolutions about your central star. What proof will convince you this happened?We suggest you have no memory of your parents' upbringing; can this be taken to mean they do not exist or were not brought up? Unlike the former satellite of Jupiter now orbiting your Earth, you will accept certain evidence, such a photographs and stories, that your parents had an upbringing and that they are your parents, despite no memory of yours. See your evidentiary subset expanding? Is it permanently limited? Your choice.Insist evidence be convenient and inconvenience will insistence create.Be well, now and always."Bee 27/04/2014 1:27pmPatrick, your blog is the first thing I turn to each day, and I can only tell you, again and again, what a valuable service you provide all of us. I am left with new attitudes and outlooks each day. Thank you so very much for all youPatrick 27/04/2014 10:37pmYou're welcome. Thank you, Bee.Hazra 27/04/2014 3:08pmi definitely believe that fears are the main cause of unhappiness.Fear of not having enough ______ money, time, health, love, ideas, dessert :)Fear of not being enough.We've got to address our fears...Hazra 27/04/2014 3:35pmSo I am now questioning my fears and find they are rooted in specific beliefs...ajh 28/04/2014 5:35amcan't reply to commitee;'Unlike the former satellite of Jupiter now orbiting your Earth..'- so selene used to be jupiters girl? why doesn't anybody tell me about these things :pcentertopThe Dollar01/05/2014?As a change in pace from the Q&A format, The Committee has urged me to write articles/essays on current events, including their suggestions for consideration or to put into practice. A good portion of this is channeled. Texas as the example naturally uses the US economic system; apologies for perceived insularity, none intended.00There’s a 50/50 chance readers won’t like this, will disagree and point out where it’s wrong. Boy, oh boy, do I hope you’re right.PrefaceDespite the title, this isn’t about a state; it only uses one as an example. Suggestions the ideas create likely won’t be followed; economic habits don’t change easily, often forcibly. The outcome and preferences people want money to achieve will encounter resistance impossible to overcome before changes force their way into practice.This article describes the forces of change collectively created, which seem imposed against our will, and should help dispel the notion economic changes are not our own decisions. It asks and answers, what’s money? What’s happening? What will happen? What can be done about it and when? Why?What’s Money?It's a voucher or a coupon; it is given for goods and services with the idea it can be used to get goods and services someplace else.Trade and barter, where service or material goods are given for same received, don’t usually require money. Swaps are not popular with tax collectors; how does a mechanic give away part of the trim he got for fixing the hairstylist’s car? A business making a lot of swaps could pay low taxes.A long time ago, somebody decided it would be better to delay getting something after collecting from a sale; money achieved this. Using coupons to get services or products has been around ever since; it doesn’t have to be, there’s no general requirement for it. Its efficiency and ease, coupled with the habit, make it seem like a necessary, even permanent requirement. The system seems solid and forever; does anybody anywhere do things differently?The process is a large agreement; a game the players make serious.Imagine every dollar suddenly created another one; every bill suddenly gave birth to an identical twin. Every bank account’s balance doubled; every investment, annuity, bond, a share of stock or mutual fund suddenly doubled; how long would it take for sellers of anything to take notice? Remember, all the dollars every seller has suffer the same terrible fate, a corrosive, damaging and instant doubling of their their money. Anybody who has ever dreamed – most of us – can imagine falling asleep with twenty and waking up with forty. Envision it for everybody.It would also be efficient to simultaneously double prices; why should retailers waste effort for those frantic few minutes after discovering customer money has just been doubled? Some sellers might not increase prices 100% and get hurt; others might get greedy and increase more. The event should be fair and efficient; double all money and prices at once.Everybody would have more money; it wouldn’t change the economy. Isn’t that what everybody wants, more money? Well, not always; nobody owing one hundred wants to owe twice as much. Better if debt stays at one hundred as our wallets and bank accounts swell to twice their size. Remember though, a lender considers debts assets; accounting rules agree.Amounts of money lose importance by themselves; differences matter. Expectation of continued differences gives money value. Remove expectations of differences and money drops out of use.The question "what's money?" is answered; money = expectation.What’s happening?From where does money come? Paper banknotes from a printing press but the vast majority exists as computer data; in other words, electrical puter data is an arrangement of ionized atoms, positive or negative, one way or the other, this way or that. Technology allows a more permanent charge imprinted on iron compounds and chemicals that coat plastic tape, this technology having barely lasted several decades. It's been replaced with microscopic circuits on ever smaller chips, the same thing in a smaller space. Easier and faster to recall, copy, change and more safely stored, this is where most money exists.If creating money is as easy as running the printing press or pushing computer buttons, why not just solve all the money problems that way?We do.Return to the last two words and math symbol of chapter 1.Thought about it a little? If not, go back and give it five more seconds; the article will wait right here.Do the printing presses and money computers work upon request? Obviously and somebody commands the equipment.Who?Have you asked the operators of the money computers and printing presses to do it for you? If not, why not? The worst answer would be refusal; this could reduce your money in what way? Ask politely and it shouldn’t. Why not try? I doubt a charge will be required. Consider doing it; today!The title of this article mentions a state, forty nine others and associated territories which operate a scheme of dollar creation and use. It adheres to agreements, formal and otherwise, that form the beliefs thus expectations of the vast majority of dollar holders.These sovereign, associated territories participate in a jointly created arrangement which borrows, pays back, creates new and extinguishes money. The operation is controlled, managers use it to borrow and collect from and for the citizens of participating members.The system creates as it carefully avoids a “double the money” scenario Chapter 1 describes. Since doubling cash and prices simultaneously leaves everything pretty much in the same place, that isn’t useful. Creating more money is very important as a population grows; new people need it, too. How's this done?Borrowing.There are two entities involved, the federal reserve and the treasury. Think of them as the bank and its lone customer. The customer borrows and pays back with interest. The borrower and bank are closely related and ultimately under the same control, and the bank has a printing press – so there is no risk of non-payment.Is there any risk at all? Of course…what if the buying power of money paid back – a loan plus interest – can’t buy as much as when it was lent? That’s the risk, prices go up.None of this borrowing and lending uses cash or checks; counting takes too long at both ends, writing and delivering checks takes time. It's all done electrically.What will happen?Money is created through the process of lending, economics long ago detecting and measuring the effect. Monetary authorities and their printing presses enable it in a much larger way. The Great Depression of the 1930s was partially caused by hoarding of money, and soon there wasn’t enough to go around. The electrical creation of money not possible at that time has provided a tool to avoid this problem.In a financial nutshell: inside the open market borrowing and repayment of US government loans, through treasury securities, the customer’s bank does it also. The federal reserve creates money by the push of a button or running the presses and “buys” a treasury bill, note or bond. The open market investor also buys these securities, lending to the treasury which in turn spends the money. The treasury collects taxes also, and uses both tax and borrowed money to pay the bills. As all of this happens, the total amount of money in circulation is monitored; as older, worn out banknotes are returned and replaced, as new ones are sent to banks to be put into circulation and as treasury securities are traded, it’s a straightforward process keeping track of totals. Banks are also regulated, and their investments, cash reserves and general balance sheets are monitored.When the amounts of cash in circulation are considered low, the treasury “injects” more money by paying back lenders ahead of time. Lenders like this; interest is received faster than agreed, making the effective interest rate higher. Anybody expecting five percent after one year is happy to be repaid after only six or nine months. Where and how does the treasury get the money? They borrow it from the federal reserve, “selling” a treasury bill, note or bond.There is an active secondary market trading in all of this debt; every time interest rates rise or fall – a constant process – some holders decide to sell and some, to buy. Like stocks and bonds, the dynamic of complex economics creates ongoing mercial banks make money lending and are required to have minimum capital to loans. For any insufficiency, the bank regulator - you guessed it, the federal reserve - lends the shortfall. The interest rate charged becomes one cost a bank encounters to do business, just as does a manufacturer with raw material. This effectively controls interest rates to both consumer and commercial borrower.How much debt does the treasury have? In other words, at any moment, how much is the “credit card” or the “charge card” balance? It doesn’t really matter; the federal reserve can simply buy up any amount of new treasury debt – bills, notes and bonds – and the treasury can use it to pay off every single lender, and in as much time as it takes to wire transfer the money; pretty quickly, no government debt.Is this really that easy?No, there is a large legislative body in the USA called Congress that must approve the total debt. They are not controlled by the treasury or the federal reserve. This arrangement of a central bank or monetary authority, a government treasury and taxes and parliamentary legislative body that controls them, exists in every nation or group of nations, such as the Eurozone, that issues currency.If the amount of debt any treasury held were paid off in one fell swoop through a massive and instantaneous printing, immediately every holder would see value diluted; debts wouldn’t change and lenders would realize immediately the one hundred owed to them will buy less than expected before new money flowed all over; prices would rise.Refer back to the instantaneous doubling of all money and debt in the first part of the article.If taxes remain below spending and borrowing continues, debt will increase unless spending falls below collection to enable debts be paid.There will always be government debt, as a mechanism to manage cash liquidity. Risk free government debt is attractive; money lent can always be recovered selling the debt, and eventually by expiration date.When was the last time the US government had excess collections? 2003; it sent each taxpayer a check.How much debt exists now, in the northern hemisphere spring of 2014? The US government owes more than 100% of the nation’s annual economy; in 2003 it was about half. Bear in mind, there are also debts and obligations owed by states, counties and cities, none of which have a printing press.If the economy were suddenly flooded with new funds equivalent to the annual value of all goods and services, this would have several immediate effects.Interest rates would come under pressure to drop, as scarcity would vanish with money deposited into banks. Risk free investments would likewise go away – no treasury debt – so how would banks earn a profit from interest above costs? A more immediate effect would be lower confidence in the dollar; suddenly everything a person worked for could be diluted, prices for everything would shoot up overnight and even though debts could be repaid, would this new money end up in the hands of consumers or institutional investors? You can see financial, even social, chaos.As long as federal debt continues a steady increase, as it has for ten years now, and more local government obligations remain, it is easy to foresee the bottom falling out. Massive printing to eliminate the money printer's debts won’t help states and cities as it also sets off massive inflation. Most consumers will see little reach their pockets as prices climb yet will understand purchasing power cut back, in many cases, significantly.If massive, one time printing is avoided and debt continues its climb, how much tax supports ever higher payment of interest? Right now the US federal government already borrows forty to forty five percent of spending; it will borrow more. Institutional investors will see the effects coming and do three things; sell off debt, lend less and raise prices. More printing to maintain interest payments will likely bring about federal reserve purchases and shredding of debt. As the federal reserve forgives debt amounts of one third, one half or three quarters of the annual US economy, how will the economy react??It will drive off lenders, economic activity falls, tax collections drop and the economy enters a death spiral. Everyone from bank presidents, to mega corporation chief executives and the wo/man on the street will understand the voucher printing and at that point, the US dollar will have the value of store coupons clipped from the paper.What can be done about it and when?Abandon the US dollar.How? The large agreement among the people any currency represents first requires agreement on many things not financial, such as borders, sovereign jurisdiction and self confidence to not deflate or inflate currency unnaturally.Recall the definition of money in the first part, a voucher to get in return for giving, after any delay chosen.Required are knowledge and confidence in and of the sovereign territory, that for such agreement there is wherewithal to supply desired goods, material and service. Understanding that currency and its debts will strictly respect limits, avoiding deflation of activity from too little – as can happen with hoarding – or the opposite, rampant printing and expansion until collapse, will restore health to commerce.To enact this requires a place not indebted now, with a history of not exceeding its means. A place with sufficient resources to supply basic services, such as transportation, food, shelter, clothing and so forth within its delineations, its rules and borders.This can begin tomorrow, if enough players in any such place foresee the maelstrom and initiate what the final part of this article suggests.Is there a place like this in the USA??How?“Greetings our friends, readers and observers for we rejoice at your having read though this summary of economics already well known on your Earth, a science of behavior you study and measure with accuracy and precision. Forgiveness we beg of detail you might have found laborious, containing tedium in a subject seen by many yet favored by fewer. Long ago your humble scribe and writer of our words here agreed to the study of this science of human society, to one day enable transcription of these concepts, through words we use not, and the moment has come to issue them. We welcome and greet you as the first but not final readers of our suggestions and ideas, seen as important and vital to humanity’s well being.We trust you have all observed, through your participation in the currency voucher agreement, the effects in practice of beliefs applied and we do, through this, hope to make an example of your mind, its power and your collective ability to control your lives far beyond what is seen possible.An option is to begin barter trade based on expected values of current dollars; a seller of fruit chooses an equivalent quantity of milk, at a price both grower and dairy agree appropriate. Goods are exchanged without money. This arrangement establishes values yet costs for services of transport and storage, requiring of vehicles, fuel, electricity and so forth, also require retail payment to enable the purchase of services, until these can likewise be bartered. Less cash is necessary as this expands.This option will be resisted, requiring much re-arrangement and measurement of value not done now. As you understand also, better to engage in such trade before confidence in existing arrangements plummets and it might, as society’s collective decisions accumulate. The logjam of debt breaks free in a great crashing as water supports it and flows. As it does.Abandonment of a currency is already contemplated in Europe; political pressures exist as an obstacle . No lack of pressure is there in America, the setting for our suggestion. Political controversy attaches to this subject in great and large ways, as to many things.Need for abandonment of a system and creation of its replacement become forced as the current path continues; desire for endurance of perceived value shall cause the value’s erosion, along the course now followed.Implication of a national rupture looms in America as in Europe it does not, where sovereignty has been maintained before the recent, brief period of currency convenience. The disconnection from the dollar and creation of a replacement presents obstacles worth overcoming against the ignorance of circumstances leading to collapse.Each of you individually shall see yourselves subject to forces that control you, as you have learned habits of money. There is much merit to the individual view, yet it is like so much of your existence, an illusion as chosen. Unlike the subset of your soul and true self, an illusion you will never discard, as your return home will demonstrate clearly and instantly, the illusion of money and wealth is an Earth creation indeed able to be discarded or modified. We suggest modification.Established a system of valuation minus cash, trading can lead to establishment of a new or several currencies, as you prefer. The formation agreement does not prohibit states from creation of currency as it allows the central authority to do; also this formation agreement says powers not specifically delegated are reserved to states and citizens.If money you value is controlled beyond yourself, you understand resistance those controllers will offer to reduction. If foreseen is the control beyond you as detrimental to your interest, for how long will you participate?Values as a new currency bears to the existing national unit are determined outside the new currency’s creators, so pay it little attention, as your trade within borders crosses them not, your formation agreement prohibiting interference by the national authority; it may not lay taxes between states and also prohibits the states.Shall a remaining majority of states agree to amend the formation agreement and allow taxation, interference and control of a new state currency? This brings about a new collective choice; independence from the central authority will be considered.We bid you a good outcome and fair course through these events, as you choose to stabilize a national currency, create a new one or separate from national agreements to maintain new media of exchange.Truly, these are choices not yet made; we have seen various outcomes played forth, in the parallelity of events not seen from Earth’s timeline; we eagerly await your collective decision and outcomes; we do say, these events will present a great understanding and learning to all, whether creation of the Texas Dollar is pursued or discarded.Good day we bid you all.”CommentsKees 29/04/2014 6:07pmHi PatrickAnother great post from the Committee.They are always capable of explaining these economic subjects in simple terms.Can't wait to see the next post.Mike 30/04/2014 8:11amPatrick,This will make for an interesting addition: I'd like to see some wildlife pictures in the banner photo. Something like Dolphins would be nice. :)Ajh 30/04/2014 10:45amIf Remove money, then poverty goes with it?Patrick 30/04/2014 12:51pmIf poverty is defined as less money, yes. Having little requires others to have more, so that by comparison, some have less. It's still around; differences remain.Removal means no poverty - defined as less compared to more - and poverty disappears along with the money. There isn't any to make comparisons.For the notion of poverty to continue, a new definition must be agreed.Cheryl 01/05/2014 1:04pmPatrick...LOL, Love the dolphins in your banner! :)I look forward to the continuation of this 'article/essay' on money, it is quite interesting!Patrick 01/05/2014 2:45pmCould be the name of a good pub, The Flying Dolphin.?I don't think Mike had this in mind, but airborne sea mammals over Arizona would be the tourist attraction of the month, wouldn't it?Mike 01/05/2014 4:18pmHmmm not quite what I had in mind but knew this would be the outcome. Touché lolAD 01/05/2014 2:52pmi concur on both points!!!!!steve w. 02/05/2014 5:47amHi Patrick, very interesting post indeed, also, dolphins actually distracted me from noticing the seven mountain goats for quite a while !!!Patrick 02/05/2014 1:52pmLOL good spot! The invisible ones, right? At least to us mere mortals.Linda 02/05/2014 12:14pmThank you. Is there a rough timeframe for this? Do physical earth changes precipitate this?Patrick 02/05/2014 1:51pmI'd guesstimate five to twenty years, and possibly never. It depends on decisions. Government debt where money can't be printed to cover it is already at a breaking point; the printing press debt can go on until lenders believe prices will increase above interest. That slope will turn sharply upwards; treasury debt is sold at auction, investor lenders decide the interest rates, and the secondary market does the same.At some point buyers of government debt will insist on much higher interest; this is likely to happen when total outstanding debt reaches double the nation's GDP, maybe sooner, maybe later.The size of the money supply, which has ballooned over the last six or seven years, puts pressure on prices, in other words inflation. More dollars per person means eventually higher prices; it's simple math.What would spark inflation and an economic death spiral would be a sharp increase in crude oil prices; transportation affects nearly everything. Crude oil is traded in US dollars, and if oil production were to fall, the now larger money supply would come streaking out of hiding to invest, seeking the higher returns. This would affect food prices almost immediately and with something like 2 out of 5 American citizens already getting food coupons now from the federal government, you can see the effect.As lenders to government - buyers of treasury securities - see better possible returns by investing in oil and fuel, higher interest will be immediately necessary to keep up enough cash to maintain spending supported by 40-45% of it now borrowed on a regular basis.The problem flares when the US federal government can't afford to meet interest payments without outright, open printing of money to do it. At that point investors will stay away in droves, and then US dollars will be seen as coupons. Without an alternative medium of exchange, sellers will demand ever higher prices, because their own costs are shooting up from the oil price increase and inflation is ignited. Soon confidence in the US dollar drops.Most large oil producing regions of the world are in ever greater turmoil and all remain significant enough to cause a spike in oil prices if war broke out.Even without a war, the mounting debt could do it; at some point it won't be possible to create and/or extinguish enough debt and money to manage things. The only reason it works now is because it operates inside a legitimate, functioning market for US dollar government debt. Once that market diminishes and exposes the outright printing of money, the precipice is approached.It's our choice and the problem with a solution is that political word wars erupt every time any comment, suggestion or criticism is seen to make a certain political party or group look less than ideal. Instead of aiming at a solution, bitter, vitriolic name calling erupts as the Repulicrats, Conserverals, Libatives and Democans all blame each other.Physical changes and events could cut oil supply but I will say, physical Earth changes and financial turmoil will be essentially simultaneous and ongoing.Denis 02/05/2014 2:39pmI like the different perspective on the canyon, it is now much easier to see those 7 goats.Really appreciate the explanation of the possible financial collapse and the timeline you suggest. Always great postsRobert Martinez 02/05/2014 3:26pmThis barter idea is kind of perplexing. How many chickens will it cost for a heart transplant? Or gallons of milk to get a nice guitar? Or weeks of housecleaning for an acre of land? And what will happen to all those lovely real estate rights where someone can build a small oil rig in your cornfield? In fact, how will that whole ownership of real estate fare, and how will that be respected? I can't visualize it yet.Patrick 03/05/2014 9:43amAn accurate assessment which identifies why money is used; outstanding.When money is seen to be coupons where value decreases quickly and steadily, will there be new money, barter or no trade at all?Then money will be understood for what it is, a game chip, its value no greater or lesser than faith in the game's players and rule makers.Will there be new rule makers? Will we collectively understand differently why, how and who we appoint to run the game?ajh 03/05/2014 2:27pma vegetarian (no chickens) may not need a heart transplant.or maybe better tech and health will redundancise it.milk is disgusting but one needs an operation, would the anti lactose surgeon refuse it?.why the need for so much land when less may suffice.centertopBill Hicks03/05/2014?00William Melvin Hicks (1961-1994) was an American stand-up comic, social critic, satirist, guitarist and songwriter. He covered religion, politics and philosophy, was often controversial and included doses of dark comedy. He criticized consumerism, superficiality, mediocrity and banality as oppressive tools of a ruling class to “keep people stupid and apathetic”. At 16 and still in school, he began performing in Houston, Texas and in the 1980s toured the USA extensively, including high-profile television appearances. In the UK he was popular, filling large venues for a 1991 tour. After passing, his work earned more acclaim and a larger following, being voted in 2007 fourth best on the UK's Channel 4 100 Greatest Stand-Ups, keeping the spot on the 2010 list. Hicks died from pancreatic cancer at 32.Q:I have to say, Mr. Hicks…BH:Call me Bill. The name is fold. Bill Fold.Q:Huh?BH:My line about try going someplace without money and find out how freedom works without it. Yeeeeeeeee-hah!Q:I confess I don’t think I ever saw you on TV; never saw your show live either.BH:You were living overseas when I was on TV.Q:I didn’t live in Texas when you performed in Houston.BH:You dirtbag.Q:I was a Yankee dirtbag. Shifting gears, one of my “more-famous-by-the-day” friends went to school with your brother, and I think, might have interviewed you also. This interview might get around that way, I think there’s some reluctance to make that other interview known.BH:If it were up to me, every interview would be done by the guest, asking the interviewer questions first. You don’t get to probe without BEING probed, you know like sex, which half is doing it and which half is getting it? Like fake coffee cream, it’s HALF & HALF!Q:I see where you earned your reputation. Did your heavy smoking contribute to the cancer? I’m thinking Patrick Swayze, another famous Houstonian who had the same type and smoked.BH:Yep, it did but it was the plan, smoking and the sickness.Q:If you hadn’t smoked…BH:Not part of the plan, dude. By the way you saw the dude on TV interviewed the other day about Benghazi, who said to the reporter, “Dude, that was like…”Q:Yeah, that was funny.BH:I love him, and I put him up to it.Q:You watch TV from Heaven?BH:Everybody does, it’s a window into humanity like no other. Not just the program but into all of you people watching, and once I was one, a people. Fuckin’ great. (Takes a long drag on his cigarette.)Q:Hold on partner, you plant ideas and things in people’s heads?BH:Hell yes, all the time. Lots of us do, it’s a comedian’s life after life to keep stirring the pot. Make serious shit less serious. Don’t take ANYTHING seriously, ever man. Know why? (Takes another drag on the cigarette, then exhales as he keeps talking) The serious stuff will take care of that for you; it will let your ass know. In the meantime, chill the fuck out.Q:I have a stereotyped idea American comics wouldn’t be successful in the United Kingdom, Why were you and or am I all wrong?BH:That’s halfway right, so it’s halfway wrong. The Brits are sarcastic and they secretly like to rebel against authority, while they prop it up, royalty and shit, ya know? They get off on the resistance, so they create the hierarchy to give themselves something to complain about. Ya know, like Liberals in America? Not happy unless they’re complaining their fucking heads off. So pleasant.Q:Still not afraid to wade knee deep into politics?BH:Hip deep. Wanna hear more? Yes, you do.Q:Do I get to pick? (Ignores me and goes on by himself…)BH:Know what the definition of a Liberal is? Heck if I know…go ask one. Know what the definition of a Conservative is? A modern anti-hippie who doesn’t remember why. Know what you get when you mix ‘em together? Debt. Know what a credit card company’s wet dream is? A Conservative husband with a Liberal wife and a charge card.Q:If you could re-do one major thing about your life, what would it be?BH: Wear more plaid. I’d have plaid underwear and maybe even condoms. Maybe a Scottish tartan plaid line of prophylactics with the Union Jack on ‘em. Like Minis…and I’d make those come out earlier in the USA so I could have several. Great car. Yeah, I’d get one of those if I could do life over.Q:Nothing serious?BH:That’s serious stuff….and like I said, don’t worry about serious, it will ALWAYS worry about you and let you know.Q:What did you think of Anna Nicole Smith? She was from Houston.BH:Too bad I didn’t do her. For her sake, too.Q:What do you say to a woman who complains about men who don’t want a girlfriend, just gettin’ some?BH:Enjoy your divorce, baby. Here’s what you do darling, you want intimacy and hand holding, hugging or visits to the flower show or baking cookies or whatever makes you feel womanly, and I know it could be diesel engine repair, that’s great. What will you provide? So when he comes through the door, sit him down and start the hummer, baby. See how things improve.Q:People will say that’s sexist.BH:Of course, with two different sexes, what else is there supposed to be? Women howl about equality but NONE of them want it; they want all the privileges and treatment women get just because they’re women plus the benefits of being a man without the hassles.Q:Like what hassles?BH:Like dealing with women from a man’s point-of-view, for one.Q:What advice do you have for the world today, or just what observations?BH:Laugh more, play more. I don’t mean relax more, most people spend half their relaxing time worrying about not relaxing. Work hard then forget about work when you’re not there. It ain’t worth worrying about. What’s the big friggin’ problem about work? That you’re gonna get fired, right? If you are, worrying about it ain’t gonna change jack shit, Jack told me so himself. You did what you could, now it’s done. Go fight with the old lady in the park feeding birds. She’s a bitch anyway and she can’t fire you.Q:If you could do stand-up comedy today, what would be your subjects?BH:Dude, this is the golden opportunity for comics and they’re all taking the goddamned train when there are eighteen boats sailing out the harbor. Shit hasn’t been this good since Richard Nixon, Watergate and maybe, Monica Lewinsky. Too many comics missed those voyages, too.Q:What’s golden about it?BH:Michelle Obama should have pears hanging from her elbows, she's such juicy low hanging fruit, and her husband? Don’t know where to begin, it’s all good. Any subject. I could not have dreamed up a better target; a half white half black African father Muslim name raised in Indonesia and Hawaii who needed four years to figure out where he was born? Uses the tax people to smack his opponents, sells guns to the Mexican drug gangs, takes over medical treatment by calling it affordable right before everybody’s premiums go up or they get cancelled….you sure this guy ain’t a closet Republican? Acts just like one. (Takes another long drag…)Q:You grew up in Texas; what can you tell us denizens of the Lone Star State?BH:Not much, ‘cause Texans fuckin’ know everything, and being one, I know!Q:Bill, it was an honor to have you, I’m gonna go watch a video of your routines now, never saw one.BH:No diaper needed. Later, man…Commentsajh 03/05/2014 2:05pmhe still fits the billPatrick 03/05/2014 7:20pmLOL and can he still mix the Hicks?Ahmed 03/05/2014 3:19pmWow, Bill Hicks. He's my favorite stand-up comedian, I watched every show of him I could find. Usually with stand-up comedians, they get darker as they grow older, like George Carlin. Bill Hicks seemed to go in the opposite direction, even though he died young in his final years he seemed to get more spiritual and at peace.Ajh 03/05/2014 6:29pmdoes bill have any comment about his brother, who forbid publication of the other session? (by CE?) was he right? should he chill?Patrick 03/05/2014 7:22pmIt never occurred to me to ask, I think you're right.Kayra Sun 04/05/2014 9:52amWho needs television. I think the spirits creep up on me reading about them - and in this particular episode laughing my arse off at your fellow Texan's wit. I especially think they got a kick of me researching the word hummer on the urban dictionary. Thank you again Patrick. Big ole Texas sized heart sign.cristina 04/05/2014 4:55pmReally enjoyed it :))))) What a guy :P Makes Erik look like an angel :PPatrick 04/05/2014 6:47pmI'd say Erik is.The Angel of Prank.Susan 05/05/2014 1:08amThat was fun :-) I had never heard of him, but very entertaining :-) xxcentertopDean Martin06/05/2014Dino Paul Crocetti (1917-1995) was an American singer, actor, comedian and film producer. An enduring and one of the most popular American entertainers, Martin was nicknamed the "King of Cool" for his seemingly effortless charisma and self-assured confidence. He was star in concerts, nightclubs, musical recordings and television. He achieved dozens of hit singles and hosted television variety programs, The Dean Martin Show, 1965-74 and The Dean Martin Celebrity Roast from 1974-75.Q:Mr. Martin, in the interest of full disclosure, I have to tell the readership you’re one of my favorites to listen to.DM:Well, thank you and I appreciate knowin’ that.00Q:Who were your favorites?DM:The usual suspects, my friend, but of course Sammy Davis, Jr. If I could have learned to tap dance like, that, I’d have been a king.Q:He kind of was.DM:The most successful and well known among all the entertainers of his time, that’s a certainty.Q:What was your favorite song to record?DM:Volare, mostly for the crowd reaction when I’d sing it. People like hearing the parts in Italian. I enjoyed doin’ ‘em.Q:You spoke Italian as a youngster, in fact no English until elementary school. Do you remember that transition?DM:I do now, yes, but I didn’t really remember much of the learning English part as I grew up; it was so fast. My Italian got rusty over the years, what with all the time I didn’t spend speaking it.Q:An entertainer with your accomplishments is as qualified as any to comment on popular music and singers of today, I can’t imagine disagreement there. What’s your take?DM:I’m disappointed to see some popular music rejected and even hated by people who like and appreciate other music. That could stand to get better but, as everybody knows, contrasts make for insights. You see into differences; maybe a day will come pretty soon where the bits of music some people hate serve that purpose.Q:What would do differently with life today? A do-over if you had one?DM:I would have smoked those vapor cigarettes; shoot, I could’ve sung about one.Q:Your image as a drinker, always having a Martini, was a put on?DM:Of course, but I always wished they’d named the thing after me. I could’ve asked for royalties; imagine the bar bill including sales tax and Dino tax, hot damn.Q:Entertainer scandal seems to be normal and expected in a way we didn’t see much of in your time, true and is there a change coming?DM:There was just as much funny business around in my time and it’s the machine gun rapid fire news nowdays that makes most of it into a scandal. It’s also the fans who like ‘em. An attitude shift that hadn’t taken a hook in my day. Fans didn’t want a scandal; today, heck, the tabloid press’ll invent one if the entertainer is popular enough. Nobody’ll pay for dog droppings unless they come from the Queen’s puppy, you see what I mean? At least pictures of it, that’ll make the photographer a little coin.Q:Was the Rat Pack as notorious as depicted and who was the best offender?DM:Worse and Joey Bishop, wouldn’t you know.Q:Any thoughts on Frank Sinatra, Peter Lawford?DM:Not much I or anybody else hasn’t already said; great guys, my good pals and I miss those days.Q:Are there regular Rat Pack get-togethers in Heaven, chaired by the great founder Humphrey Bogart?DM:Yes, but not as good, ‘cause Vegas in our days was better than Heaven! Seriously, yes and we get the same great audiences! All that jazz about the angels singing; it’s damned true.Q:Any special message for humanity? For me anyway, and judging from your record sales I have lots of company, listening to your songs was just great so what should we know from the great Dean Martin?DM:Things are better than it’s easy to think; what I mean is, let the negativators, that’s a word I just made up, the negative motivators, go out of business. Let ‘em fade and look down the sunny side of the street. Even if it’s raining, you know the sun’ll shine again and you’ll take a stroll down that sidewalk and whistle a happy tune, toss your troubles in the trash until you’re ready to take it out. That’s my advice, folks and everybody have a nice night.Q:Thank you, Mr. Martin.DM:It’s Dino and it was an honor and pleasure, so long mentsRenie 06/05/2014 9:24pmDean Martin is such a cool cat! I agree, let the negativators fade away and walk on the sunny side of the street! Great post!Mike 07/05/2014 5:53amThat's AmoreHazra 07/05/2014 11:23amSo the 'good old days' is not a myth. Vegas really use to be heavenly...Volare is also my favourite.centertopAutism07/05/2014?A reader asks - and I paraphrase - about autism’s broader perspective, the reader having read that one in one hundred fifty children are diagnosed with the condition. Long ago when I first heard of autism, it was more serious than what seems to pass for it nowdays, in my then uninformed, casual (mis)understanding. I looked it up:A neural development disorder involving impaired social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communication and restricted, repetitive or stereotyped behavior, symptoms apparent before age three. It affects information processing by altering nerve cell and synapse connections and organization, the occurrence not well understood. Autism is one of three disorders in the spectrum, which includes Asperger's syndrome, where delays in cognitive development and language are not present, and pervasive development disorder, diagnosed when all criteria for autism or Asperger's are not met.Maybe what I’ve been told about are Asperger's or pervasive development disorders? I remembered autism being a child who didn’t appear to comprehend conversation or didn’t participate, or in general spoke very little, if any. A person that seemed to be inside a world where others didn’t interact much.Q:Is autism genetic or environmental?C:It is neither, it is the choice of the person for the life followed.Q:Is there a mutation aspect, not genetic or environmental?C:No, and we shall address genetics, environment and mutations overall. Autism manifested is only one of many thousands of conditions, characteristics and attributes of human function all of which are controlled from levels not available to humans. Great disease and ability all fall within this range of possibility.Often we have entered the tedious descriptions of subatomic activity we understand might not be popular, for their abstract natures and in-applicability. We refer to them without them describing; it is at the various subatomic levels control over all things is possible and generally done.There are two methods, one is alteration of a component in a set fixed process or formula, much the way a computer subroutine operates. Often simply one small change to a single, key character produces a large difference in result; mathematics has this feature in nearly all equations. Of many steps, one change anywhere produces a different result.The causation of any human condition can be effected this one way, alteration of one or several otherwise insignificant steps by percentage as they bear to the total. The process and course follow the pattern already established, modifying outcome.The second method is not alternation of component or input to established process, rather creation of outcome. The human expressions of English, to make from whole cloth or to appear out of thin air, refer to this process. Rather than alter established process, the desired condition, material, effect or result is created from scratch, as would be common to say. The far more rapid relative velocity of higher dimensions and vibrations make the effect appear instantaneous, thus steady change is a series of otherwise instantaneous steps occurring in series.Autism is not done by altering genetic code, the DNA pattern. It occurs as manifestation of electromagnetic signal and energy that applies to the cerebral process.Q:The rate of occurrence has increased sharply in recent years; why?C:Detection and diagnosis.Q:Are these children complete?C:There exists not a human incomplete.Q:Is it really about others learning to communicate with them?C:Yes, entirely.Q:Is getting autistic children to conform to our ways the solution?C:No, this will not take place in most cases.Q:Are less acute incidents, such as pervasive or Asperger's syndrome more behavioral? In other words, is therapy possible?C:Yes but often limited.We shall discuss the condition in general. The condition of autism is the desire of the soul to observe humanity from the view of a human. We suggest the reading a good mystery novel, as comparative example; events, challenges, outcomes and intrigue involved are felt and enjoyed by the reader, similar to that participants might feel in actual participation. At no time does a reader believe s/he participates; simply looking up from the written page confirms this, as the pause in a movie also does.Autism is the human experience of observing from a level of participant with low level of involvement, in the activity of humanity.Q:I saw a photo of an 18 month to maybe 2 year old boy, fast asleep after arranging a good ten toys in a straight row. Very unusual yet identified as a common characteristic; why?C:Arrangement, order, organization and coordination of things physical are appealing to many humans and often insisted upon, even imposed by some of you. The attraction to it and appreciation of it are reminders of your home. The neat and orderly house, kitchen, workplace and workshop all seem so because of the reminder they are. Obsessive and compulsive disorders are not; these are simply a repetition of the ordering and arrangements which have not been discarded to not as great a degree, in the manifestation of life the soul in question.The arrangement of toys in a straight line are not a disorder at all; the child performing such tasks is advanced. Dis-order implies and suggests a behavior is out of order, and overall this relates to speech interaction. The child arranging toys demonstrates to observers, s/he is well ordered and capable from a younger age that other children, deemed more normal, achieve not. This signal is misread by many a parent and doctor.Life on Earth can assume commonality of disorder; natural communication eschews speech. In this view, an autistic person communicates more naturally but for the majority decision to de-emphasize and even discard the process. The chooser of autism intends to observe and interact with far less or almost no speech, for the benefit and insight the experience supplies.Q:It seems cruel to suggest to a parent with an autistic child this might be the case.C:Common is parental imposition of belief, but as humans understand, belief cannot be imposed. Behavior undesired resulting from belief with which an imposer disagrees is the greatest that can be achieved in such instance. Typical is expectation, thus hope of normality in a child, yet we ask, what is normality beyond conformity? Where no harm, damage or insult is done to the people in the immediate environment, the problem is created by belief and expectation. Modified expectations reduce problems, and we caution to not interpret modified, as lessened. These often run parallel or never intersect.Bored to submission are the some, possibly the many of you, with this idea belief creates condition, yet the belief of what human interaction should be and how development should proceed are nearly entirely based in habit and example.Often the autistic child assumes the role as teacher of parents, many of whom will realize the lesson after they have returned home, sometimes if the autistic child predeceases them.Q:Esteemed Committee, thank you again for the input.C:An honor, as mentshazra 07/05/2014 4:33pmIs it really about others learning to communicate with them?C: Yes, entirely.Thank you for confirming this awesome information.AD 07/05/2014 5:36pmyes, this confirmation moved me. non-autistic people must learn how to communicate with them, not visa versa. it changes our understanding and the dialogue, quite literally. patrick, many thanks.Renie 07/05/2014 9:17pmAbsolutely fascinating! It seems that those with autism are here to observe and not participate in our learned behavior patterns. Hopefully the medical and teaching community will re-think their approach to these gifted people, and that parents will be comforted by the perfection of their little ones.Mike 08/05/2014 9:08amAm sure Erik also touched on this subject explaining how the soul doesn't synchronize it's vibration fully with the density that is our body.centertopThe Divergence Nag07/05/201400A reader says the divergence of channeled information on general interest matters, such as the Malaysia Airlines jet, where very different, divergent answers are given, has been nagging.C:The many versions of what happened to this flight, and what happens in any mystery, involve three things; extrapolation from knowledge of the process, filtration through personal, own ideas of possibly incomplete information and specific intent to prevent life course altering decisions. In other words, being a pilot, biased &/or unclear or just protected.Q:Why are the explanations not similar or identical?C:There is much detail, all of the correct details are not offered; summaries are given. We suggest an auditor's report versus conclusion and summary, as an example. Through each asker come responses to the questions posed; these questions often turn on the asker's perception and knowledge. The answer offered attempts to match; rare is it for offered information to diverge from request, unless it involves safety, well being and the risk these pose to an agreed life course. Psychic interpretation of the event for the curious and unaffected falls well outside this area, this grouping or information set, as you understand well. For this it is uncommon the guides and companions of the asker to detour from the inquiry.Q:Is there an aspect of perspective, as with humans?C:Yes, astute is your observation, for your essence is your soul and so it remains as you discard your body. Well asked we say.Q:Is caution exercised with divulging of facts to not "alarm" or possibly to protect us?C:Yes, we are careful not to offer what might cause harm to path, damage to course although in this case, there is little of that related to the intensity and breadth of attention the event has received. The vast majority of humans having become knowledgeable of the incident, or even mildly aware, will not see their life course altered or affected in any material manner by any knowledge or detail.Q:Are we not meant to know "for sure" why or how things happened?C:You shall all know, this detail will be uncovered and found out.Q:Would definitive knowledge of the facts interfere with life plans or other things?C:For people more closely connected or associated, yes. We suggest employees of the organization owning the aircraft, families of the perpetrators of the initializing act, family and friends of the perished, several business interests and others might all, to lesser or greater degrees, be influenced to act in a way disturbing to their life plan and course if certain detail were offered out of order. We have often spoken to you all about life time sequence and its illusion as part of life on Earth. This suggests not it has little importance; to the contrary, it is of enormous and material meaning and its disturbance can produce unnecessary and unpleasant consequence. Yes, these effects are avoided and produce the situation about your question revolves. We offer you our belated greetings and wishes that you be well, until your next question! Be happy today.centertopThe Elephant Man08/05/2014Joseph Carey Merrick (born in Leicester 1862, died 1890 London) was an Englishman with severe deformities, exhibited as a curiosity nicknamed the Elephant Man. Abnormal development began in childhood, his skin becoming thick and lumpy. At 10 his mother died. Rejected by his remarried father and stepmother, he entered the Leicester Union Workhouse at 17 then the London Hospital at 21, where he died from asphyxia at 27.Q:Mr. Merrick, an honor to have you. As I believe you know, we’ve had many a well known guest come forward, many for their celebrity and accomplishment. I must say to have you accept and appear is a personal compliment. Hasn’t humanity always preferred “beauty”?JM:You’ve understood my purpose; we can close the interview!?0365125Q:Mr. Merrick, an honor to have you. As I believe you know, we’ve had many a well known guest come forward, many for their celebrity and accomplishment. I must say to have you accept and appear is a personal compliment. Hasn’t humanity always preferred “beauty”?JM:You’ve understood my purpose; we can close the interview!Q:I plan to ask more, if you don’t mind.JM:Not at all, I was kidding, of course.Q:Did you have any mental incapacity related to your physical condition?JM:No.Q:What purpose was served?JM:There were several, all accomplished. My mother’s role was to launch me, as you might say and that was done by ten, her departure planned for that stage. I must say, my appreciation for her grew enormously between her death and mine, and multiplied manifold after my own passing and return home. The re-encounter was…I have no words. I ask all of you reading to feel.My father’s case was to learn rejection and effect; to discard his relationship with me then revisit the effects, mostly on himself. His second wife was also a key component, and she volunteered the role much for the same reason.My purpose was twofold; to feel rejection of society in general and to supply the opportunity my father and second wife required to learn about human relationships.Q:The information from which I gleaned your brief biography suggested asphyxia caused your passing. You had to sleep upright, and attempted to do it lying flat. Is that true?JM:Yes, that’s how it happened; I went as peacefully as could be imagined. I fell fast asleep then slowly passed from less and less air.Q:Why didn’t you have an apnea type event, where you’d wake up, catch your breath and recover?JM:In my case, the weight of my skull prevented that. I was already asleep and oxygen consumption was low, the way it always is with any sleeping person. I just didn’t regain consciousness. This was planned.Q:There have been cases of growth abnormalities in many humans and I must ask, are they usually planned? Are there cures or remedies, maybe preventions?JM:Yes, no and no. Next question!Q:Such unusual physical conditions are always planned?JM:When they manifest in an extreme and highly unusual way, yes. Anytime a great circumstance surrounds a person or persons, there is a purpose. Leprosy is a related situation.Q:Please describe your sensations and emotions as you began to develop the abnormalities; what happened around you? How did you feel, emotionally?JM:In the beginning I hoped I would not die, that the sickness would not kill me. Soon I understood it was not something fatal and was permanent and was getting worse. Once my mates knew I wasn’t going to die, they broke into two camps, the ones who supported and engaged me and the others, the majority who rejected me. The lessons I learned from that rejection is of such a huge value, I cannot say.Q:Would you return to Earth and follow such a life again?JM:Oh, yes in a minute but how selfish so no, I never would.Q:Why selfish?JM:After the lessons learned so valuable, after gaining an experience of such magnitude, how greedy and ignominious of me to deny any opportunity to another; that would be a self centredness offensive to even the rudest among us.Q:What happened after your mother died?JM:I realised full well what life awaited me.Q:Did your participation in exhibitions bother you?JM:Not as you might expect; I was already accustomed to public reaction and revulsion at my appearance. It was something I expected in any person seeing me for the first time. It wasn’t universal, some people knew in advance what they’d see and were curious and even polite and engaging, but it was rare enough, that became a surprise.I knew I’d be paid and needed that, so really it was for me a bit like school without the study or assignments and being paid for it. The reactions of students and the public were similar.Q:Did your father’s remarriage and rejection of you bother you?JM:At the time I was glad to be rid of him, but regret that reaction now, although it made all the sense my place in the world could hold. I stood to learn a lot more from his hanging around and continuing his behaviour, but I only came to realise that much later on, after passing.Q:It’s been offered by more than one guest, that trials and tribulations are challenges requested, often things a soul selects. How did you view your life as the selection was made?JM:With intense, optimistic curiosity. I knew something significant would come from it, for nothing else than its rarity. I didn’t know what, but all of life on Earth is that way. The not knowing is the worst and best, simultaneously.Q:Did you ever look upon non-deformed people with envy?JM:Every day. I wouldn’t say envy is a good word, a longing to have just a few days in a body like mine, but developed without deformity.Q:Were you at peace with your place and condition in life?JM:Yes, curiously enough. This was mostly after going to the hospital, where the staff didn’t care much for me one way or the other.Q:Had you been given a three day pass to occupy a body without the physical conditions you developed, what would you have done?JM:Run naked through the streets, past Buckingham Palace if I could have arranged it, then enjoy my time in jail. That would have been a real treat.Q:What work would you have done, had you been able to find employment?JM:It wasn’t well developed then but I would have tried psychiatry; I wanted to study how the mind worked in people where the body was normal, not deformed and understand why deformities occurred out of sight. I was intensely curious about it, because I assumed everybody thought like myself inside and that external differences were most of the variances between humans. Obviously, not the case.Q:Would you have been a good doctor?JM:An excellent one and my work in Heaven has been along such lines, using my experience on Earth to both make suggestions to souls departing for the great journey on Earth, and for returnees.Q:What message do you have for humanity?JM:It is simple; never take for granted. The downside of anything can be quickly compared to the worse problem someone else has and it will frame your opportunity. Unless you have died, you can always strike out in a new direction, even if it seems futile. There is no such thing; futility means there are even better opportunities. Humanity should look upon anything that seems this way, as a message. Cultural habit teaches us to persevere until the end; not so much I say. Better it is to persevere in some direction and be willing to change course. Yes, certain destinations can be reached, but often there are others more worth it, after some travel in the direction of the original.Q:Mr. Merrick, my thanks and gratitude for your visit.JM:It was a nice one, wasn’t it? Back to my herd of pachyderms…CommentsAllen 08/05/2014 7:11pmThat was very interesting, Patrick. Thank you.?What was the inspiration for seeking out the soul that lived that particular life? I really appreciated reading about the lessons and experiences sought, as well as the advice and messages for humanity.Patrick 08/05/2014 7:42pmMr. Merrick was suggested by a reader. I barely remember the nickname and knew nothing about him.Allen 08/05/2014 7:52pmThen a thank you goes to the reader. The message might benefit many. :0)Renie 08/05/2014 9:27pmThank you, Patrick, for this awesome interview . And much appreciation to you, Mr. Merrick for your humor and for your messages. I am absolutely amazed! Such synchronicity!Ajh 08/05/2014 10:22pmI read (guess where) that jesus himself came back as a sickly child who died young in hospital. A similar lesson for the immediate community. Says john merrick 'no futility, only possibilities'. I liked that.Susan 08/05/2014 11:37pmThat was awesome. What a beautiful soul. My brother was severely handicapped in this life. He died at aged 36 and he incarnated here to teach about compassion and empathy etc.Renie 09/05/2014 8:11pmThank you also, Mr. Merrick, for the advice on being willing to change course. The many experiences and opportunities that life has to offer should not be sacrificed by our cultural belief that we must persevere until the end. How foolishly we squander our freedom and justify our suffering.steve 10/05/2014 2:20amNice stuff Patrick, hey you seem to be on a roll atm, by the way with the banner photo, a nice adult pair of Macopus Fuliginosus Melanops would not look out of place also.!!!Steve.Patrick 10/05/2014 9:04amMacopus Fuliginosus Melanops??I have no idea: but it sounds too good NOT to try.Mike 10/05/2014 2:28amA very enlightened man indeed. Just goes to show people like him and I dare say we will one day hear a similar story about Prof. Stephen Hawking. Totally incapacitated in one way or another and to have a fabulous mind.centertopThe Meaning of Life & Death10/05/2014Q:Why are we born, why do we die and what’s the meaning of life between arrival and departure? Why should Long Life Airlines or Hard Life Trailways even exist?C:If there were no physical life in the dimensions chosen for it, there would be no benefits gained. The existences are for these meanings.Q:So we all live a big game, a massive illusion and certain death, or certain loss, of everything for which we live awaits? Is that it?C:No, nothing of what life provides is lost. Everything remains with you and belongs to you forever. It is more permanent than the most permanent of things you imagine. Humans often consider ownership of land a certainty, until that land cannot be controlled. Acquisition of land is purchases hope. Hope that ability to control who and what happens upon is maintained. This is agreement, voluntary of course; agreements are not otherwise. Absent cooperation, how much force becomes involved??00Q:Unfortunately, a good deal of it, sometimes.C:You already see a great opportunity for learning life supplies, through the illusions ideas of permanence create.Q:There has to be a method, a procedure, a route, course or trail through Heaven that does for us what life on Earth gives; isn’t there?C:No, there is not. Life on all planets is unique; each environment has traits and characteristics of no other, the majority of which Heaven does not offer.Q:Happiness and joy are nice, but so often the challenges are so tedious, so saddening and so unpleasant. Are we just condemned to the low points as payment for good times? Is that all life is for humanity, a bank account into which we have to first deposit through trials and tribulations?C:If you choose to see circumstances that way. Where is it written this must be done as you suggest and why must such idea be followed? Can you not hold your own ideas? Are you subject to approval for ideas?Q:Yes, some of us are, unfortunately.C:Examine what you have just stated; the idea or its utterance? You see and understand, ideas unspoken are not really ideas, yet of course, they are. In this humanity acknowledges the existence of a hereafter, its home, Heaven and all things from which you come.All of you with intelligence understand your ideas before you speak or write them. You know they exist but no one else, so it is believed, can do so until you choose to speak or write. From the place of a reader or listener, almost all humans understand no ability to know a thought of others is possible. Thus humans believe all others exist in silos or capsules where ideas exit only upon choice and enter with comprehension solely with willingness of the capsule’s passenger.Q:I see where this is going.C:If this were true, then why diverse reaction to the same sentence or idea? Certainly there are existing ideas, you have named them attitudes, that filter incoming ideas. Language codes are required and differences also have effect yet we say, the diversity of reaction cannot be attributed to only listener attitude and interpretation. There is also a mixing of emotion. To this we suggest spoken words heard in person, or transmitted with images and also without image of their speaker. It is common to hear differences in tone, inflection and accent from the same person, in each of these three examples, from true communication parallel to speech.Q:So the real communication between us, not just the words…C:….words are real communication. The complete communication, where words are a part, a component.Q:Understood; total communication between humans, means what? How does it give meaning to life?C:It is life; the baby untouched, not held, not caressed, dies. It speaks not; it doesn’t appear to listen, a baby gives no signal the words of a human have communicative effect yet speech directed at a newborn are beneficial. Absence of speech harms it, even if nourishment and touch given are sufficient for the baby to remain alive.Q:What happens to a toddler?C:If ignored, given little speech it will likewise suffer. Distorted mental function and soon disease will afflict the youngster. Communication is the essence of life, it is not optional as the clinical analysis of biological operation of your capsule, your body, might make this seem.Q:Communication keeps us alive; good. Good communication makes us healthy?C:Yes, as an effect. It makes you content, happy and pleased. Health follows, not leads.Q:What does life mean?C:It means you love yourself as you do all others around you, and you seek improvement. This is earned from experience; Earth provides the opportunity to suspend parts of your insight, understanding and interaction, to focus upon specific things that provide experience. We suggest the engine of a car; it matters because it propels the vehicle. To examine pieces and parts of the engine, as the car waits for reassembly of the componentry, gives understanding into its design and operation. Your life on Earth is to examine and understand parts of yourself detached from your entirety. The completeness of yourself is always, in every moment. The look into the action and movement of the parts, this gives meaning.Q:Why can’t this be done from Heaven?C:In many ways, it can. The process is not efficient, requires many more steps. It is not equivalent to life on Earth; study of any field or activity is unique by institution, teacher and fellow student no matter the effort to make similar the process and content. Both outcomes are desirable yet remain unique. The unique effect of life on Earth is its attraction. We sense your frustration of memories and circumstances you recall vividly, and those of all who might come to read these words. The meaning of life is found in the learning of each thing you have felt.Q:Should we review what feels significant or important in life?C:Yes, and as would be done by study of books and examples, if you will assemble the experiences yet we suggest, simply a focus upon that which draws your attention will bring forth your understanding of what you learned.Q:Why do we die?C:You return home; you do not die. Your journey is complete; the Earth view is this way, that an ending and loss have occurred. Is the airplane and passengers departing for its destination seen universally as loss or ending? Your return home is no different. It is the culmination of your voyage, which has reached its destination. It is cause for a celebration and the oft mentioned sense of peace, tranquility and utter contentment are the reason. Just as you sense relief and accomplishment at the completion of a task, project or undertaking.Q:Everybody on Earth sees a life ended as a loss.C:It is not and has not always been seen this way. There is no requirement for ritual of death, sadness and mourning. To know a person will not return, will be missed and is thought lost is an Earth belief, an idea and attitude learned young, like language. The process is not remembered as the knowledge is used. No need is there to see death as loss. It is return.Q:Could it be said general human views of death are mistaken?C:We dislike the suggestion of mistaken, as honest views are never mistakes. Inaccurate it is, as each who might believe death is utter loss and ending of everything, yet it does not matter. Each who see death as a final termination still live and learn, this is the meaning of life. The inaccuracy of the death view as finality without return, that also offers learning and understanding.Q:So, in a nutshell, death means what?C:Completion and triumph.Q:Life means what?C:Great journeys, adventures and learning. Your soul enriched as no other way offers.Q:Esteemed Committee, thank you.C:Welcome you always mentsDenise 10/05/2014 7:48pmIf we subscribe to the idea that time doesn't really exist that everything is happening, past present and future, at the same time why would we bother to try to improve ourselves? If it has/will happen why should I put forth the energy and possibly fail to accomplish what I strive for?Patrick 10/05/2014 8:52pm"You cannot fail and if you believe you have not reached what you sought, you were seeking other things, among them sensation and experience of missing your mark.Because all experience can be seen as simultaneous, so is all benefit. For this you always have time, do you see?There is not a subscription of this idea; it is this way.Time does exist on Earth. You will leave it behind, in due 'time.' "Denise 13/05/2014 6:11pmThank you. Perhaps I shall adjust my aim.Still wondering 11/05/2014 12:55amThanks Patrick for addressing the main issues.It is mentioned in past communications that the majority of souls do not choose the experience of life on earth.Is that so?Assuming communication is "clearer" in heaven - why challenge/complicate? What are the challenges in heaven?Patrick 11/05/2014 11:10amEVERY soul chooses life on Earth. It is an affirmative decision, NEVER undertaken against will, always on a volunteer basis. NO EXCEPTIONS.Why challenge and complicate? To learn; from pain, strife, confusion, discord and disagreement come understanding, compassion, insight, forgiveness and the opportunity to love your fellow wo/man.The challenges in Heaven?Outstanding question, that The Committee can address in an upcoming post; thank you!Ahmed 11/05/2014 12:09pmI really like this statement, "We dislike the suggestion of mistaken, as honest views are never mistakes."Why do animals mourn their dead though? Higher mammals also seem to treat death as a loss, shouldn't animals have a more innate understanding that death isn't an end in that case?Allen 11/05/2014 12:29pmMaybe there is a similar understanding and reaction..... even as death is not the end, when we are incarnate, we miss the physical connection of the one being mourned. The sight, the touching, the closeness in terms of physical proximity.Patrick 11/05/2014 1:54pmYep, all those things plus interaction that goes away and it changes so many other things after that.The departure of a bus or train is a loss of the passengers; we lose sight of them. We don't mourn their disappearance, because we believe we'll still be able to see them, and control.We didn't believe moonlight could fade, the moon itself becoming orange.We don't believe the essence and personality of a dead person might still be alive. We didn't believe the Earth was flat and we don't believe a winged dragon can sit high atop a desert ridge or a yellow submarine can fly across the sky. We didn't believe clear liquid could be turned blue with just one more clear drop and we don't believe visitors from other planets see us.Mike 11/05/2014 5:33pmWhy do we all on average only live to our 70's or 80's. Some have lived till 122 but none any longer. Why this age and no more?Denis 12/05/2014 7:33pmMike read article at is the tendency for concentrated energy to disperse.The aging process occurs because the changed energy states of biomolecules renders them inactive or malfunctioning.After reproductive maturation, this balance slowly shifts to one in which molecules that lose their biologically active energy states are less likely to be replaced or repaired.Citation: Hayflick L (2007) Entropy Explains AgingThat explains the 70 or 80 year limit, the 100 to 120 year longevity, my guest it is a soul life plan.steve 11/05/2014 8:33pmwo,,, Iv'e seen plenty of fyling yellow submarines, you just gotta smoke the right shit!!!!lori c 13/05/2014 3:29amSince we are working on parts of ouselves and suspending others perhaps this creates some of that feeling of something missing?The Committee13/05/2014 11:59am"Yes, indeed, true words you offer, Seek completion, the answer is inside you. Look there and it shall be found. Both the space and the things that shall fill it, are all waiting to be uncovered inside each of you."Veronica 13/05/2014 3:26pmI really appreciate the question and answer:"What does life mean?""It means you love yourself as you do all others around you, and you seek improvement. This is earned from experience; Earth provides the opportunity to suspend parts of your insight, understanding and interaction, to focus upon specific things that provide experience".This is the first clear description of why I/we are here I have ever read. It is going on my refrigerator, for sure. Patrick, you and the Committee make an incredible team. Thank you very very much?Patrick13/05/2014 4:18pmThank you Veronica, however the team is The Committee; I'm really no more than equipment handler & messenger.centertopAmelia Earhart14/05/2014?00Amelia Mary Earhart (1897-1937) was an American aviation pioneer, author and the first female aviator to cross the Atlantic Ocean solo, an achievement for which she received the U.S. Distinguished Flying Cross. She set records, authored best-selling books about her flying and helped found an organization for female pilots. While attempting a flight around the world, Earhart disappeared over the central Pacific Ocean. Fascination with her life, career and disappearance continues until today.Q:Ms. Earhart, it is an honor to have you come through. Thank you.AE:This is the first time I’ve been asked to communicate through a person like you, to speak to any sized group of people, so for me it’s an honor also.Q:The disappearance of your plane, a mystery never resolved can be explained right now, if you are willing.AE:Certainly; the aircraft lost fuel capability. There was a malfunction in the fueling system, not the pump devices but contamination in the fuel lines. Air entered through leaks, cracks really, and slowly starved the engines. They continued to run intermittently, sputtering then stopping. After a few moments I was able to re-start the bad engine but the problem would return soon. All this time the plane lost altitude, of course. I soon attempted to climb but the sputtering engines prevented as much gain as there had been loss of altitude and eventually the plane ditched in the water.Q:Were you killed on impact?AE:No; the sinking of the aircraft caused us to bail into the water, with life jackets and then exposure to waves and sea water temperatures did it.Q:Was it an inherent defect to the manufacture or design of the plane?AE:No, it was the fuel switch that allowed either tank to supply either engine. I had no idea at the time, I only grappled with the symptom.Q:The island you planned to approach is close to the equator, seawater surface temperatures were not a problem?AE:No, not so much but still they had a cumulative effect over time. My demise was dehydration and also my navigator. I lost sight of him soon after we went into the water; it was difficult to hold on to each other and I confess never thinking to try that.Q:Was your death painful?AE:Not at all, I now know I simply passed out but like many people who have and then recover, there usually isn’t a memory of it. I don’t remember suffering.Q:Did you expect you’d become lost and perish at sea?AE:No, I hoped my final communication would help locate me, since my flight direction and speed would make it easy to locate the general area. I held faith we would be found.Q:Please tell us about your life plan; were you supposed to perish as you did?AE:No, my plan was to live on for quite a time and become an instructor for military pilots. After the war would end, my plan was to develop aviation training in general.Q:So it was one of those mishaps that isn’t controlled or planned for a life?AE:That’s right.Q:What can you say about aviation today?AE:It speaks for itself, but as you know and have offered on these pages, there will be a sharp reduction in the coming years. As new technologies slowly allow development of winged flight without distillate fuel as has always been used, there will dawn a new time.Q:Have you reincarnated on Earth since 1937?AE:No; I plan to do so again in a leading, pioneering aviation and flight role, as the new technologies I mentioned come into use.Q:Since there is simultaneousness to existences, even though we see a sequence or series, do you know the details of that life?AE:Some yes, the principal ones but things like gender and name have not been chosen yet. No need until the time comes.Q:What hints are you allowed to drop about aviation?AE:No hints, I will say what’s coming. Thermal propulsion will be replaced by magnetic, including control and lift. Wings used to create air pressure differences and lift will not be necessary, and aircraft will hover easily. There will disappear the differences between helicopters and flying aircraft.Q:Is this along the lines of anti-gravity devices?AE:Yes, the same types of technologies applied in a different way.Q:What time frame can we expect in Earth years?AE:I will say the early prototypes of these aircraft will be seen in about fifty years.Q:Will they be easy to operate?AE:They will be entirely microprocessor controlled; all the occupants will need to do is select a destination and off they will go. I must interject here and say, other forms of cross continental and intercontinental transportation will arise in the meantime. High speed rail suspended off a monorail by electrical charge and magnetism will become common for travelling up to one thousand and sometimes twelve hundred kilometers. Longer distances than this will utilize the high altitude stationary balloon, which shall remained fixed as Earth rotates below. This shall make most places accessible nearly as quickly as jet aircraft now achieve.Q:What about the military aspect of flight?AE:This will be affected also, but the effects will be common to all air forces, so there will not be an advantage gained or lost to one or the other.Q:Will the new magnetic types of aircraft be used for war?AE:No. The capability of delivering warheads, which was being developed at the time I began my love of flying and career, will become obsolete. The technology to stop hostile aircraft will overwhelm and neutralize any capability currently possessed.Q:I guess this leads to the next question, war controlled by air. Our nation, yours and mine, controls the air around the world without question. This seems to act as a deterrent but if warheads are no longer delivered by aircraft, will there be a new aspect to armed conflict from the air?AE:No; all aircraft will be identified when taking flight, and all nations will be able to identify all aircraft instantly. The technology to allow this instant and utterly reliable identification will be developed just as the ability to neutralize airborne threats comes about. Q:Can you give us a hint?AE:Focused light beams, what are now called lasers, will become undefeatable. The situation with aircraft will become the way it is with automobiles today. They are not seen as weapons or carriers of them; ground vehicles for this purpose are not used as transportation and motorists do not perceive a car to be a weapon. Using a motor vehicle as one is rare and is not really about the vehicle, as the perpetrator could easily employ alternate methods to do harm and damage. The elimination of knives and guns will drive the violent to use of spears and axes, and so forth with every ban, there would come a new implement or technique. So the technologies to instantly identify aircraft and defeat any threats they pose will eliminate aircraft seen as war tools or implements.Changes soon to come to Earth will put war and aggression far down the list of possibilities.Q:Will new methods of flight be safe?AE:Yes, far safer than now. Systems will be made so redundant, even cascading failures can be limited to likelihood thirty to forty times less likely than currently and drop to even less.Q:Will flying be expensive?AE:Yes, more so than now. Little of it will be done, by comparison to recent travel volume.Q:Will the reduced flying drive economic change?AE:No, other things will do that. Flying will reduce because of economic change and a reduced role of hydrocarbon use. That impact will be much stronger in truck and automobile traffic. Movement by truck of nearly all goods transported this way currently will drop off, and this will create the economic effects against which flying is reduced.Q:Will there always be military aircraft?AE:Yes, but this will reduce and drop to a fraction of current levels as the need dwindles. For a good portion of current military aircraft technology’s demise, they will be used for surveillance and even that will drop off as little value is seen, satellites will be able to as well or better than cameras can do. And this is the case already.Q:Ms. Earhart, thank you.AE:It was a fun flight, I have to say. Enjoy yourselves, one and mentsAjh 15/05/2014 4:45amInteresting but this isnt her first time doing something like this (CE). Some of it doesnt corroborate with the other time. Can this be explained?M 16/05/2014 7:15amI agree the stories are completely different as how the plane went down - not the same thru the video Jami Buttler did with her with CE mother back about 3 months ago?Ajh 16/05/2014 8:09amThats right, something about ending up on an island?Victoria 15/05/2014 8:16amI had the same thought as Ajh.Patrick 15/05/2014 9:46amI offer what I get. I assume CE doesn't mean Continuing Education (that was a joke) and I didn't know she'd "appeared" elsewhere.Here is my "guess" and I emphasize that word, "guess”; on Earth the timeline might seem reversed, TO US.Not to her.Victoria 15/05/2014 9:57amThanks so much! That makes sense. I used CE referring to channeling erik.Love your website! I enjoy reading it often. Have a great day!Renie 15/05/2014 10:23amSuper interview with many intriguing revelations about the future of aviation.Very interesting concepts! Thank you!AD 15/05/2014 2:09pmwow, its so interesting to know that it wasn't her life plan to die when and how she did. she didn't seem upset by it, to me. did you, patrick, get the vibe that she was "bummed out" by this?i don't want to be too nosy or cross any boundaries, but i've been thinking quite a bit about clayton lockett, the inmate whose recent death penalty injection went horribly wrong. at first, i came back to the knowledge that i have and accepted this as his life path, teaching us all how inhumane and antiquated this practice is. but i keep questioning that - its so unjust, so dark and primitive....are you able to tell me if dying that way was his plan? if not, i totally understand, of course.Patrick 15/05/2014 2:41pmYes, his botched execution was designed to draw attention to the barbaric practice of capital punishment.AD 15/05/2014 2:44pmvery glad to know that, thank you.Brett 15/05/2014 6:18pmHe tortured and buried his victim alive...AD 15/05/2014 6:27pmthat's an awful way to go, yet i can't help wondering...perhaps it was his victim's life plan to die that way? perhaps there's a larger plan that you and i are unaware of?Patrick 16/05/2014 10:22amA barbaric act, everyone will agree. What about killing the murderer isn't barbaric? How many innocents have been executed along with the guilty and if only one, is that acceptable? Should humanity be willing to accept a tiny fraction of innocent people wrongly executed to satusfy the urge for revenge, maybe bloodlust? The horrible crime for which capital punishment is justified is not going to be reversed, so the execution achieves what? Is the victim any less dead because of it? If we accept a soul surviving death, is a soul once the victim of a murder going to be pleased to see another life violently snuffed out? Is the aspect of an eternal soul only applicable to humans we other humans deem good? In other words, we humans decide what life earns a place in Heaven or hell, and nothing in the afterlife matters? If it would be accepted that all of the dead return home, a release and relief, then what castigation or punishment can be had by dispatching a killer back to a place of beauty and bliss? If it is believed the killer does not go someplace nice but rather to a place of fire and brimstone, with great suffering and torment, who are we as humans to decide that??Does humanity determine the destination in the afterlife, controlling the conditions that await?Mary 16/05/2014 7:11amI also went back and listen to the Jami Butler video she does with Elise Medhus site CE and the description about how the problem with the plane are not the same, as stated in this conversation. Two different stories as to what happen. Can this be explained?Patrick 16/05/2014 10:23amParallel "realities".Mike 16/05/2014 1:18pmPatrick,For the benefit of us mere humans in this dense linear realm what time frame are we talking about with these future realities Emilia has revealed to us? Earth years please. :)Mike 16/05/2014 1:22pmPatrick,You can ignore this. I always get hooked when you start revealing technologies and missed the bit where she said 50 years. D'ohcentertopChallenges of Heaven14/05/2014?The challenges of human life we know. A reader asks a most excellent question; what are the challenges of Heaven? We turn to its nearby, accessible residents for answers….Q:Esteemed Committee, what challenges are encountered in Heaven that Earth doesn’t have?C:This requires a decision of viewpoint; from Earth life of both or from Heaven? For what we say, there exists not a dispassionate, impartial objective view of Earth, of Heaven and of the differences. Humanity has among its many illusions the strong concept of truth, certainty and absoluteness. These qualities identify conditions and parameters of Earth existence seen beyond human control. The assessment of a judge or jury in legal proceedings is an example.Absence of neutrality and acceptance of subjectivity in all things, modify every thing. This more closely resembles Heaven.Q:What things on Earth are solid and immutable that are not this way in Heaven?C:We suggest there are essentially opposites in all things. Every surrounding material or substance seen to be solid and permanent is not, and all things seen to be temporary are permanent. Thoughts, ideas, impressions and emotions are permanent; these become archives of eternity at the instance of their creation. What humanity considers solid and permanent is transparent, penetrable and gaseous.Your feelings, both felt and created in others, are the granite and iron of Heaven. Your iron and granite on Earth are like air.Q:How does this work this way?C:The beginnings of understanding can be represented by the computer chip and information stored within its circuits. Consider one immune to magnetic fields, unable to be destroyed, everything placed upon it available for instant recall, always. All things of human life are stored this way, always. The only way to create this file is by creation; copies do not work. The creation of memory attaches to its creator instantly, permanently and exclusively. All who look upon the creation see the creator, and vice versa. The creation cannot be shared, given by the one to the other for benefit to the recipient. Likewise, any observer may do so, and admiration is rampant. Criticism and disapproval are not possible, for the uniqueness of all permanence makes it worthwhile, for that reason.Q:The solidity of Earth is an illusion?C:No; the solidity of Earth seems so through the vibrations of the range in which it exists. Rise above and it gains the solidity of air without regard to speed. Velocity will create a sensation of density through air; in higher dimensions, this is not possible. Earth can be penetrated as if it were a cloud.Q:What challenges does Heaven offer, if the density and effects of Earth are not present?C:Comprehension; all things are apparent and available. The challenges of Heaven revolve about understanding all that is. This challenge never fades; there is always more to know, the more that is known and learned. Imagine the largest library conceivable, upon entry the tall bookshelves and rows extend for hundreds of feet or meters or yards in all directions. Any book opened becomes a doorway into an equally vast, equally large and completely different library on different subjects. The simple reading of a few pages in the first book of the first library leads to a doorway that, when opened, enters the second depository of archives. The vastness of information is unlimited and all is accessible. Simply an awareness of the knowledge allows it to be studied.This is one challenge of Heaven.Q:The limitation of knowledge on Earth is a challenge also?C:No, yet on Earth this is seen as a hindrance or an impediment. Knowledge is said to be power. This is one enormous illusion of Earth, very real and true within the slower environment. The limitation of knowledge and access is a great benefit and opportunity; it forces concentration upon a limited area without limitation of option.The vastness of Heaven’s understanding is the universe, thus your human name for a place of knowledge is a universal city and presence makes one a citizen, a denizen of the city, a condition of citizenship. For this reflects Heaven.Q:Limited knowledge is a benefit?C:Oh yes, because it provides the opportunity to see application and feel failure. We suggest the bullet fired from a rifle; if properly discharged, the slug travels quickly to its destination and has predictable effects. Imagine if it were possible to slow the rate of travel such that the several hundred meters traversed did not require one or less seconds but rather twenty or thirty minutes. Then other forces could be brought to bear and the bullet's course altered; the observance and understanding of the bullet’s trajectory and all things it might pass continues at the same pace as before. This simple example describes the contrast Earth provides, an enormous benefit it is.Q:How is this a benefit when compared to Heaven?C:Your comprehension cannot be slowed in relation to manifestation, nor can manifestation be slowed automatically in relation to your understanding. It is possible to accomplish a goal in measured slow steps and phases yet knowledge that pace can be increased back to the almost instantaneous, changes all things. This is one great challenge of Heaven; gaining insight. It requires a deliberate, focused observation to disassemble and see process. The result can be obtained instantly in any moment. Earth offers the ease of resistance, and no effort need be made to wait. It is a great challenge in Heaven to see components, observe each piece or part of any one or several things and comprehend its or their creation. Earth offers this with ease and simplicity.Q:What about Earth attracts so many of us?C:Earth does not attract many souls; only the few make the journey. The many pass on the chance, for many reasons. The value of the trip, even if it lasts but one day, is worth the effort and allowing another soul to take it, is as generous as gift as can be given.The understanding, by simple observance of life, of the challenges presented dissuades many. It is not necessary to drown to fear it and stay out of rough waters; we suggest not that fear deters a life course on Earth. We say, many souls know life on Earth is rough yet quick and beneficial and prefer to assume challenges in a different way. In Heaven.Q:OK, so what about other planets?C:Each offer similar ranges of challenge, also isolated from Heaven and subject to a similar slower manifestation and understanding of phenomena, as Earth supplies.Q:The challenge of vast information availability in Heaven is understood; what other challenges exist?C:Consequence. Avoidance of consequence and responsibility is not possible. Ownership of all thoughts and acts is complete and open for all to see. Along with this possession of responsibility comes authority to avoid and create. Unforeseen circumstances and the reactions to them, seen as separate and unable to be changed, are not offered in Heaven and the challenge of Heaven is to learn what such circumstances offer.Q:Few of us on Earth would see that as a challenge; authority to avoid and create. That’s a great thing.C:Only great on Earth when isolated; if all humans have this ability, what contrasts exist? If all humans suddenly have three billion dollars, is everyone rich? We offer that nobody is, as it is widely understood. In such circumstance, humanity would soon return to a distribution of lesser and more and within a short period, much would remain the same on Earth. If everyone could create as much money as desired, at any time, what value would it have? None; there would be no desire to earn it when it can be had at the snap of the fingers, and likewise nobody would accept it for their product or service, and it would vanish from use. It has value because it is not evenly distributed and cannot be easily created. This great and valuable opportunity is unique to Earth, to live a perceived scarcity of needs.Q:How does the challenge work in Heaven?C:The illusion of separation Earth so richly contains does not exist. Separation is only possible voluntarily; so one challenge is to request it and another challenge is to grant it. Earth provides great ease of separation; it is simple to separate thoughts from others, isolate oneself inside one’s head. Heaven has the great challenge of requiring other souls to agree, this is a high obstacle. Great respect for separation is given but this respect is not automatic like Earth, where it is built into the environment. Separation need not be considered or given or affirmatively conceded.Q:What other challenges does Heaven have?C:Memory; the view of events the illusion of time provides is like a black and white versus color photograph. Nearly all humans nowdays have seen live, a place photographed, at the time the image was recorded. Many of you have seen colorless images, the black & white of earlier photographs. Memories on Earth are to the event as the black & white photograph is to the live view. This aspect of memory provides two things on Earth; perspective and separation. The blurred, lowered or no color view allows a remembrance of emotion and feeling either buried or lost in the mix of the event, yet separated from the people and place the memory recalls. Heaven has great challenge with this; memory is automatic, in full color and with similar if not identical feeling and emotion as when the event occurred. This Heavenly view supplies little understanding by repeating. The sensation of time’s passage is absent. This is an enormous challenge.Q:I can understand these challenges might seem unusual for us “Earth dwellers.”C:Your choice of an Earth journey brings a great and unique perch from which to view your soul. Be well until the next mentsSusan 14/05/2014 11:51pmInteresting. :-)This might be a silly question, but can the Committee comment on why do so many souls incarnate to countries like India and China where it's so overcrowded and with much pollution, poverty etc. Is it for their religious beliefs maybe??I realise we ALL have had many lives in different parts of the world and I believe I've had lives in India myself...Patrick 15/05/2014 9:42amThe question supplies its answer; those are reasons why. Religious beliefs are Earth institutions, and participation in them while here could also be a factor.Ajh 15/05/2014 11:59amovercrowding is relative, maybe cultural, even innate. most for whatever reason (not all) can't/don't want to exist in the middle of nowhere no matter what desirial claims they make. china and india are big places. i feel the stories of overcrowding are biased, which isn't to say they're false it's just more interesting to report on that regularly than folk living away from the 'mucky muck'. maybe pre/life choices are painted in broad strokes.Mike 16/05/2014 1:29amI know spirit is invisible to our naked eye and vibrate at such a faster frequency. But are they ever affected by the strong electromagnetic fields given off by our Sun or larger stars in the universe? Do they have to adjust there vibration to suit.Patrick 16/05/2014 11:27amNot the way we understand but yes, there are effects. We'd call the sensations mental, the way we all get a bad feeling or bad "vibe" which is what such phenomena cause.Delving Eye 16/05/2014 11:40amFor most of my 60 years on Earth, I have wondered why I chose to be here since I have never quite felt at home.These revelations about life in Heaven make it much easier for me to appreciate my choice. Being somewhat of a loner (not really possible, it seems, in Heaven) and a homebody, I now have a better understanding of the gift of being human. Thank you, Patrick.I also have a new understanding of why I became a wife and mother, a course I never thought I wanted and which has been very difficult for selfish me. (Perhaps that was my purpose for incarnating.)Nevertheless, my husband and grown children, social animals all (unlike me!) live very happily together, and call ourselves "the happy four."I'm actually starting to enjoy life now (rather than longing for "home"), and I'm increasingly grateful to be here.centertopAmelia Earhart – Differences17/05/2014Several comments asked about differences between a video channeling of Amelia Earhart and the interview here. I was intrigued and was told briefly by The Committee:Timeline sequences aren’t fixed as they relate to or connect with a soul not living on Earth in our dimensionsVersions of events can offer parallel realities.?This got me thinking. I looked for, found and watched the video. A link here for convenience: jumped out was Earhart’s landing on an island; even if she perished there, as the video suggests, the plane would be remain. To fly the aircraft away, fuel would have to be brought there by ship and within a certain period of time, maybe several months at the most. After that, more and more work would be needed to enable the engines to be started, given the batteries losing charge, fouling of even trace fuel remaining in lines, carburetors and pumps and corrosion. Tires would deflate and eventually rot. How, without a record of a ship or another aircraft? If the plane stayed there and deteriorated to an eventual decrepit condition, given its aluminum construction, it would survive. It’s never been found, despite military satellite technology making that straightforward and even easy. Certainly ocean navigation in the late 1930s enabled location of any island.Q:Esteemed Committee, I trust you appreciate the intriguing aspects of the disappearance and have suggested to me, parallel realities. Can we explain that more, for this case?C:It was not, as you were informed, a life plan of certainty for her to perish that day and in that place. Once away from Earth, and the time measurement and resulting event sequence the appearance of time creates, alternate courses and routes can be explored. It was this that creates the discrepancies.Q:So which one really happened?C:Both, but only one on Earth.Q:So when we say, “this is exactly what happened and only this…”C:That is true; on Earth. Earhart no longer exists on Earth and as she chooses to appear as a human form from her life, that is also simply a choice. Away from Earth, not necessarily. This is a great opportunity and challenge a life on Earth offers. Alternate realities and parallel courses of events are suspended. Only one occurs within your perception.Q:Why was Amelia Earhart suggesting a landing on an island?C:It was the plan for the flight, and was one option. She was recalling the option.Q:I was told otherwise, the plane ditched in the sea because of fuel problems and loss of altitude.C:You will note the video also suggested fuel problems and regret that components were not checked by Earhart the pilot but allowed to be inspected by others. She suggests something was overlooked she would have caught.Q:What?C:The fuel switch and connections; as history shows, the aircraft was fitted with additional fuel tanks and lines beyond the original design, typical use and expected range. The defect occurred and progressed in this area. A more detailed look would have uncovered residue of leaked fuel and the cracking which eventually interrupted good fuel supply.Q:Did the plane float for some time after coming down on water?C:Yes; sealed it could float for a long period of time yet the impact damaged it just enough to allow a slow entry of water, and it eventually lost buoyancy. This took some time.Q:So why is it relevant to know if she landed on an island or the plane came down over water?C:Because you exist in an ordered, sequential environment that blocks review of events and exploration of alternate courses, so the notion another outcome or choice is possible or could be examined as if happening, doesn’t seem possible. On Earth, it is not. Once you depart, you will see how this restriction is lifted.Q:Why couldn’t she have offered that she never crashed or came down at all, and ended up on Pago Pago, living her days out on wild boar meat and tropical fruit? Isn’t that also a possibility to explore?C:Yes, possible, but loss of life is a significant event and not set aside so easily. All of you dream, do you not?Q:Yes, I believe it’s nearly universal (Quick, somebody call Dial-A-Neurologist and verify this!)C:Dreams seem to explore wild combinations of people and circumstances not possible or very unlikely, yet as they occur, they give the impression of complete normality. They are normal, they are occurring in as real a way as what occurs in your “time” or phase awake. Once you regain consciousness, at that point the dream seems like a fantasy and is often quickly forgotten, but not always.The exploration of alternate or parallel realities is this way.Q:Yes, Committee, but you understand the human reaction to discrepancies; if there’s a difference, then one version is untrue or, to use a common American phrase, “just a pile of bull droppings.” As soon as we hear an alternate version, we suspect one side is inaccurate or worse, deceiving people.C:Yes, and there is great enjoyment by some, to discover deception. It gives a sense of power that can be intoxicating. The loss of something of value to deceptive moves likewise offers great lessons, painful as that often is.Q:Why would Amelia Earhart offer two versions, both of which involve fuel, surviving the descent to the surface, loss of life but in one, dying on land and the other at sea?C:To see if the death in either circumstance offers a difference of view and meaning; in her life over these years, neither version is material. She is offering a view into the hereafter, your true home, which allows these differences. There is no dispute she died, she offers not the alternative and it is accepted. Then details don’t match and we ask, does this make her more alive on Earth? What is the material effect of either event?Q:I guess there isn’t, but still, many humans, like myself also, will think there is something amiss. Was it A or B? You see what I mean?C:Yes, and to this we suggest, what is more important, the outcome or the route? Does a difference of path change the same destination? Where time ceases to exist, so will the insistence on an ordered series of choices. From which view of a building is it a different building? All would accept photographs of a structure taken from above, either side, its back and its front and it would not be material which of the five views was taken first. Commonality of detail among the several photographs would connect them and establish them as of the same thing. Suspend time and explore different events leading to the winning of a race, birth of a child or death and will the outcomes matter differently by the events leading to them? Is the marathon winner a better or lesser winner by color of hair, clothing or shoes? These are considered irrelevant to the outcomes.Q:If Earhart’s plane had been found on the island, likely her remains and those of her navigator would also have been located.C:Yes, and the mystery would not have been. The defect would have been discovered, the blame assigned and lives potentially ruined yet Earhart possessed the skill to put the aircraft down on a flat surface nearly anywhere and in a short distance, lowing her airspeed to a critical pace. She also could have done this to have the plane enter the water at a lower speed after touching land on a small island, but this option was not offered. It has also been explored.Q:She would have touched town, scrubbed off speed but run out of space and the plane would have entered the ocean anyway? Like when a plane overshoots a runway near water?C:Yes, and she possessed good skill to detect crosswind effects, to approach the island from the proper angle to take advantage, create a headwind and lower her groundspeed. This would minimize needed space. This option exists, even today, and would explain, in Earth ordered occurrences, both scenarios. The plane touches land, then enters water at a slow speed and eventually sinks.Q:If it were known where to look, could the aircraft be found?C:Yes.Q:I doubt this clarifies everything for some people, the idea of space time alternatives and parallel realities are hard to fathom.C:Yes, and you have the luxury of ignoring them, as your existence and life path on Earth will suspend them until “time” comes that you may see them again.Q:Committee, thank you.C:Our pleasure, as always.centertopPredicting the Future26/05/2014?Q:Esteemed Committee, a fascinating and I believe misunderstood concept, is the prediction of the future. How is it possible and how is it done?C:If existence followed the path humans see, it would not be possible. What has not been chosen cannot be predicted.Q:There are many people who have accurately predicted it with regularity, and have received a lot of publicity.C:Yes.Q:If as you say, they can’t predict what hasn’t been chosen, that implies it is.C:Precisely. What is offered is a view to the alternative selected already. Separate this word, already. “All” is “ready” as it has been and is done.Q:So what happens when a good “psychic” with an admirable record of predictions, misses the mark?C:The mark moved; another course was chosen. To suggest a prediction must be certain and absolute implies ability to halt the rotation of the Earth. This is possible, we say, yet unlikely.Q:Please explain further.C:The arrangement of events and eventuality, follows not a sequence. The chosen events are wrapped in it, on Earth. The sun moves across the sky as the Earth rotates; your body forces you asleep and these powers beyond and within you create a feeling of time. Because these creations are universal among humans, the passage of time becomes unstoppable to the subjects of it, you who believe you cannot stop it.Q:How do we stop time?C:Depart the environment that creates it.Q:Hover above Earth?C:Yes. This is one way.Q:How then do memories and the past remain, once done?C:These are no different from the future, yet fall into separate categories when attached to the life experience in which they are planned or chosen. The view of time is a spoke that travels outward from you. As you reach a certain point, you turn at a right angle and you see the events lined up in sequence, perpendicular to the spoke line that travels to that point of turn, the knee of the angle.Q:Then there is a sequence!C:Approach the series of events from the other end; they will be reversed. There is another spoke reaching the terminus of the sequence. If you see the events of a life ordered by the perception of light cycles or days, or dark cycles the nights, a human life might have twenty five or twenty six thousand. This would be a life of sixty eight to seventy one of your years, common on Earth. If you approach from the view of cycle twenty five thousand eight hundred forty two and follow this back to zero, time will be reversed. Just as you may read each word of a book in reverse.Q:What about one day?C:You may examine any one chapter, paragraph, word or letter of a book, may you not? It is possible to look only upon that chosen piece, ignoring all the others. Likewise you may look upon only each tenth word if you choose, ignoring all others. You may also select random, arbitrary patterns of words, or sentences and examine those, in any order. May you not?Q:Yes, but the meaning is lost.C:Only if you insist the Earth ordered view be taken. You do not understand the sequences of sounds of another language, yet you recognize many of the sounds and also recognize the use as a tool and method of communication. Just because you do not understand yourself, do not use that language does not make it invalid. This acceptance of different languages, be them human or computer, is only one example. Time allows the parts and pieces to be seen – and created – in one way. As words can be ordered any way you might choose, so can events.Q:So let’s go back to the beginning of this visit; predictions. How is one made?C:Looking into the relevant stop along the route, the pause in the action, the point on the line.Q:How is a prediction missed?C:The parties involved choose another route.Q:So when a renowned psychic tells the family of abductees, these victims have died and later they are found, how does the psychic get it wrong?C:The psychic does not; the abducted ones are dead. In Earth time sequence, they might still live as the prediction is examined. At a certain point in the sequence, the captured, kidnapped person dies. Everyone dies.Q:How can the psychic focus in on a certain event or fact?C:Just as the spoke will reach to the beginning of the sequence or its end, there is a spoke or route to the center or any other point along the sequence. If the sequence is joined beginning to its end, forming a circle, one spoke reaches both points simultaneously, does it not? Fold the circle over itself, creating a figure eight, and now four separate points of the sequence are reached by three spokes, one less. Fold the figure eight over, so the center point, the intersection remains and the ends join up. Now there will be a new circle yet four points of the sequence will now correspond to two spokes reaching from you to them. Briefly unwrap this new circle back into the figure eight, then unfold that to create the first circle, then detach it somewhere and straighten into a line. Each point of the sequence is reached by a spoke. Join the ends of the line back to one another, twist this circle into its figure eight shape, fold it over into a new circle again and see the routes or spokes reduced, multiple points grouped and reached by the same spoke. Does this sequence require twisting or folding only this way? No, it may be folded and twisted many different ways. A DNA molecule is an example.Q:Does the psychic sometimes hit the different point from the same approach?C:Yes, this is common. Might a pilot reach different ends of the same runway when landing? Each approach produces a different result, certainly.Q:So how did the Amelia Earhart versions of events differ from one another?C:A joining of the events ending her flight. Several alternatives were possible. There were many events along the lines of sequence. She built many potential exit points of life into her plan. All of you do, but rarely take them. Your life plans, lessons and progress determine your choice as each exit appears. You choose to remain on the road or depart it.Q:When do we make this choice?C:Often as you sleep. You do not remember when re-awakening.Q:So the future is fixed yet can be modified and changed?C:Yes, however your lives are good and efficient in the principal course you follow, in nearly all cases. Because human values, ideas, beliefs, choices, pleasures and pain are either pursued or avoided, knowledge of events mixed with perceived reactions to them will likely cause you to change course. You will miss many things you have inserted, and thus you do not wish to know. Yet you do.Q:Why can’t we then all choose riches, beauty, health and happiness, for everyone?C:You have all these things already. In Heaven. You visit and travel through Earth for the alternatives and the experience they offer. If all people of Earth were beautiful by the accepted definition, would everything be the same? No, for there are many definitions and preferences for beauty. If all were the same, all would be boring and offer nothing of value and learning. Scarcity defines abundance; you have the latter always, so changing definitions of the former teaches you much.Q:Committee, my thanks.C:Most welcome you mentsstill perplexed 05/26/2014 11:43amOK, so there are different possibilities of past and future. I believed the one in Heaven, Amelia for example, could remember clearly the option chosen(from our point of view on Earth)?so the question is don't we "remember" ?The Committee 05/26/2014 2:03pm"Remembering" is an Earth timeline created point-of-view. What on Earth is deemed certain suggests other possibilities are no longer valid. Final choice among offerings is only created as - and if - those choices are lined up and forced to be seen in a row, and only in one - not another - direction.Allow yourself the ability to reverse the direction, the order of events, or re-arrange the sequence.1,2,3,4, then 5 are not just 5,4,3,2 and 1. You may also see 3,5,2,4,and 1. Twist the circle into a figure eight.Amelia mentioned 3, then 5. Is there thus no 2? On Earth five follows one and 2 occurs in between. Must it? Leave Earth and you shall see, it might not.You can see your sun rise or fall at any "time" you might choose, with ability to travel quickly enough, in either direction, across the surface of Earth. Which sunrise precedes and which follows, if you attempt to explain the sunrises and sunsets your movement creates, to the surface dweller who cannot see such movement?Arrange options around a circle; turn it. Which of the five is "first"? Turn the circle, and they may all "begin". Arrange options around the surface of a sphere; the concept of tangent is introduced.Require more options? A larger circle - or sphere - allows this.Do you see the source of the mathematical sine and cosine?"Mike 05/27/2014 7:41amLife is like a stone being dropped into a pond. You make your initial splash down on earth as a solid object into the water. The resulting ripples created are our many life options and direction each ripple will take. One ripple may encounter faster water whilst another may encounter a branch. All considered either obstructions or challenges but ultimately contribute to a different flow.A ripple in time.Ajh 05/27/2014 3:03pmso the legal system, from police to courts, consulting psychics for information, witness and testimony, accepting a psychics account by fiat, is actually potentially flawed.Patrick 05/27/2014 5:17pmIt's possible.Twenty years ago I read a research scientist's fascinating book about diet and cellular hormones and about ten years later I saw the same doctor/author's name in the news when he treated a morbidly obese patient, likely the world's heaviest person.I was certain the patient died as a relatively young man, despite the diet and loss of five hundred pounds.Yesterday I read the patient passed away a few days ago at 48. The sensation I knew he already died was as certain as my name.If information does not interfere with lives of the involved, and/or is part of a life plan, it can be made available, accurate to our Earth timings and calendar.Discovering the "exact" details of Amelia Earhart's death are intriguing and interesting but long ago - from our perspective - became irrelevant.Stevelink 05/30/2014 4:37amI'd e hereby like to predict that surely Wyle e Coyote will soon appear in the banner photo with a box of a.c.m.e dynamite..he he..Steve.centertopPredictions05/06/2014Q:Esteemed Committee, I understand there are events we’re not supposed to know about because we’ll anticipate, pursue, avoid and react differently. Maybe all three but in any case, we’ll detour away from our life plan.C:Yes, this is possible.Q:Do we plan to not know?C:Of course.Q:The great feelings of unease we have, about anything important we can’t control or something valuable we lose, where we do not know when or how it’ll get better, are these always planned?C:Yes.Q:What about “non-personal” things? Why can’t we know more about what will happen in general, major events to which we can only react?C:Some of you would avoid them, to your detriment. It would not matter to others, so this puts the revealer of information in the place of selecting winners and losers, gainers and otherwise, against the will, plan and desires of each. Is this unfair? Of course.Q:What about an event that only affects our reaction, if we can even have one? I am thinking something like terrorism attacks; even where thousands would perish, tens maybe hundreds of millions would not be greatly affected and have little or no need to react. Why can’t the others know in advance?C:The answer’s effect is obvious. How many would attempt to warn others?Q:That’s bad because?C:The others who would be warned planned to participate. They will have lost this valuable thing.Q:I will say, the biggest problem humanity has with the entire idea of “afterlife” and “angels” and the existence of something humanity doesn’t “see” is just that; the idea unpleasant, even bad things are planned by perpetrators and victims. Especially the victim part.C:You all accept perpetrator planning; why only wrongdoers? Are the bad actors the sole humans given ability to plan, scheme and conspire? Let’s assume there is no afterlife; we are a stray thought, random prolapse of the brain. Only human perception of thought originating entirely inside the cranium exists. This is a popular notion. Can we suggest only the malevolent among you can plan, conspire and thus execute an evil act? Of course, this is not the case. All humans can do this, for good or otherwise.If all humans have such abilities, the choice with each of you individually then collectively to act in concert, is this ability not also two sided, bilateral, shared and spread between the well-intentioned and otherwise away from Earth? It is logical.Therefore, planning and plotting to participate in something unpleasant should be equally available. It is.Q:So why in the hell would any of us do that?C:Look at what strife, displeasure, dismay, disappointment, depression and death teach you. Could any human suggest these things teach nothing or too little to be worth it? To suggest this would mean the death of a loved one means nothing; could anyone say they believed their parents are worth nothing or so little to be nearly worthless? To say this implies YOU are worthless; for without your parents, would you be?Q:So why do we plan tragedies?C:They are not just tragedies; the angle you see, feel and experience is tragic. Is a building exploding and collapsing into itself tragic? If this is a planned demolition to save expense and risk of step-by-step removal, it is seen even as favorable. If the same happens while the building is under use, especially if occupied at the moment of collapse, it is tragic.Q:Can we have some predictions anyway, about humanity? Something for us to anticipate?C:Yes.Q:Are you going to make me choose?C:Yes.Q:Damn. Okay…how about what dominates US politics and corrodes every news broadcast? There seem to be constant problems with the US government, scandals and accusations, just like there always are. Cut through the mess; what will or won’t happen?C:The current administration of your nation will remain in place through the scheduled term. There will not be a rebound of its popularity and it will end, considered to have underachieved. Political punditry will both leap at the chance to paint a picture of failure and erect a bulwark of defense and support. Both of these views miss the mark, and do so for unilateral political gain. The lesson, as we have offered here on these pages some “time” ago on your linear sequence, is not about the elected administration or leadership. These individuals simple occupy roles to pursue the reflection of yourselves you prefer. To complain of high unemployment eschews appreciation of your desire to create high unemployment. It is entirely and completely a creation of humanity; humans create what is deemed employment therefore all permutations, effects, levels and conditions of it flow from this human creation. That blame is placed upon a leader for not creating conditions to improve it means it is not appreciated that such leader was chosen to perpetuate or worsen the employment.Q:Wow. Okay….moving right along, can you tell us about economics?C:Money is created by humans, both given and received willingly, and unease prevails that too much is required versus amounts received. Many among you have stored up these vouchers and worry not about sufficiency of them, but loss of purchasing ability some time later. All of you could eliminate money tomorrow if you chose, simply throw away or burn all money in hand and stop using banks. Everyone, tomorrow. Within one week, all poverty would disappear and most problems associated with economics would fade. Within just one month, new systems absent distortions would flourish. Humanity could do this, just as humanity created the system currently used.The desire to know the future involves a large component of desire to ignore the past; there is little collective will to examine a pattern to its recognition, then select alternatives and pursue them.You have the mass ability to alter your situation; as you always have.Q:What trends in economics have we planned, recognizing that we do have the ability to abruptly alter them?C:Continued decline; there will be more units of currency accumulated in less hands. Your units of money are your mental oil; they lubricate your desires thus actions, and you move forward in life and hope these vouchers will be received. The less of them offered implies a lessening of actions, a lowering of movements. This will undermine the value of the vouchers – your money – and the holders of the large accumulations will discover, likely very quickly and even abruptly, that far less of what they previously hoped to acquire will be available.Q:When?C:The seeds are long ago germinated; and soon to sprout en masse. We offer the decline begins in 2015 and will carry forward for some time. Several years.Q:What about predictions of natural disasters and calamities?C:They occur right on schedule. There is little current comment on patterns but these will emerge in an unmistakable way.Q:Civil unrest and violence?C:Your choice, collectively. The government in the USA prepares for this and acquires weapons and ammunition for use outside military operations. There will be some unrest; the extent is your collective choice. Many of you who might find yourself in the center of such chaos always have the choice to not participate. Those who hear of or witness such unrest should never, we suggest, condemn or criticize the misbehavior or people involved in it. Have and offer compassion and pray for them to choose another route. This is a selfish approach, we are glad to say, as the offering of goodwill brings it back to you. So help yourself greatly by offering an honest desire for hope and well being in others.Q:What about war in the Middle East?C:The current phase winds down but the challenge will be to resist perpetuation. The terrorist elements desire and pursue bellicose action nearly as an addiction and their ability to provoke military involvement of larger, well equipped nations is not easily forgotten. Soon after the winding down of current events occurs, there will be new provocations. Will you collectively react or resist the temptation? This choice is NOT foretold; humanity can choose to ignore.Q:What do you suggest?C:Set aside fear of judgment and criticism; this tool operates to the benefit of the malevolent. Much talk surrounds the religious faith of Islam, its teachings and writings used by bad actors to justify their behaviors. There are these bad actors, there are good yet largely indifferent and there are the aware acceptors, loathe to engage in criticism of what they perceive as identity through religious faith. This feeds the beast; the indifferent who otherwise desire a good involvement must be a little less indifferent. The bad actors require no explanation; the resistors, who wish to diminish criticism must engage and even shout at the bad actors, to save themselves. Is the mass murder of innocents a religious tenet? Historically humanity has said no, despite episodes of such behavior. We cite the Crusades as an example. Today, will proponents of a faith reject then eject the killers from their flock?Q:What other world events can we know about, likely to occur?C:If the current US administration’s political party loses control of the legislative body, and at this moment this is the choice, the next chosen leader will be from the opposite party.Q:Will this make a significant difference in any important area?C:No, as these leaders are no more than your mirrors. We cite recent elections in the collective national community of European nations. These contests have shifted direction and orientation but represent a bump and reverberation along the road.Q:What natural events shall we see?C:Volcanic eruptions, storms, erratic weather patterns and earth tremors, earthquakes as they are known, will continue and intensify.Q:Where and when?C:So that you may flee?Q:Of course!C:Have any of you considered your urge to flee is really your programmed desire to head towards and place yourself in the center of a calamity you believe you have just moved to escape? For your life plans often operate this way, much by your CHOICE and PLAN. These words we emphasize, to underscore your free will.Q:Thank you, Esteemed Committee.C:Our honor again, please do return soon.centertopHow to Defy Gravity13/06/2014?As the book “Humanity’s Home” comes along (takes time to make it short) here’s a sidetrack post about a subject that intrigues me and might even fascinate (or worry) others? It would also attract military attention, but I digress.Q:Esteemed Committee, can you explain the anti-gravity machine in a classroom lecture format? In other words, I won’t ask questions, put down the answers and then ask another, Just lay it on us, like bricks.C:Our honor and pleasure to do.Gravity is the attraction one object puts upon another; in the dimensionality of Earth’s existence. This force or effect exists and operates in all dimensions, and because of density differences and perceptions on Earth, different effects are seen and created.One purpose gravity serves is the creation of what humanity calls “up” and “down” and this parameter is one of many the Earth environment offers. Because of it, life teaches many things the absence of the up & down perception cannot.Your energetic existence absent a physical body also has “gravity” and its effect is the movement and appearance at a place by thought. What occurs as your soul contemplates being at a new place then arriving, is a similar sub-atomic effect where no atoms are present.Gravity and magnetism are the same force, expressed differently, created through differing methods, yet both achieve similar if not identical, effects.Magnetism occurs as electricity is generated; all magnetic fields likewise create electricity, some of it unable to be measured with current human technology, other instances easily monitored.The subatomic direction of rotation of the components of an atom are what create polarity; a neutron inside an atom is an atom-like structure or cluster which vibrates at a speed that creates a sensation of solidity. Inside a heavy piece of stone, these sub-particles will rotate one way; not the atoms humanity recognizes but rather the insides of the atoms. The larger object nearby will draw all smaller objects towards it, in proportion to the size differences. Because Earth is so much larger than any object, all solid things “fall”, in other words are drawn to it. The magnetic or gravitational pull is amplified by homogenous collection of similar ?atoms, molecules or groups of them where no dissimilar density is found. A cave deep within Earth’s sphere, where air is present, allows a break in the gravitational pull; a parachute would operate if tried inside a large one. Absent the cave, the continuity of the force remains.To reverse the effect, it is merely a matter of creating a magnetic field around the object which neutralizes the gravitational pull upon it.As any of you studying science know, all objects fall at the same rate; weight does not make something fall faster. Two balls of exact same size and shape fall at the same speed, even if they weigh very different amounts; this is because of the effect we describe. Weight is the result of the atomic structure you know; gravitational pull operates within and inside the atoms, where weight, one level above, is NOT relevant.The larger, pulling object – Earth – will exert the same effect on all objects; each one will “catch” the effect in proportion to its size. Create a magnetic field around the object and the effect will be blocked, suspended. The object will then rise and float until another force acts upon it. The rise results from the effect INSIDE the atoms of the piece of stone, not the atoms and molecules humanity now understands.The creation of the magnetic field is done as such; two opposing fields must be created around the object, of opposite polarity. If these two fields are of the same strength or intensity, they neutralize each other, cancel out any effect and the stone and Earth below will continue to attract. The stone will remain on the ground.Create one field around the stone equal to the field strength of Earth acting upon it; still nothing will happen. Create another field around the other side of the object of opposite polarity and similar strength; these two will suspend the effects of gravity from Earth to the stone, as they will act upon each other. This will close off access to the INSIDES of the stone’s atoms, and Earth’s gravity will not act upon the stone, yet the stone will, however, remain stationary. Then increase the field strength of ONE of the temporary fields - whose sub-atomic rotation is OPPOSITE to that of the stone itself, and this will draw the natural, sub-atomic rotational energy of the stone towards it, and the remaining temporary electrical/magnetic field, not drawn by the Earth, shall now exert force on the object. It will hover.The device that will achieve this will do so by placing a coil near one end of the object to be lifted; another opposite charge coil on exactly the other side of the stone. Both fields will interact, one will block Earth’s gravity and the other field will act upon the stone. It is but a matter of adjusting the relative strengths of the fields to achieve the proper balance and required difference. This is not difficult and can be achieved with copper coils only several inches or centimeters in diameter and length and only several hundred watts of electrical energy, as measured on Earth.Different objects, proximities of coil, voltage and amperage combinations to achieve desired wattage and conductivity of electromotive force – voltage – will enable the quickest and most efficient suspension of Earth gravity effects.The potential for weapon use is low, with current Earth technology. Flying objects using air pressure differentiation to remain aloft, and combustion for propulsion, already provide better weapons capability than does this device.All processes of lifting and hoisting can be done this way, equally effectively and with utter, absolute mentsMike 06/13/2014 3:09pmWell as you probably this is of great interest to me as well lolCan the Committee tell us is this technology in use by any other country in the world today. And are they at liberty to digress who and how?Patrick 06/13/2014 9:56pmNot used, but experimented with by several nations such as the USA and the UK.?With time and means, I'd make one. Picking up boulders and then dropping them at will would be a lot of fun. I'd annoy more than a few crane manufacturers, I'm certain.My zero fuel electricity generator would come first, though. All courtesy of The Committee and friends.Renie 06/13/2014 8:43pmWow! Was this technology ever used on Earth? I am thinking about the mystery of how the pyramids were built...or modern day mysteries such as the stone castle in Florida supposedly built by one man...Patrick 06/13/2014 9:52pmBoth, and also extensively in the now disappeared civilizations of Lemuria (Hawaii is the remnant) and Atlantis (Caribbean Islands are also remnants). The South Florida Coral House, certainly.Surviving structures are the Egyptian Pyramids, the larger, older more precise ones and the structures in Peru upon which colonial Spanish churches have been built and fallen down in earthquakes, the underlying structures unaffected by tremors.Stonehenge was also done with this technique.Renie 06/14/2014 3:57pmMysteries solved! We have much to learn, or should I say re-learn! Super post, Patrick!Chris 06/14/2014 10:31amIs this what the Committee is talking about? 06/14/2014 10:56amYES, exactly.Renie 06/14/2014 4:06pmAaaargh! The video is not available!Chris 06/14/2014 12:25pmI want my hoverboard!!!Mike 06/14/2014 2:02pmNot being quite as well educated and of a more learned mind. Am I to understand it simple human terms that for anti gravity to work. The bottom magnet essentially is the earth itself and the top magnet acts as a opposite repellent against it. Or is it simply two opposing magnets whereby the bottom most magnet repels strongest against the top most magnet to create lift. So it's not really opposing the earths gravitational field.?Or am I just talking in riddles again which won't be the first time lolPatrick 06/15/2014 8:35amClose; your first suggestion is the more correct. Earth is the one magnet, its effect neutralised (thank you, Erik [no problemo, dood]) by the one temporary, artificial magnet. The second magnet moves the "liberated" object around.The second example ignores the Earth gravity, which cannot be.Riddles? Riddles? This calls for a Committee poem:There once was a rock in the airWhose properties did cause despairIt floated so freeNo support could one seeIt was considered a witch's affairIf a rock will rise on its ownHover like a calm, silent droneWith only a fooland his electrical toolIs a new way now being shown?Mike 06/15/2014 7:13pmSo do we then have magnets (currently) strong enough to repel against the earths gravitational field? If so what would we need to do for this to create lift? Could the Committee advise on equipment needs to achieve this?Patrick 06/16/2014 10:48am@ Mike:Yes; any magnetic field will resist Earth's gravity and suspend an object.To use electricity as an example; a circuit - the flow from source to "ground", the stopping place of the electricity - can have several components that provide resistance. There is push or force, called voltage, and current flow, called amperage. (The names from physicists who discovered the properties. Their combination - electrical power or wattage - was discovered by a Scotsman named James Watt)The voltage in a circuit is distributed among each resistance, in exact proportion as it bears to total circuit resistance. Each resistance - the light bulb, the computer and the fridge, for instance - consumes a certain amount of power, and this is why all electrical devices have consumption in watts indicated on the exterior. If the circuit can supply 2,000 watts, it will operate normally when total load is at or below this amount. If the circuit operates at 240 volts, each portion of the resistance will "get" or "drop" part of the voltage across that component; if there is any surplus capacity, it flows back to ground. The volts, amps, watts all vary in precise proportion, called Ohm's Law (named for German physicist, Georg Ohm) Transformers and coils within lift or lower voltage in precise proportion to amperage increase/decrease. High voltage is better for long distance transmission but risky to dangerous for human proximity to devices and components. Even the most powerful circuit can have the voltage stepped down to 120 or 240 volts and allow small device to be plugged in. Despite the great potential of a 2 megawatt grid (two million watts) for example - into which many houses and buildings are linked in an urban - no damage occurs to any individual device within, no matter how small.This is how gravity works also, but the force operates on the innards of the atom, exerting its influence principally on the rotating triangles that are the neutron and proton. Just as an electrical device draws the voltage - and amps thus watts - it requires, no more no less - so does any object inside the gravitational pull of a larger one.This is why two balls of very different weights but the same size fall at the same speed. This is why objects "weigh" less on the moon; there is less attracting mass, lower gravity.?To suspend the effect of gravity for any one object, all that are required are two magnetic fields of opposite orientation or polarity around the object, sufficiently large to neutralise the effects of the gravity drawn by the object in question. These magnets or magnetic fields have always been possible since humanity re-discovered the creation of electricity.Mike 06/15/2014 4:45amDoes the Rodin coil have any impact on anti gravity?Patrick 06/15/2014 8:26amNever having heard of the Rodin coil, I looked it up when The Committee said "no" to your question, Mike.One description said " energy..." and I must say again, the better way to say this is "fuel free" energy. Electricity won't be "free". Its capture, adjustment and transmission will always require devices and infrastructure.Back to the coil...what The Committee tells me, after I looked at a few pictures but didn't see a description: "The windings of the coil are analogous to the flow of a magnetic field, which is better called in your language, its energy field. This field is more round than the pictures of the coil suggest, which more represents a flat object. A spherical or round object will create a spherical field of lines of force. This coil will efficiently capture magnetism and produce a trickle flow of electrical current, a bit more than the common tube coil."Chris 06/15/2014 6:19amWhat kind of magnets can we use to create this effect? Neodymium or ferrite magnets?Patrick 06/15/2014 8:14amAny magnetic field can do it; it's not the type of material.Mike 06/16/2014 12:45pm@PatrickOkay I get that an object can be placed in between to opposing magnets to create an anti gravitational effect. But how does this work for UFO's for example? I should summize that they have magnets on board that repel against the earths gravitational field.I know the earth has two opposite magnetic poles. And so if an alien craft were flying in the northern hemisphere it would have to change it's own magnetic pattern to accommodate this. And vice versa for the Southern Hemisphere.?How could we achieve the same principle for lift and propulsion of an object with our current technology? Without having to use a magnetic track for instance like the MAGLEV.Is it as simple as me attaching electro magnets to a structure and turning on the power to get lift.Patrick 06/17/2014 9:36amThis subject is as popular as ETs and UFOs!UFO's - specifically visitor travel vessels or space ships - generate their own magnetism and use both solar and nuclear sources. Metallurgy and battery life humanity does not yet understand supplements this.With current Earth technology this can be done, producing twin magnetic fields around an object. Portability and battery longevity would currently limit use of this technique from a regular power source.The aspect of polarity reviewed: electricity always flows one way. Magnetic fields are identical BUT affect the inner atomic workings - the insides - of the atoms. Humanity recognizes little to no magnetic effect on non-metallic materials.Just as two magnets repeal each other where the same poles are put together, NOT yet accepted is how opposite magnetic fields around an object not able to be magnetized - stone - will cancel the effect of gravity inside the dual fields.Yes, it can be that simple.Chris 06/17/2014 10:15am"Different objects, proximities of coil, voltage and amperage combinations to achieve desired wattage and conductivity of electromotive force – voltage – will enable the quickest and most efficient suspension of Earth gravity effects...With current Earth technology this can be done, producing twin magnetic fields around an object. Portability and battery longevity would currently limit use of this technique from a regular power source."I'm really curious to know why there is such a big emphasis on electromagnets that require a constant current of electricity to create a magnetic field...Aren't permanent magnets just as efficient and effective in producting anti-gravity? Wouldn't they be better since they do not require constant electric flow? How do electromagnets enable the quickest and most effecient suspension of Earth's gravity effects compared to permanent magnets?Patrick 06/17/2014 10:30am@ Chris: The magnetic field is the same, no matter its source, permanent or electro-magnet. The challenge is the size, thus weight, of a permanent magnet that produces the necessary strength field.Until we have the metallurgy - and certain metals (hint, our Periodic Table of the Elements is not comprehensive across the universe, there are some we don't have on Earth, not at the surface we can detect anyway) - to make a smaller thus lighter electromagnet, we'll require electromagnets.?Metallurgy will involve new elements, in small amounts, in alloy with metals we already possess in abundance. This is a distance away, for now.Chris 06/17/2014 4:43amHi Patrick! I was wondering if you wouldn't mind answering these questions about anti-gravity..."The object will then rise and float until another force acts upon it". How can I make it so that another force, such as a heavy object or human, wouldn't cause it to stop floating? Wouldn't several hundred watts of current going through a copper wire melt it or cause massive damage to the car battery? How can I do this safely? How can I create the right current of wattage to create a similar magnetic field as the earth? Is there a measurement in amps or voltage that the magnetic field of the earth produces? Also, how can I find the sub-atomic rotation of stone or an object? Is there a device that measures this? Sorry Patrick for asking so many questions but I want to make my hoverboard as soon as possible! :) Thanks!?-ChristianPatrick 06/17/2014 10:18amQ:How can I make it so that another force, such as a heavy object or human, wouldn't cause it to stop floating??A:If another object enters the magnetic field, gravity will be suspended for it, also. Gravitational effect returns to objects too large for the magnetic field.Q:Wouldn't several hundred watts of current going through a copper wire melt it or cause massive damage to the car battery??A:Not watts, amps. Watts = voltage x amps. Yes, current flow can overload, overheat and damage cables. Properly configured, no there would not be damage to the power source. It’s possible to prevent that from happening.Q:How can I do this safely??A:You’re in the design stage already! Money, which buys time. Ain't Earth life a bitch?Q:How can I create the right current of wattage to create a similar magnetic field as the earth??A:All magnetic fields are the same, just like electricity. Ever heard of the power company selling high quality electricity? If it existed, they’d find a way to offer & charge more for it. It’s matter of creating the fields and placing the object within them. To answer your electric question, high voltage works much better for a magnetic field. A typical automobile battery produces 500-600 amps at 12 volts, about 6,000 to 7,000 watts, enough for six or seven larger, hand held hair dryers. It’s far better to raise the voltage and lower the amperage; power (watts) stays the same, always. (Ohm’s Law). Step up the voltage to say 24,000 (used in an older ignition coil feeding spark plugs) and the 600 amps will drop to 25 mA (0.025 amps). This makes a much better magnetic field. High voltage overcomes parasitic loss much better.Once using a higher voltage supplied coil to produce the magnetic field, then adjust until the right effect occurs.Q:Is there a measurement in amps or voltage that the magnetic field of the earth produces??A:No, magnetism isn't measured like electricity. The unit is called Gauss, symbol “G” (the name from the German physicist and mathematician who created the measurement.) 0.3 to 0.6G is the Earth’s magnetic field at the surface, 50G a refrigerator magnet, several hundred to maybe 50-70,000G is the range of an MRI machine.Q:How can I find the sub-atomic rotation of stone or an object??A:We can’t – yet. We don’t recognize this.Q:Is there a device that measures this??A:Not needed for anti-gravity. Just insert the object into the field and adjust it by varying the electricity, soon the strength that lifts it will be found.Sorry to say, no hoverboards on the horizon anytime soon, not by Earthling hands.Chris 06/18/2014 7:41pmGosh, I guess I gotta wait for my hoverboard! :/Thanks for answering! :DcentertopContinued Defiance of Gravity14/06//2014?Can scientific rebellion be as good as the political kind? Let’s see more about defiance of gravity, a suspension of laws as it were.Q:Esteemed Committee, I will return to the Q&A format, based on the previous post; lots of questions.C:Please proceed; we await your resistance.Q:How does the suspension of gravity work? Here’s what intrigues me; airplanes can follow a flight path where for part of the trajectory, during an ascent if I remember correctly, gravity is suspended for the passengers. Normally if a person remains on the deck or in their seat aboard a flying plane, it's just like on the ground. How does suspension of gravity happen during certain segments of flight, without electricity or magnetism?C:Motion against the direction of pull or draw; this requires a certain speed in proportion to the rate of fall, combined with the angle of divergence.Q:If the plane flies straight up?C:This is application of pressure in the opposite direction which does not neutralize gravity, it opposes it. Once the force is lessened, the gravity effect returns.Q:The plane must fly at a certain angle…?C:Yes, about thirty degrees or more above the horizon and the velocity must also exceed the rate of fall by a proportion only your jet aircraft now easily achieve. This allows the occupants and materials to float, gravity’s pull stopped. When either speed or angle return inside the required divergence, gravity’s effect resumes. This occurs because the gravitational force cannot act upon objects which follow curves, which are really a series of small straight lines. Each straight line can be only the distance represented by several molecules or clusters of them, too small to measure with Earth instrumentation and perception. The gravitational force works just like magnetism, and will follow curves just as the flow or flux lines of magnetism operate. As the trajectory of flight enters an angle sufficiently crosscurrent to the gravity, its effect drops off.Q:Like electricity through a wire?C:Yes, there is a similarity however electricity is the bumping of electrons from atom to atom; the electrons do not move a far distance and they are the result of the force, not the force itself. The gravity force that attracts, and operates inside and upon the neutrons, protons and electrons. Electricity is the result of a similar force acting upon electrons.Q:Why only electrons?C:The neutrons and protons of the atom’s nucleus are more tightly attached and the force required to separate them is your nuclear energy; many, many thousands even millions of multiples higher.Q:What causes gravity?C:Gravity is not caused, it is the manifestation of the life force of your soul expressed through your body; the same force in all things inside the density and vibrational ranges you occupy as humans.Q:There is no gravity in Heaven, our true home?C:No, not as an attracting force you do not control. This force is with you all, it is the essence of your soul. In your body, your own gravity is best understood as thought. When you think, you control and operate gravity. The saying that knowledge is power; it is.Q:When a person studies, learns, understands and applies knowledge, this is gravity?C:Yes, it is the force of attraction. There is no push in the universe, only pull. Only attraction. You attract what you focus upon. Many things in your vibrational range have this force but do not manipulate it or use it in an active way. As something enters its sphere of existence, there is an interaction; it is passive. Things fall without desire or choice to do so. Risks to such movement are managed by what humans call instinct; either parental awareness in the young or control within the young themselves, in the case of many animals, creates fear sufficient to avoid the danger.Q:Why haven’t humans developed, or re-developed, this ability?C:Belief is one reason yet there has also been reluctance to re-introduce the knowledge for mechanical and moral reasons; to protect humanity from the few who would abuse the technique. This danger has passed; human technology allowing of the damage such device could inflict has long ago surpassed this, so its attractiveness as a tool of war, terror and threat has dropped from what it might have been.Q:What would be the use of the device today?C:Construction and transport, and it will be used for these things extensively.Q:Committee, thank you.C:Our honor, enjoy your development of the device and its demonstration. We hope to share your mentsDenis 06/14/2014 11:05amC:Please proceed; we await your resistance.Gee, I like these guys, could not help laugh at their response, have not read the post yet, but am sure I will be levitated.Veronica 06/17/2014 4:51pmReally amazing details, thank you. I want to go see the Coral Castle now...centertopFinal Resistance to Gravity06/19/2014?Last items on gravity neutralization offered; off we all shall float.Q:Esteemed Committee, why do astronauts experience an absence of gravity aboard an orbiting vessel? Doesn’t Earth’s gravitational pull extend to the Moon and beyond?C:The orbit and the speed relative to the ground, the surface of the Earth. We mean the perpendicular angle when we say orbit. Just as occurs temporarily aboard an aircraft, as we mentioned earlier. The gravitational pull indeed causes the orbit, so there is no absence of effect, only that the effect operates on the space capsule in a way different from what is usually seen on the surface of the Earth or any planet.Q:How does the anti-gravity machine work, on Earth? How could it be designed or configured? You mentioned polarity of magnetic fields, but how is that done?C:Create a twin generator using a single rotor shaft with a reversal gear. This is a single shaft which drives the rotor inside the stator, a generator device at either end. There is a reversal gear so the shaft will rotate in opposite directions, causing the magnetic field to push electricity in opposite directions also. This current flow connected to a coil, a Rodin coil is ideal, will create a magnetic field. These fields will oppose one another; when the coils are placed near the object to be raised, as we have offered, it shall rise.Q:How can we keep the object from rising and floating away?C:It will not be able to rise outside the magnetic bubble, otherwise gravity will act upon it. Thus it shall float suspended.Q:Why can’t we do this with permanent magnets versus an electromagnet?C:It is possible either way. Permanent magnets weigh more than the field they produce can levitate.Q:Visitors from other planets use nuclear power to make heat?C:It is possible to isolate just a few atoms and rupture them, in a small and easily controlled reaction and to use that thermal effect to generate electricity and magnetism. Also, there are batteries able to hold electrical potential far longer and above all of this, light energy is also easily convertible. This is a matter of chemistry and metallurgy.Q:Will we see widespread use of solar power on Earth?C:No, the method you already plan is more efficient and reliable. Solar power is a supplement; it requires a proximity to a source and dependence on it as one travels farther from the source eliminates that travel possibility.Q:When can we expect anti-gravity devices to appear on Earth in use?C:When you choose to build them. As many things are developed, this happens when there appears a monetary gain in the equation. Risk delays the investment, a natural component of any process, yet the expected and logical desire for reduction of risk and assurance of a return require a certainty that cannot be had prior to realization. As with many things.Q:How would money be made with the device?C:All things now lifted mechanically could be raised this way, for less expense in the cases of larger things.Q:What if the power source failed and the object fell?C:This is similar to computer power source reliability and back-up, a problem well solved already.Q:So we take two generators but use a single motor and shaft to turn them, and a reversal gear makes the rotor inside each generator turn in the opposite direction from the other?C:Yes, this is one method.Q:What is another method?C:All methods for generation of direct or alternating current will work; the opposite polarity of the magnetic fields is the key. Make the electricity flow in a different direction, and the polarity is reversed. Blend the two magnetic fields; they will resist each other and levitate any object within, small enough for the magnetism to grasp.This is just what one magnet does now; it will attract a ferrous object and hold that object physically against itself. This operates because the magnetic flux lines flow through the ferrous object. Other metals such as copper and aluminum seem immune to magnetic fields. Immune to attraction, yes because of the latticework arrangement of the molecules within, however gravity operates on all objects because it does NOT work on the atoms and molecules and any latticework arrangement, configuration or crystalline structure they form. Gravity works on the innards of the atoms, magnetism the outer part of the atoms and the stricture shapes those outer parts form.The anti-gravity device suspends the gravity effect, that which works on the INSIDES of atoms. So the ferrous structure of any metal containing iron is irrelevant.We refer to your many millions and billions of compounds made from the elements you have identified on Earth; metals are those both solid and deemed to transmit current flow easily, seemingly un-impeded. Any substance can be forced to transmit electricity with sufficient electromotive force; lightning is an example. These concepts all require consideration of the outer atomic structure; anti-gravity effect is achieved by suspending the inner atomic connection. This connection does not take into consideration the atomic structures thus properties of? materials and elements that allow easy flow of electricity or resist it. So anything can be lifted; it is unhooked from gravity temporarily and loses any relationship of weight.Q:Will there be required much development work?C:No, however there will be such work required. Different sized objects, magnetic fields and increase & decrease of electrical power to create the magnetism will all need to be experimented to find the ideal settings. Design of the device for each os use and application is your human choice and preference.Q:How did the Coral House man in Florida get the idea to do what he did?C:This was channeled to him, for his own purpose in life. It was not time to introduce this technology and at his soul level, he knew before life on Earth, this device would be employed as a weapon, or at least as a threat. This is no longer the case.Q:Why not?C:Hiroshima and Nagasaki.Q:We proved our ability to ourselves to annihilate ourselves.C:Yes, and as you have noted, this has been prevented since. These smaller events were allowed as they would not destroy human civilization; you will not be permitted to commit collective suicide, by your collective soul decisions.Q:So our anti-gravity device could replace lifts, hoists, cranes and everything else?C:Even building elevators.Q:Is this what our ET visitors use for propulsion?C:Yes, principally however not just a suspension of gravity but also magnetism is used.Q:Esteemed Committee, my personal gratitude for your insights.C:Our honor to provide them; be mentsMike 06/19/2014 5:51pmWhat if it's done inside a Vacuum, do the effects change?Patrick 06/19/2014 7:00pmNot at all; no effect.Renie 06/19/2014 9:23pmIncredible information! Makes one wonder what else is in store for us to learn...and nice to know that we will not be allowed to commit collective suicide...great stuff!centertopProof of the ??20/06/2014Q:Esteemed Committee, what proof should be offered to a doubter? To someone who is dubious about the existence of anything outside flesh, rock, bones and scones on Earth, how does anybody suggest to such a skeptic there could be something else?C:Simply ask them to describe proof they are prepared to mentsMike 06/20/2014 11:41amNot being a doubter myself but had this conversation before and it usually come paraphrased as such:"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof."Prof. Marcello TruzziIt can't be photographic, video or other media as these can be readily faked.It can't be anecdotal as this is subject to a person's own belief system and memory recall of events.It has to be as a physical object, that can be taken to a laboratory by someone and tested. Then to another laboratory to get a second opinion. And even possibly published in a peer reviewed journal, where it would require peer approval, before being declared fact, real and genuine.Mike 06/20/2014 11:49amAs a crude example of this process. Medical drugs vs Homeopathic remedies. Many homeopathic remedies claim to cure or prevent various illnesses. However they are generally not accepted by the medical establishment as genuine or kosher.For instance Pfizer the multi billion dollar drug company, when they developed Viagra and said it could aide erectile dysfunction. They couldn't leave it at that. So $5bn and 12 years of testing, research and clinical trials later. They came back and made that claim and it was endorsed by the medical field, who now back up it's claim to aide erectile dysfunction. Now they can prove it. It's not a statement or hypothetical anymore.Patrick 06/20/2014 12:03pmBy sight of effect is Viagra deemed valid.Electricity is accepted to exist, as is magnetism. We only see effects, save the occasional bolt of lightning. Thus effects equal proof. We likewise acknowledge atoms we cannot see, measure or touch.If there is no explanation we're prepared to accept, does that negate effect, thus nullify proof?What proof are we willing to accept?Patrick 06/20/2014 11:56amWhat decides which & what is fact, real & genuine?The Earth was once flat; microbes did not exist and eating tomatoes was poisonous.Everyone's belief system is comprehensive?Ahmed 06/20/2014 3:18pmProof is too strong a word, but first let's specify what it is we're trying to prove, let's narrow it down a bit. With a psychic or a channel what is being proven is that the information is from a source outside the psychic's own mind,a source that isn't even in this plane of existence. What can provide strong evidence towards that?1. Providing information that the channel/psychic could not have obtained in any other way, e.g. with mediums who channel the spirits of those that have passed on, specific information that only that spirit and the person asking could've known, thus strongly suggesting that the source is a spirit and not the psychic or any kind of cold reading.?2. A specific prediction or even better several predictions, that can be verified to be right in the short-term future. I understand that time is not as linear as we perceive, but this is just an example of strong evidence.3. Observing or otherwise obtaining specific, verifiable information without using the physical senses, sometimes called remote viewing.Outside of psychics and channels, strong evidence supporting guides/spirits/life after death could involve repeated supernatural occurrences like orbs on photos/EVP/objects moving due to spiritual forces/physical mediumship or many others under controlled conditions which would allow only the supernatural explanation to be the remaining one.Steve 06/21/2014 3:12amHi Patrick,My favorite subject, could i please ask the c, why they feel it is important for us fleshie's to be aware of the spirit world and all them etc, what is / are the advantages ? did god make a decision recently (within the last 30 tears or so) to allow lots more channeling, and opportunities (like this blog, you, Eric, Mathew ect ?Thanks, Steve.Patrick 06/21/2014 10:02amHumanity and the spirit world are one and the same. The advantages of understanding who you are, of what you are a part and your chosen place & roles speak for themselves.A rise in awareness is a universe wide collective effect, known to have been coming, offering different and unique effects in each place.We are living through the rise in awareness we all anticipated before incarnation, many roles and challenges within this rise planned by us.?The results are displayed, in part, daily across headlines the world over.Steve 06/23/2014 4:15amThanks Pat,?Actually tried viagra once, didn't swallow it properly, got stuck in my throat, had a stiff neck for hours !!!Robert 06/21/2014 11:05amHi Patrick, Perhaps you could ask Jesus on his next visit for tea (decaf iced green tea with honey this time!) about a concern expressed by a CE blog member: Do we lose too much of our individuality/personality when we awaken and/or cross over?"Patrick 06/22/2014 9:37amWe lose none, however personality is as much defined by others' perceptions as anything. Those change.Denis 06/21/2014 1:19pmThere are two kinds of doubter, one who is looking for an ego/mind game and one who is just perceiving something just outside of the ego. The first one requires no proof and action. The other just needs a rope to help her/him out of the loop (ego/mind). Start with consciousness is everything, a human being is part of it, not the result.Patrick 06/22/2014 9:35amOf the former I've run across, few are willing to express doubts or challenge them. I hope to have more; I enjoy it.Mike 06/22/2014 9:47amIf you enjoy skeptical debate Patrick then have a look at this site ????? ?? ???? ?? ??? ?? ?????24/06/2014?00Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden (1957–2011) often abbreviated OBL, was a Saudi Arabian citizen?of the wealthy bin Laden Family. An?ethnic Yemeni Kindite,?he was the founder of al-Qaeda, a militant Sunni organization that claimed responsibility for September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States and other mass attacks on civilian and military targets. Raised?in Saudi Arabia, OBL left his university studies there in 1979 to join the Mujahideen in Pakistan and fight Soviet forces in Afghanistan,?gaining popularity by helping supply arms, money and fighters from the Arab world. In 1988, he formed al-Qaeda; he was banished from Saudi Arabia in 1992, establishing his base in Sudan. US pressure forced him out in 1996. Re-established in Afghanistan, he declared war against the USA. In early May 2011, bin Laden?was killed in Pakistan by United States forces.The Amendment's first guest interview; both medium and the questioner are also esteemed visitors; neither yours truly nor The Committee have participated.?I am grateful for this opportunity to offer others' terrific insights and for the confidence given me to do so. I trust all of you will enjoy this fascinating look into the ideas of one of humanity's most controversial recent passings.Q:Guest QuestionerGM:Guest MediumSF:Soul Friend, our "Special Forces"OBL:Osama bin LadenQ:"SF", can you get OBL for us?GM:He's been here?the?whole time listening.Q:Oh my god. Seriously? So, Osama, how are you doing over there?OBL:I am at peace, and I am well.GM:That's all he said. He’s got his fingers where he’s sitting down like you would be sitting on the floor. He’s wearing all white.Q:What do you mean about his fingers?GM:Oh, I didn't finish. His fingers on both hands all together, forming a little pyramid.Q:I can see that.GM:He doesn't have a long beard. It's short, and it's all black.Q:Osama, when you crossed over, what did you think? You?didn't?meet all those virgins, I'm guessing.GM:He's smiling.OBL:I didn't actually believe in that anyway.GM:Are you really telling me the truth?OBL:Of course I am. That was a role that I played, and I knew I was playing it, but I never believed that I would end up with all these virgins or that I was going to be?rewarded?for the things I did in life. I knew, in the weeks leading up to my death, that I was getting ready to go.Q:So your death was not a big surprise?OBL:I can’t say it?was not?a surprise. You’re going to be surprised when someone comes through your door unannounced.Q:True.OBL:I was startled.GM:He’s very deliberate with how he says things. He stops and takes his time to think about what he’s going to say.Q:After you crossed over, looking back, what did you think about Jihad?OBL:It was a means to an end. The heart of my purpose was to create a reformation of Islam and the Muslim faith. During reformations, there’s always going to be –GM:I’m trying to say what he means. He sends me a lot of energy and images mixed in with conversation.Q:So you translate the energy he sends you?GM:Yeah. It’s almost like, you know, when you use a kaleidoscope and you turn it, and the colors and patterns all change?Q:Yeah.GM:It’s like that with him.OBL:Any time there’s a reformation, you have to--GM:He’s showing me an image. It’s like a container filled with liquid like water, and there’s dirt at the bottom.This is weird because my?counter-top?is cluttered with plastic cups filled with water and soil mixtures. I'm?waiting for the soil to settle so I can test the water for pH, nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. Of all the days to decide to post this interview. It wasn't even at the top of the queue.?OBL:Any time you have to go through a period of great change, you have to stir up that container so that the water and the soil at the bottom mixes and helps to dissolve all those pieces. It helps to intersperse the two together. The simpler way to explain it is that there’s no separation between what you’d call evil and good. When there’s reformation, the two of them are split. The water’s on the surface and the soil is on the bottom. During reformation, you have to mix all those up and break all those larger pieces of what we might label as evil in with the water. Then, you have this new solution where the two are interspersed.Q:What was the outcome you were looking for with the Jihad being the soil and—what’s the water?OBL:Think of the soil as the “evil” and the water as the “good.” During a reformation you have to recognize that in everything we do, it’s never just good, and it’s never just evil, and you cannot create a separation between the two.Q:“SF”, you bring that up a lot. You say there are really no absolutes.OBL:That’s what I am trying to show people. Throughout that process, when we’re going through the stages of the reformation, we change not just the Muslim world but also the world as a collective. We go through all these different stages of judging the Muslim world, judging the actions of the Jihadists, but, eventually, once the evil has been brought to the surface mixed in with the water, we can become aware of it and know, within ourselves, which direction that reformation is going to take. Are we going to further the path of evilness, or are we going to temper it?Q:So the reformation is trying to get us to the place of understanding?OBL:Understanding to a certain degree, but it is to make us face our demons rather than to live in denial of them. It is to recognize that the demons themselves are nothing more than disguises, which are in the form of words and even feelings.Q:And actions?OBL:Right.Q:How did you feel about the way they disposed of your body?OBL:I feel that it was appropriate. Even though, in my faith, that was considered sacrilege, disrespectful, I feel that it was appropriate.Q:Why?OBL:I feel that it was never really my body in the first place. I don’t have a body. No one has a body. You inherit a body. You don’t have it. From a political perspective, it had to be done that way because if there was a place where people could go and worship at this altar representing where my body was, it could create more identification with the role that I played. It could amplify the evilness in things that people labeled as evil—my actions and the actions of my group. It was one of the things that humanity collectively had to do even though it didn’t feel collective because it was an action of the United State's perspective. It wasn’t just the United States. Many countries didn’t want to leave any trace of the martyr.GM:He talks with his hands.Q:Really? So what do you think about the state of the Middle East now?OBL:I’m very hopeful because it appears, from a distance, to be in great chaos, but, again, it is just an example of the water mixing with the soil. There is a lot of that going on, but it is necessary. Middle Eastern cultures are very ancient, and you have the ancient side of the culture, which is very rooted in the past, and that past is rooted in violence. Now, that is starting to branch off from itself, into its own little realm, and those who are more in the modern age, those who do not condone the violence, are branching into theirs. In order for us to make amends with our past, we have to mix it in with the present.Q:To dilute it?OBL:Yes.Q:Why violence? Why does violence have to bring forth this reformation? Isn’t there another way?OBL:I don’t want to use this word to make it appear better or worse than, but violence is something that was the way when the human species was a more primitive culture. I use the term “violence” very loosely because thousands of years ago when you had pits of gladiators fighting against each other and against lions, that wasn't considered violence at all. It’s a matter of perspective. It's to violence. (I must have transcribed this last sentence wrong because it doesn't make sense.) I have used the word “primitive” before, but it is not meant to be a slight. It is just to recognize that that was something of the past.Q:So it’s part of our evolution.OBL:Yes. It is to intersperse the past with the present and what the future is leading to. You cannot have a separation between the three.Q:You can use the same soil and water.OBL:Yes.Q:Do you think anybody will bomb Israel?OBL:No. No one will bomb Israel. It is more likely that Israel will bomb someone else.Q:Oh! Who?GM:That’s very political. It makes me uncomfortable to even say it, but he’s being honest.Q:Well, let’s not go there, then.SF:Just let it go, “GM”. I don’t know if you want to use all of this, because it’s really going to rowel things up with some people.Q:Oh, great.OBL:Israel has been so rooted in worrying about being a victim that now they have started victimizing others.Q:As a protection, a defense?OBL:Yes, a defensive maneuver.Q:So it’s like, “I’m going to victimize you before you can victimize me.”OBL:Right. It is that defensive posture that is fanning the flames and creating more hatred toward them. It is creating an "us against them," but to be fair, it always takes two. There are those on the outside that recognize, unbeknownst to them, what Israel is saying. I’m speaking of other countries like Iran who see, unconsciously, that Israel is playing both victim and victimizer. On an energetic level, Israel is saying, “This is the way I want you to treat us.”GM:He’s using the analogy of the lion that’s hunting prey. Israel is acting like prey, and Iran is acting like the lion. So what does it do when it sees the prey? It wants to kill it.OBL:The prey has to stop acting like prey before the lion will back away.Q:And right now the prey is backed into the corner snarling like a cornered dog?OBL:Right.GM:(chuckling): He likes to talk in metaphors.Q:That’s good. It makes it easier to understand.OBL:When I first crossed over, there were certain things that I had to learn to let go of. I had my ideologies. I did want Israel to go away. I didn't think Israel deserved to be, to exist. They were just like every other group that I considered to be an infidel. I had to work through that in order to move beyond it.Q:How did you do that, just through reflection?OBL:Part of it was that; part of it was pondering.Hmm. Aren't those the same? I should have asked for clarification.GM:He shows me the image of himself sitting all alone in a cave.OBL:I also recognized that the part I played was just that, a part. I had to learn that its greater purpose was to help us evolve, and now that part for me is over. I had to hold myself accountable for the things that I participated in.Q:Was it a spiritual contract?OBL:Yes, it was an agreement. I like that word better than “contract.”GM:That’s interesting.Q:What was your life review like? Was it painful?OBL:In some ways, it was painful; in other ways, it was beautiful.GM:He’s showing me visuals of how it was beautiful and how it was painful, but it’s going really fast. He shows this one instance when he’s this little kid, and he looks like he’s in the Middle East, but the grass is green and there are palm trees. He’s running around and playing, and he’s showing me that there are women around him who are all his mothers in some way. There were several maternal influences in his life.Q:Was it a harem?OBL:No. In my culture and others outside of the western world, we live in a community where others take care of those outside their families. It is like a village where everyone raises everyone else. Even though I came from money, we still lived like that.Q:Okay. How did you view women when you were here, and how do your view them now?OBL:A lot of people would be surprised by how I treated females because I said one thing and did another. I believed, ideologically, that women were –GM:I don’t know how to interpret what he’s saying. It’s almost as if they were tools to him but he says that’s not accurate. He says men are tools too.OBL:It’s like you have to have the hammer and the nail. We work together. I believed women had certain roles that they should play, and men should play other roles.Q:Why wouldn’t you allow them to get an education?OBL:Ideologically, the role of a woman was, for me, to give birth to children, raise them, to be nurturer and education would pull them away from that role. That’s only to a certain degree because I also believed that women should have some sort of education. That’s not widely known about me. But they should always remain true to what their role is in life. If they became educated as a lawyer and don’t have a family, they would be out of that role. The Taliban, are to the extreme. They were a means to an end. They provided a haven. I saw them as primitive. Think of them as the warriors. I thought of myself and those in my circle as the thinkers. We had our role and the warriors had theirs.Q:Okay. You said you saw women in one way, ideologically, but you acted in another.OBL:When I spoke of ideology, I, as a leader, had to uphold what I knew was going to perpetuate Jihadism.I had to say certain things that were based in that ideology and the interpretation of the Qur’an, but on a personal level, I didn’t believe women should be slaves. I believed that women should not be mistreated. They are just like men as far as, I don’t want to use the term, “equal,” but it’s the only appropriate word I can use.Q:They deserve the same level of respect? Is that what you mean?OBL:Yes. That’s what I mean by “equal.” But if you go against what your role is, then I used to believe you deserve punishment.Q:Now, you see women differently?OBL:Yes. I don’t hold onto those same roles. I see them now not as females but as spirits playing a role of femininity.Q:So, same respect, not inferior, right?OBL:Absolutely.Q:Why is there this whole thing about not being able to dance, listen to music and things like that? It’s like you’re punishing yourself if you engage in things that are joyful.OBL:Your "SF" has spoken of this before. If you remove all things that bring you joy in life, then the only other option that you have is to suffer.Q:Ah!OBL:There are many sects in Islam that believe that suffering is the way to enlightenment.GM:He says he doesn’t use the word, “enlightenment.” He’s using another word and I don’t know how to repeat it. It reminds me of something I read by Carl Jung. I’m paraphrasing it. It’s a picture of a tree with the roots growing into the ground. Jung says that a tree can’t reach to Heaven without its roots stretching down to Hell.Q:Oh!GM:He’s bringing this up so I can adequately relay what he’s saying. Suffering is the roots that reach to Hell that enables our souls to reach to Heaven.OBL:If you are focused on the things that bring you joy, and then you are not really living in Hell.Sounds fine by me.Q:So it’s like how “SF” describes it. You have to let suffering break you down so you can redefine yourself.OBL:That is true. Suffering is one of the great motivators for evolution. We have to go through a process that goes in all directions. One of those directions is suffering.GM:He’s showing it as a circle, and that circle expands in all directions at once. You can think of one direction as being things that aren’t aligned with suffering like harmony, love, peace, whatever you want to call it. It ha to expand in one direction and the other things like suffering expands in another direction. If you don’t expand all at once, the circle doesn’t grow evenly. We’re on the side of suffering.Q:Great analogy. Were you here to learn anything?OBL:(smiling and scratching his beard): Well, there is always something to learn.Q:What was the main thing?OBL:To find a more expansive, deeper meaning to the statement that everything is a choice. You decide for yourself, and nothing can be dictated to you. I learned that it’s easier to manipulate, and I learned what manipulation is like from the perspective of both the manipulator and the manipulated. I played both roles.Q:Are you saying you should make choices on your own rather than having the ideology do so for you?OBL:I’m not saying it’s one way or another. I’m just saying that it’s about the awareness of those things.Q:Okay.OBL:You can choose it for yourself, or you can choose to have it chosen for you.Q:Do you have any regrets?OBL:No. I have no regrets.Q:Because it was some sort of spiritual contract?OBL:(correcting me):An agreement.GM and Q laugh. Who would have thought that Osama bin Laden would have us chuckling?Q:Can you share a life that influenced your life as Osama bin Laden?GM:The first visual I get from him is he as a woman who’s painting. It flashed by so quickly that I couldn't pick up on what era it’s from.Q:It doesn't matter.(Pause)GM:Ah, now it makes sense why he said that. He said that in that life, the brush was under my control, but in this life, my followers were under my control.OBL:In both cases, I was creating something. It’s just that in my life as the painter, I was creating something beautiful to admire. In this life, although I know many would disagree, I was also creating something beautiful. It’s just harder to see.Q:Why is it beautiful?(Seems like a stretch.)OBL:Anytime we expand our awareness, it’s a beautiful act.Q:Ah! Expanding our awareness, in part, by facing our demons?OBL:That’s right. It was also to call attention to the injustices that other countries being the purveyor of, particularly the United States and other western cultures. Zionism represents materialism, and the reason that turmoil in the Middle East and in other countries close to that region has occurred is that other countries in the West in particular have taken from others. They haven’t allowed those others to exist in the way that they are.GM:He shows me this visual of a hornet’s nest being stirred up.OBL:This incites violence because there’s an absence of justice in those instances. I touch on that because it’s not just about Islam. It’s also about how other countries have played their part in it as well.Q:How do you view the West now? (Gulp)OBL:I see them as the painter, too. Just as I was, so are they, and all of these acts that we create and participate in are enabling us to become more aware.Q:So you don’t see the United States as evil?OBL:I never did. I saw them as unjust. That’s different from evil. I saw them as taking more than they needed.Q:But I thought scarcity was an illusion.OBL:But you’re seeing that through the eyes of someone who knows that.Q:Yeah. I gotcha. Scarcity is part of our human reality. Do you have one simple message for humanity?(Long pause)OBL:If you continue to live as an entitled species, then you will become extinct.Q:Will we find peace in the Middle East? Also, how do you envision the perfect world?OBL:First, I would define peace as the absence of injustice. The Middle East will find peace. The next hundred years are going to be about that. We’re evolving away from the cultures you see in the Middle East and also places like Malaysia, even Russia. These all have the aspects of older cultures. Over those hundred ways, those cultures will move beyond those ways of thinking.Q:Good.OBL:That includes parts of Africa as well. I cannot tell you it won’t be without struggle, but humanity will be aware of struggle in every corner of the world. Places that never had to think of food as an issue are going to have problems with that. People who thought that their homes were safe from natural disasters will find out they are not.GM:He’s bringing up a lot of weather-related things.OBL:There will be political strife, but there will be more environmental strife. This will make the politically based struggle seem trivial and will bring us all closer together. Through that universal suffering, we can all help humanity prevail. It is no longer going to be like one person seeing another person suffering, thinking, “Oh, I’m glad that’s not me.” We will change our thoughts to, “That could be me.” This will pull people together. It will increase humanity’s empathy.Q:How do you envision the perfect world to be?OBL:As I said just now, it’s when everyone can put themselves in other people’s place. I am not just limiting this to another person. I am saying it’s when everyone can put themselves in the place of every living thing, every country, every group. All things feel.GM:I didn't expect him to be kind of a touchy-feely person, but he is in many ways.Q:That’s nice to know. SF, do you have any questions for him?SF:The shit that went down on Earth, even though I know where he’s coming from, I still think that it’s fucked up. Sometimes shit’s gotta happen. I really don’t have anything to ask.Q:Okay. Osama, what do you think about [the work we] are doing?OBL:You are mixing the water with the soil and expanding human awareness. You are all painters, and that is beautiful. You are one of the creators. I am very pleased that you were courageous and open-minded enough to speak with me.Q:I hope I don’t get any backlash, but we’ve learned so much from you that I think it will have been worth it unless I get assassinated!OBL:(smiling): You needn’t worry about that.SF:Yeah, "Q", They’ve got bigger fish to fry.Q:(Chuckling): I’m glad! Goodbye, Osama.OBL bows his head and mentsMike 06/24/2014 2:29pmAh this was the one ***** had on ****'s blog the other day, and then taken down. Brave to publish this a second time.Robert Martinez 06/24/2014 3:09pmAgreed. I appreciate that someone is willing to bring in the good, the bad and the ugly (from an earth perspective, anyway) and let them have their say. The insights into their underlying purposes are worth it.Ajh 06/24/2014 5:01pmThat was one of the most interesting, beautiful, touching accounts i ever read. Its too bad **** was encouraged to give into fear and suppress it.Patrick 06/24/2014 5:25pm"Transferred" I'd say, its appearance here the de-suppression!Ajh 06/24/2014 5:30pmTrue. I understand this is the same interview but in its entirety then?Patrick 06/24/2014 5:48pmAffirmative.Renie 06/24/2014 5:48pmThank you for posting the entire interview. It brings great insight into the roles we play while in our human form and our concept of evil ....but as SF expressed, it was an extreme way to expand human awareness...Patrick 06/24/2014 5:58pmMost material advances require more than a rattling of the cage. Falling off a cliff is more effective, if ugly.Says The Committee, "remaining inside the perception of relative safety, away from the 'extreme' is often extreme - and risky - itself, despite beliefs otherwise."Ajh 06/24/2014 6:30pmThis reminds me of a certain part of the film fight club;“its-only-after-we’ve-lost-everything-that-we’re-free-to-do-anything”/Renie 06/25/2014 9:58pmDear Committee, indeed, mediocrity would not lend itself to advancement. It seems a paradox that our greatest expansion comes from our greatest suffering. From our human perspective, fear and pain typically seem to bring nothing good, and are best avoided whenever possible! Committee (and Patrick) thank you for your clarification.Mike 06/25/2014 8:17amSo will we be seeing another interview with him and 9/11? Personally I don't know what was so special about the 9th November 2011. Maybe that is just me.Patrick 06/25/2014 10:34am9/11 = September 11th in Yank backwards writing (except the Armed Forces where it's written 09 NOV 2011No, I don't plan to ask OBL back for a visit, myself.Denis 06/25/2014 12:11pmGreat interview, nice to know OBL is part of the shift and not the devil and that Q still has a few years to go before check-out time.cristina 06/25/2014 4:23pm:))))))))))))) i bet he loves this "SF: Soul Friend, our "Special Forces" " :P So cute :Pcristina 06/25/2014 4:53pmI didn't understand this bit "SF: The shit that went down on Earth, even though I know where he’s coming from, I still think that it’s fucked up. Sometimes shit’s gotta happen. I really don’t have anything to ask."Randi 06/25/2014 6:43pmI thought SF was referring to the 9/11 attacks *shrug*.centertopMorals29/06/2014A reader asks The Committee about them."How does one maintain a sense of morality and realize at the same time there is no true right and wrong? Is it completely an individual experience? How do we live with what we see as an injustice and while allowing others to follow what they feel is moral? After reading the interview with Bin Laden and then an article about female circumcision I realize those feel they are culturally doing the right thing while I find it horrifying. Non-attachment is the ideal but I am not there yet."?Q:How does one maintain a sense of morality and realize at the same time there is no true right and wrong?C:There are true rights and true wrongs, as you choose to see them. This does not mean that wrong and right are easily modified, switched, discarded and set aside for inconvenience. As you choose to see them is the collective of all of the you, humanity. Morality comforts you, it supplies a certainty and assurance its absence corrodes. It will ring true and feel proper, without a sense of questioning of concern; you will know what is right for you and others around you by your intuition and you need never maintain a sense of it; it will be automatic and easy to know what you believe is moral. Truth about mathematics in Beijing is unlikely truth for the Turkish mathematician in Ankara; yet both shall find truth in their work; with a little interpretation, common ground, also.Q:Is it completely an individual experience?C:Yes it is and no, it is not. If each of you were to exist separately, without material human contact it would be completely individual. You are alone and unconnected to other humans every day, often asleep and sometimes awake. Does morality enter a state of suspension during these unconnected moments? The cumulative collective, experience and sense of morality created from it are collective with great individual effects, as you choose to allow them participation in your beliefs.Q:How do we live with what we see as an injustice and while allowing others to follow what they feel is moral?C:This is exactly as you should do it; well phrased and placed is your question. We shall say, how much imposition upon your own selves do you wish to have? Choose, then impose by equal measure upon others, and effective shall be your efforts to lower injustice, as you see it. What injustices do you commit that will be lowered in you, by imposition and force? Have you none and possess you perfection? Do you? Balance degrees of injustice as you seek them corrected, as in chemistry. A good formula achieves a desired result.You should not feel detached; why? The knowledge has entered your thoughts for a reason. We suggest this use of culture as justification is but rotten fish wrapped in perfumed paper; no act or behavior need to be justified by the use of such description. If it is deemed to be a part of culture yet abhorrent, then abhorrence is the culture; we hope you see this naked logic. Current trends in western societies deem ideas of cultures as lesser or primitive, improper; value should be sought in everything, criticism not applied. This is not humanity; are you all of similar size, weight, colors and textures of hair? Likewise your internals are equally diverse in function and your ideas and thoughts must logically be distinct, varied and unique in similar volume, complexity and capacity as are the outer and physical differences.Does the ingestation of a health robbing diet deserve approval for the obvious bad effect created? Thus why should a social practice deemed “culture” automatically require such approval?Change what you wish altered, by example. Friends you shall attract, disagreement likewise. Be glad for the differences of opinion; for yours is this also, in the eyes of others. As appeal grows by the comfort the new idea supplies, so shall a higher sense of morality, as you desire and create it, collectively.Be mentsDenise 06/29/2014 8:05pmThank you. I shall ponder this.cristina 07/01/2014 4:14pm"Change what you wish altered, by example. " I guess this means "be the example you want to see in the world" :)I always remember committee's advice: "allow disagreement to happen and the majority will follow anyway what is right for them" :)centertopMORE ON Predictions30/06/2014Q:You know, Esteemed Committee, what people really want, is to insert new information and new ideas into the current environment.C:Yes.Q:Many people want proof.C:Without examining what proof is acceptable.?00Q:People always know what is acceptable.C:Only if they know everything, and as you know, this is not possible.Q:God knows everything, correct?C:If God were a person or single soul, no. God is collective and as much as can be known to come close to everything, this collective can achieve it. The word "everything" assumes no new things come to be; your individual and collective power of creation assures that knowledge of everything is unattainable. Creation will always lead knowledge, never follow.Q:So how does this idea of proof hold so much water?C:How does the idea of motherhood do the same? If offspring of humans were nurtured away from their biological mothers, a society could grow and prosper and it would occur in a new way. This notion seems horrible to most humans, even to mothers who would abandon their offspring. Yet humanity has often done so, and continues. The results are good; children raised by a group of people to whom they are unrelated biologically prosper equally well. It is seen as the exception, caused by circumstances; the vast majority of humanity sees not the choice the child makes, only the unfortunate situation that supplies the opportunity.So you see, we hope, how the idea of motherhood holds strong and other ideas, of acceptability of proof, also. Despite limitations.Q:Limitations of?C:Proof and understanding.Q:Why can’t proof for every doubt be supplied?C:The clarification often will be rejected; there is strength in doubt. As you know, criticism supplies power by and from those criticized, to the critics. Insistence upon doubt and preponderance of skepticism are sources of strength in the face of misunderstanding, to the confused.Q:What calms doubt?C:Acceptance of not knowing, similar to appreciation, as acceptance lifts well being. The circumstances of any human can quickly be divided in half, what is good and what is otherwise. It is easy to take for granted what is good, placing most attention on what is less so. This is a choice, and need not follow such route. It is a simple matter to train oneself to appreciate the good; one technique is to look around and observe s/he who has not, what one assumes one shall always have. If you can walk, look at the person in the wheelchair. If you can see, consider a day of blindness. If you can urinate or defecate without problems, think about a person with a colostomy.Accept what you do not know, when and as it appears. This will always happen and as you know, occurs continuously. All of you encounter new situations; learn and inquire, be not automatically skeptical as many have learned to do.Q:OK, let's get to the title of the post, predictions continued. You all supplied a few, or as we'd say locally to me, y'all did, a while back. What new predictions can you provide? Absent proof?C:We struggle with the idea of prediction, as it too easily absolves humanity of choice. There is deep love, desire and affection for enslavement of ideas; it is learned to be easy and pleasant. Confusion is a difficult thing to endure, and is avoided. Suggestions of new ideas, comments and views which do not match preferences and knowledge already installed in the listener have been learned to be shouted down. This is an outgrowth of choice avoidance, itself a result of unpleasantry. Blame for bad outcomes is powerful, so much so that many humans choose blame over resolution.Q:So we can't have predictions because….?C:The decisions have not been made. The course of events has, but there is a selection always available. Simultaneous occurrence artificially separated then imposed upon a line or sequence creates the notion of prediction.Q:There are psychics and mediums with good track records making predictions.C:We suggest not that predictions cannot be made; some outcomes are certain, the decision to do them without hesitation already set. We say, the accuracy of the medium is the selection of the guides choosing to supply the information. We assure you, no medium can predict with accuracy in every case, humanity does not work that way.Q:How do psychics and mediums have good hit percentages?C:They only supply predictions highly likely to occur. Press for answers not yet chosen, and the accuracy will fall. It would default to that of what humans call a coin toss; 50/50.Q:But when something happens, it is a certainty. History, for example?C:History is the timeline illusion observed in a certain order. This is like electricity, which flows away from you or towards you. Choose your place and see the ordering reversed. History is the product of Earth timelines arranged in the order of numbers. It is possible to count backwards; it is possible to replay music, sound or video in reverse. History also, yet not on Earth.Q:How many alternative courses of events can there be?C:As many as are wished to be created.Q:Some predictions about society are certain.C:No, nothing is absolute. For any small absoluteness to be possible, there must be a restriction in choice and will. This is not the way of the universe. There cannot be a restriction of freedom and choice; this is not possible. It is an illusion of circumstance created, the reason for society on Earth.Q:Who created society on Earth, anyway?C:All of you who choose to participate. Like a club, a group or a society, the membership creates by agreement.Q:Human form, presence, life and events are all pure creation of…whom?C:All of you.Q:The idea God created the Heavens and Earth, yada yada yada…not true?C:Human society on Earth is optional; Earth existed before humans chose to exist upon it. Remember, off Earth, there is no time and no time line. There is synchronicity and pattern; course and intersection. All things circulate and can rendezvous as chosen, freely. Human existence on Earth is a simultaneous creation, events of which can be changed.Q:Is this what is meant by time travel?C:Yes; we suggest computer code. The operation follows a sequence; insert a new command or function, a new routine within and the application will run differently or not at all, to its original purpose. Humanity, far more complex, follows a conceptual pattern no different.To travel in time is simply a choice to view a different section of code.Q:We just love predictions, however. We want to know what will happen.C:How much choice do you wish to abdicate? For we say, you cannot. The ability to know represents great power in the illusion of humanity. Enter a new illusion and this power translates not, carries over little.Q:Still, once something has happened, it's a certainty of history.C:Of the sequence you chose to see. This does not mean there are no other sequences. ?The moon and sun do not cease to exist after disappearing below the horizon; a synchronous satellite still exists when invisible, in orbit above a spot opposite your place on your planet's surface.Q:So why can't we know when we'll die?C:You will die at the end of your life.Q:When will that be?C:When you chose.Q:Why can I not know now?C:You will change the course of your life; assume not that such choice automatically and naturally excludes the inability to choose. The illusion of inability is also a selection. You choose to feel unable to select. This is among Earth's greatest sensations. Supplying certain information, with belief, undermines this. Why?Q:Because many of us want it!C:Why? You want to know the future, why? What will this information do for you, that you do not already have? We suggest execution; it is considered torture to know death will come, with certainty of method but not when. If this uncertainty is deemed better by those who would condemn others to death as punishment, then consistency requires uncertainty for the positive, also. The wonderful thing that would come. We anticipate the argument that the wonderful thing cannot be known in the same way the horrid outcome can be imposed. Are you all convinced of this?We shall predict a wonderful thing guaranteed to come in your life, for all of you, with absolute certainty: death. This is your return home, a moment of joy and tranquility and peace you long for and rarely achieve on Earth.Q:I know, you've said many times, if we knew, we'd always pursue the good and avoid the bad.C:Yes, this is step one in the human journey. Step two includes both; if there were no good, no pursuit of it would be undertaken. The most horrible of lives contains much good and memory of it. As an animal would instinctively smell and be drawn to food, each human will be drawn to the good in life, as s/he perceives it. Little instinct operates in human society, to allow for a great breadth of learning and response based upon it.The contrasts of life create experience. You would avoid the bad if you knew of it, and so hypocritical would we be, to only offer good news. This robs you of experience; would you thieves of us make?Q:OK, how about bad news…can we have some of both?C:We predict all world leaders shall die, some violently.Q:When?!? Which ones?C:Several, each at the end of his or her life. This will happen to all humans, the leaders are not unique. We predict some humans will die by gunfire, directed at them by other humans, in anger.Q:Unfortunately, that's true also.C:Many less can die this way; the choice to not do so lies with the murderer in many a case. The victims, by ignorance of the risk, danger or a life choice, have no active, human life choice they can see. Killers have this choice completely. Why will some act in this horrible way? We predict some will.Daily.Q:Why can't true victims, who have not chosen a violent death, be warned to avoid it?C:Some are, and do. This is not news; so society does not publicize this. Little reward for avoidance exists, no thirst for examples of prudence overwhelms.There remains nearly complete control in the hands of humans to do no harm, even among the ones who do it to the greatest extent. This choice is never removed. The desire to hurt, damage and kill is an active choice.Q:There are some cases of bad things planned by both perpetrator and victim?C:Yes.Q:Why?C:The sensation of the experience and often, for the benefit of the observers.Q:How about good things?C:The sensation of the experience and often, the benefit of the observers, apply also.Q:Are you saying we choose all the bad things that happen?C:Yes, entirely, either before incarnation and sometimes after it.Q:Are the things that humanity considers bad, all around, are they also seen this way in Heaven?C:No; they supply contrast and perspective.Q:We don’t need to see dead trees to like the beautiful, green and lush ones.C:Yes, you certainly do. All trees die; beauty among them is appreciated by the automatic knowledge the tree is not permanent.Q:So what is permanent?C:Your soul and Heaven.Q:So, not even a winning lottery number prediction?C:Six, four, twelve and twenty two, forty eight and fifty two.Q:For what date and lottery, where?C:This number has won and will do so again. The intended winner will have such date and place coordinated.Q:Aren’t there any random winners?C:Of course.Q:How can we know or tell the difference?C:You cannot generally and if this certainty of information is provided, for example through a medium, there will be more skeptics than believers; this is why you travel to Earth and journey through life. The value of skepticism cannot be described; the absolute belief in the wrongness of information that either does not fit the database values, by contradiction or exclusion, is one main reason life on Earth is attractive. It offers an appealing contrast, the many of you believe certain with all your might. The Earth is flat, the stars require fifty thousand Earth years to reach and lead will become gold, these are current and former beliefs held tightly. We will say, the fifty thousand light year star is reached in under two hours of Earth time – less than one twelfth of a rotation – and lead can indeed be made into gold. The flatness issue is already answered.Q:How can lead be turned into gold?C:Re-arrange the molecular structure; the arrangement is already known to humanity, if not the proportions or properties of the sub-atomic particles. At the level of frequency your home offers, this is done nearly instantly. ?We shall offer, if this technology were available on Earth, gold would lose value quickly. As occurred with aluminum. There is much gold on Earth, deep within the planet. Sufficient that it would become nearly worthless by comparison.Q:Can we have just a little prediction that will fascinate a few?C:Define fascination.Q:The winner of the World Cup.C:This is not yet decided; alternatives for all participants winning already exist; if we suggest an outcome, there is no ability that we can force players to win or lose, to achieve our prediction. We do not have this power.Q:Surely the players have decided collectively?C:Yes, of each team. All offer a winning outcome, and a losing one. Who are we to reveal each, when the choice will be made after these words are written?Q:We adore this idea that a higher power and force already knows or decides for us.C:Yes, absolution it offers, yet ownership of outcome is also lost. Do you only wish to own the positive, yet place ownership of the negative elsewhere? This inconsistency, so popular on Earth, is also not possible. You are the higher power of yourself, but for your choice to see and believe otherwise, temporarily. To be subject to one's decisions without knowledge of them as chosen this way, provides what no existence in Heaven can give. For many souls, it represents a challenge insurmountable, for it requires a deep dive into the unknown. You descend deep below the surface of life because you know, before submerging, you are assured a return well and happy, to your home. You forget after the experience envelops you, as you choose. All who doubt this chose the doubt; there are no exceptions. The illusion of exception is another great opportunity of Earth.Admire you we do, you who take this plunge. We have ourselves, some of us. Our admiration only grows.Q:Esteemed Committee, have we not gone on too long?C:If time is important, you may see this aspect. We do not.Q:Until the next subject, then!C:Yes, until. Return mentsCheryl 06/30/2014 6:13pmThank you Patrick and the Committee for an interesting interview...LOL...ok maybe it was a little frustrating as I too wanted to hear of a "prediction" but I understand what was meant by the answers! Thank you for enlightening us! :)Renie 07/01/2014 12:31pmWow! Great interview! Really puts the negative side of life into well as how we place a value on what we choose to see as worthy. When it comes down to it, all we really need to know about our "future" is that we will, indeed, return to our home, well and happy! Thank you dear Committee (and Patrick) for this awesome and uplifting message!Chris 07/01/2014 4:25pmAwesome as always. I wrote down the friggin' lottery numbers. And the prediction about death made me laugh like a fool. Just so you know, I have The Amendment bookmarked on my browser. I love reading your channeling sessions! I'm the person that asked you to do Groucho Marx awhile back. I don't know if you follow Bashar or Kryon but those channelings are awesome too. I try to do it myself and am not sure which answers are from my subconscious and which are my guides. Thank you so much as always and if you like rock music of different sorts, feel free to listen to my songs on my Soundcloud website that I listed in the "Website" section. There's a lot of reference to my spiritual knowledge in my lyrics.?Best,ChrisMike 07/02/2014 3:10amHere is an excellent article titled:What’s Wrong With Science?? Thomson 07/02/2014 8:27pmThat totally blew my mind. Thanks Committee. Thanks Patrick.centertopCatalyst Reader Questions05/07/2014A reader asks several questions against the backdrop of debilitating sickness and potentially life ending diseases. A fuse is lit.00Q:Is everything pre-determined and we just live out the script?C:No, you are the author. You are the screenwriter. You are the casting agent, director and main character in your act. Unlike a story fixed in detail and plot, you may adjust. You are the architect who designs a house from elastic wood, flexible steel and pliable brick. You choose exactly what variance you will allow and in which circumstances, and you agree with all involved what range of motion each of you shall allow. There is margin for haphazard participation of unscripted, unscheduled players and random occurrence of events not planned.Q:Can we modify the script even though we don't know what the script is and how it can be changed?C:Yes, within your choices. You can and do choose what you shall include. There is no outside control over your life you do not have. Where you feel outside forces operate against your will, you have selected that effect to create the sensation inside of you. There are millions of ways this can be done, and you have a hand in all of it, to the extent and degree you select. You are always in control. The illusion of time on Earth makes it seem as if there is first a script then an interpretation. Absent the timeline of Earth existence, do you all see how you can have running adjustments?Q:Is there value?to prayer?C:Yes, there is always value in this process. Prayer is your overt desire to connect beyond physical humanity. You already connect beyond humanity, you are always a part of the spiritual world that is your home. You are always connected. Your radio is always on, always tuned and always able to receive. It is a two way radio; prayer sends your thoughts directly to your home, to the souls and spirits and beings of Heaven. Physical humanity might receive a carbon copy if you allow this and thus, they connect also; what you have named a psychic medium can achieve this, in some cases, as you ask thus allow. If you choose. Information revealed to you and for you and about you is done with your permission. Your Guardian Angel Guides follow your desires, your wishes and as you would call them, your instructions. Where you wish the information not be revealed, for any reason you have chosen, it is kept to you and your guides. You trust your guides implicitly; were this not so, they would not be your guides. Guidance of your journey is never permitted without your complete trust in the guides who so generously offer to do it, accepting of your gift to them, to see you along your great journey on Earth.Prayer transmits and reflects; its return to you, as light reaches you, or as light comes with its good energy to you, to your environment is similar and can be stored for your eventual use, all this is achieved by prayer. All that is required is recognition that prayer functions and achieves the purpose you desire, that, as is common to say, that it “works”.Q:Are there "angels" and archangels?C:Yes, these are all over Heaven. These are voluntary assignments; the notion of Earth hierarchy, ranks, authorities and levels reflects the arrangements, yet generally in reverse. The acceptance of a role as an Angel of decision, to resolve conflict and settle confusion, is not done in a negative way. Your human figure of judge is similar, yet resolution of the negative, the unpleasant and the undesired by one or more participants is the Earth role; not in Heaven. The Angels of other levels that do this, focus on the positive, the beneficent and the kind things which might require a decision. The unpleasant and undesired things of Earth are never subject to a decision or a resolution the several participants require and cannot resolve; these things are chosen by the objects and subjects to occur on Earth, accepted by them always in advance, either by specific plan or desire, or by specific choice to allow the unpleasant thing to be possible within a range of outcomes. The terrible wreck caused by excessive speed of the car is an example; this need not occur but its passing is within the scope of outcomes the occupants of the vehicles select.There are Angels in Heaven, your brothers and sisters and friends and soul family, more a part of your existence than family you have on Earth. They are like you, Citizens of Heaven.Q:Do they listen and intercede?C:They listen always and intercede as you wish and need, by your choice of that need, in that moment. Your will and desire are free and unrestricted, for this is the way of Heaven and on Earth. The illusion of time, so valuable a platform it creates, allows you to live and experience the things you deem good and bad in sequence, and thus your power, control and command over them appears absent. It is not removed from your control, as you see it. We do say, it is not removed; its appearance is temporarily suspended, by your desire to have it held away from what you perceive as unable to be reached, or not capable to be done.Who among you does not remember a moment when the idea offered that there is life in Heaven and there are angels and souls nobody can see, and might have thought this to be crazy? This is all of you at some moment, and some of you on Earth even now.Is all of humanity crazy? We offer that nobody on Earth is, but for the decision – as you have this choice to decide ALWAYS – to consider something crazy or ridiculous. The idea balloons could lift and hold you high above Earth in silence was crazy not long ago; that a metal enclosure could be propelled through the air with humans inside, this was even crazier to many, nearly all humans. The majority accept these as real and true, normal and desirable in this current time.The ideas of craziness evolve, and rapidly. We say, there is no crazy, only a collective desire to classify the thing not understood.The existence and appearance of Angels, and of your physical cousins from other worlds who traverse journeys not unlike yours, based on other worlds, travelling the galaxies and universe in search of enlightenment and understanding your environments of the many planets offer, will soon not be seen as so crazy, as happened with balloons and other aircraft in your recent history.Yes, all in Heaven who wish to intercede will do so at your command & instruction, instantly and immediately by your perception, and with happiness and honor. NEVER against your will and wish is this done and we implore you all to know, you choose that which befalls you, or you choose the risk such will come to pass. There is no guarantee in the breadth and scope of your true existence, only the ability to isolate yourself inside circumstance and happenstance that SEEM this way, because they ARE this way, as you have chosen them to be.Why do you require sleep each night? Refresh your physical body? Of course and this is a small and secondary part of the purpose of sleep. Your experiments have determined all humans denied sleep for sufficient time become what you describe as psychotic; mental function decays and behavior is disrupted. The person forced to stay awake becomes unhuman compared to nearly any other and always, unhuman to themselves as they normally are.This is not physical; this is natural. You must sleep, return, confer and rest from your weary journey on Earth, then go back into your body and circumstance as you choose. Adjustments as you desire, create, foresee and require are then put into place and action. For this you feel well and refreshed when a good sleep has taken place. It is far more than physical; we refer to your sleep cycles; the latest cycle is as your neurologists have named rapid eye movement; this is the return to a body-based existence as you process and consider what you might, from what you choose and consider in the stage immediately preceding the rapid eye movement portion of deep sleep. The immobilization of major motor movements during the deep sleep preceding a rapid eye stage occurs because you are home; you are away from your body but always ready to return and resume your travels.It is during this stage of your sleep you are given the chance to refer to your plan, adjust, accommodate, increase the range of chance, unknown, uncertain and unable. You may limit this and determine what shall come with certainty or expand the arbitrary; it is ALWAYS UP TO YOU.Forgiveness we ask for what you might have seen as digression on our part, divergence from the good questions and answers posed to us.A greater awakening in humanity dawns now and much will come to pass, to all of you. As you chose to participate and to witness. Many things hidden from view will be revealed; we have often said there could be revelations about your institutions, leaders, events and decisions that will shock many and disappoint. These occur now, and your press reports will offer them across the Earth.Reel not in shock and horror upon the learning of a leader's betrayal of your trust or of a celebrity's misuse and abuse of the fame bestowed. We offer not that your reaction to something shocking should not be; what we say is there are choices and views in all these things and many lessons to be understood. Observe with dispassion and insight where you can; there occurs much around you as your world advances and grows.As you have and shall decide.Be blessed always, for we know you are, the one and all of you. It is our honor to speak through this means. Be well until we speak mentsRenie 07/05/2014 5:26pmOh my! Scripts and free-will, power of prayer, the angelic realm, what happens when we sleep, and our awakening! This is a veritable treasure trove of goodies! My heart is singing with joy and gratitude!?Renie 07/05/2014 5:38pmP.S. The Committee mentioned that angels are our "physical cousins."Would they mind elaborating on that, please! Many thanks!Patrick 07/06/2014 11:00amBy our "physical cousins" I understood extraterrestrials. Pleiadians, Arcturans, Sirians and so forth...Mike 07/05/2014 6:42pmDoes our soul incarnate into more than one human on this planet at the same time. And or do we simultaneously incarnate on other worlds?Is it possible to completely disconnect ourselves from the spirit world?Patrick 07/06/2014 11:07amFrom our point-of-view as humans on Earth? No. All things occur simultaneously, however, so from the point of view of Heaven, in our natural, home state & condition, all of our incarnations are occurring at the same time. The Committee suggests a blossoming tree; each bloom is separate, each flower independent and unaware of the others. Because human life allows us only one branch at a time and makes the others invisible, it's easy to see each flower as distinct, separated and occurring in a certain order. Yes, in the order we choose to see - or be - them. The tree is always there, all growths upon it connected.Susan 07/05/2014 7:28pmCool questions and answers :-)Not sure exactly what they meant by this sentence?Reel not in shock and horror upon the learning of a leader's betrayal of your trust, of a celebrity's misuse and abuse of the fame bestowed. We offer not that your reaction to something shocking should not be; what we say is there are choices and views in all these things and many lessons to be understood. Observe with dispassion and insight where you can; there occurs much around you as your world advances and growsXOXAllen 07/05/2014 10:37pmMaybe it is a suggestion to not get too wrapped up in the drama or get emotionally involved??Maybe stay detached and simply observe and watch the reactions around you?Just a thought. :0)Patrick 07/06/2014 11:10amYes.Patrick 07/06/2014 11:09amFinding out bad things involving politicians and entertainment stars we thought were more "benevolent".Veronica 07/06/2014 9:28amHi Patrick and The Committee,Bam! Another great one hit out of the park. Would love to have a question to be able to have them speak more along these lines, but it is already so clear. Thank you.?Patrick 07/06/2014 11:11amAsk anyway and, you're welcome!M 07/06/2014 3:40pmA chapter of my contract complete - SO anxious to move to the next, SO anxious to see what you've mentioned above. Thank YOU for all you do, Patrick, kind man.Denis 07/06/2014 7:42pmWOW, great post, thank you to the reader who put these questions to you and the Commitee.Christian 07/07/2014 4:03amPatrick, I have to ask...if psychosis is our "natural" state...then why is everything that The Committee is saying coming out so rationally, logically and sensibly? The way that they described psychosis, due to sleep deprivation, as being our "natural" state sounds unerving and disturbing...It sounds like they are describing heaven as a home for sleep deprived schizophrenics yelling and screaming at each other while speaking gibberish and picking at their scabs...surely Heaven has some sort of logical, positive and balanced focused structure? I've gone 3 days without sleep before and if that's what my natural state of mind in Heaven is like, then I'm not looking forward to it because that's just uncomfortable and unfocused.Ahmed 07/07/2014 7:31amI believe you misunderstood, they're saying that psychosis is a result of sleep deprivation, that sleep is natural not that psychotic state.Patrick 07/08/2014 10:07amThank you Ahmed, that's right.Some people can remain awake longer than others, sometimes much longer, sometimes with "assistance". Nearly everyone will develop psychotic-like behavior if forced to remain awake well beyond the body's attempts to sleep.centertopRecognition?10/07/2014?The article repeated, preceded by the link for those interested. The Committee's comments follow. Light Crisis: 'Something is Amiss in the Universe'By Hannah OsborneJuly 10, 2014 11:24 BSTThere is a "missing light crisis" taking place in the universe with a huge deficit on what there should be and what there actually is, astronomers have said.In a statement, experts from the Carnegie Institution for Science said "something is amiss in the universe" with 80% of the light missing.00Lead author of the study Juna Kollmeier said: "It's as if you're in a big, brightly-lit room, but you look around and see only a few 40 watt lightbulbs. Where is all that light coming from? It's missing from our census."Published in Astrophysical Journal Letters, scientists found that the light from galaxies?and quasars is not enough to explain observations of intergalactic hydrogen, with a difference of 400%.Empty space between galaxies are bridged by tendrils of hydrogen and helium that act as a "light metre".The scientists discovered that when looking at galaxies billions of light years away in the early universe, the amount of light present appears to add up. However, in more localised parts of the universe, the calculations fail massively.The ultraviolet photons that the light is made of, convert into charged ions, or ionizing photons, which come from quasars and hot young stars.Scientists discovered the discrepancy during recent observations from Hubble Space Telescope's Cosmic Origins Spectrograph.Kollmier said: "Either our accounting of the light from galaxies and quasars is very far off, or there's some other major source of ionizing photons that we've never recognised. We are calling this missing light the photon underproduction crisis. But it's the astronomers who are in crisis—somehow or other, the universe is getting along just fine."Study co-author Ben Oppenheimer said that if the light is really missing it would be a huge surprise as "intergalactic hydrogen is the component of the Universe that we think we understand the best".Neal Katz, also a co-author of the paper, added: "The most exciting possibility is that the missing photons are coming from some exotic new source, not galaxies or quasars at all."Proposing another theory, he said the light could be coming from dark matter that holds galaxies together, but has never been seen directly. "You know it's a crisis when you start seriously talking about decaying dark matter!" he added.Q:Esteemed Committee, what can you say about this?C:It is obvious, there are sources of light humanity's observations, technologies and understanding do not recognize. We say, more evidence is this, of the higher dimensions. The light which bleeds over into your perception, as the study the subject of this article identifies, is the stray excess. We will offer, the light to which these scientists refer, isn't light as you understand it, but rather the energy of the universe. The physical aspect is called light, however illumination is not physical. This is merely one aspect of it, one given a high value by human physical existence, yet in the totality of the universe visible light as seen by humanity is a small sliver of the existence it is.As the light of a fire is not the fire itself, only what you see.This is a small symbol of awakening; others shall follow and be more obvious to those interested and aware of awakening, the readers of this website well aware and an exception to humanity in general. As more symbols come forth and accumulate, awareness grows with mentsAjh 07/10/2014 1:25pmMind = blownChris 07/10/2014 4:01pmThe Commitee's final paragraph was the most enlightening to me. The mere idea, that those of us drawn to websites like this one seem to be older souls, exceptions in regard to humanity, and on the cutting edge of awakening and consiousness - makes me feel empowered - or at least more purposeful. I love and feel so loved after reading this. It makes me wonder how old/experienced my soul truly is in regard to past lives, etc. ................

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