SHOW phrases for ANGER: - Miss Serene Lai's English Blog

SHOW phrases for ANGER:

1. roared with uncontrollable fury

2. The mounting exasperation tightened his throat

3. enraged words seared my heart

4. bloodshot eyes scared the wits out of everyone

5. raging like a bull (

6. boiling with rage

7. antagonised by his impertinent remarks

8. furrowed eyebrows hinted anger

9. clenched fists

10. His wrath became more apparent as he shot me an icy stare

11. ****** eyes turned into a sinister glare

12. mouth thinned and her eyes narrowed into slits of fury

13. eyes seethed with exasperation

14. hot under the collar

15. hurled ***** with all her power and strength

16. hit the roof

17. a blaze of indignation burned furiously in her eyes

18. anger coursed through her veins

19. veins were throbbing

20. temperature in the room seemed to rise as his balled fists started to turn white at his knuckles (

21. his temple throbbed as he was filled with rage

22. flushed with anger

23. his once calm demeanor suddenly exploded into wild fits of anger (

24. arms filled with anger, she lunged at … (

25. stormed into the room with her arms akimbo

26. flexing his hands, unable to control the urge to slap her

27. the tone of his voice plunged into a low and grumpy tone as he cracked his knuckles

28. cheeks red with rage

29. he was like a rabid dog / *** beast on a rampage (

30. his face was like a ***** volcano filled with burning lava

31. In a moment of pique, smoke came out of his nostrils, almost like a medieval dragon

32. my whole body quivered with intense hatred and bitterness

33. his eyes rimmed with anger and he could feel adrenaline pumping through his vein

34. raising his eyebrows, he tried not to react as hot searing rage throbbed painfully at his temples


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