Today's date is October 16, 2002

This is Interviewer conducting a recorded interview with Ms. Witness Witness, and Witness and I are at the offices of Company in City, State. Today's date is Month 18, 2004, the time is approximately 2:08 p.m., central standard time. And we're going to discuss details of a reported theft which occurred on or about January 31st of 2007, and this was a theft, as I understand it, of office supplies and other items from your office.

A. (Unclear).

Q. First of all, before we start, are you aware this is being recorded?

A. Yes.

Q. Okay, is it being recorded with your permission?

A. Yes.

Q. Okay, could you state your full name and spell your last name for me, please.

A. Okay, Witness Witness, W-I-T-N-E-S-S.

Q. And what's the address here at Company?

A. 100 North Drive, Suite B.

Q. And that's City?

A. Yes, 10000.

Q. And how long have you been at this location?

A. Um, since January--let's see, wait a minute. January, is it December? Three months--it's been a year in January.

Q. Since January?

A. Yeah, January.

Q. Okay.

A. This is my third month, yes.

Q. Do you remember approximately when in January you--or, do you remember--well, I unless I have to ask you what day, do you remember what day in Month you actually moved in, first opened the doors and brought your stuff in?

A. I think it was the--want to say the 2nd.

Q. Weekend or weekday?

A. It was a weekday.

Q. That's May.

A. You know, January, December, I'm sorry. I think my granddaughter did this.

Q. Stapled your calendar closed?

A. Uh-huh. Alright, yeah, it was... I think it was Month 2nd.

Q. Okay.

A. That could be...

Q. Before or after Easter?

A. Oh, before... before Easter.

Q. Which day was Easter... was Easter the end of April this year?

A. Easter was the 11th.

Q. Oh.

A. Yes, it was...

Q. April11th, so it was before Easter.

A. April, May, this is April we're in, it was in April, I would say around the 2nd, if I'm not mistaken, around the 2nd of Month.

Q. Okay... before we go any further, I'll need your date of birth and social security number.

A. 111-11-1111.

Q. Okay, I got that, just kind of scrawled it a little bit, my handwriting just gets worse the faster I write. All right, and let's see, are you married or single?

A. Married but separated.

Q. Okay, and what's your husband's name?

A. Mr. Witness.

Q. Okay, allright, and what is your home address also?

A. Um, 1000, I just moved there.

Q. All right, now what is your--what is your role here at Company?

A. I am founder and executive director.

Q. Okay, and how long, when did you actually found Company?

A. Well, actually in 2000, but we didn't--we became 501(c)(3), which means that, you know, we began to operate in 2002.

Q. All right, and now are you a full-time, okay. You're the executive director, are you a full-time employee?

A. Well, actually whenever I get paid.

Q. Okay.

A. We base, we rely on grants, and grants are not coming in very well right now, and private donations.

Q. Hm-hmm, okay, all right, and now what was your, what was your previous location?

A. 1 West Street.

Q. Okay, and was that a, what type of building was that?

A. Um, it was the (unclear) huge building, State (unclear) office building.

Q. Okay, and how long were you there?

A. Approximately a year, almost a year.



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