Local Leadership. Statewide Strength. — Kansas Association ...

Kansas County Government Month Social Media Messaging#KansasCounties serve our citizens every day, 24/7/365. Urban, suburban and rural — Kansas Counties work to keep our communities healthy, safe and vibrant. #KansasCountiesMatterKansas Counties provide products and services that touch practically every part of our daily lives. These products and services create vibrant, healthy and safe communities for Kansans to work, play and live in. #105Strong #KansasCountiesMatter County services include:Transportation and InfrastructureCommunity HealthJustice and Public SafetyHuman ServicesCounty ManagementElected county officialsAll counties employ a clerk, treasurer, sheriff, attorney, register of deeds and a minimum of three county commissioners. In Kansas four largest counties-Johnson, Wyandotte, Shawnee and Sedgwick, an election commissioner, appointed by the KS Sec. of State, conducts official elections in a county. However, in every other Kansas county, the county clerk is elected rather than appointed, and serves as the county election officer.All #KansasCounties employ a clerk, treasurer, sheriff, attorney, register of deeds and county commissioners. 86 Kansas counties have 3 commissioners; 17 counties have 5 commissioners, and 1 county has 7 commissioners, and 1 has 11 commissioners for a total of 361 Kansas County Commissioners. #KansasCountiesMatter County History and DiversityCounties are one of America’s oldest forms of government, dating back to 1634 when the first county governments (shires) were established in Virginia. The organization and structure of today's 105 Kansas County governments are chartered under state constitutions or laws. #KansasCountiesMatterNo two counties are exactly the same. Counties are diverse in structure and how we deliver services to our communities. In general, states decide the roles and responsibilities of county governments. Counties are governed by locally elected officials and, in some instances, operate under home rule authority, which allows for more local flexibility and control with structural, functional and fiscal powers. Though organizational structures vary, all county, parish and borough governments are on the front lines of delivering vital services to residents.County ManagementCounties provide vital services to all Americans, from issuing birth certificates and marriage licenses to operating 911 call centers. Counties often build and maintain parks, community centers, libraries and cultural centers. Counties are responsible for managing elections, from presidential to local. While balancing numerous administrative responsibilities, counties deliver essential services to ensure healthy, safe and vibrant communities across the United States.County services include:Record keepingTax assessments and collection911 call centersElections and polling placesRecreation and parksArts programsHousingCommunity and economic developmentTransportation and InfrastructureTransportation and infrastructure are core public sector responsibilities that impact everything from our daily commutes to shipping goods around the globe. From building and maintaining roads and bridges to providing efficient transit options, counties are a driving force connecting communities and strengthening our economy. Counties play a major role in other essential community infrastructure like schools, hospitals, jails, courthouses, parks and water purification and sewage systems.County services include:Roads and bridgesAirportsPublic transportationConstruction of public facilitiesUtilities like gas and electricitySolid waste recycling and managementWater and sewageTelecommunicationsHighway/Road and Bridge: Kansas Counties own and maintain 109,000 miles of roads, which is 82% of all the roads in Kansas. We own and maintain 19,650 bridges which is 77% of all the bridges in Kansas. #105Strong #KansasCountiesMatter Community HealthCounties invest heavily in local residents’ health and well-being, often serving as a safety net for low-income and indigent residents. County health departments protect our residents and communities by offering a wide range of services like administering flu shots, providing health information and preventing and responding to public health emergencies.County services include:Hospitals and health clinicsPublic healthBehavioral and mental healthSubstance abuse treatmentImmunizations and preventionIndigent healthcareHealth code inspectionsNursing homesFrom hospitals and emergency rooms to clinical care facilities, many counties operate the systems that keep us healthy from the time we are born to the time we grow old. Counties also often have significant responsibilities for behavioral and mental health services and care.Justice and Public SafetyCounties play a major role in two distinct areas of justice and public safety: emergency response and preparedness and the criminal justice system. Counties keep communities safe by providing law enforcement and preventing crime. County services include:Sheriff’s departments/county police departmentsCounty courtsJails and correctional facilitiesJuvenile detention and justice servicesEmergency management personnelPaid and volunteer firefightersDistrict attorneysPublic defendersCoronersFrom patrolling the streets, to operating?and maintaining county detention facilities, to serving as the arm of the county courts, county sheriffs and other law enforcement departments are on the front lines of public safety and the criminal justice system. Other key county players are judges, district attorneys, public defenders, court clerks, jail directors, 911 operators and coroners.Sheriff / Police Departments: Kansas sheriffs, are elected county officials, whose primary role is protecting the citizens in their county in more ways than in just enforcing the law. In Kansas, there are 104 County Sheriffs with one exception in Riley County, whose law enforcement agency was consolidated in 1974 to become a county-wide police department. National Fact: Counties operate 91% of all local jails.Human ServicesCounties play a critical role in building vibrant communities for all individuals, including veterans, children and families. We make significant investments in human services to help residents live well and thrive, achieving their fullest potential and creating pathways to economic opportunity and self-sufficiency.County services include: Financial assistanceViolence preventionFood and nutrition servicesEarly childhood developmentWorkforce training and developmentVeteran servicesSenior services and elder careBehavioral and physical health servicesMedical coverageParent education and supportChild welfare, foster care and adoptionHomelessness and housing support services for individuals with disabilities ................

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