Alabama State University

ALABAMA STATE UNIVERSITY CHEER/MASCOT2019-20 TRYOUT PACKETPLEASE PRINT PACKETThank you for your interest in joining the Alabama State University Spirit Program. Tryouts will be held April 13 - 14, 2019 in Lockhart Gymnasium. To try out, all of the following items MUST be submitted on the first day of tryout clinic no later than 10am *Place all items in a manila folder with your name on it.CHECKLIST____ $25 Application Fee (checks payable to “ASU Foundation/Cheer" ) NON-REFUNDABLE ____ Application Form____ Copy of Acceptance Letter from ASU (Incoming freshman/transfer students only)____ Copy of your academic transcript or fall semester grades. (Current students)____ Headshot (Current Photo)____ Assumption of Risk, Release, Waiver of Liability FormThis waiver is necessary for any possible injuries you might sustain in tryouts. If under 18, you must have a parent sign the Minor Release form. ASU will not cover any expenses from injury at tryouts for incoming or returning candidates.____ Release of Educational Data for University Honors and Elections (see FERPA attachment)____ Review ‘Important Information’For questions regarding items needed to complete your packet, please visit us online at: or contact the Head Cheerleading Coach, De’One Gregg, directly at All candidates must turn in try-out packet items on the first day of try-out clinic no later than 10am.Headshots can be taken first day of clinic free of charge.Male and Female candidates will be judged on separate criteria.All tumbling must be performed without the use of a spotter during tryouts.Cuts can be made at anytime during try-out clinic.***CLINIC AND TRYOUTS ARE CLOSED!***ALABAMA STATE UNIVERSITY CHEER/MASCOT2019-20 TRYOUTSFITNESS REQUIREMENTWe do not have minimum or maximum height/weight requirements. There are, however, fitness requirements. Cheerleading Squad members must be in good physical condition to properly wear the uniform and to handle the intense physical training and performing.CHEERLEADER GENERAL REQUIREMENTSMinimum grade point average (G.P.A.) for all currently enrolled full-time ASU students trying out for Cheerleader is 2.0 (cumulative)Must have a letter of acceptance from Alabama State University (required for all incoming freshman and transfer students)Previous cheerleading experience is recommended (High school level or All-star)Must have stunting ability/skillsTumbling – Minimum standing back tuck and running back handspring back tuckJumps: Toe Touch, Pike, Triple Jump Combination Co-ed Stunts (male): Toss shoulder sit, shoulder stand to a pop off, Toss chair, and optional stuntPartner stunts (female): best stuntOne (1) Cheer - taught during clinicOne(1) Chant - taught during clinicFight Song – taught during clinic (available on YouTube: ASU Cheerleaders Fight Song)Attire for tryouts: Female - Black shorts, black sports bra and white cheer shoes. Male – Black shorts, black t-shirt or black under amour shirt, and black or white shoes. Appearance: (Female) For Sunday tryouts, look “game-ready,” with hair and make-up done as you would for a game. Wear a white, black, or gold/yellow bow with hair in a ponytail (all the way up or half-up). Stud earrings may be worn.No long nails(Male) For try-outs, you should be clean-shaven and well groomed. No jewelry. STINGER THE MASCOT GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Minimum grade point average (G.P.A.) for all full-time currently enrolled ASU students trying out for Mascot is 2.0 (cumulative)Must have a letter of acceptance from Alabama State University (required for all incoming freshman and transfer students)Headshot (current photo)Must provide black tights? and black gloves for performanceBring two (2) clean T-shirts for performance dayPerformance Guidelines:Never talk while in uniformPerform a 2-3 minute routine with props and music (you must provide your own music)Gesture to game situation questions asked by judges. Show spirit on and off performance area.CONDUCT ? Candidates are expected to encourage and be supportive of other candidates. ? No food, beverages, or gum are allowed in the facilities other than water bottles. ? No videotaping of tryouts. Videotaping is permitted during tryout clinic. ? Dispose of any trash and help keep our facilities clean. ? Jewelry must be removed for tryouts and clinic. Females may wear stud earrings. SAFETY GUIDELINES ? The use of springboards and mini-tramps are prohibited ? Remember to stretch before and after performance ALABAMA STATE UNIVERSITY CHEER/MASCOT2019-20 TRYOUT APPLICATIONPLEASE PRINT CLEARLY SELECT ONE: ____ MASCOT ____CHEERLEADERGENERAL INFORMATIONNAME: ___________________________________________ DOB: _________________________STUDENT ID #: ______________________ GPA: _______ SELECT ONE: ____MALE ____FEMALE CLASSIFICATION: ___ HS SENIOR ___ FRESHMAN ___ SOPHOMORE ___JUNIOR ___ SENIORADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________________PHONE NUMBER: ________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS:______________________________EXPERIENCE____ COLLEGE ____HIGH SCHOOL ____ ALL STAR ____ NONE MASCOT EXPERIENCE: __YES __NOSELECT ONE (FEMALES ONLY): ____ FLYER ____ BASEBASES (FEMALE ONLY): TOSS TO HANDS (WITH AN ASSIST) _____ YES ____NOFLYERS: ___ LIB ___ HEEL STRETCH ___ ARABESQUE BASKETS: ___ TOE TOUCH ___ TUCK ___KICK ___FULLDO YOU HAVE CO-ED EXPERIENCE (MALES & FLYERS ONLY): ____ YES ____ NOMALES: ___ COED CHAIR ___ TOSS TO HANDS ___ EXTENSION ___ LIB ___ CUPIETUMBLING: ___STANDING TUCK ___ STANDING FULL ___ BHS TUCK ___ RUNNING BHS ___RUNNING BHS TUCK ___ RUNNING BHS FULL ___ RUNNING BHS LAYOUTOTHER SKILLS (ALL): ______________________________________________________________________________________LIST ALL EXISTING INJURIES: ________________________________________________________________________________PARENT/GUARDIAN INFORMATIONPARENT’S NAME: ______________________________________________________________________PARENT’S ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________PARENT’S CELL PHONE: _____________________ PARENT’S HOME PHONE: ______________________SIZES_______SHOE SIZE _____ SKIRT/PANTS _____ T-SHIRT ______ SHORTS ______ JACKETAre you willing to abide by the rules, regulations, and constitution, “THE CODE”, for the Alabama State University Cheerleaders/Mascot? __________________________________ _____________________(Signature) (Date)ALABAMA STATE UNIVERSITY CHEER/MASCOT2019-20 TRYOUT APPLICATIONPlease attachCurrent Headshot here Why do you want to be an ASU Cheerleader/Mascot and what strengths would you bring to the team other than your skills or your love for cheerleading?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ASSUMPTION OF RISK, RELEASE, AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY(Minors’ form: to be completed by parent only if tryout participant is under the age of 18)I,__________________________, am a parent/legal guardian of ________________________________, and give my consent for my minor child to participate in tryouts and/or activities (hereinafter collectively referred to as Activity) conducted and/or sponsored by the Alabama State University Cheerleading Squad. I understand that participation in cheerleading, gymnastics, tumbling, dance, and related activities involves certain risks, and may result in unavoidable injuries due to the height, rotation, and motions involved in a unique environment. The injuries may include muscle strains and tears, broken bones, and severe injuries including, but not limited to, permanent paralysis, or even death. I am fully aware of the risks and possibility of injury involved and acknowledge that I am assuming the risk of such injury by my child’s participation in the Activity.I further acknowledge that I have health insurance and will be responsible for any and all medical and related bills that may be incurred by my minor child for any illness or injury that he/she may sustain during the Activity.I further acknowledge and authorize the employees or agents of the Alabama State University Cheer Squad, ASU Athletics or Alabama State University to act according to their best judgment in any situation requiring medical attention, whether an emergency or not.Knowing these facts and in consideration of my minor child’s participation in the Activity, I agree to release and hold harmless Alabama State University and its officers, directors, Board of Trustees, representatives employees, coaches, and agents and the coaches and support staff of the ASU Cheerleading Squad, from any and all liability for negligence or any other claim, demand, action, judgment, loss, liability, cost and expenses (including without limitations, attorney’s fees and costs) arising out of or in connection with the Activity, whether directly or indirectly, including, but not limited to, any illness, injury, damage or loss to person or property that my minor child may incur or sustain during the Activity.I further acknowledge and authorize the Alabama State University Cheerleading Squad the right to photograph my minor child and use the photo and/or other digital reproduction of him/her or other reproduction of his/her physical likeness for publication processes, whether electronic, print, digital or electronic publishing via the Internet.I acknowledge that I have read this Assumption of Risk, Release, and Waiver of Liability in its entirety and fully understand its contents. I am aware that this Release contains an acknowledgement of my voluntary and knowing assumption of the risk of illness or injury for my minor child. I further acknowledge that I have signed this document voluntarily and of my own free will._____________________________________ ___________________Parent’s Signature DateASSUMPTION OF RISK, RELEASE, AND WAIVER OF LIABILITYI,_____________________________________, give my consent to participate in tryouts and/or activities (hereinafter collectively referred to as Activity) conducted and/or sponsored by the Alabama State University Cheerleading Squad. I understand that participation in cheerleading, gymnastics, tumbling, dance, and related activities involves certain risks, and may result in unavoidable injuries due to the height, rotation, and motions involved in a unique environment. The injuries may include muscle strains and tears, broken bones, and severe injuries including, but not limited to, permanent paralysis, or even death. I am fully aware of the risks and possibility of injury involved and acknowledge that I am assuming the risk of such injury by my participating in the Activity.I further acknowledge that I have health insurance and will be responsible for any and all medical and related bills that may be incurred by me for any illness or injury that I may sustain during the Activity.I further acknowledge and authorize the employees or agents of the Alabama State University Cheer Squad, ASU Athletics, or Alabama State University to act according to their best judgment in any situation requiring medical attention, whether an emergency or not.Knowing these facts and in consideration of my participation in the Activity, I agree to release and hold harmless Alabama State University and its officers, directors, Board of Trustees, representatives, employees, coaches, and agents and the coaches and support staff of the ASU Cheerleading Squad, from any and all liability for negligence or any other claim, demand, action, judgment, loss, liability, cost and expenses (including without limitations, attorney’s fees and costs) arising out of or in connection with the Activity, whether directly or indirectly, including, but not limited to, any illness, injury, damage or loss to person or property that my minor child may incur or sustain during the Activity.I further acknowledge and authorize the Alabama State University Cheerleading Squad the right to photograph me and use the photo and/or other digital reproduction of me or other reproduction of my physical likeness for publication processes, whether electronic, print, digital or electronic publishing via the Internet.I acknowledge that I have read this Assumption of Risk, Release, and Waiver of Liability in its entirety and fully understand its contents. I am aware that this Release contains an acknowledgement of my voluntary and knowing assumption of the risk of illness or injury. I further acknowledge that I have signed this document voluntarily and of my own free will._____________________________________ ___________________Candidate Signature DateALABAMA STATE UNIVERSITYMONTGOMERY, AL RELEASE OF EDUCATIONAL DATA FOR UNIVERSITY HONORS AND ELECTIONSMany of the honors that are rewarded to students of the University are based in part on confidential information that cannot be released without the consent of students due to Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (Buckley Amendment).It is also necessary to have some confidential information in order to determine those students who are eligible to run for various offices and positions. Faculty members with a legitimate educational interest are entitled to view and receive confidential information (such as grade point averages). However, students are not permitted to view or receive records of other students without the consent of the owner of the records. The same is true for most other parties associated with awards organizations (such as Who’s Who).All students who wish to be considered for such awards and elections would be better served if they gave their consent for the release of their educational records to parties charged with the responsibility of making decisions concerning such awards and honors. All students who so desire is being asked to indicate below by checking the function to which he/she is willing to have confidential information released.FUNCTIONYESNO 1. Election to Office in Student Organizations__________________ 2. Candidate for Miss ASU Contest__________________ 3. Sports Organizations__________________ 4. Who’s Who__________________ 5. Honor Societies__________________ 6. Fraternity and Sorority Membership Intake__________________ 7. Academic Honor Roll__________________ 8. Committee on Student Affairs__________________ 9. University Committees__________________10. Financial Aid/Employment Applications__________________I HAVE READ THE ABOVE STATEMENT AND I AM WILLING TO WAIVE PRIVACY OF MY EDUCATIONAL RECORDS FOR THE PURPOSE(S) CHECKED “YES”.______________________________________ _____________________ ______________Signature of Applicant Student ID Number DateWitness: ______________________________TRYOUT SCHEDULEApril 13 – April 14 LOCKHART GYMNASIUMSaturday: 9:15am – 10:00am Registration/Turn in try-out packet items 10:00am – 1030amStretch, Motions, & Jump 10:30am– 10:50am Learn Fight Song 10:50am – 11:00am Water Break 11:00am – 12:00pm Stunting 12:00pm – 12:30pm Learn Chant & Cheer 12:30pm – 1:15pm Tumbling 1:15pm – 2:15pm LUNCH on your own2:15pm – 2:20pm Stretch2:20pm – 2:50pm Review Fight Song 2:50pm – 3:10pm Review Chant & Cheer3:10pm – 3:20pm Water Break 3:20pm – 3:50pm Stunting3:50pm – 4:20pm Tumbling4:20pm – 5:30pm Coaches Evaluation’s 5:30pm – 7:00pm Interviews & Cuts *You will receive your tryout number during clinic** Please keep your number for tryouts – You MUST have your number to tryoutSunday: 11:45am – 11:55am Stretch and warm up12:00pm – until TRYOUTS Note: The 2019-2020 ASU Cheer Squad will be announced 30 minutes after try-outs. Results will not be discussed at try-outs; a conference may be scheduled upon request. *Transportation and housing will be the responsibility of each canidate during tryouts. Listed below are some hotels for your convenience. Doubletree: 334-245-230Hampton Inn:334-265-1010Drury Inn: 866-870-4859Courtyard: 334-272-5533Renaissance: 334-481-5000Embassy Suites: 334-269-5055Holiday Inn: 334-270-9199ALABAMA STATE UNIVERSITY CHEER/MASCOT2019-20 TRYOUTSIMPORTANT INFORMATION ASU Cheerleaders & Mascot must:Attend summer fundraiser: ASU Cheer Camp (for junior high & high school squads) Dates: June 1-2 (10am – 4pm) (All local, summer school students, and available cheerleaders will work this fundraiser.) Have your university physical completed. More details to come.**Attend summer practice July 15-17 at ASU. (Schedule TBA)Attend UCA Camp July 18-21 at the University of Alabama – Tuscaloosa. **Attend summer boot camp July 29 – Aug 9. (5am – 9:00pm M-F) **If you do not have on-campus housing, you will be responsible for your own housing. ................

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