Starting Sentences with Connectives - We Must Design

Starting Sentences with Connectives

By now you’ll know how important writing mature and sophisticated sentences is. It’s one of the easiest ways to improve your marks, levels and grades. Complete the sentences below either by adding a beginning or ending. One or two will need writing completely from scratch!


Word means: one things happens as a result of another

1. Because I had practised scoring from the penalty spot, _______________.

2. Because his dogs barked all day and all night, _______________.

3. Because ____________, I received a cheque for one thousand pounds!

4. Because ____________, I had to spend three weeks in hospital.

5. Because _______________, _______________.


Word means: what happens when something is done

6. If you press that button, _______________.

7. If she is found guilty, _______________.

8. If _______________, a letter will be sent to your parents.

9. If _______________, you will get excellent GCSE results.

10. If _______________, _______________.


Word means: what is happening at the same time as another thing OR can mean the same as because

11. As the thief opened the safe, _______________.

12. As the bomb disposal expert stared at the three wires, _______________.

13. As _______________, I read a book.

14. As _______________, I’ll cancel your detention.

15. As _______________, _______________.


16. Before buying that watch, _______________.

17. Before you say no, _______________.

18. Before _______________, you should always fill up the car with petrol.

19. Before _______________, you need to visit your doctor.

20. Before _______________, _______________.

Check your sentences are correct by moving the beginning part to the end and reading it aloud. If it makes sense, it’s right!

Because I slept through my alarm, I missed the train.

I missed the train because I slept through my alarm.


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