ADAD application - Georgia Public Commission


Georgia Public Service Commission

244 Washington Street, SW

Atlanta Georgia 30334-5701

TO: Applicant


Enclosed is an application for a permit to use Automatic Dialing and Announcing Devices (ADAD). In addition, I am including a copy of the Regulations for the employment and use of automatic dialing and announcing devices in Georgia.

All applications for a permit must be submitted in writing on the enclosed form accompanied by any necessary attachments. No action can be taken until all of these documents have been received.

Please submit one original and 2 copies of the completed application and all supporting material. Mail the application to the attention of:

Reece McAlister

Executive Secretary

Georgia Public Service Commission

244 Washington Street, SW

Atlanta, GA 30334-5701

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (404) 656-0949.




Georgia Public Service Commission

244 Washington Street, SW

Atlanta Georgia 30334-5701


Date of Application



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|Name of Applicant: ________________________________________________________________________________ |

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|Address: Street ________________________________________________________________________________ |

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|________________________________________________________________________________ |

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|City ______________________________________ State/Zip __________________________ |

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|Telephone No. ( ) ________________________ Fax No. ( ) _______________________ |

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|Name and contact information of employee authorized to respond to Commission requests. |

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|Name: _______________________________________ Title ____________________________________________ |

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|Tel. No.: ( ) ________________________________________________________________________________ |

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|E-mail Address _____________________________________________________________________________________ |

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|Address: (If different from above.) |

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|Street ________________________________________________________________________________ |

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|________________________________________________________________________________ |

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|City ____________________________________________ State/Zip ________________________ |

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|1. Type of organization: |

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|(a) Individual ( ) |

|(b) Partnership ( ) |

|(c) Corporation ( ) |

|(d) Other (Specify: ____________________________________________________________) ( ) |

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|Address: Street ________________________________________________________________________________ |

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|________________________________________________________________________________ |

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|City __________________________________________ State/Zip __________________________ |

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|Number of ADADs to be used by Applicant ______________________________________________________________ |

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|Name of Local Exchange Carrier that will provide local service for ADAD(s). _________________________________ |

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|__________________________________________________________________________________________________ |

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|List all telephone numbers from which ADAD outbound calls will be made. _____________________________________ |

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|List types of ADAD equipment to be used by Applicant (Describe). |

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|Provide a complete description for which ADAD(s) will be used. |

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|Explain how the database of telephone numbers was obtained (i.e., to what group will the ADAD message be |

|directed). |

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|Please indicate the manner in which the Company plans to obtain prior express consent from the individuals being called in order to comply with the |

|consent rules (contained in Rules D, E, and F attached herein). |

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|Has the Applicant registered with the Federal Trade Commission to access the National Do Not Call Registry? |

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|(Check one): Yes ( ) No ( ) |

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|The following practices using ADAD equipment, among others outlined in the attached copy of Georgia law governing the use of ADAD, are prohibited: |

|Utilizing any method to block or otherwise circumvent a telephone subscriber’s use of a caller identification service. |

|Programming ADAD equipment to dial telephone numbers in a sequential or random fashion. |

|Calling telephone subscribers at times other than between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. |

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|The Applicant has read the attached “Regulation for the Employment and Use of Automatic Dialing and Announcing Devices in Georgia” and understands the|

|prohibitions on the use of ADAD equipment and agrees to refrain from such practices. |

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|_________________ |

|Initials of Applicant |

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|5. In the space below, provide a copy of the message to be used: |

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|Officer or Attorney/Agent |

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|Name _______________________________________________________________________________________________ |

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|Address: Street ________________________________________________________________________________ |

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|________________________________________________________________________________ |

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|City __________________________________________ State/Zip __________________________ |

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|Telephone No. ( ) ______________________________________________________________ |

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|The Applicant agrees to abide by all applicable rules and regulations of the Commission and findings, conclusions, terms and conditions set forth in |

|pertinent Commission orders, and update the Commission of any changes that occur during the two-year permit period regarding the use of the |

|equipment. Further, Applicant agrees to abide by all applicable laws under the Official Code of Georgia Annotated. |

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|________________________________________ |

|Signature of Applicant |

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|Subscribed and sworn before me | |

|this ________ day of _______________, 20_____. | |

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| |(SEAL) |

|_________________________________________ | |

|(Notary Public) | |




A. Any person desiring to use ADAD equipment in this State shall make application for a permit to the Georgia Public Service Commission on forms prescribed by the Commission and shall pay a fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) for such permit. Permits shall be renewed biennially as prescribed by the Commission and upon payment of a renewal fee. Permits shall be subject to suspension or revocation for any violation of Commission Rules and Tariffs promulgated pursuant thereto.

B. Upon receipt of an application for a permit on the forms prescribed herein, the Commission reserves the right to designate a time and place for hearing. The Commission will give notice thereof to the applicant at least ten days in advance of the date assigned for hearing. Upon approval of the application a permit shall be issued in the form identified as “Permit to Use Automatic Dialing and Announcement Devices”.

C. Persons using ADAD equipment must do so under the following conditions:

(1) No numbers will be called in sequential or random fashion. Sequentially placed calls refer to those calls automatically dialed by successively increasing or decreasing integers, or similar methods. Randomly placed calls refer to those calls automatically dialed to a telephone number where no prior relationship exists between the calling and the called party.

(2) The equipment shall be programmed or utilized in such a manner as to automatically disconnect a called party’s line not later than ten seconds after the called party fails to give consent for playing a recorded message or hangs up.

(3) Within 25 seconds after the called party answers and at the conclusion of the call, the name and telephone number of the individual or firm making or paying for the call, including but not limited to the name of the individual or firm on whose behalf the call is made, must be clearly stated.

(4) The telephone number given to the called party to contact must be one which during normal hours must be promptly answered in person by a person who is an agent of the person on whose behalf the calls are made and who is willing and able to provide information on the call.

(5) No calls will be placed to organizations providing emergency services, including but not limited to hospitals, nursing homes, fire departments, and law enforcement agencies.

(6) No calls will be placed between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.

(7) No calls will be placed to persons or firms whose telephone numbers have been omitted from Company directories, at the request of such persons or firms.

(8) Equipment used to place such calls shall be equipped with an automatic clock and calendar device which will operate, even in the event of power failure, to prevent unattended operation in violation of the time limitations set forth herein.

D. Any person wishing to receive telephone calls through the use of ADAD equipment shall give his or her written permission to the person using, employing or directing another person to use, or contracting for the use of such ADAD equipment.

E. A person may give consent to a call made with ADAD equipment when a live operator introduces the call and states an intent to play a recorded message. This consent applies only to one particular call and shall not constitute prior consent to receive further calls through the use of such ADAD equipment.

F. This consent will be valid for two years from the date on which it is executed unless sooner withdrawn. A record of such written consent must be maintained by the person to whom consent is given, and made available to the Commission or its authorized representative during normal business hours and following reasonable notice. This consent may be withdrawn fifteen days following receipt of the letter of withdrawal.

G. The consent provisions contained in paragraphs D., E., and F. will not apply when:

(1) Calls are made with ADAD equipment by a nonprofit organization, or by an individual using such calls other than for commercial profit-making purposes, and the calls do not involve the advertisement or offering for sale, lease, or rental of goods, services, or property;

(2) Calls made with ADAD equipment relate to payment for, service of, or warranty coverage of previously ordered or purchased goods or services; or

(3) Calls made with ADAD equipment relate to collection of lawful debts.

H. Any person who operates or uses Automatic Dialing and Announcing Devices who does so in violation of the provisions set forth in the preceding will be subject to disconnection of telephone service if the violation does not cease within 10 days from the date of notification to that person.


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