Illinois Department of Public Health

Illinois Department of Public Health

Office of Health Promotion

Division of Chronic Disease Prevention and Control

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)

Illinois Tobacco Quitline Service Expansion

Fiscal Year 2011

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) - Illinois Tobacco Quitline Service Expansion

Grant Application Checklist

o Check each form as it is completed and include it with the application packet.

o Illinois Department of Public Health, Public Health Grant Application (available on under funding opportunities)

o Illinois Department of Public Health, Public Health Grant Budget Detail Template (available on under funding opportunities)

o W-9 Form

o Intervention Plan (IP) worksheets (Appendix A)

o Personnel and Duties List (Appendix E)

Lynda Preckwinkle

ARRA Tobacco Program Coordinator

Division of Chronic Disease Prevention and Control

Illinois Department of Public Health

535 W. Jefferson St., 2nd Floor

Springfield, IL 62761-0001


Section I


The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH), Office of Health Promotion, Division of Chronic Disease Prevention and Control, Tobacco Control Program, will provide funding through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) to Illinois entities for the purpose of expanding awareness and usage of the Illinois Tobacco Quitline (ITQL).

The long-term goal of the ARRA grant is to increase in partner involvement and knowledge of tobacco cessation services through outreach, training, and targeted messaging focused on reaching populations traditionally not served by ITQL. These populations include communities who speak English as a second language, communities with special health needs (disabilities and hearing loss), and communities impacted by social determinant variables, such as education and income level. An increased media outreach and communication expansion, along with enhanced partnerships will target special populations throughout the state or geographic region. The goal of the grant is to increase calls to the ITQL by 5 percent in the first and second years of the project, respectively.

Project Period

The project period for this grant funding is December 1, 2010 through January 31, 2011.

Award Funding

Total funding available for this project is $225,000. The maximum award an applicant can apply for is $50,000.

Total funding available for the media component to support intervention components is $450,000. The maximum award an applicant can apply for is $75,000.

Applicants must apply for both components and media must support interventions component.

Two separate budgets should be submitted.

Required Program Activities

All grantees, regardless of funding level, will be required to develop strategies to promote and increase calls to, and use of, the ITQL among the target populations of persons who use English as a second language (specifically, those who speak Polish, Chinese, Vietnamese or Cambodian); those who have a GED or who are obtaining a GED; persons who are deaf or have a hearing impairment; and persons who are blind or have vision impairments. Grantee activities include:

o Identify key regional and statewide outreach sites and collaborate with each to increase regional and statewide awareness of the ITQL.

o Assist in the development of messages in various forms of media, including emotional and graphical messages, to educate on the harmful effects of secondhand smoke and to cue tobacco users to call the ITQL.

o Identify and/or develop educational and informational materials about health effects of secondhand smoke, cessation and ITQL to improve access to ITQL among the target populations.

o Incorporate the ITQL Fax Referral program into all regional and statewide outreach sites.

o Conduct outreach to target populations.

o Assist the Department in assessing and evaluating ITQL service utilization among target populations and improving access among target populations.

o Provide follow-up to persons who call the ITQL, to assess quality of service, commitment and continuity.

o Collaborate with health care systems that reach target groups to implement systems change for cessation intervention.

o Utilize existing tobacco research and resources to identify the knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of target audiences and the evidence-based interventions that motivate specific populations to change.

o Develop an evaluation plan to measure the impact of the initiative and the increase in calls of the target group.

o Provide information on Medicaid eligibility for nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) to those who qualify within the target populations.

ARRA Program Staffing Requirements

Staff directly involved with program implementation must be listed as responsible staff in the ARRA Program Work Plan. If a person is indicated at 100 percent on the grant, it is expected their time will be dedicated solely to work on this grant. The scope of work justification for these person(s) must be detailed and reflected in the program activities and reporting. Staffing costs also may be provided as in-kind. However, the grantee must provide detail on the personnel services sheet of the budget and note these expenses as in-kind.

Program Activities - Evidence-based Interventions

2. Intervention Plan (IP)

The Intervention Plan (IP) is a required part of the ARRA ITQL grant. It will assist the grantee in developing activities that utilize policy-driven, evidence-based interventions to address the goals of the program and those of the CDC, Office on Smoking and Health.

Complete an IP Worksheet (Appendix A) for each outcome objective that will be implemented during FY11. Refer to the Illinois Tobacco Program Recommended Strategies (Appendix C) for assistance in completing the worksheets. The activities identified must be reflected in the proposed budget. IP’s that fail to contain all required components will not be eligible for funding.

Communications/Media Plan

Communications/Media Plan

Grantees should develop a culturally sensitive and comprehensive media plan aimed at target populations denoted in grant initiatives. Each IP worksheet includes a space to describe the communications/media strategies related to achieving the identified outcome objective. (The media methods, format and messages for each goal area must be clearly described in the IP worksheet. Grantees should provide a detailed narrative on media strategies to meet the IP objective.) In addition, all media materials developed with funds from this grant award, as well as other promotional materials (e.g., posters, billboards, cinema ads, radio/TV spots) developed must be pre-approved by the Department and include the following acknowledgement:

“This project was made possible by funds received from the Illinois Department of Public Health”

Materials submitted for review must be received six weeks prior to the intended distribution of the materials. Submissions that do not meet this time requirement cannot be guaranteed approval by the Department. Any materials created and distributed without prior review and approval from the Department will result in non-reimbursement for these materials. Media shall be submitted for approval, regardless of previous use or approval. A Publication/Media Approval request form shall be completed for all materials. (Appendix G) No media shall be submitted within 45 days of the end of the grant period.

Resources for identifying appropriate media plans include:

• Counter-marketing

“Counter-marketing attempts to counter pro-tobacco influences and increase pro-health messages and influences throughout a state, region, or community. Counter-marketing consists of a wide range of efforts, including paid television, radio, billboard, and print advertising at the state and local level; media advocacy and other public relations techniques using such tactics as press releases, local events, and health promotion activities; and efforts to reduce or replace tobacco industry sponsorship and promotions.”

Source: CDC Best Practices for Comprehensive Tobacco Control Programs. Available at:

• Social Norms Marketing

One strategy frequently used to correct public health misperceptions is "social norms marketing (SNM)." This marketing strategy can potentially lead individuals to avoid smoking and initiate a quit attempt.

Sources: The Guide to Community Preventive Services.

Available at:

National Social Norms Institute

Available at:

4. Identification of a Lead Project Staff Person

Each grant application must identify one staff person designated as the lead coordinator responsible for program oversight and coordination. Grantees should identify any other staff who should receive communications from the Department regarding tobacco cessation and the ITQL.

5. Budget and Budget Justification

Applicants complete the Department Budget Detail Template (available on, under funding opportunities). When completing the budget, the following points should be considered:

• All budget line items must relate to specific outcome objectives and related interventions/strategies.

• All budget categories must be detailed so that reimbursements can be approved and processed. Necessary detail should be provided in the budget justification section of the budget detail template.

• Appendix D includes a list of allowable and unallowable expenditures.

• Budgets must be realistic, cost-effective and appropriate to the grant goals and objectives.

• The budget is the controlling mechanism for expenditures and the basis for approval for all reimbursement certification reports.

• The grant budget detail template includes categories for commodities, equipment and patient/client care, that are not pertinent to the ARRA ITQL grant and should be disregarded.

6. Progress Report Requirements

Grantees are required to submit monthly and quarterly progress reports on their work plan objectives. Failure to submit required reports in a timely manner will result in reimbursement delays and may affect future IDPH funding. For the FY11 grant year, quarterly progress reports must be submitted electronically as follows:

|Reporting Period |Report Due By |

|1st Quarter |TBD upon approval of RFA |15 days after deadline |

|2nd Quarter |TBD upon approval of RFA |15 days after deadline |

|3rd Quarter |TBD upon approval of RFA |15 days after deadline |

|4th Quarter |TBD upon approval of RFA |15 days after deadline |

Submission of Applications

Applications must be received no later than 5 p.m. (CDT), two weeks from the date the RFA is released. Three copies with original signatures may be mailed or hand delivered to:

Lynda Preckwinkle

ARRA Tobacco Program Coordinator

Division of Chronic Disease Prevention and Control

Illinois Department of Public Health

535 W. Jefferson St., 2nd Floor

Springfield, IL 62761-0001


Applicants must include the following in their grant narrative. This information will be used to evaluate grant applications.

Application format is

• Eight page limit

• single spaced

• 12 point font size using Times New Roman

• Paper size is 8.5 by 11 inch

• Page margin size is one inch

Executive Summary (1 page)

Applicant should provide a clear and concise overview of the project and deliverables

Program Capability (2 pages)

Applicant should describe

• Experience implementing proposed activities, including working with priority populations

• Experience in educational promotions with target populations

• Readiness to implement proposed activities

• Previous efforts working with community organizations in target populations

• How follow-up and evaluation will be provided

Organizational Structure (1 page)

Applicant should describe project management structure, including staff and their responsibilities. Include resumes as attachments.

Description of Need (1 page)

Applicant should describe the tobacco burden in their target population area, barriers to Illinois Tobacco Quitline (ITQL) referral and planned systems to overcome outlined barriers.

Program Narrative (3 pages)

Applicant should provide an overview of how the project will be implemented including

• Providing justification for activities to be used in the project

• Describing opportunity for systems change within the state

• Describing community collaboration to support increasing referrals to the ITQL

• Providing letters of support from relevant partners as attachments (not included in page limit)

• Providing details on education and outreach efforts. Providing objectives to be met in the project period using appendix A

• Describing evaluation of proposed objectives and project

• Providing a detailed description of planned media activities


|Illinois Department of Public Health |

|American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 |

|Expansion of Illinois Tobacco Quitline Services Grant |

|Fiscal Year 2011 Intervention Plan (IP) Worksheet |

|(Complete a separate worksheet for each objective in your IP) |

|Grantee: |

| |

|Target Population Goal Area: |

|Outcome Objective Code: |

|(Refer to Appendix B for listing of objective codes) |

|Please describe in detail your strategies for reaching your desired outcome objective: |

|Additional rows may be added, as necessary. |

| |Cost |Quarter to be |Staff Responsible for|Disparate Population(s)|Communication/ Media |Evaluation Methodology|

| | |Completed |Completing this |Reached |Strategies Related to this | |

| | | |Activity | |Activity | |

|Activity/ | | | | | | |

|Intervention #1 | | | | | | |

|Activity/ | | | | | | |

|Intervention #2 | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Activity/ | | | | | | |

|Intervention #3 | | | | | | |

|Activity/ | | | | | | |

|Intervention #4 | | | | | | |

Illinois Department of Public Health

Illinois Tobacco Free Communities

FY 2011 Intervention Plan Worksheet Instructions

Complete a separate worksheet for each outcome objective in your IP.

1. Organization name

2. Name of the individual completing the worksheet

3. Details on each strategy, including information on:

a. evaluation methods

b. evaluation tools

c. target group

d. details on planned media for each selected strategy

(If you have more than three strategies, add additional rows.)

4. Details on the tobacco-related disparate group(s) you will reach with these strategies

5. Details on how and where these strategies will reach the disparate group(s).

Examples of groups with tobacco-related disparities include persons with a GED or those taking classes to obtain a GED; persons who are deaf or have hearing impairments; persons who are blind or have vision impairments; limited English speaking populations, including Polish, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Cambodian ( to review classifications see: )

Appendix B

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

Expansion of Illinois Tobacco Quitline Services Grant

Programmatic Strategies

For each outcome objective, an intervention section and an evaluation section is provided. The intervention section describes the suggested intervention(s) for each outcome objective. The evaluation section describes the required evaluation for each outcome objective. Note that the information listed in the evaluation plan is reported to the Department at the end of the funding period, so continual tracking of these items throughout the year is essential. The following examples are provided to assist in determining effective strategies and are not intended to be prescriptive. Also see Recommended Strategies (Appendix C).


CDC Best Practices states that program evaluation requires a wide range of short-term and intermediate indicators of program effectiveness be measured, including policy changes, changes in social norms and exposure of individuals and communities to statewide and local program efforts. Evaluation requires collection of data, such as information from the Minimal Dataset for Quitlines, vital statistics, observational studies, opinion surveys, air quality studies, media evaluation, or program monitoring data (e.g., tracking alignment of local program efforts with statewide priorities). Evaluation planning should be integrated with program planning. Collection of baseline data related to each objective and outcome indicator is critical to ensuring program-related effects can be clearly measured. For this reason, surveillance and evaluation systems must have first priority in the planning process.

Outcome Objective Code: Quitline

Outcome Objective: By 2/29/2012, a minimum increase of 10 percent of calls will have been made to the Illinois Tobacco Quitline (ITQL) from members of target population(s).

Programmatic strategy: The purpose of this objective is to assess the effectiveness of promoting the ITQL and develop strategies to improve call volume from target populations.

Evaluation methods:

• The Department will track the number of calls made to the ITQL from members of this target population.

• Measure media promotions and other regional and statewide activities that increase education regarding the ITQL.

Outcome Objective Code: QuitSystems

Outcome Objective: By 2/29/2012, ____ (#) of organizations will integrate the Illinois Tobacco Quitline into their referral systems.

Programmatic strategy: Evidence shows that reminder systems for health care providers and regional or statewide organizations increase the rate of intervention to assist people who use tobacco in quitting, thereby increasing the number of persons who successfully quit

Evaluation methods:

• Track the number of health and regional organizations that had contact from the grantee regarding tobacco cessation and ITQL education.

• Track the number of organizations that refer patients who smoke to the ITQL.

Appendix C

Illinois Department of Public Health

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

Expansion of Illinois Tobacco Quitline Services

Recommended Strategies

The Task Force on Community Preventive Services’ () strongly recommends:

• Conducting mass media education campaigns combined with other community interventions

• Implementing health care provider reminder systems (alone or combined with provider education)

• Providing education about telephone-based cessation counseling

• Mobilizing the population to increase awareness of the ITQL

• Implementing school-based interventions in combination with mass media campaigns and additional community efforts

Best Practices for Comprehensive Tobacco Control Programs – 2007

Programs to Increase Awareness of, and Referrals to, the ITQL

• Empowering local agencies to facilitate collaboration among programs in local governments, voluntary and civic organizations, and diverse regional or statewide organizations.

• Collaborating with partners and other programs to build and sustain referral capacity through technical assistance and training.

• Implementing and supporting local strategies or efforts to educate the public and media about the health effects of tobacco use and exposure to secondhand smoke, as well as available cessation services through the ITQL.

• Promoting public discussion among partners, decision makers and other stakeholders about benefits provided by the ITQL.

• Ensuring local grantees measure and evaluate social norm change outcomes (e.g., increased referrals) resulting from their interventions.


• Sustaining, expanding and promoting the services available through population-based counseling and treatment programs, such as cessation Quitlines.

• Eliminating cost and other barriers to treatment for underserved populations, particularly the uninsured and populations disproportionately affected by tobacco use.

• Making health care system changes.

Health Communication Interventions

• Audience research to define the thematic characteristics and execution of messages and to develop campaigns that are influential, have high impact and engage specific audiences.

• Market research to identify the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of target audiences and the behavioral theory that best motivates specific audiences to change.

• Counter-marketing surveillance to understand pro-tobacco messaging, media analysis and marketing tactics.

• Grassroots promotions, local media advocacy, event sponsorships and other regional tie-ins to support and reinforce referral to the ITQL.

• Technologies such as viral marketing, social networks, personal Web pages and blogs to generate messages that are disseminated by the target audience.

• Process and outcome evaluation of a comprehensive communication effort and evaluation of new and innovative approaches.

• Promote the Illinois Tobacco Quitline (ITQL) 1-866-Quit-YES, 1-866-784-8937.

Appendix D

Budget and Budget Justification Instructions

Use of Funds

All grant funds must be used for the sole purposes set forth in the grant proposal and application and must be used in compliance with all applicable laws. Grant funds may not be used as matching funds for any other grant program. Use of grant funds for prohibited purposes may result in loss of grant award and/or place the grantee at risk for recouping of those funds used for the prohibited purpose.

To be reimbursable under the Department/Office of Health Promotion Grant Agreement, expenditures must meet the following under general criteria:

1. Be necessary and reasonable for proper and efficient administration of the program and not be a general expense required to carry out the overall responsibilities of the local health department.

2. Be authorized or not prohibited under federal, state or local laws or regulations.

3. Conform to any limitations or exclusions set forth in the applicable rules, program description or grant agreement.

4. Be accorded consistent treatment through application of generally accepted accounting principles, appropriate to the circumstances.

5. Not be allocable to or included as a cost of any state or federally financed program in either the current or a prior period.

6. Be net of all applicable credits.

7. Be specifically identified with the provision of a direct service or program activity.

8. Be an actual expenditure of funds in support of program activities, documented by check number and/or internal ledger transfer of funds.

9. Budget adjustments must be pre-approved and submitted on or before January 16, 2012. No budget adjustment forms will be accepted after January 16, 2012 (exceptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis).

10. Expenditures must be submitted monthly..


Grantee should prepare a budget that reflects expenses for the cited grant term. Use whole numbers and round to the nearest dollar. Once approved, the budget will be incorporated into the grant. Using the forms provided in this packet, submit additional information or justification as required in the allowable costs list section. Specific line items listed in the detailed budget must be explained on the budget forms. If the organization intends using several staff to meet the full time equivalent requirement of the category, include their names and titles. If the grantee is anticipating using sub-contractors/sub-grantees, those should be listed under the “contractual” section of the budget and the grant application. For such sub-contractors and/or sub-grantees, justification should be of sufficient detail to document the items requested are essential to the achievement of the IP activities.

The grantee acknowledges they must expend funds in accordance with the budget approved by the Department and in line with the line item categorical amounts approved in that budget. One quarter of the grant amount shall be paid upon execution. The grantee is required to submit monthly reconciliation documentation showing how this first distribution of funds was expended. Upon documentation of first quarter expenditure, the remaining portion will be distributed on a reimbursement basis. Reimbursement/reconciliation documentation shall be submitted to the Department on a monthly basis. If changes in line items of the approved budget are necessary, the grantee must submit a Budget Adjustment Request in writing on approved Department forms, for approval by the Department prior to making any of the requested expenditure changes.

Appendix D

Budget and Budget Justification Instructions

Use of Funds

Allowable costs

Examples of allowable costs are listed below. This is not meant to be a complete list, but rather specific examples of items within each line item category.

Personal Services:

• Gross salaries paid to agency employees directly involved in the provision of program services. All salaries to be provided as in-kind need to be documented and noted on the budget sheet as such.

• Employer’s portion of fringe benefits actually paid on behalf of direct services employees. Examples include FICA (Social Security), life/health insurance, workers compensation insurance, unemployment insurance and pension/retirement benefits.

Contractual Services:

1. Contractual employees (requires prior program approval).

2. Postage, postal services, overnight mailing or other carrier costs.

3. Training and education costs, which must be requested as a prior approval item in the budget submission. The expense requires substantive documentation as to its relevance to the work plan before approval will be granted.

4. Photocopies. If paid for at a duplicating business, list the number of copies and costs. If charged by copy on a leased photocopy machine, list cost per actual copy.

5. Telecommunications. Allowable charges are monthly telephone service costs for land lines and installation, repair, parts and maintenance of telephones and other communication equipment.

6. Payments or pass-throughs to subcontractors or sub grantees are to be shown in the Contractual Services section. All subcontracts or sub grants require an attached detail line item budget supporting the contractual amount.

7. Printing. Any printing job, e.g., letterpress, offset printing, binding, lithographing services, must be requested as a prior approval item in the budget submission. This expense requires substantive documentation as to its relevance to the work plan before approval will be granted. The cost of the printing may not exceed $1,000 or 5 percent of the total budget, whichever is less.


1. Auto travel mileage at no higher than 50 cents – the state reimbursement rate as of July 1, 2010.

2. Rail transportation expenses.

3. Lodging. The rate must be in accordance with Illinois Travel Control Board rates or reasoning must be provided before approval to pay will be made. Current lodging rates are $140 in the city of Chicago, $80 in counties surrounding Cook County and $70 for the remainder of state.

4. Per diem must comply with the state rate of $7 per quarter for overnight travel or travel beginning before 6 a.m. or ending after 7 p.m..


1. Office supplies

2. Educational and instructional materials and supplies, including booklets and reprinted pamphlets. The budget narrative must describe the connection between the purchase of these materials and approved work plan before it will be approved.

3. Paper supplies

4. Envelopes and letterhead

Appendix D

Budget and Budget Justification Instructions

Use of Funds

Unallowable Cost List

Unallowable or prohibited uses of grant funds include, but are not limited, to the following:

1. Indirect or administrative cost plan allocations (normally expressed as a percentage of the grant).

2. Daily operating expenses may not be billed in any grant issued by the Office of Health Promotion, including staff directly related to the daily operational needs of the local health department.

3. Political or religious purposes

4. Contributions or donations

5. Incentives

6. Fund raising or legislative lobbying expenses

7. Payment of bad or non-program related debts, fines, or penalties.

8. Contribution to a contingency fund or provision for unforeseen events.

9. Food, alcoholic beverages, gratuities or entertainment

10. Membership fees

11. Interest or financial payments or other fines or penalties

12. Purchase or improvement of land or purchase, improvement or construction of a building.

13. Lease of facility space unless approved by Department. NOTE: Such requests are prior approval and MUST be in writing, MUST provide substantial documentation as to why the request is necessary, and MUST not total more than 5 percent of total award budget. )

14. Any expenditure that may create conflict of interest or the perception of impropriety.

15. Audit expenses

16. Equipment

17. Prescription Drugs

Additional unallowable costs resulting from budget constraints and limited resources available for this program, include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. Conference registration fees, including registration fees to attend or exhibit at events that can be defined as fundraisers.

2. Exhibit fees

3. Subscription costs

4. Association dues

5. Expenses for credentialing (e.g., CHES certification)

6. Airfare

7. Out-of-state travel costs

Appendix E


|Name and Title: |Hours per week |

|Telephone: |Duties/Estimated Percentage of Time Spent: |

|E-mail: | |

|Name and Title: |Hours per week |

|Telephone: |Duties/Estimated Percentage of Time Spent: |

|E-mail: | |

|Name and Title: |Hours per week |

|Telephone: |Duties/Estimated Percentage of Time Spent: |

|E-mail: | |

|Name and Title: |Hours per week |

|Telephone: |Duties/Estimated Percentage of Time Spent: |

|E-mail: | |

|Name and Title: |Hours per week |

|Telephone: |Duties/Estimated Percentage of Time Spent: |

|E-mail: | |

Appendix G

Illinois Department of Public Health

Illinois Tobacco-Free Communities

Publication/Media Approval Request Form

Instructions: The Illinois Tobacco-Free Communities (ITFC) Grant Agreement requires that all publications and media materials developed with funds from the ITFC grant to be approved by the Department prior to distribution. Materials must be received by the Department six weeks prior to the intended distribution date. Additional details are included in the FY2011 ITFC Request for Application and FY2011 ITFC Grant Agreement.

|Local health department | |

|Submitted by (staff name) | |

|Phone number |( ) |

|Media/Publication Type/Title | |

|Approximate cost for this publication/media | |

|placement | |

|Date approval needed by | |

1. Type of publication/advertisement/media placement (indicate name of media outlet(s) that will air or feature the ad).

( Television _____________________________________________________________________________

( Radio _________________________________________________________________________________

( Newspaper _____________________________________________________________________________

( Online ________________________________________________________________________________

( Other (please specify) ____________________________________________________________________

2. Approximate circulation for this publication/advertisement/media placement (i.e., number of commercials to be aired, or copies circulated). _________________________________________________________________________________________


3. Verification that publication/advertisement/media placement contains the required funding tagline “This project was made possible by funds received from the Illinois Department of Public Health.” ( Yes ( No

( If no, grantee has been notified to include funding tagline.

4. Additional information regarding this request. _________________________________________________________________________________________


For IDPH use only

|RTA | |

|Date received by RTA | |

|Approval deadline | |

|Date of approval | |

|Date LHD notified of approval | |

|Date ITQ was notified of ITQ-related media | |


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