DELAWARE WORKFORCE INVESTMENT BOARDBoard of Directors MeetingDelaware State University, Administration Building – Barros Conference RoomTuesday –July 23, 20139:00 a.m.Attendees: Chairman - Gary Stockbridge, Hon. Anas Ben Addi, Peter J. Bradley, Jeff Bross, Ralph Cetrulo, John Chrzanowski, Alice Coleman, B. Craig Crouch, Gerard Esposito, Harry Gravell, Hon. James J. Johnson, Toby Lamb, Samuel Lathem, Stephan Lehm, Hon. John McMahon, James Randall, Ronald Walker.DOL Staff: Diane Brooks, Richard Fernandes, Lori Reeder.DWIB Staff: Gwen Jones, Bill Potter, Julia HaywardDOJ: Oliver ClearyGuest: Chris Moody for Dr. Orlando George, DTCC; Bernice Whaley, DEDO for Hon. Alan Levin; John McDowell, SHRM.Welcome - Chairman, Gary Stockbridge welcomed attendees and asked each person to introduce themselves. Quorum achieved.Approval of Minutes - Motion made by Samuel Lathem to approve the minutes of the April 2, 2013. Motion seconded by Hon. John McMahon. All in favor (Chairman - Gary Stockbridge, Hon. Anas Ben Addi, Peter J. Bradley, Jeff Bross, Ralph Cetrulo, John Chrzanowski, Alice Coleman, B. Craig Crouch, Gerard Esposito, Harry Gravell, Hon. James J. Johnson, Toby Lamb, Samuel Lathem, Hon. John McMahon, James Randall, Ronald Walker). Motion mittee ReportsPerformance Measures & Customer Satisfaction – Chairman, Jeff Bross, reported from the Quarterly Performance document ending March 31, 2013, prepared by Lori Reeder. We are doing well with the exception of average earnings for both adults and dislocated workers in terms of negotiated, 68% for adults and 79% for dislocated workers. We certainly are meeting the minimum acceptable of 54% and 63% respectively. Jeff thanked the DET/DWIB staff for a successful re-negotiation process with the Federal Department of Labor which will take effect July 1, 2014. The indicators of performance were re-negotiated as follows:Entered Employment RateCurrentRe-NegotiatedAdults68Remained the sameDislocated Workers79Remained the sameRetention RateAdults8286Dislocated Workers8986Average EarningsAdults10,86611,200Dislocated Workers17,08916,950Placement in Employment or EducationRe-NegotiatedYouth6061Attainment of Degree or CertificateYouth69Remained the sameLiteracy or Numeracy GainCurrentRe-NegotiatedYouth6563We continue to struggle with literacy/numeracy gain and have continuously discussed this in the past although the actual numbers belie that. Youth Council – Vice Chairman Samuel Lathem reported. The Youth Council (YC) has been working to address our strategies for achieving our critical goal with the help of Tammy Ditzel. The goal is to increase engagement of Delaware youth in career development opportunities.Capitalize on what is already working well to avoid duplication--access what youth-friendly sites currently exists, identify which sites are most successful and why.Examine the membership of the youth council to increase business and community involvement--assess the diversity of our membership and identify gaps.Of particular concern is to be sure our One-Stops are designed in a way which appears to be “youth friendly”. A youth-friendly career development site was defined as being a welcoming environment, where youth and their families/guardians are respected and known by name. Esthetically, it is designed to exemplify a youth culture-having technological resources and social support that appeal to the generation.In addressing this we have been reviewing the SNAPS (Share Network Access Points). Gwen Jones and Bill Potter are following up with the SNAPS to determine what we might want to see with regard to Youth Services. We have also taken a visit to the Anne Arundel Youth One-Stop in order to learn more about specific directions we can take. We are also eager to determine how we might tie into the BRINC (Business Roundtable Education Committee) initiative which Gary will likely report on.We anticipate this to be completed within the next few weeks. Once this is complete we will establish criteria as a group, once we know what and how they are doing.We are also attempting to increase Youth participation. Julia Hayward invited Rita Hovermale to visit with us to talk about providing youth representatives from FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America - a Department of Education program). She will provide us with a couple of youth starting with New Castle County who can serve in advising the Youth Council. We are well on our way of meeting our goal to involve more youth participation. It is the intent of the YC to set up a user youth-friendly One-Stop to include technology so we can reach the youth in the language and culture they understand.Questions on the Minutes of July 23, 2012 in RedGary spoke briefly on BRINC (Brandywine/Indian River/ New Castle County Vo-Tech/Colonial school districts). BRINC is an initiative using technology to advance the individual experiences of students in high school. BRINC’s business roundtable sub-committee on educational development is weighing a proposal to help fund one of the components of that technology which is attempting to improve the business interface between students and the business community. BRINC, similar to Junior Achievements (JA) Career Cruising, plots a career path which is part of the curriculum and already embedded in the system. JA links the students with the business community. So there is lots of activity but all the pieces were not coming together. It is hopeful that JA, BRINC and Delaware Workforce Investment Board (DWIB) can all work together to leverage this technology and make it happen. The role of the DWIB will be to pull all those individuals together.Proposal Review & Certification - Chairman, John Chrzanowski reported. We have begun the renewal process for Individual Training Account Providers (ITA).? The Proposal Review & Certification committee will be meeting in the next few weeks to go over high demand occupations.Two awarded RFP providers are returning their Blue Collar funding.? They are Professional Staffing for their Business Skills program (returning $113,647) and Res Care Workforce Services (d.b.a.) Arbor Employment and Training (returning $59,750.00).?The have determined that the limited funding they were awarded would not be enough to implement their programs successfully. Those funds will be returned to the Blue Collar training fund. Lengthy discussion followed regarding the development of a contingency plan that lays out a course of action for future funding awards that are declined or retrieved from providers. The committee decided to be more liberal when funding by asking all vendors during the proposal development sessions, if they are not totally funded can they sustain their programs? Guidelines for the RFP process will be reviewed to provide a contingency plan to follow in cases where funding awards are returned. Financial Oversight - Chairman, Ralph Cetrulo reported. The DWIB Executive Director and Support Staff is actually on budget however, direct costs disbursement is under budget by $21,000. By the end of the month we should be on track but still slightly under budget. The Division of Employment & Training (DET) is significantly under budget due to available positions, one of which has been filled. Salary and benefits are well under budget which reflects direct costs. Direct costs are allocated based on salaries and benefits. Indirect costs will increase later in July. ITA’s (Intensive Training Accounts) to date, has expended $1.9M and an authorization for $124,000 for a sum of 74% expended for the year. An error does exist in the report. It should be 74% rather than 79%. The remaining line items are correct.WIA and Blue Collar activity has not been posted for June. Although, through the month of May, 82% for Youth and 66% Blue Collar has been authorized and expended. A special Blue Collar collections was held however, blue collar collections is essentially at the same number as the prior year. A delinquency billing was issued to employers on May 15, 2013 and had an outstanding delinquency balance of $350,075.46 (this amount excludes bankruptcy/judgment cases). During this delinquency billing cycle, $32,949.56 was collected leaving a current delinquency balance of $317,125.90. Since the regular semi-annual training tax bill is mailed in June and is not due until July 31st per our normal operating procedure, there will be no delinquency bills issued in June or July. The next delinquency billing will occur in August. Ralph Cetrulo, Diane Brooks and Gwen Jones met and prepared the new budget for approval which will be presented at the Executive Committee meeting in September and presented for Board approval at the October 22, 2013 meeting.Chairman’s Report:Strategic Planning/Update - Goal Leader Reports - Chairman, Gary Stockbridge reported. Gary reminded everyone how incredibly impressed he is with the staff in making sure we continue to stay on track and all the progress made since coming out of the Strategic Plan. Gary identified each goal once again, outlining the purpose of the goals. Goals 1& 2 are linked. Goal one leans toward getting more current information on where opportunities exist toward an internet-based future. Goal two is more of a cyclical process gathering current industry intelligence in Delaware and using that information to build career pathways and ladders. Goal 3: Bill Potter reported. This goal will create a unified approach that educates and incentivizes employers for hiring veterans and their family members. Bill reported on the Employers Conference – (Enhancing Veterans Employment Opportunities) held on June 19, 2013 at the Chase Center-Riverfront. Approximately 59 individuals representing more than 50 businesses attended, obtaining about 50 contacts and more than 100 email addresses. It was suggested by Hon. Anas Ben Addi to involve veteran owned businesses and to consider a job fair. Gary Stockbridge, DWIB Chairman and Bill Potter, DWIB Deputy Director promoted the workshop on two local radio stations, urging each of us to look over the horizon at the opportunity and potential coming our way and embrace the possibilities that a highly trained and ready workforce brings to our state. This surge or tidal wave of military members and veterans, offer us a once in a lifetime opportunity to make Delaware business stronger, more vibrant, more agile, and more profitable. The News Journal published a press release and a distribution list obtained from DEDO resulted in marketing a successful conference. Goal 4: Gwen Jones reported briefly in the absence of Andrea Guest. Regular meetings are being held while this group collaborates with Delaware Business Leadership Network (BLN). Gwen defined BLN and mentioned a meeting being held in September to implement ways to employ individuals with disabilities. A brochure has been developed and they are actively putting together an advisory board.Goal 6: A carry-over to make the state service centers the first place the business community in Delaware goes for their employment needs through better defining and communicating services offered. Gary reported on the technology interface with the business community. Resumes and search engines needed to be more robust. The resume component has been completed and Richard Fernandes from DET is here to present on the results of the installation of the resume component which is half of the picture and to provide a visual of the resume builder. Presentation: Delaware Joblink (DJL) – Richard Fernandes provided a very thorough review of the modified resume project in Delaware Joblink. This program designed by America’s Joblink Alliance (AJLA) allows a client to create an online resume, which can be viewed by employers who have been approved by Delaware Joblink to conduct resume searches. Options are also available to upload an existing resume, or copy and paste from an existing resume. Online resumes include optional references with additional options to display references on the resume or not. Richard highlighted:Job seeker controlled disclosure levels determine who can see your resume and the contact information on it: Public: displays all information on the resume, including all contact information.Public Limited: displays all information on the resume, except contact information. Only your name and email address display to employers who view your resume.Private: does not display your resume. Your resume will not display to employers who conduct resume searches. Job seekers who choose this option can use their resume to search for jobs and receive email alerts.Using Email Alerts, job seekers who provide an email address as part of their contact information can choose to receive notification from Delaware Joblink of new or updated jobs that match their resume target job. The disclosure level can be set when the resume is created and can be edited at any time. Resumes also include options to save in Word or PDF, preview, and print.Job seekers can contact employers directly about job openings by reviewing the job information for employer contact information and referral instructions.Some employers choose to have the Division of Employment and Training One-Stop Center staff screen potential jobseekers for referral to their job openings. For these jobs, information on how to proceed displays on the job posting, and may require contact with the local One-Stop Center prior to a referral to the job. Unemployment Insurance Registration – Must be complete in order to conduct a job search or receive Unemployment Insurance benefits. In order for your registration to be complete you must:Complete the following sections; Contact Information, Alternate Contact Information (if applicable), Demographic Information to include the following sections; Personal, Veteran Information, Migrant Worker, Employment Status, Eligibility to Work in the U.S., Dislocated Worker and Layoff Details.A Delaware JobLink Job Seeker account provides the ability to: Conduct a Job SearchBuild or Upload a ResumeReceive Notification of Job Openings When a Match OccursSearch for Training Opportunities Certified by the Delaware Workforce Investment Board for Eligible Training CandidatesRegister with a One-Stop CenterLengthy discussion followed regarding the “cookie-cutter“ approach where individuals provide a detailed work history but tweak their resume just to appear they have the experience for the job when they in fact don’t. This was the only question regarding the full process. Ralph Cetrulo expressed this as being an obvious challenge for the employer. Ralph’s second concern was technology - people just aren’t thinking anymore and we now have a tool that requires them to actually think about what they did or have done in terms of employment which tempts the cookie-cutter approach to the resume. This provides prospective employers with false hope. The conversation in length discussed the possibility of embedding a video clip into the resume as another tool to eliminate this - similar to a video interview. Compared to answering an ad in the newspaper and providing a resume, this idea will be tabled until the resume builder has been perfected to satisfactionGary thanked Richard for such an informative presentation and the great work staff has done to accomplish what has been done to date.Old Business - NoneNew Business – Hon. John McMahon reported. A blue collar taskforce comprised of Cabinet secretaries and some senate members has been formed at the request of Senator Marshall. Gov. Markell has approved and the taskforce will hold their first meeting on August 19, 2013 at Buena Vista, chaired by Senator Marshall and State Representative Mulrooney. Gary has also been appointed to this taskforce by request of the Hon. John McMahon. The purpose of this meeting is to define blue collar jobs in today’s world, creating more jobs, and funding mechanisms to create more job opportunities in Delaware.Toby Lamb reported. Local Union 199 has relocated to 308 Marcus Court in Newark, DE. The local anticipates the opening of a new training facility in Newark, NJ in the near future. Meeting Adjourned @ 10:50 a.m.File Folder C: 05/05 ................

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