lefttopOld Republic National Title Insurance CompanyOWNER’S AFFIDAVIT – COMMERCIAL PROPERTY owned by an entityFILE NO. PREMISES: STATE OF ________________________________COUNTY OF ______________________________ON THIS _____ DAY OF _______________, 20___, before me, the undersigned Officer, personally appeared[complete applicable information below][enter affiant name here]who is the Member of [enter entity name here], LLC[enter affiant name here]who is the [enter title of corporate office; i.e. President., Vice President, Secretary] corporate officer of[enter entity name here], a Corporation[enter affiant name here]who is the partner of [enter entity name here], a _______ partnershipundersigned, who being duly sworn according to law and intending to be legally bound, depose(s) and say(s):THAT the Grantor/Mortgagor herein is/are the owner(s) of the premises being insured hereunder and the same person(s) as the Grantee(s) in Liber ___________, folio _______ or Doc # _________________.THAT there are no agreements, contracts, deeds, leases, easements or other instruments transferring any interest in the subject property, whatsoever, recorded or unrecorded, adversely affecting the title to said premises, except that in connection with which this Affidavit is given;THAT there are no easements, encumbrances, judgments, mortgages or pending suits adversely affecting the owner(s) and the said premises which are known to the undersigned and are not being properly provided for in this transaction; THAT no judgment or decree has been entered in any court of this State or District of Columbia or of the United States against the Owner and which remains unsatisfied;THAT no proceedings in bankruptcy have ever been instituted by or against Owners in any court, or before any officer of any state;THAT there have been no repairs, additions or improvements made, ordered or contracted to be made on or to the premises, within 180 days from the date hereof; and that there are no outstanding or disputed claims for any such work, labor or materials for the matters aforementioned;THAT there has been no work done, or notice received that work is to be done, by the Municipality (City), or at its direction, in connection with the installment of sewer or water or for improvements such as paving or repaving of streets or alleys, or the installation of curbs or sidewalks;THAT no notice has been served by any governmental authority for the removal or abatement of any nuisance, or concerning the condemnation of any portion of said premises;THAT there have been no violations of any restrictions affecting the premises; THAT I know of no encroachments of any improvements onto adjoining property including but not limited to walls and fences, easement or utility area; THAT I know of no violations of any zoning law or ordinance; or violations of restrictive covenants affecting the premises; or violations caused by an illegal lot division or failure to comply with any subdivision laws or ordinances;THAT there has never been a limitation with respect to access to and from a public street in any way;THAT there are no purchase money obligations being created in this transfer;THAT I have never been aware of problems relating to either the issuance of a building permit or to the failure to obtain one for an improvement to the property;THAT there are no parties in possession of said premises other than the Owner with the exception of the tenants as set forth on the certified rent roll, attached hereto as Exhibit “B”;THAT the present transaction is not made for the purpose of hindering, delaying or defrauding the creditors of said owner(s) and does not come within the provisions of any Bankruptcy or Insolvency Acts;THAT there are no corporate taxes due the State of Maryland or the District of Columbia by said ownership entity;THAT the ownership entity is viable, is in good standing and, in accordance with entity voting rules or method of approval as set forth in its charter, by-laws, operating agreement, has properly authorized, through resolution or otherwise, the sale or financing of the above-referenced property and has authorized the undersigned to execute and deliver deed of conveyance, security instruments, settlement statements, affidavits or other documentation or instruments and is otherwise authorized to act on behalf of the Owner in order to implement and complete the transfer of title with respect to the subject property;THAT the officers/members/partners of said ownership entity who are authorized to execute the papers are of full legal age and in every respect competent to convey or encumber the title to the premises in question;THAT there are no outstanding unpaid or delinquent real estate taxes or assessments against said premises; further, that there are no unpaid or delinquent water or sewer service charges against said premises. The Owner has not received notice, nor know of any recent future planned improvements (such as street paving, sidewalks, street lighting, surface drainage, etc.) that will or might result in a special assessment against this property. Additionally, there are no unpaid homeowners, condominium, or other special assessments.This affidavit is made for the purpose of inducing Old Republic National Title Insurance Company and/or its authorized agent to hold settlement on the above premises, and to issue its title insurance policy, insuring the title thereto, and undersigned confirm(s) that the foregoing statements are true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief.XX_____________________________________________BY:ITS:ACKNOWLEDGED, SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS ______ DAY OF __________, 20____.NOTARY PUBLIC ................

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