Laws, Regulations, and Policies

Laws, Regulations, and Policies

related to

Motor Vehicle Operator’s ID Cards

Laws & Regulations:

5CFR, PART 930, Subpart A

Sec. 930.111 State license in possession.

An operator or incidental operator will have a State license in his or her possession at all times while driving a Government-owned or leased motor vehicle on a public highway.

Sec. 930.112 Identification card or document in possession.

The operator or incidental operator will have a valid agency identification card or document (e.g., building pass or credential) in his or her possession at all times while driving a Government-owned or leased motor vehicle.

Sec. 930.102 Definitions.

Identification card means the United States Government Motor Vehicle Operator’s Identification Card, Optional Form 346, or an agency-issued identification card that names the type of Government-owned or –leased motor vehicle the holder is authorized to operate.


USDA - Agriculture Property Management Regulations

104-38.5006-2 Department policy

All persons operating Government owned or leased motor vehicles, shall possess a valid State drivers license for the particular type of vehicle(s) operated. All personnel operating Government owned or leased motor vehicles, must also be authorized to do so by personnel having authority to approve the use of such vehicles. The supervisor is responsible for ensuring the employee possesses a valid State drivers license, including a CDL when applicable.

104-38.5006-5 Use of SF-46 Identification Cards

Issuance of an Identification Card (Standard Form 46 or Optional Form 346) is optional. However, agencies must have procedures to identify employees who are authorized to operate Government owned or leased motor vehicles and assure that the other requirements of this subpart and the FPMR are met.

Policies con’t:

Forest Service Policy in FSM 7130

7134.1 – Qualification

Ensure that all operators of Government-owned or -leased motor vehicles are qualified, tested, and certified through State licensing programs. Special equipment driver/operators shall be qualified, tested, and certified though Forest Service programs. When operating government vehicles or equipment the Form OF-346, United States Government Motor Vehicle Operator's Identification Card, or a Forest Service issued identification card indicating the type of vehicle or equipment the holder is authorized to drive or operate must be in the employee's possession. The identification card may be issued with an indefinite expiration date subject to review as required by the Federal Personnel Manual, chapter 930.

7134.2 - Training

Provide all operators of fleet equipment with training that fully informs them of their responsibilities. Include procedures for obtaining repairs, correcting deficiencies, driving defensively, driving to conserve energy, using preventive maintenance checks, and safely operating vehicles and equipment in a Forest environment.


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