SEABC Annual Report (2017-2018) (A3010530).DOCX

2017-2018 SEABC Annual ReportThe purpose of The Florida Bar’s Student Education and Admission to the Bar Committee (SEABC) is to assist the The Florida Bar and The Florida Bar’s Henry Latimer Center for Professionalism (the Center) in determining whether law schools are adequately preparing their students for the practice of law and to make specific recommendations to The Bar’s Board of Governors. Historically, SEABC has monitored and reviewed proposed legislation affecting legal education and sought to establish a means to track the success of minority scholarship programs to help institutions in the disbursement of minority scholarships, thus allowing these institutions to maximize the benefits of these minority programs. In recent years, SEABC has worked closely with law school deans from around the State of Florida to learn more about how best to advance SEABC’s core mission.Beginning this year, SEABC became a part of the Center for Professionalism. Our past pursuits are still top priority for SEABC as we transition, and we are excited about the opportunities that will be available for SEABC moving forward as part of the Center. Organizationally, for the first time this year, SEABC is now divided into several working groups based on the specific tasks SEABC has been directed to undertake. SEABC is thrilled to be part of The Center and is extremely fortunate to work closely with Rebecca Bandy in her new role as the Executive Director of the Center. Ms. Bandy’s work with SEABC will help us continue to advance our newly established working groups and will help SEABC lay the groundwork for many successful projects in the years to come. Our key working groups are as follows:*Mission and Vision – Chaired by Ashely Wells Cox, this group is working to complete a revised and significantly updated mission statement that will capture and convey the reinvigorated purposes of SEABC. In addition, this group is working on a strategic plan that will detail the goals and initiatives for SEABC over the next five years.*Mentoring Initiatives – Chaired by Annika Elaine Ashton, this group is focused on finding new and creative ways to pair aspiring attorneys with helpful mentors, and to ensure that mentoring relationships continue to help grow a diverse and inclusive practice of law in the State of Florida. Specifically, this group is working to devise a mentoring program for law students that can be implemented by SEABC in the future. As part of their work to implement a successful mentoring program, this group is considering strategic partnerships with various groups within The Bar and with all Florida law schools.*Law School Gender Bias – Chaired by Camille Marie Evans, this group is committed to studying law school activities designed to address gender bias. Through its work, this group is also studying industry initiatives outside the practice of law and working to identify successful programs that can be implemented by The Florida Bar.*SEABC “Practice of Law” Handbook – Chaired by J. Rhiannon Arnold-Rogers, this group is working to create a handbook that will give aspiring law students details on everything that they need to know before considering law school as a career path. Ultimately, the handbook will be distributed to high school and undergraduate students who are seriously considering attending law school. *Legal Education Reform – Chaired by Rachel Ann Lowes, this group is dedicated to researching all sources of legal education reform in order that SEABC might identify ways that law school education can be improved to suit the needs of a dynamic and ever-changing population and profession. Each of our newly-formed working groups have worked hard during this transitional year to organize and begin building new momentum that will carry SEABC forward in coming years. It has been a great honor and privilege to have the opportunity to work with the many amazing professionals that serve as members of SEABC during this transitional year. The team at the Center has proven, once again, to be a magnificent group, and has done a wonderful job facilitating a smooth transition for SEABC into the work of the Center. My heartfelt thanks goes out to all of the many professionals who have given their time for the benefits of students, professors, administrators, and aspiring attorneys from all walks of life. The members of SEABC rose to the challenge of a transitional year and made significant progress. Our working groups are now fully functioning laboratories for new ideas and positive change. The hardworking members of SEABC will continue to help ensure that the future of the practice of law in Florida is bright, and that students who want to achieve the dream of becoming an attorney in Florida will have every opportunity to succeed. Thank you, once again, to all the SEABC members for allowing me the opportunity to serve as your Chair.Douglas Alan Bates, Chair ................

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