New Berlin Junior Women’s Club

Date of Event: 3/23/13

Event Area: Decorations/Set-up, Angel Wilcox captain, (white trellis(in storage) with flowers from Nancy Mroz/blue tuille, Molly Carroll, Angela Lane, Debbie Johnasen, Joan McDermitt helped with table set-up and Community Room areas in the Community Center. Used Jamie Rodgers Truck to transport large items from storage and Nancy Mroz-white bench from her house to the Community Center which opened at 3pm for Set-up.

Place: Community Center (map what where the barricades ended up) New Berlin Streets Department sets up the barricades on the Friday before the Egg Hunt and blocked off the no parking for the Fire Department and left a no left turn sign, right turn only at the end of the Community Center Driveway. Gave Streets guys 3 envelopes with Marcus VIP tickets for helping set-up in the snow covered ground and they fixed the street sign for me also, due to frozen ground and 40 mph winds the week before it was a bit difficult to keep it staked into the ground.


Event Conditions: Cool about 35 degrees and sunny, but ground was completely snow covered! Kids wore boots and found the Eggs all the same. Gave Tracey Bonin the yellow police line tape through the barricades prior to the Egg Hunt.

This year’s event description: 22 round tables (16-8ft.(8 chairs at each table) and 8-6 ft.(6 chairs at each table, TOTAL CHAIRS=176) were decorated in the large Community Room with three rectangular tables behind the pancakes machine for their supplies. The set-up team at the Community Center placed one extra 6 ft. table for us. Tables were hung with a table cloth over the top provided by Debbie Johnasen. The pancake man needed to use the window outside the small kitchenette area to run his propane tanks outside. Tables were decorated with yellow, pink, orange, blue and purple table cloths (84” circular cloths from Oriental Trading post were used). More will be needed for next year since all were used and are thrown out at the end. Skirted tables used for the bunny table along the Velcro wall with table cloth. Registration tables (one needed with skirts and table cloths, one table decoration with baskets with the “Name the Bunny” tickets in them to hand out to the people registering. Bake Sale was set up along the small coat rack side with mobiles hung at the edges of the three tables they used for Bake Sale, Juliette Young made the great mobiles which are in storage and able to be used every year.

On each table in the center were set with paper coloring placemats-privided by Tammi Imme from Appleridge Preschool, a bunny cup with crayons(10), a clear cup with sugar, a Starbucks cup with creamer labeled on it, a coffee pitcher(supplied by members-borrowed from Holy Apostles school), empty Starbucks cups/stir-sticks in a cup and covers with a Centerpiece decoration in the middle of the table (tin pail with sand and pussy willows cutting with 5 hanging eggs and two cut out bunnies on sticks and clear holder with yellow egg with a table number in each centerpiece. (24 tables set-up in the hall) Kids places sugars in bunny cups on the tables for the breakfast, kids also placed the placemats on the tables with the plasticware and napkins.

Individual syrups were also added to each table, brought by the pancake man. These were filled prior to the event that morning, after the event the syrup needed to be poured back into the gallon jugs and each tables syrup container needed to be washed. Helpers pre-wrapped plastic ware in a napkin for the next seating, needed 176 of them, placed in baskets so they were easy to set for the next seating.

One “Name the Bunny” table was needed to display them(3 bunnies for each seating) with baskets in front of them to place the cards from the kids in. Table had a skirt and tablecloth. Poster behind the table needed Velcro to attach to the wall behind the table. The trellis with lights, silk roses and toile Blue, Melissa Kaldor helped make the toile and the flowers look great (from Nancy Mroz) Trellis was decorated with silk green vines and white roses and some colored butterflies hanging from clear thread from the trellis and the white bench for the bunny. Toile pooled on the floor on either side of the Trellis for more festive feel. Jamie Rodgers was the MC for the Bunny giveaway.

Trellis was lowered by one section. Tool for trellis and trellis parts are in the trellis box in storage.

Registration table needed one rectangular tables, skirted and table clothes, added decorations of a centerpiece and Easter baskets with a stuffed bunny. At one end of the registration table was the money box. For Check-In for the seatings, a person is needed at the start of the line for line control, asking if they are pre-registered, if not to come back to check ½ hour after the start of the breakfast and see if any seats have opened up. Four people were checking in the people and then sent them on to be seated for breakfast. The line person kept a constant flow of people coming in ready to be seated. Line was completely seated in 10 minutes for first seating, which was full!

Bunny template used:

[pic] [pic] egg for table number: [pic]

Nancy Mroz printed 4 BWB signs to place on the two glass doors to the entrance and the two exterior doors to the Community Center, one on the north side and one on the south side.

Police/Fire Dept./Streets/Park and Rec.- Call and email at least a month prior to the event and make sure they are aware of it and proper support will be available. The Park and Rec. needed to be contacted so they let the soccer club know that the barricades will be set up in front of the Community Center on Friday evening and Saturday morning (until noon). Police needed in Community room and outside to help with traffic flow, as long as cars park off the road they did not have a problem with the cars. Fire Department needs to bring a truck and can also have help in Community room, they will be sounding the sirens to signal the start of the egg hunt, along with the Bunny cutting the ribbon by the kids area.

Streets department needs to bring a “No Left Turn” sign to place by the Community Center exit onto Cleveland Road. They are setting up the barricades and the caution tape. I met them on Friday morning at 10am and thanked them for their help in the snow!

Lots of set-up helpers, 4 total for set-up decorations will get it done fairly quickly. Needed the extra height of Joan McDermott, otherwise will need a ladder. Kids of the ladies that signed up were great helpers! Time 3pm-6pm on Friday afternoon is all that is needed.

Next year recommendations: Always hope for nice weather. Add more decoration with Velcro to the brown back wall on the north side of the hall. Purchase tablecloths, enough for both settings and all the registration tables/bunny table, pancake man tables (white), in case they need replacements, left over will be used for the next year. Have Tammy Imme print enough placemats for both seatings (176+176=352 minimum placemats). Great Crew for serving, people were very happy!!! We had left over placemats and coloring pages for next year. As always awesome sausages! Nancy printed the colored posters for the day of decorations, they looked great.

Overall, great event people really enjoy the breakfast and the atmosphere. Nice fun event for the kids!

Sign Information for Next Year!!!!

****Sign for the Street purchased from Raven Sports, double sided Vinyl should last many years. I built a PVC frame to hold it taught, Strong 40 mph winds knocked it down and the frozen ground did not help, the stakes froze into the ground and broke off when taking it down. Next year, have the streets guys help by placing the large metal stakes on either side and tie the sign to it, it will stay up better and they have the equipment. PVC frame worked great, cold weather made the joints freeze, so Tracey Bonin assisted in taking it to the storage unit where when warmed up came apart and the vinyl sign can now easily be stored until the next year. Sign needs to be up on the lawn, hopefully not snow covered the Sunday prior to the event, since the sign says Next Saturday!

[pic] Sign is 3 ft by 6 ft when fully up!

Contact information for Police, Fire and Streets!

Police: hippler@, 262-782-6640, 262-780-8148

Fire: Jack Werginz, jwerginz@, 262-785-6120

Streets: Frank, 262-780-4609

Look up Park and Rec. department contact online:

**Sent Layout pic below to Park and Rec Department by the Monday prior to the Egg Hunt for Set-up:


Angel Wilcox-Set-up Captain for Egg Hunt/Pancake Breakfast.



0-3 yr . olds Area


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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