The Unmasking of Maine....and Beyond

On a personal note:? I truly never thought I'd have to be supporting continuation of an education system which had deliberately been corrupted by left and right, about which I had written in my "the deliberate dumbing down of america" 1999 (free download at )? However, when faced with the two choices: the present system "dumbed down public with elected boards" or "public/private without elected boards" one faces a tragic dilemma which was deliberately created through use of the Hegelian dialectic:? Create problem with deliberate dumbing down in public education; parents scream; impose the UNESCO/Chamber of Commerce long-sought? solution:? a tax funded corporate fascist (public private partnership) system which is stripped of citizen right to vote (taxpayer representation).? Such a system is essential for implementation of lifelong global workforce training which will eliminate your child's right to choose what job he will have in the future and even where he/she will live.The following? five quotes from 3D, 1999,? are selected from many, many quotes dealing with the dangers of tax-funded school choice/charters.? If one wants to dig deeper, I recommend he/she read the deliberate dumbing down of america, 1999, and updated/abridged 2011 version for a very complete history of the school choice movement which is supported by the left and the right!? The original 1999 3D is a FREE download at .? Use the Index to identify entries related to tax-funded school choice movement.? (1)? 3D, page 198:? THE COMING REVOLUTION IN EDUCATION: BASIC EDUCATION AND THE NEW THEORY OF SCHOOLING(University Press of America, Inc.: Baton Rouge, 1983) by the late Eugene Maxwell Boyce, formerprofessor of educational administration, Bureau of Educational Studies and Field Services,College of Education at the University of Georgia, was published. An excerpt follows:In the communist ideology the function of universal education is clear, and easily understood.Universal education fits neatly into the authoritarian state. Education is tied directlyto jobs—control of the job being the critical control point in an authoritarian state. Level ofeducation, and consequently the level of employment, is determined first by level of achievementin school. They do not educate people for jobs that do not exist.... No such controlledrelationship between education and jobs exists in democratic countries. (p. 4)(2) 3D, page 169. 1981“A BROAD-GAUGED RESEARCH/REFORM PLAN FOR SECONDARY EDUCATION—IN THE TRADItion ofthe Eight-Year Study,” proposed by The Project on Alternatives in Education (PAE) in 1981, wassubmitted for consideration and received funding from the U.S. Department of Education andthe National Education Association. The project was conducted by leading American changeagents, including Mario D. Fantini, John Goodlad, Ralph Tyler, Ronald S. Brandt, Herbert J.Walberg and Mary Ann Raywid. Explanatory cover sheet of the grant proposal was submittedon “The John Dewey Society” letterhead. PAE called for publicly funded choice schools using“effective school [outcome-based education] research” and principles of the Eight-Year Study.These called for “inculcation of social attitudes, development of effective methods of thinking,social sensitivity, better personal-social adjustment, acquisition of important information,consistent philosophy of life,” etc.? Note:?? Carnegie Corporation supported The Eight-Year Study (1933-1941).? (3)? Prof. Herbert Walberg (above) is associated with the so-called conservative Heartland Institute.? Who We Are - Herbert J. Walberg ?? He is also closely associated with UNESCO:? We Are - Herbert J. Walberg(4)? 3D, page 322:“TO OBE OR NOT TO OBE?” WAS THE QUESTION POSED BY MARJORIE LEDELL, ASSOCIATE of William Spady’s in his High Success Network, in her article for Educational Leadership’s January1994 issue. From page 18 we read:Finally, raise the real issue and depend on democracy. Don’t let “to OBE or Not to OBE”or “to implement or not implement efforts to improve student learning” cloud the overduenational debate about whether public education should exist or be replaced with publiclyfunded private education.(5)? 3D, page 184.CHESTER FINN WROTE “PUBLIC SERVICE, PUBLIC SUPPORT, PUBLIC ACCOUNTABILITY” FOR the March1982 issue of the National Association of Secondary School Principals’ Bulletin. Finn becamea high profile figure in education circles with his appointment as assistant secretary, Office ofEducational Research and Improvement, by Secretary of Education William Bennett. Finn’sarticle was quoted in Barbara Morris’s book, Tuition Tax Credits: A Responsible Appraisal (TheBarbara Morris Report: Upland, Cal., 1983):Short of scattering money in the streets or handing it out to everyone who wants some, thefunding agency must define eligible recipients.... This means, in a word, “regulation,” theinevitable concommitant of public financial support.Finn also believed the government is obligated to recognize that the private schools ithelps support are different from public schools—that it is this “differentness” that makes themsupportable. The other side of the coin, he says, is the obligation of private schoolsto recognize certain limits to their differentness and certain ways they must conform to thenorms and expectations of a society that values and supports them....Some, to be sure, like to think they can have it both ways; i.e., can obtain aid withoutsaddling themselves with unacceptable forms of regulation. But most acknowledge the generalapplicability of the old adage that he who pays the piper calls the tune, and are more or lessresigned to amalgamating or choosing between assistance and autonomy.The above five quotes prove to the reader that tax-funded school choice, supported by DeVos, comes from the left as well as the right. That is? the? dirty little secret about which you, the reader and parent, and the Senate Committee which will approve or disapprove DeVos, had better be aware.? The United States is at a crossroads.? If tax-funded school choice, vouchers, charters, etc., without elected boards is adopted,? Americans of all persuasions, colors, etc. will be on a very slippery slope into totalitarian dictatorship where our children will be denied upward mobility (the right to choose their future employment or even where they live).? (See Boyce quote above) ................

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