State of Hawaii eProcurement - HIePRO

ADDENDUM NO. 3FORREQUEST FOR PROPOSALSTO PROVIDESYSTEM SOFTWARE ANDIMPLEMENTATION CONSULTING SERVICES FORHIGHWAYS FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROJECTSTATE OF HAWAIIDEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIONHIGHWAYS DIVISION (DOTH)RFP: HWY-FMS-2020April 17, 2020The following revisions shall be made to the Request for Proposals:A. The Interface Frequency of Encumbrance (SECTION 2 – Page 11, 6. INTERFACES) has been REVISED from Daily to Daily/Fiscal Year End.B. The requirement of PO100 has been REVISED.APPENDIX C –REQUIREMENTS, PO100 shall be revised to read:Ability to interface all encumbrances to FAMIS daily and/or in the fiscal year end according to DOTH business rules.C. The Offeror Staff Experience Reference has been REVISED. APPENDIX A – OFFEROR RESPONSE, Offeror Staff Experience Reference Form shall be revised to read: Staff in key roles (such as project manager, project lead, functional/technical lead, etc.) must include a minimum of two references in the Offeror Staff Experience Reference Form.Other staff must include a minimum of one (1) reference in the Offeror Staff Experience Reference Form. Removed: the following sentence from 5.4.6 Project References: Include at least three (3) references as “Attachment 4: Offeror and Subcontractor Staff References”. D. The Offeror References has been REVISED. APPENDIX A – OFFEROR RESPONSE, Offeror Reference shall be revised to read:The Offeror shall complete Offeror Experience Reference Form Part 1 for Offeror AND each subcontractor for a minimum of two (2) recent client references and include them in “Attachment 2: Offeror and Subcontractor References”. E. The following fillable documents are available for download from HIePro: Appendix-K Svc Level Agreement Tables HWY-FMS-2020.xlsxAppendix-J?Imple?Svcs?Tables HWY-FMS-2020.xlsxOfferor Experience Reference Form.docOfferor Staff Experience Reference Form.docF. Pre-proposal Conference was held on April 13, 2020 from 10:00 AM HST to 10:09 AM HST. Attendees were reminded of written inquiry and proposal deadlines. Attendees were advised of requirement to submit written inquiries.G. Responses to Written Inquiries:Written Inquiry and Response Request for Proposals to Provide System Software and Implementation Consulting Services for Highways Financial Management System Project State of Hawaii Department of Transportation Highways Division (DOTH) RFP: HWY-FMS-2-202004/17/20201. Will there be a separate solicitation for the IV&V consultant, if yes, when will that solicitation be released? Answer: IV&V consultants have already been procured.2. Can you confirm whether you currently calculate gross payroll in your systems before handing off to the State payroll system for the net payroll calculation? Answer: HWYAC computes gross payroll based on computed hourly rates. AS400 generates miscellaneous payroll items such as meals, night differentials, etc. 3. With the pre-bid meeting changing to April 3rd, will the Question deadline also be moved out? Answer: There is no extension planned.4. Would the DOTH be receptive to a proposal based on a hosted PeopleSoft platform?Answer: SAAS only 5. On page 1 of Appendix A, the RFP states that “Offerors must submit with their proposals any exceptions that they wish to discuss; however, many clauses are required by Hawaii state law particularly ‘Appendix D, GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS’ cannot be changed.” Can any of the terms and conditions in Appendix D (Indemnification and Defense & Liquidated Damages, for example) be negotiated and changed indirectly through an amendment, attachment of special provisions, or similar contractual mechanism? Answer: Appendix D itself cannot be changed. 6. Per the statement on page 1 of Appendix A, will the State only consider exceptions that significantly benefit the State? Answer: Yes. Please note that Appendix D, General Terms and Conditions may not be changed. Other exceptions will be reviewed along with entirety of the Offeror’s Proposal to evaluate if it will significantly benefit the State.7. Will the DOTH consider an exception related to the Performance Bond requirement in Section 3 page 33 or is this requirement non-negotiable?Answer: A Performance Bond is mandatory.8. With the extension of the due date for questions and answers and the rescheduling of the bidders’ conference, does DOTH expect to extend other dates in the procurement schedule?Answer: As of today’s date, there is no extension planned.9. If the DOTH procurement milestones get extended beyond the fiscal year end, does this impact the availability of funding/appropriation for the project?Answer: Yes, the procurement extension impacts the availability of funding/appropriation for the project and procurement is planned to be completed within this fiscal year.10. What is the current system landscape with database sizes? The RFP mentions 2 AS400’s. Can you provide additional information?Answer: The following are the approximate AS400 database sizes. Oahu – 14 Gb Hawaii Island – 4 Gb Kauai – 4 Gb Maui – 4 Gb11. Please describe your current maintenance schedule.Answer: 1 – 2 times per year12. 5.4.4 Project Team – “Provide a description of how the proposed solution will address or satisfy the Continuity of Contractor Personnel Objective in the RFP.” Please clarify what the Continuity of Contractor Personnel Objective is.Answer: Please provide information or plan on how project team travel will be planned to minimize disruption of the implementation as well as availability to DOTH. Please provide information or plan on the process in case there is a personnel change how the Offeror will minimize disruption of the implementation. 13. Would DOTH consider an extension to the due date for the RFP considering the events surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic?Answer: There is no extension planned.14. References – The RFP states “For each member of the Offeror’s Project Team, including members of subcontractors (if any), the Offeror Staff Experience Reference Form shall be completed and included as part of the Offer Response. Include at least three (3) references as “Attachment 4: Offeror and Subcontractor Staff References”.” The “Offeror Staff Experience Form” states: Staff in key roles must include a minimum of two references in the “Offeror Staff Experience Reference Form” Please clarify the count of references needed for each personnel, and/or the total amount of references expected.Answer: See Addendum 3.15. What percentage of availability from the internal resources from HDOT will be available for each area? a. Budget (BD) b. General Ledger (GL) c. Accounts Payable (AP) d. Accounts Receivable (AR) e. Fixed Asset (FA) f. Procurement (PO) g. Project/Grant (PG) h. Federal Billing (FB) i. Human Resource (HR) j. Time and Labor (TL) k. Information Technology (IT)Answer: As stated in RFP Section 2.25 Project Team, DOTH will assign a full-time project manager and some additional project positions. In addition, DOTH will provide technical and functional process owners as needed to support the core project team. These resources will not be dedicated full-time to the project, but will be available to support completion of DOTH tasks and deliverables per the mutually agreed upon detailed project plan16. What other internal resources will be available to work on the project and their percentage of availability?Answer: See answer to #1517. Will there be available resources in FAMIS and HWYAC to assist in the project for data extraction and conversion of HWYAC, AS400, and the interface to FAMIS?Answer: Yes.18. Can we obtain a copy of the labor and equipment statistics maintained in AS400?Answer: Yes. Please refer to DMR.pdf, Labor Transaction Register.xlsx and AS400 Equipment Use.pdf in Offeror’s Library.19. Does DOTH have an anticipated go live date for the components?Answer: As stated in RFP Section 2 Scope of Work: “DOTH expects the implementation of the new SYSTEM to be a less than two-year single project.” 20. Does DOTH have a preference whether all components go live simultaneously or not?Answer: Preference is for all components to simultaneously go live, however DOTH will consider Offeror’s recommendations.21. While using SaaS, is DOTH ready to address gaps through process change versus customizations?Answer: One of benefits realization objectives of the new system as stated in the RFP Scope of Work section 2.1 is to: “eliminate redundant data input, maintain data integrity across features and functions, and provide users with the ability to move from one feature or function to another with minimal effort or confusion.” DOTH understands that business processes may need to be changed to accommodate the new SYSTEM and expects the Contractor to go through the Fit/Gap analysis to discuss solution trade-offs with DOTH as stated in the RFP Scope of Work section 2.3: “During the system design, the Contractor will develop a Fit/Gap Analysis and identify changes to DOTH business processes and/or SYSTEM software required to eliminate functional gaps. The Fit/Gap analysis will describe DOTH functions and processes where special adaptation efforts may be required to adequately meet DOTH's business needs. The Contractor shall also maintain the requirements traceability matrix to track the status of and trace each requirement in this RFP to functionality in the SYSTEM.However, Federal and State requirements do not offer flexibility and may require customization or custom development. 22. You have Section 14 as a checklist. There are sections 1-14, and then you have Attachments 1-13, are these attachments uploaded to portal separately? Do you want each of these attachments in the section where it belongs or at the end with a header for attachments? It is a bit confusing. Do you want Appendix B and C left in excel? Thank you. Answer: The Section 14 check list serves as a reference only to ensure that the offerors include all the required information in their proposal. Offerors should include the attachments in corresponding sections. Appendix B and C responses should be in Excel format. 23. Also, would you consider sending us the word version or parts of the pdf requiring items to be filled out and all the tables (appendix J and K)Answer: Yes, Excel files will be available on the HIePro website: “Appendix-K Svc Level Agreement Tables HWY-FMS-2020.xlsx”, “Appendix-J Imple Svcs Tables HWY-FMS-2020.xlsx”. Please do not modify or change the documents in any way, other than providing their response in the appropriate columns.24. Given the time you have conference call and Q&A will there be an extension to allow appropriate responses?Answer: No25. Performance Bond is it mandatory?Answer: A Performance Bond is mandatory. 26. How far in advance do you want the offeror reference form emailed?Answer: DOTH requests Offeror’s Experience Reference Form to be submitted by the proposal due date, and DOTH requests that part 2 of Offeror’s Experience Reference Form: “PAST PERFORMANCE REFERENCE CHECK” to be sent by client no later than five (5) business days after the proposal due date.27. Can you confirm this response is submitted by portal?Answer: Yes. per Amendment 1, electronic submissions will be accepted only via HIePRO.28. How many references should be submitted?Answer: See Addendum 3.29. Appendix C references several supporting files, such as "Individual Time Sheet D-55.pdf." Could DOTH make these available for download or point to their locations? Answer: Please refer to Appendix-E Offeror Library.30. Can you supply a word version of the Offeror Experience Reference Form?Answer: Yes, see Addendum 3.31. Can you supply a word version of the Offeror Staff Experience Reference Form?Answer: Yes, see Addendum 3.32. In the pre-bid it was indicated that a response to questions would be on 4/20? We kindly request that HDOT extend the due date by a minimum of 2 weeks to provide additional?time to consider HDOT's answers?in our solutioning.Answer: There is no extension planned.33. Due to COVID concerts, and to reduce exposure?to HDOT personal, would HDOT accept electronic?submissions through either HIePRO or email?Answer: Per Amendment 1, electronic submissions will be accepted only via HIePRO.34. PO071 - Short / long descriptions (300 or more characters) Can HDOT provides additional information on this requirement?Answer: It’s for description of a line item in Purchase Order. Please refer to “Requisition _ Purchase Order.pdf” in Offeror’s Library for the current form and additional detail.35. PO083 Ability to automatically reverse encumbrance balances when final payment is processed. Can HDOT provide additional information on this requirement?Answer: When final payment is processed, any outstanding encumbrances of POs/Contracts should be fully released automatically and there will be zero balance left for encumbrances.36. PO084 Ability to process and account for retainage on purchase orders, contracts, etc. according to DOTH business rules. Can HDOT provide additional information on this requirement?Answer: The SYSTEM should fully support invoices with retainage and release of retainage payment. The retainage percentage could be varied depending on procurement documents.37. PO085 Ability to create open ended contracts and track balances according to DOTH business rules. e.g. dollar amounts, specific items and quantities. Can HDOT provide additional information on this requirement?Answer: Please refer to Open Ended Contract.pdf in Offer’s Library. It’s a type of contract with a flexible terms and conditions and a limit specified. Purchase orders are created as needed against the contract and each PO does not need to go through a separate procurement process, because it’s part of the Open Ended Contract. For example, repetitive maintenance such as tree trimming and guardrail are often done through an Open Ended Contract.38. PO091 Ability for the system to automatically create approved POs from the approved Pcard purchase requisitions. Can HDOT provide additional information on this requirement? Answer: DOTH requires to create purchase requisition and purchase orders for Pcard. When purchase requisitions for P-card are approved, DOTH wants the SYSTEM to automatically create purchase orders and approve them.39. PO092 Pcard requisitions, purchase orders and invoices should be reconciled to Pcard statements by Pcard holders and also with the consolidated Pcard statement from the bank. The system should automatically reconcile them and create an exception report or at least generate reconciliation reports so that Pcard holders, procurement, and fiscal staff can efficiently perform reconciliation of Pcard purchase requisitions, Pcard purchase orders, Pcard invoices and the Pcard statements. Can HDOT provide additional information on this requirement?Answer: Please refer to question# 38. Purchase requisitions, purchase orders, invoices, Pcard holder statements and consolidated P-card statements should be all reconciled automatically in the SYSTEM and if there is any that can’t be reconciled automatically, it should provide an exception report to be manually reconciled.40. PO100 Ability to interface encumbrances of purchase orders, contracts, etc. to FAMIS in the fiscal year end according to DOTH business rules. Can HDOT provide additional information on this requirement?Answer: Please refer to Addendum 3.41. PO101 Ability to handle interface errors, exceptions, corrections, etc. Can HDOT provide additional information on this requirement?Answer: The SYSTEM should generate user friendly error and exception information and allow user to correct the input to process it again.42. Overview item #7: It is best practices that clients tests the system. Will HDOT accept responsibility for performing system testing?Answer: System testing will be the responsibility of the Contractor with DOTH assistance and participation. User Acceptance Testing (UAT) will be done by DOTH with the Contractor’s assistance and participation.43. Can we get a list of resources that HDOT will be providing to support the project? Can we get their percentage commitment to the project?Answer: See answer to #1544. When does HDOT expect the FHWA certification process to begin?Answer: Successful FHWA certification of the SYSTEM is mandatory prior to go-live. DOTH relies on the Contractor’s prior FHWA certification experience to build the FHWA certification critical path into the workplan.45. It is HDOT's expectation and preference that the contractor be onsite 40 hrs a week during the project. Will HDOT be changing this preference due to ongoing concerns with COVID-19?Answer: DOTH expectation is for consultants to be on-site as appropriate as set forth in the RFP. DOTH will adjust as needed to comply with Hawaii State Government workplace COVID-19 guidelines.46. RFP Section: 2. CRITICAL FUNCTIONALITY REQUIREMENTS Labor “Compression”: Can HDOT provide additional information as what it's goal is for this requirement?Answer: Please refer to Appendix C Requirements, TL041 – TL053. It is part of FHWA labor billing requirements.47. RFP Section: 2. CRITICAL FUNCTIONALITY REQUIREMENTS The State Financial Accounting System: What does HDOT's interface to FAMIS current provide - please provide a list of functional processes.Answer: The SYSTEM should interface transactions including but not limited to purchase orders, purchase order payments, contract payments, retainage, and journal vouchers. Please refer to Interfaces, Section 2 – Page 11 and Appendix C Requirements.48. RFP Section: 2. CRITICAL FUNCTIONALITY REQUIREMENTS The State Financial Accounting System: Is the current interface a manual process or is there an API? Answer: HWYAC generates a text file and DOTH runs FTP to FAMIS.49. Which Firm is HDOT's current IV&V consultant?Answer: The award for the IV&V consultant is posted on the State procurement website. 50. 10. ORGANIZATION OF THE PROJECT TEAM - Contractor Project Manager Experience in project management with design, configuration, testing, enhancement, or implementation of FHWA billing within the past seven (7) years. We expect this experience to be found in a Functional Lead. Can this requirement be assigned to the Functional Lead role? Answer: As stated in DOTH preference is for the Contractor Project manager to have experience implementing the proposed FHWA billing solution within the past 7 years. DOTH will consider Contractor staffing alternatives to fulfill their FHWA experience requirement.51. 35. PERFORMANCE BOND Can HDOT clarify if it is requiring a performance bond for the selected contractor? Note that HDOT is already requesting a retainage as well as $10M E&O insurance coverage.Answer: A Performance Bond is mandatory. 52. In the Time and Labor requirements for Appendix C, the requirements for TL041, TL042, and TL044 all seem to imply some type of calculation of hours into rates of pay or labor dollars. Can you please provide more details on these requirements?Answer: The labor costs including direct labor, fringe benefits, indirect labor and other miscellaneous labor are eligible for federal reimbursement. The miscellaneous labor such as temporary assignment, meals, night differentials are currently generated in AS400. Our current system calculates the base rate then applies approved fringe and indirect cost percentages. Base Rate + Fringe + Indirect Cost = Total Labor Cost.Miscellaneous labor such as temporary assignment, meals, night differentials currently generated in the AS400 should be generated in the new system.53. If a requirement in Appendix C asks for a specific report that is not standard (out of the box), but can be easily configured within the system, should we answer Meets, Meets with Workaround or Meets with Customization, or should there be another category for Meets through Configuration?Answer: Please describe it as “Meets”.54. Please identify which provisions in Appendix D are required by state law. Only a few of the provisions indicate any statutory requirement.Answer: The General Terms and Conditions in Appendix D are required by the State Office of the Attorney General.55. In Appendix F in Section 7, the Labor Cost Accounting description states “The primary function of the Labor Subsystem is to translate timesheet data into accounting transactions acceptable to HWYAC. HWYAC also serves to accumulate labor project hours for financial reporting purposes and provides DOTH with a means of reconciling its labor costs to the DAGS payroll system”. Does DOTH intend to maintain the AS400 system to generate accounting transactions from timesheet data or is the expectation that the new system generate these entries? Answer: Timesheet information of Daily Maintenance Report (DMR) from AS400 is to be interfaced with the new SYSTEM and the new SYSTEM will generate accounting transactions. 56. In section 6 of Appendix F, there is a description of payroll payments on page 16. Please confirm the system that is currently used to issue payroll payments to employees. Answer: Payroll is processed by the DAGS PeopleSoft system. HWYAC does not process payroll. HWYAC records payroll information for reporting purposes.57. Please confirm DOTH's current system(s) of record for Payroll and Benefits Administration. Answer: PeopleSoft Payroll and HRMS at DAGS58. The previous attempt used Oracle Financials ERP. Do you still have those licenses, and if so,will you weight more towards an Oracle SAAS?Answer: DOTH no longer owns Oracle ERP licenses. It has no impact on the procurement.59. Project Cost: “Funding for this project is based upon funding availability and is subject tochange." What is the length of time to request and receive funding for this anticipated project?Answer: The project funding has been already secured.60. IV&V Consultant: Has HDOT selected the consultant yet?Answer: IV&V consultants have been already procured.61. Evaluation Criteria: Where does the DOT DBE (Disadvantage Business Enterprise) qualification fit in the evaluation process if at all? Or having local presence?Answer: The DOT Disadvantage Business Enterprise (DBE) qualification does not apply to this RFP. Please refer to RFP Section CERTIFICATE OF ELIGIBILITY TO CLAIM PREFERENCE AS A HAWAII SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT BUSINESS.62. Whether companies from Outside USA can apply for this? (like, from India or Canada)Answer: Yes.63. Whether we need to come over there for meetings?Answer: Please refer to “RFP Section 2.24 PROJECT LOCATION AND LOGISTICS”64. Can we perform the tasks (related to RFP) outside USA? (like, from India or Canada)Answer: Please refer to “RFP Section 2.24 PROJECT LOCATION AND LOGISTICS”65. Can we submit the proposals via email?Answer: No email submissions. Per Amendment 1, electronic submissions will be accepted only via HIePRO66. Is DOTH requesting that Offerors include their Certificates of Insurance (COI) and Endorsements under Attachment 13: Insurances?Answer: For the purpose of submitting the proposal, a letter from an insurance company stating that the Offeror will be insured in the case of contract award will suffice.67. Contract Terms are included in the RFP Guidelines such as Termination and Liquidated Damages which overlap with the State’s General Terms and Conditions (Appendix D). Could DOTH confirm which terms shall take precedence and which the Offeror must abide by?Answer: Offeror must comply with all requirements.68. Since ongoing performance and system implementation may occur separately; will Final Acceptance by DOTH be separate as well?Answer: Yes, it will be separate. Five years of Post Go-Live Ongoing SYSTEM Maintenance Costs / Ongoing SYSTEM Maintenance Support Consulting Services are separate and occur after the system has been successfully implemented and accepted by DOTH. Please refer to Appendix A Offeror Response, 9.0 Cost, Page 27.69. Will DOTH require a Performance Bond if selected?Answer: Yes, a performance bond is required.70. Can DOTH share the basis for the less than 2 year estimate? Has DOTH defined an anticipated timeline and phases?Answer: DOTH has based this estimate on comparable DOT FHWA system implementation projects in other states.Please refer to “7.PROJECT MANAGEMENT” Section 2 – Page 12, for project phasing and Appendix J Implementation Services Requirements for additional detail on project phases.71. What percentage of DOTH SME's time is DOTH assuming will be allocated to this project?Answer: See answer to question 1572. Does the State have an LMS (Learning Management System) to host training materials and CBTs? If so, what is the LMS platform?Answer: No73. Does DOTH expect the contractor to provide workstations for training in DOTH facilities? Answer: Yes. Please refer to RFP Section 16. “TRAINING AND KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER”, Section 2- Page 1774. What is the funding for the life of the project? Please break down funding for the following: a. 7-year Total Cost of Ownershipb. 2-year implementationc. 5-year ongoing maintenance and supportAnswer: Current project funding includes 2-year implementation and the cost of ownership/subscribership plus 1 year of warranty. 5-years ongoing maintenance and support and the cost of ownership/subscribership should be procured as a separate contract. Please refer to Appendix A Offeror Response, 9.0 Cost, Page 27.75. Is DOTH willing to discuss the SaaS provided by the owner of the solution vs. the implementation being provided by business transformation vendor.Answer: As stated in RFP Section 3.32 Single Contract: “DOTH will enter into a single contract for Software and Implementation Consulting Services to analyze, plan, and implement Highways Financial Management System. Partnerships between firms are not discouraged but will be managed in a Prime Contractor/Subcontractor Approach."76. It states “Contractor instructors shall be certified in the proposed SYSTEM” Can DOTH expand on what type of certification they are looking for and for whom?Answer: Instructors should have SW vendor certifications in the specific applications they are teaching for their proposed solution.77. Requirement states real time integration from SYSTEM-Budget to SYSTEM-GL/Projects & Grants. Which sets the precedent; the RFP or Appendix C?Answer: DOTH requests real time or close to real time data synchronization from a user point of view. All Appendices are part of the RFP in its entirety.78. Is DOTH interested in vendors offering alternative methods of financing the solution due to the expected financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic?Answer: No79. Clarify that only Key resources identified in Section 5.4.5 need references in 5.4.6.Answer: Please refer to Addendum 3.80. DOTH User Counts table. Table shows 170 Procurement users. How many of those are buyers?Answer: 170 users can create purchase requisitions. 5 users create purchase orders.81. Procurement. a. How many Claims purchase orders are created annually? How many active Contracts do you have?Answer: Approximately 11,000 purchase orders are created annually. Approximately 338 active contracts82. Damage Claims: In which system are work orders prepared, HWYAC or MMS. Are these work orders the basis for the billing, or are the damage claims billings prepared manually?Answer: There are currently no work orders generated systematically and billing is prepared in HWYAC manually.83. MVSO: Is the “Internal Journal-Voucher Billings form (DOT 4-559A)” a different invoice format than the Federal MVSO Bill file? And is it prepared before cash is received, or after the fact?Answer: MVSO processes their own billing and their billings are different from “Internal Journal-Voucher Billings form (DOT 4-559A)”. For Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP) Grant, wire transfer is done after claims are entered and approved in Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) system.84. Of the six types of cash received, are any received via a bank lockbox, or are they received in the office as checks, and subsequently deposited at the bank? Also, how many of these six types require a separate invoice format to be sent out, and how many are just recorded as “Misc. Receipts” with no invoice required?Answer: No lockboxes are currently used in DOTH. The checks are received at DOTH offices and deposited at the banks. Invoices printed: Damage claims, Type 99 Invoices, utility invoices, etc. Cash receipts without invoice: sales of standard specifications/maps, refunds, any document that are published for sale.85. Travel Voucher Payments: Are the reimbursements processed directly in the State FAMIS or are the reimbursements passed through DOTH system? If so how many?Answer: Travel expenses are entered into HWYAC and FAMIS issues a check. 2019 travel reimbursement transaction counts for 2019: Intrastate travel – 388 Advanced Per Diem Intrastate -326 Out of state travel – 63 Advanced Per Diem Out of state - 5086. Do you budget resources (e.g. headcount, and cost) by endowment, grant and project?Answer: Please refer to Appendix C Requirements – Budget. For O&M Budget preparation: Position counts, Means of Funding and budgeted amounts are allocated by program and sub-organization code.? Budget execution: Position counts, means of funding and budget amounts are allocated further by appropriation. For CIP budgeting: ?Revenue:? Yes, in the sense that funding types are assigned to requested CIP appropriations, and the guideline of $40m-$50m (bond) for the state-funded portion of CIP projects is used.? Expenses: Yes, in the sense that CIP budget is based on shortfalls in upcoming project/program funding requirements according to current cost estimates & schedules.87. Do you allocate revenue and/or expenses in your budgeting process? Please list all allocations including type of allocation and associated drivers.Answer: Please refer to Appendix C Requirements – Budget and sample reports and forms in Offeror’s Library. For O&M Budget preparation: Revenues and expenses are estimated for biennium budget period.? A 6-year financial plan is required to be submitted, which includes the biennium period.? Budget execution: Revenues are allocated to program appropriations to fund expenses/encumbrances. Please list all allocations including type of allocation and associated drivers. See Question 87 attachment below. For CIP Budgets: Highway Revenue Bonds:? $40m - $50m annually; Highway Special Funds:? Non-project-specific Staff Non-Labor Costs; Federal Funds:? STIP (Statewide Transportation Improvement Program) & Assumed project requirement of federal participation.88. Are exceptions and assumptions to be included in Section 12.0 Exceptions, Assumptions, and Other Information, or in Attachment 10: RFP Exceptions and Assumptions?Answer: Please refer to question # 22. DOTH requests that attachments are included within the section, i.e. include in Section 12.0 Exceptions, Assumptions, and Other Information in this case.89. With responses to written inquiries due to vendors on April 20 per a pre-proposal conference directive, would the state entertain a two extension of the proposal deadline to give vendors time to apply the responses to RFP content and allow for a complete Risk Management review of proposals?Answer: There is no extension planned.Attachment for Question 87: Please list all allocations including type of allocation and associated drivers.Program/Sub-org. codeMOFAppropriationTRN 501/DCB (state funds)S-XX-020-DTRN 511/DDB (state funds)S-XX-026-DTRN 531/DFB (state funds)S-XX-029-DTRN 531/DMB (state funds)S-XX-032-DTRN 531/DLB (state funds)S-XX-035-DTRN 561/DGB (state funds)S-XX-036-DTRN 595/DAProject Funded In house clearing accountL-XX-401B (state funds)S-XX-039-DN (federal funds)S-XX-200-DTRN 595/DBB (state funds)S-XX-039-DB (state funds)S-XX-038-DN (federal funds)S-81-209-DB (state funds)S-XX-318-DN (federal funds)S-XX-204-DN (federal funds)S-XX-225-DB (state funds)S-XX-396-DB (state funds)S-XX-399-DTRN 597/ABB (state funds)S-XX-010-DB (state funds)S-XX-329-DB (state funds)S-XX-339-DN (federal funds)S-XX-203-DN (federal funds)S-XX-205-DN (federal funds)S-XX-206-DP (federal funds)S-XX-501-D ................

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