State Archives


| | | | | | |

|LOCAL GOVERNMENT CONTACTS |Police Department |Local Public Library |Building Mgr |Conservator |State Archives |

| |[phone] |[name] |[name] |[name] |[name] |

|County Commissioner |Fire Department |[office phone] / [home phone] / [cell] |[office phone] / [home phone] / [cell] |[phone] |[phone] |

|[name] |[phone] | | | | |

|[office phone] / [home phone] / [cell] |Emergency medical/ambulance service |Local Archives |Building Staff |Data Recovery Service |SHRAB – designated contact |

| |[phone] |[name] |[name] |[name] |[name] |

|County Clerk |Security |[office phone] / [home phone] / [cell] |[office phone] / [home phone] / [cell] |[phone] |[phone] |

|[name] |[phone] | | | | |

|[office phone] / [home phone] / [cell] |State EMA |Local Historical Society |Utilities |Dehumidification Services (building) |Local government records commission |

| |[phone] |[name] | |[name] |[name] |

|County Manager |Local EMA |[office phone] / [home phone] / [cell] |Electricity/gas |[phone] |[phone] |

|[name] |[phone] | |[name] | | |

|[office phone] / [home phone] / [cell] |State Command Center | |[phone] |Document Recovery Services |Local govt association(s) |

| |[phone] | | |(freeze drying) |[phone] |

|County Administrator |State Police |Utilities |Telephone |[name] | |

|[name] |[phone] | |[name] |[phone] |National Archives Regional Office |

|[office phone] / [home phone] / [cell] |Highway Patrol |Electricity/gas |[phone] | |[phone] |

| |[phone] |[name] | |Exterminator | |

|Chief Operating Officer |Sheriff |[phone] |Water |[name] |National Archives (Washington DC) |

|[name] |[phone] | |[name] |[phone] |[phone] |

|[office phone] / [home phone] / [cell] |Centers for Disease Control |Telephone |[phone] | | |

| |[phone] |[name] | |Freezer Space |Heritage Preservation |

|Chief Financial Officer |Public Health Department |[phone] |Internet provider |[name] |202-233-0800 |

|[name] |[phone] | |[name] |[phone] |Institute for Museum & Library Services |

|[office phone] / [home phone] / [cell] |Red Cross |Water |[phone] | |202-653-IMLS |

| |[phone] |[name] | |Industrial Hygienist (mold) |Natl Endowment for the Humanities |

|Probate Judge | |[phone] |Elevators |[name] |800-NEH-1121 |

|[name] |DISASTER TEAM | |[name] |[phone] |Natl Historical Publications & Records |

|[office phone] / [home phone] / [cell] | |Internet provider |[phone] | |Commission |

| |Team Leader |[name] | |Refrigerated Trucking Service |202-357-5010 |

|Records Manager |[name] |[phone] |Security / fire system provider(s) |[name] | |

|[name] |[office phone] / [home phone] / [cell] | |[name] |[phone] |Amer Assn for State & Local History |

|[office phone] / [home phone] / [cell] | |Elevators |[phone] | |615-320-3203 |

| |Member 1 |[name] | | |ARMA |

| |[name] |[phone] | | |800-422-2762 |

| |[office phone] / [home phone] / [cell] | |MUTUAL AID PARTNERS |REGIONAL PRESERVATION SERVICES |Council of State Archivists (CoSA) |

| | |Security / fire system provider(s) | | |319-338-0248 |

| |Member 2 |[name] |[institution] |[name] |Natl Assn of Govt Arch & Recs Admin |

| |[name] |[phone] |[name] |[phone] |518-463-8644 |

| |[office phone] / [home phone] / [cell] | |[phone] | |Society of American Archivists |

| | | | |[name] |312-922-0140 |

| |Member 3 | |[institution] |[phone] | |

| |[name] | |[name] | | |

| |[office phone] / [home phone] / [cell] | |[phone] |[name] | |

| | | | |[phone] | |

| |Member 4 | |[institution] | | |

| |[name] | |[name] | | |

| |[office phone] / [home phone] / [cell] | |[phone] | | |

|Pocket Response Plan™ (PReP™) |Assessment, salvage, recovery |Response checklist for statewide response |Provide or coordinate emergency services |Protect vital records or those containing |Using the FEMA Conference Line: Contact your|

|Response checklist for emergency in an |Ensure that all hazards are cleared before |Follow these steps as you respond to an |Obtain appropriate permissions to enter |sensitive or personal data |state archivist |

|archives or records facility |entry |emergency with a regional or statewide |disaster site from public safety |Assess status of secure storage facilities | |

|Follow these steps as you respond to an |Assess and document damage to holdings, |impact. |authorities, public health department |Check condition of vital records |FEMA has established a toll-free conference |

|emergency in the archives or records center.|building, information systems |Identify and contact agencies or |Deliver services to repositories in need: |Obtain appropriate storage space for |line that may be used by any state archives |

|Coordinate your response |What type of an emergency was it (fire, |repositories that might be affected |Connect institutions in need with services |threatened vital records |and/or records management agency for |

|Recognize and define the emergency |smoke, chemical, clean water, dirty water, |Use directories to locate field offices, |(send vendor/supplier list from state ARM |Determine if microfilm or other duplicates |records-related disaster planning or |

|Notify public authorities and first |heat, humidity)? |local governments, and archival repositories|emergency plan) |of vital records are stored elsewhere |response purposes. |

|responders |What areas have been affected? |Establish mechanism for local governments to|Recruit volunteers |Assist affected agency or repository to |Your state archivist can make a request to |

|Ensure that all staff and visitors are safe |What is the nature of the e? |call in and for state archives to reach out |Provide supplies |establish salvage priorities |use this line on your behalf or on behalf of|

|and accounted for |How much of the collection has been |using the dedicated toll-free number |Facilitate trips | |a group of archivists or archival |

|Contact risk manager and insurance agent |affected? |provided by FEMA (see last column) |Conduct assessments |MAJOR DISASTERS: INCIDENT COMMAND |institutions in your state. |

|Activate the Disaster Plan |What types of materials have been damaged? |Account for all affected repositories |Assist with public relations |SYSTEM |A directory of all state archivists is |

|Activate the Disaster Team |Are critical information systems functional |Determine if state ARM is holding a copy of |Provide recovery assistance |ICS authority structure: |available at |

|Activate Archives command center |/ safe? |affected organizations’ emergency response |Contact outside emergency service providers |Incident Commander: Responsible for overall |statearchivists.htm or call CoSA at |

|Establish communication with staff, public |Maintain security |plans |Confirm funding sources for emergency |management of the incident |319-338-0248 for contact information. |

| |Stabilize the environment at your facility |Establish and maintain channels of |services |Public Information Officer: Responsible for |The conference line number is 800-320-4330. |

|Phone tree |Identify and gather emergency supplies |communication | |communication with media/public |To schedule a call on the line and obtain a |

|[customize to fit your repository] |Locations: |Make contact with state and local EMA | |Safety Officer: Monitors safety of the |pin number, contact your state archivist and|

| | |(emergency management agency) |Educate and train responders |incident in regards to both the facility and|have him or her contact a CoSA |

| | |Post staff at EMA Command Center |Coordinate deployment of staff and |the responders |representative: |

| |Contact aid partners |Have state archivist contact CoSA to |volunteers to affected areas |Liaison Officer: Coordinates with |The CoSA representative will relay the |

| |Contact outside emergency service providers |schedule “meet me” call on the toll-free |Train response and salvage crews |representatives of cooperating agencies |request to FEMA staff who will lock in the |

| |Begin salvage |line | |Planning Section Chief: Prepares Incident |schedule for the calls (to prevent overlap |

| |Contact news media |Establish communication with appropriate | |Action Plan (IAP) to respond to the event |of conferences) and maintain a log of all |

| |Report status to constituents |local government networks | |Operations Section Chief: Ensures that the |conference line activity. |

| | |Post emergency information and instructions | |IAP is enacted |Once scheduled, your state archivist will |

| | |on _______Web site | |Logistics Section Chief: Responsible for all|then provide you with the pin number that |

| | |Contact NARA Regional Archives | |support needs to enact the IAP |call participants will use to connect to the|

| | |Establish communication with FEMA, other | |Finance/Administration Section Chief: |conference call. |

| | |NARA officials | |Manages all financial aspects of the |The toll-free line is for official use only,|

| | |Contact risk manager and insurance agent | |incident |either (1) during emergencies and disasters |

| | |Contact the news media | | |or (2) for coordination calls for planning |

| | | | | |purposes. |

| | | | | |The conference call line can hold up to 50 |

| | | | | |separate callers at one time. There is no |

| | | | | |maximum time limit on the length of a |

| | | | | |conference call; however each conference |

| | | | | |should be properly scheduled so there are no|

| | | | | |conflicts with other’s use of the conference|

| | | | | |number. |


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