Indiana Academic Standards Social Studies: Grade 4

[Pages:16]Indiana Academic Standards Social Studies: Grade 4

Grade 4 Social Studies - Page 1 - January 6, 2020


The Indiana Academic Standards for grade 4 social studies are the result of a process designed to identify, evaluate, synthesize, and create the most high-quality, rigorous standards for Indiana students. The standards are designed to ensure that all Indiana students, upon graduation, are prepared for both college and career opportunities. In alignment with Indiana's Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) plan, the academic standards reflect the core belief that all students can achieve at a high level.

What are the Indiana Academic Standards?

The Indiana Academic Standards are designed to help educators, parents, students, and community members understand what students need to know and be able to do at each grade level, and within each content strand, in order to exit high school college and career ready. The academic standards should form the basis for strong Tier 1 instruction at each grade level and for each content area for all students, in alignment with Indiana's vision for Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS). While the standards have identified the academic content or skills that Indiana students need in order to be prepared for both college and career, they are not an exhaustive list. Students require a wide range of physical, social, and emotional support in order to be successful. This leads to a second core belief outlined in Indiana's ESSA plan that learning requires an emphasis on the whole child.

While the standards may be used as the basis for curriculum, the Indiana Academic Standards are not a curriculum. Curricular tools, including textbooks, are selected by the district/school and adopted through the local school board. However, a strong standards-based approach to instruction is encouraged, as most curricula will not align perfectly with the Indiana Academic Standards. Additionally, attention should be given at the district and school level to the instructional sequence of the standards as well as to the length of time needed to teach each standard. Every standard has a unique place in the continuum of learning omitting one will certainly create gaps - but each standard will not require the same amount of time and attention. A deep understanding of the vertical articulation of the standards will enable educators to make the best instructional decisions. The Indiana Academic Standards must also be complemented by robust, evidencebased instructional practices, geared to the development of the whole child. By utilizing well-chosen instructional practices, social-emotional competencies and employability skills can be developed in conjunction with the content standards.


The Indiana Academic Standards have been developed through the time, dedication, and expertise of Indiana's K-12 teachers, higher education professors, and other representatives. We wish to specially acknowledge the committee members who dedicated many hours to the review and evaluation of these standards designed to prepare Indiana students for college and careers.

Grade 4 Social Studies - Page 2 - January 2, 2020

Social Studies: Grade 4 / Indiana in the Nation and the World

Students in grade 4 apply their growing academic skills and knowledge to an exploration of Indiana and its relationships with regional, national, and world communities. Students are beginning to develop a more refined concept of time and can begin to deal with causeand-effect relationships and decision-making processes, such as identifying problems and considering alternative solutions and their subsequent consequences. These skills and concepts must be related to students' lives and should be presented in a wide variety of resources and hands-on-activities, which include: (1) collecting and analyzing data, primary documents and artifacts, (2) making models and maps, (3) talking with community resource persons, and (4) visiting historic sites and buildings.

In grade 4, students identify key people, places and events that have shaped their state and region. They learn to explain how changes have affected people and communities. Students identify major landforms, water features and resources, and explain how they have influenced state and regional development. They learn to describe the basic structure of state government and explain its purpose. Students have opportunities to actively explore and appreciate the diverse cultures which have contributed to Indiana's heritage. Students also learn to develop proficiency in working cooperatively in groups to: (1) collect data from a variety of resources, including electronic and print media; (2) organize data using a variety of texts (written text, graphs, charts, maps, time lines, data, audio, visual); and (3) develop conclusions.

Indiana academic standards for grade 4 social studies are organized around four content areas. The content area standards and the types of learning experiences they provide to students in grade 4 are described below. On the pages that follow, age-appropriate concepts are listed for each standard. Skills for thinking, inquiry and participation are integrated throughout.

Please Note: Examples, when provided, are intended to help illustrate what is meant by the standards. They are only a starting point and are not exclusive. Many additional possibilities exist.

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Standard 1: Students trace the historical periods, places, people, events, and movements that have led to the development of Indiana as a state.

4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3

American Indians and the Arrival of Europeans to 1770

Identify and compare the major early cultures that lived in the region of Indiana before the arrival of the Europeans, and before Indiana became a state.

Examples: Paleo-Indians such as the Hopewell, Adena, and the Mississippian cultures

Identify and describe historic Native American Indian groups that lived in Indiana at the time of early European exploration, including ways these groups adapted to and interacted with the physical environment.

Examples: Miami, Shawnee, Potawatomi, and Lenape (Delaware); Resource: Conner Prairie Native Americans in Indiana

The American Revolution and the Indiana Territory: 1770 to 1816

Explain the importance of the Revolutionary War and other key events and people that influenced the development of Indiana as a state.

Examples: George Rogers Clark and the Fall of Vincennes (1779), development of the Northwest Territory, Indiana becoming a U.S. Territory, Chief Little Turtle, Tecumseh, Tenskwatawa (the Prophet), William Henry Harrison, and the Battle of Tippecanoe (1811)


Summarize and explain the significance of key documents in Indiana's development from a United States territory to statehood.

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4.1.5 4.1.6


Examples: Land Ordinance of 1784; The Northwest Ordinance (1787), which made Indiana part of the United States territory; and the 1816 Indiana Constitution, which established the first state government.

Statehood: 1816 to 1851

Identify and explain the causes of the removal of Native American Indian groups in the state and their resettlement during the 1830s.

Explain how key individuals and events influenced the early growth and development of Indiana.

Examples: Indiana's first governor, Jonathan Jennings; Robert Owen and the New Harmony settlement; moving the state capitol from Corydon to Indianapolis; development of roads and canals in Indiana; and the Indiana Constitution of 1851

The Civil War Era and Later Development: 1850 to 1900

Explain the roles of various individuals, groups, and movements in the social conflicts leading to the Civil War.

Examples: Levi and Catherine Coffin, abolition and anti-slavery groups, The Underground Railroad, and the Liberia colonization movement


Summarize the impact of Abraham Lincoln's presidency on Indiana and describe the participation of Indiana citizens in the Civil War.

Examples: Indiana's volunteer soldiers, the Twenty-eighth Regiment of the United States Colored Troops, Camp Morton, John Hunt Morgan, The Battle of Corydon, Lew Wallace, Benjamin Harrison, and women and children on the homefront.

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4.1.10 4.1.11 4.1.12

Give examples of Indiana's increasing agricultural, industrial, political, and business development in the nineteenth century.

Examples: Growth of railroads and urban centers, such as Indianapolis, South Bend, Evansville, Fort Wayne, and Gary; President Benjamin Harrison; expansion of the educational system and universities; the growth of labor unions; and the start of Eli Lilly's pharmaceutical business

Growth and Development: 1900 to 1950

Describe the participation of Indiana citizens in World War I and World War II.

Examples: Home front activities such as planting victory gardens, air raid drills and rationing; the use of Indiana steel mills to manufacture weapons; the contribution of troops; and the war reports of Ernie Pyle

Identify and describe important events and movements that changed life in Indiana in the early twentieth century.

Examples: Women's suffrage, the Great Depression, World War I, African-American migration from the South, and World War II

Describe the transformation of Indiana through immigration and through developments in agriculture, industry, and transportation.

Examples: The impact of improved farming methods on Indiana agriculture; the development of Indiana's automobile industry such as the Studebaker and the Duesenberg; the glass industry; the Ball Brothers; the growth of the steel industry in northern Indiana; and immigrant influence on cities and coal mining regions of the state

Contemporary Indiana: 1950 to Present

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Identify and describe important events and movements that changed life in Indiana from the mid- twentieth century to the present.

Examples: The civil rights movement and school integration in Indiana; Indiana's participation in the Korean War; Asian, and Hispanic immigration; and growth in advanced manufacturing and the life sciences industry.


Research Indiana's modern growth emphasizing manufacturing, new technologies, transportation, and global connections.

Examples: Use Indiana government Web sites and other online resources to learn about the development of the interstate highway system, establishment of ports in Indiana, aerospace engineering, and pharmaceutical and high-tech industries.

Chronological Thinking, Historical Comprehension, Analysis and Interpretation, and Research


Create and interpret timelines that show relationships among people, events, and movements in the history of Indiana.

Examples: Immigration patterns such as the settlement of the French and Germans, and automobile manufacturing


Identify different opinions in historical documents and other information resources and identify the central question each narrative addresses.

Examples: Identify different opinions regarding Indiana's participation in the Civil War, using political cartoons, newspaper editorials, and writings found in digital collections of local and state libraries, museums, and historic sites.


Construct a brief narrative about an event in Indiana history using primary and secondary sources. Examples: the first Indianapolis 500 mile race in 1911, The Battle of Tippecanoe 1811, The Ohio River

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Flood of 1913, and the 1965 Palm Sunday tornadoes


Chronological Thinking, Historical Comparison, Analysis and Interpretation, Research

Research and describe the contributions of important Indiana artists and writers to the state's cultural landscape.

Examples: Painters: T.C. Steele, the Hoosier Group and Robert Indiana; Authors: James Whitcomb Riley and Gene Stratton Porter; Musicians: Cole Porter, Hoagy Carmichael, Wes Montgomery, Joshua Bell, and John Mellencamp; other entertainers: Red Skelton and David Letterman

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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