We are indebted to Mr. John Drake Sloat of St. Louis, Missouri, for the Sloat family data. We spent many years searching original unpublished church and court records.

Mr. Sloat assembled this material on several large charts, beautifully executed and copies are on file at the New York Public Library.

It was from copies of Mr. Sloat's charts that this book of Sloat Mss was assembled.

from Charts made by

John Drake Sloat [#500 below]

Assembled by

May Hart Smith {1941}[no date on LA ms – must be earlier]

Ontario, California.

[begin transcriber notes:

I have used two different copies of the original Mss to compile this version. The first is a xerographic copy of the book in the Los Angeles Public Library (R929.2 S6338). The second, which is basically the same in the genealogy portion, but having slightly different introductory pages, is a print from the microfilm copy of the book in the Library of Congress. The main text is from the LA Library copy, with differences in the microfilm copy noted in {braces}. Notes in [brackets] are my notes. Note that the comparison is not guaranteed to be complete.

As noted on the appropriate page, I have also converted the Roman numerals used for 'unconnected SLOATs' in the original ms, replacing them with sequential numbers starting with 800 – to follow the format of Mrs. Smith in the rest of her ms.

I have also expanded where the original listed two, or sometimes even three, generations under one entry, instead using the consistent format of one family group per listing.

This document, and the referenced Genealogy of Benjamin Franklin Sloat(see #549 below), are available at – by following the 'genealogy' link.

You may contact me at: DESloat@

David Eugene Sloat b. 04Aug1947 Manhattan, KS

son of Floyd Brooksher Sloat b. 05Mar1915 Ft. Smith, AR

son of Donaldson Henry Sloat, Sr. b. 05Aug1884 Bolivar, MO

son of Theophilus Norman Sloat, Sr. b. 03Jul1847 ?Knox Co., IN

son of James Sloat b. ?ca. 1815 ?NJ (res. Albion, IL ca 1850-1860)

and, alas, that is as far back as our family has determined our heritage to date.

Hopefully some day we may connect with the rest of the SLOATs.

01 Oct. 1999

end transcriber notes.]


A recent genealogical publication is the "History of the Sloat family of the nobility of Holland". [by Emma Florence Sloat Holland - #437 below]

This title is rather misleading. There never was a family of that name in the Netherlands.

The ancient noble Dutch family of a similar name is the baronial House of Sloet, and it is this family which the author has in mind. Several pages, with innumerable mistakes in spelling are devoted to a very sketchy genealogy of the Sloet family*

There is also reproduced the coat-of-arms of this family in this instance called the Arms of the Slote family with explanations by Baron Slote!!

Although not specifically so stated the genealogical introduction tends to convey the impression that the American family descending from Jan Pietersen Slot coming from Holstein, Denmark, is connected with the Sloet family of ancient Dutch origin.

This is again an example of the most common mistake made in genealogical writing, which is to assume relationship based on similarity of surnames only, which is this particular instance has been carried to an absurd extreme.

There is not the slightest indication of a connection, which to put it mildly is absolutely improbable.

The American family descending from Jan Pietersen Slot is not entitled to, and should not use, the Sloet Arms.

*The writer should have consulted the excellent Sloet Genealogy published by J. A. R. Kymmel, in the Dutch Genealogical Magazine: de Wapen heraut, 1912, 13.

New York Genealogical & Biographical Record

Vol. 64; pg. 367



Henry Hudson, an Englishman in the employ of the Dutch East Indies Company, came to America in 1609 in the little ship "Half-Moon". The Palisades, the Highlands, the Red-men, the Oak Lords of the forest bowed welcome.

He dropped anchor just inside of Sandy Hook. He described the beautiful harbor as a body of water into which three rivers emptied. Soon he continued up the River on which first of all a Dutch Flag floated.

This flag bore on its center stripe A. O. C., Algemeen Ooster-Indies Campaigne. It was Dutch energy and enterprise that built the Half-Moon. Hudson sailed back to Europe; on his return he touched the shore of England where he was detained by King James and drafted as a marine in his own country.

He desired to set forth on another voyage with the Dutch Company but was prevented by the English authorities who were fearful of the Dutch enterprise which had reached a century of prosperity. Hudson discovered the Bay and River that bear his name and lost his life in the Arctic wastes after suffering untold hardships.



"Amsterdam as the great commercial mart of Holland and the seat of the principle business chamber of the Dutch East Indies Company, had become the great point of embarkation for colonists going to New Netherlands. They came from all parts of the country; not only the native land - the Dutch - but fugitives from France and Catholic Netherlands and also refugees from Germany and Scandinavian countries; multitudes of whom rendered miserable by the Thirty-Years War, were seeking a home and employment in the United Provinces. Of these refugees the historian of Holland has drawn the character in happy terms.

"Nor was it more in the numbers than in the sort of population that Holland found her advantage. The fugitives were not fugitives from justice nor idlers in search of luxuries; they were the persecuted because of desire for civil liberty and a devotion to their religious ideals. It was because of their integrity and resolution that they were not tolerated by tyrannical and bigoted governments which drove them to their adopted country, peopling it with brave, intelligent, useful citizens.

"Thus Capt. Joachiem Pietersen Kuyter who had command in the East Indies for the King of Denmark and who with his friend Jonas Bronch came out in 1639 by way of Amsterdam, was from Holstein as were also Nicholas De Meyer and Jan Pietersen Slot, who arrived a few years later, all of these being sterling men.

"The small country of Bentheim, -- a part of Westphalia bordering on Overyssel, diversified with mountain ranges, forests and fertile plains and yielding to a laborious people more than the needed cattle, wool, linens, honey, etc., all of which found in Holland a ready market, and whence had arisen a free intercourse between the two peoples, -- furnished colonists whose names yet survive with us."


"The Indians had threatened "to root the Dutch" as well as English and well kept their word. In the History of Harlem, Mr. Riker describes the atrocities and depredations in detail. Slaughtered remains, general devastation as appalled the hearts of even the bravest soldiers.

"The continued hostile attitude of the Indians and the fear of renewed attacks led the families to group together and farmers to go out in armed parties to gather crops. Bereft of inhabitants and desolated by firebrand and tomahawk; the current rumors of Indian threats still agitated the public mind; the prohibition against isolated settlements, and the complications arising in regard to the interests and estates of those slain in recent massacres, were so many barriers in the way of immediate effort to rescue these plains and forests from the wilderness of nature.

"This distressing period in the history of this location 1656-1660 gave origin to the village of Harlem. Many of the home owners had been killed in the massacres and their estates insolvent -- extreme measures were needed for reconstruction. The number of applicants for land being sufficient to warrant a beginning, ground was broken for the new settlement."


"The village of Nieuw Haarlem was laid out in 1660 near the present site of 125th St., New York City; it is described in Dutch rods called morgans, about Spuyten-Duyvel - Sherman's Meadows and Creek. The meadows in the Bay of Hellgate were reserved for the church. This section is still known as Harlem.

"The name derived by the Dutch settlers from Heer-Lem (Lord Willem) an early prince of Friesland in Holland.

"New Harlem and New Amsterdam like the two great cities after which they were named lay apart "about three hours journey".

"Among the earliest to take up residence in the infant settlement were the Slots. For the security of the settlers, all of whom were required to be well armed, the government furnished 8 or 10 regular soldiers from the fort known as Fort Amsterdam, as the Indians were yet a source of anxiety. The actual panic arose when that fierce and bloody war broke out between the settlers and Esopus Indians, in September 1656. Many of the settlers forsaking bouweries, crops and cattle, fled to New Harlem.

"In March 1660 the people of New Harlem were notified that "since it was highly necessary to keep a good watch in the newly-settled village", the Council had adopted military officers including Jan Pietersen Slot, Sergeant. The Council called upon the inhabitants to obey the commands of Sergt. Slot. This was the first step taken for the establishment of local authority.

"The settlers having steadily increased in numbers, deemed themselves entitled to a Court of Justice, with original conditions under which they had settled here. The new Board of Commissioners included as Schout, Jan Pietersen Slot.

"Strong in their religious attachments, natural in a people but recently emerged from great convulsions in the church, and shaken of the old clogs of superstition and error, the faithful at Harlem set a high value upon God's word and ordinances.

"Doubtless they felt keenly the loss of those advantages which they had enjoyed in Holland where not only cities but every hamlet had its pastor and house of worship. The promise of a pious orthodox minister and of aid in sustaining him was a great inducement for them to settle here. As yet there were no funds toward supporting a minister but it was of all importance to secure preaching of the gospel within their own bounds.

"With neither a church nor a minister the benefits of the sanctuary could be enjoyed only by making the eight-mile journey by land or water to Fort Amsterdam. In September 1660 there was instituted a Sunday afternoon service in a private chapel on the present site of St. Marks church. No mention is made of a church edifice until four years later.

"The Dutch, French and Scandinavians were foremost to face the dangers and hardships in this section; to wake the slumbering forests and turn the virgin soil, contributing to a well-ordered society. The leading crops needed for home consumption were: wheat, maize, buckwheat, peas and flax. The pioneers who first planted the seeds of civilization, religion and food-stuffs will be remembered as builders of a great city of the universe."

From History of Harlem by James Riker.


In the time of William the Silent of Holland, when England was burning, torturing and mutilating the Anabaptists, Holland declared tolerance and held out her hand in welcome to refugees. In Holland the latch-string was always outside to the exile and the stranger - Huguenots, Alsatians & Lorraines as well as Pilgrims. Refugees from religious persecutions found haven in the land of Holland. William the Silent was the first human being to practice religious and civic tolerance.

It was a Dutch king, William III of Orange who mounted the English throne, demanded tolerance and trampled bigotry under his feet; truly a Heavenly Prince.

When New England drove religious subjects to Rhode Island; when Virginia Cavaliers drove her non-conformists to the borderlands, it was the Dutch Colony of New York that offered protection under the banner of William the Silent. The Dutch prospered under religious freedom and walked the ways of peace and happiness.

A famous tomb-stone reads: "Here lies Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence". Puritans say he got it from England; Carolinians plead the Mecklenburg Resolution. The fact is old William the Silent in the Union of Utrecht, used the very language which is incorporated in our Declaration of Independence

From whence came the Supreme Court of the United State? There never was a Supreme Court in England, the vaunted source of all our jurisprudence. It was from the Dutch Republic the idea of a Supreme Arbiter came. England never had a Supreme Arbiter. England had no written Constitution; it has none today; this also we derived from the Dutch Republic. Old Netherlands was a Republic form of government; its constitution secures religious freedom. Each of the seventeen provinces had a written constitution of its own. It was Holland who taught us all men are created equal.

The Holland Dutchman liberalized the Puritan who had resided in Holland thirteen years. Taught him the merits of universal education and sent him forth. The Dutch of Amsterdam established the essential principles of the free school system in America.

The West India Company decreed that "all the colonies shall endeavor to find ways and means to provide for a minister and a school-master". A professional school-master came over in answer to a request and a school in New Amsterdam was organized in March 1637. Schools for the common welfare of the public, supported by public money in which all the people had common rights, originated with the Dutch and came from Old Netherlands to New Netherlands and the policy was to maintain schools by public tax.

When England took possession of New Amsterdam in 1664, she abolished free schools and colonial legislature in the interest of schools proposed by the Dutch were vetoed by the English.

Modern civilization is indebted for all that is prized most highly to the smallest countries: from Judea we received the Christian religion; from Holland we received the principles of religious and civic liberty.



Peter Minuit came over in 1626 and became the first Governor of New Amsterdam 1626-1633. He was well qualified for this office having served in the West India Company and being familiar with the old country and the new.

At that time there were Catholics, Lutherans, Baptists and Huguenots in New Amsterdam and it was due to the influences of Peter Minuit that religious freedom was enjoyed.

He built Fort Amsterdam, a ware-house, a mill, a brewery and a ship of some importance.

On the 5th of May 1626 he met with a group of Indians near what is now the Battery, and purchased the Island of Manhattan. The sale price was a few glass beads, a piece of red cloth, a few knives and other trinkets valued at about $24. A price which seems absurdly low today but statisticians claim that $24 at interest compounded to date, would amount to more than the assessed valuation of Manhattan Island today.


Peter Stuyvesant was the fourth Governor of New Amsterdam, perhaps the most capable and the most tyrannical as the great war lord. He decided that the homes of the settlers were too close to the Fort for safety and ordered all the lands within a distance of two-hundred-fifty Dutch rods of the Fort to be confiscated and the homes destroyed.

Protests were hurled at the chief magistrate; delegates denounced the action of the Governor who enjoyed their belligerent attitude. However, he compromised by paying damages and granting larger and better lands away from the Fort.

Stuyvesant persecuted the Lutherans and the Baptists and the Quakers and became so inhuman in his treatment of the Indians the Indian attacks and raids were the price paid for his extreme folly and wickedness. His reign reflected both on the settlers and the Home Land.


Troubles with the Indians originated with Gov. Stuyvesant's unjust treatment with the Savages. In 1652, when hostilities broke out, a wall was built across the lower end of the Island to protect the settlers from Indian attacks. This gave the name to Wall Street, one of the most noted streets in the world.

The City Hall was erected on Wall St., and the Declaration of Independence was read from the City Hall balcony by order of Congress and there Washington took the oath of office of President of the United States.



"Cabot looked at it first"

In 1664 came the English rule to New Amsterdam. The English King Charles II granted his brother, the Duke of York, a patent covering Long Island and the mainland from Connecticut to the Delaware, including the Dutch possessions. The Duke sent a squadron to usurp possession -- a fleet of four vessels and 500 soldiers with 100 cannons under command of Col. Richard Nicholls, fitted out secretly, reached New Amsterdam harbor in August 1664 and demanded complete surrender.

New Amsterdam with 150 soldiers and 20 cannons, at the mercy of the English, reluctantly surrendered. The Dutch preferred peace with the same privileges accorded the English colonists, to a prolonged and perhaps fruitless contest. Col. Nicholls took possession of Manhattan Island and re-christened it New York, raising the English flag in September 1664. Thus England came into possession of most of the Atlantic seaboard.

Col. Nicholls was the first English governor. He was popular with the people and lived at peace with the Indians.

The English proceeded to erect forts and batteries. It was at Castle Garden at the Battery that many years later a grand reception was given in honor of La Fayette when he visited the United States in 1824. Here at the site of the historic Battery, Jennie Lind sang. But all is changed in modern New York and on the site of the old Battery is now located the New York Aquarium.


20,000 acres of Manhattan Island was ground too poor to feed a deer; a mass of rocks where fish could not spawn nor beavers build a dam - today is the most valuable piece of real estate of its size in the world.

New York City is one of superlatives. It is the largest (population), the richest, the noisiest; its buildings are the tallest; it has more hospitals, more slums, more parks, more unemployed workers than any city in the world.

Trinity Church at the head of Wall Street still stands. In Trinity church-yard rest the remains of Sir Henry Moore, Sir Danvers Osbourne, Robert Livingston, Alexander Hamilton, the Earl of Sterling, William Bradford, Robert Fulton and General Phil Kearny. In this famous church-yard also is a monument to the memory of the martyrs of the Revolution who died in old Sugar House Prison.

Colonial New York is full of great history. All honor is due the Dutch founders who have long since taken sacrament with the dust. We place garlands on their brows here and now. God of our fathers who this nation founded, we pray that the influences of the Netherlands and the virtues of the Dutch founders shall not perish in this Republic.



"John Drake Sloat was born 26 July 1781; baptized 21 October 1781, near Goshen, New York; he died 28 November 1867, Staten Island, and is buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York. He was son of John and Ruth (Drake) Sloat; a posthumous son. His father an officer in the Revolutionary War who was accidentally killed by a sentinel. Ruth Drake , the mother, was of English descent.

"John Drake Sloat was appointed midshipman in the Navy 12 Feb. 1800; he served until the end of the naval war with France, chiefly in the West Indies on board the flagship President; was discharged from the Navy when peace was established 1801; he entered the merchant service as commander of his own vessel and made several voyages, losing heavily on his ventures. On January 10, 1812, he returned to the navy with rank of master and went to sea on board the frigate United States under the younger Stephen Decatur, participating in that ship's successful fight with the Macedonia. The cruise ended his active service in the War of 1812; however on the arrival of his ship at New London, she was blockaded there and kept in port until the end of the war. On July 24, 1813, he was commissioned Lieutenant. On November 29, 1814, he was married to Abby Gordon born 1795; died 1878, daughter of Capt. James Gordon and his wife Susanna Grover.

"Obtaining a furlough, he made a voyage to France in 1815 as master of the schooner Transit. It is said that there he was party to a plan that miscarried to convoy Napoleon and his suite to the United States. Returning to the Navy in 1816 he was on duty alternately at the New York Navy Yard and Portsmouth Navy Yard until 1820-1. In 1821-2 he served in the Pacific on board the Franklin and in 1822-3 in South American waters on board the Congress. At the age of 42 he received his first Naval command, the schooner Grampas and in 1824-5 he cruised among the Windward Islands engaged in the hazardous work of suppressing piracy. On March 21, 1826 he was promoted Master-Commandant and on March 6, 1837, Captain taking rank from February 9. A period of service at the New York Naval rendezvous was interrupted in 1828-31 by a tour of duty in the Pacific as Commander of the St. Louis. At Callao during the Revolution in Peru he gave refuge to several leading Peruvian officials. In 1840-44 he was commandant of the Portsmouth Navy Yard.

"On August 27, 1844 he was chosen commander of the Pacific Squadron, a position of much responsibility by reason of uncertain relations between United Sates and Mexico. He arrived at Mazatlan, Mexico, November 18, 1845 and remained there seven and one-half months with his flagship Savannah. In February 1846 he received from George Bancroft, Secretary of the Navy, secret and confidential orders dated June 24, 1845. These were decidedly unwarlike. The ships of the squadron were to be assiduously careful to avoid any act that might be construed as an act of aggression. In case of a declaration of war by Mexico, however, he was to occupy San Francisco and blockade or occupy such other ports as his force might permit. Later he was ordered in event of hostilities to dispose of his entire force so as to carry out most effectually the objectives specified in the earlier instructions.

"Receiving word on June 7 that the Mexicans had invaded Texas and had attacked the American forces there, he sailed for California the next day on board the Savannah, convinced that the hostilities of the Mexicans would justify "commencing offensive operations on the West Coast". He arrived at Monterey the 2nd of July; five days later, after consulting with the American Council who counseled the postponing of action and after examining the defenses of the town and preparing various official documents, he landed a detachment of seamen and marines under Capt. William Mervine who hoisted the American Flag over the Custom House and read a proclamation taking possession of California and extending over it the laws of the United States. Sloat has been severely criticized for delaying action for five days, but it has also been held that in annexing California, he exceeded his orders. On July 6, he sent one of his officers to take possession of San Francisco; a few days later all California, north of Santa Barbara was in possession of America.

Suffering from ill health, he turned over the squadron to Commodore Robert Field Stockton on July 23, and returned to the United States by way of Panama, arriving at Washington in November. His conduct of affairs in the Pacific was warmly commended by Bancroft who described the military movements of Sloat as ably conceived and brilliantly executed.

He was Commandant of the Norfolk Navy Yard 1848-51; on special duty 1852-55; with the bureau of construction and repair; part of the time in charge of the building of Stevens Battery at Hoboken, New Jersey and on September 27, 1855 he was placed on the reserved list. In 1862 he was promoted to Commodore and 1866 to Rear-Admiral, both with retired honors."

From Dictionary American Biography

Charles Scribner's Sons


Without doubt, Admiral John Drake Sloat was the most illustrious of the descendants of Jan Pietersen Sloat and it is with pride that remote cousins residing in California enjoy home life under the Flag raised at Monterey, California.



A memorial window to Admiral Sloat, Admiral Farragut and Commodore Stockton was placed in St. Peters Chapel, Mare Island Navy Yard, California 1903.

At Monterey, California, a monument stands, erected to the memory of Admiral Sloat, one whose whole life was spent in gallantly serving his country, ambitious only to do his whole duty in the line of service and without a stain to mar his career.

One of the attractive murals in the history room of the Los Angeles Public Library represents Admiral Sloat raising the Flag of Stars and Stripes at Monterey.

The Lick monument was erected 1894, dedicated to the City of San Francisco by James Lick in honor of the pioneers of 1847. At the top is a figure of California with the Grizzly Bear at her feet. The bronzes just beneath illustrates scenes during the days of mining; of covered wagon immigration. Below are five medallions of Lick, Drake, Sutter, Freemont and Saire. Around the pedestal are names foremost in early California history -- Vallejo, Marshall, Sloat, Larkin, Cabrillo and Portola. Four large figures and separate pedestals represent the early days.

Early in the summer of 1846 a small group of Americans decided to take possession of the Pacific Coast in the name of the United States. The early pioneers to California were called Los Osos, or The Bears, by the natives. Thus the Bear was adopted as the symbol of the official California emblem. The Bear Flag was raised by General John C. Freemont June 14, 1846 at Pueblo Sonoma.

The first Flag of Stars and Stripes in California was raised by Admiral John Drake Sloat at Monterey September 9, 1850. The following day Capt. Montgomery raised the National Emblem at San Francisco. It became the 31st in the constellation of Stars.



James Riker, author of the "History of Harlem", offers much valuable and interesting material in connection with the Dutch settlers at Harlem. The original Harlem village records are in Old Dutch. Mr. Riker has used translations of these for the basis of his Harlem history and to him we are indebted for data referring to Jan Pietersen Slot and his two sons, Pieter Jansen Slot and Jan Jansen Slot.

John Drake Sloat -#500- of St. Louis, Missouri, spent many years gathering, compiling and charting Slot-Sloat family records, generously dedicating his work to descendants of Jan Pietersen Slot. To him our grateful appreciation for much of the material contained herein. Mr. Sloat is grandson of Admiral John Drake Sloat described on pages 6, 7 and 8. Mr. Sloat writes:

"Surgeon-Major William Corbusier, U.S. Army retired, son of William Morrison Corbusier , a most courteous gentleman, has rendered us much valuable assistance in obtaining the early records of our family. We wish to acknowledge and extend thanks for his co-operation and kindness." See -#183- .

Mr. Joseph Elting Sloat -#541- of Norwood, New Jersey, has also given much time to research of Slot-Sloat families and to him we are indebted for many additions included in his branch of the family as included in this work.

Mrs. Anderson H. Travis (Emma Reynolds), cousin of the writer, both descended from Rev. John Sloat -#105-, has located Bible and cemetery records and has contacted descendants which has enabled us to record our branches of the family.


THE NAME { = Lock }

The name of Slot-Sloat is found among the Dutch records {in New Amsterdam} with many spellings: Slot, Slott, Sloote, Sloet, Sloot, Slut, Slutt, Sluth, Sloth, Slod, Slodt, Slote and Sloat.

The children in one family are recorded thus:

Peter Slot, 1803; John Sloote, 1805; Sally Slotte, 1808; Mary Sloth, 1808; Isaac Slote, 1814.

Because often more than one spelling is found attached to one family, it would be impossible to assign any one spelling to any one family or group of families. For that reason records herein will show the spelling S L O T for the earlier generations as being the most popular use of that time. Later generations will be recorded with the present spelling S L O A T regardless of the spellings found in connection with these later groups.

[In the index of this latest edit, all names are together as SLOAT no matter how spelled in the ms.]



[this entire page only present in the LA ms]

"Each name recorded here is a Memorial -- perhaps the only memorial -- of a human heart that once lived and loved; a heart that kept its pulsations through some certain period of time and then ceased to beat and has mouldered into dust. Each had its joys and sorrows; its cares and burdens; its afflictions and hopes; its conflicts and achievements; its opportunities wasted or improved and its hour of death.


"Each date had a great significance to some circle of human hearts. Memorials are not of death alone but of life also. They died but they had lived. The mind thinks of unseen worlds which they inhabit. All these names are memorials of human spirits that have passed from time to Eternity, ready or unprepared, in youth or maturity, they went into Eternity as we are going.


"So, beyond the river of time that flows between, walk the brave men and beautiful women of our ancestry, grouped in the twilight upon the shores. Distance smooths away defects, and with gentle darkness rounds every form into grace. It steals the harshness from their speech and every work becomes a song. Far across the gulf that ever widens they look upon us with eyes whose glance is tender and which light us to success. We acknowledge our inheritance, we accept our birthright; we own that their careers have pledged us to noble action. Every great life is an incentive to all other lives."

--Writer unknown.


May you who read these pages have more than a passing interest; may you give thought to the real inner beauty of soul of that little band fighting for existence more than three hundred years ago.


After the long struggle in the home-land, think of the ocean voyage and of those who perished along the way; think of the sufferings and hardships endured in this new land.


May you who trace your ancestry from this most honored group the world has ever known, realizing their blood flows in your veins, feel a sense of gratitude and reverence that you may count among this little band, those from whom it is an honor to claim descent.


Each person recorded here did a work in the world, was a force in the world, was a potent factor in shaping the character and destiny of our land. To preserve for posterity, we weave this tribute to the memory of those whose names shall shine like the stars, forever and ever.

May Hart Smith



b. born bap. baptized

d. died cem. cemetery

m. married chn. children

w. wife dau. daughter

ch. child, church d.s.p. died without issue

ae. aged inf. infancy

ca. about (circa) NYGB New York Genealogical and

d.y. died young      Biographical Record



Abeltie Abigail Jannetie Jane

Aechtie Agatha Jannetje   "

Aechtje    " Maritien Maria

Andries Andrew Maritien Mary or Martha

Antie Ann Mertje   "        "

Engeltie Angelica Tryntie Catherine

Hans John Eytje Emeline

Jan   " Neeltje Eleanor

Johannes   " Arie Aaron



From New York Historical Society Collections:

"The ancient Sloat Lane part of which is now Beaver Street"

Vol. 25:415

"Piece of ground -- on north side of Hanover Square, next west of Hanover Street which is a part of ancient Sloat Lane"

Vol. 25:204

"The Corner House and the new house near the Old Slip, was the south corner of the old Sloat Lane and William Street, now corner of Beaver Street"

Vol. 27:360

"The Sloat was a narrow street at the rear of the lots on Hanover Square … The present Beaver Street includes part of it"

Vol. 28:312




b. Holstein, Denmark

d. 1703

m. (1) at Amsterdam, Holland


He m. (2) 3 Jan. 1665 at Harlem


"The old Schepen Jan Slot ended his widerhood by choosing another wife"

Chn, by (1), Slot:

2. Pieter Jansen

3. Jan Jansen

Chn., by (2), Slot:

no issue.

Jan Pietersen Slot, Van Amsterdam, the patentee, was ancestor of numerous families Slot-Sloat of Westchester, Rockland and Orange counties New York and of Bergen County, New Jersey. His descendants are today found throughout the nation even in Pacific Coast states.

Jan Pietersen Slot removed from Holstein, Denmark to Amsterdam, Holland where he married and two sons, Pieter and Jan, were born and reared. This family was no doubt the first of the name to come to America but no record has been found giving the date of arrival. It is probable they arrived about 1637-8. They were members of the Dutch Reformed Church.

"Manhattan 1624-1639" by Edward Van Winkle, Recording Secretary for the Holland Society, states: Jan Pietersen Slot came to this country with Nicholas de Meyer and refers to his land as the "bowerie" where he operated a farm near Van Keulen's Hoeck.

The first map of Manhattan drawn by Jean Wingboon, 1639, shows plantation No. 9, Jan Pietersen Slot. It is described as being 8 morgans (about 16 acres) and lay West of Broadway near the present Trinity Church.

In 1662 he sold house and lot to Dirck Jansen, cooper.

Among the names of pioneers, who in 1660 first located in the new settlement at New Hasrlem, is found that of Jan Pietersen Slot. Governor Stuyvesant gave attention to the distribution of lands among the settlers. Jan Pietersen Slot received one of the first assignments. He is recorded as owning lots No. 7, 8 & 9: "Ay Marty 14 AO 1662. J. Piters'n Slodt, 24 morgans." These grants were given the official seal of the West Indies Company.

An original patent dated 4 Jan. 1664, signed by (Gov.) P. Stuyvesant, shows Jan Pietersen Slot acquired 8 morgans of land at Van Cuelen's Hook at a point in the Great Valley situated opposite No. 3, at Harlem, Island of Manhattan. This document remains intact in the State Archives at Albany. A photo-stat copy is in possession of the writer, translation of which appears below.

Jan Pietersen Slot sold his land at Harlem (patent of 4 Jan. 1664) to Johannes Van Vrelan and on 20 April 1665 he bought other property at the Bowery from Governor Stuyvesant, but he again sold to Capt. Delavall for f.10, a parcel of meadow on the north side of Barnett's Island which he held by ground-brief from Stuyvesant. In 1686 he and wife resided on Wall St. and in 1703 in the South Ward.

Jan Pietersen Slot was called the "Clear-Headed". He was a carpenter and builder as well as a dealer in real estate, as recorded transactions of buying and selling indicate. He was a man of some means and rated high in the estimation of the Dutch government and occupied positions of trust and honor.

He was Chief Magistrate at Harlem 1660-5; served as Schepen (Councilor and Financial Secretary) and as Schout (Sheriff). In a document dated 11 May 1662 at Court of Harlem, he signed himself -- I. P. The choice of Magistrates confirmed 17 Nov. 1662 "who for certain reasons shall yet be continued for one year", included Jan Pietersen Slot.

Apprehension over Esopus Indians became serious because of uprising and when the magistrates increased their vigilance, the commissary distributed 30 pounds of powder, 2 Sep. 1662, a pound each to several persons, among whom was Jan Pietersen Slot.

He was in command of the Military Company and Heer Rooy Meester (Lord Surveyor of Buildings) and Senior member of the Board of Commissioners which office he held until the end of the Dutch rule. As Senior member it devolved upon him to give attention to the religious needs of the community.


{ "Hanover Square, N. Y. City is a part of the ancient Sloat Lane" }

{ "The ancient Sloat Lane, part of which is now Beaver St."}

{ -- Collections New York Historical Society.}

{ ------------------------------oOo-------------------------------- }

State Library, Albany, N.Y. - Dutch Patents and Transports

1652 - 1674, Page 64

Translated from original Dutch.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

In the Name of the Lord Amen Ao. 1664 ---

Petrus Stuyvesant on behalf of their High Mightinesses, the Lords State General of the United Netherlands, and the Lords Managers of the Incorporated West India Company, in their chamber at Amsterdam, Director General of New Netherlands, Curacuo, Bonairo, Aruba and the dependencies thereof, together with the Lords of the Council, make known and declare that we on the date underwritten, have given and granted unto Jan Pietersen Slot, at Haerlem, a parcel of land lying on the Island Manhattan at Van Cuelens Hook East of Pieter Jansen, West of Nicholas Meyer, in breadth thirty two rods, division line out of the Road to the Creek South, contents eight Morgans a corner (hoeck) in the Great Valley lying over against No. 5 in corner with Philip Cogil, containing also a lot for a garden at N. Haerlem lying North of the road West of Simon Drews, East Syperius, broad 5 rods, long twenty rods.

Also another lot South Michael Muyers, broad five rods six feet, long fifteen rods, upon express conditions and stipulations that he, Jan Pietersen Slot, or those who may hereafter obtain his right, shall acknowledge the Noble Lords Managers aforesaid as their High Mightinesses the Lords State General and Council in all things as good citizens are in duty bound to do, and also be subject to all such taxes and assessments as now are or hereafter shall be imposed by the Noble Lords aforesaid - and also to the payment of the tenth behoof of the Lords Patrons.

Putting therefore in our stead the aforesaid Jan Pietersen Sloat in the real and actual possession of the said land hereby giving him full power, authority and special charge to cultivate, occupy and use the same in like manner as he may or can do with other of his patrimonial lands effects, without saving or reserving to us the Grantors in our aforesaid quality any part, right or title thereto in the least, but to the behoof as aforesaid, from all things directing henceforth forever.

Promising, moreover, to keep, maintain and observe this deed firm and irrevocable, all under obligations according to law thereto standing - without fraud or deceit in this, signed by us and confirmed with our seal in red wax thereto affixed in Fort Amsterdam in New Netherlands this 4 Jann. Ao. 1664.

(signed) P. Stuyvesant

(below) By order of the same, C. V. Ruyven, Secy.

(A morgan of land is about 2 acres)


PIETER JANSEN SLOT (Jan Pietersen, 1)

b. in Holland

d. ca. 1690

m. 2 Feb. 1663


b. Hoorne, Holland dau Jacob Wallings Van Winkle

She m. (2) Jean de Mareets (Demarest) of Hackensack, N.J.

Chn., Slot:

4. Jan Pietersen bap. 1 Jan. 1666

m. 2 Apr. 1700, Jennetje Andrez

{ 5. 6. omitted} [not even mentioned in LA ms.]

7. Jacobus b. 14 May 1669; bap. 17 Feb. 1669 Bergen

m. 1695 Marretje De Maree (Demarest) 1673-1730

8. Tryntie bap. 6 Aug. 1671, New York Ch.

m. Claes Losier

9. Annetie

m. (1) David Demarest

m. (2) 7 Sep. 1706 Hackensack, N.J. Dutch Ch., Jonathan Hart, b. Southold, L.I.

10. Abeltie bap. 15 Sep. 1678, Kingston

11. Jonas b. 4 Apr. 1681; bap. 15 Sep. 1681, Kingston

m. 1713, Jennetje Oostrum

Pieter Jansen Slot came with his father and brother Jan from Holland. He sold his property, received from his father, to Resolved Waldron and removed to Bergen, New Jersey where, May 14, 1657, he bought 25 morgans (50 acres) of land at Communipaw on which he located in 1665. He and wife joined the church at Bergen, N.J. 1 Apr, 1665.

He sold out Pemberbogh on Bergen Neck 30 Jan 1671 and in March the same year bought a place in New Amsterdam to which he removed, but in 1673 his house, with others, was torn down to enlarge the grounds about the Fort and he received a patent for land in Beaver Street, near Governor Anthony Colve. Later he sold this land for 17 ankers of good rum.

In 1677 Pieter hired a farm at Esopus (Kingston-on-the-Hudson) to which place he had gone to follow his trade as builder. Returning in 1683, he and wife went to Bergen with letters to the Church there. They were soon back in New Amsterdam living for years "on the property which they owned at Crommesshe, near Stuyvesant's Bowery". He sold this 10 Apr. 1688 and soon after this Pieter Jansen died.

(See Crommesshe - Gramercry, on next page)

A list of citizens enrolled as soldiers 12 June 1663 at Harlem includes the name: Pieter Slote.


CROMMASSIE - GRAMERCY From The New York Times, Jan. 31, 1937

"A reference to a lot 'near Grommersie' in the records of the Common Council of the City of New York for the year 1716 sent research workers and editors of the Historical Survey of the WPA on a hunt for the authentic origin of 'Gramercy Park'.

"The records of the Common Council for 1716 contain an entry on May 23 recording the petition of Sarah Van Arnem 'Being a very poor widow woman with two fatherless children to maintain and bring up' for a plot of ground on which to make a home ad a garden. Her petition was granted, and she obtained the life tenure of a 'piece of land 150-foot in breadth and 200 foot in length lying on the west side of John Hernes lott near Grommersie'.

"For many years the origin of the name of Gramercy Park has been in dispute. It was pointed out by the supervisor of early Dutch records of the survey, who directed the research in the subject. Confusion of the subject has existed not only in popular magazine and newspaper articles, but even in scholarly and historical circles. Although several of the many theories appear logically sound, th true source of the name is at least obvious.

"The Dutch word for 'crooked knife' was the original name of Gramercy Park. The most obvious of the popular explanations is that Gramercy is derived from 'Great merci', a portion of the early French expression 'May God reward you greatly'. This was the common meaning in English from as early as the sixteenth century, used primarily as 'Thank you'. One might stop here did not a rival school of thought insist that more logically, the park was originally Cramoisi (Gramoisy), a word that came from the Arabic through the early French meaning crimson, and is now in good usage 'deep red' because a hill of that color sand stood near this location.

"In examining early New York maps, however, one finds that the Crommessie Farm lay on the side of the present Gramercy Park. According to Valentine's Manual of 1852 this name came form the Dutch. In earlier papers we find that James Duane purchased the Crumshie Farm in 1780. Still further back in the minutes of the Common Council in 1710 the farm was referred to as Cromshe, Crommessie and Crummeshie. Working back from this we find a reference to Crummeshie as the land of Pieter Jansen Slot and in 1674 Edith Stuyvesant mentions this farm in a letter as Crommessie.

"Clearly the farm was originally named by the Dutch. In the usage of the period Crommessie could have either of the two definitions: Crommeshie meant 'winding brook' -- there still exist in Holland many survivals of 'shie' as river in local geography. And certainly we have authentic evidence that in the early days of Manhattan a brook rose west of what is now Madison Square and wound its way to the East River at Kips Bay.

But Crommassie was more probably the corruption of Crammessie, 'Crooked knife'. Of this we are convinced by a glance at the early records and map of Crommessie Farm. The shape is clearly that of a crooked blade, such as carvers use. It is not hard to see how the word became Anglicized into the more conventional Gramercy. The later changes of the spelling were inclined to spell phonetically. Gramercy Park is on the site of Pieter Slot's Crooked Knife Farm."



JAN JANSEN SLOT (Jan Pietersen, 1)

b. in Holland

m. 28 Apr. 1672, New York City Ch.


bap. 22 Sept. 1652 dau. Theophilus Elsworth

Chn., Slot:

12. Heyltie bap. 22 Dec. 1672, New York City Ch.

m. Zebulon Carter

13. Johannes bap. 18 Sep. 1674

14. Theophilus (Stoffel) bap. 31 Jan. 1677, N.Y.Ch.

15. Abeltje bap. 27 Aug. 1679

16. Annetje bap. 14 Dec. 1681

17. Theophilus bap. 13 July 1684

18. Judith bap. 20 Feb. 1687, N.Y.Ch.

m. Jan Pietersz Van Horn

(NYGB Vol. 64)

19. Hendrick b. ca. 1690

Jan Jansen Slot j.m. Van Amsterdam en Judith Elswaert j.d. Van J. Jorck, banns 28 Apr. 1672.

Jan Jansen Slot came from Holland with his father and brother Pieter.

7 Jan. 1663 Jan and Pieter are listed in a private company of militia at Harlem, organized to guard against Indian attacks. In 1672 Jan joined Capt. Stemwyck's new troop of horse and in 1689 he was made Ensign. He was a warm partisan of Leisler.

In 1672 his name appears on a list of property owners on the West side of what is now Pearl Street between Franklin Square and Wall St. and known as Smith's Valley.

In 1674 John Johnson Slott was taxed; class of property 3rd; nationality Dutch; estimated wealth (equal to) $1,200. On the tax list of 1676, John Johnson, 12 sh., 6 d.; Feb. 1677 Jan Jansen had a credit on the books of the City of New York of f.70 in wampum. (Minutes of the Common Council)

22 April 1674, Gisbert Elbertsen deeded land at Maspeth's Kills, Long Island, to Jan Jansen Slot with a lot on the south side of Burger Jorissen's house. (NYGB Vol. 53)

Jan 6, 1691 - account of Jan Jansen Slot and Jan Otten Van Tuyl against Roelof Swartout for conveying him to the "Soopes".

7 Oct. 1695 Jan Jansen is names as selling his city property and about that time he probably located in Dutchess Co.

Jan Slot m. 2 Oct. 1695 Sara Conklin, dau. of Deliverance and Engeltje (Boedkhout) Conklin, settled in Philipsburgh, N. Y. "MCTS", Boston Transcript

[microfilm hard to read on LC ms – looks like Boeckhout – also LC ms adds:]

{This probably refers to Johannes #13.}


[This page not present in LC ms.]

THEOPHILUS ELSWORTH from The Elsworth Family of New York City

by Howard S. F. Randolph, published in - The New York Genealogical and

Biographical Record, Vol. 64; pgs 154-9.

The progenitor of the Elsworth family in New York City is often mistakenly spoken of a Christopher Elsworth. His name is really Theophilus Elsworth, as can be readily determined from his will and from numerous other references.

The error arose because the Dutch in New Amsterdam -- true to usual custom of giving nick-names, -- called him "Stoffel" or "Stophel". Theophilus was not a Dutch name and Stoffel was the usual abbreviated form of Christopher or Christoffel.

The name Elsworth was also written in many different ways by the early scribes. The favorite spelling among the Dutch was Elswaert but as many as fourteen other forms are found. Theophilus himself spelled his last name "Ellsworth" in his will, but from the time of the sons on, the family has spelled the name Elsworth.

Through the kindness of Mr. William J. Hoffman, the proclamation of the marriage of Theophilus Elsworth to Annetje Jans has been located in the archives of Amsterdam, Netherlands. This important document shows that Elsworth was a native of Bristol, England and was born there about the year 1625. It is found in the Proclamation Book at Amsterdam. D.T.B. 464, fol. 227: 1 June 1647. (translated) "Theophilus Elsworth from Bristol (born there), mariner, 22 years old, (parents still living) living Smith Alley, and Annetje Jans from Amsterdam, 24 years old, living in Loomsloot. (in margin: banns have been published in the English church)" He emigrated from Netherlands between 1648 - 1652; probably about 1650, but no record has been found.

On July 8, 1656, Stoffel Eduwartsen bought a lot in the Smith's Valley on the East river, on Pearl St. This is the same property which he disposes of in his will. At sometime Elsworth was able to purchase the Small Burgher right. This was confirmed to him on April 14, 1657, under the name of Stoffel Elderszen.

Elsworth bought other real estate for on Sep. 17, 1658 there appears a legal proceeding regarding a certain transfer. It is evident that he had prospered a little since he had arrived from the Netherlands, but he was by no means affluent. On March 18, 1661, when he was summoned before the Burgomasters for non-payment of his rattle-watch dues, he says: he has no money and has earned none for some time, but he offers to deliver 100 pieces of fire-wood for one year's dues, which is accepted and he is promised that if the wood should be more than he owes, he shall be paid a refund.

In 1663 he was employed to pilot some Englishmen of the neighborhood to the Newsinghs Indians from whom they wished to purchase land. On Dec. 9, 1663, Creiger saw the English vessel sailing down the Raritan River, and inquired whence they came. Capt. Creiger and others had been sent by the authorities to New Amsterdam to learn whence the English came and to remonstrate with them. The skipper Stoffel Elsworth expalined his mission and the next day Elsworth with his sloop and passengers all went aground in the Kil, - The Raritan River. Creiger warned the Englishmen that they should not undertake to buy lands from the savages without proper permission from the Director-General and Council.

Valentine describes Stoffel Elsworth as a "boat builder of respectable standing who resided on the Street (Smith's Valley) for many years". April 19, 1665 he assessed fl. 1. to provide quarters for the soldiers.

Nothing more is found regarding him in the early records, until his will was probated Feb. 21, 1715-6; dated Apr. 9, 1706. He was born about 1625, age at death 81. In his will he makes no mention of his wife who had probably predeceased him.

Of his wife, Annetje Jans, little is known.

[This page not present in LC ms.]



the progenitor of the family in America

b. ca. 1625, Bristol, England

d. will proved 1715-1716

m. Proclamation, 1 June 1647


b. ca. 1623

d. probably between 1685 and 1699

Chn., Elsworth:

1. Bridget b. ca. 1648, Amsterdam, Netherlands

2. Judith bap. 22 Sep. 1652

3. Elizabeth bap. 10 Jan. 1655

4. Christina bap. 11 Feb. 1657

5. Clement bap. 16 Nov. 1659

m.1680 at Mespeth Kill: Anna Maria Engelberts

6. George (Joris) bap. 2 Mar. 1662

7. John bap. 10 Dec. 1664

8. William bap. 15 Nov. 1670



JUDITH ELSWORTH (Theophilus 1)

bap. 22 Sep. 1652

m. (banns) 28 Apr. 1672


continue with "Sloat" family, -2- (above)



JAN SLOT (Pieter, 2)

bap. 1 Jan. 1666, Bergen Ch.

m. 2 Apr. 1700


she m. (2) 19 Jan. 1706, Johannes Hooghlandt

Chn., Slot

20. Maria b. 25 Nov. 1700; bap. 1 Dec. 1700, New York City

21. Johannes bap. 23 Sep. 1702, New York City

They were residing in New York City 1703.



JACOB SLOT (Pieter, 2)

b. 14 May; bap. 17 Feb. 1669, Bergen Ch.

d. 1725

m. 1695


dau. Jean Demarest

Chn., Slot:

22. Peter bap. 9 Aug. 1696, Hackensack Ch.

23. Johannes bap. 10 Mar. 1698 [assumed 23. died prior to birth of 24.]

24. Johannes bap. 14 May 1699 [because they have the same name]

m. 17 Sep. 1720 Willmetie Alberse Van Voorhese (widow of Cornelius Bogart)

m. 20 Apr. 1830 Carstyntina Akkerman

25. Eva b. 24 May 1701

26. Maria bap. 18 Apr. 1703, Hackensack

m. 15 Oct. 1720 Dirck Hogelandt b. 14 Nov. 1698

27. Lea b. 18 Dec. 1706

m. 28 Mar. 1730 Jacob Brouwer

28. Jonathan b. 19 Oct 1712

m. Belytie Pryer

29. David b. 25 Aug. 1714

30. Sarah b. 25 Dec. 1717

m. (1) Thomas Outwater

m. (2) Abraham Allen (Ellen)

31. Tryntie b. 20 July 1718

m. 23 May 1740, Hackensack; Joost Beem bap. 16 Feb. 1715, Parmeis Ch.

32. Benjamin b. 18 May 1721

m. Sarah Demarest

Jacob Slot obtained a patent of 90 acres of land in Bergen Co., New Jersey, near Schrallanburgh, Bergenfield and bought several hundred acres from his father-in-law, Jean Demarest.



TRYNTIE SLOT (Pieter, 2)

bap. 6 Aug. 1671, New York City Ch.

d. 1707-8

m. 8 May 1691 in New York


bap. 10 June 1668

He m. (2) 26 Jan. 1709 Antie Banta of Hackensack, N.J.

Chn., by (1), Lozier:

1. Hillebrand bap. 1695

m. Christina De Baen

2. Peter bap. 14 Feb 1697

3. John bap. 26 Feb 1699

m. 1725 Leah Banta

4. Mary bap. 11 May 1701

m. David Demarest

5. Antie bap. 31 Oct. 1703

m. Samuel D. Demarest

6. Lucas bap. 18 Mar. 1705

7. Jacobus bap. 5 Oct. 1707

m. 1732 Maria Duryea

8. Benjamin bap. 24 Oct. 1708

m. 1734 Dina DeGroot Brower



ANNETJE SLOT (Pieter, 2)

m. (1)


m. (2) 7 Sep. 1706 Hackensack, N.J. Dutch Ch.


b. Suythool, Long Island

Chn., Demarest:

1. Jaquamintie bap. Sep. 1697, Hackensack Ch.

2. Lea bap. 26 Nov. 1699, Hackensack Ch.

3. David bap. 9 Nov. 1703, Hackensack Ch.

4. Rachel bap. 10 Dec. 1703, Hackensack Ch.

Chn., Hart:

5. Margarita bap. 3 Aug. 1707



ABELTIE SLOT (Pieter, 2)

b. 1678; bap. 15 Sep. 1678, Wildwick Ch. Kingston, N.Y.

m. (1) 27 July 1700


m. (2) 1 Mar. 1719, Hackensack, N.J.


Chn., Van Norden:

1. Elizabeth bap. 24 May 1701, Hackensack, N.J.

2. Jan bap. 17 Apr. 1703

Chn., BANTA:

no issue



JONAS SLOT (Pieter, 2)

b. 4 Apr. 1681; bap. 4 Sep. 1681, Wildwick Ch. Kingston, N.Y.

d. 29 May 1759, New York City

m. 4 Oct. 1713, Wildwick Ch. Kingston, N.Y.

JENNETJE OOSTERUM of Poughkeepsie, N.Y.

bap. 3 June 1694 dau. of Jan Hendrickszen Oosterum and

Mageltje Roelofszede Duyster (NYGB 40:91)

Chn., Slot:

33. Marytjen b. 4 Apr.; bap. 2 Feb. 1714, Wildwick

m. Abraham Polson




b. 1687; bap. 20 Feb. 1687, New York City Ch.

m. 16 Dec. 1706


b. Ghent

Chn., Van Voorn:

1. Johannes bap. 5 Sep. 1711

2. Johannes bap. 17 May 1713

3. Heltie bap. 8 Apr. 1716

4. Thomas bap. 30 May 1717




b. ca. 1690

m 3 June 1715, New York City Dutch Ref. Ch.


b. V. N. Duidsland (N. York) dau Nicholas Henderson (rec. Ricklass)

Chn., Slot:

34. Jan bap. 15 July 1716, New York City Ch.

35. Henry bap. 10 Feb. 1725, Rumbouts

m. 23 Mar. 1756 Mary Barger

36. Elias bap. 4 Dec. 1726

m. Elizabeth Scouten, widow

perhaps others




bap. 9 Aug. 1696, Hackensack, N.J.

m. (1) 18 Nov. 1721


m. (2) 30 July 1744

MALLEY FOORD - Widow Frost

Chn., by (1), Sloat:

37. Marie bap. 21 Oct. 1722, Hackensack Ch.

38. Lea bap. 23 Apr. 1727

39. Jacobus bap. 4 Apr. 1731

40. Abram bap. 30 Sep. 1733

41. Johannes bap. 13 June 1736

Chn., by (2), Sloat:

42. Eva bap. 15 Dec. 1745

m. Isaac Hollenbeck, Pompton Plains

43. Myrya bap. 20 May 1748, Pompton Plains




bap. 14 May 1699, Hackensack, N.J.

d. 1783, Goodwill Pres. Ch., Cemetery

m. (1) 17 Sep. 1720

WILLMETIE ALBERSE VAN VOORHESE, widow of Cornelius Bougaert

m. (2) 10 Apr. 1730, Hackensack


b. 5 Dec. 1705, Hackensack

Johannes inherited his father's plantation (1,000 acres) which he sold in 1760, moved to Sloat's Corners near Walden, then Ulster Co. now Orange Co., N.Y. He subscribed funds for the Revolution.

Chn., by (1), Sloat:

44. Jacobus bap. 16 July 1721, Hackensack; d. inf.

45. Cornelius bap. 10 May 1724; d. inf.

46. Steven b. 25 Mar.; bap. 2 Apr. 1727; d. 11 Dec. 1806

Chn., by (2), Sloat:

47. David b. 25 Dec. 1730; bap. 3 Jan. 1731

m. Sarah Wooley

48. Maria b. 28 Jan. 1732; bap. 9 July 1732

m. Claes Van Houten

49. Petrus b. 9 Apr. 1734; bap. 5 May 1734

50. Johannes b. 31 Jan. 1736; bap. 22 Feb. 1736

m. Tamor Lounsberrie

51. Jonas b. 30 May 1738; bap. 25 June 1738

m. (1) Phebe Clark; m. (2) Abigail Lounsberry

52. Daniel b. 25 Mar. 1740; bap. 27 Apr. 1740

m. Martha ---

53. Cornelius b. 22 Dec. 1741; bap. 9 Jan. 1742 Pompton Plains

54. Ann Rachel b. 2 Mar. 1744; bap. 3 June 1744; m. 3 times

55. Benjamin bap. 26 Oct. 1746, Pompton Plains

56. Alexander b. 8 Mar. 1747; bap. 16 Oct. 1748, Schraalenbergh Ch.

He is said to have changed his name to LOCK -

(Sloat = Lock) was ancestor of "Seymour Warby", humorist.



EVA SLOAT (Jacob, 5)

bap. 24 May 1701, Hackensack


m. May 1723, Bergen Ch.


d. 20 Jan. 1746, Bergen, New Jersey

They joined the Bergen Church 15 Mar. 1730

Chn., Vander Hoef:

1. Gerard bap. 21 Jan. 1727, Hackensack

2. Petrus b. 16 Sep. 1729; bap. 9 Nov. 1728, New York City

3. Martje b. 30 June 1732; bap. 23 July 1732, Bergen

4. Johannes bap. 30 Mar. 1734, Bergen

5. Petrus bap. 1 Sep. 1736, New York City; d. 25 Dec. 1783

6. Garret bap. 21 Jan. 1768, Staten Island D. R. Ch.

7 Sarah bap. 9 May 1741, Bergen



MARIA SLOAT (Jacob, 5)

bap. 18 Apr. 1703, Hackensack



Chn., Hoglandt:

1. Jenneke bap. 3 Sep. 1720, Staten Island D. R. Ch.

2. Elizabeth bap. 22 Oct. 1735, Van Vleck Journal

3. Daniel bap. 30 Apr. 1738, Van Vleck Journal

4. Dirck bap. 1 June 1739, Van Vleck Journal

5. Benjamin bap. 23 Jan. 1743, Van Vleck Journal

6. Anatie bap. 7 June 1747



LEA SLOAT (Jacob, 5)

b. "Ackensack"; bap. 15 Dec. 1706, Hackensack

d. 5 May 1776, Bergen



d. 7 Nov. 1779, Bergen, N.J.

They joined the Bergen Ch. 4 May 1776

Chn., Brouwer:

1. Johannes b. 6 Feb. 1731, Bergen; bap. 14 Apr. 1731, N.Y. City

2. Goobis bap. 30 Sep. 1735, Bergen

3. Hester b. 6 Sep. 1739; bap. 15 Oct. 1739, Bergen [LA ms = "Hesther"]




bap. 19 Oct. 1712, Hackensack Ch.



Chn., Sloat:

57. Jakoba b. 17 July 1757, Ref. Dutch Ch., New York City

58. Sarah b. 14 Mar. 1759




bap. 25 Dec. 1716, Hackensack Ch.

m. (1) 27 June 1735


m. (2)


Chn., Outwater:

1. Catherine b. 9 May 1736

2. Maria b. 12 May 1738

3. Thomas b. 24 Apr 1740

4. Maria b. 25 Dec. 1742

5. Jacobus b. 30 Dec. 1742

6. Annetje b. 24 Apr. 1748

Chn., Ellen (Allen):

7. Abraham bap. 31 Mar. 1754

8. Sarah bap. 26 Sep. 1756

9. Petrus bap. Mar. 1759




b. 18 May 1721

m. 17 Apr. 1739, Schraalenbergh Ch.

SARAH DEMAREST {went to Penna.}

Chn., Sloat:

59. Samuel bap. 14 Feb. 1762, Schraalenbergh Ch.

60. Jacobus b. 26 Dec. 1763; bap. 16 June 1764; d. 16 June 1764

61. Petrus bap. 27 May 1770, Conewago Ch., Penna.

62 Johannes b. ca. 1772

Benjamin Sloat and wife Sarah Demarest went to Pennsylvania as noted by the birth records.


"Few are aware of the migration, before the Revolution, of a large number of families to the vicinity of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania and from there subsequently to Kentucky. The late Rev. J. K. Demarest of Gettysburg is accredited with this information. He found baptismal records of the Dutch Reformed Church of Conewago that contained New Jersey settlers.

"According to York County, Pennsylvania, records, this colonization began about 1765 and stopped about 1771. The route led them by Lancaster and York, Pennsylvania and the first settlement at Conewago. The road was called "The Low Dutch Road". The tendency was to go West as the Indians withdrew from the coast. Doubtless the first settlers in Kentucky were from Bergen County, New Jersey. They settled near White Oak Springs, Mercer County. About 1,000 went to Kentucky but in 1817 only 5 Dutch families remained. Of the 167 families represented by baptisms, about one-third were from Bergen Co."

From Somerset Co. Historical Society, Sommerville, N.J. Vol.4, July 1915.

Pre-Revolution Somerset and Bergen Cos.

Migration to Conewago, Penna. by Van Dorn.




bap. 2 Feb. 1714, Wildwick, Kingston, N.Y.

m. 20 Oct. 1734


Chn., Dolson:

1. Jonas bap. 15 May 1737, Fishkill

2. Jennetjen bap. 27 May 1739, Poughkeepsie

3. Marrgreeta bap. 10 Sep. 1740, Fishkill

4. Alche bap. 28 May 1743, Poughkeepsie

5. Maritje bap. 28 Apr. 1745



ELIAS SLOAT (Hendrick, 19)

bap. 4 Dec. 1726, New York City

m. 10 Oct. 1752 Rumbouts Pres. Ch.


She m. (3) Jeremiah Whitney 11 Mar. 1761

Chn., Sloat:

63. Elias b. 12 July 1759

m. Elizabeth Hart res. Putnam Co.

64. James b. 17 Sep. 1762

m. Abigail ---

perhaps others

Contemporary living also in Putnam Co.

65. John Sloat

m. --- Ward

{ Marriages by Tucker }

{ Michael Slood m. 25 Feb. 1779, Rachel Hunt }

{ Michael Sloat d. 8-4-1813 ae. 34-4-26, Lake Mahopac. }



JACOBUS SLOAT (Petrus, 22)

bap. 4 Apr. 1731

m. 25 Sep. 1756, Passaic, N.J.


Chn., Sloat:

66. Petrus b. 20 Jan. 1757; bap. 6 Feb. 1757, Passaic

67. Hester b. 17 Jan. 1759; bap. 24 Feb. 1759

68. Johannes b. 16 July 1760; bap. 27 July 1760

69. David b. 26 Dec. 1762; bap. 13 Feb. 1762

70. Catrina bap. 23 --- 1765, Pompton Plains



STEVEN SLOAT (Johannes, 24)

b. 25 Mar. 1726-7; bap. 2 Apr. 1727 Hackensack

d. 11 Oct. 1806, Sloatsburg, N.Y.


MARRETJE VAN DEUSEN only child of Isaac Van Deusen of Clove

b. 23 Feb. 1729

d. 28 July 1807

Chn., Sloat:

71. John b. 24 Oct. 1754

m. Ruth Drake

72. Isaac b. 1 July 1758

m. Lea Zabriskie

73. Elizabeth bap. 1760

m. Petrus D. Christie

74. Maria bap. 23 Apr. 1767

m. James Daniel Westervelt

Steven Sloat inherited property and acquired more; he was a man of wealth and position; his property was named Sloatsburg.

He was Capt. in the Cornwall Regt., Orange Co. Militia in the Revolutionary War. His name appears on a list of field officers named by the committee of Cornwall precinct, Orange Co., for the Eastern Regiment on the North side of the mountain.

Commission dated 15 Sep. 1775 and 21 Feb. 1778.


[Note that the mss. show "(Johannes, 23)" as the father of #46 thru #54 – but see the listing for #5, where #23 is assumed to have died in infancy since #24 is also given the name Johannes – and the mss. give no listing for #23, and the listing for #24-Johannes lists these children as his – so in this transcription "(Johannes, 24)" is shown for these individuals as their father.]


DAVID SLOAT (Johannes, 24)

b. 25 Dec. 1730; bap. 3 Jan. 1731, Hackensack

d. 2 Aug. 1814



Chn., Sloat:

75. Benjamin b. 6 Dec. 1777

76. Daniel David b. 21 Apr. 1804

m. Ann Moore



MARIA SLOAT (Johannes, 24)

b. 28 Jan. 1732; bap. 9 July 1732



Chn., Van Houten:

1. Themeus b. 13 Apr. 1761; bap. 26 Apr 1761, Tappan Ch.

2. Styntje b. 28 July 1765; bap. 25 Aug. 1765

3. Petrus b. 24 Nov. 1768; bap. 26 Dec. 1768, Clarkstown Ch.

4. Rebecca b. 23 May 1772; bap. 28 June 1772, Clarkstown Ch.

5. Rachel b. 9 Jan. 1774; bap. 10 Feb. 1774, Tappan Ch.

6. Catrina b. 12 Jan. 1779; bap. 14 Feb. 1779, Clarkstown Ch.



JOHANNES SLOAT (Johannes, 24)

b. 31 Jan. 1736; bap. 22 Feb. 1736, Hackensack Ch.



b. Feb. 1744

Chn., Sloat:

77. Johannes J. b. 4 Oct. 1764; bap. 27 Oct. 1764, Clarkstown Ch.

m. Achsan Woodruff

78. Abigail b. 7 Feb. 1767; bap. 22 Mar. 1767

m. --- Borman

79. Christina b. 26 Oct. 1769; bap. 19 Nov. 1769

80. David b. 23 Apr. 1772; bap. 11 May 1772

81. Mehitable b. 15 Jan. 1775; bap. 19 Mar. 1775

82. Ann Rachel b. 15 Jan. 1778; bap. 15 Feb. 1778

m. --- Alsdorph

83. Daniel b. 25 May 1781

m. --- Constable

84. Jonas b. 10 Mar. 1784; bap. 6 June 1784

85. Cornelius b. 6 May 1789

m. Maria DuBois



JONAS SLOAT (Johannes, 24)

b. 30 May 1738; bap. 25 June 1738

m. (1)


m. (2)

ABIGAIL LOUNSBERRY, widow of Thomas Finn

Chn., Sloat, by (1):

86. Johannes b. 30 July 1769; bap. 13 Aug. 1769, Shawangunk Ch.

m. Gertrude Van Vliet

87. Jonas bap. 13 Mar. 1770, New Hurley, d. inf.

88. Marritje bap. 21 Apr. 1773

89. Ellena bap. 1 Mar. 176

m. Ezechiel Maston

90. Cornelius b. 11 Mar. 1778

91. James Harrell b. 30 Oct. 1781; bap. 10 Mar. 1782

Chn., Sloat, by (2):

92. Phebe b. 21 Apr. 1788

93. Christina b. 7 July; bap. 13 Aug. 1791

Jonas Sloat was a Sergeant in Capt. Hunter's company, 1777, McClaughry's Regt., 2nd Ulster Co. Militia, Ft. Montgomery.



DANIEL SLOAT (Johannes,24)

b. 25 Mar. 1740; bap. 27 Apr. 1740 Hackensack



They resided at Pine Bush, Orange Co., N.Y.

Buried ca. 20 miles west of Newburgh.

Chn., Sloat:

94. Daniel d. 6 Jan. 1844

m. Ann Jane Lowary

95. John



CORNELIUS SLOAT (Johannes, 24)

b. 22 Dec. 1741; bap. 9 Jan. 1742, Pompton Plains

d. 1 Jan. 1816

m. 1771


b. 1753

d. 1 Apr. 1820

Chn., Sloat:

96. Alexander b. 21 Dec. 1772, d. 21 July 1833

m. Sarah Layton

97. Elizabeth bap. 19 Mar. 1775, New Hurley

98. Cornelius bap. 29 Dec. 1776, New Hurley

99. Johannes b. 1779; d. 9 Dec. 185

m. Catherine Symspaugh

100. Cornelius b. 20 Nov. 1782, New Hurley

m. (1) Jane Gordan {Jordan?}

101. James b. 23 Sep. 1787; bap. 7 Nov. 1787

m. Phebe Upright

102. Arthur Gibson b. 29 Jan. 1791, Shawangunk

m. (1) Mary Hunter

103. Elinor b. 12 Aug. 1792, Shawangunk

104. Daniel b. 4 Feb. 1794

Cornelius Sloat was Sergt., Capt. Hunter's Com., McClaughry's Regt., 2nd Ulster Co. Militia and was taken prisoner at Fort Montgomery, confined in "Old Sugar House" prison, New York City.



ANN RACHEL SLOAT (Johannes, 24)

b. 3 Mar. 1744; bap. 3 June 1744, Hackensack Ch.; d. 11 Oct. 1777-8

m. (1) 7 Nov. 1765, as his (2) wife


Chn., Coe:

1. Elizabeth b. 6 Jan. 1767

m. 1787 Samuel Coe (2nd cousin)

2. Mary b. 17 Aug. 1768

m. Paul Vander Voort

3. Samuel b. 24 Jan. 1770; d.s.p. 1804

4. Alexander b. 26 Oct.1771

5. William b. ca. 1774, d.y.

6. Rachel b. ca. 1776

7. Phebe (posthumous) b. 30 Mar. 1778

m. 30 Nov. 1805, Louis B. DuBois

Coe Genealogy, J. Gardner Bartlett

m. (2)


Chn., Bell:

8. Rachel

9. Nancy

m. (3)


No record of Chn. NYGB 61



ELIAS SLOAT (Elias, 36)

b. 12 July 1759

d. 25 Mar. 1825

m. 1778


b. 26 Nov. 1758

d. 22 Oct. 1822

Chn., Sloat:

105. John b. 30 Oct. 1779

m. Hester Raymond

106. Sarah b. 13 May 1782; d. unmarried

107. Anna b. 5 July 1784

m. Elias Robinson

108. James b. 21 Nov. 1786

m. Mehitable Warren

109. William b. 30 Mar. 1789

m. Arvilla Agor

110. Deborah b. 19 May 1793

m. Lewis Warren

111. Elizabeth b. 14 Apr. 1796

m. Alvah Gregory

112. Phebe b. 21 Jan. 1799; d. unmarried

113. Bud-Flower b. 12 Sep. 1802

m. (1) Susanna Wright

m. (2) Mary Wright



JAMES SLOAT (Elias,36)

b. 17 Sep. 1762; d. 1808, Carmel, N.Y.



b. 1756

d. 15 May 1825, ae. 69; bu. Old Gilead Cem.

Chn., Sloat:

114. Margery b. 8 Sep. 1781

m. --- Wright

115. Marcus b. 12 Dec. 1783

m. Hannah ---

116. Elias b. 1 June 1786; d. 24 Mar. 1825

m. Charity --- b. 1789; d. 26 Aug. 1817, Old Gilead Cem.

117. Michael b. 3 Jan. 1789

m. (1) Polly Gregory

m. (2) Catherine (Wright) Gregory

118. Mary b. 30 Sep. 1792

119. Rachel b. 2 June 1795

120. James b. 27 Dec. 1799 (twin)

121. Isaac b. 27 Dec. 1799 (twin)

m. Philena --- b. 1793; d. 22 Apr. 1859



JOHN SLOAT (parents unknown but contemporary with Elias #63 and James #64)


--- WARD {residing Philipsburg}

Chn., Sloat:

122. John Ward Sloat b. 30 Dec. 1783; d. 20 June 1830

m. Rachel Ganung b. 26 Sep. 1780; d. 13 Apr. 1843

Resided in Dutchess and Putnam Cos., New York.

Note: A descendant of John Sloat who m. --- Ward made application to the National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution - and was accepted - claiming John Ward Sloat b. 30 Dec. 1783 of Dutchess Co. was the son of John Sloat and Tamor Lounsberry of Hackensack, New Jersey, but THIS LINEAGE IS INCORRECT!

John Sloat and Tamor Lounsberry of Hackensack did have a son John who married Achsan Woodruff and resided in Western New York. See #50 and #77.

The 1790 census and 1800 census gives John Sloat 2 and John Sloat 3 of Dutchess Co. It is probable that John Sloat 3 is the John Sloat who m. --- Ward and possibly connected with John Sloat and Sara Conklin. See p. 19. [in orig – see bottom of page for Jan Jansen Sloat - #3]



PETRUS SLOAT (Jacobus, 39)

b. 20 Jan. 1757; bap. 6 Feb. 1757, Passaic N. J. Ch.



Chn., Sloat:

123. Petrus bap. 24 Oct. 1772, Pompton Plains Ch.

m. Caty Allen

124. Karina bap. 23 June 1774, Pompton Plains Ch.

m. George Folk

125. Joost bap. 2 June 1777, Pompoton Plains Ch.

126. Sarah b. 24 Mar. 1782

m. (1) 21 Mar. 1797 William Mulfey

m. (2) 1809 Jeremiah Readder

127. Isaac b. 8 May 1783

128. Jacobus b. 20 May 1784

129. Elizabeth b. 20 Sep. 1786

130. John b. 27 Feb. 1790 (twin)

131. Margaret b. 27 Feb. 1790 (twin)

132. Rachel b. 10 Nov. 1792

133. Kort Bevoice b. 9 Oct. 1795



CATRINA SLOAT (Jacobus, 39)

bap. 23 --- 1765

m. 26 Dec. 1792


Chn., Lyon:

1. Pieter b. 4 Dec. 1785, Pompton Plains

2. Margaret b. 24 Feb. 1798, Pompton Plains

3. Henry b. 29 Dec. 1801, Pompton Plains

4. Issac Abraham b. 27 July 1806, Pompton Plains



JOHN SLOAT (Steven, 46)

bap. 24 Oct. 1754, Paramus Ch.

d. 4 Apr. 1781, Sloatsburg, N.Y.

m. 17 Mar. 1778, Old Presbyterian Ch., Goshen, N.Y.


b. 11 Sep. 1761

Chn., Sloat:

134. John Drake b. 26 July 1781 (posthumous); d. 28 Nov. 1867, New York City

m. 27 Nov. 1814 Abbey Gordon b. 6 Nov. 1795; d. 15 Nov. 1878

See Admiral Sloat Bibliography in Introductory Pages.

John Sloat was a private in Capt. Ebenezer Woodhull's company of Light Horse, of Cornwall, Orange Co.. He was accidentally killed by a sentry stationed at the entrance of the Sloat home when home on a visit. He is buried on a knoll on the property.



ISAAC SLOAT (Steven, 46)

b. 1 July 1758; bap. 20 Aug. 1758, Paramus Ch.

d. 12 Nov. 1821


b. 27 July 1753

d. 10 Dec. 1832

Chn., Sloat:

135. Helena b. 28 July 1787, Paramus Ch.

136. Martje b. 7 Aug. 1780; bap. 24 Sep. 1780; d. 19 Oct. 1789

137. Stephen b. 28 Dec. 1789

m. Catherine Mead Ward

138. Jacob b. 13 Sep. 1792

m. Sarah Bigelow Hollenbeck




b. 1760; bap. 25 Jan. 1761, Paramus Ch.



Chn., Christie:

1. David b. 22 June 1787; bap. 24 July 1787

2. Stephanus b. 21 May 1789; bap. 21 June 1789

3. Weibrig b. 6 Dec. 1790; bap. 9 Jan. 1791

4. Martha b. 1 June 1792; bap. 17 June 1792

5. David b. 2 Feb. 1794; bap. 9 Mar. 1794

6. Johannes b. 11 Apr. 1798; bap. 6 May 1798

7. Maria b. 12 Mar. 1800



MARIA SLOAT (Steven, 46)

b. 23 Apr. 1767; bap. 7 June 1767, Paramus Ch.

m. 28 June 1788


b. 12 Nov. 1767

d. 12 Apr. 1838

Chn., Westervelt:

1. Daniel b. 22 Apr. 1789; bap. 10 May 1789

2. Maretje b. 10 Apr. 1791; bap. 8 May 1791

3. John b. 15 June 1799; bap. 8 July 1799

4. James b. 8 Oct. 1803




b. 6 Dec. 1777

m. (1) 25 Mar. 1801, St. Andrews

RUTH CLARK of Walden, N.Y.

m. (2)


Chn. by (1), Sloat:

139. --- Sloat

Chn. by (2), Sloat:

140. daughter

m. --- Van Orsdale

141. ---

142. ---




b. 18 Oct. 1780

m. 21 Apr. 1804


b. 5 Sep. 1782

Chn., Sloat:

143. Charles Wooley b. 20 Dec. 1804

144. Eliza Bodine b. 10 Dec. 1806-7; bap. 20 May 1807

145. David James b. 7 May 1809

m. Elmire Lawson Lathrop

146. Henry Benjamin b. 1 July 1812; bap. 19 June 1813, Goodwill Ch.

147. William b. 14 Mar. 1815; bap. 11 Aug. 1815; d. 14 Feb. 1880

148. Charity Jane b. 29 Nov. 1818; d. 25 Oct. 1883

m. John Peatt

149. Sarah Ann b. 24 Dec. 1821

150. Deborah Maria b. 12 Jan. 1824



JOHANNES J. SLOAT (Johannes, 50)

b. 4 Oct. 1764; bap. 27 Oct. 1764, Clarkstown Ch.

d. 21 Mar. 1834

m. Goodwill Pres. Ch. as "John Lock" - (Sloat = Lock)


d. 27 Nov. 1839

In 1803 they resided near Montgomery town, moved to Cayuga, Lake Co., N.Y. Some of the descendants now live in Michigan.

Chn., Sloat: [or should this be 'Lock'?]

151. George b. 4 Oct. 1789; d. 25 Oct. 1789

152. Joseph b. 1790; d. 1792

153. Silas b. 1793; d. 25 July 1823

154. Lydia S. d. 10 May 1826

155. Abigail

156. Tamor

m. (1) Lewis Benjamin

m. (2) Clarence Benjamin;

157. John b. 9 Dec. 1799

m. Mary Happy Bacon

158. Leander b. 27 Apr. 1810

m. Rebecca Jewett

159. Marietta b. 1811

m. Edwin Angell

160. Hannah d. 22 May 1863

m. Jacob Rappleys

161. Charles E. b. 1814; d. 16 Mar. 1834



CHRISTINA SLOAT (Johannes, 50) ['Christian' in both ms. – but see #50]

b. 26 Oct. 1769; bap. 19 Nov. 1769, Goodwill Ch.



Chn., Jesop: [bottom of page cut off on LA ms]

{1. Asa b. 8 Nov. 1793, New Hurley}



DAVID SLOAT (Johannes, 50)

b. 23 Apr. 1772; bap. 11 May 172, New Hurley Ch.



Chn., Sloat:

162. Elizabeth b. 22 Sep. 1801, New Hurley Ch.



MEHITABLE SLOAT (Johannes, 50)

b. 15 Jan. 1775; bap. 19 Mar. 1775, New Hurley Ch.



Chn., Bean:

1. Daniel b. 8 Dec. 1792, New Hurley Ch.

2. David b. 7 Sep. 1795, New Hurley Ch.



ANN RACHEL SLOAT (Johannes, 50)

b. 27 Jan. 1778; bap. 15 Feb. 1778, New Hurley Ch.



Chn., Alsdorph:

1. Maria b. 11 Sep. 1799, New Hurley Ch.

2. Phebe

3. Gertrude

4. Rachel

5. John



DANIEL SLOAT (Johannes, 50)

b. 25 May 1781, New Hurley

d. 18 Dec. 1818



Chn., Sloat:

163. John C.

164. Anna Mary

165. Tamor

166. Hannah

m. --- DuBoise



CORNELIUS SLOAT (Johannes, 50)

b. 6 May 1789

d. 10 Jan. 1819 "ae. 29"



b. 1791

d. 12 Mar. 1866 ae. 75y 9m 13d, Woodstock, Ulster Co., N.Y.

(Grave-stone Records, Poucher)

Chn., Sloat:

167. John




bap. 30 July 1769, Shawangunk, Ulster Co., N.Y.



Chn., Sloat:

168. Charles b. 17 Sep. 1791; bap. 26 Dec. 1791, New Platz D/R Ch.

169. Jonas b. 7 Oct. 1795; bap. 1 Nov. 1795

m. Susan Baston

170. Alexander Coe b. 1 Jan. 1797; bap. 18 Feb. 1798

m. --- Constable

171. Hiram

m. --- Van Kuren

172. Maria

m. John Lawrence

173. Henry Elting b. 7 May 1802; bap. 16 Oct. 1803

m. Margaret Jenkins

They resided in the vicinity of Modena and Jenkinstown, Plattskill Twp., Ulster Co., N.Y. He was a farmer and owned a few slaves. He was also a millwright and built water power mills in that section. They were admitted as members of the New Hurley Dutch Reformed Church 6 July 1794.



ELLENA SLOAT (Jonas, 51)

bap. 1 Mar. 1776, New Hurley



Chn., Maston:

1. Phebe b. 21 Jan. 1796, New Hurley

2. Lodiwick{Lodwick} Weller b. 8 Sep. 1800, New Hurley



DANIEL SLOAT (Daniel, 52)

b. 1799

d. 6 Jan. 1844

m. 14 May 1819


b. 12 July 1800

d. 1 Jan. 1901

Chn., Sloat:

174. Henry Lowary b. 14 Nov. 1825

m. Sarah C. Anderson

175. Daniel b. 5 Apr. 1828

m. Sarah P. Griffiths

176. Alonzo b. 14 Sep. 1830; d. 29 July 1901

m. Margaret A. Boyd b. 17 June 1840

177. Sarah Ann b. 16 Apr. 1833

m. John F. Wood

178. Josephine b. 9 Apr. 1835; d. 6 Jan. 1909

m. 19 Dec. 1875 Henry L. Parchall b. 25 Dec. 1841; d. 15 Feb. 1909

179. Ann b. -- Nov. 1836; d. -- Jan. 1875

180. John b. 20 July 1841, unmarried.



ALEXANDER SLOAT (Cornelius, 53)

b. 21 Dec. 1772

d. 21 July 1838



b. 8 July 1775

d. 19 Aug. 1842

Chn., Sloat:

181. Elizabeth b. 2 Jan. 1795

m. Joshua Freelan Batchelor

182. Cornelius Layton b. 24 Oct. 1796

m. Ann Adams

183. Eleanor Catherine b. 13 Feb. 1799

m. James Henry Corbusier

184. Sarah Ann b. 5 May 1801

m. Joseph Bakewell

185. Susan b. 24 Nov. 1803; d. 13 Mar. 1884

m. (1) 29 Dec. 1825 --- Painter

m. (2) John Loyd

186. Alexander b. 15 Sep. 1806

m. Catherine ---

187. Jerusha b. 23 Mar. 1810; d. 30 Mar. 1838

188. Mary b. 25 Feb. 1813; d. 4 Mar. 1828

189. Andrew Layton b. 8 Mar. 1816; d. 5 Jan. 1853

190. Louisa b. 26 Nov. 1822

m. (1) Timothy Vernon

m. (2) John Ball Edwards

m. (3) William Wallace Hurd



JOHANNES SLOAT (Cornelius, 53)

b. 1779

d. 9 Dec. 1856



Chn., Sloat:

191. Ellinor bap. 25 Nov. 1799, Shawangunk Ch.

192. Cornelius bap. 14 Sep. 1804, Shawangunk Ch.

m. Jane Taylor

193. Sallie bap. 2 Jan. 1802, Shawangunk Ch.

m. Jacob Snyder

194. Henry bap. 26 May 1807

m. Hettie Millspaugh

195. Arthur bap. 4 may 1810

196. Margaret

m. Henry Ackerman

197. Maria Eliza bap. 7 Dec. 1812



CORNELIUS SLOAT (Cornelius, 53)

b. 20 Nov. 1782, New Hurley

d. 22 Apr. 1851

m. (1)


he m. (2)


Chn. by wife (1), Sloat:

198. Sylvanus bap. 9 Dec. 1803, Shawangunk Ch.

199. Johathan bap. 21 Nov. 1805, Shawangunk Ch.

200. James bap. 19 Sep. 1807

m. --- Little

Chn. by wife (2), Sloat:

201. Daniel b. 10 Feb. 1810; bap. 20 Feb. 1810, Shawangunk Ch.

202. Johan b. 1812; d. 1874

m. (1) Martha Corkey

m. (2) Eleanor ---

203. Jane b. 26 Feb. 1815; d. 2 Dec. 1850, unmarried

204. Ellen

m. Levi Owens

205. Eliza

m. James Oughletree

206. Sarah

207. Alexander b. 2 Oct. 1822; d. 14 Aug. 1900

m. --- Stephens

This branch of the family located near Pine Bush, Orange Co., N.Y. about 1780. Many burials are found in the Old Prospect Church yard beginning 1804.



JAMES SLOAT (Cornelius, 53)

b. 23 Sep. 1787

d. 16 Oct. 1859

m. 20 June 1811


b. 31 Mar. 1785

d. -- Oct. 1847

Chn., Sloat:

208. Albert Nelson b. 4 Mar. 1812; d. 26 Sept. 1872

m. Maria Hunter

209. Eleanor b. 21 Jan. 1814; bap. 27 Jan. 1814, Shawangunk Ch.;

d. 3 Jan. 1838

210. Henry Polhemus b. 19 Feb. 1816

m. Mary Ann Gillespie

211. Marcus b. 31 Mar. 1818; d. 14 July 1845

m. 1861 Elizabeth Jewell

212. Luther b. 25 May 1820; d. 23 Aug. 1822

213. Calvin b. 25 May 1820; d. 10 Jan. 1824

214. James Wilson b. 22 July 1822; d. 1840

215. Martha Elizabeth b. 28 Oct. 1825; d. 31 Mar. 1827

216. John Calvin b. 6 June 1828

m. Catherine Lorena Bogart b. 1 July 1833




bap. 29 Jan. 1791

d. 1866

m. (1)


m. (2)


Chn., Sloat:

217. Calvin

m. Maria Jane Scott

218. Adeline

m. Andrew Johnson

219. Hunter d. young

220. Archibald

m. Charlotte Blackman

221. John Henry Livingston

m. Harriet Ann Traphagan

222. Mary C. b. 1818; d. 1860; unmarried



Rev. John Sloat was born in Carmel town New York, 1779, son of Elias and Elizabeth (Hart) Sloat.

He married Esther Raymond, native of Dutchess County, N.Y. His parents were Methodists and members of the first class formed in Carmel and were often led by Benjamin Abbott, thru whose influence and teaching John became seriously inclined toward religion.

Beginning at an early age, John began seeking spiritual guidance and ever reverted with devout gratitude to the time and place when the Redeemer said to his troubled spirit: "Peace, be still".

He was a resident of the old Cortlandt circuit, then embracing twenty-eight appointments extending from the Highlands on the north to Sing Sing on the south and from the Hudson River east to Connecticut.

Mr. Thacher was preacher in charge of receiving Mr. Sloat into the church, baptizing him by immersion in the "Big Pond", then unfrequented and little known, now Lake Mahopac, a noted summer resort. About a year later he received license to preach and labored zealously for two years.

He was recommended by the Quarterly Conference of Carmel to preach the Gospel and was ordained by Bishop Roberts in 1807. He was first sent to labor in the Highlands by William Thacher, associated together with Barney Matthias and Cyrus Foss. He traveled on foot by night and by day, through forests and over cliffs for the first year, then the circuit bought him a horse.

His first text was "Come unto me all the ends of the earth and be ye saved". This invocation was the keynote of his subsequent preaching. He believed in a free and full salvation.

But Mr. Sloat was not long strictly itinerant. He soon assumed the duties of evangelist, and few "circuit riders" of his day, performed more religious labor than he and his journeys back and forth across the mountains were marked by results of the most signal character. It was during his journeys that his powers began to be felt and his usefulness acknowledged. His geniality and his simple, fervid eloquence moved hundreds to the standard of the Master. He often said: "Give me a place for the sole of my foot and I will preach the Gospel".

Among his associates was Cyrus Foss, then a young man, who followed in his pathway, forming classes.

Mr. Sloat lived in a continual revival; his first class of six members soon numbered sixty. He continued his work westward to the Hudson, then crossed the River and held quarterly meetings at West Point. Some of the soldiers accepted the sacrament in full dress. It was about 1810 when the first Society was formed at West Point and the Society continues until this day.

And so in season and out of season, in school-house and barns, in kitchens and open air he labored diligently and often in his latter years was pleased to meet those who years before had accepted the Savior by his appeals.

Church edifices in those early days were rare: the old building at Shrub Oak always a favorite spot with him, and a little tabernacle on Mount Airy near Coldberg being about the only ones. The first meeting in Peekskill was held in a {room about twenty feet square. The Society in charge of J. Z. Nichols was small and discouraging at first but later revivals, hymns and prayers brought many into the fold.} [bottom of page cut off of LA ms]

Mr. Sloat was associated with Elijah Woolsey, known as "son of thunder"; with Rev. Henry Eames, Freeborn Garretson and Marvin Richardson, great and reverend souls whose names now stand as historic memorials.

For many years Mr. Sloat lived on his own quiet farm near the place of this birth, laboring for his Master until extreme old age palsied his frame. Up to within a few years of his death he preached frequently. He officiated at the burial of more than 3,000 persons and performed the marriage ceremony many more times than any minister in that section. He was ever a great favorite with the people. His distinguished personal appearance, his snow white hair, his exceedingly rich, finely modulated voice, together with his gentleness of character, and above all his undoubted piety, made him the beloved of all who knew him.

In his family he was ever the center of affection, ruling them with religious love, even when he was so palsied as to require constant attention. His funeral was largely attended at Shrub Oaks, the scene of many of his labors and triumphs where his friends long ago had secured for him a pleasant place to rest in his own new tomb. All classes flocked sadly to his burial feeling that a father is Israel had gone.

Rev. John Sloat died 22 December 1862 aged 83 years.

Written by Mr. Curry, presiding elder.



REV. JOHN SLOAT (Elias,63)

b. 30 Oct. 1779

d. 22 Dec. 1862

m. (1)


b. 22 Aug. 1780 dau. Thaddeus & Tamesin (Mead) Raymond

d. 22 July 1834

He m. (2)


b. 1797

d. 18 Mar. 1869 ae. 72

Chn., Sloat:

223. Henry b. 15 Nov. 1799; d. 1 Apr. 1873

m. Anna Warren

224. Tammy b. 10 Aug. 1802; d. 22 Jan. 1873

m. James Hart

225. Ann b. 14 Apr. 1806; d. 2 Nov. 1864

m. Marcus Ganung

226. Eliza b. 30 Mar. 1811; d. 2 July 1888

m. Enos Warren

227. Rachel b. 28 June 1817

m. (1) Ebenezer Boyd

m. (2) John Hewlett



ANN (ANNA) SLOAT (Elias, 63)

b. 5 July 1784

d. 10 May 1820

m. 17 June 1808


b. 28 May 1785

d. 9 Apr. 1820

Chn., Robinson:

1. daughter b. 21 Nov. 1809; d. 27 Nov. 1809

2. Jane b. 28 Aug. 1810

m. --- Bissell

3. Sarah b. 9 Sep. 1813; d. 1 Oct. 1903; bu. Red Bank, N.J.

m. (1) --- Reed

m. (2) Michael Barker b. 1 Jan. 1811; d. 14 Apr. 1883; bu. Red Bank, N.J.

their dau. Hattie Barker m. George Hart, son of Tammy Sloat #224

4. son b. 21 May 1818; d. 30 May 1818

5. son b. 21 May 1818; d. 6 June 1818



JAMES SLOAT (Elias, 63)

b. 26 Nov. 1786

d. 21 Apr. 1874

m. 29 Oct. 1807


b. 21 Feb. 1786

d. 4 Mar. 1872

Chn., Sloat:

228. Warren b. 30 Sept. 1808; d. 5 Jan. 1876

m. Rachel Travis

229. Edson b. 20 Dec. 1812; d. 27 Mar. 1886

m. (1) Elizabeth Cole

m. (2) Jane Wright

230. Orman b. 27 July 1823

m. Naomi Wright

231. Elbert b. 14 Oct. 1827{; d. 1909}

m. (1) Mary E. Vail

{m. (2) Susan Shear} [bottom of page cut off on LA ms.]




b. 30 Mar. 1739

d. 23 July 1862

m. 25 Sep. 1868


d. 29 Mar. 1868

Chn., Sloat:

232. Elizabeth b. 17 July 1821; d. 31 July 1866

m. Joshua S. Carpenter

233. Elias W. b. 17 Nov. 1822; d. 7 Feb. 1877

printer at Carmel, N.Y. ca. 1853

m. 18 Nov. 1869 Mary Van Riper

234. Antha L. b. 10 Jan. 1827; d. 26 Apr. 1876

m. 23 Jan. 1851 Martin Dupuy

235. Sarah A. b. 30 Sep. 1831; d. 1 Oct. 1868




b. 19 May 1793



Chn., Warren:

1. William

2. Mary

3. John

4. Eliza

5. Wesley

6. Susan




b. 14 Apr. 1796



d. 1840

Chn., Gregory:

1. Ezra

2. Phebe

3. Mary Elizabeth

m. Thaddeus Raymond Ganung




b. 12 Sep. 1802

d. 1 May 1874

m. (1) 6 Apr. 1822


b. 31 Mar. 1802

d. 1 Apr. 1825

He m. (2) 3 Sep. 1825


b. 14 June 1808

d. 29 Apr. 1880

Chn., Sloat, by (1):

236. Susan Ann b. 20 Aug. 1824

m. Robert Ray

Chn., Sloat, by (2):

237. Mary Ann b. 19 May 1829

m. John Milton Wing

238. Elizabeth b. 12 Aug. 1831; d. 3 Sep. 1850

239. Sarah b. 19 Feb. 1834

m. Platt Sloat Wright

240. Phebe Jane b. 11 June 1838; d. 28 Mar. 1909

{m. 1879 Freeman Smalley} [bottom of page cut off LA ms]



MARCUS SLOAT (James, 64)

b. 12 Dec. 1783



b. 1 June 1787

d. 9 Mar. 1846 "ae. 58-9-8"

Chn., Sloat:

241. Leonard b. 10 Oct. 1806; d. 9 Apr. 1828 "ae. 21-6-30"

Old Gilead Cememtery - NYGB, Vol 34.




of Lake Mahopac, N.Y.

b. 3 Jan. 1789

d. 1869

m.(1) 10 Feb. 1810


b. 27 Feb. 1790 dau. Daniel & Elizabeth (Gregory) Gregory (cousins)

Daniel Gregory b. 13 Nov. 1752; d. 13 Nov. 1817; m. 1775

d. 1837

He m. (2)


widow of Lewis Gregory

d. 1848

Gregory Genealogy by Grant Gregory

Chn., Sloat, by (1):

242. Charles b. 12 Nov. 1811

m. 1838 Rachel Ganung

243. Hannah b. 11 Oct. 1815

m. Solomon Hill



ISAAC SLOAT (James, 64)

b. 27 Dec. 1799

d. 22 Apr. 1859


PHILENA --- [not clear if death date is for Isaac or Philena]

b. 1793


Chn., Sloat:

244.Lyman b. 1827; d. 13 Jan. 1861 "ae. 34"




b. 30 Dec. 1783

d. 20 June 1830



b. 26 Sep. 1780

d. 13 Apr. 1845

bu. Old Gilead Cemetery

Chn., Sloat:

244. Dorcas E. b. 21 Aug. 1804

245. Anna Maria b. 20 June 1810

246. Zelia Merritt b. 18 May 1812

247. Cornelius Erastus Darwin b. 9 Sep. 1814; d. 9 Nov. 1892

248. John Ganung b. 11 June 1817; d. 1821

249. Marcus J. b. 18 May 1820

250. Hannah J. b. 16 Feb. 1823

m. Ambrose Burdick



PETRUS SLOAT (Petrus, 66)

bap. 24 Oct. 1772



Chn., Sloat:

300. Peter b. 10 Mar. 1803, Pompton Plains

301. John b. 6 Aug. 1805, Pompton Plains

302. Sally b. 13 Mar. 1808

303. Mary b. 13 Dec. 1811

304. Isaac b. 27 Jan. 1814



KATRINA SLOAT (Petrus, 66)

b. 23 June 1774

m. 7 Aug. 1802, Pompton Plains


Chn., Folk:

1. Annie Dollie b. 27 Mar. 1803, Pompton Plains

2. Sallie Slote b. 13 Mar. 1804, Pompton Plains

3. John Slote b. 23 Jan. 1810

4. Peter Slote b. 14 Apr. 1813




b. 26 July 1781; bap. 21 Oct. 1781 - posthumous

Old Presbyterian Ch., Goshen, New York

d. 28 Nov. 1867, New York City

m. 27 Nov. 1814


b. 6 Nov. 1795 dau. Capt. James & Susanna (Grover) Gordon

d. 15 Nov. 1878

Chn., Sloat:

305. Lewis Washington b. 26 Nov. 1815; d. 3 Mar. 1886

306. Jeanette Eliza b. 19 Sep. 1821; d. 10 Dec. 1889

m. James Bayard Whittemore

307. John Drake [Jr.] b. 18 Sep. 1833

m. Myra Louise Robson




b. 28 Dec. 1789

d. 2 Mar. 1851

m. 25 Dec. 1809


b. 21 July 1790

d. 1 May 1876

Chn., Sloat:

308. Isaac b. 1 Nov. 1810

m. (1) Jane Fowler

m. (2) Jane DeMott

309. Nancy Eleanor b. 27 Apr. 1812

m. James Suffern Wanmaker

310. Peter Ward b. 5 Dec. 1817

m. Lydia Shultz

311. Emeline b. 26 July 1819

m. Charles D. Wood

312. John Jacob b. 22 July 1822

m. (1) Kate Broad

m. (2) Jane Ward

313. William Lafayette b. 23 June 1824

m. Mary Ann Whitmore

314. Stephen Spencer b. 30 July 1828

m. Mary Eliza Perkins

315. Mary Jane b. 1 Mar. 1830

m. Andrew Edward Suffern



JACOB SLOAT (Isaac, 72)

b. 13 Sep. 1791, Paramus Ch.

d. 15 July 1857

m. 4 Feb. 1826


b. 28 May 1802

d. 6 Aug. 1871

Chn., Sloat:

316. Leah Louise b. 9 Dec. 1827

m. Garrett Myers Anderson

317. Martha Ellen b. 27 Oct. 1829

m. Newton Pomeroy Fassett

318. Isaac Andrew b. 16 May 1881; d. 7 Apr. 1832

319. Mary Ward b. 8 Dec. 1833

m. Gabriel Harrison

320. Sarah Sobriskie b. 13 Nov. 1835; d. 5 Oct. 1836

321. Henry Ransom b. 28 Feb. 1838

m. (1) Henrietta Schultz

m. (2) Carrie Ward Schultz

322. Stephen Sobriskie b. 30 Jan. 1845; d. 30 July 1849



DAVID JAMES M. SLOAT (Daniel David, 76)

b. 7 May 1809

d. 20 Aug. 1849

m. (1)


d. 29 Aug. 1842 ae. 18-8-13(?)

dau. David Lathrop

He m. (2) 17 Sep. 1846


b. 13 May 1828

d. 27 Feb. 1878

Chn., Sloat, by (1):

[no #] David Lathrop d. 20 Sep. 1842 ae. 8 mo.; bur. Pine Hill Cem., Wywaubaj [hand written last line]

[this entry and his mother were added by hand -

David Lathrop Sloat "d-9-20-1812 ae 8 mos"]

Chn., Sloat, by (2):

323. James Whitford b. 5 Aug. 1847

m. Sophrina Jane Hunter

324. Mary Frances b. 15 July 1849

m. William Jay Groo



CHARITY JANE SLOAT (David Daniel, 76)

b. 29 Nov. 1818

d. 25 Oct. 1883



Chn., Peatt:

1. Mary Ann

2. Altha

3. David Henry



SILAS SLOAT (Johnannes J., 77)

b. 1793

d. 25 July 1823


--- ? ---

Chn., Sloat:

325. Achsan b. 12 Dec. 1818

m. --- Bogart

326. George R. b. 1 July 1820

327. Lydia Strong b. 2 Nov. 1821

328. Silasa b. 5 Sep. 1823



JOHN SLOAT (Johannes J., 77)

b. 9 Dec. 1799

d. 25 Dec. 1873

m. 1822


b. 2 Oct. 1802

Chn., Sloat:

329. Jane Woodruff

330. Charles Oscar

331. John Lathrop b. 18 Aug. 1829; d. 12 Apr. 1847

332. James Bacon

333. Marion b. 18 Aug. 1833; d. 2 Oct. 1833

334. Sarah Mead b. 18 Oct. 1834

m. 3 Jan. 1861 Norris Dunn

335. William b. 4 July 1836; d. unmarried

336. Samuel Church

337. Burget Rathbone

338. Henry Wagner



LEANDER SLOAT (Johannes J., 77)

b. 27 Apr. 1810

d. 1873

m. 1 Nov. 1828


b. 5 Oct. 1801

Chn., Sloat:

339. Mercia b. 17 Oct. 1828

340. Nancy b. 27 Apr. 1832

341. Sarah b. 26 Oct. 1834

342. Achsan b. 24 Nov. 1837

m. 20 Mar. 1856 Joseph McNitt



MARIETTA SLOAT (Johnannes J., 77)

b. 1811

d. 18 Mar. 1837 [1807 ? 1887 ?]

m. __ Dec. 1832


Chn., Angell:

1. Hattie

2. Edward Byron



HANNAH SLOAT (Johannes, J., 77)

d. 22 May 1863



Chn., Rappleys:

1. Celia b. 11 July 1834

2. Julia A. b. 18 Nov. 1835

3. Matilda R. b. 16 Aug. 1837



JONAS SLOAT (Johannes, 86)

b. 7 Oct. 1795; bap. 1 Nov. 1795, New Platz

d. 1846

m. 1814


b. 1795

d. 1888 resided in Philadelphia, Penna.

Chn., Sloat:

343. Gertrude b. 1816; d. 1849

m. James Wilson

344. George Baston b. 31 Oct. 1818

m. 1841 Sarah Catherine Wilson

he served in the Confederate Army, Civil War

345. Hannah b. 1821

m. 1834 Edward Styles

346. Rachel b. 1823

m. John Moore

347. Elizabeth b. 1824

348. Louisa b. 1826; d. 1846; unmarried

349. Amelia b. 1827; d. 1860

m. 1849 Newton Sommars Philo

350. Henry Elting b. 1 May 1831

m. Harriet E. Riddle

[Note at bottom of page of LC ms as footnote for #345:] {Apparently these dates are approximated and perhaps an error exists in #345 as Hannah would have been only 13 when she married. She was probably born about 1819.}




b. 1 Jan. 1797; bap. 18 Feb. 1798, Marbletown, Ulster Co.



They resided in Brooklyn, N.Y.

Chn., Sloat:

351. John, Capt. of Police, Brooklyn

352. Daughter

m. --- Jennings of Chicago, IL



HIRAM SLOAT (Johannes, 86)



They resided in Shawangunk

Chn., Sloat:

no #. Maria

no #. Sarah



MARIA SLOAT (Johannes, 86)



Chn., Lawrence:

1. Hattie

m. William Bates

2. Milton

3. Nelson




b. 7 May 1802, Modena, N.Y.; bap. New Hurley D.R.Ch.

d. 14 Sep. 1882

m. 29 Nov. 18--

MARGARET JENKINS of Jenkinstown, Ulster Co.

b. 1 Nov. 1802 dau. of John & Mary C. (Broadhead) Jenkins

d. 18 Jan. 1883

They resided at Port Richmond, Staten Island

Chn., Sloat:

353. Jane b. 23 Nov. 1826, Port Richmond; d. 5 Feb. 1870

354. Jenkins b. 7 Jan. 1828; d. 4 May 1905; bu. Palisades Cem.

355. Margaret b. 1830; d. 1832

356. Laura Amanda b. 10 Mar. 1832; d. 1907

m. George Hollenbeck Welles of Wyalusnig, Bradford Co., Penna.

357. Margaret J. b. 16 Oct. 1834, Port Richmond; d. 8 Sept. 1863

358. Charles Brodhead b. 10 Mar. 1838, Tappan Landing; d. 19 Sep. 1866;

bu. Palisades Cem.

359. Henry Van Vliet b. 10 Apr. 1840, Tappan Landing; d. 12 Apr. 192;

bu. Greenwood, Brooklyn

m. (1) Sarah Potter

m. (2) Nellie Bankes

360. Richard Brodhead b. 14 Feb. 1842

m. Mary Boyd

361. Margaret Adelaide b. 8 Nov. 1848, Tappan Landing; d. 8 Aug. 1872;

bu. Palisades Cem.




b. 14 Nov. 1825

d. 8 Jan. 1906

m. 11 June 1850


b. __ June 1826

d. 2 Jan. 1901

Chn., Sloat:

362. William H. b. 6 Apr. 1852

363. Edgar b. 11 Sep. 1854

m. Nettie Blank

364. Daniel L. b. 4 Nov. 1856; d. 12 Nov. 1892

m. Nellie Pangburn

365. Henry L. b. 25 Sep. 1858; d. 30 Apr. 1893



DANIEL SLOAT (Daniel, 94)

b. 5 Apr. 1828

d. 13 Feb. 1882

m. 15 July 1859


b. 1 Feb. 1842

Chn., Sloat: [bottom of page cut off on LA ms]

366. infant b. 28 Sep. 1870; d. 30 Sep. 1870

367. {Daniel b. 2 Dec. 1871; d. 20 Apr. 1873}

368. {Isabel b. 24 Nov. 1874; m. Albert E. Angus}



Henry Elting Sloat resided at Port Richmond, Staten Island. At the age of twenty he was appointed constable and rode horse-back to serve papers.

In 1832 he was appointed by President Andrew Jackson as Captain of the Staten Island Light Horse, an organization of mounted militia.

He acquired property extending from above City Hall at St. George to the Bay where the New York ferries dock. Most of this he sold to Commodore Vanderbilt about 1850.

Late in the 1830's he located at Tappan Landing, now Piermont, where he engaged in dock building. There he built a pier extending a mile into the Hudson River, for the Erie Railroad. Failure to obtain a charter necessitated a terminal in New Yoek State. He built the first Erie Railroad bridge spanning the Delaware River at a point near Sparrow Beach. He also built portions of the railroad.

Henry Elting Sloat is described as a large man over six feet, well proportioned. He had a brilliant mind and drew up contracts with the ability of a lawyer, and was active in politics.

He died at the home of Joseph Elting Sloat at Old Chester, now Rockleigh Bore, Bergen County, New Jersey.



SARAH ANN SLOAT (Daniel, 94)

b. 16 Apr. 1833

d. 16 Aug. 1893

m. 29 Sep. 1854


b. 21 Oct. 1829

d. 8 Nov. 1890

Chn., Wood:

1. Josephine b. 8 July 1855; d. 6 Oct. 1872

2. John Fleet b. 7 Jan. 1859

3. Ann Slote b. 6 Dec. 1860; d. 20 Mar. 1861

4. Alonzo b. 27 Feb. 1863; d. 26 May 1863

5. Catherine Lowary b. 7 Aug. 1866; d. 18 Feb. 1868

6. Daniel Slote b. 22 July 1870

7. Margaret Boyd b. 17 Sep. 1872; d. 10 Mar. 1881



ELIZABETH SLOAT (Alexander, 96)

b. 2 Jan. 1795

d. 5 Mar. 1855

m. 11 May 1835


Chn., Batchelor:

1. Mary Amanda

2. Eliza

3. John

4. Sarah

5. Eleanor Catherine

6. Joshua Freelan b. 5 Jan. 1834

[possible typo both ms? last child b. 1 yr before wed]




b. 24 Oct. 1796

m. 27 May 1827


Chn., Sloat:

369. Mary

m. George Merritt

370. Kingsland




b. 13 Feb. 1799

d. 17 Feb. 1846

m. 20 Oct. 1818


b. 6 Mar. 1795

d. 18 Mar. 1846

Chn., Corbusier:

1. William Morrison b. 17 Sep. 1819 {See page 10 ["Authorities"]}

2. Mary Ann b. 2 May 1821

3. Eliza Tucker b. 4 Sep. 1823

4. James Alexander b. 14 Dec. 1825

5. Sarah Alice b. 22 Mar. 1827

6. Edward Henry b. 9 Mar. 1830



SARAH ANN SLOAT (Alexander, 96)

b. 5 May 1801

d. 7 Dec. 1865

m. 10 Sep. 1824


Chn., Bakewell:

1. Josephine

2. Henrietta

3. Sarah

4. Charles

5. Joseph

6. Henry

7. Louise

8. Albert

9. Melton



ALEXANDER SLOAT (Alexander, 96)

b. 15 Sep. 1806

d. 27 Sep. 1842



Chn., Sloat:

371. Alexander b. 1831; d. young

372. Jerusha Ann b. 1838



LOUISA SLOAT (Alexander, 96)

b. 26 Nov. 1818

d. 1882

m. (1) 1846


She m. (2) 1854


She m. (3) 1860


Chn., Edwards, by (2):

1. Louisa

Chn., Hurd, by (3):

2. Nellie



SALLIE SLOAT (Johannes, 99)

bap. 2 Jan. 1802



Chn., Snyder:

1. Nancy

2. Selinda

3. Arthur

4. Joel



HENRY SLOAT (Johannes, 99)

bap. 26 May 1807, Shawangunk Ch.



Chn., Sloat:

373. Johannes


375. | Three others, names unknown




JAMES SLOAT (Cornelius, 100)

bap. 19 Sep. 1807, Shawangunk Ch.



Chn., Sloat:

377. Alfred Hurtin b. 23 Jan. 1839

m. Mary Elizabeth Wells

378. Cornelius J.

379. Mary

m. Henry Williams



DANIEL SLOAT (Cornelius, 100)

b. 10 Feb. 1810; bap. 22 Feb. 1810, Shawangunk Ch.


--- PUFF

Chn., Sloat:

380. Lettie Jane

381. Alfred

m. --- Popkins

382. Theodore

383. James



JOHAN SLOAT (Cornelius, 100)

b. 1812

d. 1874

m. (1)


b. 1814

d. 4 Mar. 1849

He m. (2)


b. 31 Jan. 1818

d. 1881

Chn., by (1), Sloat:

384. Henry Corkey b. 2 Apr. 1842

m. Laura Parmley

385. Charity Jane b. 13 Sept. 1843

m. Jonas Sparks

386. Mary Lavina b. 7 Feb. 1845

m. Henry Washburn

387. Eliza Agnes b. 13 Dec. 1847

m. Abraham Woetendyke

388. Martha Eleanor b. 15 July 1851

m. Isaac Newby

389. William Silvert b. 22 July 1856

m. Augusta Steizer

390. Laura Elizabeth b. 18 Jan. 1860

m. George Klaus

391. Frank B. b. 1865

m Katherine ---

392. Cornelius d. inf.

393. John d. inf.



ELLEN SLOAT (Cornelius, 100)



Chn., Owens:

1. George b. 1839

2. James b. 1841

3. Sarah Jane b. 1843



ELIZA SLOAT (Cornelius, 100)



Chn., Oughletree:

1. Daniel b. 1841

2. Alexander Perry b. 1843



ALEXANDER SLOAT (Cornelius, 100)



Chn., Sloat:

394. Emmet

395. Annie

396. Mary




b. 4 Mar. 1812

d. 26 Sep. 1872

m. 11 Mar. 1844


b. 18 Feb. 1816

Chn., Sloat:

397. John Hunter b. 16 Jan. 1845; d. 8 Feb. 1846

398. James Henry b. 24 Dec. 1846; d. 24 Nov. 1877

m. 29 Jan. 1870 Sarah E. Luce

399. Mary Louise b. 16 Jan. 1849

m. 26 May 1865 Augustine M. Ballard

400. Emily Hunter b. 18 FEb. 1852




b. 19 Feb. 1816

d. 25 Oct. 1880

m. 18 Sep. 1838


b. 26 MAY 1818

Chn., Sloat:

401. James Renwick b. 16 June 1839

m. Lucy Ellen Pearsons

402. Ellen Phebe b. 1843

m. William Gardner

403. Polhemus b. 7 Jan. 1847; d. 8 Nov. 1855




b. 6 July 1828

d. 17 Nov. 1891

m. 12 Oct. 1854


b. 17 July 1833

Chn., Sloat:

404. Catherine Ann d. Oct 1868

405. Ellen Sarah b. 5 Oct. 1858

m. 16 Jan. 1880 Charles M. Lumpkins

406. Phebe d. Oct. 1868

407. Mary Elizabeth b. 6 Mar. 1864

m. 2 Apr. 1886 John W. Reid

408. Margaret b. 16 Nov. 1866



CALVIN SLOAT (Arthur Gibson, 102)



Chn., Sloat:

409. William Arthur b. 18 July 1854

410. Louisa

411. Frances d. young



ADELINE SLOAT (Arthur Gibson, 102)



Chn., Johnson:

1. Mary

2. Riville

3. Marion



ARCHIBALD SLOAT (Arthur Gibson, 102)


--- ---

Chn., Sloat:

412. Henry Calvin

413. Archibald



HENRY SLOAT (John, 105)

b. 15 Nov. 1799

d. 1 Apr. 1873

m. 20 Aug. 1822


b. 19 June 1805

d. 30 Mar. 1870

Chn., Sloat:

no #. John b. 1825; d. 7 Feb. 1897 [hand entry in LA ms] {Portchester, N.Y.}

{(received too late to give number)}

414. Esther b. 20 Aug. 1826

415. David S. b. 15 Nov. 1832

416. Frank Donally b. 28 Sep. 1835

m. Betsy A. Bristol

417. Anna b. 22 May 1836

m. Leander Baker

A grand-daughter (parent unknown) of Henry (#223) m. Washington A. Croft. [hand entry in LA ms] {A note states a niece of John Sloat (1825-1897) m. Washington M. Craft.}



TAMMY SLOAT (John, 105)

b. 10 Aug. 1802

d. 22 Jan. 1873

m. 19 May 1821


b. 22 Nov. 1794

d. 23 Oct. 1882

Chn., Hart:

1. Elizabeth b. 14 Jan. 1822

m. Peter Curry b. 17 May 1811, Carmel, N.Y.

son of Lewis & Mary (Secor) Curry

2. Maria b. 20 Mar. 1826

m. 28 Apr. 1853 John Berry Cole b. 10 Apr. 1821

res. Brooklyn, N.Y.

3. Ward b. 31 Mar. 1828

m. Esther L. Brown

dau. Samuel & Margaret (Tompkins) Brown

res. Charles City, Iowa

4. Sarah b. 23 Mar. 1830

m. William Horton

5. John b. 8 Apr. 1833

m. Nancy Louisa Hyatt

res. Shrub Oaks, N.Y.

6. Hester b. 9 July 1835; d. 14 Mar. 1854

7. Anna b. 7 Jan. 1839

m. Frank Varian White, M.D.

res. New York City

8. Wright b. 18 Mar. 1841; d. 22 May 1864

killed in Civil War

9. George W. b. 3 June 1843, Putnam Co., N.Y.; d. 17 Feb. 1931, Portchester, N.Y.

m. 7 Dec. 1867, Red Mills, N.Y.Hattie Barker b. 10 Jan. 1845, Red Mills, NY;

d. 16 Aug. 1905, Brooklyn, NY

dau. of Michael & Sarah (Robinson) Barker

Sarah Robinson dau. of Anne Sloat, #107

Red Mills is now Mahopac Falls, N.Y.



ANN SLOAT (John, 105)

b. 14 Apr. 1806

d. 2 Nov. 1864

m. 24 Feb. 1826


b. 22 Nov. 1804

d. 6 Jan. 1877

Chn., Ganung:

1. Nancy b. 27 Aug. 1827; d. 8 Nov. 1909

m. 15 Nov. 1848 Perry McCollum b. 9 Jan. 1822; d. 10 Apr. 1907

2. Thaddeus Raymond b. 17 Nov. 1829; d. 28 Feb. 1898

m. (1) 1848 Mary Gregory b. 1830; d. 1854; bu. Union Valley Cem.

m. (2) Mary Ann Hudson b. 24 May 1824; d. 7 Dec. 1917

res. Fairy Island, Lake Mahopac, New York

3. Jackson b. 12 Jan. 1832; d. 17 June 1898

m. 15 Sep. 1857 Cecelia Travis b. 17 June 1831; d. 2 Jan. 1911

dau. Samuel & Hannah (Pinckney) Travis

4. Edwin Crosby b. 4 Sep. 1834

m. (1) 25 Oct. 1859 Julia Ann Craft b. 10 Dec. 1840; d. 16 May 1864

m. (2) 3 May 1868 Henrietta Elizabeth Craft b. 31 Dec. 1847

5. Elida b. 6 Sep. 1837; d. 22 Oct. 1922

m. 4 Nov. 1868 Jacob Storms Ryder b. 28 Aug. 1835; d. 15 Sep. 1907

6. Melissa Ann b. 15 Sep. 1840; d. 22 Oct. 1929

m. 16 Oct. 1862 William Henry Reynolds b. 22 Feb. 1838; d. 23 Oct. 1912

res. Ossining

7. Hester Ann b. 17 Jan. 1844; d. 27 Sep. 1913

m. 6 Dec. 1871 William Francis Knox

son of Stephen and Roxanna (Delavan) Knox

8. Euphemia b. 15 Jan. 1849; d. 12 Apr. 1906 (Easter Sunday)

m. 13 Nov. 1867 Theodore Wesley Ganung b. 26 July 1841; d. 14 Dec. 1909



ELIZA SLOAT (John, 105)

b. 30 Mar. 1811

d. 2 July 1888

m. 4 Apr. 1832


b. 14 Mar. 1810

d. 13 May 1878

Chn., Warren:

1. Euphemia b. 13 Apr. 1833

2. James McK. b. 3 June 1835

3. Jane C. b. 15 June 1838

4. John b. 18 May 1841

5. James Washington b. 24 Jov. 1843

6. Josephine B. b. 16 Dec. 1845; d. 3 Oct. 1895

m. 18 Sep. 1866 William Henry Corsa b. 6 Apr. 1844; d. 2 Nov. 1895

7. Henrietta S. b. 21 Dec. 1848

8. Amelia C. b. 5 Feb. 1852



RACHEL SLOAT (John, 105)

b. 28 June 1817

m. (1)


she m. (2)


Chn., Boyd:

1. John Sloat

m.(1) Caroline Winters; m(2) --- Couch [handwritten entry – hard to read]

2. Emily



WARREN SLOAT (James, 108)

b. 30 sep. 1808

d. 5 Jan. 1876

m. 27 Oct. 1827


b. 7 June 1807

Chn., Sloat:

418. Anna b. 12 May 1840

m. George Scofield

419. Stanley

420. Lydia



EDSON SLOAT (James, 108)

b. 20 Dec. 1812

d. 27 Mar. 1886

m. (1) 14 Oct. 1835


b. 19 Sep. 1812 to Obed Cole

d. 6 Oct. 1843

he m. (2) 19 Apr. 1846


b. 14 Jan. 1820

d. 21 July 1866

Chn., Sloat, by (1):

421. Lydia Ann b. 3 Juyly 1838

m. George W. Seaman [only last name known in LC ms]

422. James Stanley b. 6 June 1842

Chn., Sloat, by (2):

423. Orson W. b. 28 May 1850

m. Sarah Louise Penny

424. Charles L. b. 10 July 1856

425. Byron b. 6 Mar. 1859



ORMAN SLOAT (James, 108)

b. 27 July 1823

m. 13 Dec. 1843


b. 19 Aug. 1821

d. 20 May 1895

Chn., Sloat:

426. Leonard Ganung b. 12 Feb. 1853

m. 11 Oct. 1876 Lucy Phillips b. 23 Nov. 1856



ELBERT SLOAT (James, 108)

b. 14 Oct. 1827

m. (1) 27 Oct. 1847


he m. (2) 27 Nov. 1892


Chn., Sloat, by (1):

427. George

428. James

429. Benson

430. James

m. Ann Travis

431. Carrie

m. Milan Westcott

432. Edson d. 18 Dec. 1940; ae. 70y5m18d; bu. Union Valley

m. Emma Voorhees of Kent Cliff

No Chn. by (2)



SUSAN ANN SLOAT (Budd-Flower, 113)

b. 20 Aug. 1824

d. 16 Sep. 1860

m. 20 Feb. 1850 as his second wife


Chn., Ray:

1. Robert b. 5 Dec. 1851; d. 17 Aug. 1888

2. William B. b. 29 July 1854; d. 7 Mar. 1923

m. Elizabeth Draper

3. Frances E. b. 10 June 1857

m. Frank Fenn

4. George Sloat

m. Florence Lillian Warren



MARY ANN SLOAT (Budd-Flower, 113)

b. 19 May 1829

d. 15 Apr. 1886

m. 10 Sep. 1861


b. 21 Mar. 1832

d. 15 June 1896

Chn., Wing:

1. Emma Jane b. 25 Dec. 1862

2. Sarah Anna b. 18 Jan. 1867



SARAH SLOAT (Budd-Flower, 113)

b. 19 Feb. 1834

m. 16 May 1858


b. 17 Aug. 1821

d. 4 Sep. 1871

Chn., Wright:

1. William Budd-Flower b. 22 Feb. 1854

2. Platt Sloat (Jr.) b. 19 Apr. 1861; d. 21 May 1883

3. Elias G. b. 1 Aug. 1865; d. 4 Mar. 1940

m. Alice Barrett

4. Mary Cunningham b. 10 Feb. 1870

5. Elizabeth b. 3 Aug. 1872



CHARLES SLOAT (Michael, 117)

b. 12 Nov. 1811

m. 1838


b. 1816 to Abram & Nancy (Early) Ganung

sister of Marcus Ganung (see #225)

d. 1900



HANNAH SLOAT (Michael, 117)

b. 11 Oct. 1815



b. 9 Apr. 1805

d. 22 Aug. 1892

Chn., Hill:

1. Allen Blair

2. Charles S.

3. Tammara




b. 18 May 1812

d. 28 Jan. 1889

m. (1) 28 Aug. 1839


b. 1 Sep. 1817

d. 23 July 1861

He m. (2)


Chn., Sloat, by (1):

433. Oliver Montraville b. 19 July 1840; d. July 1896

m. Martha Wright

434. William H. H. b. 31 July 1841

m. Emily Irene Walker

435. Mary Blanche b. 2 Mar. 1844

m. Theodore Fisher

436. Charles Minor b. 4 May 1845

m. Caroline Ganung

437. Emma Florence b. 12 Dec. 1847

m. George W. Holland

438. Estelle Jane b. 19 Apr. 1849

m. Francis E. Reed

439. Evinaldo Zeleah b. 9 June 1851

m. Emma Hallock

440. Erastus b. 2 Feb. 1853; d. young

441. Sarah Cassandra b. 23 Aug. 1855

442. Ward d. young

Chn., Sloat, by (2):

443. Minerva b. 15 Mar. 1857



HANNAH J. SLOAT (John Ward, 122)

b. 16 Feb. 1823



Chn., Burdick:

1. Josephine d. young




b. 19 Sep. 1821

d. 10 Dec. 1889

m. (1) 11 Dec. 1839


b. 8 Apr. 1815

d. 21 Dec. 1852

she m. (2)

JOHN McKEON Judge, New York City

b. 19 Mar. 1808

d. 22 Nov. 1883

Chn., Whittemore:

1. James Bayard (Jr.) b. 22 Oct. 1840

2. Jeannette Sloat b. 5 July 1848

Chn., McKeon:

3. Mary Ann b. 1856



JOHN DRAKE SLOAT (Jr.) (John Drake, 134)

b. 18 Sep. 1833

d. 25 Dec. 1875

m. 29 Apr. 1869


b. 29 Dec. 1849

d. 6 Jan. 1880

She m. (2) 31 May 1879 - no issue


Chn., Sloat:

500. John Drake (III) b. 28 Feb. 1870 compiler of Sloat Charts

m. 30 Apr. 1895 Ida Augustus Temme b. 20 Feb. 1872

501. William Henry b. 6 Oct. 1873; d. 6 Feb. 1875

502. Louise Gordon b. 19 Aug. 1875

m. 15 Oct. 1894 William Gideon Goodrich b. 27 June 1871

[handwritten note on LA ms: "pg. 64 for sketch of John Drake Sloat."]

[but it should ref. ms pg. 8 for John Drake Sloat Sr - #134]



ISAAC SLOAT (Stephen, 137)

b. 1 Nov. 1810

m. (1)


He m. (2) 1834


b. 16 Jan. 1816

d. 12 July 1860

No Chn. by (1).

Chn., Sloat, by (2):

503. John Blauvelt b. 21 Aug. 1837

m. 8 May 1861 Sarah Catherine --- b. 13 Dec. 1839; d. 19 Sep. 1886

504. Frances b. 26 July 1839

m. John Eckerson

505. Eleanor b. 2 Nov. 1841; d. 17 Apr. 1871

506. Anna b. 1 Oct. 1842; d. 7 May 1851

507. DeMott b. 15 Mar. 1850

m. Lillian Edwards




b. 27 Apr. 1812

d. 17 May 1876

m. 20 Sep. 1831


b. 9 May 1807

d. 4 May 1893

Chn., Wanmaker:

1. Stephen Christian b. 16 Dec. 1832

2. Sarah Cornelia b. 30 Mar. 1834

3. Maria Catherine b. 1 Feb. 1836

4. Emeline b. 4 Apr. 1839

5. Jane Amelia b. 2 Feb. 1840

6. James b. 26 June 1842

7. Edward Suffern b. 4 Mar. 1844

8. Alice Sloat b. 25 June 1846

9. Margaret b. 21 Dec. 1848

10. John b. 13 Jan. 1851

11. Isaac Sloat b. 12 Mar. 1855

12. Charles Wood b. 7 Nov. 1856


[LC ms has a "Missing Pages" marker on this page – but they all seem to be there.]


PETER WARD SLOAT (Stephen, 137)

b. 5 Dec. 1817

d. 11 Oct. 1842


b. 11 Mar. 1825

d. 5 May 1872

Chn., Sloat:

508. William Schultz b. 8 Sep. 1844; d. 9 Feb. 1904

m. 11 Apr. 1879 Henrietta S.{A.} Strong b. 31 Jan. 1838

509. Mary Frederica

m. Oscar Mason



EMELINE SLOAT (Stephen, 137)

b. 26 July 1819

d. 24 May 1861

m. 30 Apr. 1840


b. 12 Jan. 1817

d. 16 Sep. 1898

Chn., Wood:

1. Virginia b. 10 July 1843 [LC has 'Nov.' typed, crossed out, and 'July' handwritten]

2. Stephen b. 2 Nov. 1847

3. Kate Sloat b. 3 Feb. 1853

4. Mary Eleanor b. 31 May 1857



JOHN JACOB SLOAT (Stephen, 137)

b. 22 July 1822

d. 20 Sep. 1886

m. (1)


b. 4 Mar. 1844

d. 3 Oct. 1871

He m. (2) 28 Apr. 1880


Chn., Sloat, by (1):

510. Grace b. 30 June 1868

m. 7 Oct. 1891 Charles P. Hopper b. 16 July 1862

No Chn. by (2).




b. 23 June 1824

d. 2 Mar. 1908

m. (1) 21 Sep. 1851


He m. (2) 18 Dec. 1901


Chn., Sloat, by (1):

511. Frederick b. 8 Nov. 1853; d. 16 Apr. 1909

m. 8 Nov. 1877 Hannah Dater b. 14 June 1857

512. Emma b. 9 Jan. 1864; d. 4 Mar. 1895

m. S.L. Woods b. 11 Mar. 1841; d. 28 Jan. 1910

No Chn. by (2).




b. 30 July 1828

d. 21 Oct. 1852


Chn., Sloat:

513. Charles S.

m. --- Peck - no issue

514. Mary Ann

m. Richard W. Oldfield

515. Kate Louise

m. Newell Brewer - no issue



MARY JANE SLOAT (Stephen, 137)

b. 7 Mar. 1830

m. 21 Sep. 1853


Chn., Suffern:

1. Charles Carroll b. 18 Nov. 1854

2. Katherine b. 13 Aug. 1858




b. 9 Dec. 1827

d. 28 Dec. 1853

m. 3 Apr. 1849


d. -- Aug. 1853

Chn., Anderson:

1. Robert Ward b. 1850

2. Sarah b. 1851




b. 24 Oct. 1829

d. 5 Feb. 1907

m. 20 Oct. 1852


b. 26 Nov. 1827

d. 17 Jan. 1894

Chn., Fassett:

1. Mary Louise b. 8 Jan. 1851

2. Jacob Sloat b. 13 Nov. 1853

3. Julius Philo b. 7 Dec. 1854

4. Sarah Martha b. 31 Aug. 1858

5. Henry Lewis b. 20 May 1860

6. Thurman Edward b. 15 Mar. 1862



MARY WARD SLOAT (Jacob, 138)

b. 8 Dec. 1833

d. 4 Nov. 1900

m. 11 Dec. 1861


b. 23 May 1836

d. 4 Nov. 1900

Chn., Parkhurst:

1. Mary Sloat b. 16 Sep. 1862

2. Martha Coleman b. 6 Oct. 1869




b. 28 Feb. 1838

d. 11 Dec. 1905

m. (1) 13 Oct. 1859


b. 29 Oct. 1840

d. 8 Jan. 1873

He m. (2) 23 June 1875


b. 5 May 1858

Chn., Sloat, by (1):

516. Jacob Aston b. 26 July 1860

517. Emma b. 30 Nov. 1870

m. 24 Apr. 1888 Daniel Burr Van Wagenen b. 26 Sep. 1859

518. Mary Henrietta b. 4 Jan. 1873

m. 22 Oct. 1899 William W. Allen b. 15 Mar. 1870

Chn., Sloat, by (2):

519. Carrie Louise b. 11 Mar. 1880

m. 12 June 1900 Samuel Lloyd Eastburn b. 19 Apr. 1900




b. 5 Aug. 1847

m. 12 Jan. 1870


b. 22 Sep. 1850

d. 2 Sep. 1900

Chn., Sloat:

520. LeGrand b. 22 Oct. 1870

521. Louise Bayes b. 8 June 1875

522. Roy Whitfield b. 15 Sep. 1878

523. James Whitfield b. 28 Apr. 1891



MARY FRANCES SLOAT (David James, 145)

b. 15 July 1849

m. 25 Feb. 1873


Chn., Groo:

1. Sadie b. 18 Nov. 1873

2. Fannie b. 22 Feb. 1876

3. Elmira b. 17 Sep. 1878

4. Pearl b. 14 Feb. 1881

5. Lillian Lathrop b. 5 Oct. 1893

6. Frances Willard b. 19 Oct. 1888

7. Stanley b. 2 Dec. 1890




b. 7 Nov. 1825

d. 30 Oct. 1865



Chn., Littler:

1. Frank Eugene b. 1867




b. 11 Dec. 1827

m. 1857

--?-- --?--

Chn., Sloat:

524. Charles Fred b. 6 July 1858

m. 1 July 1890 Clara Etta Morgan b. 27 May 1868

525. William K. b. 29 Aug. 1866

m. Nellie Doyle




b. 9 Aug. 1831

d. 15 Aug. 1861

m. 18 Mar. 1856


b. 16 June 1833

d. 7 May 1887

Chn., Sloat:

526. John Oscar b. 8 Nov. 1857; d. 9 July 1881

m. 22 Oct. 1878 Mary Ada Green b. 21 Aug. 1859




b. 18 Oct. 1834

m. 3 Jan. 1861


b. 19 Nov. 1827

d. 30 Mar. 1889

Chn., Dunn:

1. Addie Elizabeth b. 7 June 1863

2. Frances Sarah b. 16 Apr 1865

m. David Watson residing at Elsie, Michigan

[In both mss. the listing for #334 as a child gives her marriage and then states "one daughter Frances Sloat Dunn…" But the listing for #334 as a parent lists the two daughters given above.]




b. 31 July 1837



b. 13 Sep. 1844

Chn., Sloat:

527. George b. 9 June 1868

m. Frances Warren b. 20 July 1870

528. Alta b. 18 May 1872




b. 23 July 1842

m. 21 Feb. 1871


b. 16 July 1852

Chn., Sloat:

721. John [handwritten note on LC ms: 'should have been in 500 col']




b. 27 May 1843

m. 1 Feb. 1866


b. 30 Mar. 1845

Chn., Sloat:

530. Nellie b. 29 Sep. 1867

m. 13 Aug. 1887 Clayton Lingle

531. Arthur b. 11 May 1871

532. Myrta b. 4 May 1873

m. 19 June 1889 George Spink b. 3 July 1891

533. Edward b. 7 July 1875



MERCIA SLOAT (Leander, 158)

b. 17 Oct. 1828

d. 23 May 1859

m. 4 July 1852


Chn., Weller:

1. Leander Sloat b. 15 Nov. 1852

2. Minnie C. b. 4 Mar. 1855



NANCY SLOAT (Leander, 158)

b. 27 Apr. 1832

m. 19 Sep. 1854


Chn., Sterne:

1. Leo b. 22 July 1855

2. Louis b. 2 Oct. 1861



ACHSAN SLOAT (Leander, 158)

b. 24 Nov. 1837

m. 20 Mar. 1856


d. 23 Dec. 1880

Chn., McNitt:

1. Maud R. b. 2 Sep. 1861

2. Josephine b. 22 Feb. 1868

3. Leo D. b. 9 Oct 1870

4. Louis H. b. 6 Dec. 1875

5. P. Elizabeth b. 5 Aug. 1878




b. 1816

d. 1849



Chn., Wilson:

1. --?-- son



HANNAH SLOAT (Jonas, 169)

b. 1821

m. 1834


Chn., Styles:

1. George b. 1835

2. Amelia b. 1840

3. Mary b. 1847

4. Hattie b. 1865

[Footnote: from entry #169] Apparently these dates are approximated and perhaps an error exitsts in #345 as Hannah would have been only 13 when she married. She was born probably about 1819.



RACHEL SLOAT (Jonas, 169)

b. 1823



Chn., Moore:

1. --?--

2. --?--

3. --?--



AMELIA SLOAT (Jonas, 169)

b. 1827

d. 1860

m. 1849


Chn., Philo:

1. Newton

2. James

3. Henry




b. 1 May 1831

m. 5 Nov. 1856


b. 28 July 1835

Chn., Sloat:

534. Harry C. b. 4 Sep 1857

535. Amelia b. 12 July 1859; d. 17 July 1887

536. Clarence b. 1863

537. William Gerard b. 25 Feb 1865

m. 12 Apr. 1888 Mary Kate Lord b. 1868

538. Grace V. b. 11 Oct. 1867



JENKINS SLOAT (Henry Elting, 173)

b. 7 Jan. 1828, Port Richmond, Staten Island

d. 4 May 1905, bu. Palisades Cemetery

m. 23 Sep. 1860, by Rev. Benjamin Day, M.E.Ch., Palisades


b. 10 Aug. 1837 to Capt. Lawrence J. & Nancy (Taulman) Sneden

of Sneden's Landing on Hudson, Rockland Co., N.Y.

d. 13 Mar. 1913, Norwood, N.J., bu. Palisades Cem.

Chn., Sloat:

539. Charles Edwin b. 20 Feb. 1865; d. 25 Nov. 1892

m. 1891 Mary L. Comings of Tappan

540. Daisy Florence b. 4 Mar. 1869; res. Norwood, N.J.

541. Joseph Elting b. 17 Jan. 1878 Old Closter, N.J.

m. 25 Oct. 1924 Myrtle May Hurd b. 11 Nov. 1886

Jenkins Sloat (#354) and wife resided on Staten Island and owned land where Brough Hall now stands, Port Richmond. Later they lived in Jersey City where they owned a home.

Jenkins Sloat was in business with his father building many docks along the water fronts of New York and New Jersey. They built part of the Nickle Plate Railroad, Grove and Montgomery Sts., Jersey City.

In ____[blank in LA ms] {Later in life} he purchased a 165 acre farm in Old Closter now Rockleigh Bore, Bergen Co., New Jersey, on the western slope of the Palisades where he raised fine trotting horses.

[From p. 75 of LA ms. This page is missing in the editor's copy of the LC ms – but can be assumed to be the same.] Clara Hugle Sneden was educated at the Misses Cole's School for Young Ladies at the parsonage and at a Young Ladies Seminary, Freehold, New Jersey. She is described as high-spirited, intellectual and talented as a pianist and vocalist; she was a lover of horses.

Her father, Capt. Lawrence J. Sneden, born 1800, Tappan; died 1870, was the son of John Sneden, Jr. and Phebe Gosner. He had a ship yard at Sneden's Landing on the west side of the Hudson opposite Dobbs Ferry. Here he built sailing vessels: sloops (one mast) and schooners (two masts).

John Sneden, Jr., descended from Clas (Nicholas) Sneden who arrived at New Amsterdam from Holland in the ship St. John the Baptist in December, 1657. John Sneden, Sr., was on the side of the patriots in the War of the Revolution. The family, like many others, was divided: others were loyalists.

Nicholas Sneden resided at Hemstead, Long Island; Westchester, town of Eastchester; and later generations on the Hudson. He owned a farm at Oyster Bay. The family owned lage farms and acquired the Ferry to Dobbs Ferry.

The Gosner family descends from Anneke Jans through Bogardus and Brewer families.

Nancy Taulman, b. 1803, was Clara Hugle Sneden's mother. She died 1883 at Old Closter. She was the daughter of Major Peter Taulman of Tappan Landing. He was born 1757 at Old Closter; died 1835; buried in the Tappan church yard. His wife, Mary Neale, was the daughter of John Neale of Burlington, New Jersey. Major Taulman was a Capt. in the Continental line during the Revolutionary War and was a member of the Society of Cincinnati.

Donar Taulman came from Amsterdam, Holland, to New Amsterdam in 1657.




b. 14 Feb. 1842, Tappan Landing

d. 10 Apr. 1910, Fairview, New Jersey



b. 13 Feb. 1845

d. 7 July 1929

Chn., Sloat:

542. Laura b. 11 Feb. 1866

m. 30 Oct. 1890 Albert Lake Tuttle, MD b. 12 May 1863; d. -- May 1938;

res. Lakeville, Conn.

543. George Henry b. 15 Oct. 1868

m. 31 Oct. 1893 Lillie I. Hurd

544. Adelaide S. b. 20 June 1871

m. Herbert Overacre

545. Richard Willard b 24 May 1878, Old Chester, N.J.

m. 22 Feb. 1908 Grace Darling Powson



EDGAR SLOAT (Henry Lowary, 174)

b. 11 Sep. 1854



Chn., Sloat:

no #. --?--

no #. --?--



ISABEL SLOAT (Daniel, 175)

b. 24 Nov. 1874

m. 25 Oct. 1894


b. 7 Oct. 1869

Chn., Angus:

1. Stuart b. 19 Dec. 1895

2. Isabel Sloat b. 23 June 1907




b. 23 Jan. 1839

d. 6 Mar. 1905

m. 31 Dec. 1860


b. 10 May 1840

d. 6 Mar. 1899

Chn., Sloat:

546. Samuel James b. 8 Nov. 1861; d. 29 Oct. 1889

m. 28 Oct. 1881 Desire May Bennett b. 26 May 1865

547. Cornelius





--?-- --?--

Chn., Sloat:

no #. Charles



MARY SLOAT (James, 200)



Chn., Williams: [bottom of page cut off on LA ms]

{1. Elizabeth}

{1. C. J.}

{1. Hattie}




b. 2 Apr. 1842

d. 28 Aug. 1906

m. 20 Apr. 1860


b. 1842

d. 1904

Chn., Sloat:

548. Cornelius J. b. 1861

m. Gussie Gangle

549. Benjamin Franklin b. 28 Dec. 1865

m. 1886 Mary E. Winner b. 20 Sep. 1865

[See Benjamin Franklin Sloat, Sr. – Ninth Generation – in The Genealogy of Benjamin Franklin Sloat – noting that the marriage listed here is his second listed there.]

550. Laura

m. Walter Herbert

551. Martha b. 1870

552. Henry b. Sep. 1872

553. Ernest

554. Jennie M. b. 1882

555. Lizzie

556. Frederick William b. 12 Jan. 1875

m. 22 Oct. 1897 Mary Emma Rhodes b. 26 Jan. 1875




b. 13 Sep. 1843

m. 7 June 1866


b. 26 Oct. 1843

d. 2 June 1908

Chn., Sparks:

1. Harry Bartlett b. 15 Nov. 1868; d. 15 Oct. 1895




b. 7 Feb. 1845

m. 13 Sep. 1866


b. 14 June 1840

Chn., Washburn:

1. Carrie E.

2. Charles H.

3. Mabel Florence




b. 13 DEC. 1847

m. 11 July 1866


Chn., Woertendyke:

1. Edwin b. 27 Feb. 1867

2. Margaret b. -- Dec. 1870

3. Clarence

4. Florence




b. 15 July 1851

m. 23 Mar. 1870


b. 6 Oct. 1848

d. 11 Feb. 1904

Chn., Newby:

1. Walter b. 3 May 1871; d. 25 Jan. 1907

2. Jessie b. 17 June 1877

3. Laura Elizabeth b. 28 May 1880

4. Melville b. 11 Mar. 1884




b. 22 July 1856



Chn., Sloat:

557. William L. b. 6 Dec. 1883




b. 18 Jan. 1860

m. 15 Jan. 1880


b. 14 July 1855

Chn., Klaus:

1. William

2. Edith Amelia b. 5 Sep. 1881

3. George Henry b. 1883

4. Grace Ethel b. 21 Jan. 1885

5. Viola Beatrice b. 5 Apr. 1888

6. Laura Edna d. inf.

7. Walter Fuller b. 16 Aug. 1893



FRANK B. SLOAT (Johan, 202)

b. 1865


Chn., Sloat:

558. Irene

559. Ethel



JAMES RENWICK SLOAT (Henry Polhemus, 210)

b. 16 June 1839

m. 14 Feb. 1867


b. 31 Aug. 1849

Chn., Sloat:

560. Oswald Pearsons b. 25 Jan. 1871



ELLEN PHEBE SLOAT (Henry Polhemus, 210)

b. 1843

m. 22 Aug. 1874


b. 1 Jan. 1849

Chn., Gardner:

1. Minnie Ellen b. 18 Sep. 1875

2. Henry John b. 8 Oct. 1877

3. William Marcus b. 2 June 1879

4. Lillie Gillespie b. 26 Nov. 1880




b. 28 Sep. 1835

d. 10 Mar. 1922, Washington, DC

m. 31 Aug. 1857


b. 23 Dec. 1838

d. 18 Jan. 1891

Chn., Sloat:

568. Frank E. b. 27 Sep. 1858

569. Orville E. b. 6 Apr. 1866

Frank Donnally Sloat was connected with the Patent Office, Washington, D.C. for many years.


[Both mss. here have further non-Sloat family related to the author: May Hart Smith. Because this is being re-done as a Sloat book they are not included here in the main text, but out of respect for the effort she put into the original work, and to honor the right of the author to document her own family, they are published following the main text as Appendix A.]



ANNA SLOAT (Henry, 223)

b. 22 May 1836


Chn., Baker:

1. H. Harrison Baker

[the following are hand entries in the LA ms]

1. Howard (perhaps Howard Harrison)

2. Carrie

m. --?-- Van Nostrand

3. Elizabeth

m. --?-- Conabeer

all res. Tarrytown



ANNA SLOAT (Warren, 228)

b. 12 May 1840



b. 22 Jan. 1840

Chn., Scofield:

1. Fred E. b. 26 June 1862

2. George W. b. 22 Feb. 1866



LYDIA ANN SLOAT (Edson, 229)

b. 3 July 1838



Chn., Seaman:

1. Carrie E. b. 25 Feb. 1868

m. L. B. Roussin

2. Emma J. b. 25 Apr. 1878

3. Edson S. b. 18 Jan. 1880



ORSON W. SLOAT (Edson, 229)

b. 28 May 1850

m. 12 Nov. 1872


b. 25 Mar. 1852

Chn., Sloat:

561. Edson Stanley b. 13 Sep. 1872

562. Benjamin Crosby b. 12 Oct. 1877

563. John Gowans b. 1879; d. 1880

564. Marjory b. 18 May 1884




b. 12 Feb. 1853

m. 11 Oct. 1876


b. 23 Nov. 1856

Chn., Sloat:

no #. Ernest b. 28 July 1884



GEORGE SLOAT (Elbert, 231)


--?-- --?--

Chn., Sloat:

no #. Etta

no #. Lillie



JAMES SLOAT (Elbert, 231)


--?-- --?--

Chn., Sloat:

no #. Elbert



JAMES SLOAT (Elbert, 231)



b. to Joseph & Mary (Sloat) Travis

Chn., Sloat:

no #. Joseph

no #. Mary



CARRIE SLOAT (Elbert, 231)



Chn., Westcott:

no #. Edna




b. 31 July 1841



res. Carmel, N.Y.

Chn., Sloat:

565. Annie

566. Willie

567. Clara Irene

m. Henry H. Merritt

568. Nellie V.

569. George Walker




b. 4 May 1845

m. 3 Dec. 1867


Chn., Sloat:

570. Emma Florence d. young

571. Charles

572. Esther Minor b. 21 Oct. 1869; d. 23 May 1910

m. 22 Oct. 1881 William Fowler




b. 19 Apr. 1849

m. 6 Sep. 1871


b. 8 May 1846

d. 19 Dec. 1881

Chn., Reed:

1. Samuel James b. 6 Oct. 1872

m. 10 Oct. 1891 Lucy M. Jewell b. 17 Mar. 1873

2. Erastus Darwin b. 1 Feb. 1874

m. Emily Bezin




b. 9 June 1851



b. 21 Jan. 1854

Chn., Sloat:

573. Blanche A.

574. Laura

575. Howard M.






Chn., Fallon:

1. Cassandra b. 23 Aug. 1876

2. Donald Oliver b. 18 Oct. 1878

3. Edward D. b. 21 July 1879

4. Evinaldo b. 7 Mar. 1882

m. Phenia Palmer

5. Florence

m. Horace Miller b. 28 Nov. 1878


{** The name is spelled several ways in connection with these families: Zelia, Zelea, Zeleah.}


JOHN DRAKE SLOAT (III) (John Drake, 307)

b. 28 Feb. 1870

m. 30 Apr. 1895


b. 20 Feb. 1872

Chn., Sloat:

701. Mayme Louise b. 22 Jan. 1896

702. Ruth Florence b. 23 Mar. 1899

John Drake Sloat #500 is the Compiler of the Sloat Charts [from which this book was written].




b. 19 Aug. 1875

m. 15 Oct. 1894


b. 27 June 1871

Chn., Goodrich:

1. Mildred b. 22 Aug. 1899



DeMOTT SLOAT (Isaac, 308)

b. 15 Mar. 1850



Chn., Sloat:

703. Evelyn




b. 8 Sep. 1844

d. 9 Feb. 1904

m. 11 Apr. 1870


b. 23 Jan. 1871

Chn., Sloat:

704. Frederick Strong b. 23 Jan. 1871

m. Anna Lemual b. 1879

705. William b. 8 Apr. 1873

m. Millie Adelia Powell b. 28 Feb. 1871

706. Grace b. 22 June 1875; d. 17 Mar. 1903

m. 3 Oct. 1893 Robert Wagar






Chn., Mason:

703. Maud



FREDERICK SLOAT (William Lafayette, 313)

b. 8 Nov. 1853

d. 16 Apr. 1909

m. 8 Nov. 1877


b. 14 June 1857

Chn., Sloat:

707. Emma b. 27 July 1879

708. Lafayette b. 19 Mar. 1881

709. John b. 14 Oct. 1883

710. Nancy b. 18 Oct. 1889

711. Bernice b. 31 Aug. 1896



MARY ANN SLOAT (Stephen Spencer, 314)



Chn., Oldfield:

1. John

2. Ada

3. Charles



EMMA SLOAT (Henry Ransom, 321)

b. 30 Nov. 1870

m. 24 Apr. 1888


b. 26 Sep. 1859

Chn., VanWagenen:

1. Mary b. 18 Apr. 1890

2. Huldah b. 25 Nov. 1899



MARY HENRIETTA SLOAT (Henry Ransom, 321)

b. 4 Jan. 1873

m. 22 Oct. 1899


b. 15 Mar. 1870

Chn., Allen:

1. Mary Walker b. 1 May 1900



CARRIE LOUISE SLOAT (Henry Ransom, 321)

b. 11 Mar. 1880

m. 12 June 1900


b. 19 Apr. 1872

Chn., Eastburn:

1. Helen Louise b. 29 May 1905

2. Barbara b. 15 Mar. 1908



WILLIAM K. SLOAT (Charles Oscar, 330)

b. 29 Aug. 1866



Chn., Sloat:

715. Josephine b. 10 Oct. 1892

716. Warren Aloysius b. 29 Oct. 1893



JOHN OSCAR SLOAT (James Bacon, 332)

b. 8 Nov. 1857

d. 9 July 1881

m. 22 Oct. 1878


b. 21 Aug. 1859

Chn., Sloat:

719. James b. 16 July 1881



GEORGE SLOAT (Samuel Church, 336)

b. 9 June 1868



b. 20 July 1870

Chn., Sloat:

720. George b. 15 Apr. 1892



NELLIE SLOAT (Henry Wagner, 338)

b. 29 Sep. 1867

m. 13 Aug. 1887


Chn., Lingle:

1. Glen b. 2 Feb. 1892

2. Mabel b. 15 Nov. 1894



WILLIAM GERARD SLOAT (Henry Elting, 350)

b. 25 Feb. 1865

m. 12 Apr. 1888


b. 1868

Chn., Sloat:

722. Gladys V. b. 5 Mar. 1889




b. 20 Feb. 1865

d. 25 Nov. 1892

m. 1891


Chn., Sloat:

723. Florence Edwina b. 22 Nov. 1892; res. Montclair [LC ms does not have 'res.']




b. 17 Jan. 1878 Old Closter, N.J.

m. 25 Oct. 1924


b. 11 Nov. 1886 to Alfred P. and Mary E. (Arnold) Hurd formerly of Canton, Mass.

Chn., Sloat:

724. William Arthur Taulman b. 21 Mar. 1927

Joseph Elting Sloat (#541) was born in Old Closter, now Rockleigh Bore, about two and half miles from Norwood where he has resided since 1901.

He was educated at Old Closter and studied telegraphy. For a number of years he worked for the Northern Railroad of New Jersey (Erie). He is Post Master of Norwood and has served as Station Agent at West Norwood on the West Shore Railroad 1916-1919; at Tappan 1919-1930.

He is a member of the Reformed Protestant Church, Tappan; the Holland Society of New York; Sons of the American Revolution; Empire State Society; Founder and Governor-General, Descendants of Colonial Americans.

During the {World} War 1918 he was commandant to keep "EYE" on activities of German sympathizers.

[Last paragraph not in LC ms.] William Arthur Taulman Sloat [#724] was named for William Arthur Albertson Sloat [? #409 ?] of Newburgh and Capt. Peter Taulman, Revolutionary patriot.



LAURA SLOAT (Richard Brodhead, 360)

b. 11 Feb. 1866

m. 30 Oct. 1890


b. 12 May 1863

d. -- May 1938 res. Lakeville, Conn.

Chn., Tuttle:

1. Clara Boyd b. 4 Nov. 1892

m. 25 Sep. 1915 Frank Hall Peet

2. Helen Adelaide b. 1 July 1895

3. Marion Sloat b. 10 May 1898

m. --?-- Beach

4. Mary Lake b. 4 Mar. 1905

m. William Barnett



GEORGE HENRY SLOAT (Richard Brodhead, 360)

b. 15 Oct. 1868

m. 31 Oct. 1893


b. -- to Alfred P. & Mary E. (Arnold) Hurd of Leonia, N.J.

Chn., Sloat:

725. Orison Brodhead b. 21 July 1895

m. 1 July 1920 Annie Estelle Small

726. Ethel May b. 22 Sep. 1902

m. 26 July 1925 Richard Caldwell Ames



ADELAIDE S. SLOAT (Richard Brodhead, 360)

b. 20 June 1871



res. Passaic, New Jersey

Chn., Overacre:

1. Mildred b. 3 Nov. 1900

2. Margaret b. 13 July 1902



RICHARD WILLARD SLOAT (Richard Brodhead, 360)

b. 24 May 1878, Old Chester, NJ

m. 22 Feb. 1908


Chn., Sloat:

727. Robert Brodhead b. 16 Apr. 1918, Hudson Heights, NJ

728. Carol Jean b. 23 Sep. 1920



SAMUEL JAMES SLOAT (Alfred Burtin, 377)

b. 8 Nov. 1861

d. 29 Oct. 1889

m. 28 Oct. 1881


b. 26 May 1865

Chn., Sloat:

729. Mary Elizabeth b. 22 Nov. 1883

m. 29 Sep. 1907 Walter Diffenbaugh

730. Jame Truman b. 10 Dec. 1885; d. 11 Oct. 1887

731. Paul Osbourne b. 10 Dec. 1887; d. 9 Aug. 1888

732. Ethel Maria Tucker b. 10 Jan. 1889 [LC ms omits "Tucker"]



CORNELIUS SLOAT (Alfred Burtin, 377)


--?-- --?--

Chn., Sloat:

733. Charles



CORNELIUS J. SLOAT (Henry Corky, 202)

b. 1861



Chn., Sloat:

734. Ernest

735. Albert



BENJAMIN FRANKLIN SLOAT (Henry Corky, 384) [Sr.]

b. 28 Dec. 1865

m. 1886


b. 20 sep. 1865

Chn., Sloat:

736. Ruth Evelyn b. 1889

737. Phillip E. b. 1893

738. Benjamin Franklin b. 1897 [Jr.]

739. Dorothy b. 1902

740. Robert W.

[See Benjamin Franklin Sloat, Sr. – Ninth Generation – in The Genealogy of Benjamin Franklin Sloat – noting that the marriage listed here is his second listed there.]



LAURA SLOAT (Henry Corky, 384)



Chn., Herbert:

1. Roy

2. Jennie

3. Henry

4. Harold

5. Laura




b. 12 Jan. 1875

m. 22 Oct. 1897


b. 26 Jan. 1875

Chn., Sloat:

741. Florence b. 12 Mar. 1899

742. Aymos b. 27 June 1900

743. Frederick P. b. 12 Feb. 1906



ESTHER MINOR SLOAT (Charles Minor, 436)

b. 21 Oct. 1869

d. 23 May 1910

m. 22 Oct. 1881


Chn., Fowler:

1. Carrie B.

2. Clevedon

3. Hoyt

4. Alice

5. Milton



FREDERICK STRONG SLOAT (William Schultz, 508)

b. 23 Jan. 1871



b. 1879

Chn., Sloat:

no #. Grace




b. 21 July 1895

m. 1 July 1920


b. 21 Jan. 1901 to Everett & Lucy Jane (Randall) Small of Berlin, MA

res. Leonia

Chn., Sloat:

no #. George Everett b. 29 Sep. 1921



ETHEL MAY SLOAT (George Henry, 543)

b. 22 Sep. 1902

m. 26 July 1925


of North Easton, MA

Chn., Ames:

1. Mary Boyd b. 3 June 1926

2. Esther James b. 7 Jan. 1928

3. Phyllis May b. 15 Aug. 1930


It has not been possible to place Lewis Sloat in the Sloat scheme, connecting him with the main branch, although there is no doubt that he is descended from Jan Pietersen Slot. {The given name would indicate he is also from Jan Jansen S.} The descendants of Lewis Sloat are given here hoping that some time records may be located that will give this branch of the family its rightful place. The following records are from charts prepared by John Drake Sloat. Mrs. Nellie Sloat LaMoreaux {res.}of Cassanaga, Florida is a descendant of Lewis Sloat.





Chn., Sloat:

601. Emie bap. 14 Apr. 1755, Tarrytown, NY Dutch Ch. (Sleepy Hollow)

602. --?-- {Another child bap}

603. Abbinezer b. 13 Oct. 1768; bap. 8 Apr. 1769, Tappan

m. Betsy Weaver, no issue

604. Christana b. 2 May 1770; bap. 11 June 1770

m. John Hunt

605. Jacob b. 15 Dec. 1771; bap. 5 July 1772

606. Elizabeth b. 7 Aug. 1774; bap. 18 Sep. 1774

m. Harmonius Snyder

607. William bap. 31 Aug. 1777, New Hurley

608. Maria b. 1 Apr. 1779

m. Abraham Butler

609. Hendrick b. 1 July 1781; d. 24 Mar. 1867

m. Jemima Kane




b. 7 Aug. 1774; bap. 18 Sep. 1774, Tappan



Chn., Snyder:

1. Johannes b. 26 May 1791 New Hurley

2. Elizabeth b. 16 June 1792 New Hurley

3. Lewis b. 8 Feb. 1794




b. 1 July 1781, New Hurley

d. 24 Mar. 1867

m. 4 Apr. 1802


b. 1782

d. 15 Sep. 1860

Chn., Sloat:

610. Eliza b. 19 Nov. 1802

m. John Mitchell

611. Henry b. 5 Nov. 1805

m. Mary Dixon

612. John b. 16 June 1807

m(1). Lydia Doane

m(2). Aseneth Havens

613. William Barnes b. 10 May 1809

m. Betsy M. Terry

614. Thompson b. 18 Aug. 1811

m. Elizabeth Jane Boles

615. Harrison b. 17 Apr. 1814

m. Elizabeth Bascom

616. Charles Kane b. 15 Apr. 1817

m. Amelia Bascom

617. Jane b. 10 May 1819

m. Alonzo P. Gillett

618. George Ebenezer b. 21 Oct. 1823

m. 19 Feb. 1852, Essex Co. N.J. Adelia Richardson



ELIZA SLOAT (Hendrick, 609)

b. 19 Nov. 1802

d. -- Jan. 1885

m. 5 Sep. 1825


d. 9 Sep. 1877

Chn., Mitchell:

1. Charles K.

2. Chester

3. Mary Jane

4. Angeline

5. Josephine

6. Caroline

7. Harriet

8. George




b. 5 MAR. 1805

d. 20 Oct. 1883

m. -- Apr. 1832


b. 29 May 1809

d. 7 May 1876

Chn., Sloat:

619. James Wright b. 28 Aug. 1834

m. Emma Kane

620. Henry Dalbert b. 19 Nov. 1836

m. Elizabeth Lutheria Dixon

621. George Sylvester b. 27 Aug. 1837

m. Amelia Harger

622. Edwin Alfred b. 29 June 1842

m(1). Celia Booth

m(2). Louisa S. Dorr

623. Orin Duana b. 28 May 1845

m. Mary Baldwin

624. Frank Marion b. 21 Mar. 1849; d. 1869, unmarried



JOHN SLOAT (Hendrick, 609)

b. 16 June 1807

d. Mar. 1872

m(1).18 Jan. 1836


b. 16 Apr. 1814

d. 16 Apr. 1846

he m(2). Jan. 1847


b. 1814 to Nathaniel and Mary (Cooledge) Haven of Watertown, N.Y.

d. 14 Oct. 1867

Chn., Sloat, by w1:

625. Charles Watson b. 10 Oct 1840

m. Ada Lunetta Budlong

626. Eldred Gilbert b. 22 July 1843

m(1). Martha Savage

m(2). Clorinda Mills

Chn., Sloat, by w2:

627. Cordelia Lydia b. 28 Dec. 1847

m. Henry Ellery

628. Mary Haven b. 9 Jan. 1848

m. William Cooper

629. Frances Amelia b. 24 Nov. 1853

m. Edwin Stone

630. Edward Cooledge b. 26 Oct. 1860

m. Marie Savage




b. 10 May 1809

d. 24 Dec. 1889

m. 30 Apr. 1840


d. -- Feb. 1889

Chn., Sloat:

631. Wells G. b. 2 Feb. 1841

m. Mary Bents

632. Ella b. 15 July 1843

m. George Snell



THOMPSON SLOAT (Hendrick, 609)

b. 18 Aug. 1811

d. 24 Feb.

m. 4 Dec. 1836


b. 9 Oct. 1818

Chn., Sloat:

633. Jennie E. b. 26 Apr. 1841

m. William E. Lane

634. Charles Thomas b. 24 Oct. 1842; d. 1 Jan. 1894; unmarried

635. Eliza Caroline b. 1 Jan. 1848

m. 14 Mar. 1870 Cyrus Spore b. 4 Mar. 1841; d. 12 July 1894

636. William



HARRISON SLOAT (Hendrick, 609)

b. 17 Apr. 1814

d. 9 Aug. 1891

m. 22 Mar. 1846


b. 21 Oct. 1826

Chn., Sloat:

637. Maitland Bascom b. 29 Dec. 1846

m. Lunetta T. Greenleaf




b. 15 Apr. 1817

d. 21 Feb. 1847


b. 12 Aug. 1828

Chn., Sloat:

638. Charles Bascom b. 29 July 1853

639. Carrie Elizabeth b. 19 Jan. 1859



JANE SLOAT (Hendrick, 609)

b. 10 May 1819

d. -- Aug. 1886

m. 14 Oct. 1841


b. 1809

d. 21 Jan. 1878

Chn., Gillette:

1. Emma b. 1851

2. Nattie b. 1854

3. Stanley b. 1857

4. William b. 1860




b. 21 Oct. 1823

m. 19 Feb. 1852


b. 22 Feb. 1831

Chn., Sloat:

640. Nellie A. b. 31 Mar. 1858

641. George Barton b. 10 Aug. 1860

m. Stella Wright

642. Harriet E. b. 13 Aug. 1865

m. Wilbur F. Nash

643. Mary Louise b. 30 Dec. 1868

m. 23 Jan. 1890 George E. Tew

644. Alice S.

645. Frederick R.




b. 28 Aug. 1834

d. 8 Dec. 1867



Chn., Sloat:

646. Jessie

647. Harry

648. Jennie




b. 19 Nov. 1836

m. 12 Oct. 1865


Chn., Sloat:

649. Bertha b. 19 Feb. 1869

650. Inez Alice b. 14 Feb. 1870

651. Jay b. 4 May 1877; d. 28 Sep. 1878




b. 27 Aug. 1837

d. 12 Oct. 1865


Chn., Sloat:

652. Mamie b. 1868

653. Carrie b. 1875

654. Bertha b. 1882




b. 29 June 1842





Chn., Sloat, by w(1):


Chn., Sloat, by w(2):

655. Edward b. Apr. 1876; d. 3 Jan. 1896

656. Frederick D. b. 7 July 1878

657. Grace A. b. 20 July 1884

658. Carl V. b. 30 May 1889

659. Louisa May b. 11 Aug. 1893




b. 28 May 1845

d. 7 May 1876


Chn., Sloat:

660. Florence

661. Edith

662. Frederick




b. 10 Oct. 1840

m. 17 June 1869


b. 12 Oct. 1844

Chn., Sloat:

663. Elizabeth Amelia b. 21 June 1871

664. Alice Budlong b. 3 Apr. 1875

665. Wallace Budlong b. 26 Dec. 1879

666. Helen Marion b. 1 Apr. 1887




b. 22 July 1843



m.(2) 15 Oct. 1879


Chn., Sloat, by w(1):


Chn., Sloat, by w(2):

667. John Allen b. 8 Feb. 1883

668. Blanche Lydia b. 12 July 1881

669. Clara May b. 10 June 1885




b. 28 Dec. 1845

m. 12 Oct. 1870


b. 12 Oct. 1830

Chn., Ellery:

1. Henry Edward b. 18 Nov. 1871

2. Frances Amelia b. 2 Sep. 1873

3. Mabel Graham d. young




b. 24 Nov. 1853

d. 12 Feb. 1891

m. 13 Jan. 1873


b. 21 Dec. 1834

d. 27 Apr. 1886

Chn., Stone:

1. Alice Lena b. 15 Jan. 1874

2. Clara Gertrude b. 19 Mar. 1876

3. Walter Edwin b. 8 Mar. 1879

4. Ralph Bradley b. 4 Jan. 1882




b. 26 Oct. 1860

m. 17 Feb. ----


Chn., Sloat:

670. Frank Ellery

671. Frederick May



WELLS G. SLOAT (William Barnes, 613)

b. 2 Feb. 1841

m. 15 Mar. 1868


Chn., Sloat:

672. Ada Maud b. 19 Oct. 1872

673. William Bents b. 4 Aug. 1879



ELLA SLOAT (William Barnes, 613)

b. 15 July 1843


Chn., Snell:

1. Bertha Amelia b. 20 Sep. 1890



JENNIE E. SLOAT (Thompson, 614)

b. 26 Apr. 1841


b. 26 Nov. 1836

Chn., Lane:

1. Edna May b. 10 July 1867

2. Frank Marian b. 16 Dec. 1869

3. Ira Delmar b. 6 Mar. 1873

4. Justin Pearl b. 28 Oct. 1875




b. 1 Jan. 1848

m. 14 Mar. 1870


b. 4 Mar. 1841

d. 12 July 1894

Chn., Spore:

1. Lulu




b. 29 Dec. 1846


Chn., Sloat:

674. Harrison Greenleaf b. 20 July 1878

675. Halbert Maitland b. 21 Mar. 1880

676. Roland Bascom b. 2 Dec. 1882



GEORGE BARTON SLOAT (George Ebenezer, 618)

b. 10 Aug. 1860


b. 1860

Chn., Sloat:

677. Helen Adelia b. 19 Aug. 1889

678. Mildred b. 23 Dec. 1892



HARRIET E. SLOAT (George Ebenezer, 618)

b. 13 Aug. 1865

m. 12 Sep. 1889


Chn., Nash:

1. Wilbur b. 6 Aug. 1890

2. Elizabeth Sterling b. 28 Nov. 1891

3. Robert Sloat b. 28 July 1893



MARY LOUISE SLOAT (George Ebenezer, 618)

b. 30 Dec. 1868

m. 23 Jan. 1890


Chn., Tew:

1. Frederick b. 15 Mar. 1891


"Note: Most, if not all, of the unconnected branches of our family which will be found so designated, we believe to be descended from Jan Jansen Slot and Judith Elseworth, his wife. It is evident from lack of church records that they either did not have their children baptized or they were baptized in some church whose records have been lost or destroyed. We refer to the records of the French church which was the Huguenot church at Kinderkamack. Another was destroyed by fire, namely, the Ponds Dutch Reformed Church of Bergen County, New Jersey whose records dated back to 1710. These records were destroyed by the burning of the pastor's home.

In the preface of the History and Records of the Hackensack Church, published by the Holland Society of New York, account is given of these lost records."

John Drake Sloat

[Note that these have been numbered like the others, starting with 800. The LC ms numbers them with Roman numerals.]



--?-- SLOT


--?-- --?--

Chn., Sloat:

801. Elijah

802. Horace Bull

803. Samuel




b. 16 May 1786

d. 24 Sep. 1832

m. 7 Aug. 1808


b. 2 Sep. 1786

d. 28 Apr. 1868

Chn., Sloat:

804. Mary Ann b. 1 Nov. 1809; d. 24 Aug. 1819

805. Esther b. 14 Dec. 1811; d. 30 Aug. 1819

806. John b. 13 Oct. 1813; d. 8 Sep. 1819

807. Elizabeth b. 14 Oct. 1815; d. 26 Aug. 1818

808. Magdaline b. 10 Mar. 1818; d. 2 Nov. 1886

m. 7 Sep. 1836 Thomas Wright

809. Emeline b. 15 Aug. 1820; d. 20 Aug. 1820

810. William Gewett b. 15 July 1821; d. 15 Jan. 1883

811. Hester Jane b. 18 July 1823

m. --?-- Brown

812. Anna Maria b. 22 July 1825; d. 14 Sep. 1825

813. George Van Winkle b. 11 Jan. 1827 New Rochelle

m.(1) 12 Sep. 1845 Mary Gildersleeve

m.(2) 6 June 1893 Mary Elizabeth Winslow



HORACE BULL SLOT (--?--, 800)

b. 10 Nov. 1795


of New Rochelle, N.Y.

Chn., Slot:

814. Joanna b. 5 Apr. 1822

m. 14 Mar. 1847 James M. Seaman

815. James F. b. 5 May 1825; bap. Sep. 1826 St.Thomas Epis Ch, Mamaroneck

816. Amelia G. b. 26 Sep. 1828

817. Phebe P. b. 12 Dec. 1829

818. Theodore b. 3 May 1834

819. Ferdinand b. 25 Feb. 1835

820. Horace M. b. 4 Mar. 1836

821. William G. b. 3 Jan. 1840




b. 10 Mar. 1818

d. 2 Nov. 1886

m. 7 Sep. 1836


Chn., Wright:

1. George Washington b. 17 June 1837

2. John Henry b. 7 Aug. 1838

3. Emma L. b. 3 July 1842

4. Jefferson b. 16 Dec. 1845

5. Elizabeth M. b. 1 Feb. 1853




b. 15 July 1821

d. 15 Jan. 1883


--?-- --?--

Chn., Sloat:

822. Joseph Gallandt




b. 18 July 1823

--?-- BROWN

Chn., Brown:

1. Mary Jane b. 7 Nov. 1842

2. Emeline b. 8 July 1845

3. James b. 10 May 1846

4. Rebecca b. 5 Apr. 1847

5. George V. b. 23 Apr. 1849

6. Oscar H. b. 23 Jan. 1851

7. Wesley b. 10 May 1853

8. Emma J. b. 20 May 1855

9. John T. b. 10 May 1857

10. William H. b. 6 Mar. 1859

11. Elijah b. 19 Oct. 1861

12. David b. 19 Nov. 1863

13. Addie b. 1 Jan. 1865

14. Franklin b. 21 May 1867




b. 11 Jan. 1827 New Rochelle

m.(1) 12 Sep. 1845


b. 27 Apr. 1827

d. 27 May 1892

he m.(2) 6June 1893


b. 17 Dec. 1858

Chn., Sloat:

823. Eugene Augustus b. 22 July 1850 New York City

m. 7 Sep. 1879 Milicent Conover b. 7 Sep. 1851

824. Edwin Heustis b. 17 Feb. 1855; d. 3 Mar. 1856



JOANNA SLOAT (Horace Bull, 802)

b. 5 Apr. 1822

m. 14 Mar. 1847


Chn., Seaman:

1. Charles Ferdinand



EUGENE AUGUSTUS SLOAT (George Van Winkle, 813)

b. 22 July 1850 New York City, N.Y.

m. 7 Sep. 1879 [maybe this should be 1869 from children's births?]


b. 7 Sep. 1851

Chn., Sloat:

825. Milicent b. 3 May 1871

826. Eugene b. 11 Dec. 1872

827. George Van Winkle b. 18 Dec. 1874

chief of police Mataisian, N.J.

828. Edwin Conover b. 14 Sep. 1878 Rutherford, N.J.

829. Howard Gildersleeve b. 15 Apr. 1885



JOHN SLOAT (--?--)

b. 20 Aug. 1788

d. -- Mar. 1872



b. 20 Aug. 1789

d. 1 Sep. 1859

Chn., Sloat:

831. Thomas b. 21 July 1814; bap. Cortlandt Ch.

832. John bap. Cortlandt Ch.

833. Phebe Sutton b. 29 Dec. 1819; bap. Cortlandt Ch.

834. Daniel Henry Conklin b. 13 Nov. 1820; bap. Cortlandt Ch.

835. Philitus Rayman bap. 26 Nov. 1823, Cortlandtown, N.Y.; d. 1 Sep. 1901

m. 11 Aug. 1843 Angeline Odell b. 9 Aug. 1826; d. 21 June 1893

836. Hannah Rayman b. 29 Oct. 1826; bap. Cortlandt Ch.

837. Francis Conklin b. 29 Oct. 1829; bap. Cortlandt Ch.

838. Aaron J. b. 22 Mar. 1832; bap. Cortlandt Ch.




bap. 26 Nov. 1823, Cortlandtown Ch. N.Y.

d. 1 Sep. 1901

m. 11 Aug. 1843


b. 9 Aug. 1826 of Fishkill N.Y.

d. 21 June 1893

Chn., Sloat:

839. Rachel

840. Hannah

841. Daniel Wesley

842. George Washington

843. Margaret Ann

m. --?-- Chase

844. Ellen

m.(1) Arthur A. Reynolds

m.(2) Thomas S. Brown

845. Catherine

m. --?-- Dickman

846. Minerva

847. Andrew Livingston

848. John

849. Wallace

850. Charles Blanchard b. 15 Sep. 1865

851. Mary Adelia

m. 9 May 1889 William A. Horn



DANIEL WESLEY SLOAT (Philitus Rayman, 835)

--?-- --?--

Chn., Sloat:

910. --?--

911. --?--



MARGARET ANN SLOAT (Philitus Rayman, 835)

--?-- CHASE

Chn., Chase:

1. --?--

2. --?--

3. --?--



ELLEN SLOAT (Philitus Rayman, 835)





Chn., Reynolds:

1. --?--

2. --?--



MARY ADELIA SLOAT (Philitus Rayman, 835)

m. 9 May 1889


Chn., Horn:

1. Angeline Adrian b. 15 Feb. 1890





Chn., Slott:

853. Hannah b. 8 Apr. 1790

854. Benjamin W. b. 16 Oct. 1792

855. Susanna b. 15 July 1795

856. Charlotte b. 7 Nov. 1797

857. Hiram b. 6 Aug. 1802

all Shawangunk, Ulster Co., N.Y.



DAVID J. SLOAT (--?--)


Chn., Sloat:

859. --?-- b. 4 JULY 1810; bap. 21 Jan. 1816

860. David G. b. 22 Mar. 1815; bap. 21 Jan. 1816

St. Andrews Episcopal Ch., Walden, N.Y.




b. 4 May 1788

m. 2 June 1808


b. 28 Mar. 1787 New Paltz Ch.

Chn., Slot:

862. Maria b. 14 Nov. 1808

m. --?-- Odell

863. Luvina

m. Charles Taylor

864. John

m. Mary Ann Warner

865. George Henry

m. Anna Hinkle

866. James

m.(1) Elizabeth Dale

m.(2) Ellen de Pew

m.(3) Mary Ann --?-- (widow of John Warner)

867. Sallie Jane b. 14 Oct. 1810

m. James Johnson

868. Daniel b. 25 Jan. 1813

m. 2 June 1851 Hannah Emerson

869. Phebe b. 24 Aug. 1821

870. Catherine b. 11 Sep. 1826

m. Milton Gerard

871. Elizabeth b. 16 Mar. 1828

m. Charles Swingle



MARIA SLOT (Daniel, 861)

b. 14 Nov. 1808

--?-- ODELL

Chn., Odell:

1. Hannah



LUVINA SLOT (Daniel, 861)


Chn., Taylor:

1. Daniel

2. Robert



JOHN SLOT (Daniel, 861)


Chn., Slot:

872. Edwin S.

873. --?--

874. --?--

875. --?--





Chn., Slot:

876. Charles W.



JAMES SLOTT (Daniel, 861)






MARY ANN --?-- widow of John Warner

Chn., Slott:

877. Milton James b. 1866

878. Eva Ermina b. 1868

m. William Siglin

879. Emeline b. 1870

m. William Bacon

880. Louella b. 1873

m. 1890 Frank George

881. Frank

882. George Albert

m. Hannah Evans

883. Anna

m. --?-- Woods

884. Jane

m. --?-- Caswell

885. Alice

m. --?-- Friant



SALLIE JANE SLOT (Daniel, 861)

b. 14 Oct. 1810


Chn., Johnson:

1. George

2. John



DANIEL SLOT (Daniel, 861)

b. 25 Jan. 1813

m. 2 June 1851


Chn., Slot:

886. Luvina L. b. 10 Mar. 1852

m. 1874 Elizabeth Kays

887. Frank b. 10 Mar. 18657

888. Byron E. b. 29 July 1859

m. --?-- --?--

889. Elmer Ellsworth b. 21 Dec. 1861

m. Emma Hedrick

890. Effie Ellen b. 3 Mar. 1864

m. 1883 Florence A. Cramer

891. Albert W. b. 13 July 1868

m. 1890 Blanche Buckingham

892. Herbert W. b. 2 Apr. 1871; d. 2 Aug. 1896



CATHERINE SLOT (Daniel, 861)

b. 11 Sep. 1826


Chn., Gerard:

1. James



ELIZABETH SLOT (Daniel, 861)

b. 16 Mar. 1828


Chn., Swingle:

1. Edgar




b. 1868


Chn., Siglin:

1. Evalyn

2. Russel



LOUELLA SLOTT (James, 866)

b. 1873

m. 1890


Chn., George:

1. Donna Maria b. 1892





Chn., Slott:

893. Edith

m. --?-- Gertrude



LUVINA L. SLOT (Daniel, 868)

b. 10 Mar. 1852

m. 1874


Chn., Sloat:

894. Emma May b. 1 May 1875

895. Augusta b. Aug. 1877

896. Bessie b. 1881

897. Ada M. b. 1884

898. Rose b. 1886



BYRON E. SLOT (Daniel, 868)

b. 29 July 1859

--?-- --?--

Chn., Sloat:

899. Rose b. 5 Dec. 1888

900. Bessie b. 7 Feb. 1891




b. 21 Dec. 1861


Chn., Sloat:

901. Franklin W.

902. Archibald

903. Edna

904. Olive

905. Elsworth



EFFIE ELLEN SLOT (Daniel, 868)

b. 3 Mar. 1864

m. 1883


Chn., Cramer:

1. Grace b. 1885



ALBERT W. SLOT (Daniel, 868)

b. 13 July 1868

m. 1890


Chn., Sloat:

906. Ruth b. 1896

907. Marion b. 1897

908. Margaret b. 1901

909. Robert b. 1906


Appendix A - More of the non-Sloat family of the author of the original ms.

EUPHEMIA GANUNG (Ann Sloat, 225 m. Marcus Ganung)

b. 15 Jan. 1849

d. 12 Apr 1906 (Easter Sunday)

m. 13 Nov 1867


b. 26 July 1841

d. 14 Dec. 1909

Chn., Ganung:

Abel b. 29 Dec. 1869; d. 29 Apr. 1870


SARAH ROBINSON (Ann Sloat, 107 m. Elias Robinson)

b. 9 Sep. 1813

d. 1 Oct. 1903


--- REED

m. (2)


b. 1 Jan. 1811

d. 14 Apr. 1883

both bu. Red Bank, N.J. [does 'both' mean Sarah & Michael?]

Chn., Reed:


Chn., Barker:

1. Hattie

m. George W. Hart

2. DeWitt K. b. 11 Jan. 1855; d. 20 Apr. 1918

m. 26 June 1890 Isabel G. Skidmore b. 1865

dau. of Chauncey H. and Emma (Hayes) Skidmore


JOHN SLOAT BOYD (Rachel, 227 m. Ebenezer Boyd) [handwritten entry]

m. (1)

CAROLINE WINTERS [hard to read last name]

m. (2)

--- COUCH [hard to read last name]

Chn., Boyd:

1. Thomas Stanley Boyd [hard to read middle name]

m. Amelia Badeau

2. John R.

m. Rachel Phyfe [hard to read last name]


GEORGE W. HART (Tammy, 224 m. James Hart)

b. 3 June 1843, Putnam Co. N.Y.

d. 17 Feb. 1931, Portchester, N.Y.

m. 7 Dec. 1867, Red Mills, now Mahopac Falls, N.Y.

HATTIE BARKER (Sarah Robinson m. Michael Barker -

Sarah dau. of Ann Sloat, 107 m. Elias Robinson)

b. 10 Jan. 1845, Red Mills, N.Y.

d. 16 Aug. 1905, Brooklyn, N.Y.

Chn., Hart:

May b. 22 May 1869, Brooklyn, N.Y. [the author of the original mss.]

m.(1) 19 Nov. 1889 Frederick A. Gabb;

m.(2) 21 Feb. 1910 W. Hampton Smith

Bessie b. 22 Mar. 1872; d. 11 Oct. 1940

m. 17 June 1896 George Ballard Cooke


DeWITT K. BARKER (Sarah Robinson m. Michael Barker -

Sarah dau. of Ann Sloat, 107 m. Elias Robinson)

b. 11 Jan. 1855

d. 20 Apr. 1918

m. 26 June 1890

ISABEL G. SKIDMORE dau. Chauncey H. and Emma (Hayes) Skidmore

b. 1865

d. 15 Jan. 1917

Chn., Barker:

Chauncey Skidmore b. 22 Mar. 1895

m.(1)Ethel Mary Thompson

m. (2) Nina Ella Wheeler

DeWitt K. Barker – Master of Dental Surgery, practicing in Brooklyn, N.Y.


CHAUNCEY SKIDMORE BARKER (DeWitt K. Barker m. Isabel G. Skidmore

DeWitt son of Sarah Robinson m. Michael Barker

Sarah dau. of Ann Sloat, 107 m. Elias Robinson)

b. 22 Mar. 1895





Chn., Barker:

1. Douglas b. 22 Feb. 1919

2. Monroe b. 16 Dec. 1921


Elizabeth Hart (Tammy Sloat, 224 m. James Hart)

b. 14 Jan. 1822



Peter Curry

b. 17 May 1811, Carmel, N.Y.

son of Lewis & Mary (Secor) Curry

Chn., Curry:

1. Ellen, unmarried

2. Hart b. 30 Apr. 1844; m. ----, no issue

3. William m. --- Shackelton, no issue

Revisions and Corrections to Transcription

01 Oct. 1999 – published for first time on the Web – Appendix A is just barely started, but wanted to get the rest on-line for SLOAT researchers.

29 Oct. 1999 – corrected parentage of #46 - #54. Was given in mss. as #23, but the main entry for #24 lists these as his children. Transcription corrected to show #24 as father on each main entry. Also added wives of #24 to his 'child of' listing.




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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