Friends and Family Letter

Hi Friends!

I want you to be one of the first to hear my exciting news! I am starting my very own business as a fashion Stylist with a wonderful company called cabi.

I have been searching for something to call my own, which aligns with my passion for helping women, and am thrilled to say I have found it! It’s no secret I have always loved clothing and cherish spending time with good friends; being a cabi Stylist gives me the opportunity to combine those two loves, as I

bring a uniquely styled clothing line into a home setting where I share about the hottest trends, and help women discover their true style—together.

Beyond getting to help women solve daily wardrobe dilemmas, part of my passion for cabi lies in the significant good we do around the world through The Heart of cabi Foundation, which is dedicated to empowering women entrepreneurs in under-resourced parts of the world. I am so proud to be part of a company that is so effectively impacting the lives of women in living rooms across the U.S. and in other parts of the world!

I will be unveiling the Collection at my very first Preview Event on [DATE OF PREVIEW EVENT] and I want to be sure you have the date marked so you can join me. It would mean so much to me to have you there! Keep an eye out for a formal invitation and I’ll call you in the next couple of days to connect and share more about this exciting new adventure.

I can’t wait to see you!



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