SFUSD Unit 3.12 - Word Problems with Unknowns.docx

300990047625SFUSD Mathematics Core Curriculum Development Project2014–2015Creating meaningful transformation in mathematics educationDeveloping learners who are independent, assertive constructors of their own understanding[Grade Level / Course][Unit Number and Unit Title]Number of DaysLessonReproduciblesNumber of CopiesMaterialsEntry Task Lesson Series 1 Apprentice Task Lesson Series 2 Expert Task Lesson Series 3 Milestone Task Unit OverviewBig Idea(one declarative sentence of an overarching concept central to the learning of math and that links various understandings into a coherent whole)Unit Objectives(Students will understand...be able to...)Unit Description(short narrative of the mathematical flow of this unit from start to finish)CCSS-M Content Standards(Include Domain, Cluster Statements, and full text of standards)Progression of Mathematical IdeasPrior Supporting MathematicsCurrent Essential MathematicsFuture Mathematics(Previous grades and/or previous units within this grade. Do not simply list content standards. Write a narrative description of the prerequisite mathematical knowledge.)(Current grade and unit. Write a narrative of the essential mathematics of this unit. Use the “Big Idea” as a starting point and then flesh it out.) (Future units and grades. Do not simply list content standards. Write a narrative description of how the mathematics of this unit will inform future mathematical learning.)Unit DesignAll SFUSD Mathematics Core Curriculum Units are developed with a combination of rich tasks and lessons series. The tasks are both formative and summative assessments of student learning. The tasks are designed to address four central questions:Entry Task: What do you already know?Apprentice Task: What sense are you making of what you are learning?Expert Task: How can you apply what you have learned so far to a new situation?Milestone Task: Did you learn what was expected of you from this unit?[# Days][# Days][# Days][# Days][# Days][# Days][# Days]Total Days: Entry Task(Title of Task)Apprentice Task(Title of Task)Expert Task(Title of Task)Milestone Task(Title of Task)CCSS-MStandards(Standards named by number)(Standards named by number)(Standards named by number)(Standards named by number)Brief Description of TaskSource(Citation for task, including link if applicable, or “SUFSD Teacher Created”)Lesson Series 1Lesson Series 2Lesson Series 3CCSS-MStandards(Standards named by number)(Standards named by number)(Standards named by number)Brief Description of LessonsSources(Citations for all lessons, including link if applicable, or “SUFSD Teacher Created”)Entry TaskTitle of TaskWhat will students do?Mathematics Objectives and StandardsFraming Student ExperienceMath Objectives:CCSS-M Standards Addressed: (numbered standards)Potential MisconceptionsLaunch:During:Closure/Extension:Title of TaskHow will students do this?Focus Standards for Mathematical Practice: (no more than 2, give number and full sentence for each practice.)Structures for Student Learning:Academic Language Support:Vocabulary: Sentence frames: Differentiation Strategies:Participation Structures (group, partners, individual, other):Lesson Series #1Lesson Series Overview: (short paragraph)CCSS-M Standards Addressed: (numbered standards)Time: [# days]Lesson Overview - Day 1ResourcesDescription of Lesson: (include important math concepts) Notes:(include any deletion or modifications) Lesson Overview - Day 2ResourcesDescription of Lesson: (include important math concepts) Notes:(include any deletion or modifications) Lesson Overview - Day 3ResourcesDescription of Lesson: (include important math concepts) Notes:(include any deletion or modifications) Lesson Overview - Day 4ResourcesDescription of Lesson: (include important math concepts) Notes:(include any deletion or modifications) Lesson Overview - Day 5ResourcesDescription of Lesson: (include important math concepts) Notes:(include any deletion or modifications) Apprentice TaskTitle of TaskWhat will students do?Mathematics Objectives and StandardsFraming Student ExperienceMath Objectives:CCSS-M Standards Addressed: (Numbered abbreviations)Potential MisconceptionsLaunch:During:Closure/Extension:Title of TaskHow will students do this?Focus Standards for Mathematical Practice: (no more than 2, give number and full sentence for each practice.)Structures for Student Learning:Academic Language Support:Vocabulary: Sentence frames: Differentiation Strategies:Participation Structures (group, partners, individual, other):Lesson Series #2Lesson Series Overview: (paragraph)CCSS-M Standards Addressed: (numbered standards)Time: [# days]Lesson Overview - Day 1ResourcesDescription of Lesson: (include important math concepts) Notes:(include any deletion or modifications) Lesson Overview - Day 2ResourcesDescription of Lesson: (include important math concepts) Notes:(include any deletion or modifications) Lesson Overview - Day 3ResourcesDescription of Lesson: (include important math concepts) Notes:(include any deletion or modifications) Lesson Overview - Day 4ResourcesDescription of Lesson: (include important math concepts) Notes:(include any deletion or modifications) Expert TaskTitle of TaskWhat will students do?Mathematics Objectives and StandardsFraming Student ExperienceMath Objectives:CCSS-M Standards Addressed: (Numbered abbreviations)Potential MisconceptionsLaunch:During:Closure/Extension:Title of TaskHow will students do this?Focus Standards for Mathematical Practice: (no more than 2, give number and full sentence for each practice.)Structures for Student Learning:Academic Language Support:Vocabulary: Sentence frames: Differentiation Strategies:Participation Structures (group, partners, individual, other):Lesson Series #3Lesson Series Overview: (paragraph)CCSS-M Standards Addressed: (numbered standards)Time: [# days]Lesson Overview - Day 1ResourcesDescription of Lesson: (include important math concepts) Notes:(include any deletion or modifications) Lesson Overview - Day 2ResourcesDescription of Lesson: (include important math concepts) Notes:(include any deletion or modifications) Lesson Overview - Day 3ResourcesDescription of Lesson: (include important math concepts) Notes:(include any deletion or modifications) Lesson Overview - Day 4ResourcesDescription of Lesson: (include important math concepts) Notes:(include any deletion or modifications) Milestone TaskTitle of TaskWhat will students do?Mathematics Objectives and StandardsFraming Student ExperienceMath Objectives:CCSS-M Standards Addressed: (Numbered abbreviations)Potential MisconceptionsLaunch:During:Closure/Extension:Title of TaskHow will students do this?Focus Standards for Mathematical Practice: (no more than 2, give number and full sentence for each practice.)Structures for Student Learning:Academic Language Support:Vocabulary: Sentence frames: Differentiation Strategies:Participation Structures (group, partners, individual, other): ................

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