Jan.13, 2005 agenda

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Of the Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Woodland Hills Warner Center Neighborhood Council

Full Council Meeting

Held at the Woodland Hills Academy MPR, 20800 Burbank Boulevard, Woodland Hills, CA 91364

Call to Order at 6:35 p.m.

Attendance: 17 voting members present, 6 alternates present – quorum established. Approx. 100 guests.

1. Public Announcements:

-Octaviano Rios, CD3 Field Deputy for Councilman Dennis Zine. Announced that the new PD station will be called the “Topanga Police Station”. –Due to election laws there will be no more “Zine Line” emailed to CD3. – Another meeting will be scheduled to readdress the 101/Mulholland interchange. – They now have the 2007/2008 road resurfacing schedule in the office.- The parks and rec. fees (Quimby) have not yet been earmarked for any specific projects. – Scott Silverstein of WHWCNC offered to work directly with the Councilman’s Zine office to speed the earmarking of the funds.

L.A.P.D. Senior Lead Officer Brent Rygh introduced as the new Senior Lead Officer for the area. His e-mail address is 30450@lapd.. His cell phone number is 818-731-2581.- Announced the clean-up of the “tunnels” under the 101 Freeway collected 51 tons of debris, 9 tons in just 1 tunnel. Said that the homeless people in the vicinity had wireless internet capability. – There has been a “very significant” increase in residential burglaries in the district, mainly occurring during hours of 10am and 2pm. Most entries are through a side door or a rear door into a garage. “Lock your doors.”

Richard Crowell - retired LAUSD teacher spoke about the poor conditions at Serrania Park and the nuisance created by unleashed dogs.

Shirley Blessing – (WHHO) Announced the Pierce College “Farm Walk” is on Sunday May 4, 2008 and the farm stand is currently open for business.

Sean McCarthy – (Woodland Hills Chamber of Commerce) – Announced the WHCC is opposed to the transportation tax proposed by Mike Feuer. – Exhibited the illegal signs being posted in the streets.

Jim Anderson – (WHWCNC) – Made a recommendation to the WHWCNC that it support a measure requiring any new construction of public accessible buildings be required to abide by the Field Act in order to obtain a building permit.

Anna Lasco – (LAUSD Planning and Development). Introduced the “Closed School Master Plan” to the attendees. This program dealt specifically with the closed LAUSD campuses in Local District 1.

Public Speakers: 1. Charlie Bogusz : AYSO and West Valley Softball and Baseball would like to rent the play yards for children’s sports. Highland and Collins schools should be made into parkland.

2. Carrie Ludwig, Arina Goldring, Lana Waldman, Renee Harvey would like to see the closed campuses leased to the charter schools.

3. Marty Lipkin – cannot see why it would cost $14 million dollars to repair Collins School. Said that multi-family housing is still “on the table” for the Collins Street School campus.

Nancy Eisenhart – (WHWCNC) requested clothing, books socks, and old US mailboxes for retired US flags be contributed to the American Legion.

Stephen Box – (WHWCNC expeditor) – Said that the new e-letter to be mailed shortly. It will show all of the neighborhood campaigns.

2. Items for Which Committee Hearings Had Been Held.

1. Confirmation of expenditures recommended by Officers.

a. (1.) $3,200 for computer equipment. Vote 14 Aye, 1 Nay, 2 Abstain - Approved

b. (2.) Withdrawn.

c. (3.) $84 reimbursement to Scott Silverstein for rolling file cart. 19 Aye – Approved

d. (4.) Tabled

e. (5.) Any other expense presented by Treasurer for approval and discussion and action 16 Aye – measure Approved.

2. Item # 1. (08-016) - PLUM Chair August Steurer

Motion introduced by August Steurer recommending the expansion of the list of Councilmembers authorized to submit CIS statements on behalf of the Council.

2nd Stephen Naczinski.

Authorized members are now Joyce Pearson, Stephen Naczinski, Jim Anderson, August Steurer and Gordon Murley.

Motion Passed. 19 Aye, 0 Nay, 0 Abstain.

3. Item #2. (08-017) – PLUM Chair August Steurer

Discussion and possible action.

To recommend and approve with conditions a conditional use permit under Municipal Code 12.24 W27 to authorize operations of a Starbucks Coffee Shop located at 4900-4906;4920-4926 Topanga Canyon Boulevard, Woodland Hills to commence business at 5:30 a.m.

2nd Jim Anderson

-A.J. Cool on behalf of Starbucks said they would prefer 5:00 a.m. but are flexible and would gladly accept a 5:30 a.m. start time.

- Gordon Murley, as a friendly amendment, recommended that any music audible from the exterior be limited to no more than 60 decibels. Friendly amendment agreed to by sponsor and accepted by Starbucks representative.

- Heath Kline, as a friendly amendment, recommended the 5:30 a.m. time be changed to 5:00 a.m.

2nd Jim Dawson. Amendment denied by sponsor.

Motion Passed – 19 ayes, 0 Nay, 0 Abstain

4. Item #3. (08-018) PLUM Chair August Steurer

Discussion and possible action.

Orange Line Public Comment from WHWCNC

2nd Scott Silverstein

Motion Passed – 19 ayes, 0 Nay.

5. Item #4 (08-019) Governance Chair Misho Stawnychy

Discussion and possible action.

Motion to amend Article VIII Section 2 of the bylaws to read:

Section 2; Term of Office. Each Member of a committee, subcommittee and/or ad hoc committee shall continue until a successor is appointed in a manner to be determined by the Board of Directors, unless the committee, subcommittee and/or ad hoc committee is terminated, or the member is removed from the committee, subcommittee and/or ad hoc committee.

2nd Sean McDonald

Motion passed. 19 Ayes, 0 Nay

Public Announcement:

Sherman Gamson, Alt. (WHWCNC) – The Election Committee met and arranged the next election committee meeting be held at Pacific Boys Lodge, 2nd Tuesday of each month.

Meeting Adjourned. 9:26pm

Respectfully submitted,

Scott Silverstein



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