Looking for a name for your senior adult ministry group? Choose a name that is appealing to the majority of your people and that cannot be confused with another group in your church or community. Consider the general age range of the people in your group or whom you would like to attract. Sometimes the name can be too specific thus leaving out potential adherents due to misunderstanding. You may want to have a contest to choose a name, but you definitely should have a committee give input to bring wisdom and thoughtfulness into the decision. Here are some suggestions:

* 50's Plus * 55 Alive * 55 and Better * Action 60's * AA (Actively Aging) * Ageless Fellowship * Alive after 55 * AWS (Adults with Seniority) * BALL Club (Be Active & Live Longer) * Best Years Club * Best Years Fellowship * BASIC * (Brothers and Sisters in Christ) * CC (Caleb Classics) * CDL Club (Christians Demonstrating Love Club) * Classic Club * COSAM (Commission On Senior Adult Ministries) * Cornerstone * Emerald Fellowship * Empty Nesters * EPICS (Experienced Persons in Christ Service) * Evergreen Club * Forerunners * Glad Timers * GOAL (Gift Of A Lifetime) * Golden Agers * Golden Harvesters * Golden Heirs * Golden Jewels * Golden Reapers * Golden Years * Good Lifers * Happy Hearts * Happy Seniors * Harvest Hands * Helping Hands * HHH ? Triple H (Heritage, Happiness and Hope) * Hilltoppers * Hurray for Life * Jolly 60'S * Jolly Seniors * JOY Ministries (Just Older Youth) * Joy Reflected * Keen Agers * Keystones

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* L-Love * Lifeliners * Maturity Mandate * MTSA (Ministry to Senior Adults) * MOSAIC (Motivating Our Senior Adults In Christ) * Mountain Toppers * Oaks of Righteousness (Older Adults Knowing the Savior) * OATS (Older Adults - Training & Service) * OASIS (Older Adults Sharing In Service) * The Order of Caleb ? (Caring, Able, Loving, Enthusiastic, Blessing) * Over Fifty Fellowship * PACE (Prayer & Praise, Activity & Action, * Concern & Caring) * Extension & Evangelism * Pacesetters * Pioneers * Prime Timers * RAFEW (Respected Active Faithful Esteemed Wise) * ROC (Retirees on Call) * SAINTS (Senior Adults In New Testament Service) * SAGES (Senior Adults Going Everywhere Sharing) * SALT (Senior Adults Living Triumphantly) * SAM (Senior Adult Mandate) * Senior Ambassadors * Senior Care Club * Senior Saints * Senior Salt * Senior Volunteers * SHARP (Sincerely Happy Association of Retired Persons) * Super Seniors * Sunlighters * TNT (Tried ?N-True) * The Jubilee Group * The Sunshine Gang * Triple L (Live Long & Like It) * Vintage * VIM (Volunteers in Mission) * West of 50 * West of 60 * Wise and Wonderful * XYZ (Xtra Years of Zest)

[4/29/2009 12:54:24 PM]


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