RESOLUTION - American Legion


|Resolution No. |05 |

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|Subject |In-State College Tuition for Military Children |

Referred to Convention Resolutions Committee

WHEREAS, Many states in America have denied in-state college tuition rates at state colleges to the children of US military personnel; and

WHEREAS, The children of our military personnel deserve a college education at state institutions at the in-state rates as long as their families are on active duty status; and

WHEREAS, The children of military families cannot control their relocation from state to state due to the transient nature of life in the military; and

WHEREAS, The sacrifices of active duty military personnel and their families must not be compounded by the hardship of out-of-state college tuition costs which is a gross injustice to military families; now, therefore be it

RESOLVED, By The American Legion, Department of New York in convention assembled July 19, 20, 21, 2012 in Rochester, New York that it urge the United States Congress to enact legislation that all state colleges be mandated to charge in-state tuition fees for the children of active duty military families; now, be it finally

RESOLVED, That, if adopted, this resolution be sent to the National Organization in Convention assembled August 28, 29, 30, 2012 in Indianapolis, Indiana for its consideration.


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|Approved _______ Rejected _______ | | |

| | |Adjutant Signature |

|Approved with Amendments ___X______ | | |

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|Consolidated with __________________ | |New York |

| | |County |

|Referred to Standing Committee on | | |

| | |Below section to be completed when resolution is submitted |

| | |from another authorized source. |

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|Received and Recorded ______________ | | |

| | |Name |

|Other Action _______________________ | | |

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|Signature __________________________ | | |

| (Chairman) | |Title |


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